Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1910, p. 8

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•v::: :s' amsmmm mm Do T«itt Gtttfc With a Yourchoiceof a style is most important,---one that will fit your age as well as figure. If you want to think it over at home, and see the season's styles, get a SINCERITY STYI^E 1QQ|C. It will ;§fcli l^r a style book. WEST *cHJENRV» ILLINOIS. Ks s\ SEED CORN! Mm" mm We carry a well selectedkne of high grade Seed Corn in stock a?" prices that are reasonable considering the ; scarcity ^o|i|good;:'s^ this season, We haves" , ,, ••My M "S;W- H;',t Earfy Yellow- Dent, |||gip;*:ReW'» Yellow Dent, Sweet Con f Iowa Gold the' North,:nv Red Cob Ensilage A - j f : u;. and Flower variety to select from. in M I! '«;|S 2'iw, F ""< « fife »' v- T,-r» 8? if, - • '5* 'A v"S* * r7 "".w •V , y, 'V ># WAIT FOR THE BEST =?\ OPERA HOUSE -otiy f'T J, B. Rotnour Offers A Double Attraction MISS fLORA DeVOSS ..ami RUBY ROTNOUR.. Special Favorites i VOTT.M, v j y p t > ' * . « * *>« _ ?'% *<*» ,1- B I G A C T S 4 the South--one of the sw A A Drama of stories evertold; a play full of comedy & pathos 86° !; •W? - i . v TWELVE ACTING PEOPLE : SPECIAL SCENERY H I C » H C L A S S V A V J t > E V I L . L . E BETWESI ACTS : SINGING AND DANCING Mr. Joe Harris I Ruby Rotnour ** a n d f*r- Qeo* ^ymo«r l»d . Wis Performing Dogs AD/TU.SSION, IhiF m <2* '* fi f i't. i. r ;Ts3 »•' fx; fe --Ill PJ%\-mmm ofDr.&ilmer'a _tivttand bladder remedy, be- cause of its remark- able health restoring properties.. Swuuip- Root fulfills almost every wish in over­ coming rheumatism, pain in the back, kid­ neys, liver, bladder •nd every part of the urinary passage. It correct* mauiliiy to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects f ollowiti «j USP of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. , Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor. onsrhlv tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar­ rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al­ ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and bow to find out i £ you have kid­ ney or bladder trouble. When writ i ng meuti on reading thjs generous offer 5xs this paper aad semi your address if Dr. ivilme? •& Co., Hom« oiswjSijp Eoou Binghamton, F. Y. The regular fifty-cent and "one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, dress, Binghamfcon nip-Ko , N.Y.i on every bottle, BMEKUD PARK. Hen wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Walter Blnm of Chicago spent Sun day at his cottage here. See the farm pump engine for general purposes. Wm. S toff el. V Mis« Trene Friaby of McHenry visited Miss Lucy Sutton Sunday. Raphael Corr of Woodstock visited at Ed Knox's over Sunday. John Schaffer of MeHenry was a itaa- day evening caller at the Park. Messrs. W. E. Burns and Kenneth Burns of Chicago Snndayed at the Park. Miss Margaret Sufcton visited Elgin relatives a few days the first of the week. I. • - , . Chaa. A. Oohan of Chicago spent a few days tlie last of the week at the Park.; O. Bending returned to Chicago Wednesday, after spending a cenple of weeks at the Park. Messrs. John and Panl Armstrong of Biver Forest spent Saturday and San- day at their cottages. Will Sutton of Elgin spent a couple of days the first of the week at hie home here before leaving for Washington, D. C., where he has secured a govern* ment position. A very large crowd attended the town* ship exercises at the Prairie school Tries- day evening. Each number on the pro­ gram was very well rendered and much apprecieted by tiie audience. 1 Myrtle and David Htick were perfect in attendance for the last school month. They were also the only pupils from this district who^ecflyed ^^liias fQr six months' perftet attendance lor the past school year. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the aour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inducing good di­ gestion. Sold by/all dealers. t The Emerald Park school closed Fri­ day and a picnic and program were enjoyed by the pupils and a few friends. Misses Mae Burns, Lucy Sutton, IJeien Smith, Elizabeth Lehane, Irene Con-., way and Mrs. Meyers were guests. -A Man Wants To Die | only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. Bnt Dr. King's New Life Pills expel poi­ sons from the system; bring hope and courage; cure all Liver, Stomach and nidney troubles; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masqne- ktv . . -r t> w* • JpNftBK*. - Men wanted at Terra Cotta factolry. Elbert Thomas was a Woodstock vis­ itor last Tuesday. C. E. Jecks transacted bnsinecs la Woodstock last Saturday. Miss Flossie Randall closed her school last Thursday after a successful year's work. Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison * visited their daoglfter, Mrs. Ed. Martin, in Woodstock last Tuesday. Mrs. Charlie Mann and daughters, Gladys and Alilene, visited at Mia/ Win, Thomas' last Wednesday. * Henry Gay lord of Cylinder, la,, vis­ ited the first of the week at the home of his brother, C. E. Gay lord. Ask G, W< Besley to explain to yah his latest frnit spraying mixture. He guarantees it to do the work. Mrs. Gay Harrison, Mrs. Bell Rich­ ardson and Miss Alice Richardson at­ tended chnrch in McHepry j»«t Sunday morning. „ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. W. Mann and son, Earl, of Woodstock called on friends in this vicinity last Tbun-day. < ' ,t, A Regular Tomboy # was Susie-- elimbing trees aud fences, jumping ditches, whittling, always get- scratches, cttts^ strains, bruises, bnmps, burns or scalds. Sat laws! Her mother just applied Buckien's Agni ca Salve and cured her quick, firaals every thing healable--Boils, Ulcers Eczema, Old Sores, Corns or Piles- Try it. 25c at N. H. Peteech's and F. Masquelet's. ' • ••• • . Th«. 'Mm* "" On the first day of July next Uncle Bam Will allow yoa to send a fnll ouu'ee, of writing material in a letter for small earn of two cental, • Work on the new brick yard near the railroad in progressing favorably and Soperiatendent Went worth informs us that he expects to get to work mak< ing brick in about two weeks. • ; . Fishing is now fine on the river and' lakes in this section. One party caught aei'Mni?nr fi'kVfesr.ftvA nir»l?ftppl nrtH ri^ir w w "*0 v jr--*"---- - + the first of the week, and other parties strings of from five to twenty pickerel and bass. Red horse are also plenty, is evidenced by the large number of lights nightly seen upon the river. Fishermen are now happy. - ' Fred Patrick and Harry Otis of Ma­ rengo were spearing fish over 'here Mon­ day night. They caught oeyouty-nise pounds actual weight. If Fred.had tioi lost his torch and sat down in deep water it would have been a qntiet for fishing. v - * 1 Smith «& Snyder are bulWin* a new store just east of the Lansing Slock, which, when completed, is to be occu­ pied by I, N. Mead as a hardware store, j; wili be 20x60. oue story higc, ana j wHl make a very seat and pleas&nt j store. . • •* E, AS*' Owen lg "'amilingedt mau in these partfi. And fs Setting tip the cigars to the tune of ' I'm a gran l daddy to a bouncing baby boy,", and as the last strains of the tune difs away I heat it echoed from the distant hill sides--He weighs ten pounds, lives way up in Dakota, and bia name is Edwin Owen Scbnorr. Mr. apd Mrs. Frank of their many friends in this section. M a r r i e d * A t t h e r e s i d e n c e o £ t h e bride's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. D.«, Bab bitt, Elgin, oil Wednesday evening, May 30, 1885, Oliver N. Owen, of the firm of Perry & Owen, McHenry, apd Miss Jennie Babbitt, of Elgin. Briggs-Sflls.--Married, at McHenry, III., May 23, 1885, by Rev. Joel Wheeler, Miss Minnie Briggs and Mr. Geo, F. Sills, all of Elgin. This pleas­ ant affair took place at the residence of Elder Wheeler, who is an uncle of the bride, Master Joel and. Miss Mabelle Wheeler, altho of tender years, very gracefully performed the part of brides­ maid and groomsman to the entire satisfaction of all who witnessed .the ceremony. _ { For More Than Vbra* WecM-- Foley's Honey and Tar has been a hpnsehold favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. For infants and children it is best and safest as it contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar in the yellow package. Re- fnse substitutes. F. Masqnelet. ' low KATES EAST ACCOUNT NATIONAL CONVeM?^N|. Special low rates via the Chicago & North Western By. on convenient dates during the summer months to Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls. Washington, New York City, Atlantic City, Boston and points on the Atlantic Seaboard, account National Conventions. Snmmer tourist rates daily to alt sea­ side and mountain, resorts in the East Direct connections at Chicago with fas(; trains of all lines east, Choice of routes. For information, apply to any ticket agent of the North Western Line. What JBverybody Wauu. Everybody desires good health which is impossible unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidtw? Remedy should be taken at the first in­ dication of any irregularity, and a seri­ ous illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore yonr kid­ neys and bladder to their normal state and activity. F. Masqoelet. ^ . • | mu bright-- T H E V ^ R O N ^ i WAV to select harness is the wiiy ftIpusually done. Price Is generally the lirst consid­ eration. If shttt. is very low the goods seem attrsictive, reganftess' of quality. Judffo our frocwls the othi^r way alxiut. Exariiine into the quality of this harness flrst.. Tlien it will tie seen that itls wortli almost any price. But our prices are not Gi A. Barker flcHenry, III. |n great Hk| Wry latest ideas known to tl)* mercantile Business UJ? want yeu to see ©itr liegant disylay. « mm • SriSV.?;^?5f 1%^ r W A" y > VARIETY is tiie very spltee of lifitand helps pre serve? Mtlng«. You'll live longer and be happier by getting of using VARIETY OF MEAT sold at thfl^ mftrket. 8n>ok#d bam and, sausage from here is fr«fth and sweet. For delicious ham buy It here. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 ^apitai Stock, $25,000. ? \ I UDlDllinVDUUA b^fet friend in iwjversity, esipecially if backed % ? Notice i To insure publication in ^e f'faJln- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notic to this effect. FOR SALE--A three horse-power Ap- pleton tread power. For further infor­ mation apply to or address Wm. Bacon, West McHenry, I1L Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per? haps you are not aware of it. hat it's a fact* that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they. should as w6 handle only ' the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Pood Law. We want you as <^e <Sf r our customers'. M. n. N1ESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHefiry, - Illinois. ̂ JJ 'IM1"IIII'II I'IVI'V I, 1VMU>BWMBWHMWWWIWRRITT^W'̂ V*F F . . . . N E W . dimes Building, W. Mcheniry Now open and ready for business. High-elass work and satisfaction guaranteed. A liberal- patronage solicit­ ed. Orders also taken fpr work in Irish crochet. I i : Jointheboostersand help McHenry grow. if* prosperity yjour bank book acts W y o u r bookkeeper and casfcip^iwhile tHe bank acts as your safe de­ posit vault. Tikis" is. at no charge whatever to you. Stop paying bills in cash. Open a bank account and draw checks for business accounts* This bank isT a much better place for your money than the old shoe or mattress. .4; ^ f i,s f 4 ST. nu» TT W&|IVAFF Pres. ̂ _ . Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Ccsfiteirf Sissoa StOffSi; Vice Pres.: > - - ; r ' G - ^75c per bu. for Pickles 1 to 4 inchei/ ^ye:.*8c per bu. fof Pkicles^to '-j'-h I Delivered at owr factories at McHenry; Cand Crystal Lake* Contract now wit|t A. Bohlander or & Bethk#? a1 Comfort •to4 Fri*nd|MMp. Be friendly--get a telephone. your friends talk to you when they wish. Small cost in cash--large returns in happiness. An inexpensive way to /liKhten life's (burden. It cheers "hom* iiffer- Other people have telephones, why don't yen? Chicago Telephone Coin- Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit . by same. Parisiana Reducing Corset PARISIANA CORSEjr /(like cut) exceeds all other makes in style, fit, contort and wear. ^Better than most corsets sold for more money# A s k f o r N o . 5 5 5 C o r s e t a t . . . . . . . . . . » . 1 . . One B. & B.i Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase STYLE No. 55S , rpHE best Qmsel made for stout figures; adjustable ride strap*. perfectly smooth buckle, We carry a complete stock of other numbers in Parisiana Corsets to sell at. .'^.$1*00 to $3*0$ '"""H %est you forget, we atili carry all sizes in the th.,cloth. Will reduce Nuform W. B. Corset at..50c, $1, $1.50 and $2 • , -- U -M.-: .4 yr> h, vii.h, ; t -a figure two Indies across to three the ah- Reduso Corsets at.. domen. Made of a good quality Coutil, double side steds, 6 hose sup* porters; attached. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. The short and tall stout ladies appreciate the wear and graceful lines found only in the Nemo C o r s e t . W e h a v e t h e m t o f i t a l l a t , ; - HATS AND CAP5 i,% •* •tJiiderl,.#he>iii»i^:::^ the be^t quality «wd. V"l^st styles to he found in aay^ther them in all shapes, styles*and pmces^ . ' , & *v SPECIAL: BARGAINS. Wide, alf 'st ^ worth up to 25c per yard, on sale n^w at ^Black^Sateeii^Pettico^tlt yalues, at .10c. 12c •si.oo, ln^wtde Lacc Curtains, bought at less than manufacturers' prices, on a«l<e aour at tii««e remarkable prices.; ., " . $ i . . 1.39, $2.50 and $3.00 m 4 !!?»"• V- ,*y - i * > t i & r ^ • * vs^fl» ^ \ "*9J- • A - v .p1

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