Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1910, p. 4

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\ , V ' * 4 -- ^•Si5 • %-'X '9 ^r-<k Ji'mt >h* * f • •> ' <PiiJ "t > 4 ;-i ' of beautiful home surroundings does not necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you may surround yourself with a beautiful home slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in se­ lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that comes from our store will never become shabbyt so if you trade with lis you have the assurance that in time you will have ta home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Hugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should command your attention. :: JACOB JUS1I, Mtilciry. THE FURNITURE MAN A that our "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD, but we do claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser" Flour is EQUAL TO THE VERY BEST MANUFAC­ TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we have a Flour of which we are proud and we rec­ ommend it to the housewives of McJEIenry and vicin­ ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper- nickle Flour, all of which rank in the very highest West McHenry Hour anil feed lis west Mchenry, Illinois JOHN SPENCER, Prop. CENTER VILLE- G rocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• CHAS. G. FRETT, --PHGPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . - f€-v. ;• P A I N T S We sell paints. All kinds of paints. Brushes of all kinds. Permalac and Japalac. Varnishes of many kinds. Enamels of several shades. Paints for all kinds of work. Alabastine, wall sizeing and glue. CROWN COTTAGE COLORS is guaranteed to be an absolutely pure paint,--the best HOUSE PAINT it is possible to manufacture. CROWN FLOOR PAINT is made to walk on, and .when walked on stays on. CROWN BUGGY PAINT makes the old buggy look like new and wears like iron. Anyone can apply it with success. These paints cost no more than is asked for much jpoorer paint in many other places. It costs less to paint right than to paint wrong. Bradley & Vroo- pian Paint is full value. It permits of a perfect job ut considerable less than the cost of ordinary paints. Wow, if you want anything in the paint line it is up to to you to call on Yours truly, R L. McOMBER, HARDWARE • if* .-w-. .-;v!'Vv , . LfkL. \ "Jjf * jjtat' krf,' •; .h-k? •r . r ' * m " I 'C 1 I • fie McHenry Plairtealer PUBLISHED 7ERY THURSDAY «Y_ P. a. SCHREINER. , Ofllce In Bank Building. Telephone, No.fet. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION! One year . fi.SD Six months, 78 eta. Three months. 40oU. Thursday, June 30,1910. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce tny candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of coanty clerk of McHenry county, sub­ ject to the decision of tfcfe voters at the primaries. Guy E. Still. W A ftRSQNAL NATURE WHOM ' WE ENTERTAtlf? ?§NI> WHERE WE GO. McHenry Entertains a Lsr^e Company of VUltori) During the Wuk-IThom We Kntertain. t ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the (^ffice of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri­ maries. Arthur A. Crissey, 83 tf Marengo, 111. FOK COUNTY SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept. 15. George Eokert. 51 Woodstock, 111. I'OH COUNTY SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for he Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept. 15. Andrew H. Henderson, Sr., 51 Crystal Lake, 111. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 35 Charles Wandrack. ANNOUNCEMENT. As everybody already knows, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi­ nation for the office of County Clerk of this county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held on Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910. 1 hereby make a formal announcement*of that fact and solicit the votes of my friends and others, who think I am entitled to that office. George W.JL»emmeks 52 FOR COUNTY CLERK. Gay E. Still Is a Popular Candidate For Guy E. Still, who for the past six years has so ably and impartially served the people of McHeciry couqty as depu­ ty county clerk, is a candidate for the office of county clerk, to succeed the present incumbent, George F. Rbshton, who is not a candidate for re-election. Mr. Still's experience in said office be­ gan ten years ago, when as deputy in the office of the county treasurer he as­ sisted in the revenue work of the coun­ ty clerk's office. The marked ability and trustworthiness of Mr. Still in this work attracted the attention of the county clerk, who appointed him to the position of chief deputy in the county clerk's office made vacant by the elec­ tion of Theodore Hamer to the office of circuit clerk. During the past six years his record as deputy county clerk has been beyond criticism, r " been ever diligent in his application to the numerous im­ portant details of the office. He has al­ ways been careful, conscientious and painstaking in performing the duties of the position. He has a well earned rep­ utation for illimitable patience and cheerfulness. No patron of the office has ever had cause for complaint, but on the contrary he has been the recipient of innumerable expressions of apprecia­ tion from those who have had official relations with him. These qualities, combined with the record he has made, make him the log­ ical successor to the present official and we bespeak for Mr. Still the enthusiastic support of the voters of McHenry coun­ ty at the primaries on Sept. 15 next. We know of no one better qualified for the position. Kept the King at Home. "For the past year we have kept the Kintf of all laxatives- Dr. King's New Life Pills--in our home and they have proved a blessing to all our family," writes Paul Mathulka of Bnftalo, N. Y. Easy, but snre remedy for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 25c at N. fl. Petesch's and Masquelet's flea wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Petesch's for drtw®. . Men wauled at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs. John E. Freund Chicagoed Tuee day. •„ Mammoth celebration, Woodstock, July 4. ; > A big show for little money at the Central July 3rd. Simon Stoffel transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. F. C. Ross boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. John Sabel of Chicago spent Snndtty at the home of T. W. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. James Revor atte visit* ing friends at Elgin this week. v' F. A. Bohl&ndar was a Chicago pas­ senger this (Thursday) morning. Theo. H. Bathfee attended to business matters in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Ben Herbes was among the Chi­ cago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. L, H. Wrede returned last Sat­ urday from a week's visit in Chicago. Mrs. C. H. Parks passed a few days this week the guest of Elgin relatives. Miss Mae Trapp and Howard Converse of Wauconda visited Miss Mary Meyers j Sunday, Mrs. Tena Woolley of Marengo is a guest at the home Mr. and Mrs.' E. El- Basse tt. Miss Ella Mollohan was the guest of North Crystal Lake relatives the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and chil-- dren were over from Woodstock in their auto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McOmber of Chi­ cago spent last Sunday at Jonelle cot­ tage on the Fox here. Misses Mary and Emma Pecklo of Chicago were guests of Miss Mayme Reasner last Sunday. John Klapperich of Stacyville, Iowa, is the guest of relatives and friends in McHenry and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Colby of North Crystal Lake were guests of Mrs. Sher­ burne one day last week. Miss Ada Carey returned Monday evening from a few days'visit among Chicago relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler of Mil­ waukee, Wis., are visiting at the home of Mr. aud.Mrs. William Stoffel. MisB Eva Stoffel went to Elgin Tues­ day evening for a two days' visit at the home of her brother, M. J. Stoffel. Mrs. Henry Justen and five children of Siacyvilie, Iowa, are visiting rela­ tives and friends in McHenry and vicin­ ity. Master Willie Simpson returned home last Monday after spending a week at the home of his uncle, Harvey S. Gar- dinier. Leo and Miss Clara Doyle of Cleve­ land, Ohio, are spending the week as the guests of relatives in McHenry and vicinity. Mrs. Gerhard Wegener and Mrs. Ben Wegener and grandson, Leo, of Lily Lake visited relatives at Libertyville one day last week. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just' as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the store ? M rs, F. N. Torrance of Hebron spent last Wednesday with Mrs. H. T. Brown. She was accompanied on her return by Mrs. Brown, who will remain for a visit in the Torrance home. M. J. Stoffel of Elgin passed Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoffel Mrs. Stoffel returned to her Elgin home Tuesday evening after a ten days' stay among relatives here. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op- ; ortonity and should be taken advant- | age of. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klapperich and laughters, Clara and Rosa; Mrs. John Smith and son, Mrs. John Schaefer, Mrs. Nick Freund and Math. Miller returned recently from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends at Stacyville, Iowa. Phil S. Harrison of Alden, Republican candidate for county superintendent of schools of McHenry county, was ^n town about an hour on Tuesday. He called on a great many of his friends during bis short stay here, but did not Lave time to see them all, so will be back in town again soon. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de­ mands prompt treatment with Buck- len's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds, as al­ so for Burns, Boils, Sores, Skin Erup­ tions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masque Wh One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $ 1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, |175 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. flen wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Want Column Ail •dTerttHAnxfflU thin iMMl til* followingr»u*»: Mtc »n«* or tena, is oante for flr»t buertlon; 16 cents for •«cb aabtfequvnt iiuertiun. He-re than Ave Use*, S nub m line tor flritt insertion, nd 8cent* a, line tor Addition! intMrtloiKi, WANTED Good, clc&i), white oatc. Wi? bob iiCMBKa Co., West McHenry, 111.. TJH)R SALE­ 'S- tbe acre, ry, 111. -Timothy and clover grass > H. E. Clemcns, West McHe WANTED--At tbe Northwesters! hotel. Good wages to a joqgf girl. r. In­ quire of Was." P. H. Wkbbb, West McHenry. ill. ti^OR SALE--North and South Dakota land; $15 to $25 per acre. Also farms lu Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. Howe, MCLLI*i»ry. 111. 530-tf l^OR SALE--19-foot launch, 6 horse jxmer en^l t'nndlMim, new Woodstock, III. Address. semi-speed gasoline fne, allln good B. Rsi T 08T--Somewhere between Jobanburgh as --" pistakee Bay on Wednesday of last wet a gent's black coat. Finder will please re­ turn to Frrd Justsn at Stilling's hotel. Pis- takee Bay. FOR SALE---My house and four lots, to getber with barn and outbuildings. Go<>u well and cistern and fine orchard. Will !»;• sold at a bargain if taken at once. For Iti ther information a^ply to or write Peter Lbhjkem. McHenry, ili. 52-tf TpOR SALE--Dairy far fronting on Silverlake, , 965 acres, er a part ,ke. Wis.. fV> miles Chiciago, two railroads within one T' from fourth mile. Two houses, several large barns, and finest sol!. I). B. Cogswell, Sllveriake, Wis. l-4t KMT plPPfll 4T» pOR SALE OR RENT--The Lake Zurich feed mill, beautifully situated near the banks of Lake Zurich, in the heart of one of the richest farming counties in the state. Mill is a!I fitted and ready for operation. A splendid opportunity for man who is willing to hustle. This is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section affords. No competition. Everything your own way. Don't delay, but write Thb Plain- uealer at once for further information. 4«-tf PROBATE NEWS Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him Siow often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will prob­ ably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. Follow his advice. He knows,. J.C.Ay«rCo.,l -oweil, Mc The fits! great nileof health " Daily movement of the bowels." Ask vouFdoetorll Xbca ask Ms almtt fill*- §m nriitj gjatj [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Ofllce in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Monev to loan on real estate in sums of nve hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to ««!* be?r«"7t>?. Pboacs 83i, S88 SJl.l PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Allen P. Colby. Heirship proven and established. Matbias Engeln. Proof of death; pe­ tition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for July 18, '10. MARRIAGE LICENSES. William H. Ashley, 38 Harvard Margery Morse, 18 " Theo. C. Fredrick, 28 Hnntloy Lelia Marsh, 35 " Clarence Modeen, 24 Union Edith Nolle, 18 " Jrilliam C. Nolle, 33 Union nna Nothnagel, 23, Marengo atthew Maxwell, 30 Eyanston Mary Weber, 34 McHenry Albert R. Brendt, 36 Harvard Bertha M. Heft, 33 " John J. JPenosh, 33 Kewanee ttveiyn Tracy, 31 Harvard George M. Kohl, 37 Woodstock Martha M. Wisske, 32 Marengo Fred Sincerbox, 38 Woodstock Emma Handel, 19 " Charles E. Smith, 30 Seneca Tp Alma Franz, 32 .... Chicago Herman Hack. 10 Beloit, Wis^ Leelan Westcott, 18 " William Hornig, 45 Hnntley Minna Jans, 34 Chicago Henry Hacker, 26 Harmony Minnie Pollnow, 21 Seneca Tp Chas. A. Goodsell, 27 Harvard Minnie R. Nieman, 24 " Miss America fa younger fch a n ever and prettier, too. There are a good many of her, but not too many by any meana. Ay* yoja one? Then we know somebody would be delighted to have yoor Ptotofraib Hare as make & and tbns insure a portrait that will do yon full justice. SCHNABEL, (Successor to J. J. Hllle) Wesftoctfenry, 111. - Phone 971 Mammoth Jnly 4. celebration, Woodstock, QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from Tbe Piaindmlrr of July 1, 1885. I. N. Mead has moved into his new store, jast finished at the west end, and now has one of the finest arranged hardware stores in this section. At a special meeting of the village board, held on Monday evening, Village Constable John Slimpin tendered his resignation, which was accepted, and L. O. Lincoln was appointed to fill tbe vacancy until tbe next regular meet­ ing. Smith & Snyder are cntting an arch­ way between the saloon and tbe store lately occupied by I. N. Mead, and when completed and fitted np the store room will be occupied as a billiard and pool room, to be ran in connection with tbe saloon. We are ander obligations to R. A. Backland, of Ringwood, for the finest box of strawberries that we have rfeen this year. The largest one measured five and one-half inches in circumfer­ ence, and many more were nearly as large. Who can beat them? The McHenry Briok Manufacturing company have their new yard near the railroad all completed and commenced moulding last week. Tbe clay is said to be much better than at the old yard and they will now tarn out brick that will have no superior in the west. The marriage of Miss Ella G. Powers of Nunda, and Mr William Welch of Griswold Lake, was solemnised by Hev Father O'Neil, at the Catholic church, in McHenry, June 34, 1885, Misses Anna Powers and Mollie Holcombe act ing as bridesmaids, and tbe Messrs. Pat Clary and Fred Powers as groomsmen Mr. Gates is receiving a large number of orders for tile and has been compelled to enlarge his capacity to meet tbe in creasing demand. He is now shipping from the new station, "Terra Cotta.' A building is soon to be erected, for a station, out of a corrugated building tile made at the Spring Valley Tile Works which makes a very fine looking structure, a proof of which may be seen by a trip to the Spring Valley works. While riding over from the depot on a load of lumber on Tuesday afternoon. J. J. Gilles was thrown off and the wag­ on passed over the body, injuring him quite severely. Bis leg caught and he was dragged some ways before the team could be stopped. The cause of tbe ac­ cident Was a board from tbe load slid­ ing forward upon the team, causing them to become unmanageable, and in turning the corner near L Bonslett's Gilles was thrown off. We are headquarters* for Fourth of M. M. Niasso. n Prof©sslcitta!,. Society V* ©LUd Business Cards DAVID «. WELLS M. D. -a. OH YSKJtAN. 8UUGEON AND OOttlltiT 1 Office and residence eopner El hi and^lM! ;S Green streets, Mcll en ry. Telephone No. 311 •: -ji:, • , v • , ^ B.T.8M1LSY A TTOtt«CEY AT LAW, Woodstock, All business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. ; XfiBL m CHAMBSRIiKN DENTIST Office ever Beatey** Drag St re. ^ Hour*: to s:$o» Wbst MoHawmr. Telephone No 6 Office over M. J. Walsh's D&. Arnold Mueller, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Q right-- THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way it Is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. If that is very low the goods seem attractive, regardless- of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into the quality of this harness first. Then it will be seen that Itis worth almost any price. 'But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low •: :: :: :: Q. A. Barker ilcHenry, 111. | Bertha Fmmert Expert F iter of Ciiasses for all Eye T roubles At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, June 8 July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't forget to call on Umbert Q. Seng 9a Fifth Ave where you will always be treated courteously and receive the best in the market in the line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars ifciiLS ailiCKBD FREE West Side Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. Buses meet, all trains for points on itU i«e Bay and Fox Lake. Team- btir of all Kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention given to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. "Phone 47a. :: Wes flcHenry, Illinois. Electric Succeed wlbse» everything else tails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY,LIVEK A*ID STOMACH TROUBLE Is the best medicine ever sold over a draggist'a ccinter, flKTRK LIGHT Mil --is tub-- KING OF ARTI­ FICIAL LIGHT and costs no more than other illum- inants. :: North Shore (Comply •••• I W HARPEIT KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen wfto cherish Quality --For Sale by Leading Dealers.- AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine The best constructed and cheapest engine on the market today. Js now furnished with magneto, re­ quiring no batteries. The Aer- motor Co. is the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to ase this most important improve­ ment without raising price, $37-5<> Also have 2 h. p. engine at. $75 and 4 h. p. at $125. If you need power for apy purpose,-write or ask us for information. WM. BiWOH, • AGENT PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE 83'- - McHENRY. ILL. MEAT is composed of three magical letters be­ sides the M, which stands for "more." There's Miss Neat buying fresh meat to eat. She knows that EVER WHOLESOME MEAT creates as much poateptmenjb in the home as anything else can. This is the place you are sure to get it. because we want your custom and nothing but good, fresh meat will bring you here. E. F. Matthews WEST MrfOMftY - TELEPHONE 3 Let Us Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per­ haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are beconi ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 flcHenry, • Illinois. ^SSSSSSSSSSSBSSS^^

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