w- % •A « . - v-> 'v *JV «*> < /_ ,-f « „ ' f - *- ' ••]$%•%**:£* The Acauirinir MM. _ --- _» of beautiful home surroundings does not necessarily jaeana large outlay of money at one time, but you may surround yourself with a beautiful honie slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in se lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that comes 'from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us you have the assurance that in time you will have a home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Bugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should command your attention. :: JACOB MEN, THE FURNITURE -- IS MAN We do no! Claim that pur "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD, but we do claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser" Flour is EQUAL TO THE VERY BEST MANUFAC TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we&ave a Flour of which we are proud and we rec ommend it to the housewives of McHenry and vicin ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper* nickle Flour, all of which rank in the very highest r.laaa. ;; ;: :: :; WEST MCHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. CHAS. G. FRETT --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRY ILLINOIS CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. " •* •• P A I N T S We sell paints. All kinds of paints. Brushes of all kinds. Permalae and Japalac. Varnishes of many kinds. Enamels of several shades. Paints for all kinds of work. Alabastine, wall sizeing and glue. CROWN COTTAGE COLORS is guaranteed to be an absolutely pure paint,--the best HOUSE PAINT it is possible to manufacture. CROWN FLOOR f^AJNT is made to walk on, and When walked on stays on. f tJROW^ BUGGY PAINT makes the old buggy look tike new and wears like iron. Anyone can apply it -with success. These paints cost no more than is asked for much poorer paint in many other places. It costs less to • ? paint right than to paint wrong. Bradley & Vroo- ;jinan Paint is full value. It permits of a perfect job „ at considerable less than the cost of ordinary paints, flow, if you want anything in the paint line it is up to to you to call on * Yours truly, F. L. McOMBER, HARDWARE *J:. • iUef jk/V : I' 'M n&k. -JL:* • M Mcftenry Plai PUBLISHED EVERY TBUKSDiAY BY fc n srHDPiiMPD. OttoslnBankBulldlmc. • TIRMt Of •UB«OniPTIONi One yew......... fl.#0 Six months, Tftcts. TbrM month*. Mote. Thursday, June 33,ipw. . > ANNOUNp5BMBNT. I hereby announce iny candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri maries. ARTHUR A. CHISSKY, 88-tf Marengo, III. FOB COUNTY SHERIFF. I hereby announce iny candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to tH decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept. 15. GEORGE ECKERT, 51 Woodstock, 111. FOB COUNTY SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for he Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept. 15. ANDREW H, HENDERSON, SR., 51 Crystal Lake, Hi. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for eounty offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 85 CHARLES WANDRACK. ANNOUNCEMENT. Am everybody already knows, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the office of Connty Clerk of this county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held on Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910. 1 hereby make a formal announcement of that fact and solicit; the votes of my friends and others, who think I am entitled to that office. GEORGE W. LEMMERS. 52 SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Wm. F. Rice, McHenry, president. C. W. Colton, Marengo, vice president. Mrs. E. A. Harrison, Woodstock, secretary and treasurer. Rev. Wm. A. Cross, North Crystal Lake, temperance. Miss Cora Fillmore, Woodstock, ele mentary. Rev. C. W. Johnson, North Crystal Lake, normal. Mrs. Geo. Standish, Marengo, home department. E. F. Booth, Woodstock, E^L. Kimball, Ridgefield. IN THE INTEREST OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF M'HENRY COUNTY. 'HENRY CHILDREN'S DAY AT M. E. CHURCH. The Children's day services at the M. E. church last Sunday passed off accord ing to the program previously an nounced and to the gratification of those in attendance. A large congregation was present. The committees had com pleted their work splendidly. The church was decorated beautifully and the singing was excellent, consisting of solos, duets and class and general sing ing. There was a nice variety of reci tations and beautiful clips exercises. Rev. Cross gave a brief object lesson with a pencil, around which the children built the discourse, the outline being good manners, a good head, a good body and good heart, and all quickened by the sharpening of a good religious education, and that as when the pencil is gone the writing may re main, so we at last shall only be remem bered by what we have done. In taking the collection a unique plan was followed. The classes Were repre sented as different rounds of a ladder, the class giving the most haying itB name posted as the highest round. The result by classes was: Primary, $2.03; junior or Sunshine class, $1.05; inter mediate, 71c; young men, $1.56; young w^jpien, $1.45; seniors, $1.45; cradle roll, 10c; home department, $2.20; making the entire amount by classes, $10.54. To this the congregation added $2.72, mak ing the entire offering $18.26, and this will undoubtedly be much increased, as only two-thirds of the envelopes sent out have yet been returned. The committee appreciated the Mad. ness of Mr. John H. Miller of Rosedale in presenting a large number of carna tions for the decoration of the church GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION, The Township Sunday School conven tion held at Greenwood June 12 was well attended, enthusiastic and helpful Geo. Thomas, township president, had direction of the services and directed them skillfully, adding such suggestions to the discussions as seemed appropriate Rev. Bready conducted the devotional services at both the morning and even ing services. Rev. .Cross introduced the discussions of the day in the treatment of "Our Work," illustrating with a ladder the work of the association, with the Sunday school forming the lower round, up to the seventh, the World's association. Mrs. H. E. ReaWson g*v<* a charming treatment of the primary work, after which County President Rice presented the graded work, with samples of the supplies furnished by the diffe^W grab- linhing houses. He, also .spoke d" tfce general work in the county. He ss an' ternest, tireless and efficient workar in this field. H Much disappointment ^hri felt ihat Miss Fillmore was not present to Ulna trate this work, Which she does in a lovely way, as it had been requested by cue siipei iuteuueut vi the. Green weed Sunday school that this be an espee feature of the day's service, Any Snn day school contemplating the new work for the primary and junior classes conic! not do a better thing than to have Miss Cora Fillmore of Woodstock, our coun ty primary worker, come and illustrate this work with a tessoO given to these classes in their Snnday Rchooi. I wish all her Sabbaths might bet employed $s this way in the county. It would Rive a wonderfol impetus to our primary work. Miss Winnie Cash of Harvard present ed a vary suggestive paper on "How to Increase the Attendance of the Sanday School." Misa Nellie Baldwin then divided j J those in attendance into several sections,j fi appointing a leader to each section and ' twenty minutes were given to earnest study of the Sunday school lesson for the day. At the evening session Nellie Baldwin presented a very comprehensive treat ment of "The Aim of the Sunday School." Rev. Cross delivered an address on the organized and enrolled class and one on teacher training. The choir directed the mnsic in a very creditable manner atld a fine variety was furnished. lirfe believed this convention will be fruitful in practical results and it is hoped will Ipftd to the adoptiofe pf the graded series of lessons, to the enroll ment of several classes and large resets > in teacher training in this township. "For God's 8ak«4(o Something." We have answered this cry lor oar new book, "Fighting the Traffic In Young Girls," by Ernest A. Bell, U. fit. District Attorney Sims and others. The most sensational indictment of the White Slave Trade ever published. It tells how thousands of young girls are lured from their homes ^Dnnally and sold into a life of shatn^ The Cincin nati Inquirer says: "Of all the books of the season the War oo^he White Slave Trade is the most helpful; it,should be read4w every man, woman and child." Agentrtfre makflfg from $8-to $17 a day selling this book. Over 500- pages. Many pictures.^ Price, $1.50. Best terms to ageulS. Outfit free. Send 15c for forwarding charges. Book sent to any address post paid upon receipt of price. Address, James E. Sharkey, Sec'y., 123 Plymouth Court, Chioago. , f. A Woman's dreat Idea is bow to make herself attractive. *But, without health, it is hard for her to be lovely in face, form or temper. A weak, .Constipation and Kidney poison*' show in pimples, blotches, skin erup tions and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want-health, beauty and frieuds. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the bloody give|» qtrong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. Place Tour Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to nse en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, The Conservation of Nature's Resource* Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. I , realized his condi tion and took warning before it was too late. He says: "I suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease being hereditary in our family. I have taken four pottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroly cured. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is too late." F. Masquelet A Comfort In I Until. The adaptability of the telephone to special conditions is shown in many ways, but in no case is it appreciated more than at the bedside when the pat ron is confined to his room thru Hi ness or accident. Chicago Telephone .Com pany. What ^Snmm«r Cold Majr Do, A summer oold if neglected is just'as apt to develop 'fato bronchitis or pneu monia as at any other season. Do jiot neglect it. Take Foley.'s Honey ^and Tar promptly. It loosens the c&ugh, soothes and bealri the inflamed air pas sages, and expels Vhe cold from the sys tem. F. Ma»qne\et. 4 Delicious White Swan ..^Flour^ rtflKflUlfas --FM* SALE BV-- Wilbtnr Luimfeeir €0. We»t ncttt3«sr«v ' Anton Schneider f!tHe«ry Jjohn Richardson Vo(« William Althcff Jvhnsburffh 1 Looking Over - t>be sample pbofco graphs in this s|ni, that they iad been specially - made or selected. Not so- They are jwt sat** tries taken ran' lotnof onr regnlar PHOTO GRAPHIC work ^ ./ When you admire them please re member that theyi are i&> better por- r." traits than we are prepared main* • sv~- .... (* of yon. F. SCHNA (Successor to J. J. tttlii West McKeury, 111, - ^hone 5*71 OF A PERSONAL MATURE WHOM we ENTERTAIN WHERt WE GO. AND McHearif Entertain* * Larn Company of Visitors During tfee Week--Whom We Bntei'tnln. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory ^ "Mammoth celebration, Woodstock, July 4. r N Herify SImes was a Chicago visHor Monday. Howard Wattles was a Chicago |̂ sit- or Wednesday. / J. P. Smith was a business vtoRor in Chicago Tuesday. [ W F. Holtz was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. L. F. Block was a business transactor in the metropolitan city Wednesday. / Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. M. J. Walsh attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wednesday. Everett Hunter was a business trans actor in the metropolitan city ,Tuesday. Dr. C. H: Fegers returned the latter part of last week from his trip to Flori da. ' . Miss Ida Swallinger of North Crystal Lake was a gnest at the home of A. D. Loomie Snnday, - •- J. H. Miller attended the Illinois Mon ument Dealers' convention at Rfcckford yesterday and today. H. yST. Smith of Oshkosh, Wis., was entertained at the home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler last Sanday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley atiS^ chil Falling tialr . Hafe Visas praayst!-/ dsrfre-i genas that c^uce lallitig hair. U nourishes the hair- bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops falling out, grows more rapufly. «okly *oman will b. nervoo, .uid irrit- d„„ Wo!xllt<)ck w,„ ^ the able. Const,cation and K.dnev DoUon«1Q ^ B^iey homeSandny. O. N. Brass and daughter, Mrs. Grant Randall, spent several days recently as the guests of Marengo friends. Mr, and Mrs. Will Schneider of Wood stock were guests at the bdftre of Mr.' and Mrs. L. F. Block Sunday. J. E. Wightman has returned to his home at Chenoa, 111., after passing a few days at his summer home at Pista- kee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heimer and daughter, El vera, of Woodstock at tended the fnneral of Mathias Engeln Ijere Tuesday. Miss Liilian Helper is home from Chicago for a three Weeks' vacation at the home of her parents, Mrt^and Mrs, John Heii^er. Miss Lulu and Master Willie Siuipuuu returned home last Snnday morning after spending nearly jt week in Chioago and Maywood. « Miss Ella Mollohan is passing the week with relatives at Richmond and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas N. Sayler at Silverlake, Wis. Mrs. Z, H. Ostnun of North Crystal Lake and sister, Mrs. Chas. Simpson, and children of Montana spent a day recently at the home of Mrs. A4ice Simpson. H. S. Qardinier ofVolo was a pleas ant calW last Sunday at the home of his Mrs. Alice ^iioj^on. Master Willfe ." wturned home with hi* uncle for a few days. N , Guy E. Stilly R^ubtioan candidate for the office of coanty cie;k, of Wood stock was in town Friday of last week. Mr. Still has many friends in McHenry who are boosting his candidacy. Frank Smith of Johimburgh rttnroed home Tuesday from a two weeks' visit among relatives and friends at Stacy- villeand Johnsbnrgh, la., and Adams, Minn. Mr. Smith was very, favorably impressed with the conntry out there and informs us that the McHenry and Johnsburgh people are all doing nicely there. - 1 f • Thdse fr$m a tUstfnce who attended the funeral of Mathias Engeln here Tuesday were: Mr. and Mrs. Max Kiine and daughter, Mrs. Lena Welch, Michael Engeln, Mrs, Gertrude Mt*leiu. Mrs. Joseph Torten, Fred Hack, James and Clarence Edwards, R. W- Inness and father of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Henry Degen of Kenosha, Wis.; Mrs. Anna Zens, daughter, Lucy, and son, Anton, and Ernst Lerke of W&ukegan- f * Kept the King at Hdme? ; "For the past year we have kept the King of all laxativee--Dr. King's New Life Pills--in our home and they have proved a blessing to all our family," writes Paul Mathulka of Buffalo, N. Y. Easy, but snre remedy for ail Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 25e T**' Hen wanted at Terra Cotta fac tory. Dandruff Ayef** Hair Vigor just ns prumptly dciboyi the atnns that causv claiKlmll. it rcinovcs c-vt-ry trace of dandm'f itstU. and Ucpt the sculp clean and in a healthy condition.^ Does not Color the Hair We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hair may useit freely without having the hair made a shade darker. * > Ingredients: Sulphur. Glvcerin. Ouinu». S<^UjmChjor<d. f 2 --L. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. ' Skew this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks ti ft, *n4 BWihess Qards j ^ 1 -- oOVhUsT .'pHJ'SIOIAJS',;, „ . . 'if ."Office, a.nd'jlifci'l^ipce comer jetin a»d AH iiusluufisi cart will be properly tipdl-pfoai^tly at^-ena^KK , • ~ e. m" - Mw • wiww W. tir Dr^ itff. " «/ »;oo to 5:3$% .. ;• * «' • / : r > t \> s /'*PLIYTSL«|LAU. AND1'- SURGEON hone N® ac3. / *9*- pN STOFFEL ^ Insurance Age$t for all clai»es of Q * ^ fi|operty in the best Companies. j A West McHenry, Illinois WHEN • SN CHICAGO n n't forget tu call tin f'-j- Pllfth Ave v. htji •"'yon will always be treated $$usly and the best Mi® ry^rket In line of Wines, Liquors £ Cigars /rHt WkpNQ WAY "TO select harn^if? the way |t #usuaHy Price is generally J.he orst constBV «at.ion. if tliat is \f#ft low j.lie seem attractive. 1^'ss^of Judge out- gotids way about.. Examiue Into tbu miallt.y of this liarn*--s first. Tffen ftwill Wseeii that it la port h almost any jirJce. But our prices are no|( high. Value considered they are rema rk'-,, ably-low •: :: ;: PAfcCfsLS CHECKED FREE West Side Livery " TON-, PtfOP„ flcHienry, Jtl. L OV =T§=r Expert Fitter of (ila%ses for all Eye Trou At Besley's Drug Stof e / . • • _/ & : Wedfiemlay, June 8 July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 13 Nov. 9 Dec. 14' ^ J •Buses oteet. all trains for points <« PlMukcc B:i,y a,ut! Fox Lake. Teai.u- •IHE of all klndff-done promptly. 8pe- .. clfti uctoiitlon (n^en Uj t»rft veiing men. Ftrst-eiy»» i:lgs with oi-Without dr.lvor at. reas<Jl«rt)le prices. 'Phoiys 47a. :: West ricflenry, - Illinois. I DHIRK IS THE KING OF ARTI FICIAL LIGHT \ and ' costs no more ^ than"* otl^r iUUm- inants. :: t: ^ % NOrtQ Shore... «»fB. fMMKt *« ' jr SHE RULES THE ROAST * .* and finals It^iS teuder' and -reliable as ev- «ry subject rff ao cbarmlug a cook should be. She relies * upd«i her butcl»ei>jailfl_ knows be will sell £lr only the " veav BEST PHESH t)itr rept^iaiion -Is at stake. We are com pelled not only to gly-e the very be»>t,'l»ut to sell at the lowest possible price. We want your custom aad^rhen we get (it we waut to keep It. , E. F. Matthews MsMQMKV r TIEUS^MONE 3" lectric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervods prostration and female weaknesses • they are tfie*"*snprenie rer*ftcly„ as thousands have testified. Fern KIDN€V; LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it la #ie> best medicine eyec sold t over a'druggist's cc*in|<e% m I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY ISHEY for ften^ewn whe cheriak. . . •" ^ualit> * 4 ^For Sale by Leading Dealers. '.¥»• - ' • i-1 " --- .....AERMOTOR Gasoline Koj^ine The best coostrocfed and cheapest engine ou tbe market today. I» now furnished, with magneto, re quiring no bftterieik The Aer- % motor Co. Is the firstto reduce tbe price of engines and the first to ^jise this most important inj|)rove- ment without rajfeiug price* $37-5® Also have 2 \h. p„ $75 and 4 b. p. at u ffoxx need power for say purpose, write or ask u8 fui; iuionuiitioii. WM. BKOi, • tor PUMPS, %I«DMILL5, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. 'McHENRY, ILL. Answer that GROCERY * QUESTION for you. Per haps you are^iot aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom- ' ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we liand^e only the very each and every conform to the^ ^^rhitions set- a s i d e f e y 4 - h e " P p o c t « .Law.1 want ,you as Qjie our customers. H.,^I'.,Niesen // TELEPHONE NQk 694 HcHem^ ty • " Illinois. ""•T .1 ^ "I W a r . JkUA.MS'.... ti « s»>'^ - -• • • &.sm& •J?:. !k~: ~t -v' s.ty