Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1910, p. 8

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S5m'4- 1 Yc&r choice of & style Js most important,--one that j- will fit yo\agr age as weft as figure. If you want to Ijnrixik it home, and seeOthe season's styles, get a SINCERITY STYLE BOOK. It will help you make a selection. Call for a style book. <ri% I" JOS? w WEST McNBNRY, FREUND ILLINOIS* U'k aF^\ •n* "(Ml* Jft%M i » i 1 i I T - * * # $ The price of hard coal advances 25 wilts per ton the 1st of July. Only one week more to get your order in at the low price. Remember last year's shortage; fill your bins now and be assured of having it when you need it. * :: :: :: •* TEL. 651 j l v * i u m WEST McTlENRY .*&• The Mutil Benefif Life iflMie Co NEWARK, NfeW JEfeSEY. The Leading: Annual Dividend Company Has daring the put sixty-four years paid to poUdyholdefo, 1288,296,648.95 > -v f % t' I' feii- Assete J«n. 1,. 1«69, »121,260,086.89 : Snrplus, 16,628,151.17 No coapany has accomplished better results for Its policy holders STENGER, Agent OARl_ W. & GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SF*CIAI> ATTENTION GIV*N TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hugs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter wid fig|i This is the oldest house on the street. Tags'and prioe lists famished application. »•" . ' ' . • fc f <i, COLD IroitAOE FREE SAuSST 8t • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. on Stall Wfc fl-' '•X • ' . ±± 1 . I H A LOOK! you want the prices right on Hard and Soft Coal, Sand, Gravel, Cement and Poultry Food, and every­ thing weighed with a typewriting, registering beam Fairbanks Scale, full weight guaranteed, why, call on ALBERT ETTEN mt m mi mi 4 OFHCl: Office Phone: 7&a rissss: ANU YARD OPPOSITE BONSLETT'S MILI -- WEST ricHENRY, ILL. P-« by payingyour subscription, JDMW Spolla McH«nry'» <QbanoM la loth IialBf by ONippiBf two BMOT files-- Alffn»Hn 1» Hit Hard. j ,* 1 ID one of the moat exciting exhibl doits of the national pastime ever palled off in McHenry the/locals last Satiday aft­ ernoon lost to the Crystal Lakes. Inexcusable errors and slow fielding lost the game for McHenry. While the locals were patting up this article of ball their opponents were playing the strongest kind of a defensive game and Oft their war ciabe cu very best "Advantage. With the article of ball that McHenry was patting ap the home boys were fortnnate indeed to-bold the visitors at each close? range duritfg the game. The gt&me by innings w*jp follows: First inning--Waskie went oat on a grounder to Heimer. T. E. Snyder out, Rents to Heimer. Rosenthal hit safely to left; Neville singled to right, placing Rosenthal ou third. Works struck oat For McHenry Davis drew a base on balls, but was canght stealing second, Mann flew ont to T. F. Snyder and Retting struck ont. Second inning--Wallenberg hit safely to left. In an attempt to catch the base runner stealing, the bail wem oat to; center field and the return to the dia­ mond was so slow as to allow the runner to cross the pan with the first tally of the day. T. F. Snyder struck ont. Diekmap went oat, Davis to Heimer, and Rviiartigftm fanned. Heimer went ont via Waskie to Key- ille. Rossman fanned and Rents flew a. .. .• K, Bnjrder. 2nd b .0 Rosenthal, ..... 0 Neville, lsti>.... . • Works, v f 1 • Wollonberg, 11. ......I T. F. Snyder, 3rd b„.r.... 1 DieJtinan,cI. .............1 Bruedttgam, p ....j 1 I « 4 s 2 7 •I.-; 0 11 '• i • 0 1 I 0 1 « 0 * •t 0 a 0 • 0 e 4 1 >iefem« iiinini J) Third iiinine--Waskie fanned. T. E. Snyder grounded to Mann and was thrown first. Rosenthal to left, bat was a moment later caught between the first and second bags. • Justen flew out to T. F. *Snyder. Freund flew to Diekman and Alffman fanned. Fourth inning--Neville flew to Ross man. Jnsten oopped Work's fly. Wol- lenberg singled to left and went to third on T. F. Snyder's safe drive into center. Diekman went out via Alffman to Hei­ mer. Davis opened the last half of the fonrth with a doable into left. „Mann advanced the rnnner a peg by laying down a neat bunt in front of the home plate, the batter expiring at first. Retiring singled into left and Davis scored. Heimer flew to Rosenthal and Ketring was doubled off of first. Fifth inning--Braedigam was safe on first on Rents' error. He stole second and third while Waskie and T. E. Snyder were fanning. Roeenthal sin­ gled ahd Braedigam scored. Jnsten ac­ cepted Neville's fly. Rossman flew to Waskie. Rents sin­ gled into oenter and Jnsten ended the inning by hitting into a double play, ^Braedigam, T. E. Snyder and Neville executing the double. Sixth inning--Works rapped oat a doable and scored on Wollenberg's single. T. F. Snyder's single sent Wol- lenberg to third. Diekman flew to Hei­ mer and Braedigam fanned. Waskie was safe on Alffmanji&rror and Wollen- berg scored. T. E. Snyder fanned. Freund singled. Alfi'man flew to Works. Davis was hit by pitched ball. Mann flew to Neville and Ketring fanned. Seventh inning--Davis fielded Rosen­ thal's hit nicely, bnt threw badly to first, allowing the batter to reach the initial suck in safety. Davis duplicated the* same feat with Neville at hat, Jnsten got Works' long fly into right. Wollen- berg grounded to Davis, who doubled Neville at second. T. F. Snyder flew to Rents. ^ Heimer new to Neville, Rossman to Diekman. Rents worked Braedigam for a pass and was advanced to third on Justen's single into right Freund went out via Braedigam to Neville. Eight inning--Rents took Diekman's fly Braedigam was safe on Davis' error." Waskie flew to Davis who doubled Braedigam at second. Alffman singled thru short, bnt was beaded off at second when Davis hit to Waskie. Mann fanned and Davis met his fate in the same manner as Alffman. Ninth inning--T. E. Snyder out, Rents to Heimer. Rosenthal flew to Refits. Neville doubled into oenter and went home oh Works' two bagger into center, Wollen berg flew to Davis. Heimer went out via T. F. Snyder to Neville. Rossman hit safely into left and went to second when Rents was passed to first. Jlfsten advanced the base runners a peg each when Braedi­ gam fumbled his easy grounder. With the sacks full Freund fanned Alffman proved himself equal to the occasion by lacing out a terrific two-bagger into right, the hit scoring both base runners. Davis had two balls and two strikes called upon him when he rapped out a beautiful three-bagger scoring AlffmH.» With the score tied and only one more needed to win the content the crowd was going fairly mad. Any old thing that would look anything at all like a hit would have put the game on ice, but the best that Mann was able to accom­ plish under the existing conditions was to poke an easy grounder to Braedigam, who easily retired his man at first Tenth inning--Jnsten let T. F. Sny der's easy fly get away from him Snyder stole second and went on home on Diekman's single. Braedigam was retired by Alffman and Heimer. Was* kie fanned. T. E. Snyder hit one to Jus ten, who again dropped the ball, the error allowing Diekman to score. Eosenthal was retiredby Davis and Heimsf. - > Ketrfng flew to Wollenberg. Heimer fanned. Rossman hit safely into center. RentB Was safe at first on T. E. Snyder's error. Jus ten was also safe on error of With the basee * Si grounded toT, E, Snyder to 900 ffertt pic team" Earned runs--Cefstal Lake. 2; McHenry, 2. Two bone lilUs--Neville, Works (2), Davis, Alff­ man. jrhree base nit uavta. struck out.-- By Alffman. 8; by Rossman, S; by Brneusgam, 6. First base on balls -Off Bruedlgtim, 8, Hit; by pitcher. Davis. Dov.blc plays--Davis to Kents; Itoseutlial to Neville; Itrutwliganj to T. E. Snyder to Neville, hett on bases--Crys­ tal Lake, 11; McHenry, 9. Sacrifice hits- Waskie, Mann. Umpires--Hopkins and Mill­ er. BQOBS BT IBHIKOS 1 S 3 . 4 5 6 7 6 9 1 0 McHenry 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0--5 N. Crystal Lake .O 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2--7 NOTES FOR PANS. Carl Lnndgren of Marengo, the former Cab pitcher, is now playing with the Toronto, Oanada, team. Carl is not particularly in love with his berth and is wishing himself back to the old U. 8. A. He is asking for a release. Arthur Theton is pitching grand ba'l for the Elgin Iroquois team. Last Sun­ day he KP.cceoded in beating th® fast Melrose Park aggregation. He expecta to soon join one of the teams in the rthern association. ichmond defeated the Lake Geneva iat Richmond last Sunday. Soore, 7 to I. Bending continues to pitch good bill for the Woodstock Reds. He is fast be­ coming One of the favorites of the conn- tvseat. _ The Vado team was dereated by the Fox Lake team at the Buffalo House grounds, Lily Lake, last Sunday. A week ago Sunday Fort Hill defeated .them. Next Sunday afternoon at two o'olook at the Buffalo House grounds, Lily Lake^ the Volo team meets the Round Lake aggregation of ball tessera. The Volo team has been greatly strengthened for the contest and an exciting exhibition is looked for. The fans insist that the manager of the McHenry team call the game more promptly. Last Sunday a few who had turned out to witness the contest went eway disappointed. Simply got tired of sitting out in the hot sun waiting for the game to start. Miller, the Johnsburgh boy, is making good with the Clinton team of the Northern association. He recently won a double header ftom Joliet and on Sun* day afternoon last administered a defeat to the speedy Elgin team.' He is the best pitcher that Clinton has at ths present time. Let's abolish the betting game. It may assist in swelling the crowds, There were quite a number of people in the grand stand last Sunday who did not approve of the open betting that was taking place. Some expressed themselves as unwilling to attend an­ other game as long as the open betting is allowed. It not only causes disap­ proval in the ranks of those who do not bet, but spoils the game as well. GAME NEXT SUNDAY. A team representing the village of Alden will be the attraction at the local ball yard next Sunday afternoon. Alden has a strong bunch and only recently defeated the Woodstock Shamrocks, the team that took McHenry's measure two weeks ago. The local team will en­ deavor to demonstrate to the local fans that they intend to play winning ball henceforth and will go into the contest next Sunday with more ginger than ever before. Everybody turn out Game called at 2:80 p. m. General ad* mission, 25c; ladies and Children, 16c. JOHNSBURGH DEFEATS WOODSTOCK A. C. TEAM. At the Johnsburgh baseball park last Snndjay afternoon the locals defeated the Woodstock A. C. team in a hotly contested game by the close score of 6 to 5. The game was an exciting one thruout. The visitors outbatted the locals by one hit, but their errors lost them the game. Schroeder, of the A.»C. team, pitched a fine game, while Adams also did good work on the slab, the lat­ ter having sixteen strikeouts to his credit. This is the second battle that result of kid' ney disease. If kidney trouble is sllowea toadvaBce the kidney-poison- _ eel Mood will at­ tack the vita! organs, causing catarrh of the Madder, brick-dost ©r sediment in the uilac, kad ache, back ache, ism? back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous- *CJ Mil w>ws aiiu wasts away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result frcm a derangement of the kidneys and better health in that organ is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid­ neys, Swamp-Root corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it. .and overcomes that anpleasant necessit of being compelled to go often the day, and to get up many times during **fgist. XI?.?? Hill-d eSfect off Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is ROOH realized. It stasirls the liighest be­ cause of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will rrni'«nce anyone. Swasnjj-Root is pIcas&M. to take and is sold by all druggist* in fifty-cent and one-dollar size fcottlea. You may have e wsmpk bottle tut & book that tills tsll abont it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr, Kilmer & Co.v Bingfeaintosi, N. Y„ When writing mention reading this gen­ erous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place ©f Swamp-3jfcoot-- if you do you will be disappointed. these two teams have fought this eon, Johnsburgh wteiiing both. The county seat team, however, is out for revenge and will again meet the Ger­ mans on the home grounds on Monday afternoon. July 4, when they will pre­ sent one of the strongest line ypa that it will be possible for them to -get to­ gether. Johnsburgh has been greatly strengthened by the addition of several new players and a red hot contest may be looked for on the Fourth. The tabu­ lated seore oMacf Sunday's contest is as follows: WOODSTOCK B. Earl Sm ith, ss 0 Brewer, 2na b 0 Lorenz, c 1 .0 Schroeder, p t E. 8mith, c •1 Twilliper. 1st b 1 in area# nari»«u nil .th* «»« S9.m J||| " muww ' very latest ideas known to the. mercantile Business*- OTe want you to set ^tir elegant displays?* <* « gnw^yhpi P Capital Stock, $25,000. V UUb, it 1 Hangman, 3rd b 0 Kindt, r f 0 H. 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 1 - P.O. a l 0 1 l* • e l o 3 6 JOHNSBURGH Butch, 3rd b.. P. Freund, 1st b. Schaefer, c f..... Adams, p.. Smit h, 2nd b Klein, c B. Freund, If... ss J. Freund, rf. . R. H. P.O. 1 I 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . 0 ... 0 0 0 1 5 ST Woodstock.. Johnsburgh SCORC BY HM1MOS. 0 10 4 0 ....... 110 0 0 0-6 0--6 Marvelous Dlscoveriea mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines, tele­ grams without wires, terrible war in­ ventions to kill men, and that wonder of wonders--Dr. King's New Discovery --to save life when threatened by coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay fever and whooping cough or long trouble. For all bronchial affections it has no equal. It relieves instantly. It's the surest cure. James M. Black of Asheville, N. C., R. R. No. 4, writes it cured him of an obstinate oough after all other rern- idies failed. 60c and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Pet- esch and F. Maequelet. Kntortalni Lady Vortiltn. Mrs. .Emil Feffer entertained the members of the Lady Foresters society of St Mary's Catholic church at her home east of town last webk Wednes­ day afternoon. Mesdamee John H. Hughes and T. McCardle of Chicago were guests of honor. A most delight­ ful afternoon was spent by all present One of the enjoyable features of the event was the delicious supper served by the hostess. Those present were: Mesdames John Heimer, Josephine Heiuier, Jacob Jnsten, Henry Meyers, Henry Degen, John Niesen, M. L. Worts, John Olson^J. H. Miller, Ger­ trude Miller, Elisabeth Lanree//G. C. Boley, Jos. Ahrens, John 8. Freund and Mike Freund. If yen are looking for a baggy see onr assortment before you make your purchase. Wm. Stoffel. Tour Money is j for you at this bank any time you want it. We carry a cash re­ serve ample for all Your Check Is Good as gold Your deposits are se- ordinary demands. any time it is presented. cured b^.the more than abundant resources of the bank. / -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagnar, Pres. C. H. Feger*« Stv, Vice Hres. Carl W. Stanger, Caahiar. daaAifc' Stntfal oiiuwor f Vice Prca. The Canning Is Here I{ in need of Fruit Jars this season we would advise our customers to get the "ECONOMY" Self Sealing Fruit Jcvr You will not only be satisfied, but highly delight­ ed in using these jars. Nothing^ ever spoils in the Economy Jar when canned according tfi» the simple directions included with each dozen. :: No R.ubber Kings used or required. Economy Jars, including Qaps, pints, dozen. .90c Economy Jars, including caps, qim|^a, doz..$].20 Extra Economy Gaps, per dozen. 20c JOHN STOFFEL WftiSi: ftfettfiNRY. - <• "i'iEi-. 301. -4 fcjbo retired the runner at fir*, and the Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block & Bethke One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase Parisiana Reducing Corset "rt»e PARI5IANA CORSET (like cut) exceeds all other makes in style, fit, comfort and wear. sxYJUi sn«. ss# Better than most corsets sold for more money, •ptr hrit (Swatmil* Ask for No. 555 Corset at.. $1.00 for stout figures; \\re carry a complete stock of other numbers in «fr,stable ride straFfr Parisiana Corsets to sell at $1.00 to $3.00 Under perfectly smooth buckle, no -possibility of tearing you forget, we still carry all sizes in the the doth. WBi reduce Nuform W. B. Corset at. .50c, $1, $1.50 and $2 • figure two, > three RedUSO Corsets at. . $3.00 Indies across the ab* Made of a good The short and tall stout ladies appreciate the quality Coatii, wear and graceful lines found only in the Nemo side steels, 6 hose alp* Corset. We have them to fit all at $3.00 porter* attached. Every « w pair warragtpdl satisfaction. MA l S AND1 CAP5 \ The Bush" name, all the best quality and latest styles to be found in any other,make, them in all shapes, styles and prices. :: :: SPECIAL BARGAINS. Wide, all silk Ribbon, worth up to 25c per yard, on sale now at-- 10c, 12c Black Sateen Petticoats, big values, at $1.00, $1.50 and $.200 We have LACE CURTAIN VALUES. Big values in wide Lace Curtains, tiy»ght at less than manufacturers' prices, on sale new at-these remarkable prices.... $1.39, $2.50 and $3.00 - ar •• ' - :&L 'XI.

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