I " 3 7 1 ' , - ' . r ? - < • - * r v ! * i r * * * ' - " * • * * * » « - f r w r * » - * r « * \ i i A i 4 - i t * * ! * - No. »3i^i y; "A.? - .-trx'*.#- <«•*> •, y WU«' , .. * m w V <- '* ,* **. "* l"' < -- "*'» hM> a ' 1 . •> ! ( t ' • ; ' ,, ;.>"• :ep!f|v £ 0. « CI -.M STATE OF ILLINOIS.- #^HtTHIS CERTIFIES! 1 That the STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, Reposing special trust and confidence in theintegrity, diligence and discretion M- J * -4 FRANK MASQUELET : f "4c-' ^ t *% ' do hereby appoint and (Commission) him A®«rit for the State Board of MealtH in the Couiatx of McHenry tmder the provisions of an Act concerning Diph theria Antitoxin aVprov^d May 13th, 1905, and an Act approved June 16, 1909. In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my band and cause to be affixed the Seal - of State Board of Health, at the City of Springfield, this first day of -J SEAL. March, A. D., 1910. J, A; EGAN, Secretary: W>Vr This Antitoxin can be hatf FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL at ourst'of* by Waving your family physician call or send for it. F. MASQUELET. le nkyr styles are tio^r ready. Do not miss this splendid opportunity to & iailect your wearing cipparel from the complete variety of styles shown only by CHAS A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO who make a specialty of High Grade Wearing Apparel for Women, Misses, and Children at popular prices. Custom Tailored Suits made to special order according t§ your individual measurements from your own choice of materials and styles. PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Ready-to-wear suits and dresses $10.00 and up,^lingerie and tailored wash suits $2.75 ajid up, coats $5.00 and up, skirts $1.00 and up. Waists, petticoats, sweaters, inus- l|£i underwear, kimonos, knit underwear, hosiery, corsets, gloves, leather goods, neckwear, etc., also Misses' suits and skirts and Children's dresses at correspond ingly low prices. The styles are the most beautiful and are such as are shown only in the large cities. Please call and see the beautiful Fashion Plates and Samples. I cheerfully offer you any assistance I can render in making your se lections, taking your measurements, making alterations and delivering the goods to you at the same low prices you would pay tor the same goods in their store or ordered through their catalogue. :: - :: tt :: F. HILLEZBRArsID •REPRESENTING- CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO IN and let us show you samples of our four- piece suits, including pants, coat, belt and cap to match. The very latest thing out --will be all the go during the coming spring and summer. While we are show ing the samples we will at the same time quote you prices -that are exceedingly low for the quality of the goods. Order your |uit early so as to have it when the balmy :: :? :: r QB&k U'M 77 J. D; LODTZ, McHENRY, ILLINOIS Bertha Emmert Expert Fitter of Ulasses for all Eye Troubles At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, Mar. 9 April 13 Hay 11 June 8 July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 | Highest market p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of every de scription. Bring them to us. Tek ephone No. 222. (AM & Son McHENRY, ILLINOIS OSTEND. Mra. Qny Harrison wu under the doctor's care last week. Elmer Harriaon of Oeaoa Junction, in visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mr*. C. E. Gay lord attended the funeral of a relative at Dehtvan, Wis., Thnreday. Mr. and Mrs Grant Randall and danghter, Mise Hettie, «r«ra shoeing n Chicago Saturday. Let Us Answer that GROCSy^ QUESTION for you. Per haps you are not aware of ft, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom ing the talk of the town^ It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set asidey^jy the Pure Food Law. \ We want you as one of our customers. M. H.-NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHenry, - Illinois. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 23MJIAH right-- THE WRONG WAY s t < select harness is the way it is usually :.>ue. Price is generally the 0rst. cousiu- > iHtiou. If that la very low the jrootls M-eni attractive, reguruh'sK of quality. .Judge our goods the other way about. Kxaruiue iulo the quality of till* harness first. Then it Will l>e seeu that it is worth most any price. But our prices are not h igh. Value considered they are remark- (ifly low •: :: :: _ : :: G. A. Barker flcHenry, 111. J Mr. and Mrs. Bent Ryder of Rock- ford were gnests at the hooie of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott last week. A. P. Colby pawed away at the hone of his dan^ht«r. Mra. Bernard Harrison, lftHt Monday morning, aged about eigh- ty-eight years. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Gaylord and Mes- dames William and Warren Tbonia* attended the Snnday school convention at McHenry last Sunday, . gS." EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Frederick Block, Deceased. The undersigned having Iteeu appointed Executor of t he last Will and Testament of Frederick Block, deceased, late of the Coun ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice t.hat he will appear before the t'onnty Court of McHenry County. »t the Court'House In Woodstock. at the May Term, on the first Monday in Mav next., at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of haviug the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to Raid Estate are re quested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 21st day of February, A. I). 1010- 37-3t Louis BLOCK, Executor. Air cooled, doable exbanst--some thing new--onr pntnp engine. Better ••• it at WB. atoffel's. Ri iwinf|fm.i^ E. L. Kimball waeln Wo*v'«tock re" ceutly. Miss Rachel French was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Ly man Levey and lister were Harvard visitors Thursday. *£ Wilbnr Levey was a Woodstock vis itor Satnrtlay last. . J. C. Botton was a caller In Wood- st(Krk Saturday last.. Mrs F. W. HHrttnan WAS .a Wood- stix-k visitor Sunday. Mrs. 4. B Lynch was a business caller in Harvard Friday last. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was a business caller in the city Tuesday. Mrs. C. T«n tin ire was a Crystal Lake business caller Thursday, (' V. Etmnons moved his family, to the city last week Tuesday. Miss Florence Simmons was a Wood stock visitor one day recently. W. R, Wagner was a Crystal Lake visitor last Saturday afternoon. MissSajlerof El|{in visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball recently. Aaron JoftepheiiHon was a brtaicess caller at Crystal Lake Wednesday. J. L Burlier HIHI family of Englewood moved to the Lindsley farm Thursday. E ('adwallader of Terra Cotta visited Willi bis sister, Mrs. R B. Do field, Sun day last. Mrs. R Skiuuer aud son-, Wesley, of Woodstock Sundayed with Ridgefield relatives. M. M. Freeland of Lily Ldike moved 011 the farm vacated by E. C. Wogley last week. Mrs Elsie Johnson aud sister,'Miss Pearl Haughavvont, were Batavia Vis itors last week. - 1 Rev. Sbelt and Mrs. Oeo. Barden of Wwoilstock attendedt.be funeral of A. Morse here Monday. Fred Green and Arthur Skinner of Woodstock speut a part of Sunday at RidgeHeld and Elgin. Mr. aud Mrs. S. Reed and little daughter of Woodstock visited tbeir pHrents here Snnday. Mrs. C. F. French, daughter, Alice, snd son, Claud, spent Thursday of last week with relatives in Woodstock. Mrs. F. Wille visited with her chil dren, Mrs. E Senile and Herman Wille, ami faiuilies/iu Woodstock Friday last. Mr. Frank of Chicago visited his mother, who is quite sick, and called on Mr aud Mrs. R. L. Dutield oue day last week. * Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Frank Mas- qnelet. .lames Whyte fctad family are moving into their new hotue at Crystal Lake. Mr Salow is moving into the roouiB va cated by Mr. Why.te, the exchange be- ing made Monday. The funeral of Albert Morse was held at the Presbyterian church here last Monday morning at ten o'clock, Rev. Uiesselbrerht of Weodstoek officiating, aud interment taking place in the Ridge field cemetery. The funeral was largely attended, quite a number of Woodstock and Crystal Lake people being present The deceased was an old settler of Ridgefield, being one of our best agri euituralifits ip the early sixties. Mr. Morse left this vicinity about seven years ago and siuce that time has been mtiking his home with bis nephew, Rush Morse, at Blackstone, Va., where he died. Uncle Albert, as be was most familiarly known in this vicinity, was a man of exceptional character and worth and while a citizen among oc- proved himself kind hearted and industrious. SCHOOL NOTES. Adeline Megraw has entered the fifth grade. Katie Megraw haa entered the first grade. Jessie, Helen and Rath Whyte have moved to Crystal Lake. We miss them. Pearlie Peck is back after an illness of two weeks. The following ranked first last month: Grade second, Lois Levey; grade three, inga Irickson; grade four. Ruth Whyte. NORTH CRVSTAI. LAKE ITEMS. » Edward Lowell shipped a carload of household goods, farm implements and Btock to South Dakota, where he tfrill make his future home and engage in farming. Osmun Bros, have disposed of their business here to Ernest Colby, son of O. C. Colby. Osmnu Bros, and their fam ilies expect soon to take np their resi dence near Los Angeles, Cal., where they will engage in the frait growing business. Mrs. Victor Shales passed away at her home here last Saturday at the age of fifty-five years. Mrs. Shales was taken down with pueumonia a short time ago, but was unable to withstand the attack of the disease. The funeral services were held from her late home Monday afternoon. The local branch of the anti-saloon league held a mass meetiug at the M. E church last Sunday eveniug. Tbe meeting was attended by about 250 of our best citizens. Six speakers were present and the meeting proved a most harmonious one. Another meeting will take place at the Barteville school house on Snnday afternoon, March 27. Hood Speakers will be present as well as good sinners. Every one who cap should turn out aud encourage this worthy cause. An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites -brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions will be as short, if yon use Bucklin's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Beet for Bnrns, Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips, Chapi>ed Hands, Chilblains and Pilee. It tcives instant 2ltof- F' \ f •' " 'l' ' KNEHAtn PARK. R. J. Sutton was a business calltir it Woodstock last week. Miss Lucy Sutton is spending a week with relatives in Chicago. * W. J. Walsh and Miss Lncy Sutton were Wauconda callers Friday. MeasrsNQ^W. Hill and Jas. Haxton spent the week end at the Park. Thoe. A- Bolger visited with Chicago friends a few days the first of the week. Walter C011 way of Terra Cotta Bpent. Wednesday evening with Messrs. Knox. Earl Walsh of^McHenry spent a couple of days this week with his grandmother here. Misses Mayme and Katherine Knox were Chicago visitors last Saturday and Snnday. Mrs. Clarence Martin is spending this week at the home of her parents sooth of here. . • Miss Anna Friaby and friend of Mc Henry spetft Tuesday evening at Ed. Knox's. Fred Omverse and Geo. Rosing of Volo were bnsiness callers in this vicin ity Friday. Mrs. P, Costello and son, James, of Elgin spent Saturday and. Sunday-at Mrs. Ellen Walsh's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox went to Chi cago Wednesday to spend St. Patrick's day and meet Mr. Taft. Mrs. L E Walmsley and sister, Miss Martin, spent a few days the first of the week with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Ed. Comiskey returned, from Chicago Sunday, accompanied by her son, Joe, who spent the day at home. Miss Myrtle Hnck visited her teacher, Miss Mary Kuox, and the Misses Meyers iu McHenry over Saturday and Sunday. Pneumonia follows a cold, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey aud Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs aud expels the cold from the sys tem* Frank Masquelet. • .* VOLO. v Peter Diedrich of McHenry fa town Sunday. Mrs. Sylvester Waguer spent Satur day in McHeury. Miss Frauces Rosing of Round Lake was a recent Volo caller. Rev. Jos. Reuipe transacted business in Chicago the first of the week. Miss Reba Huson of Round Lake was at her home near Volo over Sunday. Misses Elsie Walton and Hellen Ray mond spent last Wednesday in W a tike- Kan. Mrs. John Walton and daughter, Maude, were in McHenry one day last week. Mrs. W. M. Huson aud Miss Kate Frost were Elgin visitors Wednesday of this week. ^ Miss Maude Walton of Waukegan is spending a few days at the home of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend of Round Lake ealled on relatives here the last of tbe week. L. V. Lusk and sons and Miss Cath erine Dowell of West Fremont were in town Friday 11 fternoon. Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf and children of McHenry visited at the Harry Nicholls home the las£ of the week. Miss Anvil Rossdentscher of Waa- conda was the guest of friends here Wednesday night and Thursday. Mrs Richard Coinpton returned home Friday after a several weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Cossman, at Round Lake. . . Would Have <:«>»! Him His Life. Osoar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have UBed Foley's Kidney Remedy and take great {pleasure in stating it cured me permanently of kidney disease which certainly would have cost me my life." Frank Mafquelet. TliKKA COTTA. Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith entertained company Sunday. Miss Myrtle Cobb of Chicago visited here last Wednesday. Walters' Beneo antiseptic cream for the hands at Petesch's. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago spent Snnday with relatives here. Miss Frances Knox spent Thursday evening with relatives in McHenry. Miss Annie Buss spent Saturday and Snnday with relatives in McHenry. J. Doherty and son, Paul, of Hol- combville were callers here Monday. Miss Hazel Robison of McHenry spent last Wednesday evening with Frances Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman and son, Carl, of Chicago spent Sunday at S. B. Leisner s. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and son, Glynn, visited at C. Wingate's at Bar- reville Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. B. F. Peck will be glad to know that she is much better and able to be ont again after several weeks' illness. No Substitute. Accept no snUstitnte for Foley's Honey and Tar. It is the best and safest rem edy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Remember the name, Foley 's Honey and Tar, and aoceptno substitute. Frank Masquelet. MaeqoeLet'i* MILLS £?h 1 a f*«r Mk by W.itioi 1 umber Co , W. McHaary Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your returu address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the bajt the store T •4H' -4k of Drug1 Stores - - . 11 . T7"" Drug stores exist as a public convenience f ' ^ and for promotion of the public health 0 and safety. Their right to exist depends on bow well they fulfill these functions. ^ ̂ We endeavor to conduct a store that will thrive and grow because of its real value to the community. We solicit your trade on the basis of our ability to serve jou well and to protect and promote your interests in every way. N. H. McHENRY, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE 374 * II S BEFORE EASTER. It's time to order that new Suit and Top Coat. Our new Spring Samples await your inspection. The very latest Foreign and Domestic Cloths made to your own measure in any STYI^E YOU CHOOSE. A nice line of Shoes, HatS, Shirts, Collars and Ties^io i. Call aa&i^.tfeqntt.- ' 'V M: 4. Yours tr , • \r* M. J. WALSH WEST HcHENRY. PHONE 483 Raise Pickles! 75c per bu. for Pickles to 4 ineffe^^fjj 25c per bu. for Pickles 4 to 5 inches. ' Vi Delivered at our factories at McHenry^ and Crystal Lake. Contract now with * F. A. Bohlander or Block & Bethke. m\Ml PICKLE (APiNIIWi (0. ^6111 :1 ^ '"'•'pi ' " I i m , 'q " - 'J fr He Mutudl Benefit Life Insurance (o. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. ** The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has daring the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $968,296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for Its policyholder* CARL \Af. STENGER, Ag0rrt. rli; P H I L I P J A E O E R OENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN IX) THE SAUE OF Dressed Beef, fiutton. Hoes, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ^ This is the oldest boose on the street. Tags and prim Hp> applicatioB. « , * • COLO STORAGE FREE ^ CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. Stall i * s, Falto* Sft WhttaMl* Market. •in i