Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Mar 1910, p. 4

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The Acquiring f M beautiful $ome surroimding| pot »e6essar%. mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you may surround yourself with a beautiful home slowly -Mid surely if you will but use the, proper care in se- "leeting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an additioix that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that comes from our •tore will never become shabby, so if you trade*with "lis you have the assurance that in time ypu will have » home that you may well be proud of, Our line of 'Bugs, LitSoleuf^s and fiaee Curtains is also complete* and up to date and the vidces that are attached ^bereto should command vaur attention. :: :: JA(0B MEN, McHenry, Illinois THE FURNITURE MAN 4 We do not Claim that our "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD, but we Ho claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser1' Flour is EQUAL TO^HE VERY BEST MANUFAC­ TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we have a Flour of which wd are proud and we rec­ ommend it to the housewives of McHenry and vicin­ ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Food. Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper- nickle Flour, all of which rank in the very highest class. :: / :: " § %: West MtHenry flour and feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. [tie McHenry Pliinieiler * PUBLISHED EVEflY THURSDAY F. Q. SCHREINRR. - Offlce in B*njt Buildl**. felpphone, No. *7*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I Oueyaar :.«L» Si * month*, TSctt. Three months. 40 eta. Thursday, March 17, 1910. FOK COLLECTOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for collector for the township of McHenry, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary. Thanking all my friends for past support, I am. Yours truly, 86 tf JOHN NIESEN. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the legal voters at the com­ ing town primary, and will be thankful for the support of my friends. 36 tf JAMES L. CONWAY. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri­ maries. ARTHUR A. CRISSEY, 38 tf ' Marengo, 111. X S N Ol'Nc KMKKT. I herebj^annonnce myself a candidate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of tli# voters at the coming town primaries. Very respectfully, 88 CHAS. B. HARMSEN. •X CENTER VILLE "and flarket l- r i • ins*?... v:-'- # • IfM- ' Always a fresh and com­ plete line of, the choicest of Groceries and Meats/ Phone, 552. :: :• :: CHAS. Q. FRETT, McHENRY, -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. s--. I*#; w • L. ricOmber ..General Hardware... •> V ' > ** 'y.j flip . Viisr .. *> li . FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of collector for the town­ ship of McHenry. Being unable to fol low heavy manual labor, I appeal to the voters of this township to give me a chance to earn a living for my family. BEN. J. BREFELD. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRYl Your Garden A8 SEEN Br THE PL'AINDEAU REPORTERS. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. * AS CHARLES WAKDEAOK. AM NOUNCKM KNT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of assessor for the town ship of McHenry, subject to the deci­ sion of the legal voters at the town pri­ maries. Thanking my friends for past support and soliciting a continuance of the Baste, X am, Very respectfully yours, 38-*t JOHN KIMBALL; FOR VILLAGE TRUSTERS. We, the undersigned, hereby an­ nounce ourselves candidates for the offices of Village Trustees, subject to the decision of the legal voter» i$ the coming village caucus. . • WM. STOFFEL, GEO. MEYERS, MATH. WEBER. TOWN CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that the annu­ al township primary of the Republican legal voters of the township of McHenry will be held in the village hall at Mc­ Henry en Saturday, March 19,Jor the purpose of placing in nomination the various town officers to be elected at the coming April elections, to-wit: One town clerk, one commissioner of high­ ways, one collector and one assessor. Polls will be open from 1 o'clock p. m. until 5 o'clock p. m. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. AUDITORS' MKET1NO. Notice, is hereby given that the Board of Auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, will meet at the Town Clerk's office in West McHenry, Illinois, on the 29th day of March, 1910, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., to audit any and all ac­ counts against said Town. Bills may be left with the Supervisor or the undersigned: Given under my hand this 16th day March, A. D. 1910. CHAS. B. HARMSEN, Town Cterk. How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Eliza- bethtowp, Ky. "Everywhere I go I rec­ ommend Electric Bitters, bacauselowe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run down men and women, re­ storing strength, vigor and health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is positively guaran­ teed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masque- let. KMter Dance at Johiigbur^h. Stephen H. Smith, proprietor of Smith's ball at Johnsburgh, announces that an Easter dance will take place at his place on the evening of Wednesday, April 6. Mr. Smith is already making extensive arrangements for the event, which promises to be a hummer. More particulars regarding the event will ap­ pear in these columns next wee|»» Petesch's for drugs. Item of InterMt Picked TTp A boat Oar Busy Xtttle B#rf That Mmy Concern f 011 or Your Friend*. Single harness, att exceptional value, at Wm. S toff el's. . A few doses of Petesch's oold tablets and you'll have no cold. ^ See the farm pump engine for genei purposes. Wm. Stoffel. A report reached McHenry Wednes­ day morning to the effect that several business houses at Richmond, Spring Grove and Johnsburgh were entered by burglars during Tuesday night. E, F. Matthews, proprietor oif the West Side meat market, has ^beautiful new delivery wagon in servifee. The wagon is nicely lettered and clearly demonstrates the progressiveness of its owner. Block & Bethke, the progressive Cen- terville merchants, have "'installed a number of beautiful new floor display cases into their place of business. The improvement is a good one and adds greatly to the appearance of the store i n general. R. J. Sutton, last week disposed of a beautiful young team of horses to Fred Converse of Lake county for the hand­ some sum of $415. The horses were five and six years old, and a more hand­ somely matched team could not be found in this vicinity. Mrs. A. Mueller entertained a num­ ber of her friends at a Hard Time party at her home last Saturday even­ ing. Those who attended say that there "was class" to some of the cos­ tumes worn. Games and gu&sing con­ tests were the evening's chief diversions of amusement. Refreshments were served. « The State bank at Hebron was entered by burglars early last Saturday morn­ ing.' The robbers were frightened away, however, before an entrance to the main vault was effected. Eighty dollars was all that they got away with. The vault of the bank contained $10,000 at the titne that the attempted robbery took place. . ? . Rumor has it that the train service between McHenry and the Terra Cotta factory will be inaugurated next Mon­ day morning. Here is hoping that the rumor will terminate into a reality. There are now over thirty McHenryites employed in the Terra Cotta factory and we can see where tbia number will be more than doubled just as soon as the train service is assured. nimjr <*««•* mr+mmim- will reduce living costs and give better living, lghati's 1910 Cata- atlS 3ogue will show you a / • I s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d t a l k about all the best kinds n&ila!<>f vef?etablesand flow- , vo < 's that expert growers M i!> America and Europe t an raise. 162 pages, 3 color piates; mailed FREE. Writt today. Bargain -- Flower Novelties To put our Rook In the hands of everyone who makes a garden we mail it with these • splendid flowers for 20 cents--two dimes. 35 seeds Sweet Peas. SsaKW MhiJ 15 seeds Kudzu Vini *P"C"* mmm 100 seeds Poppy Cornell 100 seeds Pansy Giant Mixture 15 seeds Tali Masturtim, NewCaqaett* 25 seeds Marigold Eldorado 15 seeds Japanese Morning Glory 25 seeds CoRmos Lady Lenox 100 'Msds FViaiHered. Ooxcotnb Things 20c Vaughan's Seed Store 84*86 Randolph Street, CHICAGO or 25 Barclay St.. NEW YORK E G G S Fpr Hatching! Single Comb White Leghorns and White Wyandottes, bred - to lay, $1.00 per setting. Single Comb Brown Leghorns '••• 50c per 13 \ S3.50 per 100 4ta> agent for Cypher's Inwn- ^'..bators and Brooders, All jlorders promptly attended to. PEPPING POULTRY fARM I Sat McMRNRY, R, F„ I). No. 3 - ILL ttAvevou GOOD PHOTOS of the different members of your family? If not in siet upon their vis iting( our Studio, fofc* sitting as life i s uncertain and you will never be younger than you are today. If you. as the head of the family, have never h a d a p i c t u r e taken, don't d^lay coming, but start at once, as life is fleeting and future regrets would fob low non-actionS The young lady, in her "best bib and tucker, "shows ber good sense in coming for one of our latest Photos, i Why don't y o tf, "follow suit?" : Professional, Society >• and Business Cards « DAVID fc. WKLL8 M. D. pHYBIClAN. SURGEON AND OCULI8T *- Office ana residence corner- F.lui Kite Omen streets. UcHenrv. cutii<! Telephone No. 811 ;; FEUEKS & FEGERS gj> PHYSICIAN K AND PU KG EONS, McHenry *• 111. Office at, Residence, corner Ooartiwit! B l m s t r e e t s T e i e p t o o n e • • v - B. T. SMILEY wc WW ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois - a All business intrusted to his care will be ' properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST ",; V Office over Bealey's Drue Store. I^oura: 8:00 to 5:30. - fr««r MOHINHT. IIU -r^y - - Tetephone Ne 6 OHIce over M. J, WIMI'« DR. ARNOLD 5 Physician and Surgeon WEST MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. ^ Rhoto 3tudi0 West McHenry, Illinois. Phone 322 Lewis Bisenmenger, who abont six years ago resided in this vicinity and followed the occupation of a calf buyer, writes The Plaindealer that he will again become a resident eg this vicinity, having rented the old Aylward farm near Emerald Park, on Fox river, and expects to move onto the place next week. Mr. Eisenmenger further states that be will again follow his former occupation and will be pleased to deal with his former friends abont this vicinity. During the past five years Mr. Eisenmenger has acted in the capa­ city of street car conductor in Chicago. Several burglaries have been commit­ ted in nearby cities and villages during the past few weeks. McHenry thus far has been fortunate in not being visited by these undesirables. At this time the question of a night watch is again ripe in the minds of many of our citizens. A man was heard to make a remark to the effect that if McHenry needed two policemen during the day time it surely ought to be entitled to one night watch. We believe that the remark hit the nail squarely on the head, as many of our citizens are of the same opinion. This is a question that should receive the careful consideration of our village board at the beginning of another year. Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing it from what doctors said was consump­ tion. "I contracted a stubborn cold," he writes, "that developed a cougti, that stnek to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to 180 pounds. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Hoarseness, Croup, Whooping Cough and lung trquble, it's supreme. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. LOW COLONIST RATES TO PACIFIC COAST Dally Until April IS. For daily and personally conducted tours, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. Personally conducted California tours in Pullman tourist sleeping cars leave Chicago every Tuesday and Thuraday. Double berth from Chicago to the Coast 17.00. For full particulars write 8. A. Hutchinson, Mgr. Tours Dept. 212 Clark St., Chicago, or apply to ticket agent North Western Line, 86-8t Want Column. All advertisements inserted under this head at the following rates: Fire lines or lens, SS cents for first Insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent Insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, nd 3 centH a line for addition! insertions. , TjVJR SALE--A 10-foot Deenug hay rake, al» A most new. J uquire at this office. 3U-2t fMRL WANTEDr-For general housework. ^ Wages $5. Mas. LA PLANT, Terra Cotta. fpOR SALE--Three goats. JL FRKDN11 m-k R M ttMia* ry. Route 2 „ Inquire of P. M. FRKUNO on E. «. Wheeler farm, MeHeu- TpOR HALE--Good second hand base burner A and steel kitchen range. Inquire of I#* BLOCK & BBTHKR. YiTANTED--Competent girl to do housework »* in small family. WiB.Tu stock, III. THORNE, Wood- 3X-2t t^OR SALE--500 bushels of choice yellow seed oats at 50 cents per bushel. F. NIMS- GEKN, Ringwood, III. a»-2t XpOR RENT-- My residence on John street, A West McHenry, 111. Inquire of or write MRS. A. C. MATTHEWS, West McHenry, III. lTOR utes' walk to the lake. SALE--Saloon building, 29x80; six min- Ii , ,, .nquire of PAUL L. KAUHOT, Crystal Lake, III. April 1 TpORSALE--25 bushels choice clover seed; A also about 250 bushels choice seed outs. Inquire of C. L. PAOK, West McHenry. U7-4t. tj^OR SALE--Full bloo<1 Rhode Island Red cockerel. For further information ad­ dress or apply to L. E. WALMSKKY, McHenry, 111. Also pasture for rent. XpORSALE-- North and South Dakota land: x $15 to $25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. HOWK, McHenry. III. 20-tf XpOR SALE OR RENT--A six room house, *• together with two lots. For further in­ formation write, phone or apply to THEO. WiNKEt.8, McHenry, III. 'Phone <68. BV_)R SALE--500 or BOO bushels choice Oder- x brucker barley^ free from all foul seed; 5c per bushel. Apply to Gus SATTEM, on the Frank Wattles farm, West McHenry. 3<-tf Bank of McHenry ESTABl.rSHED 188S This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest oh time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully «oli<;tiiig putolic pat- ronage* floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. ' * REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on o«. Abstracts ordered. • INSURANCE in-First Class Oompanie<v afc the lowest rates •> ? Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers., Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL • insurance Agent for all classes of 'property in the best Companies West McHenry, Illinois H . C . M E A D " " JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT f &m now prepared to insure a) i kinds ot erty against Fire. LiKhtuinK. Tornados, Etc Also have 11 speciaWine of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause West McHenry, III RTSTY STUVTS^LSIOVTPLKF MASK': NEW SHINES 5T5BLF WON'T WASH OFF If your dealer hasn't It *ee John J. Vycital -NORTHWESTERN TELEPHONE NO. .162- PL*OR SALE--Twelve-year-old black mare, x wt. 1000 lbs., good driver; also three-year- old bay driving mare, wt. 1000 lbs., broke to drive either single or double. For further in­ formation apply to or address E. J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111. 39-tf Have yon seen our Ave and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor ,sind strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thih, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely fret from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him and find out. Follow his advice. J7C '.ayet Co., Lowell Mass. The endorsement «»1 your doctor will certainly greatly increase your confidence In Ayer's ftUftat.Miyiaatm. ijmi *m. AM N --* SlINOAY SCHOOL NOTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Wm. F. Rice, McHenry, president ' C.' W. Colton, Marengo, vice president. Mrs. E. A. Harrison, Woodstock, secretary and treasurer. Rev. Wm, A. Cross, North Crystal Lake, temperance. Miss Cora Fillmore, Woodstock, ele* mentary. Rev. C. W. Johnson, North Crystal Lake, normal. Mrs. Geo. iStandish, Marengo, home department. fi. F. Booth, Woodstock. E. L. Kiinball, Ridgefieid. IN THE INTEREST OF THE SIJNDAY SCHOOLS OF M'HKNRY COUNTY. The World's Sunday School conven­ tion at Washington, D. C., May 19 34 1910. WHEN IN CHICAGO j." Don't, forget , to call on- imm Q. Sen| 9* Iflfth Ave where you will always lie treated courteously and receive the best In the market in the line of Wines. Liquors & t PARCELS CHECKED FREE* West Side Lively ^ & OVERTON, PROP/'"' iiuses meet all trains for points on Plstak ee Bay and Fox Lake. Team­ ing of all Kinds done promptly. Spe- cla1 atteution given to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable pflces. 'Phone 47a. :: \ Weat Hchenry, ^ - Illinois. Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Bates $1 50 per day. THEO. SGIIESSLf, Prop. WEST McHENRY. 9 Do not wait for yonr township con­ vention to send In yonr report to the county secretary from the schools of yonr township. Fonr members of the county execu­ tive committee were present at the Mc­ Henry Township convention last Sun­ day. Mr. Littlejohn of Gary was also a helpful visitor. The county organization exists for the purpose of gathering and disseminating helpful ideas among the individnal schools. This work is best done thrn our township organization, where it is an effective one. Mr. C. E. Gaylord was elected!vpreei- dent and Mrs. Warren Thomasi ^r., secretary of the McHenry to^njrfiip as sociation. A full corps of department officers was elected., Ifbey are planning the reopening of one|muday school that has been closed utu^HMr of years. It is urged that all the townships no­ tify the county secretary as soon as possible after deciding npon the date for their conventions, that there may be opportunity for • informing others who may be interested in attending from various townships. The county officers exist as snch that they may help the officers of the indi vidual schools in obtaining information of snch help and such methods as are available for solving their problems and also that by their efforts and personal influence they may encourage the ad­ vancement of the real ends of Sunday school work in the ooonty. Be free to vv,'"',:v THERE IS ONLY ONE consolation in the soaring prices of meat. Quality is now demanded for high price. "Well fed cattle" must be fur­ nished to the consnuier. We try to meet that demand by rendering the best possible equivalent for the mon­ ey paid. Visit our riEAT MARKET and yon will see that we offer only the best meats. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY ' TELEPHONE 3 Electric Bitters Succeed- when everything else fails, in isrivous probu-atkm and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testiiied. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's ecmier. I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY 'or Gentlemen who cherish Quality. --For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- PORTLAND > CEMENT Are You perhaps thinking of' purchasing a Gasoline Engine? If «o, we have a proposition that will in­ terest yon. Just think of it--a 2 h. p.. 4xfl cylinder Gasoline Engine for $7S-oo! Compare this engine with thoee rated at 4 h. p. Weight ol engine, 600 ponndB. Also pnroping engine at $37*50. Wm. Bacon, • MdlHfy PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. McHENRY, ILL. fv'V Per self Wmmr Ufwtor «•.. W. ncttawy a * / i * The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at on *"«paoial two .ANSFC pice

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