mw-mm • - r- wtmmmmm >. . / V mSm *• j " v ' •1 .-V *1 *7^ •• v>;..»: WVemts •%J *Jk I b i^V *• :J.̂ As ational W3.~r-'$t: of Woodstock . - . - • ' cV jji35J'$..-i$3i * '&•"•: i f j&r./ * '>- .* >«}£** \ t '•* . oans and liiscounts, TJnited States Bonds Due from United States Due from Banks $61,349.65 *. *, Cash in Bank - Statement of condition as made to the Comptroller ofthe£ Currency, at Washingtonclose oi business January 31,1910. , K * jf ̂ * f'fVS' I V>'» „• 6S.4 .̂l4 '* 4$5 oo.oqt ̂ 625.0Q; f1 i •: *£ * onds and Securities iW: 3* 16,872.62 Total LIABILITIES $60,000.00 Capital Stock Surplus Fund Undivided Profits . Reserved to pay taxei National Bank Notes in circulation DEPOSITS v.-^- :;12,500.00 ! 1.388.86 "*• '» " $63,888.86 . 864.00! . 12,500.00 ^2#^ •' V* h-M • • • • . . - -tf Total . Referring to the above statement showing Capital, Sur plus and Undivided Profits amounting to over $63,000.00 we solicit your business. Organized, developed and con-| ducted on the principle of conservative banking along progressive lines, The American National Bank of Wood stock offers to the people of Woodstock and McHenry ©ounty uniform courtesy, adequate facilities aiid perfect A§ service. • - • ' : 'c|i Chasl L.Quinlan, Cashier §eo, L* Hv0tj, Pi^e% * f -* DIRECTORS, Charles ̂ rfionhell^'. v William Haley v ^ Henry C. Murphy George F. Rushtoi# 8 George L. Murphy Money to Loan Savings Department Interest Paid on Deposits mm mtU&tmimMim \ Highest market pr ices pa id for furs of every de scription. Bring them to us. Tel* ephone No. - 222. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 4L 2E3M5TAH THE WRONQ WAY to select harness fs the way ft Is nsnalJy done. I'rlce is generally the first consid eration. If lhat is very low the noodb seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our the other way abom. Kxamine iuto the quality of this harness first. Then it will he seeu that it is worth almost any price. But our prices are not hifrh. Vnitie cotutidereii tlMy »re recaArk.- aWy low •: :: " : Q. A. Barker TlcHenry, 111. ir- CALL IN and let us show you samples of our four- piece suits, including pants, coat, belt and cap to match. The very latest thing out --Thrill be all the go dufittg the coming t spring and s^mer. While we are show ing the samples we will at the same time quote you prices that are e£c€ediftgty low for the quality of the goods. Ord^r your ' tuit early so as to have it when the balmy " freezes blow again. :: :: :: • ' • » • -i • i " ' v . * " " lSm̂ SSS!â Ŝ SmSSSSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSSSSi!!SSSSSSSSiSSSmSS!IŜ IlŜ J. D. LODTZ, McHBNRY, ILLINOIS EG For Hatching! Single Comb Wbite ,Leghorns and White Wyandot tee, bred to lay, $i.oo per setting. Single Comb Brown Leghorns .> 50c per IS §' 'f / $3.S0 per 10^ W v" jfefkftlMCent tor Cypher 'n^cn- batora apd Brooders. ^.11 orders promptly attppded to. ?mm POULTRY f ARM i. P. D. N». 3 . Let Us Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by, the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHenry, - Illinois. Want Column. AI2 ut««rtt*ementjS iiuerted under ttlia h«.il at tbe following r«te« J'lve ttnec or lent, <6 cent* for llrat lunertlon, 15 eent» tor each Dubmxiuunt liuerUuti. More cban J«e tinea, 8 cent* t line for llrat in*«rtion, n<1 8i-entB a line for addition! insertion*. VXT ANTED--A lady stenographer. For fur- v" ther pnrt ioulHrs address or apply at the Hunter-Weekter B<jsi factory, McUeury, 111. TXTAXfEIJ Men at fh« Itoat factory. "* Hunter-Wecklur Ikiat Oompauy. I^OltS^LE- North and South Dakota land: -1- ffs U> ISA per &cr«i, Also farms in Mlnne- tk)ta. ITor fnrth&r itifermation apply or write K. W. Howe, MeHenry. III. 20-tf John street, of or write Henry, 111. I l/HJU KKNT - My residence on : A West McHenry, 111. In«)ulre Mh«. A. t'. MmilKWd. West McH mAXTF.ll An oaportunlty to show '» my Ulnfflft Barred Hocks. They hred and line bred from carefully se you are pure tirea and Hue hreiS from carefully select- id watluffs This means much to anyone wishing to raise Winning birds. Etrgs in sea son. W. B. JuBOSsOTT. Kingwood. ao-tf tfOR SALE- ^tock ojf merchandise and store x bidtdlDK. best cor m town, will sacrifice on stock. It pay you to Investigate, (•so. I. KfeBiMffiCiN. Ronad Lake, III. Phone No. 3. :«-2t TIT A^T®I>-- A largfe stove. Must be in good 1 * repair. Apply HoifTER-WBCKf.ER BOAT co. 35 >lcMENR> The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty-, five cents, and will be discontinued at (he expiration of that tim? nn\Ms (^th«r wise ordered. Try it. Tbe Clover Leaf manure spreaders go like hot c^kes. Qnly a few left. Wm. Stoffel. Besley's tablet# %> hwt Never fail % cqre. The Willing Workers of the Univer^ salist chnrch will meet at the hone of ' Mrs. F. L. McOmhw m ThnfMay aft. 1 ernoon, March 8. poR.SAl.IS- x tit^' Walk to the lake Saloon building. 3»*H0; six mlu- xn i.. RACftOT, t'ryital Lake, 111. luulre of Pa i! I. • April I FOR SALE OR REN together wit h t formation Write, p 111. (VJMKRL^. MF-HENRI wo Tots. hone o H For further. lt\- apply to THKO. Phone 'Si.M. pOR SALE Full blwfl liho<Je Island lied •J- cockerel. Frtr further information ad- 4"emPlL*tol* ^ V W^WISm, MpHepry, 11). Ah#o pasture for rent. FOR SALE-pbOi^e eighty acre farm with Apod improvements, good fences, one piilc rroftj good town and lakts, only ttS.OO per acre Easy terms. Several good farms for rent- The very best large farm in northern Illinois for sale oij easy terms. »*? 8i*OH Stq#-#F4. West M^, W- One dollar it year for The Weekly Iii- ter-Oceau; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer Or both by onr recent special arrangement, fl.?S for fifty-two weeks of getraioe sewi from far and near. CORRESPONDENTS :t; ^ JOHN8RIRGH, Wm. Britz of Volt- wtfS Monday' . v.--'V- Joe Miller of Fox Lake was seen In town Sunday. :.;.- Mrs. Joseph Palmes was a McHenry visitor Tuesday, Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye were McHen- ry callers Monday. J. C. Debrecht transacted bnainees in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Mary Frennd of Volo visited friends here Sunday. Mies Anna Oeffiin* spent Fridfcy last with Miss Anna Adams. €. M. Adams boarded th«, .Chicagp train Thursday morning. Math. Steffes and Geo. Wirfs went to Chicago Monday morning. Joe. May of Ringwood visited his father, John May. here Sunday. John M Schniitt and family spent Monday at the home of S. Schmitt Miss Rosa Schmitt visited Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Simon Miehels. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff were Mc Henry callers Thnmlay of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tony May and children of Spring Grove wera callers here Tues day. John Lay t>f Chicago spent Saturday andSnnday With relatives and friends here. Mrs. JohnS. Preniid visited with her m other, Mrs. Miehels, Thnrsday of last woek. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jnsten visited Fri day of last week at the home of Henry stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tonian of Solon visited S. H. Smith and family here Wednesday. Wm. Frett of Chicago visited a few days of last week at the home of John Frett and family. Mrs. John Niesen entertained a num ber of friends at her home here last Sunday afternoon. x Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling visited with their daughter, Mrs. Peter Miller, and family, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jnsten passed Sun day at tbe home of the latter's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. Steve May, Joe Adams, Nick Klein snd Pete Frennd of Spring Grove passed Sunday at their homes here. Misses Josephine and Lena Pitzen of Volo spent a few days last week with Miss Josephine Schaefer here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schaefer were Snn- day guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thiel. Mrs. John E. Frennd of McHenry vis ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, here Saturday and Sunday. - Mesdames Wm. Klein and Maggie Frennd and Miss Lena Klein visited Tuesday of last week at tbe home of John Blake and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rnf and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huff of Spring Grove were guests at the home tif John Hnff and family last week Thursday. Did it ever occur to you that yon can bny envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at tbe etoref Mrs. Joe. Miehels, Mrs. Wm. Klein, Mrs John Schaefer, Mrs. Maggie Frennd and Misses Rena and Snsie Miehels spent last week Thnrsday at the home of Geo. Steinsdoerfer near Crysta Lake/ Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvidere, 111., writes ns: "I am an ex engineer with 23 years active service to my credit. About three years ago my kidneys were ait'ect ed so that I had to give up my engine. First I was troubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed in (lamination of the bladder, and specka appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that I tried, so ben efited me that I bought more. I contin ued to take them until now I can safety testify they have made me a sonnd and well man." Frank Masquelet. ^ rota Arthur Frost of Chicago wan in town over Snnday. Mrs. Lawrence Milter wm a recent McHenry visitor. Mrs. Chas. Ranght visited relatives in Waukegan a few days last week. Miss ^Lillian Eftinger is the guest of relatives in Round Lake at present Messrs Dotnski and White of Grays lake were in town Saturday afternoon. Miss Frances Rosiug visited relatives in Kenosha, Wis., from Thnrsday nntil Sunday. Mrs. C. Sabel went to Kenosha Thurs day morning for a few days' stay with relatives. Mrs. Wm. Hironimns and son, Ches ter, of Ronnd Lake spent Saturday and Snnday here. Lawrence Miller and Jake Worts transacted business in Wankegan last Thursday and Friday. Miss Bessie Dannill, who is employed in Chicago, was at her home here a couple of days this week. Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent part of last week with her dactghter, Mia. L y. Lnsk, at West Fremont. President Help? QrpH«n% Huiidreda of Orphans have been help- ad by the President «f the Industrial and Orphan's Home at Maoon.Ga., who writes: "We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years. It has proved a moat excellent medicine for Stounaph, Liver and Kidney troubles. We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth." It invigorates all vital organs, purifies the blood, aids di gestion, creates appetite. Tostrengthen and btMlt up pale, thin, weak children rundown people it has no equal. Best for female complaints. Only 50c. at N- H. Petesch 's and Frank Masque- let^ , ;N TMt paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.78 tor Otoe year '• etttecription to both, OSTKNtt. FEBRUARY 17? V~"*'5 <• Mr. antf Mrs. Will Gilbert were call* ing in this vicinity last Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Mead, after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. B. Harri son, returned Monday to her home in Elgin. Thomas Bros, delivered about sixty hogs to F. E. Wattles last Tnesday, tbe price paid lor them being $8.20 per hnndred. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin and little daughter of Woodetork spent Snnday with Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bern liarrison. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and chil dren of Woodstock visited from Monday until Wednesday with the former's uncles, Wm. and Warren Thomas. LaGrippe pains that pervade the en tire system, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain, are qnickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, Is midly laxative, safe and certain in results. Frank Masque- let. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. A number from this vicinity attended a party at the home of Mr and Mrs. W. C. Davis last Friday evening. . Flinch was the chief amnsement, after which refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Davis expect to move to Nebraska about March 1. More people are taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year. It is consid ered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medi cal science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, .builds np the system, and restores lost vitality. Frank Masquelet. FEBRUARY 24. Roy Robart spent Saturday and Snn day with home folks. W. Belcher of Woodstock was a Snn day visitor in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gny Harrison and chil dren spent Satnrday and Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mm. C. E. Gaylord attended the funeral of a friend at Genoa Jnnc- tion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas visited friends in Woodstock last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodford and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson and son visited at C. E. Gaylord's last Wednes day evening. Won't Need a Crutch. When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor- nelins, N.C., bruised his leg badly, it started an ugly More. Many salves and ointments proved worthless. Then Buck len's Arnica Salve healed it thoroughly. Nothing so prompt and snre for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Frank Masquelet's. . TERRA COTTA. W. Wingate was a caller here Toes- day. Eugene Leisner started for Ohio last Saturday. J. R. Knox of McHenry spent Toes day at M. Knox's. J. Collins of Crystal Lake was a busi ness caller last Wednesday. P. England of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Thnrsday. * H. R. Robison and family moved to a farm west of McHenry Monday Several of the children are absent from school on account of sickm Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin visited relatives here the first of the week. Several persons from here attended tbe funeral of Mrs. Ed Long at McHen ry Monday. Miss Grace Kelly spent Friday even ing at the home of Miss Ellen Doherty at McHenry. ^ A. Foley and P. Campbellof Ohio and Mrs. F. Powers of Ilolcombville spent Tuesday at J. M. Phaliu's. Miss Mildred Welch of Griswold Lake visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Martin, Snnday and Monday. Single harness, an exceptional mine. at Wm. Stoffel's. HI ; ^ The fact thai we have an unusually complete stock oi drugs and other drag store goods is well known. ' It is commonly said that * 'If you can't get it at Petesch's it is not to be had in town.** Completeness of stock is quite apt to mean that care is exercised in every detail of management. : The store where you find what you want is also the store where you get depend able goods and accurate vice. i n. ptiM McHENRY, TEL. 374 -tw Tbsusnds Rati Kidney Trouble aid Never Suspect & Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with yonr water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a brick dust sedi ment, or settling, Stringy or inilky appearance often indicates an un heal thy condi tion of the kid neys ; too fre quent desire to pass it or pain in the back are also symptoms that tell yon the kidneys and bladder are out of order and n?ed attention. WtiatToB*. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to h«ld water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of hquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of 5wam|)^Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of its remarkable health restoring prop erties. If you weed a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-ceiit and one-dollar size You may have a sample bottle sent by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Sw&xap- Root, and the address, BtDgbatttaa, M, Y., on every bottle. 9WIUDP*KWl IS ids the highest be- S •< *K|, til -loo* oi fimnp-KsH. Mid Winter (M Sale! Our stock of Winter Merchandise is too ^4 large and must be sold. We will make *\ special low prices on all warm goods until March i, Ten per cent discount . -M FOR CASH, on Sweater Coats* Under* % wear, Heavy Mittens, Caps, Hats, Heavy v Lined Coats, Heavy Wool Pants, Felt Boot Combinations, Cravenette Coati, ^ Blankets, Knit Goods, Outing Flannels* Dress Goods, 10t<£* Shoes, Shoes I Db^f •not fail to lay in your supply and the 10 per cent. f ̂ ::V" :: Complete stock of fresh, pure Groceries at lowest prices for good guality. Trjr . our Tea and Coffee. '• " '^1 i * P * <• - £ V *; J. WALSH ' J Si! r 75c per bu. for Pickles 1 to 4 inches, 25c per bu. for Pickles 4 to 5 inches^ Delivered at our factories at McHenry-f and Crystal Lake, Contract now witb F. A. Bohlander or Block & Bethke; "V:- \ •' i"/* Xjujf.; I ^ ̂:| A fue Mutual Benefit U(e Insurance Co. NKWARK, NEW JERSEY. > /V The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has during the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $868,296,648 95 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.89 ; Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company, has accomplished better results tor its policy holders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. V - * ; P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COrMISSION MERCHANT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TH® SAL* OF Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Paaltry, Hides, Etc., Butter and E?;gs This is the oldest honseon tbe shot Tings and price Hate fur application. Stall i * |,Nt«l «*-• WhotcMte Market. COLO STORAtl d FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. '• a ,x.