iasaujl to* a ; f f - 2> ~' ' ~~" CHICKEN-HOUSES t Rats and weasels can't get at chickens safely and warmly housed in a Marquette Concrete hen-house. It's easy to keep clean and will add to the health of your poultry. Requires no repairs, and the many , ways in which it will help the fowls and reduce the labor makes it well worth investigating. We'll gladly send you detailed directions for building a chicken house with The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. i Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Worlu: La Salle, III. Ckiemfr Ofitt: BUt•, Chicmf, tU. EXCELLENT LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries is the Inevitable^ result it you use White Swan ...Flour... v9 SftfWrFJEte FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. A'eit ncHenry Anton Schneider /IcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Jobnsburifh The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " is aifulu In commission and making dally trips alonjr FOX RIVER P1HTAKEE BAY PiSTAKEE LAKE NIPPERtUNK LAKE FOX LAKE GRASS LAKE LAKE MARIE LAKE BLUFF CHANNEL LAKE LAKE CATHARINE The tioat also makes trips to C'ary aud Algonquin, 111., aud Wlliuiit, Wis. On these trips it follows the course of Fox river. Excursions are run to and from any of the above given points at any time a suf ficient number of passengers may be ob tained to make it an object for the cap tain to make the trip. The bout will car ry sixteen passengers very comfortably. The Most Reliable BnI mi tbese Witers Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully aolicting pnblic pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOE^T I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause West McHenry, 111 SA. - The' Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our Special deal" price of 11.75 for the "wo The "Alice" is one of the most passenger boats that travel tbese waters. It is neatly furnished and basthe distinc tion of being the only passenger boat on these waters to go thru last season with out a delay cnused thru a breakdown or any other source. BOAT MAY BE CHARTERED at atiy lime at reasonable rates, provided, however, that the captain is notified In due time to make arrangements for the trip. ...60 MILE RIDE FOR $1.00... The boat will make trips, bjr appoint ment, starting from either end of ti^e trip, between McHenry apd Wilmot. Wis., tak ing in the beautiTul Chain of Lakes, Fox River and the World Famous Lqtps Beds In Grass Lake. Betiutiful Scenery t*|l tbe way. ROUND TRIP RATES BETWEEN McHenry and Lotus Beds ygc McHenry St Fox Lnke, Mlneo(aiaudlMK7IP McHenry & W Shorts Pistakee Lake. $oc jVlclieury & E Shores Plstakee Lake.. 7$c McHenry 1'lstakee Bay, either shore.. toe McHenry and Algonciuiu aud Cary.. fi.oo McHenry aud Wilinot. Wis fi.oo WM. KOEPPE, :: CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, flctlenry No. 8ai SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Wm. F. Rice, McHenry, president. C. W. Coltou, Marengo, vice president. Mrs. E. A. Harrison, Woodstock, secretary and treasurer. Rev. Wm. A. Cross* North Crystal Lake, temperance. Miss Cora Fillmore, Woodstock, ele mentary. Rev. C. W. Johnson, North Crystal Lake, normal. Mrs. Geo. Standish. Marengo, home department. E. F. Booth, Woodstock. E. L. Kimball, Ridgefleld. IN THE INTEREST OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS OP M'HENRY COUNTY. Rev. Wm. A. Cross, who is president of the Chemnng Township Sunday School association, organized two Sun day schools-in that township last San- day, one at the White Oaks school boose agid one at Lawrence. This fulfills the first condition aimed at by the Inter national association, so far as that town ship is concerned, placing a Sunday school in easy access of every person. The second popdHiop is a personal in vitation to each individual to attend, and this it is hoped will soon be ful tilled. If yon are looking for a baggy *ea onr assortment before yon make year purchase, Wm- Btofffl. I OUR AB€E CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS I I ftOLCOMHVtLLE. , Mammoth celebration, Woodstock. Joly 4. Wm. Zettk and son were Elgin visitors Saturday. Peter Doherty spent Sunday with hi* brother here. Several from here attended Haegar's sale at Algonquin lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hntson are the happy parents of a baby girl. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert spent Tuesday afternoonwith Mrs. P. H. Rant. Miss Nsiiie Doherty is spending ft f&w days with her aunts in McHenry. Lmtol Bufiiu of St. Paul is spending a few weeks at the home of W. B, Gil bert. Mrs. &:"Pg3?eck of Terra Cotta is vis iting at the home of her son, A. P. Pack. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J as. Powers and (laugh ters were Sunday visitor* at John Reli han's. M'ssee Edith Brockineyer and Kditb Brains of Wisconsin are visiting at Mr. Banr'a. Miss Agnes Billow of Rfngwond spent a few days last week at W. H. Harrison's. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and son spent Snnday with the Misses Powers at McHenry. Mrs T. L Flanders and daughters, Villa and Mildred, were McHenry call ers Saturday. Mrs. C. Colby and daughter. Edna, spent an afternoon recently with Mrs. T. L. Glanders. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powers and sons spent Thursday at Wm. Welch's of Griswold Lake. Misses Gertrvde LaSage and Irene Davoll called on Mrs. David Powers Friday afternoon. Howard and Allen Coniev of Chicago are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert. Miss Minnie Pomrening entertained her intimate friends at a lawn party last Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs M. J Wslsh and chil dren and Miss Mary Burke of McHenry were callers it» this vicinity Sunday. The Counervalion of Ssltirf'ii KeiuiwmM Applies as well to onr physical state as to material things. C. .1. Budlong, Washington, R. I , realiged hin condi tion and took warning liefore it wrb too Iste. He says: "I suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease beiug hereditary in onr family. I have taken four bottles of Foley s Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroly cured. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kid toy Remedy until it is too late." F. Masqnelet. TKRKA COTTA. Mammoth celebration, Woodstock, July 4. Thomas Church waa a Woodstock vis itor Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago viaited relatives here Snnday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Frances, spent Tuesday last in Elgin. George Phalin is spending this week with Griswold Lake relatives Misses Agnes aud Mary Conway were the guests of Elgin relatives Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. T. Powers ot McHenry visited at tbe home of J. M. Phalin Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan and Marian Shales were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Miss Marie Earle of Wisconsin is spending a couple of weeks with rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson aj^ daughters were Richmond callers San day evening. Miss Alice Rao* of SiJcHenry spent Tuesday evening frith her sister, Mrs. M. A. Conway. Leo Doyle and sister, Miss Clara, of Cleveland, Ohio, extent \Snnday and Monday with relatives beret Carl Bergman came oat frbm Chicago Saturday to spend the sunuuer at tbe home of bU grandparents, MK and Mrs, S. B. Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Phalin /and Mr. and Mrs. C. E Martin spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrk, W.J. Welch at Griswold Lake If yon are not satisfied after using lac cording to directions two-thirds or a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach /and Liver Tablets, you cau have your u/oney back. The tablets cleanse aud invigor ate the stomach, improve the digestion, regulate tbe bowels. Give theui a trial and get well. Bold by a^l dealers VOUn cplpb^atfofl, Woodstock. Mammoth July ftatie Ci}t>per ftf {ng^i^e was a Volo caiier Monday. Mike Smith of Qntysfctfee was a Volo caller Sunday evening. Mrs- P- L fcUadtfeld and Mi«9 Li 1 lie Hitler were McHenry callers Monday afternoon. Mrs. John Richardson and Mrs. Law ranee Miller were McHenry callers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Krapf and daughter, Josephiue, viaited with relatives in Wisconsin Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. VandeDooin and Mrs John Do we and son, Herman, visited with relatives at New Muneter, Wis., Sunday aud Monday. Mrs. William of Des. Moines, (a., and Mrs. Simeon Russell of Chicago are spending a few days w^ tj>?ir mother, Mrs. Lanra Hiyjo#. Chamberlain'8 Congh Remedy is sold on a guarantee that ff yon are not sat isfied after using two-thirds of a bottle according to directions, yoqr mosey will be refunded, {t is op to yon to try. Sold hy all dealers. MammoUl Jnly 4. celebration, Woodstock, ||CMKItAI.I> PARK. Mae Sntton spent Monday in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. IX W. Bill spent the week end at their cottage. Miss Margaret Aylward of Elgin vis ited at Ed. Knox's Snnday. Lawrence Huck, Jr., is visiting rela tives in Chicago for a few weeks. Mrs. P. Cosbrllo of Elgin spent the first of the week with her mother here. Miss Anna Malefyt and niece" of Chi cago are spending a few weeks at the Park. Messrs. Wal tor Mu Harry Binm of Chicago are spending a few weeks at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malefyt and the latter's parents of Chicago spent Snn day at tbe Park. J. B. Heaney spent a few days the first of tbe week attending to business affairs in Chicago. Mr. and Mrq. Geo. E. Hoelscher and son of Chicago spent Saturday and Sun day at R. J. Sutton's, Mr. and Mrs Chaa. A. Cohan and children of Chicago are aowoccupying their snmuser home at the Park. John Sehaffer of McHenry visited at the Park Wednesday evening in bis beautiful new Overland machine. W. K Burns aud son, Kenneth, of Chicagogpent Sunday at the Park. The latter will speud tbe summer here. Mr. and Mrs Thos Giilispie and son, Willie, of Chicago are visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Felmeten. H. Beuding returned to^Cbicago last Wednesday to attend the wedding of his son, Larry, who is well known here. Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Comiskey went to Chicago Saturday, where they will re* side in the future, having sold thtir farm here. Chas. Berkircher went t® the city Sun day evening to visit friends a few days, and from there be expects to go to Ohio for a few weeks' visit. Misses Avis Carey of West McHenry and Eleanor Whiting of Ringwood vis tted Marguerite and Genevieve Knox a few days the last of tbe week. Chamberlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency and invigorate the whole system. Sold by all dealers. Jas. Haxton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haxton and children aud Geo. Frasier of Chicago spent Snnday at the Park. Mrs. Haxton and children are spending this week here. Fuiey 'h Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable insults. It does away with bed wetting, aud is also recommended for nse after measles and scarlet fever. F. Masqnelet. M. Kelter, J. B. Kelter, Misses Ella Kelter and Mary Cooney are occupying their cottage at Kelter's Lake. They drove ont from the city in J. B.'s hand some new Buick machine last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and the latter's mother, Mrs. Devine, of May- wood are occupying their cottage for the summer. Mrs. Devine is champion fisher of the Park, having successfully landed a ten ponnd fish her first day here. "It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are expressions you hear ev ery day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this vaiua ble remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in nee for diarrhoea or bowel complaiuts has received such gen eral approval. secret of the success of Chain berl^iq'sColic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all dealers. KINQWUOU. Mrs. Frazier is now atatyiQg With Mrs Jane Carr- P. S. Harrison of Aide* waa In town last Friday. Simon Stoffel of McHenry was in town Monday. Warren Foes was baying goo^sIn Chi cago Tuesday. Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Beck were at McHenry Taeeday afternoon Starr Brink of West McHenry was calliug in town Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Coatee re turned from Iowa Saturday night. Charles Kerber of Elgin shipped a load of hogs from this place Friday. Mrs. John W. Bell attended the Cem etery Aid meeting at Spring Grove last Thursday. George Weidrick and wife of Red- field, S. D , a^e visiting h^a brothers near this y^la^ Mrs. I* A- McCftiwon. of Greenwood is spe^di^g a few days with her son, James McCannon. There wa* a good Attendance at the flower mission meeting la*t Saturday The children, all did well, Sftfite a uutuber arejpow sick with tbe measles; among them are Fred and Irv ing Walker and Hoy Harrison. Mrs. C. A- Kerber and Mr*. Wilcox of Elgin vailed on friends »t McColinw's Lake And Ringwoud last Friday. Mrs. James Green, two children and sister, Miss Charlotte Madden, have gone to Chicago to spend a couple of weeks. Tbe Mystic Workers met last Wed nesday and initiated L. D. Todd'into mysteries of that order. ewutt «B.| cake were served. Miss Edith and Mm Nellie Tnttle spent Friday of ln/st Wtek with their mother up Chicago, who hopes to be able to retnrri houfeln about ten days. Mrs. Nellie Pricket and son or Fair field, Neb., arrived in town Tuesday for a visit with her brother, J. C. Ladd, and sister, Mrs. Carrie S«*ith, here and a sister at Williams. Ray, Wis. Lame shoulder is almost invariably caused uy rheumatism ot the nancies and yields quickly to the free applica tion of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is not only prompt and effectu al, but in no way disagreeable to Me. Sold hi *11 dealer*. S ifHl WP* b u G i i n a i Opera House Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs This is the fourth week and Riving the best of satisfac tion. :: ;; » Ocorfc W. L.f>mliters of Woodstock Aii Active Candidate. In last week's issue George W. Lem- tuers announced his candidacy for the office of county clerk of thiB connty, to succeed the present incumbent, Geo. F. Rnshton, who has filled the office very acceptably for tbe past sixteen years. Mr. Rnshton is not, peisoually, a candi date for re-election. Mr. Lemmers is well fitted in every way for the office to which he aspires. Having been employed during the past 22 years in the abstract business, he has been compelled to become thoroughly acquainted with tbe workings of the county clerk's office aud that he is thorough no one will deny. Every one who knows him knows that be will be as accommodating to the public in the county clerk's office as he always has been in his business, and that is say ing a great deal. * Mr Lemmers claims that he is en titled to |tds office at the hands of the Republican party of this eounty for the reason that during the past 15 years he has given liberally of his small means for the building up of the large majority which th^t party now enjoys in this coupty, 'aud especially in the town of Dorr, where he resides. He has always been one of the most active workers at the polls and has never failed, when asked, to contribute toward the cam paign fund. The fact that he has al ways so contributed and that he has al ways spent bis earnings liberally to as sist some friend to ofice has kept him a comparatively poor man. Starting in . - "f i K Ites SUfiS 4 «•&« v- 17 in the abstract of Richards & Jewett, he has steadily ad vanced in their employ, «ntil he is now treasurer of the company and haa the active charge of their abstract business. Could auy better recommendation than 43 years' coutinuons service in the employ of two as upright business men E. E. Kiclmi iia and E. C. Jewett be asked? Four years ago Mr. Lemmers made a short cHiupaittu against the present in cumb«-ut ami while his candidacy was at first laughed at, it became a very serion* matter before tbe finish, as with scaru*].) suy backing he made Mr. Rush- ton hurry some to beat him. Now, backed as he is by some of the strongest political influences in the county, we can hardly see how he can be defeated. We know of no one who can more ac ceptably fill tbe office and w» certainly know of no one who ia more entitled to it at the haudb of the Republican party. Marvelous Discoveries mark the wouderful progress of the age. Air ttiKUt* on heavy machines, tele grams without wires, terrible war in rent ions to kill men, and that wonder of wonders- Dr. King's New Discovery to save life when threatened by coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay fever and whooping cough or lung trouble. F01 all bronchial affections it has no equal. It relieves instantly. It's the surest cure. James M. Black of Asheville, N. C., R. R. No. 4, writes it cored him of an obstinate cough after all other rem- idiea failed. 50c and fl.00. A trial bottle free. (Tosranleed by N. H. Pet each and F. Masqnelet. The growth of onr patronage is evi dence that tbe drug store service we give is the kind the public prefers. Pet escb'a For "Shut-in" Folks Any FOR COUNTY CLERK We have many things that tessen suffering and make sickness more bearable. Invalid Cushions, Sick Feeders, Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Ice Bags, Bandages, Lints, Cotton, and all sorts of hospital and sick room sup plies. If you can't find what you want else where, come" here, We may have just what you are looking for. Better save time and money by coming1 here first. :: - :: N. M. Petesch DRUfMHST McHF.NRY TEL. 274 & When Looking for Your Spring Wants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang-, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WMSTOFFEL Phnnpe' OPPtce-7?*. fnones. residence--7e«. THIS IS THE The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RttiHT. JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CENTERV1LLE HARDWARE MAN. OUR LINE OF S is now very complete, in all the new colors V and weaves, ranging in price from, per yard IOC to 35c SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plain and fancy Dress Silks at. ..39C per yard All the popular shades. :: :: :: FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS! All the grades and colors. Our line of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up tadate. Patent leather, Gun Metal, Kid, Tan and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: :: A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: M. J. WAI.SH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED