Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1910, p. 5

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£hica®S =s • A Marquette Concrete cistern never leaks. The water it contains is always sweet and clean. No repairs, and you build for all time when you use Marquette Cement. We'll gladly send you detailed directions for making a cistern with Hjf M. S3f*¥TirT"FEr MM WW IMP C I % P* M ' M. tsoiiTiuAMm Mam The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, ID, Cktemn Off: MmnmrtU BUg., Chiimt*. ftf. Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Iftstributors. • '^The Old Reliable Kingsbury T M HAT is the way one of our customers described the piano he bought from us--and he is a musician--a man who knows what a good instrument is. When we tell you that more than 100,000 Kings- burys have been sold, you will realize that it is a piano with a repu- tion for high merit and you will feel sure oi getting the best value for your money, if you buy one. Th^n bear in mind that the man- ufacturer's written warranty good for ten years is given with every one of these instruments. The makers guar­ antee satisfaction to every purchaser. Beautiful tone--fine construction-- artistic de­ sign--splendid finish. All these features you will find in the Kingsbury. We have a collection of these pianos on exhibition, at Cable Piano Co. Store, Woodstock and at the stores of Roy Warner, Crystal Lake Charles Otto, Richmond J. C. Burkart, Harvard L. F. Nordstrom, West McHenry and we invite you to see them, ttfflS UTinftd if yOH tHiy. nvrtnn'r ***• I».IBHIS 'I If you now have » pltuio let. our tuner look It ryX rr.y I I (JlNlINvl! over. He is In town every montb. Leave an order for bim to cull. Cable Piano Company, Chicago L. LKWENTHAL, Spcciut Representative Ten men to go to North Dakota, Tuesday, August 1010, to in- • vestigate a good thing. If inter­ ested write me for literature about farm lands in the Dakotas for sale or exchange. :: :: THEY ARE WEALTH PRODUCERS One crop frequently pays for the land. Address :: :: c. W. HART, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS WANTED! Does not Color the Hair ^vER*s hair: vigor Stops rafting: Hair Destroys Dandruff An Elegant Dressing Makes Hair Grow Composed si Sulphur, Glycerin, Quiqin, Sodium Chlorid, Capsicum. Stfe, Alct hoi, Water, Perfume. Ask yow doctor his opinion oi suck a hair preparation AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Does not Oolor the flair J- O- ARMM COM*AMI, Lowell, MM NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF,CORRESPONDENTS KllMiKtieUH List yonr farm with D. F. Qninlan. fi. P. Barber wan iu Chicago Monday. A. JoHeptaenson was nt Crystal Lake Taeaday. • Mrs. H. P. Barber went to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. Oak root wan at Crystal Lake Taeaday. Mrs. 3. Wakefield spent Sunday at Woodstock. , Mrs. J. J. Reser was a Crystal Lake shopper Monday. Miss Racbael French is visiting rela­ tives in MeHenry. An 'rew Benson wa* a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mrs. Riley of Chicago visited with Mrs. Oak root Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hntson and Grandma Hntson visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. French Sunday. Miss Marjorie Rener is visitinp with friends in West Chicago Miss Cora Loebwiw*! WHS a Crystal Lake shopper Wednesday Mr*. B Htuith visits! at Crystal Lake last Friday and Saturday. F. W. Liftrlbtuftn and ,1. J. were Chicago sightseer* Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ~V. L DnKeld were Woodstock callers Monday Mrs C Thayer of Crystal Lake vis ifced at S. T ayer 's last week Mrs. Allen and daQghter. Kvelyn, are visiting in Chicago this week Mrs. Smith and won, 1'anl, were in Woodstock on business Tuesday. Pr. Wiuduiaeller of W<M«lst»H k called on 8ttlti<>u Ax«Dt Lynch last Friday Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter. Mad alene, were Chicago SHOPPERS MODIIHV Mr. and Mrs. Silas Olui«te>»<l. .f Wood stock called at Mrs. E Smith's last Fri­ day. Mr. Salow, wife and daughters. Edna and Florence, were at Crystal Lake Sat­ urday. Misses Rhoda Knilans aud (llenys Jacobs visited at Sharon the latter part of last week. Artbnr Skinner was taking in the sights at Riverview, Chicago. Saturday aud Sunday. Mr.j^ud Mrs. Alfred Amier* enter­ tained Mr and Mrs. RoscUer of CIIHHKO over Sunday. Mrs A Anaers, Mr. Schoof, daugh­ ter aud sister visited at Lake Oeueva last Thursday. C C. Harper of Oaleshurg, III , gave a short talk on various topics last Wed tesday evening Mr. $nd Mrs. Lou s Johnson and son. Lloyd, visited au aunt atCaprou Thurs day and Friday. Mrs. C. E. Conerty and daughters of Chicago are viaiting her pareuts, Mr. aud Mrs. J. B Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dufield visited the girls who are staying at the Ford cottage. Crystal L ike, Sunday Mrs S Thayer aud daughters spent Wednesday of last week with the for iner's daughter, Mrs Geo Gorhain. Mrs Myers Levey and children of Belvidere are visiting with numerous relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. aud Mrs. Heury Wilson and two children of Harvard visited the former's mother, Mrs. A Josepheuscn, last week. Mrs. A. Murphy aud daughter of Woodstock visited at Rey. Wiessel Orecht's and J. (J. Hartmau's last Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senneandson, Mar­ iettas, and Mr. aud Mrs. Cooper of Woodstock spent Sunday at Father Wille's. Mrs. J. T. Fisk and sou, Newtoui, of Crystal Lake and Mrs Et^na Ostrander of Evanston visited their qqcle, R L Duheld, last Friday. Mrs. F. M. Risley, who is with h*r daughter, Agu<*> Ht Mercy hospital in Janeeville, spent two or three days of last week at her home here. E. Renich of Woodstock will give an addiess at the church Sunday eveniug, July SI. Mr, Renich, who is under an appoiutmeut of the presbytery, will sail as a missionary to Corea next mouth. Mrs. P. B. Haqghawout and son, Irwin, returned Saturday from a week s visit with her daughter, Mrs. Foyden dall, at Batavia, and Miss Gertrnde, who has spent a part of her vacation with her sister, returned home with her mother. Soreness of the muscles, whether in­ duced by violent exercise or injury, i' quickly relieved by the free application of Chfuuberlain's Liniment. This Hni rneut is equally valuable for uinsculMr rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed entertained their childreu and grandchildren at din ner Sunday. Tbo»e present wne Mr. and Mis. Roy Waterman of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs -Sydney Reed and daugh­ ter, Virginia, and Mr. aud Mrs Byron Waterman of Woodstock. Also Mrs. Ford's three children. I sell farms. D F Quintan. Napoleon's Grit was of the unconquerable, never say die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung dis­ ease. Suppose troches, congh fyrnps, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of hopeless sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, cronp, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affections. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle freest N. H. Petesch's and F. Masqne- let's. Cracked corn for sale at fl.60 per cwt. at Spencer's mill. i tf Vaudeville aud moving pictures at the Central Sunday, July 81. BINflWOUlt. I sell farms. D F. Quinlan. Claude Colby of North Crystal Lai e was in town Monday. T. E. Slocum of Milbnra spent Son day at Charles Stephenson's. Mr. and Mrs Gannon of Chicago vi ited at Jacob Adams' last week. Misses Ida and Martha Adams are spending a few days in Chicago. J C. Ladd and wife and Mrs. Prickett and son spent Monday in Uhicsgo. Angust Walters and wife of Wood­ stock spent Sauday at C. H. Stephen­ son's. Several from here attended the fane al of Mrs. Moore at Solon Sunday after­ noon. H. W. Allen and wife visited at Lake Geneva and Sharon. Wis., part of la. * week. Grandma Hodge and nnrse are stay ing with the former's daughter, Mrs. J. D. Smith Mi** Edith and Frank lngalls came np from Elgin Monday for a week's vis it with friends. Mrs. Florence Smith and mother, Mrs. ICuniiit, visited relatives at Lake Geneva part of last week »>• Warren Prickett of North Crystal Lake and his sister from Nebraska spent last week Tuesday at J. C. Ladd's. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Elgin, who came up to attend the funeral of Mrs. Swan, visited until Monday night with relatives aud friends in and near town. MRS. ACHSAH SWAN PASSRS AWAY. Mrs. Achsah Swan, wife of the late Adin Swau, died at her home on Pros­ pect street, Eluin. Ill . ,!ulv 18 1910 aud was brought to iiingwood for burial Friday, July 22, and laid to rest beside her hiisltand and four children. The funeral was held in the M. E church, the pastor of the Congregational church of Eluin officiating. The singers were also from there. Before her marriage she taught in the Kingwood sch«M)l After her marriage she lived near this village uutil IK01, wheu they removed to Elt;in She was a loviug wife and mother and her uiany friends in this place sympathize with her two remain ing children iu this, their time of sor row. t HOM'OM H V 11 .L .K . Petesch's for ill lifts I sell farms I). F Qninlsn. C. H Harrison was a Chicago visitor one day last week. , Mr. Bauer and family were Wlsoon ••in visitors recently Misses Grace and Vera Doherty called on Mrs <'. Unison Monday afternoon \lis*es Anna aud Mary Bolger visited a few days last week with their cousins her*. Miss Clara McKinney of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Mr and Mrs C H. Harrison were Suuday callers at J. C Ladd's st Ring wood. Mr and Mrs H. J Johnson of Chica ko gpent Sunday at the home of Martin Johnson. Mr. aud Mrs James Powers and daughter, Mariou„ were McHenry callers Monday. Miss Florence Kuox of Terrs Cotta speut Thursday aud Friday with Miss Vera Doherty E. Sundal and p. Nelson from near Woodstock speut Sunday afternoon at Martin Johnsuu's. Miss Gertrude La Sage left Saturday for Indiana, w here she will spend a few w»eks visiting frienda. Mr. snd Mrs. W. P. Kin us and chil. dreu of McHenry visited at Martin Johnson's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Almar Johnson of Chi cagu passed Suuday at the home of the former s parents, Mr and Mrs. Martin Johnson Misses Nellie Biggy and Jennie Evan- son and E*l. O Neill of Chicago visited several diiys lafet week at the horns of Win Doherty. Audrew Leiu, who has been spending the last three weeks at the home of Martin Johnson, will return to his Chi oago home tomorrow. I sell farms D. F. Quinlan. TEKKA COYTA. I sell farms. D F. Quinlan Lonis Anderson speut Snnday at his home iu Richmond. Mr. Johonnott of Kingwood was a recent business caller here John and Walter C/onway spent Sat nrday and Suuday in ElKin Mrs. E Kelley and daughter, Grace, spent a recent day in McHenry. Arthur Crissey of Marengo was a caller in this vicinity Thursday. Mrs. Lee Lntkwood of Rarreville called on friends here Monday eveniug Mist-es Florence sod Frances Kuox palled on relatives at Jiulerald Pfttft Sunday. Misses Agues aud Mary Conway vis ited with Elgin relatives Saturday and Suuday. C. T. Eldredge and Howard and Glenn Wattles of McHenry were callers here Monday. Mr and Mrs 8. B. Leisner were the guests of Chicago relatives several days last week. Miss Florence Kuox spent several days last week with relatives in Hoi coinbville. A.T. McMillan and granddaughter, Marian Shales, were Griswold Lake callers Monday. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin and brother, Thomas, were Holoombville callers Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, spent last Snnday with Spring Grove relatives. A dance will be given for the benefit of the Johnsburgb baseball team at Nt-ll's pavilion. Colombia Park, on next Wednesday evening, Aug. 8. Everyone is invitsd. Opera House Silt July 31 Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs Polite Vaudeville The abovo on tire company is the same that plays Wood stock during the week. Seats ioc to a" i PASSENGER BOAT makes daily trips between Mc­ Henry and Pistakee Bay, leav­ ing the Navigator pier, located one block north of the bridge, at 10:30 a. m. and 2:80 p. m. This schedule, however, is subject to change during lotus season. Take 'Bus to Landing For the accommodation of Mc Henry people Overton's 'bus will carry passengers to the boat landing without extra charge. Call up the Overton livery when you want to goto the Bay on the Navigator and the ?bus wiil call and take you down to the pier. 'Phone 472 F. A. Btllffl, The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " Tte Nest Reliable But on These Waters is ikKiiin in riimiiiisMtui :<IM! nntkiim <l;i11y trips aloiiK Fox Rlv«r. Piwtaktoe Bay, Pistakee Lake, Nippersink Lake, Fox "Lake, Grass Lake. L&ke Marie, Lake Bluff. Channel Laks and Lake Cath­ erine. The IM.III :ilso wakes trips to Oary aud A1KOU<|IIIII. Ill Wilniot. Wis On these trips it follows the course of Fox river. The Lot via Beds In "rass Luke are now Iu full hlooii) tiiid trips ure made to this beautiful and far fumed spot whenever a sufficient numiter of passeutters may he obtalued. luvite some city friends, net up your party and enjoy I he beautiful My lit. Round Trip only 75c from McHenry Mile Ride For $i Sixty The ltoal will make trips, Ity appoint­ ment. startlnir from eit her end of the trip, tietweeu McHenry anChWiliuot., Wis., lak- iuK In the beautiful Chain of Lakes, Kox Klveratid the World Famed Lotus Beds Iu Urass Lake. It. dutiful seeuery all the wuy. wrt. KOEPPK, :: CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, flcMcnry 811 Want Column. All int-nts luxerteil uudtT tliU bead at the (oUowiit^ Klvt-lijitfis or 1<jm, "ib fur ttrst Ineertioii Lb rmU fui *ubtfe<iu«ut inserts*. More lluui fl>e Ha*®. 6 cento * Hu** for timt tn*«rUo(i, bd a ceiito a Hi ftdduiulll UMM>rttuiUI. A one-year-old tboro bred Jer- ; -AVKM'S STOCK PAHM , Pistakee •-at* E>OK SAl-F. " sey bull. Bay, III. _ GIRL \VAN'CKI> At Northwestern hoUl ID iiure OF MKS. I ' . H. WBBBK, West Mc Henry, liI U^OKSALK >pruig chickens. Apply to or " write C. STEUKMANN, near ft. Mary's oliurch, McHenry. III. C>OK fALI-. VOUIIK L»ur<x: Jersey and Uerk- -P shire itoars. Apply to or Writ«* OBO. J. AYKH, 1'istaUee HaV. 111. IpOK SAI.K. Si* larife lots. Hi room Uous^, A shade aud fruit trees at reasonable urice. Call at StMNHltKK's STOHE, McHeury, 111. ti-tf LUST - Between the ttlverslde aud depot, ou Sunday last, watch foti. Black silk rib­ bon with go'd locket- Couiaiuulcate with W. J. BI.L M, F.merald Park, III. FOKSAl'K North and South l>akota land: ila to per acre. Also farms la Minne­ sota Por further iu formation apply or write E. W. How it. McHenry. 111. SW-tf Of*T tniuiewhere ou road Itetweeu Mclleit- ry and Hebrou on Friday, July 15, a purs^ coutainlnti railroad passes aud alxiut thirty dollars lu money. Fiuder will receive very- liberal reward by returning same to this otHce. ANTED -Farmer (married) must be re liable aud thoroughly understand all branches of farmiuK- Must also be a good milker. Totherifjht man a good position is offered. Josten 1* HASH. Kobema Farm, Pis­ takee Bay. McHenry. III. Wi TT \OH SALE OK KENT--The Lake Zurich " feed ruill beautifully situated near the banks of Lake Zurich, iu the heart of «me of the richest fanulug couutles In the state. Mill Is all fitted and ready for operation. A splendid oppui'tunity for uiau who Is willing to hustle. Tliis is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section affords. No competition. Everything your owu way. l>ou t delay, but wri te TH* PUAIN- IIKAI.KH at ouce for further infonnat Ion. •W-tf List joar farm with D, F. Quintan. Drugs that you know are right Every item that leaves our store is guaranteed. ,This guarantee is as broad as a customer may wish to interpret it. On our part it means that "6 insurs absolute satisfaction. :: :: If a customer is not satisfied in every particular WG want to know it, because he is entitled to entire satis­ faction. :: :: ;j We are ready to take back goteds, refund money or do anything else necessary to show that our guarantee is a valid one and that it represents a straightfor­ ward policy which we enforce in every department of our business. :: :: :: N. H. Petesch DRUUUIST MchENRY TEL, 274 BOMWiny When Looking for Y ou r Spri n gWants Remember we have ICmerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: •• ""BET ™ •£&." W'iVl.> l ihhLL Phones: RESIOIN'JE^PI. THIS IS THE S *er iection 'rfiifcr-«1 I The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RIGHT. JOHN J. VYCITAL. THE CENTERV1LLE HARDWARE MAN. ^ -- .OUR LINE OF. MODS is now very complete, in all the new colors and weaves, ranging in price from, per yard IOC to 35c SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plaih and fancy Dress Silks at. . .39c per yard All the popular shades. :: :: :: FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS! All the grades and colors. Our line of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up to date* Patent leather, Gun Metal, Kid, Tan and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: :: ^ A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro­ ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS UEUVfcktS® kVi 7 >? *" ̂ ^ . , .4^- " - i:J

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