--i: • :!>r M *mmw m\^v M'WW'.ih.M NltiS U.SAUX b'HlCA •\'N%U V The best wooden structures will have decayed away years before the Marquette Concrete kind begin to show the first signs of wear. Con crete steps and stairs and sidewalks are easy to make with Marquette Concrete. Materials are cheap, and you can do the work yourself. We'll gladly send you details for making steps, stairS and sidewalks with PORTLAND CEMENT The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, III. Chia^f OMct: Mmn--tu BUt.. Ciicmf. III. Wilbur Lumoer Co., McHenry Distributors. r" EXCELLENT LOAYES AND Delicious Pastries l« the Inevitable result If you u*e White Swan ...Flour... > »* FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Go. West JlcHenry Anton Schneider (IcHenry John Richardson Vo|o William Althoff Jobnsburgh Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 'his Bank receives deposits, pays : per cent interest on time depos- • tn, extends all courtesies consist- nt with good business principles nd does a OEHERAl BAHKIIK BUSIRESS enpectfully eolicting poblic pat- onage. floney to Loan m real estate and other first class i.ecurity- REAL ESTATE r'arjn lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you vant to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the owest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. Bankers. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AdBNT S ; . t ? ) bow prepared to insure all kinds of prop- «ty agiilnst Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Al.v) have a special Hoe of Insurance on Live i-. 'U insuring against death from any cause - III. The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " Is again in commission and makiug daily trips along ivjv i)i ygu P1STAKEK BAY PISTAKEE LAKE NIPPERSINK LAKE FOX LAKE GRASS LAKE LAKE MAUIF. LAKE BLUFF CHANNEL LAKE LAKE CATHARINE Tlie boat also makes trips to Cary aud Algonquin, 111., and Wllmot. 5Vi«. On these trips it follows the course of Fox river. Excursion* are run to and from.any of the above given points at any time a suf ficient onmlier of passengers may be ob tained to make it an object for the cap tain to make the trip. The Unit will car ry sixteen passengers very comfortably. Tic Most Reliible Bail M ttese Witers The "Alice" is one of the most reliable passenger boatsUtal travel these waters, it is neatly furnished aud has the distinc tion of being the only passenger boat on these waters to go thru last season with out a delay caused thru a breakdown or auy other source. BOAT MAY BE CHARTERED at any time at reasonable rates, provided, however, that the captain is notified in due time to make arrangements for the trip, ...60 MILE RIDE FOR Si.oo... The Ixmt will make trips, by appoint ment,, starting from either end of the trip, between McHenry and Wllmot, Wis., tak ing In the beautiful C'b»in of Lakes, Fox River and the World Famous Lotus Beds In Grass Lake. Beautiful Scenery all the way. t ROUND TRIP RATES BETWEEN * McHenry and Lotus Beds 75® Mcllenry & Fox Lake, Mineol»landlng78C Mclleury & W Shor« s Pistakee Lake. 50c McHenry & E Shores Plgtakee Lake... 75c McHenry Pistakee Bay, either shore 50c McHenry aud Algoniiulu and Cary. $1.00 McHenry aud Wllmot, Wis •«.®o WM. KOEPPE, CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, flcMenry No. 8ai Want Column. All aulvKriUt-miMito JiiMtrbiil under I bin «tthe toliowluyratea: Klre liuea or It*#, *£ tor ttnl Insertion; 15 cents for e*eti nut>ae<iuent Insertion. Mure Uuui uve lines, 6 cenU « line tor tint tn»>riri, nd 3 oeutu * line tor addition I lmfrtton. t}H)R SALE--Timothy ant( clover grass by r the acre. H. K. CI.IMKNS, West McHen ry. 111. 1-tf TIHJK HA V.JS- Ap acetylene gas machine. In- quire at this o(Hc&. 8-tf IJVJtt siALE -A «ne-year-t»ld thoro bred A self ball. tvATKR's STOCK Fahm, PistaSGOb Bay, III. 4-at* U*OR SALE--A summer home ou Twin l.akes E Wis., tfO miles from Chicago, large lot, good transportation, fine lake. Address, Lock Box 124, Woodstock. III. CVJRSALE-- North and South Dakota laud: r $15 to $25 per acre. Also farms In Minne sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. HOWK. McHenry. III. 30-tf LOST--Sunday. July 10, 1910, at McHenry or between McHeury and Volo. a i>mall hand satchel, containing some baby clothing and some jewelry, valued as keepsakes. Re ward for return or information. L. W. BRACHKIL, Uurnee. III*. West McHenry, Unlv»n»li«t 8crvl«M at 10:45. The Rev. A. C. McHenry will preach at th$ Universalis! church next Sunday turning at 10:45. All are invited. I sell farts*. P. F. Quintal. FOR SA LE -Dairy farm, 8B5 acres, or a part fronting on btlverlake. Wis., 55 miles from C'hiclago. two railroads within one- fourth mile. Two bouses, several large barns, aud finest soil. D. B. COU8WKI.L, Silverlake, Wis. 141 FOR SALE OR RENT-- The Lake Zurich feed mill beautifully situated near the banks of Lake Zurich, in the heart of one of the richest farming counties In the state. Mill is all fitted ami ready for operation. A splendid opportunity for man w-ho is willing to hustle. This is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section affords. No competition. Everything your own way. Don't o^iny- but wrltt? 1 HE PLAIN- I'KALKH at once for further information. • 4U-tf NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS tikiwitm Cracked corn for sale at |1 60 per cwt. at Spatter's mill. 1 tf BIlCCIWOtlD. JULY 7. List your farm with D. P. Qniolan. J, S. Brown was in Chicago Tuesday. Retr Nickle was calling on ok) friends ?Mt Saturday* John Carey was a Chicago passenger last Saturday. Miss Smith of EIKID is visiting Miss Eleanor Hawley. Mrs, Euiuia Frsa. h of McHenry was calling in town Tnewiay. Mrs. Rflla Fom and daughter, Dorcas, spent last Thursday in Elgin. Frank 0*w|«y of Chicago M|)eBt Sun day and Moud»y with his parents. Mrs. Daskee entertained her daugh ter from Chicago over the Fourth. Amos Smith and wife entertained frieouK I tutu CHICH^O over the Fourth. Jay and Kenneth Crinty are spending their vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. Harsh. Leo Brunswick and wife attended the latter's father's funeral at Genoa Jane tion, Wis., last Thursday. Mrs. George Andrews ' oonsin and hus band from Kenosha, Wis . and another cousin from Milbnrn, III., speiit Sunday with her. Foley's Kidney Reiuedv wils cure any caae of kidney aud bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No med icine ran do more. Bernard Bell and family of Spring Grove spent Snnday with his parent**, Mr. and Mrs. John W Bell, and graud mother. Mary Bell. The W. C. T U. will meet with Mrs. William Johonnott Sntnrdav afternoon of this week instead of with Mrs. Hnt- son, who has moved away. Liberal preminms for exhibits of farm products are offered at the county fair this season. $25 for first prize; #15 for second; frlO for third, and #5 (HI for fourth prize for best farm exhibits. Frank Harrison of Ong, Neb , who has been visiting his mother and brother •t Alden, passed thru here Tuesday on his way to visit his other brothers in Chicago and Warren, III. Teething cbtWren have more or less diarrhoea,which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain'" Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. AH that is neces sary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to dense the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by ail dealers. (^nite a number from here attended the celebration at Greenwood Monday. Rev, Green. A. J. Olson. George Conn. Jr., of Woodstock and Arthur .1. Bill, editor of The Farmers' Voice, were the speakers of the day. All seemed to en joy the talks given by them. The mov ing pictures in the church were fiue The ladies of the church served an ex cellect dinner. Greenwood is certainly an ideal p|are for a celebration. JULY 14. I sell farms. D. F. C^uinlan. H. W. AHi>h and Bert McCauuon were in Chicago Monday. Miss Eleanor Hawley went to Elgin Monday for a two weeks' visit. Miss Flora Mansfield of Greenwood was in town Mouday morning. Miss Margaret Bennett of Belvidere is visiting Miss Lora Walking ton Joe McCannon and wife of Green wood were at Jas. McCannon's Snnday. Mrs. Tnttle returned from the hospi tal Friday evening. She is quite com fortable. Mrs. John W. Bell's little grandchil dren of Spring Grove spent part of last week with hef. Mrs. Jane Carr was taken quite sick Sunday night, bnt at this time is feel ing some better H. W. Allen and wife and Bert Mc Cannon's family drove to North Crya tal Lake Suuday. Mrs. Charlotte Parks of North Crys tal Lake is visiting her danghter, Mrs H W. Allen, aud other relatives. Mrs. George Westlake of Solon spent Sunday night aftd Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Jau:es McCannon. There will be an ice eream socjaj at W. A. Dodge's Friday eyeqipg of this week, July 15 4 good program is being prepared. Dr. Nevins of Chicago, the lady phy sician who treated Mrs. Libbie Simp son, came out last Saturday aud spent the day with her. W. E Smith and family and J. C Ladd and wife drove to Williams Bay Sunday and spent the day w|th Mr and Mrs O. P Sputhwicfc. About a doaen from Ringwood were in McHenry to bear the ladies speak in the interest of woman suffrage. They were very capahle wouieu aud gave good talks. OSTICN0- 4ULY 7. List your farm with D. F. (^uiulau C. E. Gaylord transacted business in Lowell, Ind , last week Mrs. Will Mead of Texas Is visiting her daughter, Mrs Ray Thomas. Miss Elsie Jeffries of Sturgia, Mich , is visiting her grandfather, W F. Bap- sett. Miss Iva Woodford of Elkhorn, Wis., visited her sister^ Mrs. C. W. Thomp son, the first of the week. Eb Gaylord had the misfortune to have his arm broken while attending the celebration at Greenwood July 4th. Miss Ethel Gaylord left Tuesday morning for her home in Emmitsburg, la , after a three weeks' visit with rela tives in this vicinity. "la Lift) Worth Savluff?" Mrs'. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss. l writes that she Im^J a severe case of kid ney and hladde? trouble aud that four bottles of Foley's Sidney Remedy cored her sound and well. She closes her let ter by saying: "J heartily recommend Foley s Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved my life. " F. MaaquelaV '• KNKKAI.n PARK. Petrach's for drugs. List yonr farm with D. F. Qninlan. James Armstrong Sundayed at his cottage here. Ray Corr of Woodst«>ck was a Sunday caller at Ed KnoiV Mr. and Mrs J. B Heaney are spend ing this week in Chicago. Miss Irene Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Lucy Sutton Sunday. Mi«s K^therine Knox apeut Wednes day with Wancond* friends. Miss Vera DolieKy of ; Holcombville visited the Misses Knox Sunday. Thos. A. Frisb.v of Elgin is spending a week's vacation at his home here. Messrs. Armit and Malefyt spent the week end with their families here Miss Katherine Knox and Phil Ayl- ward visited friends in Liberty ville Sun day. Messrs. .James Haxton and Heorge Frasier of Chicago spent Sunday at the j Park. , . Misses Alice Wright and T»anrR Smith of Ringwood visited the Misses Knox Wednesday. Will Cohan returned £o Chicago Snn day evening at ter spending a week 's vacation here. Mrs. John Powers of Elgin is visiting at the home of her brother, R. J. Snt- tou, this week. John Armstrong drove ont from River Forest Saturday aud spent. Sunday with his family here. Thomas McDonald of Ostend and Miss Mary (iihbs visited the Misses Sut ton Sunday evening. Win. Blum and daughter, Gertrude, of Chicago spent Saturday and Suuday at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawsou and fam ily of Chicago are speudiug this week at H. Bending's cottage. Paul Armstroug purchased a beauti ful new racer from Hunter Weckler Boat Co. last Saturday. Miss Marion Logne and Andrew Reg- ory of Chicago were guests of K J Sut ton and family Sunday. Harry Sissney of Chicago is spending a week's vacation with bis cousius, Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Berkiich«r W K. Burns and daughter, Misa Grace, of Chicago spent Saturday aud Sunday at the Burns cottage Mr aud Mrs P. Coatello and daugh ter, Margaret, of Elgin spent Saturday and Suuday at Mrs E Walsh's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Fl«nnery and daughter, Eleanor, of Chicago are spend ing this week at the Heaney cottage. Mrs. Granger and daughter, Margne- rite, of McHeury aud a few friends are spending a few weeks at their summer home here. Paul Armstrong and sons, Lennox and Paul, arrived at the Park last Thursday evening and report a delight ful trip iu their canoe. • Hugh Armstrong aud family drove out from River Forest in their uiacbiue Sunday aud visited his brother, John Armstroug, and family. Geo Armstrong, who graduated from St. Mary s college at St. Mary s, Kan , in June, spent Sunday with Paul Arm strong and family at t(ie Park. Dr. Stackable and Miss Margaret Davis drove out from Chicago in the former's machine last Thursday and visited Mr aud Mrs H. Berkircber. Mrs. C Rotnano aud son. Salvator Rouiauu, of Chicago came out to Oak Villa cottage Friday, the latter return ipg Saturday, while Mrs Romauo will spend a few weeks with her family. VULU List your farm with D. F Quintan. Herbert Howard of Waukegan was a Volo caller Sunday. Ed. Lnsk and John Effinger were Ingleside callers Monday. Mrs. Ben Rosing was a McHenry caller last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and children were Woodstock callers Mopday. Mrs. Pete Miller and childrea visited relatives at Johnsbargh Saturday. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher is visiting relatives iu Elgin for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel of Mc Henry spent Sunday at the Sabel home. Jack O'Conuell of Chicago was the gnest of Miss Bessie Dunuill over Sun day. Miss Alice Heueltau of Round Lake was the guest of friends here Friday uight. Mrs. Pete Cossuian of Muscatine, la., called on friends here the first of the week. Mrs B. Hiller spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Harry Ritter, at Ma- reuga Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wau- couda attended church here Snnday morning. Sam Tarrant and Kate Rosing of Chi cago atteuded church here Snudav morning. Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Fisher spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Will Wright in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs v'has. Parker enter- taiued the latter's sister, Miss Rena Decker, of Chicago last week. Mrs. Martha Simons of Elgin spent Sunday of last week with her mother, Mrs. Compton, at the Kir wan home. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Parker and chil dren were Sunday gnests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lew Hend$e at Haines- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ^qeladorf and children returned tu MoHenry Sunday evening after a week's visit at the Ni^holls home. Theodore Worts and daughters, Mrs, James Gainer of Wauconda aud Mrs. Will Montgomery of Chicago, visited «rith Jake Warts and family Monday, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the Liver and bowels to e*pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, cure constipation i and sick bead acta*. Sold by all dealers. Opera House The Coolest Plate in Town Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs Any Seat This is the sixth week nsl playing to packed houses B PASSENGER BOAT I • $ I makes daily t rips botwetMi Mc Henry and Pistakee Bay, leuv- ini; the Navigator pier, located one block north of tlie bridge, at |o :io a. in. and p. in. This schedule, however, is subject to chancre durinir lotus season. Take 'Bus to Landing For the accommodation of Mc Henry people Overton's 'bus will carry passengers to the boat landing without, extra, charge. Call up the Overton livery when you want to goto the Bay on the Navigator and the 'bus will call and take you down to the pier. 'Phone 472 f. A. Beller, Captain TKBKA COri'A. List your farm with D. F. Quintan. Louis Anderson of Richmond is visit ing relatives here. Ed and Ray COD way were Holcomb- ville callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs T. Powers of McHenry visited relatives here Sunclay. Mrs. ,). M. 1'iialin spent Thursday last with Griswold Lake relatives. Mr. and Mth. Dolan and children of Chicago visited at .1 Riley 's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keeler of Woodstock called at T. R Anderson's Saturday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Anderson and children were Kichmoud callers Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Carey and daugh ter, Anna, of Itiugwood called on rela tives here Snnday. John R Knox of McHenry and Miss Cecelia (rears of Wauconda called at ft. Knox's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs M Knox and sou, Har old, attended the funeral of a relative at Wauconda Sunday. Misses Anna Bolder of Emerald Park and Vera Dohertv of Hulcombvillecalled at M. A Conway's Snnday evening. Have you h^i-n our five and ten cent counterV If n<>t, better call in and save money. J.J. Vycital. Mrs. W J. Welch aud daughter, Mil- dred, of Grinwold Lake are visiting at the homes of ,1. M. Phalin and C. E. Martiu. The world's .n >st successful medicine for bownl complaints is Chamberlain's Colic, Chol.-ra and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine iu use. Invaluable for chil dren and adults. Sold by all dealers. Arrangements have been made to offer liberal prizes for hall games at the Mc Henry vvmiitv fair. Jay Conway of Woodsttn k will act as superintendent of games. Many other attractions will be provided, and the Oliver Typewriter Military baud will furnish music for the occas ion . Those Pies of Boyhood. How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good. What's changed •' t he pies? No, it's you. You've lost the throng, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your di gestion is iv tor and you blame the food What's needed t A complete toning np by EJlectric Bitters of all orgaus of di gestion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bow els. Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite aud appreciation ofj food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. 5&c at N. H. Pet each'sand F. Masqaelet's. If yon are looking for a buggy see onr assortment before yon make your purchase. Wffl. Stoffel, F % I Drugs that you know are right Every item that loaves our store is guaranteed. This guarantee is as broad as a customer may wish to interpret it. On our part it means that we insure absolute satisfaction. :: If a customer is not satisfied in every particular we' want to know it, because lie is entitled to entire satis faction. :: :: ;; ;; We a re ready to take back goods, refund money or do anything else necessary to show that our guarantee is a valid one and that it represents a straightfor ward policy which we enforce in every department of our business. :: ;• •: N. H. Petesch 8 DRlJtiCilST McHENRY TEL. When Looking for YourSpring Wants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WM. STOFFEL Phone** OFFICE-77». fllUIICd. RBSIDBNCe-7 THIS IS THE The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RIGHT. JOHN J. VYCITAL. THE CENTER VILLE HARDWARE MAR. Jt OUR LINE OF. I) DHSS is now very roniplete, in all the new colors and weaves, ranging in price from, per yard KOC to 35C SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plain and fancy Dress Silks at. . . 39c per yard All the popular shades. :: :: :: ^ANCV DRESS GINGHAMS! All the grades and colors. Our line of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up to date. Patent leather, Gun Me>tal, Kid, Tan and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 GOODS DELIVERED