:b,' *v: E. Pinkham's •Vegetable Compound « in.--" I was troubled with falling and inflammation, and the doc- ' | tors said I could not et well unless I ad ail operation, knew I could not [stand the strain of lone, so I wrote to you sometime ago about my hea l th and you to ld ma what to do. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and --J Blood Purifier I am today a well woman."--Mrs. WILLIAM AHBEKS, 988 W. 21 st St., Chicago, I1L Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and Mrbs, contains no narcotics or harm- nil drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women, who have Men cured f rom a lmos t every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration, displacements, fibroid tumoral Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. TACK THIS UP Prescription That Breaks Up the Wont Cold" In «:|Sy.| "^*7 * Every winter this prescriptlon is pub lished here and thousands have been benefited by it. "Get two ounces of Glycerine and half an ounce of Con centrated Pine compound. Then get half a pint of good whiskey and put the other two ingredients into it Take a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of this mixture after each meal and at bed time. Shake the bottle well each time." But be Bure to get only the genuine Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce bottle comes In a tin screw-top/ case. Any druggist has it on hand or will quickly get It from the wholesale house. Many other pine extracts are impure and cause nausea. ^ LASSITUDE. If you would like special advice about your case writ© a confiden tial letter to Mrs®. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advfeM to ffeMt and always helpful. a S KILLED IN SLIDE TWO IDAHO TOWNS WIPED OUT BY AVALANCHES OF •. ,• 29 BODIES ALREADY FOUND Waldo--And why would you rather have one million than two, Weg? Weg--Easier to count, Wallie. Constipation Vanishes Forever , • Prompt EeKef--PetBUMeal Cart CARTERS CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PI1 hSL Purely abb--act cu bat gentir o; the liver. Stop after Weak Spot In His Defense. A Teliglous worker was visiting a southern penitentiary, when one pris oner in some way took his fancy. This prisoner was a negro, who evihced a religious fervor as deep as it was gratifying to the caller. • "Of what were you aoe&edf/tne prisoner was asked. "Dey says I took a watch,** an swered the negro. "I made a good fight I had a dandy lawyer, and be done prove an alibi wif ten witnesses. Den my lawyer" he shore made a strong speech to de jury." But it wa'n't no use, sah! I get ten years." "I don't see why you were not ac quitted," said the religious worker. "Well, sah," explained the prisoner, "dere was shore one weak spot 'bout my defense--dey found de watch in "my pocket."--Tit-Bits. i eyes. SauH ft, I core indi-' geabon--impmve I BM eyes, SaaH I GENUINE must bear (ipiature : A J A A has t»€>en made in one 9*PVv day operating mm--mmmm The Circling: Wave as a musement device Write for catalogue and prloea. ARMITAQE & GUINN. P. O. Box 110 Springville, trie Co., N. V« W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 10-1910. If !t»s Your Eye Use Pettlt's E$re Salve, for inflammation, stys, itching Ms. eye aches, defects of vision and sensitivity to strong lights. All druggists ov Howard Bros, Buffalo, N. Y. .Jtfany a saint would have leas trou- wlth the. ble would get o| for an houri and wrestle with a ball jr two. .ONLY (|SB "B80M0 ChM la l.A XArVlVB BHOMO , the signature V 8. W. OBOV CTer to Cure a (Fold in Oae Day. 16c. o QciNnnt- QU1NIN K. Look Ht. Uaad UwWi M orld Take from my mouth the wish of happy years.--Shakespeare. no NOT ACCEPT A SOBSTTTTTW when you want Prrry DuvU PainHlltr, as notUM Is as good tor rheumatism, neuralgia and similar troubles. 70 years In constant use. S5c, 36c and Me. Thermometers make more liars than the big fish that get away. Mrs. Wlnatow's toothing Syrup, for children teething, softens the gums, reduces la> ipeto: SaauaattoQ, allay* j , cures wind colic. JScabotUa. It is easy to lee the silver lining of other people's clouds. Lewis' Single he wants, a ri< nder gives a man what mellow-tasting cigar. Many a man hlfea kicked himself out of a good job. f B2B ALCOHOL AVegetab PER CENT i>arationfcrA»* INh AN i s ( H1L-DKI N Promotes Digestion,Cteerful- nessandResl Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral NOT Maw C OTIC jfctpt »foid orSAm/amam JW* Jtx Sfmm » MtheUeMb .. Anut SmJ » A*d - C/arVieel Suftr Winkrfrttn Ftnvor ' A perfect Remedy forConsttp*- {ion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh ims and LOSS OF &Lfi£K< CUSTOM Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature facsimile Signature o# "THE CENTAUR COMP^KB^ NEW YORK. A t 6 m i ' m t h i o l d ^ Dosus V I 'Guaranteed under the Food a Copy of Wrapper. m In Use For Ovar Thirty Years CASTORIA M COLT DISTEMPER W*tAKASTlKL¥ FRAZIEB'S DISTEMPER CURE to Ct'iiM ftl"l l'KBVKNT this loathsome ->xe or re turn yon r money. Safe for any Mare. Colt orSUUUon. Influenxa, Pinkeye. Kpiaioo! ic. Shipping FY-ser, Coughs and Colds cured with one bottle, Free Horse Booklet on request, 11.00 bottle bo Ida three 60-eent bottles. Sold by druggists or prepaid fiom BINKLEY MEDICAL 60. V VappaiiM, hi (V Constipationi-n:' Nearly Every One Gets fa The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarel taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that npset sick feeling. ^ * Ten cent box, woek'« treatment. All drug stores. Biggest seller te the world--million boxe* a moatb. Baby Smiles-- When He Takes Mining Camp of Maee la Burled as It Sleep*--Later, Burke, Near .. .. 'IVt la Alao Over» whelmed. Spokane, Wash.--Over fifty HT s have been lost, it ia feared, in tv great snowslides Sunday night whi brought dismay to the mining tow of the rich Coeur d'Alene district northern Idaho. • „ • j, A snowalide swept' down the mon tain, striking the little town of Ma and burying 25 houses and their slee p ing occupants in a mass of snow ai ice at the bottom of the canyon. A few hours later another slide rushed down on the town of Burt crushing a score of houses under thou sands of tons of earth and snow. Fourteen bodies have been recov ered from the ruins of Mace; 15 dead have been found at Burke. How many remain buried can only be guessed 'fit. There is fear that the number nf dead at Burke may be even larg than that at Mace. Every man who can be spared from theN rescue wo at Mace has been appealed to, Dc vors were rushed from W&lu&f on sp cial trains. From the foot of the Anchor mine plant to the Catholic church, about half a mile, the slide is 80 feet deep When the alarm spread through tl mining camp that Mace had been in most wiped out by an avalanch mothers, wives and children of miners employed at the Hecla. Hercules and Anchor mines, and caretaker the Old Tiger-Poorman mine began u\ seek places of safety. Wives and families of miners who had responded to appeals from Mace (were anable to move, and these may have been burij»d in the snow. Because of the larger population "I Burke, about 900, the housea were closer together. Old-timers in the Coeur d'Alene dis trict had been sounding daily warn ings to Mace, Burke and Black Bear that because of the record depth of the snow, slides were imminent. For 16 winters these towns have escaped devastating slides and so strong had the confidence of the mine residents Been" Jiom^eqjd famili»^^ were safe that no precautiB&a^ had been taken. Seven hundred men with pick and shovel, who were hurried to the scene of the accident on special trains from Wallace and other near-by mix ing towns, are digging desperately in the hope of rescuing more survivors. Thursday night a snow and land* slide snuffed out the lives of three prospectors and a woman at Avery, a small town on the Milwaukee road near the Montana line. A11 were in the cabin at, dinner when tlje snow descended. «'-P"'y " " •Pi îfrm \, BURDENS LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the inan or •tfidman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. It s hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any suddea movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to otoop or straighten. At night the suf* ferer retires to toss and twist and groam Backache is kidney ache-*--a throbbing, dull aching in the kid neys. Piasters '<Jr liniinehts won't dm ; Ton mijsfc get at the •' , DOAITS KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS 1^1 TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY A Cure of Severe Kidney Diacaac Vnifttil : By T«t ofjime William M. Sears, 42S» W. Cherry Street, Nevada, Mo., says: "I was convinced of the great v&loa of Doan's Kidney Pills througtgjfer- sonal experience. Four i^P^lve months ago I suffered % great deal from a pain across thft ssynall of my back, extending at ttej^f into my limbs and shouldei€^^ Wlien r stooped or did any work that brought a strain on the niuscles of my back, my trouble was aggra vated. I tried a number of reme dies but without success. After a short time I could see that they" were benefiting me, and the con tents of two and one-half boxes cured me." (Statement given ia May, 1909.) RE-ENDORSEMENT On Dec. 3rd, 190S, Mr. Soars paid: "I still have great faith In Doan'fc Kidney Pills. I feel justified la rts-' endorsing this remedy as it <Jene so much for me." has Q Mrt tb Tell When •Kidneys Are *- Disorderf % if 1 6 5 * PAINFUL SYMPTOMS '• • Backache, sideache, pains when stooping or lifting, sud- sharp twinges, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, gainful, w f fcanty or too frequent urination, dlxzy spells, dropsy, URINARY SYMPTOMS : , Dlscoloi*d or cloudy url4a. ifWlOilHllMI" fjient. Urine that stains the iinen. Painful pussages. fciood or shreds !n the urine. Let a bottieful of the morning urine stand for 24 hours. If it shows a cloudy aM aahKWdet^4fne ^>rick' » 3fci teT-.IT 'liJ NEVER ANY RETURN A r••plain Car* of Kidaw Taawttk and Dropi; I*. L. Babers, 1615 Tarry St., Houston, Texas, says: "I hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kid ney Pills and with good reason, for three years ago they cured me of kidney trouble that had clung to me for Several years. There was a dropsical swelling: of my feet and limbs in addition to other symp toms of kidney complaint, and al though I used various remedies, I was not helped until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills. Two boxes of this preparation cured me and I have never had the slightest return of my trouble. I have recom^ mended Doan's Kidney Pills to many people who have questioned me about them, and I know of sev eral oases in which they have done the same good work." Soli t^y &II deale7S\ ]Pr6»73o7cenh FOSTER-MILBURN Co.vBuflSToTN V? Proprietors ROOSEVELT PARTt END Colopel la Now on HI* Way to C&iU' aation-- Maeta Wlfa at > . Khartoum. . ' ^ ^ Gondoboro, Sudan. -- Theodore Roo8€velt started Monday on his ad vance toward Khartum, where Bhortly he will meet Mrs. Roosevelt. The Roosevelt party .set off on the Dal, the Sudan government boat being at hia disposal. . > -- » Qondokoro was en fete to biif fare- Well to its distinguished guest and his companions, and every man-in the set tlement, white, brown or blaek, turned out to cheer. V The immediate destination :1# Mon- galia, a river station, where an enthu- elastic reception has been prepared. Col. Roosevelt there will be the,guest of the governor. 'At the other halts in the trip down the tributary Bar-el-Jebel and the Nile, similar welcomes will be given the former president. OHIO RIVER ON RAMPAGE One Life Loat--Twentiath Century Train Wrecked--Many Persons Homeleaa by High Water. Cleveland, O.--Though Ohio's inland' rivers are receding the flooding of a spore of cities and towns Monday, has coat at least one life, caused a seri ous train wreck, damaged property to the extent of hundreds of thou sands and has made homeless hun dreds of Ohioans. Harry Lightbody, seven years old, lost his life in the waters of Dry Run ilk Youngstown, in an effort to save his pet dog. Seven coaches of the Lake Shore's west-bound Twentieth" Century- Limit ed were ditched at Olmsted Falls, i4 miles west of Cleveland, because of a washout. Two persona were injured but not seriously. Fthe ratals tiYom* Kidneys^ REALLY FUNNY. A TRIAL FREE Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A frea trial package of Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed yon promptly. w.N.u. n f T T U A It/fx V* A T\IP 1 FCC iVVT* CS- P V/ T N A M\l! A Li JL/ L £* » u>,. U i EL* & Mar ntore aoeds br(«M«r *n4 faster color* than anj attiw riwt«9«isrt. Writs lor trse One 10c paciitfe eatott all libers. Tl»«» djw In eaM nhr fe«Herxlfcan any «H»ar 4m- Km can I li*' ;!• to Oys. Blwuh ui Mis MM. MOMOC MNM OO . Qmtmuj, UHmmtm. ^ f , ̂ 'ft: "Here's de funniest Joke I ever seen in a paper!" "Wot?" "De weather man predicts warm and- dear fer to-day." m . - * > fm i A Pauae in Devotione. "Mabel!" called her father, outside her bedroom door. There was no an swer, so he called again. Still no re ply. He pushed open the door, which was not completely ahut, and reach ing for the button, turned on the lights. Then he saw Mabel, She ypis kneel ing at the side of her bed in her night gown, in the attitude of prayer--the attitude, that is, as to kneeling. But she bad raised her head at the inter ruption and paused in her devotions to blaze at him with a face flushed with impatience. "Gee whiz, daddy! Cant a Woman say her prayers?" Then she bowed her head again, piously, and daddy, properly rebuked, slipped noiselessly away. A GOOD CHANGE A Change of Food Worka Wondera. , Here's n chew that's al- waysswedt and clean. No man wants to buy chewing tobac co which has been ex posed to jtust, <iirt :and^ germs," TIGER FINE CUT * CHEWING TOBACCO it the last word in tobacco cleanliness. Each air-tight, dust-proof package is sold to you from the same tin canister ia which it comes* Hence you can buy Tiger anywhere, at any time and it is always clean, fresh, moifet and full-flavored. A delicious chew. - - \ ?'& •< Hogs Highest in Forty Years, Chicago.--Following the wild cloae Of the hog market on Saturday, when the price was advanced to $9.77% a hundred weight, on the closing hour of the session, holders of hogs were so imbued with bullishness that a price of $9.92% was reached Monday. Gains of 1Q to 15 cents were regis tered and a new figure for the year was reached almost with the first sale. So high was the opening price level that most of the representatives of the eastern shippers refused to come into the market. m wst %waii TO* (gowsMsfus Wells County, In*., Goes "Dry." Bluffton, Ind.--The "drys" won a notable victory Monday in the local option election when they carried- Wells county by a majority of 1,520. The total vote of 5,162 came near reaching the presidential figures. The campaign was a warm one. 1'. j. <M.. jh?i V'.r ! heEket nothing One Hundred Miners Escape Death. Danville, III.--Just as 100 miners were to enter Gray's mine the swollen Vermillion river broke through the wails into the pit. There is 36 feet of water In the - otfufc 7-^ • wrong food and drink causes a lot of trouble in this^Wjprld. To change the food is the" first duty of every person that is ill, particularly from stomach and nervous troubles. As an illustration: A lady in Mo. has, with her husband, been brought around to health again by leaving \off cpixee and some articles of food that did not agree with them. They began Ris ing Postum and Grape-Nuts food. She say 8: "For a number of yeara I suffered with stomach and bowel trouble which kept getting worse unutil I was very ill most of the time. About four years ago I left off coffee and began taking Postum. My stomach and bowels improved right along, but I was so reduced in flesh and so nervous that the least thing would overcome me. "Then I changed my food and be gan using Grape-Nuts in addition to Postum. I lived on these two prin cipally for about four months. Day by day I gained in flesh and strength until now the nervous trouble has en tirely disappeared and I feel that I owe my life and health to Postum and Grape-Nuts. "Husband ia 73 years old and he was troubled for a long time with occa sional cramps, and slept badly. Finally I prevailed upon him to leave off coffee and take Postum. He had stoodNoilt for a long time, but after he tri^i Postum for a few days he found that he could sleep and that hia^crampa disappeared. He was satis^d tout has never gone back to coffee. V "P have a brother in California whp has been using Postnjn /or several years; his whole family usL it also be cause they have had such/good results from it." / „ ̂ ^ Look in pkgs. for the Uf lie book, "The Road toWellvIUe." • a fteason^" Ever read the ahofls w-tit-rf A netr mc appears from Uuw in itee. Thty; •IT sreavUM, tVSfcfc •»* tetsmt. « | />x TIGE BRIGHT SWEET tHEWING TOBACI 5 Cents Weight Guarant**4 by the UnitedStaima Gavmrnmmmt. SOLO EVEKT* WHKKK This low one-way ri in effect daily March 1 April 15 Inclusive,. via Union Pacific Southern Pacific :v "The Safe Road to Traod" - ? ^ ̂ Electric block »ig- \^r% | nal protection--din- ^ ing car meals and ntzf service uBest ia t|ie s 1 \ '• World." 1 For furthef InformitiiM ̂ \ call on or address C.L.LOMAX.&P.A. Omaha RESINOL has been prescribed for years by physicians all over the world in the treat ment of skin diseases, itdk- iof, irritation, eczema and in dressing of boiis, feiSos Sfid rarlMincles. It is acknowie^gwi !>/,<!:em to be the very best ointment known foi erysipelas, efytheni«ii nettle *ash, n^wiirm »nd.4 specific for itching piles. SOo. s Jar. all druggists, or sent direct on receipt of price. RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, RESINQI, e«H*h." In. Geo. A. Lsoey, Look at the Lower Bearing! Have it taken apart when you exsimine any separator you think of buying. Tlu-n oommra it with thesinfrle ball lower bMlta| o( th« National. Impossible to {jpet out of Oldar-- easy to *di0iu 'pte bowl of t^e National Cream Separator makt'K from a,U|K|fSl«> 10,000 re«>latl«n» a lulnate. Ttilah ibiw perfect this Ixsarlnif mu»t b« to stuu<l jhicti m wliirl twice a day for over 18 yearchfea utany National!! hav#. Insist on your dfumnstratiuK * Nation al to you -before buying a separator at any price. Illustrated Catalogue of full -{xarticu- [*r|free on rtquosl. ^ ^ " , DAIBX MACHINE CO. Chicago. BL BUY EXPRESS STOCK EXi STOCK is uiu". ,. i recognized as one of the safest and most probtabie stocks on the market. THE CH1DSEY EXPRESS COMPANY is iradnaliy acquiring additional termor* and ia * now sellmg Us CI MLLAT1VE PREFERRED . STOCK at par. »roo per share. This stock has (or J • * ° B A H N I N A N D P A Y i N Q 7 F C R C E N T . | : Subscriptions for stock may be sent, with real*- 'f • tances, to the Union County Trust Cumpaay, t. ' Elizabeth, N. .[.. where it wiU be held in trast antil stock is delivered, or direct to THE CHIDSEY EXPRESS COMPANY. Elizabeth. N. J. The prospects for this company's future ares* TrJ inviiinc that the optvortunity to obtain the sto«a at this price will be open only for a shcrt time. Communications for information m±y be a4- dn-s-> .! .iiifi'i • • THE CHIDSEY EXPRESS COWPAMY Elisat>**tli, V J., or to the name Atm 1MI Plat trou tisiiUiing, Sew York. A B S 0 R B I Will r*Uuo' luHauiMl. ttraliwd, . lien T* u «1 o n » , llearaeata. u » < l e » o r M r u l t v * , C u j - e t k « •ness »E(t st.-i- pain from a L. Side Ituiif or Hun« !«|ta«l» t-Unier no tiA r ^v:uv. Uvng Ota fe* 92 uU a Horae 'Boole # E free. AHSOKBINE. JK.. for aiaakind. |i ia< Beduct'S »: -aiiifJ tofti liitaments. t>niar*.-a (jlandst reins or iBuscle»~tK»als uU-ers--allays |»»in Your druMwist can titi yif uttJ V* :'l iuort< if JOU write. Buok Kws M:.1 iw:* b* " - - ' t. U. r., *19 Imh »«., Srr*+t*,il, San. . -4 STOP! Why Seek Enpio ? Start a MBM of yo*rq»u rum. IMMImtiw. Wn i.rosDca,>» :/