Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1910, p. 8

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. • *\ i .V'VV.: -> :Jft ;^r,j|: ' <* ^ ** " ^**V*. >r • ' •w .. * 1 » . w , ~ . 5» *.»'- -; '• > '-£r* r ;•!>.•? if*-. wat* '- ' sits .v 'K :J r A"* Your choice of a style is most important,--one that will fit your age as well as figure. If you want to think it over at home, and see the season's styles, get a SINCERITY STYLE BOOK. It will help you to make a selection. Call for a style book. :: JOS. w. WEST McHENRY, FREUND ILLINOIS. Olal! Paper At this time the WALL PAPER question is fore­ most in the minds of a great many people. The selection seems to them a hard task. This is true. In selecting Wall Paper one usually finds himself at a loss to know just what shades match best. We have an elegant line of paper and are in a position to match them up for you. Come and let us help you out on this question. :: :: - - Garden and Field Seeds Never before have We carried such an immense stock of ^Garden and Field Seeds. We can supply you with! anything you want in this line and be­ lieve thaifc we can do it at a figure that will surprise you. We are at your service. :: John Stoffel West ItkBenry, « Illinois !••• bs We have an elegant line of Kerosene and Gasoline Stoves of the Monarch, New Perfection, Jewell, Reliable and De­ troit makes, ranging in price from $2.80 to $35.00 JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CENTERVILLC HARDWARE MAN. & When Looking for Your Spring Wants Remember we have EJmerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrow®? I Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary k\ m ' Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second ^ajng Plow, also Milk Wagon, on Good goods,, right prices fair treatment oar motto. See us for Indi- if*:*!# :: " WM. STOFFEL Phones: OFFICE-772. RESIDENCE-?*!. Q.UARTER OF A CENTURY. •**?*. ' ItniH Clipped from The PI«tndMl*r of March 3S, 1885. Hon. Gtoo. Qage And wife returned from their winter's sojourn in Kansas this week. They are now visiting with friends in Chicago. In the twenty-lap race at the River­ side rink on Thursday evening last there were six contestants, and the race was won by Frank Colby in two winnfcee and fifty-five seconds. The masqnerade on Saturday evening drew out a good crowd both of maskers and spectators. fMosgrove Bros, had the misfortune to be robbed last week of about one hun­ dred dollars in money and some valu­ able clothing, hosiery, etc. But Bill was a little too smart for the thief, &s he captured him at Crystal Lake, and recovered the money just as he was about to board the train for Chicago. The teacher and pupils of the West Division have arranged to hold their entertainments in the McHenry public school building, where they will greet their friends on Monday and Tuesday evenings, March 30 and 31. The follow­ ing will be presented on the first even­ ing: PROGRAM. PARI I. Greeting Ulee School Short Recitation. Willie Smith, Eddie Mead, Harry Hanly, Geo. Hanly, Frank Bennett Song--"Naughtv Kitten" ..Little Folks Dialogue--"A Ghost In the Kitchen" 5 Characters Vocal Solo--"What the Little Lips Are Say­ ing" i Miss Grace Stevens Dialogue--"The Runaways" r> Characters Song- "Cackle, Cackle" Lonnie Howard Recitation.. .Guy Clemens. Edith Carpenter Suet--"Are All \ our Matches Sold?".Frank Mead and Charles King. Dialogue--"The Evil Adviser" 3 Characters Song--"Happy AH the Time" Clara White Characteristic Chorus--"Workers" 16 Characters PART II. OPERETTA-"GRANDPA'S BIRTHDAY." CAST Or CHARACTERS. Grandpa.. «T. J. Vasey Little May.. Miss Clara White Little Claade Master Willie Smith Maud Miss Allie Smith Alice Miss Grace Mead Clara Miss Pearl King Lyda Miss Grace Stevens Eva • .....,iliss Hetty Went,worth Lillie .. Miss Dora Besley George Master Frank Mead Assisted in chorus by Masters Asahel Stevens and Walter Besley and Misses Dora Schu­ macher and Barbara Wiedemann. Closing Song--Vacation School On Tuesday evening "Grandpa's Birthday" will be repeated. The re­ mainder of the program will be differ- ent. APRIL 1, 1885. At the Riverside skating rink, on Sat­ urday evening last, the ring race was won by Miss Kate How,e. A fine boy arrived at the home of Jos. Buss on Monday last. Who says our population is not increasing? The McHenry Dramatic club are re­ hearsing for the comedy of the "Ger­ man Baron," which they propose to bring out about the first of May. At the examination of teachers held in this village on Thursday last by Superintendent Barber, a class of fifteen presented themselves for examination. Our sportsmen have been bringing in quite a number of ducks the past few days, and the prospects are that shoot­ ing will be good in the course of a week or ten days. The McHenry Bride company Me making arrangements to commence work as soon as the weather will permit and will push the work with vigor this season. A ten pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Going this Wed nesday morning. Another grey hair added to our head. Verily, grandpa's ' 'honors are easy." Capt. Walter Hill is now tynsy put ting the steamer "Mary Griswold" in running order, and by the time the ice is out of the lakes., will have her reAdy to make the regular trips. July 1 the new postal law goes into effect, changing the unit of weight of letter postage from one-half ounce so that no extra postage will be charged on letters up to one ounce. On Thursday last the ice suddenly and quietly moved down the river: and now the Fox is clear with the exception of a few placee near the shore. The thaw has been gradual and no trouble from high water has been experienced this season. We learn that many improvements are going on at Fox Lake this spring Lehman, of Chicago, is putting up large hotel, quite a number of cottages are being built, and everything looks as if it would be the liveliest season known at these lakes. In time Fox and Pista- qua lakes are bound to be the most pop­ ular summer resorts in the Northwest, Large catches of fish have been made through the ioe on the different lakes in this vicinity the past week. Several parties have brought in two hundred and two hundred and fifty pounds each The fish are plump, hard and fat, and much finer than those caught in warm weather. The mania has been general and an inquiry for any individual who could get away from business, for the past few days, was met with the answer 'gone a fiBhing." The entertainment by the teachers and pupils of the West Division of our puplic school, which took place on Mon­ day and Tuesday evenings, was well attended and highly appreciated by all. In short it waB an exhibition of drill and training of which Mr. Vasey might well be proud. It was one of the finest home entertainments ever given in this village. Where all done so well we shall not attempt to particularise. At the close of the entertainment on Tues­ day evening Hon. F. K. Granger, in behalf of the patrons of the school, pre­ sented Mr. Vasey with a full set of encyclopedias, fifteen volumes, as slight token of their regard and appre­ ciation of his efforts and success as a teacuer. It was a well merited com' pliiqent to an able and efficient teacher. Would Have Coat Him Hi* Life. Oscar Bowman,-Lebanon, Ky., writes "I have used Foley's Kidney Remedy and take great pleasure in stating it cured me permanently of kidney disease which certainly would have cost taa mv life." Frank Masquelet. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES ' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Wm. F. Rice, McHenry, president. C. WTColton, Marengo, vice president. Mrs. E. A. Harrison, Woodstock, secretary and treasurer. Rev. Wm. A. Cross, North Crystal Lake, temperance. Miss Cora Fillmore, Woodstock; ele­ mentary. Rev. C. W. Johnson, North Crystal Lake, normal. , Mrs. Geo. Standish, Marengo, home department. E. F. Booth, Woodstock. E. L. Kimball, Ridgefield. IN THE INTEREST OF THS5* SUNDAY schools of m'Henry county. The Dorr Township convention, Geo. M. Bergen, PresM Walter Morris, secre­ tary, is announced for April 17 at Woodstock. Among the unusual fea­ ture® of their program is a pastor's con­ ference on the Relation of the Church and Sunday School, to be presided over by a layman. ^ The temperance superintendent for the county, Rev. William A. Cross, of North Crystal Lake has the Interna­ tional and the various denominational pledge cards and plans for temperance organizations of all kinds for the Sun­ day schools which he will gladly furnish to any Sunday school wishing anything of the sort. In the removal of Mr. ^George Osmun to California the Sunday school work of McHenry county has lost a faithful worker of many years standing, Nun- da township has lost its president, and the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school of Crystal Lake has lost one of the best superintendents in the county. We trust the Master has work for him In his new home and we wish him a pleas­ ant association with new friends and improved .health for himself and his family. Several schools are beginning more or less of the new International graded work on next Sunday. Those superin­ tendents and teachers who have not in­ vestigated this new series should write their respective publishing houses for a prospectus. The best workers of all the denominations have been engaged to work out the preparation of a series of lessons which shall avoid the misfits necessarily incident to a single lesson for the whole school. The Woodstock M. E. Junior, the Woodstock Baptist and the McHenry M. E. Primary are some who are trying these courses for the coming quarter. A Night Alarm Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the house and give it at the first sign of danger. Foley's Honey and Tar has saved many little lives. No opiates. Frank Masquelet. *>; ««»»«»«»».»«««.*•••»•••• icy to ldred PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Mone; loan on real estate in sums of five hun to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634,903 and 811.1 RfcAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William Bonslettto Luella Kimball, nH It 2 blk 7 Spring City add Wood­ stock 1 2500.00 Anton Scbaefer & w to John Helms, It 12 & pt It 1, Spring Grove 800.00 Emma Givens to C. P. Barnes, subit 2 blk 1 Co. Clk's plat, blk 12, West Mc­ Henry 1.00 Henry H. Wagner to Hubert Weber, Its 3 and 4, blk 7, McHenry 1500.00 Joseph J. Freund & w to Mathias Freund, pt swX sec 36, Richmond 9000.00 Edward A. Smith & w to Jacob Adams, seM nw% and sH neK sec 16, McHen­ ry, r 8 15600.00 Anna E. Blake & h to Jos. J. Freund. Its 1 and 2 subdlv It 37, assre plat, nwX sec 13,Johnsburgh Mathias .lungen & w to Jos. J. Freund, It i subdiv It 3 assrs plat. neX sec 13, McHenry, r 8 4004.90 Illinois Lakes Light & Power Co. to North Shore Electric Co. electric light­ ing plant, system and real estate in Crystal Lake, North Crystal Lake and village and township of McHenry §L00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Robert Schiessle. Proof of death and petition for admission of will to probate filed and approved. Will proven and admitted to probate, Barbara Schiessle appointed executrix. Bond waived. Letters ordered issued. Heirship proven and established. - MARRIAGE LICBNSE8. Willis H. Gardner, 80 Solon Mills Addie R. Overton, 28* Michael Pitzen, 20 .Volo Eva Miller, 22... Johnsburgh Herman Seefeldt, 28.. : v.. Alden Ella Natzke, 18 Tlianris Una Wfcaf TmMt Mi Beret Supoct H. How To Fiad Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twanty«ffour hours; a brick dust sedi­ ment, or settling, stringy or milky appearance often indicates an un­ healthy condi­ tion of the kid-' neys; too fre­ quent desire to pass it or pain in ympf the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver , bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne­ cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-SRofsit is soon realized. It stands the highest be­ cause of its remarkable health restoring prop­ erties. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-rent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and rememberthename, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Home ot Swamp-Hoot. Capt. Boffardua Again Hits the Hall'* Eye. This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is living at Lin­ coln, 111. Recently interviewed, he says:-7"I have suffered a longtime with kidney and bladder trouble and have used several well known kidney medi­ cines, all of which gave me no relief un­ til I started taking Foley's Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley's Kidney Pills I was subjected to severe backache and pains in my kidneys with suppression and oftentimes a elondy voiding. While upon arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley's Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and once more feel like my own self. All this I owe solely to Foley's Kidney Pills and alwayB lecoinmend them to my fellow sufferers." Frank Masque- let. At the Central Opera House. W. F. Mann has attained an enviable reputation in the field of theatrical management because his ventures have been successes. One of his most popu­ lar productions is the dramatization of Mary J. Holmes'famous novel, ' Temp­ est and Sunshine," which will be seen at the Central opera house on Sunday, April 3. Mr. Mann has engaged a splendid oast, comprised of such well known actors as Miss Maudesse Devere and Madge Thurston and supported by others well known in the theatrical world. No Substitute. ' Accept no substitute for Foley's Honey and Tar. It is the best and safest rem­ edy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar, and accept no substitute. Frank Masquelet. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Eugene 8. Wheeler, Deceased., The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last, Will and Testament of Eugene 8. Wheeler, deceased, late of the County of Mol.eury aud State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear be­ fore the Comity Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June Term, oh the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 21st day of March, A. I). 1910. 40-lit Rli.a M. Wheklkr, Executrix. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Robert SchieSile, Deceased. •• The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last, Will and Testament of Robert, Schiessle, deceased, late of the Coun­ ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives not ice that she will appear before the County Court, of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at, the June Term, on the lirst Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Datea this 21st day of March. A. D. 1910. 41-3t Barbara Schikssle, Executrix. yy * in great variety* Jill the very latest ideas known to ^ the mercantile Business* lUe want you to see our elegant display. « « »<4 F. JL Bobiander. Capital Stock, $25,000. Check your account frequently and you will be amazed at how much less you spend where you pay by eheek instead of in cash. It is very easy to hand out a dollar or so if the money is in your pocket. You think twice before making out checks fQr>t|ian amounts. ' The West flcMetiry State Bank is a good place in which to deposit your cash, checks, drafts, notes, etc. You'll find an account there benefits you in matjy moYe ways than one. ----OFFICERS; Edwin L., Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Car! W. 5tenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. 75c per bu. for Pickles 1 to 4 inches. ̂ 25c per bu. for Pickles 4 to 5 inches. Delivered at our factories at McHenry and Crystal Lake, Contract now with F. A. Bobiander' or Block & Bethke. J) x Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block & Bethke One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase Tank beaters *t Wm. StofMfe &rm K' iyr I! .Man Tailored. Made to your individual measurement, a perfect fit guaranteed. We are show­ ing a wealth of styles and fabrics, the workmanship is the' best, and cost no more thai! r&ady-to-wear garments. :: & :: Suits mad© to your measure $13.50 to $45.00; Coats from $8 to $30; Dresses, $9.50 to $30; Skirts from $5.00 up? Capes from $9.50~up. Ask to be shown the line. Here js one of the new shapes, and a dandy. Comes in tan, gray and black, and priced at $1.39, $2, $2.50 and $3.00. The black Derby was] never more stylish than this season. We have them in all shapes at $1.75, $2.50 and $3.00. Crusher hat, 50c and $1.00, the Planter hat for the farmer at 50c, $1.00 and $1,50. See our line of Caps for men, boys'and girls, a daady selection, at from 25c to $1.00. :: : DS» Hats and Caps; i 'M' K t - , M ':V ->

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