ONE GOOD TERM DE t W i t t\ t NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVE Republican Candidate for Re-Election PRIMARIES: JKk ^ I r +3 ? IO t •I J: > i $ t ..Electric Light.. .Electric Power. Service Day and Night North Shore Electrrc Compitny KIMUWOOI>. J. S. Brown was in Chicago last Fri day. Miss Hols truui t« euterialuiuK a youug lady friend from Elgin. Mrs. Mary Noonan entertained friends from Chicago over Sunday. A sou was born to Mr and Mrs Leo Brunswick last wetik Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. McCannon retnrnfed to her home in Greenwood Sunday. Lora Walkington and Eleanor Haw ley were in McHenry Monday afternoon. C. H. StepheuHon took horses to Woodstock Monday to exhibit at the county fair. Mrs Emma Brink of West McHenry spent last week with her sinter, Mrs Edith McCannon. Bert McCannon and family and Mrs. Emma Matthews spent Sunday with relatives in Woodstock. Harry Stephenson, Leon Dodge and Ethel Harrison will attend the McHenry high school the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen, Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow went to Sun Prairie, Wis , Tuesday morning for a week's visit. Mrs. Hattie Buckland and son, J. V , W. E. Smith and family and Mr. and M rs Frank Martin attended the fair at Pistakee Bay last Saturday. The W. C T U. had a very pleasant meeting at Mrs. Mary Carey's last Sat urday After the program she pleas antly surnriwd the ladies by serving ice cream and cake. TKKKA COTTA. Miss Beatrice Norris was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Miss Euiuta Cuuwoj uf Ll^iu epcut Sunday and Monday at home. Mr. Jones of Chicago visited at S. B Leisner's Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Einil Feffer of Lily Lake called on old friends here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas IPlant enter tained company Sunday and Mouday. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at bet home here. Miss Eleanor Pbalin was the guest of Griswold Lake relatives a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch and daugh ter, Helen, of Qriawold Lake visited relatives here Snnday. Carl Bergman returned to his Cbica go home Sunday after spending the summer at the home of his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Misses Hazel Robison, Agnes Con way and Edna Phalin entered the Mc Henry high school Tuesday morning and Miss Frances Knox entered the Crystal Lake Union school the same day. Don't waste yonr money bnying pins ters when yon can get a bottle of Cham berlain's Liniment for twenty fiveceuts. A piece of flannel dampened with this fcoiment is superior to any plaster for ia ne back, pains in the side and cheat, and much cheaper. Sold by #11 dealers. The Show Thai Nftyer Grown Old. PtrhapH there has never been so lavish and adequate a production of "Uncle Turn's Cabin" as that which Mr Martin will offer amusement lovers at the Cen tral opera house next Sunday evening, S pt. 11. The scenes, which are large enoagb to (ill the most spacious stage, could not easily l»e improved. Those representing th<± Ohio riv^r in wint«'| the Rocky Pas* in which <iforge Harriet protects his family, ttye St Claire plan tation, the levee at New Orleans, the cotton fields in full bloom and "The Celestial City" are all most notable efforts, each picture the reality as far as paint and canvas will permit and the stage perspective is so deep that the effect is exceptionally pleasing. The company is also worthy of its environ nient. Frank Lee, the eminent minstrel star, offers au excellent study of Uncle Tom. Prices, 25c, 35c and 50c. A (tollable Medicine Not a Narcotic. Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich , says Foley's Honey apd Tar Baved her little boy's life. She writes: "Our little b< y contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not enre htm, I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar in which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the choking and gagging spells, and he got well in a short time. Foley's Honey and Tar has many times saved ns much tronble and we are never without it in the boose. " F. Maeqnelet. VOLO. Harry Nicholls is spending a few days ia the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lusk were Ingleeide callers Monday. Nick Frost of Kenosha spent Satur day night in town. Albert Stubbing* of Waueonda was a Volo caller Thursday. Ben Rosing is doing mason work at Clinton. Wis., this week. Mrs. John Brown of Wauconda was ia town Friday afternoon. John Effinger is visiting with his sis ter, Lillian Effinger, in McHeacy. Harry Wightuian of (jtlencoe called on friends here one day last week. Mrs. Tonyan and Mrs. Kinsley and c hildren were Volo callers Monday. Mies Annie Roasdeatscher of Wau- ronda was in town Friday of last week. Mr. and Mr«. P. L. Stadtfeld enter tained a party of Chicago relatives Sun day. Miss Olive Wilsou of ( hicsgo is visit ing relatives in and arouud Volo this ^'eek. Mr. and Mrs John Richardson enter tained a (>arty of Chiciago relatives last week. Mrs Simeon Russell of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Laora Husoc. Harry Lusk of Grayslake was the Lrnest of Mr and Mrs Ed Lusk part of the week. Miss Anna Couipton is spending a few weeks with relatives in Hrand Rapids, Wis Mrs. II Hanson sod daughter, Mar garet, of Elgiu called at tbe Raymond home S:itnrd»y Mesdaiues Sal»*»l and Wagner were Urayslake callers one afternoon thu titter part of the week Mrs Fred C o n v e r s n o f West Fremont mid Mr* Ed Lu*k were McHenry oallerH Friday afternoon. Mrw Frank Znelsdorf and children of McHenry visited at the Harry Nicholls home a few days recently Mrs. Jack Frost and sou. Nii k, visited Hih iHtter's son, Arthur, at Shermer- ville Sunday, where he is in school. Mrs Pete Ftost and children and Arthur Frost, of Chicago and Ed. Frost ,>('Kenosha are visiting relatives here Mesdames Fred Dnnnill and Jim Kir- \vhii were miests at the home of the hitter's sister. Mrs. Ben Cossman, at Round Lake Friday Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Congh Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the cronpy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Sold by all dealers. The diamond ring contest, which was conducted by the Mulvey Comedy com pany dnriug their stay here, has closed and the ring w«s won by Miss Tessie Worts The show moved Sunday to Cary, where they will spend this week. Th«« (4 rat it title ot Kltlerly People (iocs out to whatever helps give them e-tse, comfort and strength, Foley Kid ney Pills enre kidney and bladder diseases promptly, and give comfort and relief to elderly people F. Maeqnelet. KMKKA IK PA It K. Floyd Thornpt-on of La Grange was a caller on our streets Sunday. F () F l a h e r t y of Elgin was the guest of his wiTe here Sunday and Monday. Messrs John Armstrong and Frank Blum drove their machine out Sunday and spent the day with relatives here. Miss Msrtraret Sutton is spending the week with Chicago relativesaud friendf. Mrs Margaret K-lly of Chicago is a gnest at the home of R. Sutton this wee k. Mrs Ellen Cleary of Elgin is visiting at the home of her brother, R J. Sut ton, this week. Ed L-trkin and son, Robert, came ont from Eltri" Sunday and spent Monday at R J Sutton's ( has Berkircher left Wednesday for Omaha. Neb., where he will visit rela tives for a few weeks Misnes Mar^nerite Davis and Haael Hoist of Chicago were the guests of Mrs H Berkircher Friday last. Mr. and Mrs Charles Maleyfit and E. Artnit and fkinily closed thtjjr cottage Monday and returned to Chicago M Katherine and Marie Zahring- er of Chicago spent the past week with their cousin. Mrs .1 aines Hnghes. Messrs J A Farrell and R E Snt- ton caui» ont. from Chicago in their car Sunday to remain over Labor day. C. A Cohan returned to bis school duties in Chicago Monday, but his fam ily will remain at the Park for a few weeks. Mrs John Walsh and daughter, Kath- ryn, son. Earl, of West McHenry and Mrs K Bolger visited fiienda here Tuesday v Mr. and Mrs P Armstrong and fam ily returned to River Forest Monday, after spending the snmuier at their cottage here. Messrs. T. Larsen, W. Smith and F. Berry of Chicago camped at the Park Sunday aud Monday and made some good catches. Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser and fam ily and Mrs H. Kirk returned to Chi cago Thursday, after a few months' stay at the H ax ton resort. W. K. Burns, daughter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. D. Strong. Jack Allen and Arthur Titns were guests at the Bnrns cottage Sunday and Monday. Your kidney trouble may be of long standing, it may be either acnte or chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kid ney Remedy will aid you to get, rid of it quickly and restore yonr natural health and vigor. "Oue bottle of Foley's Kid ney Remedy made me well," said J. Sibbnll of Grand View, Wis. Com mence taking it now. F. Masqnelet. Alabastine and kalkomo at Vycital's Centerville hardware BIltUKFIRLU P. B. Haughawout was in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Salow were Chicago shoppers Tneeday. Mrs. A. Anners was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. Miss Pearl Haaghawont was at Crys tal Lake Monday. Mrs R. Goddard was a visitor at Woodstock Tneeday. L. Johnson was in Crystal Lake on basiness Saturday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited her son's family at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephenson were Crystal Lake callers Friday evening. Mrs. A. Josephenson entertained her niece and nephew from Chicago Sunday. Mrs. George Wood and daughter, Catherine, called on friends here Sun day. Mrs. J, B. Lynch and daughter, Mad- alene, were in Harvard and Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jayueand daughter, Audrey, of Woodstock visited friends here Monday Mrs. Irish and daughter, Etta, also Lois Levey, spent Saturday in Chicago, at Lincoln Park. John Nelson of Batavia visited Sun day and Mouday with P. B. Haugha wout and family. Mrs. H Cooper of Woodstock spent Friday aud Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wille. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hartman and cousin, Mrs. Sullivan, visited Crystal Lake relatives Saturday. Mrs. H Wilson and two children of Harvard visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Schoof and children of La Grange visited with Mr. and Mrs. A Anners Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Elsie Harback of Galesbnrg, Mich , and Miss Flora Harback of Cary visited friends here Saturday and Sun day. Miss Mildred Morse left Monoay for her home in Blackstone, Va., after a short, visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walkup Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith and son returned to their home in Austin after a pleasant vacation spent with Father Button and Aunty Hodgkiuson. M rs. Madsen, Mrs A. Peterson and daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Hansen and sons attended the Danish Ladies' Aid society at M. Madsen s near Hartland Thursday. The yonng people gave a farewell party dance in M. W. A. hall last Fri day evening in honor of Miss Sadie Ormsby, who left on Monday to attend her school work at St. Louis, Mo. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is today the beet known medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures griping, diarrhoea, dy-ei t > y And should tie taken at the first unnatural looseners of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always enres. Sold by all dealers. SCHOOL NJOTKS. Monday being Labor day there was no school. School will be closed Friday to give the pupils an opportunity to visit the county fair. School opened Monday, Ang. 29, with twenty fonr pupils in the upper and twenty one pupils in the primary de partments. Those who entered upper grades from the primary department are Burton Collen, Sadie Risley, Mabel Kline, Ruth Benson and Gertrude Haughawout. The following visited school last week: Nina Johnson, Crystal Lake; Olive Hes- selgrave, Emma Nelson, Madalene and Ray Lynch, Ethel Thayer, Arline Ste phenson and Dora Hutson. Don't Break Down. Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break downs. Von can't over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious dauger to yourself. If you are weak or run-down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters, the matchless tonic medicine. Mtb. J. E Van de Saude, of Kirkland, 111., writes: "That 1 did not break down while en during a most severe strain for three months is due wholly to Electric Bit ters. " Use them and enjoy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guar anteed. 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. OSTKNO. F. E Martin transacted business in Chicago last Tuesday. Susie Thompson visited relatives at Dundee last Saturday. Mrs. Myrtle Charles of Chicago is vis iting her friend. Ella Thomas. Mrs. Warren Thomas and son, Emil, were Richmond callers last Friday. F. E. Martin and family attended the Boone county fair at Belvidere last Fri day. Miss Flossie Randall spent Thursday and Friday with her friend, Miss Hazel Thomas. Alva Hollarbush and his family of Greenwood moved to C. E. Jecks place last Thursday. Mrs. C. W. Thompson and son, Elwyn, returned home last Saturday after a four weeks' visit with relatives at Wil liams Bay, Wis. It Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg." writes J A. Swensen of Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that fifteen doc tors could not cure, had at last laid me Qp. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it, sound and well. " Infallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever Sores, Burns. Scalds, Cute and Pilee. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. S & W. buggy paint will make your old rig look like new, At Petaaok'a. 1 EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF. SCHOOL BOOKS, TABLETS, PENCILS, PAPER, ETC. AT N. H. Petesch's When Looking for You rSpring Wants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, oia hand. Good goods, rig|jt prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WM.STOFFEL i^HnriP c* OFFlCE-77a. rnuncd* rksidenck-tmk & § I -ON- Kerosene and Gasoline ST0VE5! Th is is the opportunity that you have been looking for. We do not intend to carry a single Kerosene or Gasoline Stove over until next season. For this rea son we are closing them out at ten per cent dis count under our regular low selling price. Don't put off buying until to morrow but come today as the stock is limited. We handle the Perfec tion. :: :: :: JOHN J. VYCITAU THU CENTERVILLC HARDWARE MAN. For Suiiiiiier & rdll Our new fall line ©f Shoes is now ready for vour inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal» Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. :: :: :: SUITS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Our new fall and winter samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: :: >• M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED r3