Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1910, p. 4

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VOTE FOR Thos. F. Burns ?»y Sfl̂ SENSATIONAL! STUKN !S«MI5S •Willi Illl'III 111 BEAUTif NTUKT n m- THE EQUE5TK' And A Score of Other Daring RJdera THE WONKRFVLt o ) i ola MENAGE H?,. % u Troupe A Earnests •<.zv~s and Troupe of Acting Elephants including "DING" the Greatest Trained Elephant in the World, and a Hundred Other Mammoth Acts For Representative in the (Jeneral Assembly. PLATFORM us published in tUt> Belvideie Daily Re publican ot Aprii Jib, iSHO; "1 favor tiie economical expenditure of public liioueyii auU the iuiu.iedi&te abolition of old time extravagant meth­ ods. 1 favor laws that will be beneficial to the tanners, dairymen and stock raisers of this great commonwealth, the municipal control of gas, electric and water systems, the establishment ot good roads, and an economical system of expenditure for their permanent maintenance, convict labor to be used as far as possible. I favor the passagt of laws that protect the members ot fraternal insurance organizations against the encroachments of powerful nld linn inHiirHiiiw I'liniiianiHrt I atn on posed to any deep waterway legislation by this state until such time as the Fed­ eral Government assures its finaucial support of the project I am for the rigid enforcement of laws governing the practice of medicine and surgery, and the enactment of sLU-h laws as will protect the people against unscrupulous practitioners. I believe there should be just and equitable measures ot protec­ tion to employer and employee, the con­ servation of all oox natural resources, the encouragement, support tind ad­ vancement of all our public, educational and charitable institutions, in order that they may be placed on the highest plane of efficiency " arcus FPtt OF enas VELTIES SWIEPINLJWTO THE AIR 110 4 j>A'PRODtCflC •t A £f-Cr /-C TRUTH REFUSED BY TRIBUNE. C T FT. £ K* u;/ h POSITiYEtY i i i Every Day 12:30 Noon, A Grand, Gratuitous Parade r m a n c Doors Ope*% On» Hour Earlier, During This Period PROF. W. li. WEX1M DODE FiSK nip Offei* *• LITARY BAUD. Vnder The Direction of Concerts* Will Positively Exhibit Upon Above Day and Date, Rain or Shine Mifary Plfundemer PUBLISHED EVKKY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. OSeeln Bank Building. Telephone. No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: >MJM( $1.50 fa ith, net*. Three &ontba. 40ct*. Tkaraday, August n, 1910. FOR COI STT CLEKK. 1 heteby aaaooace my candidacy for fiie Republican nomination for the office of countj elerfc ot McH~nry county, sub jeet to the decision of the voters at the (irv E STILL A5SOCHCEX I:> T. I bersty announce toy candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry cqunty, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri mariea. ARTHUR A CKISKEY, 33-tf Marengo. 111. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican votere at the primaries Sept. 15. GEORGE ECKERT. 51 Woodstock, 111. ANNOTNCKMENT. I desire to announce to the voters of McHenry county that I am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of County Judge and respectfully solicit your vote at the Primaries to be held September lr>, 1910. V S. LUMLKY. FOK COUNTY TKEAHUBKK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1810. 35 CHARLES WANDHACK. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for he Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept. 15. ANDREW H. HENDERSON, SR., 61 Crystal Lake, 111. ANNOUNCEMENT. As everybody already knows, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi­ nation for the office of County Clerk of this county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held on Thursday, Sept. 15, 1'JIO. 1 hereby make a formal announcement of that fact and solicit the votes of my friends and others, who think I am entitled to that office. GKORGE W. LEMMKKS. 52 I \h< l TOR>- NOTICE. I'. P. HAKNKS, ATTORN K Y. Est site of Mat Mas Engeln, I >eeeasctl. The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Mathia.t Kngeln. deceased. bite of the County i'f Mi "Henry and State of Illinois, hereby Hives notice that she will appear before t lie County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock. at the October Term, on the tirst Monday in October next. :it which timt^iili persons having claims .iiratnst said E*%ye are nWitted and requested to attend for t he purpose Vf having the same adjusted. All peiNons indebted t<i saiil Estate are requested to make lnmiedwitc payment to the undersigned. Dated this 1st day of August, A. D. 1 li 10. 7-at BARBARA ENOEL.K. Executrix. Knjoy Picnic at Wilmot, Win. Twenty employees of the Hnnter. Weckler Boat factory enjoyed a picnic at Wilmot, Wis., Wednesday of this week. The trip to the beautiful little Wisconsin village was made in a thirty- foot cabin launch owned by E, Hunter with the following crew in charge: Captain. Frank Ward; chief engineer, Chas Rietesel; assistant engineer, John Worts: chief steward, Joe J. Rothermel; (in charge of cigars, etc:) chief cook, Henry Schaffer; assistant cook, John Catlin. The trip and picnic was highly enjoyed by all present and from the in­ side information that we were able to obtain the crew behaved admirably well. Dysentery is a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, ChoJtera and Diarrhoea Remedy has beep successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally valuable for chil­ dren and adults, and when reduced with water and sweetened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers. R«prf>Mnt!itivi< T. F. Kuril* Denien Em­ phatically Ever Making Statement Which IK llelng Used to Injure Hiin. Thomas F. Burns, representative in the state assembly from thin district, wishes to make the following statement to the people of the district Disregard t< a matter in which he is being willfullj and maliciously misrepresented by tht Chicago Tribune, which refuses to pub lish a statement from him in regard to the matter, or from others who heart! him speak and who have made written statements regarding it Mp. Burni- says: "The statement made by the Chicago Tribune that I ever said that I favored a property restriction for men in the matter of voting is a lie. "The Tribune has refused to pntlish a statement from me or from others who heard the speech, but has sin^e then published a letter criticising me for that which I never said, the writer of the letter getting his information from the false statement made by the Chicago Tribune. That convinces me that The Tribune knows that I have been misrepresented, and is deliberately trying to injure me in this district. "I did not intend to pay any further attention to this matter, but the evident intention of certain interests to continue misrepresenting me in the matter leads me to make this direct statement. 1 believe that the people of this district are too intelligent and know me too well to be led astray by such methods or by such trash." » If your liver is sluggish and out ol tone, and you feel dull, bilious, consti pated, take a dose of Chamberlain V Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight be fore retiring and yon will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all dealers. St ops AVEKSS HAIR VIGOR Faflling Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin, sodium chlorid, capsicuhi, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single injurious ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor if this is not so, Follow his advice. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR 'ocs not dolor the ATKU CoMfAti*. Luwoll, MTTTW. lair Bom, to Mr. and MM. Patar Mill* on Saturday, a baby boy. Mrs, Frank Am ana and daughter Bpent last week with Mrs. Jack Stadt- feld Mrs. Rochfort and daughter, Eveline, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller.. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Frennd and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bower attended chnrch here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bower and chil­ dren of Spring Grove attended church here Snnday. Miss Frances Miller of Fox Lake spent Snnday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Arens of Elgin spent Saturday and Snnday with their daugh­ ter, Mrs. Nick Bower. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher and Clyde Wright spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stone at Wauconda. Miss Anna Amann of Fremont and her sister, Mary, of Milwaukee spent Friday with their sister, Mrs. George Walmsley. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Sold by all dealers. A delightful evening was spent at card playing last Snnday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hiller. Those present were Messrs. B. Hiller, J. Brefeld, J. Rosing, J. Larkin; Mesdatnes B. Hille^ G. G. Rochfort; Misses Lillie Hiller and Eveline Rochfort. The ladies' prize, a beautiful cut glass vase, was won by Mrs. Rochfort, and the gents' prize, a box Gi Waa wuu by I>. Iiiiiei. Refreshments were served and all re­ ported a good time Staggers Skeptics. That a clean, nice, fragrant compound like Bucklen's Arnica S*lve will instant ly relieve a bad burn, out, scald, wound or piles, staggers skeptics. But great cures prove itV a vvouut rfni Ilea'ex of the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema, skin eruptions, as also chapped hands, sprains and corns. Try it. 35c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. HOLCOMBVII.I.I:. Fred Davol! spent Suuilay at hishoine here. Arwin and Edwin Bauer were Wood­ stock callers Sunday. George Adams of R ngwood called in this vicinity Sunday evening. Miss B. Doherty spent several days last week with relatives here Wui. Doherty and dang li ter, Grace, visited at Mrs Laughlin's Sunday Mr. and Mrs. David P.>wers and son visited relatives in McHenry Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John ReHh'tn o? Eater aM Park spent Sunday at Jan. Powers' Misses Y7era and Nellie Doherty spent Sunday afternoon with the Misses Da- voll. Misses Anna and Etta Powers of Mc Henry are spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughter and Miss Irene Davoll were McHenry callers Saturday. Pearlie Peck and Arwin Bauer have returned home after camping a week or more down the river. Struck a Rich nine. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., says he struck a perfect mine of health in Dr. King's New Life Pills for they cared him of Liver and Kidney Trouble after 18 years or suffering. They are the best pills on earth for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dyspepsia, Debility. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. JOHNSBUBGH. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pretschlad of Chi cago are visiting with the latter s annt, Mrs Susan Freuud, at Johnsbtirgh. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brick and children, Mrs. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prets chald and Mrs. Susan Freund spent Sun day at the home of John M. Miller. Mrs. R Wolf and grandsons, George V. and Jos. Brick, are visitiug with the former's mother and relatives for the last two weeks. THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way It is usually done Price Is generally the first consid­ eration. If that is very low the Roods seem attractive, regaruless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine Into the quality of this harness first Then It will be seen that itis worth almost any price. Hut our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low •: - :: : : G. A. Barker flcHenry, 111. Want Column. All ftdrertiaemonts ii'-dertod under this hea-si at the following rate*: Five lines or less, 26 cents lor Bra Insertion; 1& rents for each subsequent insertion. More tdan linen, & cento * l ine for first insartion, nd Soente » line tor addition(Inaertieas. Professional. Society 8tnd Business Cards bAViD G. WELLS M.D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIle • *• Office and residence corner Elun aitii Green streets. McHenry. Teleohone No. 311 I). T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, Illinois ^ AH business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. DR. K- G. CHAMBERLIN DBNTIST Office over Beiley's Dni( Stre. Hours: s:oo to s;jo. WIST MCIIBNKY, III, Telephoae No 6 Office over M. J. Walsh's DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No 993. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHsnry, BHasis JpOR SALE--All my household furniture. MAX ZIMMKRMANN, McHenry, 111. ' 1RL WANTED--For general house work at r Pistakee Bay. Apply at this office. GIRL WANTED--At Northwestern hotel In juireof MRS. P. H. WEBBB, West MC Henry, 111. XpoR SALE- Young Duroc Jersey and Berk- " shire boars. Apply to or write GEO. J. GAYKR, Pistakee Bay, III. XpOR SALE--House with barn and three lots. £ In good condition. Inquire of C. U. BKKHEH, McHeury, lil. o-'iir TT'OR SALE--Full blood white Wyandbtte cockerels. 75 cents each. Write or ap­ ply to HELLBN E. RAYMOND, Round Lake, 111., R. D. 7-2t For Quick Relief From Hay Fever. Asthma and snmmer bronchitis, take l^oley's Honey and Tar. It quickly re lieves the discomfort and suffering and the annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages of the head, throat and bronchial tnbes, It contains no opiates and no harmful drngs. Refuse substitutes. Frank Masqnelet. Unlversallst Serviceaiat 10:45. The Rev. A. C. McHenry will preach at the Universalist church next Sunday morning at 10:45. All are invited. TpOR SALE--Cheap if taken at once, a 7 ^ room house on Main street, West McHen­ ry. For further particulars apply to C. E. LAMPHERE, West McHenry, 111. TJVJRSALE--North and South Dakota land: $15 to |2f> per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. HOWE, McHenry. III. 20-tf LOST--Between Volo and McHenry or on the streets of McHenry, a black un­ dressed worsted coat. Would be pleased to havei|nder u»>Ufy ED. HENDKK, Round Lake, III. # TpOR SALE--A 18-foot launch with a 6 h. p. " Gray motor I9!fi model, leather cushions and canopy, seating 8 to 10 persons. Price, $100.00 cash. Address S. E. SMITH, 565 Doug­ las avenue, Elgin. III. ; IJVJRSALE--A large quantity of household goods and furniture, garden tools and hundreds of other small articles. Everything goes at your own price. Call at once. PiTBB LEICKEM, McHenry, ill. S tf TIVJR SALE -A 1908 Reo touring car, (former- ^ ly owned by F. A. Bohlander, West Mc- lienry, ill.) recently overhauled and repaint­ ed. and now in A No. 1 condition. Address J. .1. HILI.E, 4850 Byron St., Irving Park, Chica­ go. (11. 1JM>k SALE OR RENT--The Lake Zurich ^ feed mill, beautifully situated near the hanks <,f Lake Zurich, lu the heart of one of the rk'hrst farming counties in the state. Mill is all fitted and ready for operation. A splendid opportunity for man who Is willing to hustle. Phis is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section affords No oompetitlon. Everything your ow'a way. Don't aelay, but write THE PLAIN- UKAI.KH at once for further information. 4tf-tf DR. N. J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS "PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours -t at Johnsburgh, III., from 7::!0 a. in. to ll:a0 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. 'PHONE, MCHENRY :IHH. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THR PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any yio.u^ West McHenry, III. Illu Cirt^iw Coming. The stamp <1 approval has been placed on thn Loretta Twins by all the crowned beads of E irope before whom they have performed during the last two years. The Loretfa Twins are bar performers par excellence, doing many wonderful and perilous feats never be­ fore attempted by any other artists, thns making them a particularly enhancing feature with the great Dode Fink shows, which will exhibit in McHenry Satur­ day, August 20. Many other world re- uowufcd features and attractions are presented on the two elevated stages and the big ring of the circns--among which are Chapman and Berube, aero hats, hand balancers in mid air. The Fiving Ernests, who perform upon the tlyiug trapeze uuheard of feats of "dar­ ing. The two Wallins, contortionists, the bonelens wonders of the century-- and scores of other equally well known artists, athletes, riders and acrobats TeHcher*' Mnetlog Saturdky, Aug. 27, '10 At this meeting, supplies for the school year will be distributed, and an excellent opportunity offered for teach ers to become acquainted with the work­ ing plans of this office. All teachers are expected to be present. On Friday, the preceding day, the last teachers' examination before the beginning of the school year will be given to those who have not yet secured their certificates. The clerks of school boards and the secretaries of boards of education should send us the names of their teachers as early as possible. F. F. BOOTH, Asst. Co. Snpt. of Schools, Petesch's for drags. MI/MUST ^5//VQ AM lu mbim" A Play tha t retain its position on the stage for years and years to coma. "f* It is romantic in nature, full of emotion and human interest, and while brisk in motion never borders on the1 sensational. THE VARIOUS PICTURESQUE Kill MtlfVou CHARACTERS ARE ALL IN THE HANDS OF CAPABLE PLAYERS and a complete scenic production is given. IT IS THE KATE CLAXTON VERSION, (that noted actress having made the play famous,) that will be presented here and the management says, " YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR HONEY BACK." A PLAY THAT HAS ATTRACTED UNIVERSAL RECOGNITION THE WORLD OVER IS "YOU AB£ IN IQVfc WITH THE BUWDGWU' & J. "t? Central Opera House, McHenry Sunday Evening, August 14* Prices, 25, 35c, 50c, , rm, WHEN IN CHICAGO I»on't forget to call on Ldmutft Q. Sen$ 02 Fifth Ave where you will always be treated courteously and receive the best in the market in the line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars PARCELS CHECKED FREE tSideLiYeryMdjie R. I. OVERTON. PROPRIETOR. Buses meet all trains for points on ; Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team­ ing of ail Kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial atteution given to traveling men. Fii-st-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. West McHenry, III. • Telephone 47a Succeed when everything else fails, in nervous prosurauon and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's co-mter. AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine The best constructed and cheapest engine on the market today. Is now furnished with magneto, r^ quiring no batteries. The Aer.-: motor Co. is the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to use this most important improve­ ment without raising price, $37*5° Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at $135- If you need power for any purpose, write or ask us for information. WN. BACON. I HUMPS, WINDMIl-LS, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY, ILL. The Long Distance Passenger Boat '• A L I C E " The Most Reliable BMt on These Waters is again In commission and making daily trips along Fox River. Pl*t»k©e B«k.y. L*ke. Nlpperslnk Uk«, Fox Lake. Grass Uk«, Livk« Mctrie. Lake Bluff, Channel Lak« and Lake Cath- tk.rirte. The boat also makes trips toAJary and Algonquin. 111., and Wilmot, Wis On these trips It follows the course of Fox river. The Lotus Beds In lirass Lake are now in full bloom and trips are made to this beautiful and far famed spot whenever a sufficient number of passengers may be obtained. Iu vite some city friends, get up party and enjoy 1 he beautiful sight. Hound Trtp only 75c from McHenry Sixty Mile Ride For $i The boat, will make trips, by appoint­ ment. starting from either end of the trip, betweeu McHenry and Wilmot, Wis., tak­ ing in the beautiful Chain of Lakes, Fox River and the World Kamed Ix>tus Beds in Grass Lake. Beautiful scenery all the way. • wn. KOEPPE, CAPT. Loaf Distance TeHpkoie, flcHenry 8x1

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