Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1910, p. 3

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" T <',*'* V7': * r< r „ ' • ; - <- 7 v ' "^" r~ ; - : ^" v ^"y 7 - » / • "* 'te*i i c*j> v * '.-i i^ _ •* •-- * • • -t" • '% '. / 4, vVZ - . >-3 ^ *7 <~** !• •* *1 ̂*• % ̂ ' • *5- ' * ^ / ,> r V •-• v\i > "• \ ' r <l"T t> 1 of m. " i.'\l ><•'•'" ; \ *i" M£g»Sl«$»*tol«l4» It Hm w4 iNmeto 'Sb&P Pit* Stood _. w&Mtla &»k&^i<m sad «*»: 8ft. «. H, dur, 548 Pnri II Htaa® naetioa OlsyapNb Praggruseasittntai*. WESTERN CANADA lift Af" MfllFII#* RID OI- T-AINTITA TCIRCN III HUIIILU I1UI1LU t i More Political Influence Urged at Mothers' Congress. - ; ... *-- # ^' 1: '•• GIVES HINTS Qlt YMININQ nke oftttl« ia w allel (SST miles aortfol the International bound-ar»|. Tear vacant laod will be taken at, a nte beyo&d pro*«i<t coa^t^ tiOii, " ,~mQ 5iS»© EM>OBgk p®0»1# im the liaised States alcae who. want fccnaea (cUin nptfcic land." Ke»s% 10)000 Mmm wiU ante# a md mates i J*el p Is onw In W«c»eru uintdit thl. ;"•*• viwiuna «www largo «rot> of wWt, oa«» And Wlrjr, fcl «Odlttu& to Whfcfe 46«® CA(tM) ernorta wee ass Stem. Cattl* miring, d.lrylvg, riiied farming bk<J pristn • • -• SWNBfit»c®» at K:-n ehrtran lied Afbnto. ins lit tb* i« Bsisisat-tiewau sod AFtM»rtA. Fwt© tmrnt^ieml and jwr#-«aap-tlon Area.% u w*I! as lajwlr hold by rot! way and land companies.. wiJ2 proiUe knm«» for millions. _. Adaptable soli, hrnlthful t!l-mate, iplradld ichnaU and ehnwfs«*#- an.fl «»»»«* raflwn.y* For aettlera' rates, descriptive llteratars ".Last Bess; West," how to roach the country and ->ther par­ticular*, write to Sop't of Immi­ gration, Ottawa, Canada. Or let the Canadian Government Agent, C.I, Kna|tlm,4!llmliuliI«ulTr«l Traeiles Temlaal Bldf,,. A. Mall, 180M8t.,<llwa>toa,W» Make the Liver Do its Duty . Nine time* in tea when tfelnwiilt^t Aft HMUch and bowdc we CARTER'S LUTLE LIVER FILLS fwtff tainaly a pel « lazy Iiv«r to oqi ks di^« Ctrre* C •tipatioa, IndlffiRS «smI 'tlialrets «ft«r Eating, 6mali Smil Ooee, Si«*P. GENI H^'^wm bear tigsiature; umm Send postal for 9m& W&£kB%t> - i of Paxtlne. M anilseptles T9HJKT NE TOILET ANTISEPTIC 1 #W«it claMt, wfelt^i j mxmth. msuA th« S»Mth tflw imoltiag--di«yie ill dlwtgr--abl> I pm®pfcmJdo&misd b«If muck mp~ j predated bf dUraty wcmcmwb. A quki 'for •or* mym «mi «al«orA. 8 A Mule Pss&ce powder At- «olv«l k a flats of hot w«tet makes & deligbtfuS aatuqptk a»- j3*«*e«sujg «a^raoKbaaqr deanongc germickiai aad n«al» kg pewer, and absolutely hwm* lot. Try a Saiupk, 3&. K large bc'X at dhiggifts w bymaO. I THE PAXTON TOIUtf CO., BOCTON. HMAM.; W. L. DOUGLAS m9 m$ S3.SOf 83 & $2.50 Warkingmtn'* Bf O Boy' IShom . $2.00Vhmm OflU42.60 4#8 > W. Lm Bougias shoes are worn by more men than aiiy other make, BEOAUSCi W. £», l>uaKlui.SS.OO and tt.OO«h«e8eqaal, In ityle, fit mind w«ar, other makM outtlnf <m.oo to w.iL.iitomrias msuio, «S.OO,«a.SO and HS.OO •liuw mm tli« luw«ni priee, nuailty could- •red, in the wortd. Ftut {tutor Egtlett. The cenalRe tlare W. L. Doqirlas name and prle« i^uiMd <m (be bottom. Take Jtn Snbetltate* Ask yoiii*d«atlerforW.L.DouglacahoM. Ifther far Hte in youif town write for M4ii imler Cat-&l«g. i(Wl*LM fnU dlrocttoaa how to order ] orderod direct from/ ^ chargttt iwepoid. lractioas how to order tar mall. SbMf m factory delivered to tbe wearer all: W. 1«. DOUGLAS, Brockton, SUM. Know sia»l>B Co«rfort NO sntOPPING NO BONING WOiU) OWW PATENT Sffissee-ssHs'sas | Ml til I Vest r«(«reaoea. Bast multa. N*ryou« Child iiMHiM ftot jfe ftv|,ia Oa^rk CloMt, Asserts J. H.Origgfi . > Mrs. L. K. CHIson KlMlM . • Pracident. .. . "B tltt fatfears oannot contimsa to prorftfe three meals a day with less effort and with less time," said John Howard Griggs before the Illinois con­ gress of mothers at tiockrord, "iet taa families go with two meals a day and take more of the society o? the mas­ culine head of tliQ house." Thus was a plea advanced at tbi* organised eoctety of mothers for the father 1st the house--for his moral to- fiuetece, for his paternal discipline. According to many of the speaker-sc, while the mothers are organising and learning parliamentary law for the benefit of their progeny, to Bay noth­ ing or doing excellent practical work in way of bettering this world as a place to live in, the fathers are engaged in the monotonous routine of making a living and are becoming un­ acquainted with their families. "I should as lief," said Mr. Griggs, "think of giving certain patent medi- rlnpp f» ;y«»y «** thst chlldrOu C5 tract as to give certain punishment for every fault they manifest. Set, con­ ventional punishments are nothing more nor less than spiritual patent medicine. To put a nervous child in a dark closet, for Instance, does not cure him of any ill, but lays him liable to a new one." Officers for the year were elected as follows: President--Mrs. L. K. Qillson, Wil- mette. Vice Presidents--Mrs. L. D. Doty and Mrs. W. S. Hefferan of Chicago and Mrs. Stewart Brown of Spring­ field. Recording Secretary--Mrs. M. B. Blouke, Chicago. Corresponding Secretary--Mrs. C. Blodgett, Chicago. Treasurer--Mrs. S. G. Throckmor ton, Chicago. Auditor--Mrs. William A. Blodgett, Chicago. Directors--Mrs. W. H. Browne, Mrs. William Peterson, Mrs. Julius Rosen- wald and Mrs. Lawson Gilbert, Chi- fcago; Mrs. Logan Hay, Springfield. The reports of the various schools revealed the fact that such work had been done during the year as showing farmers how to sow their'ground, buy­ ing footstools to bridge the distance between the floor and the stubby ex- tremitles of short legs, having school houses painted in restful colors, visit­ ing grocery stores to see that they are kept clean. "We can never have the ideal school until we have the ideal mother. If there had been more constructive work done in former years there would be less need of reform now." One of the mothers made this ob­ servation, and it is in a way an epit­ ome and a watchword of the mothers' clubs. They have voted to remember it and work with this thought in mind during the year to come. The congress will be held in Charles­ ton next year. Mine Rescue Body Is Named. Governor Deneen appointed a com­ mission to establish fire fighting and rescue stations in coal fields in Il­ linois, as provided In an act passed by the special session of the legislature. The commission follows: J. W. Miller, Gillespie, and John I*. Schmidgall, Nurphysboto, operators; Charles Krallman, Glen Carbon, and Charles Bennett, La Salle, miners; Hector McAllister, Streator, state mine inspector; Professor H. H. Stoek of the state university and Dr. J. A. Holmes of the geological survey, Washington, D. C. The governor also appointed Oscar Certlidge of Benton, state inspector of mines for the ninth district, vice W. S. Murris, resigned. The governor appointed Duncan Mc- Dtritald, Springfield, member of the mining investigation commission, vice Charles Burch, resigned. i I mm AX, ESTATM. Tto TOV ux-vmcr TO UEATB «N» A* CHILDREN HOWUKUE88? BtaUsttca show ituM In 18W all available farm land* will be taken, and be who doesn't own land front wbieb he can uwf **aeKwa^^ VttlMlivlai wiv J and bay nrmi right now wb tide tee Jut tamed to At moving Into Drew Oountr. ~hlle tbt'r are cbeap. Tbe Arkanaaa. Thousand* are Arkanaaa. Thousand* are „ .ato Drew County, tbe Garden Spot of the Sooth, while prices are low. Write tor our Tnrtfc booklet. Bone Developing Co., Jtootieelio, Ark. •orow WOCLD YOU I.IKJS » aeady-MaSe 11 Orchard la Bunny Southern Idaho, tbe u reatest dividend paver, tbe Ideal borne? We can sell a Bee one. planted In best varieties of fruit, care for It ontll tall bearing and make tbe site to your order, from Ave acres up. Our prices and terms are right. Our badness Is Belling Heal Kstate, everything ta the line: elty, mirartesB and farm property: bay. fc-ftiiii aad stoek ranche*. proven fruit lands ana bearing orchards; large tracts for colonisation. Best Bunk raf eraaoes, correspondence solicited. Wllajit- Smitb Kwlty Co., 1U07 Main »r . Boise, Idabo. Hear Testimony on Fire Rates. The fire insurance commission at Il­ linois, appointed by Governor Deneen subsequent to action by the FV>rty- sixth general assembly, will meet in Chicago for a week, commencing Tuesday, May 17, to hear testimony relative to rates in Illinois. The com­ mission is charged with the duty of in­ vestigating rates and fire insurance conditions in the state, and reporting on the advisability of state rate regu­ lation at the next regular session of the legislature. daily, telephone, lots running water, excellent water right. Ashing, bunUng.two bousesj.OOO.OOU feet timber, bunch brood mares. Price 1^9.000.00 Will sell all or putt Terms. Other property for sale, e It Interested. Logan St Ocohrau, Stevena-Montonii. Write If infc viile, ManUu 25000Ap^r,S^e^^S5iiS?1££S Laud Pair Beard. Traveling men of Illinois have In­ dorsed the management of the Illinois state fair for its action in setting aside October • at the 1910 exposition 1 as Traveling Men's day. Resolutions | to this effect were adopted by the j Travelers' Protective association at the meeting at East St. Louis. As­ surance that tfcf members will spare no effort to make the dag a success is given. The Illinois Traction system is ma- Xing arrangements to handle dele­ gates to the East St. Louis meeting. wneai i nonaero proancK no oonon toe grenl aotiui* em product. Terms very reaaonable. Write Star fiancb * I*nd Co., NeeleyviUe, Ma ~CH)R SALK--Choice Improved farms. Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota Skandiaavlaa »»« GerasfiT! 7 goo« iuwns and ereaas-erles. Soil tbe beat. Corn principal crop. Prteaa still low. StiMtt to mXB Wnta for U« ~ Mercantile Oo., Kmrnona, Minn. a ii-rwwi.tJi*iiriE8 skldom ormn, " Louisiana black loam land plantations. WeU Improved. $1&JX) to B6J0 aere. Hardwood timber tract#, MOO feet Umber ner aere, 18.00 to (Ujfi. Write J. Hamlej * Son, Lake Piwridenoe. U. | |'lNKKtM>TA ULMDS. Why dual you write i -*** for my list of improved farms? Every one a I tmigMn Twenty to flft* dollars an awe. Cmf w.a. lertijsT^W »s Hear Coal Rate Raise Protests. The Illinois railroad and warehouse commission heard testimony of rail­ roads of the state in Chicago in favor of a raise of 10- cents on the ton for shipping coal. Practically every read in the state was Interested in the movement to Increase the rate. Counter position was taken by sonic 300 manufacturers who some time ago made pleas with the commission that the raise be not granted. , The commission announced its pur­ pose also to hear officials of roads rel- etlve te crossing protection. . / Land Orsb Inauirv Rsm ^Alleged "land grabs" along the lake shore again became the subject of in- iNbtlgaiion when the" GMperfield committee, empowered by the legislat­ ure to ixiqulre into the question of submerged" lands, met In Chicago. Ths Chicago Beach.' hotel proposition was the first on the program and Levy Mayer, attorney for the hotel com­ pany, made a brief address, but no da* cteion was made, the subject again go­ ing over temporarily, until certain pttfcs tnd -Instruments - could be turned over t© the committee, "I am about to make what may dsem to you a stftrtllag confession," said Mayer. "It is this: If there is any portion of the submerged land we are not entitled to, we don't want it. That's an astounding thing for a cor­ poration to say to a legislative body. Is it not? We don't cjpim ownership of the fee in the first place. The Beach hotel company to a lessee. All of the land, which has formed since the erection of the piers and docks re­ ferred tQ by th« comtnitt6«; was there when the hotel improvements were put in. The pier was there when the lease was signed." Chairman Chiperfield then asked that the committee be furnished with a copy of the plat used hy Attorney Mayer in his explanations and also •* ' :• COS i ? 'r.str.; wUGsciit y«»W!»g ie property to the Morgan estate and, the hotel company lease. This was prom­ ised by Mr. Mayer, who withdrew. B. L. Pearsall of Elgin was Intro duced and told a story to the effect that the Chicago, Milwaukee "$ St Pa til railway and a number of other corporation^ were euui uacliing on the Fox river itt Elgin to such an extent that there was not sufficient ou^et for the water. "Cossequently in flood time the river backs up," he said, 'and much damage is the result," 8tate Contracts Let. The state board of administration awarded contracts for furnishing a large number of supplies needed in state charitable institutions. Among the companies receiving contracts were: D%arb6rn Drug and Chemical company, Chicago, boiler compound; W. D. Allen Manufacturing company, Chicago, and Hibbard, Spencer Bart- lett, Chicago, garden hose; Sutliff, Case and Company, Peoria, chemicals and acids; Myers Brothers, Jackson­ ville, clothing; Wolf Greshan and Company, Bloomington, shirts; Col- burn 4b Burke, Peoria, chemicals; Standard Oil company, Chicago; Na­ tional Refining company, Springfield; Sullivan Oil company, Chicago, and Penn Refining company, Rock Island, lubricating oil; Charles Novak, Chi­ cago, paint lead; Sherwln Williams, Chicago, paints; Pittsburg Plate Glass company.. Chicago, broomshop sup­ plies; Likko Soap company, Chicago, soap chips: Sterne Maley and com­ pany, Chicago, washing soda; Union Milling company, Anna, bran; J. A. Aurin, GaleBburg, shipstuff, and De­ catur Tent and Awning company, De­ catur, tents. Urges Mere Room for Library. That the state historical library ie cramped for room; that the historical society, could own many relics of state Interest it it had quarters in which to keep them, were points advanced by Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber, secretary of the state society, which opened Its eleventh annual meeting. The needt' of the society were set forth in the secretary's report to the directors. Bearing out the predictions of many weeks, the society elected Clark E. Carr of Galesburg president for the coming year. Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber of Springfield was reelected secretary. Smith D. Atkins of Free- port was elected first vice-president, President Lawrence T. Bherman. board administration, second vice- president, and State Treasurer An­ drew Russel of Jacksonville third vice- president. The presidents of the local societies in the state will constitute the list ol honorary vice-presidents. Actuary Test Written. George Graham. Jr., actuary In the state department of insurance, con­ ducted an examination at the state house for candidates for membership in the National Actuary society, which has headquarters in New York city. A number of applicants took the examination. The test was given in 8pringfield for the purpose of saving candidates from this section of the country the expense of going all the way to New York for the purpose. Actuary Graham was deputised by the national society to give the exam­ ination. Mr. Graham is a member of the Actuary of Scotland, and a fellow In the Institute of Actuaries of Lon­ don and of the Actuarial Society of America. « Show by Health Board. Dr. T. H. D. Griffiths of the state board of health Is actively engaged In making arrangements for the exhibit to be given by the state board at the annual meeting, of the Illinois State Medical society to be held in Danville May 17. He is in Danville arranging the de­ tails. The exhibit will have a great bearing on the tuberculosis question. Ask I. C. to Prove Ownership. Proof of its rights of ownership to lake shore land valued at $90,000,00® was asked of the Illinois Central Rail­ way company by the Chiperfield legis­ lative committee, which Is Investi­ gating so-called "land grabs" by prop­ erty owners along the shore of Lake Michigan and the streams flowing into it. The railroad company's rep» resentatives appeared before the com­ mittee and promised maps, surveys, deeds and all other data which will throw light upon the status of the property from the railroad's viewpoint. Report on Coal Teats. "Tests of Washed Grades of Illinois Coal" by C. S. McGovney, is issued as bulletin No. 39 of the engineering ex­ periment station of the University of Illinois. The bulletin presents the re­ sults of an elaborate series 'of bolter tests made in connection with a 210- hersepewer brlcksct watcr-tubo boll£ er, equipped with a chain grate stoker. The fuel employed was washed Illinois coal of the various sizes commonly vsed for steam purposes. The descrip­ tion of the plant, the method em­ ployed and results of tests am TWO HIDE'S TESTIFY ACCUfttO PHYSICIAN ANB WIFB BO ON STAND IN 8WOPS "V" * • CASS. ' " - •" >:<• -• THEY MAKE GENERAL DEMM. Woipan Nearly Collapses st Outset t-Bet- Regains Composure*--Prow* ' Good Witness -- Doctor' Gives Prompt Answers. *" ' ' Kansas City, Ma--Dr. EL Oai* Hyde, accused of the aarter of CoL Thomas H. Swope, began telling his story ta the jury Monday, and when court adjourned he was still on the stand. He declared that Colonel Swope died of apoplexy, asserted that he never had talked to the colonel about h«s will, and thai he-had put no germs in the candy that Stella told about his and Mrs. Hyde's refusal to eat. Among the numerous statements made by Doctor Hyde were these: "Mors Hunton died of apoplexy; Twyman never said one word about too much blood being taken; nothing of the sort was he&rd until after Janu­ ary 12; I gave Colonel Swope a Hola- din digestive capsule; I took that medicine to the nurse, Miss Kellar, the night of October 2; I warned Mrs. Swope a year and a half or two years previously not to use the cistern war ter; Colonel Swope never snoke to me about his will; I did not know what my wife would Inherit Not until after the reading of the will did I hear the word 'residuary.'" Every juryman listened m iai.eui.iy to the witness as they had listened for nearly five hours to Mrs. Hyde, woo preceded her husband on the wit­ ness stand. After 2ty minutes' ques­ tioning Doctor Hyde was rolling a handkerchief in his right hand and oc­ casionally wiping his forehead. His answers, however, were prompt and carefully worded. Referring to Moss Hunton and the bleeding, he declared earnestly that between two and three pints of blood were taken and that never until after January 12 did he hear a word of sus­ picion about the incident. Strychnine, in Colonel Swope's con­ dition, Doctor Hyde said, was proper. His heart needed strengthening. He ordered the nurse to giv« one-sixtieth of a grain and believed he probably had four or five such injections. Mrs. Hyde made a pitiable spectacle the first few moments she was on the stand. The mention of the name of her cousin, Moss Hunton, brought tears to her eyes and she was un­ able to speak. It was feared she might collapse. But after gobbing for a few minutes Mrs. Hyde composed herself and she was able to proceed with her testimony. Thereafter she made a good witness, speaking distinctly and foU lowing the line of interrogation with­ out difficulty,. COLTROOSEVEI-T AT BERLIN Former President is Accorded Warm Welcome by Germans--Empsror Does Not Most Him. Berlin.--Theodore Roosevelt Mid family arrived here Tuesday and were given a rousing welcome. The colonel was feeling well, his attack of bron­ chitis having responded readily to the treatment he received from specialists in Berlin. The party was met st the station by the American ambassador and sev eral of the high German officials. Accepting Mr. Roosevelt's sugges­ tion regarding changes in the program, the emperor did not meet the former president at the railway station, and will not receive him as his guest at the Berlin castle. The party proceeded to Potsdam by automobile and had lunch with the em­ peror and empress, returning to the embassy in the afternoon. Ambassador Hill's dinner will be held Wednesday and Mr. Roosevelt will deliver his lecture on Thursday at the university, the emperor attend­ ing. The former president will dine with Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg that evening. The plans for Friday and Saturday have not been changed. These Include a luncheon at the em­ bassy, where Mr. Roosevelt will meet many German leaders of science, in­ dustry and finance, a reception to rep­ resentative members of the American colony, a foregathering of big game hunters and a reception to the diplo­ matic corps, the government officials and tbe university authorities. Grlscom Badly Hurt. New York.--Friends of Lloyd C. Grlscom, Republican county chairman and formerly ambassador to Italy, are worried over his condition following injuries he sustained in a motor car accident Sunday. Mr. Grisoom was driving in Park avenue in his auto­ mobile with Mrs. Grlscom and John Boyle, Jr., secretary of the Republican county committee, when he ran into a Fiftieth street trolley car. Frag­ ments of broken glass cat Mr. Oris* corn's leg severely Two Dying ss Result of Duel. Cordele, Ga.--Because they resented his attentions to their" sister, Edward and Herbert Mercer engaged in a pis­ tol duel in tbe streets Monday with Grady Sneflgrove. The latter and William Benton, a bystander, were probably fatally wounded and Edward Mercer was slightly wounded. Negro Expiates Crime. Ossining, N. Y.--Gilbert Coleman, a mulatto, convicted of wife murder in New York city, was electrocuted in Sing Sing prison Monday. Alabama Bank Closes Doors. Mobile, Ala.--News eras received here Monday that the City Bank and Trust company of Demopolis, Ala., had suspended and closed its doors. The bank had a capital and surplus of $96,- 000 and deposits to the amount of (250,000. CHURCHMAN'S . STOMACH WEAK Rev. Lapley Buffered Twelve Yean Prom It--How He Conquered It) v . -'You Also Can, Free. Through an taamuMMMot that ha saw In his local paper the Rev. 1. D. Lapiey of Avondalo Station, Birmingham, Ala., learned that he could obtain i free trial bottle of a remedy for the cure of indi­ gestion, and as he was Interested, t«e- cauae ho suffered that way, ho wrote for it. The reme­ dy was Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup pep­ sin. Mr. SLapley, who Is a minister of the Methodist Epis­ copal Church, and a member of the Cen­ tral Alabama Cost* ference, took the free bottle with tha /W^C' result that he was • ... „ very speediiy cut&d. AUC6 Nortorup You or any other sufferer from consti­ pation; Indigestion and dyspeipsla, sick ncwlache and auch digestive troubles can have a free trial bottle sent to your home prepaid by forwarding your name and address. It Is ths gentlest, mlldtat, best tasting, most effective laxative tonic you ever tried. TJrasglsts -split sell you the rcKii«a.r uuiiW's st tffi cents or ifl. and re­ run? are grwarantsed. a picture of Mrs. Northrup, of Outnoy Til., a cured patient, is presented herewith. If ther? is any­ thing about your case that you don't un­ derstand write tbe doctor and he will ad­ vise wo. Tbe address la Dr. W. "B. Cald- Writ Ml Caldwell Bldr. Monti cello, HL • The Thoughtful Meet* -* c Guest--Gracious! Whit Ins - Idfi the new waiter has I Host---Yet, 1 engaged hiaa speottBjr for the diners who are la' a hurry.--- Meggendorter Blaettsr. Sleep with a piece of wedding under your pillow for three nights in succession and whatever yon on the third night will come to Ms*. Wlnafcrw'e Soothtas Hysvn, ForeSUdrm ffMblac. raatteecto. ---- rtlim aflaf pMS»«w«swlag*sollc- BhmS One can't always disguise the breath of suspicion by spfcy talk. Matty who need to smoke 10c cigars now bay Lewis' Single Binder straight Sc. Many • nm®. tries to stand on rights when he hasn't any. Hood vsiretipflii i t im Has made Itself welcome 11 the homes cf the people thai world over, by its' woadeiid^ cares ol all Mood dlatittet aad.' run-down conditions. G«tlt today to usual liquid t+m at, chocolated tablets' calklfi Sarsatabe; j •ITPi? YOim IDBA&. jriMjyny jriagygfl r m 1 EH 1 wealth, SwkFree, Mm, fllii trngei^M. *Oo.,Fai,An.ya.; Box E,Watitfestoa,lMiy THROUGH THE READING GLASS. ^v:fl First and Second Bug--What a hor­ rible monster 1 How He Expressed It. Every small boy--the right kind, anyhow--thlnkB his own mother the symbol of all perfection. Few, how­ ever, have the ability to express their admiration as prettily as the little hero of the following anecdote: Richard's mother was putting him to ' bed, and as she kissed him good night, she said: "Do vou know you are the whole world to mamma?" "Am I?" he answered, quickly. "Wei! then, you're heaven and the north pole to met"--Youth s Companion. Impressed. "I think I shall let that woman rent my house." ••Why?" "She's the first one who's called to see me about It who didn't brae about what a good tenant she is." It's awfully hard to convlnoe young man in the ease thai all world Imm a lover.:. Quag's*1 ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE late y<»«»r SHk>co misa'e the wntueptl« nowdri for (he li ww fiasiifi.;, swclSoii, .nutsting, aervoaa fMt, sud innUntiy taku tbe Ming out ol ©4>riis femaloiat. til® fc.»e eawfori discovery ®f^ tb® ism©.. Alleu'a Foot--Ka*» msikaetifbt* Sttiiur «A' uew (slioiM feel oaay. It 1» fe tiwtaL euw tot ingtowina; inula, aweat-w, c-allouB and tired, schlng feet ri,B6v8 on-iiraflLOWteatUBOnlato. TOY IT TO-WAY- 8old•v«ry«hars Sie. jbss) wot accent any HkMmtot S^iit! V^'bave SOLflOOteatlinooii - " - 1Y. Soldi aeept «.w _ by iu.ll for SSts. in. TK.AI< PACKAGI IIE Es giat bs rnaiL - 6KAVH BWSBT CATCHER oi ft r jm ^ si H YOUR HEAKH WORTH »get a--week's tRETS. They lat it Costs • treatment--of CASCA1 do more for vou than any medicine on Earth. Sickness generally shows and starts first in the Bowels and Liver; CASCARETS cure these ills. It's so easy to try--why not start to­ night and have help in the morning? CASCARETS IOC a box for a » treatment, all dr^|{Uta-^ Biggcat tbe world. twees a sxtoath. Breaks 100-Mlls Auto Reeerd. Los'Angeles, Cal.--Jake De Rossier cm the Los Angeles motordrome track Sunday set a new record lor 100 miles, making it in 1 hoar 20 minutes 14 14 seconds. THICK, SWOLLEN «£LAND8 tint make a liors© lii-vv 'i'hu-k WiudTw WltSi FBINL of auy Bunt b of Swelling. bii» «•*»»'> »« Si4k 11 I wutMMj, and tiorats kept at' work. K iXI bottle. ABSOBBlS^k,: iuaakind, (1 andM. Be4«< nmors Weiuk Vi CHICAGO 20-19I& |' ;• ^•11' Then l9potitN;jQ>(Mfld8 totiieutility oI I gavsipsta®. I ABRASIONS | HIIS.FFS I «C«nt I CHAFIN6 I me, J for home or family use when soreness of the skin prevails, R flnt s^oshestf-thai* heals. A certain cure for itching piles. MSINflfl, CHEMICAL CXSSfflPXkt, BAt-HMCJRE. m \ Resist! Ointment, Rchui' Xoiiei Soap, Meeicsssd, Shaving Stick are «ci;i at art Drug Sftoraa. EHUPTI i«n 111 EC7.EMA NETTLE RASH K M eiawf out, a special Alabsstlne deeorip tiv<? scheme for tb,ose rooms--7011 eaa'be _ leader In your community end have jour Home ute taikot your friends. ALAHWHNE I "Hie SfyBsh Wall Tmt"' . » V Ik flu SMterial that wfll aeceaplteti this result. We «- allow fefsnsiiemble c<i©f effect*, «!ewlc stcneS! Mm, Mici otw Art ItepaitiMnt & at year service, BmmS lor AMkaellwa wwkhhi what w® i® foe yam. M wSeswHs Alahaallfte fe «wad<. Atafeaitlae It a powder madefmm Alabaster, ready for use tor mixing with eold water, and is applied with an w» liiasiy wall forath, FaU direction* oa each imckage. - Mtnlmatmm Company Na*Y«*€itF»N»Y. ' Gvaad RaaM^Mkft '7Ne.„PACKABC Is * LOOK FOR THE TIGER oaih»|Mckag^ wfaea-irock' are and you will always gel a ddicioiw chev& ' ' ' A perfect tobacco in pedect ronrtftiqai Pisdtl-6avared, sweet and clean . _ «•' s- ^ •«* * •* -I ri>U m': TIGER 'J* FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO roaHcs a new «In iseHirig ^ine cut KctscSd loose from an opcr*. ̂ t^ollecting pafl. But put up in liiF-tlgliij, dust-proof packages that are paclccd 111 m tin €anist»rt Always moist--Always clean--Always the pauper (famr. 5 CENTS WUt*» C--rmmlmmJ by ehs M St*m ' sold wmimimm CHEAP F A R F S SOUTHWEST tiolire. I11 mora ' , for toea eniy Varicose Vein a, IO« w Send for tree book aadtaeUMoBlala Mfd I. lOCIt, r. B. SIS tmafla St.. droeete. Varicooale. Toar dmgglBt can sup sir* rererenc®% will Lril f^Q more If j . & Now is the time to make a trip to Okla­ homa or Texas and see for yourself the opportunities that abound on every hand --chances that cannot last long as the country is being settled rapidly. On the First; and Third Tuesdays of each month excursion tickets are sold at especially low rates to Oklahoma and Texas with privileges of stop-oveis. Such a ticket enables you to visit a large section of country--seeing folr yourself what the Southwest offers. Will you go now,' or wait longer until land prices advance to the top notch and the opportuni­ ties are all snatchcd up? Probably I can help you decide--at any rate write me for some literature and further information about the Southwest. m W. S. ST. GEORGE General Passenger Agent ST, LOUIS Del MA3K A Woman's Home nhoald be her pride.. Your home dhovld reflect you? own, individuality. Yen ©Miiiot nave special wall papers do- !?A11 fep fricnitpj-E hv vnn m, ' •v %; v4 • •|4|- .^:i M * ̂ •*? FEmnrepf HAIR BALSAM mj. ti-- memWk.

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