Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1910, p. 7

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« „ 1 . i r , j "Ml" ,l *' wi'„ * * ,: ••* , % , « -/•> « y ^ < I a ar**? tOB iiak iftiOTfiir» r * *«««•»*• mem* at wmmwm smiHa> I.I.HKIlMttaMIMtaNHIMHHak. *t» wi-t.pwawm p«>#g. ""•rfsats^H.issSrS^ _ tkin or two will IttMW tiding of km* for people trad enflfcien* for t oari of oar R098 ADAfS EXpi&M'. COMFAM* Enters Station Whlhs ] Agent Loads ®»is®Be on Train'" and Gets Away With Fortune, fV^0NQ«E8SMEN CLARK ANO FOSS ) DBNOUNCE ."fWWfggh ALDRICH LAW. exporuag coiratry are gone. tda is to be the MISSOURI SCORES M tsimraraflf' t*u\u% Bash*!# ®f Wheat wUlb* X' rn*m wUomiut lOMfatis chtap, tis MMi t ruled kKJte«ISuu(wlatiHtiiito(M-Bap't «C Imas lbs When shewn positive and reliable proof that & certain urea m leitoedy had curei numerous cases of female ills, wotilda't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy Would also benefit her if suffering'with the same trouble?"' " Here are two letters which prove the efficiency <sf Ljdtft E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound " " ~'w' FitefaTiile* ©IsitB* Shoes. -- MassaoHusetts Republican Loader* Are Measure itenmirtMrt parent Humbug" and "Peliberate Bunco Game"--Bouteil In Defense. Washington.--What is regarded as the Democratic keyBOt® speech of the coming congressional campaign was delivered by Representative Champ Clark of Missouri,' Democratic leader Sn the house, Saturday when he de­ nounced tho Payne-Aldrich tariff bill as a "transparent humbug," attacked ..•the tariff views of Representative "Payne and vigorously assailed Presi­ dent T«t; for his support of that law. i Mr. Clark had prepared his address ,-jffith great cam and spoke at length, "giving facts and figures In support of his contention that the tariff had not been honestly revised and; thai tbe Re­ publican majority in congress had en- d CG.VCTOnx nv? tsrfkjR the people. Representative Foss, the newly elected Democratic representative from Massachusetts, alio xoarte a rad­ ical attack npoa^the Fayne-AWrich tariff, Mr. FOBS denounced the Republican policy of protection as an unmitigated evil; flayed the Republican leaders; declared the* recent revision of the tariff to be "a deliberate bunko game from start to finish;" pronounced in favor of reciprocity, and demanded an "extra session of a new congress" at the earliest opportunity to revise tho tariff. The speaker announced himeelf as favoring the creation of a tariff com­ mission, but he wanted the commis­ sion composed of non-partisan men whose report would be made direct to congress rather than to the president. Representative Boutell of Illinois, a member of the ways and means com- taittee, delivered a speech, to which -he defended and described the effects of the Aldrich tariff law "from the standpoint oI tho ultimate consumer," as he said. Criticising the Democratic tariff at­ titude against the producers, Mr. Bcru- teli said Democrats in the past had ^agonized over the producers, but their hearts now w^re bleeding for the con­ sumers, Mr. Boutell compared the difference between what given articles cost the American manufacturer to produce and what they cost the ultimate con­ sumer, in order to show the blah coot was not due to the tariff. CHURCH FIGHT IS BREWING Dr. Robert's Opponents Seek to Oust Him From Presbyterian Office-- n ^ Holds Tvro Berths. AtltaticCity, N: J.--The lirefc hint of the" movement tti trust iter. £$! Wil­ liam H. Roberts of Philadelphia from one of his two offices of stated clerk and treasurer Of the Presbyterian gen­ eral assembly, came in the report of the bills and overtures ©ommittee, .which was presented to the assembly Saturday." It was stated In this report that ISMS presbyteries had voted for a readjust­ ment, while 136 had voted against any attempt to force Doctor Roberts to ire- sign either of his positions. Twenty* seven presbyteries hacL not voted* the report said. Though no deduetions were made from this vote, it is taken to mean that it depends on Doctor Roberts him­ self as to whether he resigns the of­ fice of treasurer. His opponents claim that the holding of the two offices gives Doctor Roberts too much power in the assembly and in church affairs. An appeal to Gov. James M. Gillett of California to prevent the holding of the Jeffries-Johnson fight on Inde­ pendence day was introduced by Rev. F, L. Forbes of Seattle, Wash., and was referred to the committee on bills and overtures. Members of the as­ sembly who oppose the proposed fight will attempt to have the appeal dupli­ cated to President Taft, with a re­ quest lor federal interference. / , SUNDAY SCHOOLS HONOR TUFT Roosevelt, •ryiM* King Qeorqf, Dlax and Are Also Made, LMS» * Mp^rs. .--PjreBidei Washington.--president Taft, Mrs. Taft, Col. Theodore Roosevelt, King George of England, President Dias of Mexico and William Jennings Bryan were made life members of the World's Sunday School association in the convention here Saturday amid of great enthuafgsrn. •4*Ftor each ot those so h8fTored $1,000 had to be subscribed, and in the case of Colonel Roosevelt the chairman ot the convention by popular demand, limited subscriptions to $1. | The nomination of persons of less public renown continued until $65,000 fcadfceen pledged for mission •; ' - • • f r'. ^ ;• PHee- Escapee a Trial. •. •' ! Washington.--Theodore H. Price of Hew York, the "cotton king," indicted here for connection with the cotton leak scandal of 1908, cannot be prose­ cuted in the District of Columbia, ac- i cording to a ruling of the S^tttetoe [ court of the District Friday. Probe Secrets of Smuggling. Santa Monica. Cal.--Customs ' o«- oers are investigating ' reports fruu the up-coast countries that opium in large quantities is being smuggled Into the Santa Monica mountains. i A Opposed to RoolproeityCc %dthreal.-"The cham^e ^ "i»om- merce Thursday came out strongly against reciprocity with tho United States. A resolution which was made »»b!!e urges iisat re^yrocity would endanger the British preference Canadian industries. V, Doom 80^)00 ^"TrnQir r|Q<r • ' I; New York,--Pure food inspectors ^Thursday seised 50,006 frosea eggB in cans at a storage house in Brooklyn •and they will be destroyed. The oggg liwere shipped %rom Chicago recently. Ity, l*a.--Three packages, cc»- tai'iilsig $32,024.24, were stolen from the Pennsylvania depot,,here Thursr! day while John J. Truby. the station agent," was loading baggtyg: on to a train. " few Pennsylvania railroad pay3cat arrived in CBl City and turned ov«f to the day station agent the three packages of money, wrapped in manila paper, which were receipted for in the name of the Adams Express company, liie money was consigned to the treas» urer's office of the Pennsylvania rail* road in Philadelphia. •• The package proved to be too bulky for storage m the small depot safe and Agent Truby placed them under a sack behind the ticket counter, cover* ip~ them carefully, There was no m4' in the depot at the ilrr.e. When a Bulfstlo-fcound Pennsylvania train palled into the platform, Truby stepped out on the pl&tfom, closing the office door behind him. The door I:, seii-iocklng. When about 200 feet from the depot office, Truby saw by the light of the station platform lamp that the office door was not closed. Hurrying back, he discovered that uso three packages of money wert is'ss- PRETTY GIRL FOUND "t > ifiVs i-K: Atttoi»obiX«a tnfiu«noi High Prlco BAiiise; wm IT can Murder Is Suspected in Death of. Illi­ nois Taacher--Man <fempai* V . , Ipn Hold. •i iterly of conductor Peoria, I1L -- Miss Minnie Adlers, a pretty twenty-three-year-old school teacher of Princevllle, 111., was found dead in her bed at the Metropolitan hotel in this city, with three bullet botes in her body. One had pierced her left Ions and the other two her heart. Her companion, S. T. Easl Chillicothe, a freight coi for the Santa Fe, had clandestinely met the young woman for a little less than a year and is being detained by the authorities here, although he is not formally charged with murder. Easterly and Miss Adlers came to Peoria Saturday, registering at the ho­ tel as man and wife. They occupied the same room and, according to the story told by Easterly, the girl spent most of the night in tears. ACCUSES BROTHER OF MURDER Wiiiiarn Lowe, upon Boing sentenced ta ^rtson ' for Train ftobb«*y». ri] - •"Poach*** on Relative, r <0^ St. Louis. -- James Lowe was ar­ rested in the federal court shortly after his brother William was sen­ tenced to 43 years in prison fbr the Glenco (Mo.) train robbery. "It you will arrest Jimmy you can get him to tell you his connection with a hoi car murder in 1896," Bill Lowe told the police. "Jimmy" testified aga&nt brother "Bill* at the. trial. ; 4; \ The murder was described as oc­ curring near the river in tho SodianS street district of St Louis. 19 ESCAPE BURNiNQ SHIP 8teamer J. Marhoffer Catches Plre In Paeiflo Ocean 20 Miles Prom Oregon Seaport. •MI Francisco. -- The steamer i. Marhoffer, which left San Francisco for Portland, Ore., May 14, has been burned at sea, 20 miles north of Neport, Ore. Captain Well- ander of the life saving stations, re­ ports that 19 persons from the burned steamer, including the captain and his wife, have landed safely in their own boats. CYCLONE HITS CAIRO, ILL. ? Houses and Barns Are Wrecked and v Number of Persons Slightly . Hurt by Twister., • *• Cairo, ID. -- Four houses were demolished# several others badly damaged, a number of persons slightly injured, several barns wrecked and many trees torn up by the roots by a cyclone which struck the northern part of the city last night The storm came from the southeast and seemed to be about 100 feet wide. - ^ has Statues for Rockefeller New York. -- Emil Sleburn been •- commissioned to do statues of the evengelists for the facade of the new Fifth Avenue BapUst church, of which John D, Rockefeller Is a member. 1 Unfavorable Report In Louisiana. New Orlepaft. -- In the Tjottisiima assembly the senate committee on federal relations adopted a favor­ able report of the resolution rejecting the proposed federal Income tax amendment < Writer Hurt In Crash Dies. < Chicago.--George A. Macdonald, baseball writer for the Chicago Jour­ nal, died Saturday as the result of in­ juries sustained in an automobile acci­ dent Friday night Mr. Macdonald was riding in the car with "Johnny" Evers, the Cubs' second baseman, sbes it was struck by a street car. Woman Dies at Age of 107* New York,--Mrs, Catherine Barrett died at her home .near Tarry town Sat­ urday at the age of «p« hundred and seven years. Kill Income Taw Measure. v : .Boston.--The federal Incoma f«* resolution was killed in the senate by a vote of 23 to 1 Friday and is now dead as far as the Massachusetts leg !s!attire Is The killed the measure hjr a vote of 1M to m on May 4. ... j •'^V; Youth Kills lila Father Huntington, W. Va.--Victor Walton, eighteen years old, Friday shot and. tilled bis father because the parent tried to eoarce his son into returning hngno to a grief-stricken mother. U# PRACTICALLY PAASB? " Cike* O# Testimony Rtgardlng Impound Among His > tained by Stenographer, Letteft Effects Suj»>.,v 150 NARROWLY DEATH Washington.--The taking, of testi- •Miny In the BalJinger-Pinchot con­ troversy ended Friday and oral argu­ ments in the case will begin May 27. The closing testimony was marked hjr the practical passing of the lie. A,' Jnvcuovu, w UU HUCCC8U6U L. It Glavis In office, had testified that he never visited the grand jury room in Seattle, where 26 mysteriously missing letters were found in a box containing Glavis' effects. He also swore he did not know Glavis' effects were stored there. After Attorney Vertrees announced that the defense rested Its case At­ torney Brandels called Frank L. Spaulding, stenographer In the office . . of the chief of field division at Seattle, 1 all directions: planks were carried excursion Steamer Sinks-'-Passengen ' - Aro Saved Through Hews Ism of Engineer and Pilot. Sahsas City. ISo^-The excursion steamer Uncle Sam cotMfSea with a sand barge in the Missouri river, at the foot of Grand avenue, and sank. One hundred and fifty passengers, 25 of them women, had narrow es­ capee from death, Their lives were saved by the hero* Ism of Roy Taylor, the engineer, and W. L. Thompson, pilot of the boat When tbe sand barge punched a hol« iu ihn stern oi tne boat and she began to sink, the engineer put on full speed aheac and the pilot headed her for the shgip, while the passengers, panic- stricken, ran screaming from OM sldo of the deck to the other. Within ten feet of the shora tho boat sank to the bottom and tipped over until her decks were at an angle of 45 degrees. All the lower deck was under water. People ran to the river bank from in rebuttal. Spaulding swore that he had accom­ panied Chrlstensen to the grand Jury room soon after Glavis' dismissal last September to look for his stenograph­ ic note book containing dictation which Commissioner Dennett of the land office had given him. He said he had told Cbristensen then that the boxes stored In the room belonged to Glavis. SpauiumK ui»u ieauued thai ue u«a carried some papers to the grand Jury room and that the missing Cunning­ ham letters might have bfeen among them. * "What 1 want to know,** said Repre­ sentative M&dison, "is, It those letters were carried by you to the grand Jury, whether it was by mistake or design on the part of you or Glavis?" "By mistake, of oourse," said the witness. Chairman Nelson read a letter from Secretary Balllnger in response to the request of Mr. Brandels that further search failed to reveal any other let­ ters than those already made public. BIO ROOSEVELT PARADE OFF and thrown out to the boat forming a bridge ten feet long, and over this the passengers went ashore. Had the boat sunk one minute soon­ er she would have gone down IU the deep channel of the river and lives would have been lost. Faaturs of Welcome to Hunter Is Abandoned :/ Outgrew Itself New York.--Tbe carefully planned parade that was to have been a feature of tbe welcome to Theodore Roosevelt on his return to America is off. « The parade had promised to out* ..ohlne all previous parades, but it out­ grew Itself in its very Inception and the committee that has charge of the welcome to Mr. Roosevelt has deemed it wise to announce that there will be no parade, other than that in which the reception committee, the rough riuers, mouuU-ti police and Mr. Roose­ velt will form the leading featores. The committee Thursday announced that it has decided to restrict the line of paraders that will welcome the re­ turning hunter because the demands for space made such a parade prohibi­ tive. , DR. HYDE SEEKS NEW TRIAL physician's Counsel Flies Motion to Set Aside tt|e Verdict Returned 4 by Jury. Kansas Ctty, Ma -- Attorney .John H. Lu<Stt3, representing Dr. Ben­ nett Clark Hyde, filed a motion in the criminal court to set aside the verdict of tbe Jury which found Doctor Hyde guilty and sentenced him to the penitentiary for life.. The mo- tio* contained 17 reasons. 70,000 GET WAGE INCREASE Standard Oil Adds Many Millions to Pay Envelopes of Its Env ployees. New York.--A voluntacy wage- in­ crease that will affect approximately 70,000 men,, has been made by the Standard Oil company. The remark­ able increase to workmen, who in the entire history Of the concern, have never been on strike, ranges from 6 to 10 per cent The order is retroactive and he- came effective May f. It la estimated that the company will add from $6,- 000,000 to $10,000,000 to Its annual pay roll expense. The new scale affects employees en­ gaged In the company's works and fac­ tories, but the office men will not be benefited by this increase. Most of the employees who will get the in­ crease are laborers, and the advance applfes to all the subsidiary compa­ nies in the United States. «»ntcntar TOSSU ma Mown* sssffssraa ftwraa pfttos ira 'her gifi.©, tcead IlimbS:, #wtd walk tows a sfeidri distance %t4 iilme® She very near bsviog nemni IPTOstrattosis, had heg-ira so eoog-it et> d@*L iseewMsA melancholy by spells. Sbe tried |iw© doctors fmt got little help. Since iSjydia 23. Pinkham's Vegetable €ompot IBlood Purifier and Liver PilU sbe hM iproTedl so much that she feels and look® llko fsaotber girLM--Mm C. €ole» Fitcbvllle, Oh!o», | Irasbtirg, Vermont.--*" I feel It my duty to ® £«w wozds to pmtee of your medicine. Wben I begsa tsking it I bad beeavery sick with kidney and bladder trou­ bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bot­ tle of I*ydia BuPimkbam's Vegetable Compound and find mm&af tfwv^^c ^ mmtimwho eall to see sn© bay© notiost- ' »;gf«aS cbange.^--Mr*. A. K» Sanborn* Iwmlmrg® Vermont, ; We wfll pay a handsome reward to any person who wfll pirove to us that these lettere are not genuine and truthful --or that either of these women were paid in, any way lor. their testimonials* or that the letters are published without their permission* or that the original letter from each did not come .to us entirely unsolicited* ::: '• • )Vhat more proof can any one ask? y Wor 80ran ^ham'" mdbaabeen tbe standard vemedy for for medioLte! !• ewli m mmnt§§ benslf wbo will not try tbis Made tMMito firon roots has thousands of enrea to fta Pinl^am inTttes all stale women Py. to write bar for advloe^ Sbe baa MCA AXLE GREASE Is the tUiiiing-pOatst tO ©COnwuij III wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD Oil. 00. UMorponMU DENIES STEEL MEN SUIN Former Head of Bethlehem Hospital Refutes Charges Made by Fed* >' e ration of Labor Agent Bethlehem, Pa.--"It is an awful ao> cusation and makes Mr. Hoider liable to prosecution at my bands," said ftr. R. A. Dlnan, who was formerly super­ intendent of the Bethlehem Steel com­ pany hospital Friday, In answer to the charge of A. E. Holder, legislative agent of the ^merican Federation of Labor, before the senate committee at Washington, that the steel manu­ facturing concerns i& Pennsylvania are "veritable slaughter bouses." "It is absolutely untrue that men In­ jured in the steel works were will­ fully killed in tbe hospital conducted by the Bethlehem Steel company to prevent them becoming cripples and thereby charges on tho company," continued Doctor Dinaq, Kill Income Tax Meiswrs. $ Boston.--The federal income tax resolution was killed In the senate fey a vote of 23 to l"and dead as far as the Massachusetts leglsla- ture Is concerned. • Autolst Is Killed by Train. Nyack, N. Y.---In a collision betwwn sn autmnohlle and a West Shore ex­ press train Saturday, Samuel E. Weber, civil engineer, superintending the construction of a state road be­ tween Orangeburg and Sparkhill, in Rockland county, was instantly killed nt the Orangeburg crossing. Lightning Kills Farmer. Cfaslesburg, 111.--Clark Miller, a prom­ inent farmer living near Benwjck, was kilted Saturday by ll^itnbar v; whno working in the field. ^ .2 f Aster Must Obey U. 8. Law. Mew York.--William Waldorf Aster ia a British subject now, but tbe property he owns in this city Is still amenable to American law. Fire Com­ missioner Waldo has written to Mr. Astor thai a Bowery lodging bouse owned by him must have a new sprinkling system tf praeeeutlo* la not to follow. Stat Are Drowned In Nlplgon. Winnipeg, Man.--Six men drowned Friday to late Niptgcsn by the overturning of a boat MINERS CALL Blfl STRIKE Illinois Joint Convention of Coal Op orators and Employes Adjourns Without Taking Action. 1, Peorja. IL--Hie joint oonvention between the United Miners and Op­ erators adjourned sine die Friday. A strike was declared by tbe miners. Members of the committee to wbfeh tbe disputed clauses Sn the proposed contract was referred in the final mt- fort toward reaching an agreement and avoiding a strike have failed at* terly to agree. - Kindness Nets Editor tlO^OO. , Sterling, IU.--For "kindness dered," the will of the late Abbie l* Myers bequeaths to Frank Greenieaf of Savanna, I1L, editor of the Journal at that place, the sum of $10,000. Be was not a relative of the testator. •Sunken Ship Slocks Channel. 8aalt Ste. Marie, Mich.--The wimI Neebish rock-cut channel, opened two 6cnsont> ago, is in complete blockade, the steamer John B. Ketchum No. 2 sunk Saturday in 60 feet of wnter low the old upper dam. Helen Gould Aids Missionary Work. New York.--Miss Hfelen M. Gould has given $10,000 to defray the ex­ penses of sending a party- of five Christian workers of this city to the Orient to conduct a series of Bible conferences with missionaries in Tonon nm*rwT i-.- . ..... 1 1 <•»' , . . •> * - Shot in Pursuit of fteblultsC' Wayaiiucha, Okla.--In a "funning fight between a posse of citizens and a band of robbers who entered a bank here Thursdsav a posws was shot, RESINOL 1« the most effective applica­ tion known for irimi The best dressing for barns or scslds, a prompt and effectual remedy In si fsnss el jaflmmsrtsn. and ifritstion of the skia, SO cents a |ar, all druggists or sent dUtti on receipt of price. A certain cure (or Itching piles. , EESINOL CHEMS€AI, COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MIX .*t hsve fosad la. «y #sessesof tteskfasu** oothtaf to eqtul RESINOL foraR 8.8. &swsrt Stewart ̂ stioa, 1%.; •v. t V*? •T.t-:,-, COT [CHEWING TOBACCO In this tin canister the air-tight, moisture* proof packages of Tiger Fine Cut are kept in perfect condition untfl tbey reach you-- That's what makes Tiger so full-flavored, clean, moist and rich--never fiat and tasteless--never dry and crumpled like czxy loose fine-cut sold from open Tiger is always tbt cleanest, sweetest and richest flno-GUt yon ever tasted. % 5 Cents Wdrkt C»«r--<ii# ky Sle (UtW Stat-- SOLD KVKKIWHW i"^<i ^BSORQINE Str»to«a -k '"^"isfess itMtalr.tfltf :U«£, titol*, >a ud •ibqrt FiiinaQiok]^ removing tb© UU. IM.xAsantto ase. m Horse Uuak 8 K fl*e. ABSOBBINK. JR., (munkiwl «NI IgJO bottle.) Korftrains G.rat Vsri^w Vejw, Atieo-«•)« Hrtixwelc. ToardrBcglsi «kn mdbIt and reference*. Will toL yon mor# ff you write. Mano facto red onlyjiy _ _ _ w.r. Stop taking liquid phyak: mils, that whSk'W*. instead of «.-axing. C of Pc "" " ' mere < ife ia Uqptd «atiaep^lc^s rc« AIJL fOBXT month and throat--1_ «fttr MO3BB|[--«fep«biiH dwaglrss >Mi Mia for sore «y«« end catarrlk. A fads Psrips pawkr •ohred » a dw flt bat mis make* a dtSgml Mfaplic •». priinai twrintdmsrv ng, Remicxlal MM) baat tag powtt, cad abcofaseiy bos­ ks^ Tiy a Sempisii 90e. a buge bo« at druggie* oc by a^, THE PaxroN TOILET Oo., BOSTON, MASS. 8 >Xu!rv ' , Z ~ r r ~ c'w "in'" fee Ov Fscket NOSmOPTTNG en's pi \& ELE6TR0TTPES BEFIM8E STM6I to tte inm. mm At* JBSSRI» line of C. A N. W. Br.,«aA ktxmt Beat town of ABUIO, lpthxi, charcbes of a roadatoi SahiD«and hunting. jPrioe, oBif BBJBB an down, baianea.oa iomg Um* ry< _ ot, writ* - - ate*. wood and timber on land* te almoat pay for If you are lookJap for a «i«aixoe to become ire llt^retnre . _ jBMDer M» Aniigo, Wi« ?or Ttmb«r lutr aaS ^SaiaiDer Baaecta. Uilw> JdUert* Co., Ftllh Ave., __ _ cMittf oil. _ offers the best Held today totte OapttaUct, utt Hwneaeeker, Miner. Famer, Dairyman. Stock j masasine, 911 infonaatlcw about Califorata. tMuand of& and Flower*. Add re** DAILY URU, r OF WONDBRFtL •pOSSIBIU-tt>« Cra&brook District in Sontbeas® UritiBh Columbi&.eitu&ted In the hurt of tlie fertite Kooteuay Valley, osntainlin HO,HBaeires. aoSknowe for Ita fruits, rentable* and grain Tbe lamtxriag and coalmining industries on the line of tb« Crows. - ~ whic acres, and knows Nest Pats Br., wbich bare a auoiiihly parroll its By.. . . nearly (1JDG0JH6. insure* peroanect aAd p: market for all the pfoduo« which can be rail BxaeUent opponiautlas afforded for . sheep raisin# For farther information this district, writ* ̂ for call* ffOR SAI.1&--Texas la&du ti * Co* at--agricultural. Twi lyinji ten utilaa from railroad, t1 bl«n f rtMnlSft<»«n to thirty f<ytt mtle and half from railroad st* TBMORK IT--WTJIIMPROT&D IWAAIY-YRAA I dollars tbe aom. fifty mam. 9m* 9$$m iealac belt--thirty-!"--' -•*-«--• *=^-=s |hty acre»~«lx rre mil** from . B. Malien. P, &». S.~SmaU tract* fMaa to Telkw*. ou Oklahoma Farai*. ' from <100 to wKNelUog 6*! * «a Vint aatiHiali na«i tMMlh tk**«tul caa art. Kefwrenoe* on application. Iwald, iMllahowa are oavar tor mam than t . l caab ralae of the tend. Write lor^*r- TT<AKMERS, if yon want a good IKMM, where w» have a fine climate and HMUMI wil, KOCA people, good aehooU. charge*, and entarprUtae husiness men. oome to Bloody Oftwty. Co-orwra-auu >flthn«?ata suUcited. List ot fturiit* ««•*<» application. A. J. LuUg, Kiaixi»*avi, 8. 0. or big or Utile aaakes you worse Cathartics don't cure--they irritate and weaken the bowels. CASCARETS make the bowels strong, tone the mosctes so they crawl and work--when they do tUstbey are healthy, (codnciag right results. m CA8CARETS Mitefcri ••sk's i treatmeat. All drauiat*. Bigacataaltar to the world. MllSoa bo*a* a aoaik pANADlAN FARM V/ uaimpwyred,nyarWl»nlnaK. Boy Ut ! market where product* ferine baat prte*^. and value* increase rapidly. Prices asd vAttv jamie-bon A Co-, 601 Union Bank, Wlnnipt jf f ro*c. near town, St), Worth ITS. Two oi*s»r n» arai*. bargataafot ttaiek sa.1*. ffiito tvi iars. K. Straw, Manfato, Mtitn. • TWO SSAF8-Wpera«M» Imyaa 1 piMttfi. Southern SlintiKKX M*4i'isa, Mina. MTEITSSSSSP&S •SSSSSitfeMJieft t!« BsSer <, ] DAISY FLY KILLER HMMiMB, JUIWI ul,«eenaitaM*M*Vk I xa ail S*a*a*b U.Jr <fattaiii«n-->i •plil »!!••«, WM not wileriaiaw Ksy-thl*C. G-jwMHMte* fMtin. Wall 1MMAM Smtlfa. fawTaa •m- • \ j pu;« . # "f : , ^ t: t Sk RIMES RtH6 SFEOAL «SL¥ K» new and fjrtiwirtf. _ ^ B1KXE9 CO., 48 W. BSSSw»y* K«v Y«l^ 'If' rvHk*: \ t 1 fx . - f ' i i •oi . J: • • -j s ' "'^1 -"3®. * t " 3**. , >^T' , ^ PATENTE^ss^SS village on i Hy.,and aboat 10 milea froea th»-towtt of Aistiao, with lndnitrieaeir churches of all dcnoalaatltaa . fine graded school*, etc. Sata tbesn land*, rlnect water in state, i FREE INGOBMATION ABOUT CAUFOANTA "fuiMi ImU Of* at te*gy *» Bi«* lie, tbe Gonoty Seal of Yuba Coonty, ' both Taba and Sattar7 ̂ f 'i "<4 i.-V.-f1 4i <* ••swa-' ;).,/ • >s-vJ _. umbia Wml» and Priaee Hepert--* aiBalkley VaUayi imi»e£alnahM>«r ,h OgajtLand Coa»sa«y, iW. war, B. C. :1 H' I offer to e6M»rr«tir«} isTaSk* rat. Morioge* wi «>kl»hom» J-Skrwa.̂ *. i '$r:i .• •-

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