Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Mar 1910, p. 9

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Supplement to THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry, 111., Thur$diy, March 17, 1910. THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Official Proceeding* of Special March Meeting, 1®10 . Board met pursuant to adjournment at tli-i court house. Tuesday. March 1. iai). at 10 a. m. At rcli-call the following named supervisors were present: N. Brotz- man. D. M. Wright. H. E. Whipple W. H. Ward. William Desmond. F. D. Parkins. J. E. Williams H. F. Heinemann. E. C. Jevett. C. W. Thompson. H. M. Turner. J. B. Rlch- andson. S. II. Freund. Bt-n Throot# and L. JO. Mentch. The clerk presented a list of pauper claims, which were referred to the com­ mittee on eountv poor. Th j clerk presenttd a lU»t of claims for sijpnli^s. etc., which were refeireJ to the committee on labor, lees and supplies. Petition of the highway commission­ ers of the town of Algonquin was read to the board as follows, to-wit: To the Board ot Suiervisors of the County of McHenry. State of Illinois: The und .^-signed. commissioners of highways of the township of Algonauin and i;i said county, would respectfully represent iliat a bricUra needs to be built over the Spring Lake oraek where the same is crossed by the highways leading from Barrinstou to Algonauin. in said township, for which said work the township of Algonauin is respon­ sible for one-half: that the total sost of said work Will be <5.000. which sum will be more than 20 cents on the $100 on the latest assessment roll of said township, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two pre­ ceding vears in said township was In each year for the full amount of 10 cents on eaeh $100 allowed by law for the commissioners to raise, the malor part of which is needed for the ordi­ nary repairs of road^ und bridges Wherefore, the said commissioners of highways hereby petition you for aid. and for an appropriation from the coun­ ty treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of said work. Dated at Algonauin this 26th day of February. A. D. 1910. Henry Rosenthal. Wm. Gruenwald. R. B. McKee. Commissioners of Highways. The State of Illinois. Mcilenrv Countv. ss. 4. Township of Algonquin. Board of Commissioners of Hishways: We. the undersigned, commissioners ' of highways of the township of Algonauin. herebv state that we have made a care­ ful estimate of the probable cost of the bridge, and we do estimate that the probable cost of the same will be 1SOOO. Witness our bands thi.s 26th day of February. A. D. 1910. Henry Rosenthal. Wm. Gruenwald. R. II. McKee. Commissioners of Highways. The State of Illinois. McH nry County, ss. Township of Algonquin. F"<ry Rosenthal. W. Gruenwald and R. B. McKee. commissioners of high­ ways of the township of Algonauin. be­ ing duly sworn, on oath say that the bridte mentioned in the estimate to which the affidavit is attached. $500u is necessary, and that the same will not be made more expensive than Is needed for the purpose reauired. • Henry Rosenthal. Wm. Gruenwald. R. B. McKee. Commissioners of Highways. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2t>lh day of February. A. D. 1910. Frank Adamek, Justice of Peace. Upon motion of Sun Brotzman. the chairman was authorized to appoint it special committee of three members of the board to examine conditions of the township financial affairs, get estimates on cost of the bridge and report to him in vacation or to the, board at its next meeting. As such' committee the chairman appointed SUPS. Ward. Brotz- man and Freund. On motion of Sup. Mentcb board ad­ journed until 2 P. m. 2 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll-call all supervisors Were pres­ ent except Baldock an.1 Co veil. "fhe executive committee of the Mc­ Henry County Agricultural society pre­ sented a matter of forming a stock com panv of their association. Tloon motion of Sun. Brotzman the matter was re­ ferred to the committee on finance. The>^»mittee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to- wit: To the Honorable Board of Supervis­ ors: Your committer on education rec- omm"nds the purchasing of a desk for the assistant superintendent of schools to be placed in the county superintend­ ent's office, the same to cost not to exceed &t0. Signed. J. K. Williams. H. M. Turner. C. W. Thompson. J. B. Richardson. The committee on county poor made the following rendrt. which was adopt­ ed. to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of (he Boatd of Supervisors: Your iommittee on countv poor claims would ht'g ieave to rerort that thev have examined all claims presented to their, and recom­ mend the oavment of the following and that the clerk be" directed to issue ar- ders om tho county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts al- i-owed. as follows, to-wit: III. Gen. Hospital, ex co pati«nts$ 42 60 I" F. Hospital, exp for Anna Wol- lert. .. 55 Dr. J. E. Guv com ins trial. Paul Green TOO W. H. Doolittle. same 5 00 N. J. Justen. burial Frank Wil Son 12 59 Wilbur Lumber Co. coal for paup­ ers at 94 M. M. Nle»°n. services for sauie 1* 60 Dr. D. G. Wells, same 54 S* Afriton Schneider, mdse. same .15 57 Frank Masaueiet. medicine same 10 40 Block and Bethke. mdse. same 29 02 C. H. Talbott. same • 25 City of Marengo, "exp of 8. Chat fieid 7 62 F. C. Janke Co. wood and coal for paupers 18 13 J.A H. Patterson, same .... 23 88 F. G Hackley. mdse. same 6 :>9 H. G. Otis, same 15 76 The Cub. same 7 50 Henry Rilev. same 50 Patrick Bros, same 14 11 Mrs. VM. Matthies. rent same-- 12 M0 Otto Kutzner. same 12 00 H. G. Dike, nrise same --S2 C. II. P-renier. same 6 IS Meier Bros, same 48 05 John Buehler. same 33 52 J. P. Kroeger. same 30 W H. H. Bay. M. D.. services same 15 on Ben 1 hroon. mdse same 9 00 Kegebein & Miller, same S TO V. N. Ford, same 7 90 S. A. Javne. same JO 0t> Walters & Burger, coal, same-- :!0 .12 L. II Oovell. mdse. same 20 IS M. .1. Walsh, same 14 So Hubert Weber, same 20 0U Georee I. Walker. mdse.. ....-- 13 92 Lak»> Harris & Backus, coal-- 3 25 Phalen Bros, drugs li 45 W. I. Richardson, same 15 10 John Shields, mds^. 16 15 D. SuU'van & Sons, same 15 7?) A. .1. McCarty. same 17 W C. O. Peck, services IS 00 A. L Strain, mdse , 11 12 C. M. Johnson, services 100 00 Dr. George A. McLane. saw.... ® Jas. A. Keeler. coal 1 J. W. Latter & Son. mdse IV 25 Fred W. Barlow, coa' 52 27 E. A. Roach, services 1 25 H. J. Koltz. milk 8 00 F. i'). Janvrin. mdse 7 17 Hubeil & Putnam, funeral $•> M Megran A Webster, mdse 40 0" P. \V. Blanchard. services 10 #(.• W. H. Ward, mdse 75 80 J. J. Stafford, services 65 Of E. C. .lewett. cash advanced.... BO SP A. F Field, coal 26 (0 B. S. Austin, mdse 20 00 S. fj Hart, 'same 10 00 E. F. Matthews, same ...; 2 45 Stephen H. Freund. oasli adv-- 3 30 W. B. Huffman, rent IS 0C Dr. E. V. Brown. serves £ Q0 Dr. 0 W. Bailey, same. ..w 20 00 M. W Merry, drugs C 75 H. M_ Turner, cash adv 6 57 E. O. liowe A Son. drugs -1 60 J. I. Werpham. services 9 50 Rosenthal A Rehberg. uidse.. W. H. Richardson^ drugs 1 *• J. J. Wennham. services 270 20 Mareugo Pharmacy, drugs 'J 85 D. M. Wright, cash 10 S5 J. H. Patterson Co. coal 2 7C. J. J Wernham. services 31 X) Thompson Bean Co. milk 10 71 W. F. Hopkins, grand army 17 78 H. H Bay. medical strv 60 50 H. B. Wilcox. 3 mo's rent. Dan family: 15 90 Mrs. Chas. Babcock. nursing.. .. 30 60 Ben Throoo. groceries Dcin family. grand armv.. . 24 49 Ros ntbal Si Rehberg. coal Dao family 15 57 H. D. Hull, medical serv.... 17 25 A. J. S?verns. drugs.. ... .... 4 55 R. M. Curtis. M. D. med serv. Geo. A. Robb 90 JO All of wh'ch is respectfully submitted. E. C. Jewett. Chm. L.. E. M-ntch. J. B. Richardson. H. F. Heinemann. W. H. Ward. The committee on labor, fees and supplies made the fallowing report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit­ tee on labor f*»es and supplies claims would beg leave to report that . they have examined all claims- rresented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the coun­ tv treasurer to thp claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: P. F Pettibor.e & Co. sup co officers I 361 99 A. B. Dick Co. mdse sunt of schools 2 2f C. M. Parker, same 3 to W. M. Welch Mfg. Co same-- 71 oo The New III. Sta Co. mdse co elk 60 Oallaghan & Co. HI. App. Rep Vol 145. 14<5 B 50 Insurance Agents. Ins co bides. premium 1153 9S N C Lake Herald, prtg co elk. pub pro bd i. ....... 26 15 C. L. rteichmuth. repairs-- .... 6 30 \Vhit80ii Bros, mdse for Jail 1 VO A. D. Oeborn. same 21 27 W. C. DeWolf. serv co Judge 2 davs 20 00 I.. M. Keckhow. same .... 20 00 Harvard Herald blanks co offic­ ers 33 K McHenry Plaindealer. pub sup pro 25 XI Chas Seokhin. labor Frankliuville bridge 37 HO T J. 1Ulev. Treas. labor and ma' terial 156 71 I'rank Whaple, serv bailiff 5 das 12 50 Hotel Woodstock meals for iurors 4 iX Same, same 76 70 M. J. Mortensen. serv as ianitor J00 DO k\ F. Booth, serv asst sunt of schools 274 S8 Woodstock S>ntlnel. prtg. stp env co off 126 55 Das Volksblatt. print pro of bd 26 X) W. F. Glazier typewriter suo cir elk f 25 A. S. Wright, mdse for sheriff 6 40 I,\ B Nichols, repairs co house 47 63 O. W. ('orai. supt sell, exp.: 10C 11 Birth reixirts 64 50 Death reports 12 75 Thome & Son. mdse for sheriff' 4 10 Michael Plankev. wit fees peo vs Rawlev - 20 Same, same 2 20 Clara Plankev. same 2 20 Frank Whaple. same i 20 James Btirke. same I ?0 Tlie Richmond Gazette, sol elec notice 1 15 City of Woodstock, elec Igts. city water 112 65 Harvard Herald, pub pro bd-- 25 00 Wdstk Rep. pub pro bd aiid R Gaz and Har lnd 102 55 D. R. .loslvn. state's attorney. ex ->ses 139 20 H. E. Whipple, spl com work-- 14 80 Wdstcl: Ex and Tel Co. rent of phones , 67 50 L E. Mentch. com work 18 20 W. H. Ward, same *40 D. M. Wright, same 9 00 H. E. Whipple, money adv for bridge ... . 386 66 Ben Throoo. com work S 80 H. E. Williams same 8 60 H. tp. Heinemann. same 8 40 C. II. Donnelly, advance sheet.. 4 W C. W. Thompson, com work 8 X> r'. D. Perkins, coin work 3 <0 G. J. Thomas, superintendency brM^e 24 00 All "f which is respectfully -ubmltted. N. Brotzman. P-en Throon. F. D. Perkins. 11. E. Whipple. The committee on public buildings made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on public property would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters bpfore them: That Insurance to the amount of $45250 on county buildi»"*8 expired on Jan. 1. 1910. and that they have caused to be rewritten a like amount to expire Jan. L 1915. as follows, to-wit: On ct house, office fixtures. etc $17500 00 On iall and sheriffs residence 5ii00 W On main building of poor farm 18000 90 On furniture therein 1000 DO On supt's residence 700 90 On barn 1000 00 On farm implements. grain. stock, gasoline engine and other small blders .. .. 2000 00 That said insurance was distributed Frem. among the following companies and agents within the county, to-wit: Companies in which McHenry county buildings are insured. All expire Jan. 1. 1916. Policy Security Ins Co. N. H. Conn. W. A. McConaell. Richmond Ins Co of North Ameri­ ca. H. D. Crumb. Che­ mung German American Ins Co. Lucv G. Young. Che­ mung Springfield Fire A M Ins Co. Frank McOonnell. Richmond Continental Ins Co. S. A. Crissev. Marengo Fire Association of Phlla. B. F. Ellis. Grafton.. ... Milwaukee Mechanics' Ins Co. Kmil Arnold. Dorr..1 Glens Falls Ins Co. G. F. & E. T. Reawick Maren­ go Aetna Ins Co. A. F. Field. Dorr Phila Underwriters' Policy. Wm H. Cowlin. Dorr.. .. Springfield Fire A M Ins Co G. W. Lemmers. Dorr Tn« Co of North America. W F. Mead Marengo.. Roval Ins Co. Fremont Hov. Dorr Connecticut Fire Ins Co. Clarence Hoy. Grafton,. The Home Ins Co N Y. Ouinlan A Murohv. Dorr Glens Falls Ins Co. W. P. St. Clair. Nunda.. .. Aetna Ins Co. Hart Conn. Jo- W Freund. McHen- rv Ph«<nix Ins Co. Simon Stof- fel. McHenry Fire Association of Phil. Lucv G Young Chemung The American Ins Co N J. W E Wire. Hebron.. .. The London Assurance Com, H S. Williams. Che- Uovol ins Co. Phelps A tAxtel!. Chemung Security fns Co. N H Conn. J. E. Williams Coral Northwestern National Ins Co. Mort Millar. Hebron The Niagara Fire Ins Co. F. J. Hendricks. Dorr.. Commercial Union Assur­ ance Co. C. J. Hendricks. Chemung Londotv& Lancashire Fire Ins Co. P. E. Saunders. Chemung Aetna Ins Co. Perrv A Owen. McHenry Atlas Assurance Co. Limit­ ed. John Hendricks. Dorr The Pennsylvania Fire Ins Co. J W. Groesbeck. Che- $2000 W $51 10 2000 00 51 00 2000 00 51 00 2000 OC 61 00 1500 00 38 26 1600 OA 38 25 1500 GO 38 25 1500 00. 38 25 1500 00 38 25 1600 00 38 25 1500 00 3S 25 1500 00 3S 25 1500 on 38 25 1500 no 38 26 1500 «0 38 25 1600 00 88 26 1260 W 31 88 125C00 '21 8S 1000 CO 25 6C 1000 00 26 60 IOOO no S W 1000 00 25 60 1000 06 26 60 1000 co 26 10 1000 OP 26 60 1000 tt! 25 60 1000 00 % 60 1000 on 25 60 100000 26 50 1000 00 S 60 1000 00 26 60 1000 oc % «0 1000 0P 26 60 1000 00 25 60 Provldonoe Washington Ins Co. John Bueh^r. Al- gonouin Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins Co. C. F. Dacv. Dorr.... Queen Ins Co of America. B. F. Manley. Chemung German Fire Ins Co. Pe­ oria. L. E. Mentch. Al- Eronauin Insurance Co of St of Ills. J C Blake. Che­ mung 750 00 U 22 Thev further report that they met at the court house in Woodstock Jan. 29. anil examined the policies and found same to be correct and * the premiums charged for same corrcet. All of which is respectfully submitted. L. E. Mentch. Chm. W. H. Ward, J. E Williams. D. M. Wright. F. D. Perkins., H -F. Heinemann. The clerk presented the matter of the board looking into the contract With P. F. I'ettibone A Co.. of Chicago. 111., for furnishing supplies for countv of­ ficers. Upon motion of Sup. Mentch the purchasing committee was author­ ized to take the matter up with the company and report at the next meet­ ing. On motion of Sup. Mentch. duly seconded and carried. H. H. Megran. probation officer for McHenry county, was reauested to file with the board a yearly report of his acts and doings as such probate officer as well as an itemized report of all bills incurred against said county in the discharge of his official duties. There being no further business, on motion, board adjourned. WM. DESMOND. Chm. Attest.--G. F. RUSHTON. Clerk.

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