Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1910, p. 5

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7 "a*-1 hi j,uiuij' „ u . , i . • . r v . i i , v " _ < < : A Romance of the Plains. A Natural, Sane, Plausible Story of the Qold- en West. « * Centf One Night A. *al Opera House M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . Sunday, March 27 THE BREEZIEST OF ALL WESTERN PLAYS The Cowboy's Girl PRICES: . i v v 25c, 35c and 50c. =£s A complete scenic Production. ^ • Splendid cast of FMayers. Watch for Mexican Band at noon. ji^'S A:\' I AH SPRING (LEAKING SM£ Look. Three Da_ys, March 29, 30 and 31 ....Enameled Ware.... 5-lnrh Pans, 14c, now 6-inch Pans, 14e, now OH-tnch Pans, 14c, now 7-inch Pans, 15<\ now 7-inch Pans, lttr, now 8-inch Pans, 17c, now 10-iuch Pans, 17©, now 9-inch Pans, 18c, now 9-inch Wash Basin, 15c. now TINWARE He Sic .... 10c lie U'e lUc .... i:ie .... 1 H: :j-pint. Tin Coffee Pot, each Nc 12-iuch Tin Wash Basin, each Tm; Cullenders at 4c 1-plntTin Cups. 5c, now , 3<" m-Kailons Buckets, 80c, now 15c Three 10-gallon milk Cans, 12.50, now i2.0(' Pie and Cake Tins of various shapes and sizes greatly reduced during sale. Basting Spoons and Forks, Bread Toasters, Cooky Cutters, Pan Covers, etc., on sale at greatly reduced prices. ....GLASS WARE.... Fancy Water Pitchers, selling |1.10 set, now selling each lf>c Tumblers, each 2n Here Is Whit You Want Hoys' Pants for school. TV, now.. ..tlPc Hoys' Pauls for school. "i0e, now 40c Kompers for little folks. 50c. now.. ,40c Pants for men. il 00, now K5c Pants for men. f'.OO. now $1.50 Overalls at. 75e now OSc Men's Shirts. fiOc, now 50c Men's Woolen Shirts. $1.00, now 75c Ladies'summer Night. Ciowns, low f 1.50. now $1.00 Corset Covers, fancy. 45c, now 25c Corset Covers, fancy. 2"«\ now IV? Light pray Coat and Pants for sum­ mer. :ill wool, now. to close... .$.".00 Hosiery, The Hummer Children's Cut ton llose, two thread Jieel and 1o«. sizes, 10, S»H, 9, now 11c Sizes 7V4. 7. 6H, t>, now. only 10c TEA.KPKOOF--All sizes of the Tear proof 2.V Hose, now at. . .20c Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! Hlfrli Shoes, Ixiw Shoes, Button Shoes- 1/ace Shoes. High and Low Heel Shoes and Slippers ;it Kpdnced prices during sale. Your Ht. Is^aiong the lot ou sale- Avail yourself of this opportunity. Now is the time to buy. PORCELAIN WARE Jardinieres, !>5c, now 7.V Jardinieres. s5c. now «S5c Jardiniere. 00c, now ">0e Butter Plates, each (iravy Pitchers, 80c. now t.V Tootli-hrusli Mugs, 20c. now 1:V Large Meat Platters, each. Hm- . . . D I N N E R S E T . . . . One 42-pieee iMnner Set., giltedfce. pink rose decoratlnu. .will sell during tliis sale at $4.00 The Standard Sewing Machine Having on hand a Standard Sewlug Machine ordered by a party who moved away from here we are compelled to offer one of the liest Sewing Ma­ chines on the market, at a sacrifice. It is the swift., silent, simple, strong, ro­ tary shuttle machine. It. does not wake the baby. It's made of all solid material. It's a drop head. Now of­ fered at ouly $29.00 Forks. Shovels. Axe Handles and liar den Tools, all to he sold out at reduced prices. :: :: :: :: :: :: K BEFORE EASTER. It's time to order that new Suit and Top Coat. Our new Spring Samples await your inspection. The very latest Foreign and Domestic Cloths made to your own measure in any STYLE YOU CHOOSE. A nice line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Collars and Ties to select from. Call and see them. :: Yours, truly, M. J. WALSH WEST HcHENRY. PHONE 483 Bertlia Emmert Expert Fitter of Glasses for all E y e T r o u b l e s At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, Mar. 9 April 13 Hay 11 June 8 July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 ^{((ca4 For sale by Wilbur Lumber Co., W. McHenry A Xlfht Alarm Wow than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic poogh of cronp. Careful mothers betp Foley's Honey and Tar in the honwe «nd give it at the first sign of dnuK**r. Foley's Honey and Tar has mved many little lives. No opiates. Frank Masqnelet. Alfalfa seed at Wilbur's. OSTEND. (\ E. Jerks left Friday morning for Monntmn Park, Okla. Mrs. Myra Thomas spent the first of the week with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs F M. Ball of Williams Bay, Wis., visited froiir Saturday until Mouday with C. E Gaylord and family. Andrew Richmond and Miss Sadie Hobart visited the latter's brother, Boy Hobart. at Elgin last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Woodford of Delavan, Wis., spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs C W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin and daugh­ ter were Sunday guests at the home of Bern Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin an<3 sons, Clinton and Loren, attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Whiting at North Crystal Lake last Sunday. n 1 zzwrn THE WRONG WAY to select harness Is the way it is usually done. I'rlee is generally the llrst consid­ eration. if that la very low. the k<kkJ."> seem attractive, regardless of ijiiallty. Iiulife our goods the other way aliout. Kxatiiine into the i|ualit.y of this harness tirsl. Then it will he seen that It is worth almost any price. But our prices are not hi^li. Value coasidered tbey are remark- :t lily low •: :: ;: :; Q. A. Barker flcHenry, III. Petesoh's for draft. PAKK. H. Felmeten spent Monday in Chica­ go. . Win. K Sutton of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks. Geo. Scrivuer of Chicago spent Sun day at L. Hack's cottage Miss Irene Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Lucy Sutton Suuday. Raphael Corr of Woodstock was a visitor at Ed Knox's Sunday. Mr. a»»d Mrs. .fas Armstrong of Hay­ wood visited the Park Sunday. John I Sutton spent tl«e first of the week with relatives in Chicago. Misses Bridget and Mary Doherty of McHenry were callers here Saturday. Miss Minuie Knox of McHeurv spent Tuesday eveuiug with Misses Sutton. Mr. and Mrs John Walsh of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Ellen Walsh. John R Smith and brother, Chris, spent Mouday and Tuesday iu Chicago. Messrs. Jos. Frey, Jus. Haxton and D. W. Hill spent the week and at the Park. Mesdames P Cleary and H. Schaffer of McHeury visited at Ed Knox's Tues­ day. Robert F Larkin of Elgin is spending a week's vacation at his grandfather's here. Phil Kane of Tuscaloosa, Ala-., visited friends in this viciuity the first of the week. Mrs. Eld Couiiskey spent a few days the last of the week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chicago are spending a couple of days at their eottage here. Miss Ellen Doherty and' Mrs. Stacia Knox of McHenry visited Mrs. Ellen Walsh Monday. Mrs. John Bolger and daughter, Mer­ cedes, of Woodstock visited relatives in this viciuity Mouday. Messrs. Ed Armit and Chas. Malefyt and Misses Anna Malefyt and Armit of Chicago spent the week end at the Park. Misses Mary and Rose Parsley and Mary and Frances Fleming of Barre- ville visited Miss Margaret Walsh Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wagner and Mrs. C. Sabel of Yolo and Mrs. T. Winkel of McHenry and Jos. Ahreus of Lily Lake spent Thursday at J. R. Smith's. VOlX*. Will Huson was iu McHenry Monday. Jim Kirwan was a recent Chicago visitor. Oliver Hook of Rollius was in town Monday. Charles Kapple was a Volo caller Sun­ day evening. Frank Roney of Wanconda was in town Thursday. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago is spending a few days in Volo. Wm. Dillon transacted business in the city one day last week. Miss Lillie Hiller has her spring mil­ linery stock at Lask's store. Mrs. Wm. Dillon and children were visiting in Chicago last week. Mrs Laura Huson is spending a few weeks with relatives at MendoLa, III. Mrs. W. M. Huson and Miss Katie Frost wore recent McHenry callers. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago was the guest of relatives here last waek. Mrs. Sabel and Mrs. Wagner visited Mrs. Ed. Snider at Rollius Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson and family of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Mrs. P. L Stadtfeld and Miss Lydia Nicholls were in McHenry one day last week. Miss Hellen Raymond was the guest of friends at Lake Villa and Liberty ville last week. Mrs. L. V. Losk and sons, Edward'* and Deane, of West Fremont spent Wednesday in town. Albart Kottonbetger of Waukegan and Maude Walton were quietly married in Chicago Saturday. Fred Dragtuan and Will Erkson of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stadtfeld. Mrs. Henry Stilling and Mrs. Gertrude Miller spent Thursday last with Mrs John Brown in Waucomla, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller entertained John liosing and daughters, Katie, Frances and Clara, Angela Thiele and Sain Tarrant Sunday last. Pneumonia follows a cold, but never follows the us-» of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the ays- tarn. Frank Maoqoelet. NE/G/IBOR/NG NE ITS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS | • , NORTH CRYSTAL LAKK ITKMS. Quite an exodus from our town has taken place this week. Paul Shafer, our pinmber, is building himself a house and barn. Mrs Powell is very low at the pres­ ent writing and is not expected to last very long. Our postmaster, Mr. Corl. is building a fine house of seven rooms 6n the street running out toward McHenry. W. J. Kittle made a Hviug trip up into Jackson county, Wisconsin, last week to look over a farm for a friend in Chicago. We are having something of a boom in building this spring. George Wood has just erected a very neat horse barn on the rear of his lot. Miss Bessie England is now going to the city twice a week to take vocal les­ sons, preparing herself for the teaching of music in the public schools. Mr. Ki'nger has shipped a car of household goods and horses to South Dakota. His son, Henry, went with it and is to engage in farming out tliere. Fred Palmer is to build a stock barn 86x48 on the railroad property, near the stock yards, to be used by himself and others who ship in cows and other stock. A P. Landgren has moved for good and all onto his new farm which he pur­ chased from F. E. Cox. Mr. Landgren has a fine farm and we hope for him the best of success. Local optiou meeting in the Clemens school house this week Friday night. Speakers, Rev. R. H. Pate aud others. Special singing from local option song tifooks. Do not miss it. Dr. Welty and Dr. Rigler also shipped their car of goods and farm implements to South Dakota, where Dr. Welty has purchased a large tract of laud. This is in the same section where Dr. Bay is. Claud Colby and W. J. Kittle drove John Knox's Ford out from Chicago on Tuesday of this week in two and one- half hours, from Michigan avenue to F. L Colby's warehouse. What's the matter with the Ford? Miss Elizabeth Whiting, who for the past year and a half has been in the store of Osmun Bros., will after April I be employed iu the grocery store of Mr. Hopkius, Miss Minnie Colby taking her place in the Ostium store, now owned by Ernest Colby. Republican caucus last Saturday. Ev­ erybody well pleased. The following is the ticket as it will appear: For su­ pervisor, J. H.Gracy; fpr town clerk, Claud Colby; assessor, G. L Bryant; collector, Henry McMillan; road com uiissioner, W. J. Welch Osuinn Bros, shipped their car of goods to Los Angeles, Cal., Wednesday of this week. They also include in the same car a Ford touring car, purchased from F. L Colhy & Sou. G. H. Osmun goes at once to California to get things in shape. His wife will follow in June. Remember the special local option meeting to he held in the Barreville school house ou nest Sunday, Mar. 27, at3:H0 p. ui. Speakers, Rev* Weaver, Rev. Pate, J. M. Walkup and others. Very fine siugiug out of the local optiou song book, also duets by J. M. Walkup and Roy L Kittle. A very pleasant gathering took place at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. A. D. Whiting of this place on Suuday, March 20, it being the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. About forty rel­ atives and friends attended. Mrs. Dora Graham, formal} Miss Dora Whiting, of Lamoille, III . was among the guests. F. L. Colby A Son have been making something of a record in automobile sales this spring. They have sold eleven machines now within a short time. The following people have bought from them: Lobeck of Algonquin; A. P. Peck, Ridge field; Munger of Cary, Rotheriuel, Hill©. John Knox, Bohland- er. McHenry; Allen, Ringwood; A. Kel- ley, Marengo,; and Osmtw Bros, oue to go to California. Probably the largest building enter­ prise that Crystal Lake has undertaken for some time is the new block to be built on Main street, just north of the M. E. church, by the M. W. A. camp of this place. This building will be 60 feet on Main etreet and run back 60 feet. It, will be two stories and base uieut. The North Shore Electric peo pie are to occupy m«»st of the first floor for offices and the M. W. A. will occupy the top floor for a hall and other rooms. The Mission of Drug Stores Drug stores exist as a public convenience and for promotion of the public health and safety. Their right to exist depends on how v\Tell they fulfill these functions. We endeavor to conduct a store that will thrive and grow because of its real value to the community. We solicit your trade on the basis of our ability to serve you well and to protect and promote your interests in every way. N. H. Petesch, McHENRY, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE 374 & Let us figure with you on the materials-- we can give you the best lumber for your money as well as insure you against delays from lack of materials, as we carry a, very large and complete stock of ex^erything in Lumber, Sash, Door and flillwork, Cement, Roofings, Etc. You are always -welcome here, whether you are now ready to buy or not. COnE IN AND LOOK AT OUR STOCK WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY Telephone 651 WEST McHENRY, ILL. Itie Mutual Benefit life Insurance (0. NBWAKK, NEW JBRSbY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has duriiiK the past Hixtyfour years paid to policyholders, $368,299,446.d5 Assets Jan. 1, $121,200,0«G.89 : Surplus, $5,028,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for Its policyholders C A R L W S T E N G E R , A ^ e r i t P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL. COriMlSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION U1VKN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, tildes, Etc., Butter and Eggs ^ This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prit» lists fnrniiM application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1*3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. ,v

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