Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1910, p. 7

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v : f .,rK.v-"'v - vv '• •>, . ;•'>* * 'k * -- -- i -- . v - v . , • » - • • > . - • - * • • • . i ~§p "IT %:*•• •« >;<; • • i*v; ' * ^ i . win l.liiiiiiiiiiI.Liii(ij|ii NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS • CONCRETE ̂ A Marquette Concrete home is the idea! dwelling--warm in winter-- cool in summer--just right all the year 'round. First cost is not great ---the after-saving is immense. No repairs, no insurance, no decay, and long after you're gone your Mar­ quette Concrete he use will stand as a tribute to you/ far-sightedness. We'll gladly send you details for making houses with iXQU^TTp PORTLAND CEMENT The Farmer's Cemen; Handbook free for the asking. V 'me us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, III Chicago Offict: Marqmttt Bldt-. Chicago, HI. Wilbur Lumber ( '<>. , Mc t lan ; / J> is t i t lm iors . 1*0 Tl-Ptf •*<#0 ON 1*0 . 3 PLY 5§ sotmm ftC ^EHDUf ^Roofi^ RETY BOND GUARANTEE mflOl INSIDE EMI ROLL OF lUKOU O O F I N C JV£VjER jLE/ZK 'Congo h (he only Ready Roof­ ing carrying the National Surrey Co.'* bond. It carries with it terms J conditions that make it especially pt- ctirc to anyone who must' consider the >fit»g question. For 10 years you can rest easy about ur roofs it covered with 3-ply Conpo, d we know that it is probable you will ; ioen longer service out o( it. n.e Surety Company is issuing these bonds, aril back of litem is their two rr.; '!ion dollars o/ aistte. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Roofing. Y oil are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary care. \X rite to-day for samples of Congo and full information. Remember, that with every roll of Congo you get a genuine Surety Bond. Albert Etten Coal Co McHFNPV. (I i iNnic Bertlia Ejnmert Expert Fitter of (Jlasses for all At Besley's Drug: Store Wednesday, Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 UIKI.S OF ALL AltES yon give them SHIP *;row up to 14 women I low < ice year by yenr * they are matur IK to hate A YKARLY PHOT< KiKAPH 7lint a wonderful illeetion it would ha in the yearn to < ome. GIRLS LOOK SWEET PHOTO GRAPHED HERE Photos single or in gnmpH from thin studio are alwayn well tiuiehed. SUMMER ROASTS Pttu be kept on lee and ready foroutiriRS and picnics. Meat at this market when properly cooked will last for days. COLD BOILED HAM AND COLD ROAST BEEF are mighty appetizlug when the thermom­ eter is np iu the nineties. FOR HOT WEATHER GET MEAT HERE. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 SCHNABEL, (Successor to J. J. tlilie) West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 A Thirteen l'ouiui Kel. "Hobby" and "Sox," who are pass­ ing: the pninmer in camp down Fox river, landed » thirteen pound eel one day last week it wan ' Hobby ' who really caught the monster, but before the Rnake-libe water animal couhl be landed the efforts of both campers were put into play. After a battle of several minutes the monnter was landed and tied to a stake, there to remain until Sam. the cook, could prepare it for one grand feast, which was participated iu by twenty five friends of the twp heroes Notice. Having taken charge of the black suiiih shop nutil recently owned and conducted by B. Nordqnist, I wish to annouuee that I am now ready to serve the public Will do all kinds of black smithing, horseshoeing and wagon inak int;. Trusting to receive a share of the public's patronage and assuring satis factory wc rk. I am Respectfully yours. 7-4T SEBASTIAN HEKBST A 1.1* PARK. R. I?}. Sutton was a Ring wood visitor Mouday. „Mra. Chas. Gibbe was a visitor in Chicago Monday. R. E Sutton of Chit-ago is enjoying a week's vacation on the Fox Mrs F Romano and son, Joe, are s|rouuiug mis wee It 111 the city. Salvator Rouiano spent a few days the past week with his mother at Oak Villa. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgiu spent Sun­ day with hia wife at the borne of Mrs. E Frisby. Mr and Mrs. E J.^Cohan spent Sun­ day at the home of their son, Chas. A., and familv. Mrs. Jack Walah and children visited the former's sister, Mrs. Thas. Gibbe, Wednesday Miss Margaret Sutton is upending* few days this week with Duudee and Elgin friends. W K Burns went to th« city Monday after enjoying two weeks vacation here with his family. Mrs. Geo. Scrivner and daughter, Marion, went to Chicago Mouday to remain a few days. Miss Mildred Hoelscher of Elgiu W H S a guest at the home of R .1. Sutton Sat­ urday and Sunday. Messrs. Geo E. Hoelscher and Joe Farrell of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of R J. Snttou. Mr. and Mrs. Win Burns and Mies Grace Barns of Chicago are spending this week at the Park. Miss Katie Corr of Woodstock is speuding this week with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Messrs. Wm. Blum and son, Walter, John and Jas. Armstrong and Miss Jeanette Blum spent Sanday with their folks here. Messrs. R. H. Corr of Woodstock, Earl McAndrews of Cherry Valley and Phil Aylward visited at the home of E Knox Suuday. Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelscher aud son, Robert, caine out from Elgin Fnd*\ evening to remaiu a few weeks at in.< former's home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ktfk ami family. Mesdatnee Wm and Harry Tlnvi<>n *i«tl children and Mrs. Geo Fi.tcer me at the Haxton resort at present. Ed. Sutton of Sioux S 1) . dropped in on his friend* \VeduescU> morning and is shaking I I U M I . - I V I I I I numerous relatives and IriemlH. | Misses Celia and Mabel .Powers, Ethel and Hellen Van H<>n«eu ami Ja\ | Van Housen drove out. I mm Eluin Sat | nrday in the latterV machine m>.l i.peut I the afternoon at R .1 Suttou s | Life 6n Panama Canal I has had one frightful draw|tn> l< malaria i trouble that has brought .^ui.ering md ; death to thousMiids The term* i-Hii~e chills, lever aud H«ne, biiiousness, jaun | dice, lassil nde, weakness and general J debility But Elm*trie Bitters urvtr fail I to destroy them and cure malariatronb- ; les "Three bottles completely cured 1 me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm A Fretwell, of Ln>*ama, N. C-., "and I've had good health ever cilice " Cure Stomach, Liver and Kid j ney Troubles, and prevent Typhoid. 1.10c. (Guaranteed by N< H Petes«:b antl F. .WaMjuelet. otvnon. H. W Allen was iu Chicago Monday Nelson Smith of Portland is visiting relatives Hear tow 11. St veral political candidates wwre in town Tuesday eveniug Miss Lora Walkington went to C'hi- cago Monday mortiiug to visit relatives. Robert Allen antl friend of Wtwxfstock were calling iu town Tuesday morning. H. M. Stephenson went to ('nicago Tuesday to witness the Masonic parade. Miss Allies liigelow spent part of last wfeek at t'. W. Harrison s below .Mc- H ell rv, % Fred Bryant and family of W >od- stock are visiting Ring wood and Mc Henry relatives. C. W. Harriisou aud wife went to Chicago Monday afternoon to attend the Masonic conclave. * Irviug Merchant, wife and son, who have In-en visitiug here the past week, went to Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Anna Byrd aud daughters of Mt Henry spent Suturday evening and Snuday with Miss Agnes Dodge. About twenty Woodmen attended the Woodujeu enterti^iuiueut at Greenwood Saturday nigbt. All report a pleasant time. li. W Allen and wife and Mrs Jas L. Conway and daughter, Floosie, spent i<*st week Y\ ed need ay with friends in Sharon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J Hauver aud children of Lake Geueva were at Bert Met'an non's Monday. He took them home iu bis auto in the afternoon. Mrs Ole Wolkos' mother died Mon day afternoon. The remains were taken to Milwaukee, the deceased's former home, Wednesday for burial A goodly number from town aud vicinity went to assist Charles Thomp­ son in raising the barn on his farm near Greenwood last Saturday afternoon. Mrs Mary Cba»e came out from the city Thursday worniug aud visited till Sunday with C. T. Chase, when she > went to tier brother's, William Stevens, near Richmond. They Have a Oefiuite I'urpnue. Foley Kidney Pills give a quick relief in cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Rose Glaser, Terre Haute. Ind., Mis the result in her raae. "After suf­ fering for many years from a serious case of kiduey trouble and spending much mouey for so called cores, I found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine that gave me a permanent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall neyer hesitate to reconi mend tbein." F. Maeqoelet. Mrs Anners was a Crystal Lake vin itnr Friday. EdnH Salow is visiting in Crystal Lake this week. Henry Wilson visited his mother, Mrs. Josephson, Sunday. W. E. Dike and F. S. Morse wei_e ?ii Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson visited rela­ tives at Ringwood Friday. W. D. Fisk of Crystal Lake was here Tuesday transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jachbs of Terra Cotta spent Sunday at A Jacobs'. Rkymond and Stanley Warnock of Chicago are visiting relatives here A. Stephenson left Monday for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Iowa Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, were Crystal Lake shoppers Friday, Mrs. F. Hutson and sons of McHenry are visiting at Mrfe. E. M. Stephenson « Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephson were Crystal Lake callers Saturday evening. Mrs. H. V. Wilcox and children of Woodstock called at J B Lynch * Sun day. Miss Genevieve Goddard visited her aunt. Mrs. W. Wiicox, at Greenwood last week. Mrs Schroeder and son of May wood visited her sister, sMrs D L GtbsoL, last week M rs. Kate Peterson aud children of Chicago spent a j art of last week with Mrs H. Nel.-oi, Mrs Rice of t Vystal Lake visited Sun day and Monday with her brother, A Jacobs, and I nnily Mr. and Mr* H>, m:; Waterman of WoodMo, k are sp- nding part of their vacation at H Reed's Mr. and .Mrs S. Reed and Virginia atid Walter visited over Sunday with their brother, Frank, in Chicago. Mr aud Mrs. F French and children visited 111 the home of Lieu tin (sou at Woodstock Saturday and Suuday M r s Baldwin and daughter, Harriet, ol Toit-do, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. W E Dike Mr and Mrs Hunt, formerly of Crys tal Lake but uow of Oregon, visited with Mrs. E Smith Tuesday of last Week Mrs. (4 H. Towusend aud two chil dreuHuil Miss Grace Olmxtead of Car roll. !•»., vipiitfl their irrandrather, E S Olutstead. and al*o their aunt, Mrs E Smith, part of lust week. - Below is a little song composed by Eva Merchant,- who is ouly tive aud one half \ears old : til KM K SONC \\ lit re :tr«- yon gotnic. Birtlle Hiiil - I on i:uliii; In tin W'HWls 'A li ii > in t in- W<KM1S>V I 'IH ir > A t ree In tlie woods. »\ iiai's tn iiir i nn-, Hirtiie iiiro * 'i'li>-re > .1 lu-st ill ttu' tr«*e Ami 1 wo .-UKS in the nesl. What, will tliey hatch to: Th«-y will It:i|.t-ti little lilrds. What will the little lilrds sin^V The little tiirds will slug "I'ralNe to tiod. I 'liiKe tn Hod. I 'raise t< liod." (F EXCELLENT LOAVES Delicious Pastries White Swan ...Flour... & /) sssnsriita FOk SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. Vc2»i riiiicmy N. P. Steilen Hcilenry John Richardson V olo William Althoff John.«burgh Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good bnsiuess principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TKKKA COTTA. Thomas Phaliu is visiting Woodstock relatives this week Mrs Davis of Chicago spent Saturday at Henry McMillan s. Edna Phaliu was awarded the scholar ship of Nuuda township. Miss Edna Heider is speuding a few days with the Misses Buss. Miss Edna Phaliu is spending the week with friends iu Chicago. Mrs. M Gillesirvf Woodstock was the guest of Mrs J M Phaliu Tuesday. it. Klee aud son, Joe, of Chicago called at M Knox's Sunday evening. Miss Eiiitna (!O I I W H \ of Elgin visited her parents here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Peck of Chicago visited at Heury and Frank McMillan's Sunday. Mrs Jay Doherty and son, Neill, of Holcomb'ille spent Tuesday with rela­ tives here Misses Marion and Agnes Matthews of McHenry are visitiug at the home of Cnas Buck. Wm Welch of Griswold Lake spent the latter part of last week at the home of C. E Martiu J. M. Phaliu and daughter, Eleanor, aud Walter Keefe of Chicago were Pla­ ta kee Bay callers Sunday. Walter Keefe and friend. T B. O Ck>n uell of Chicago spent Saturday and Snuday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. O Callahan and children of Chicago were guests at the home of J. M. Phaliu a few days last week. Mrs. Johu Bolger, sou, Clarence, and daughters, lleleu and Mercedes, of Woodstock visited relatives here Suu­ day. M r. aud M rs. Chas. Back and M r. and Mrs. Wm. Wingate were guests at the home of Chas. Matthews near Huntley Snuday. OSTKND. Mrs. C. W. Thompson is visiting rela tives iu Williams Bay. Mr. and M rs. Warren Thomas, Jr., spent Sunday with relatives in Wood­ stock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart and family took a trip to Lake Geneva last Sunday. Miss Ella Thomas and Mrs. James Raiuey were shopping in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Elsie Jeffery spent Snuday at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. E. J. Mansfield at Greenwood. Mrs. Alma Thomas and Mre. James Raiuey visited at the hoine of Mrs. Amos Smith near Riiigwood last Thurs­ day. The ice cream social, which was Mteld on C. E. Gay lord's lawn on Wednesday evening ot last week, was a decided success. Mrs. Eliza Draper returned to her home Sunday after spending the week with her brothers, William and Warren Thomas. Mrs. Anna Martin and daughter, Claribel, of Woodstock spent last week with the former's parents Mr and Mrs. B. Harrison. * r£?pnutfuilj nOiiiti&g pQuliC pat* ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vi! lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Let Us Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per­ haps you arc not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. H. NIESEN TELKPMONK NO. 6t>4 flcHenry, - Illinois. THE HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITV secures to those living in It a LIGHT superior to all other artificial il- luminants at a cost of operation uo g r e a t e r than others and POWER to run a great variety of appli­ ances that do the work usually done by human hands, WIRING A HOUSE means modernizing it and adding to its value. The operation is neither expensive nor inconven­ ient to the occupants. Let us ex­ plain our plan of doing the work at cost, fixtures included. No in­ terest and 24 months to pay. North Shore Electric Co. I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY for f^ uflemcn wlto cherish Quality. / Drugs that you know are right Every item that leaves our store is guaranteed. This guarantee is as broad as a customer may wish to interpret it. On our part it means that we "insure absolute satisfaction. If a customer is not satisfied in every particular we want to know it, because lie is entitled to entire satis­ faction. :: :: ; ; : : We are ready to take back goods, refund money or do anything else necessary to show that our guarantee is a valid one and that it represents a straightfor­ ward policy which we enforce in every department of our business. :: ;• N. M. P.etesch DRUUUIST McHENRY TEL. 374 When Looking1 for YourSpring Wants Remember wTe have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: :: , A WM.STOFFEL Phones: RES1DE^E-7»i. ON Kerosene and Gasoline STOVES! This is the opportunity that you have been looking for. We do not intend to carry a single Kerosene or Gasoline Stove over until next season. For this rea- J scm we are closing them out at ten per cent dis­ count under our regular low selling price. Don't put off buying until to­ morrow but come today as the stock is limited. We handle the Perfec­ tion. :: :: :: JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CENTERVILLE HARbWAKE MAN. 1 fir Si* fill Our new fall line of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Gokls to close out this month. We have manj ljsftes of Oxford*, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. :: :: J: SyiTS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Oj*r new f^ll and winter samples are now ready. Sy^O>nte in ami look. :: :: r: * :: :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED - !?i" For Sale by Leading Dealer*.-- J 1

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