Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1910, p. 4

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I" '* I ' • € I l i e / \ c q u i of beautiful home surrounding's does not necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you may surround yourself with a beautifulsome slowly and surely if you will but use the propter care in se­ lecting your furniture so that each piece you biiy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already h&v®. The quality of furniture that comes from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us you have the assurance that in time you \uill hSve a home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Rugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should command your attention. :: :: JACOB MH IWaiy, Ms THE FURNITURE MAN is obtainable only lrom £ood Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking, kind housewite, your very best efforts are bound to ter­ minate into a disappointment just as long as you are rising an inferior jrrado of Flour. We surest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If you are not using our brand, try it, arid be convinced that it's the only Flour. JOHN SPRNC-KR, Prop. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COiUVUSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE SSiSASSr"- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J Attention to Card Parties J I Leave your order for first and second prizes at the Coffee Store. We can get anything you want for prizes. :: SPECIAL THIS WEEK WITH CAN OF BAKING POWDER Fine Carving Set, large Stewing Kettle, nice Sugar and Creamer, Bet Kettle Covers or a Ten Quart Galvanized Water Pail. A large can of Kitchen Cleanser for 10 cents. Cleans anything. We can save you money on Coffees, Teas, Cocoa, Extracts and Bak­ ing Powder. Extra Special for this week only: 8tt> best Rice 25c. The Reliable Always Reliable F. B. Doolitlie C. C. Van Dyne. tie Mcitiiry mmm PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCfl REINER. Office in Bank Building. Telephone, Mo. Ht. TERMS Of* SUBSCRIPTION« v neyear K.M ill mqnths, 75 eta. Three months. 40ota. Thursday, September aa, 1910. OSPLEY DEFEATS CONN (0ONT1NUBD FROM Fnt&T PAOE.) PROBA TE NEWS bj McMcnry Coiiutj Auotrii^ii Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan 011 wal estate ii: sums of five hundred to tun thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower, l'hones 634, 903 ana 911.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Karoline Jeske et al to Benry Buchert It, 8. blk 5, West McHenry $350 00 George F. Kusht.011 to John H. Marsh It 16 sublt 2 It 2 blk 33, West McHenry MARRIAGE LICENSES. Albert Sidel, 88 Hebron Martha Birkholm, 35 Chicago John C. Peters, 29 Marengo Edith Koch, S53 " Gustavoe A. Larson, 80.. . Woodstock ^ J Clara L. Tamer, 25 Hebron I Dorr' 2nd „ , „ , ' „ , Dorr, 3rd 21* Frank Schuring, 22 .Huntley iSlom Nider, 29, , , " Com! m -.;s 77 Graftoa lA/v* lie Dorr, 1st 243 Dorr.Cnd - m 331 Dorr, 8rd 164 834 Dorr, 4th 57 27 .. ..... 86 103 Hebron S82 42 Richmond.. m 96 Burton . . .. 43 21 McHenry, 1st OS 86 McHenry, Sod ....... 188 130 38 66 86 154 Algonquin, $nd . ... 187 60 Alironiiiiln, 3rd 85 loZ 3886 2403 CODNTT CURI. Still Riley, m Marengo, 1st ISO Marengo, 2nd 306 Dunham 96 Chemung, 1st 191 Chemung, 2nd....." 188 Chemung, 3rd-- 66 Alden 163 Hartland 78 Seneca 153 Coral 187 Orafton 146 Dorr, 1st 190 888 Not a minute should be lost 'when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlaia's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack, bold by ail dealers. Want Column. All *dv< rtlxtimfiitu Inserted under this heart at th«- loliowlufcraUB Klve lln^f or lega, tt cents for tlmt joaertion; 15 cents for e«ch subsequent insertion. ,-llorc tb&u live linen, f) cents a line for first insertion, Bd 3 cents a line for addition! insertion* U*OR BALE--About eight heavy swarms of * bees. H. C. MEAD. West McHenry, 111. 14-Jit X3MJR8ALE--McCormlck reaper, in good con- " ditloo. J. M. WALSH. Woodstock, 111. 14-tf "CVJR BALE--About ten acres of good fodder corn If sold before it is cut. Inquire of ¥. 3. OJUBAKT. 14-tf 1JVOR SALE 80 months old OrriCB. Four full blood Holstein bulls. Inquire at 1'L.AINDEAI.KK 14-it* TXT ANTED--Girl to do general housework In Chicago. No cooking or washing. Apply O. Z.ACMBRBCHER, McHenry, 111., ««Mte2. ];Ml, •Between McHenry and Ringwood on , Tuesday of this week, a seven-inch dr- Cular automobile door with brass handle. Under kindly leave at this office. WmsAU North and South Dakota land . l»er acre. Attn, farms in Mnme- TO .,or fur'll«r information apply or wriu K W. HOWK. McHenry. 111. 20-tf "CMJR HALE--The fine dairy of 12e acres (for •A merly owned by Robert Green. deceased) B miles east of Woodstock, will be sold by *>rder of <Sonrt at Woodstock on Haturd'ay iQctober R, Address C. BARMEH. Wood fstock, HI. 14-at .•TCMJK. SALE OR RENT--One hundred iter farm, located 1H miles southeast of M< ..a..»:?J..«|l»Bry. near Fox river. Blxty-five acres ui -tier cultivation, balance pasture land. Good *-> building*. For further information apply U if 4 - "J*" write JIBS. ELISABETH SMITH, McHenry ii [ Visit the Lotus. The home of upto- dftte u^Uiaery. Nothing finer in the . . . S'rt; V-ft* ' ^ ' . . HOLCOMBVILLE. Miss Gertrude La Sage is spending a few weeks with her sister in Chicago Miss Vera Doherty Bpent several days last week iu McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil dren called at Jay Doherty's Sunday. Miss May Noonan of Ringwood spent last week in this vicinity. Mrs F. D Davoll returned home Sat­ urday, somewhat improved in health, after taking treatments in an Elgin hospital for the past two weeks. Thomas McDonald and Miss Mary Gribbs visited at David Powers' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harrison were Woodstock visitors one day last week. Mrs. P. H. Hunt spent Monday after­ noon with Mrs. Wm. Zenk. Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller returned to their home in Iowa after a visit of sev­ eral weeks at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiston. Mr and Mrn. W. B. Gilbert and Mrs. Jay Doherty called at C. H. Harrison's Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs Kelly and children of Chicago are visiting at John Powers'. Mr. and Mrs Otis Murray and chil­ dren called at Wm. Doherty's Friday "(.an be depended upoh" is an expres­ sion we all like to bear, and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails tocurediarrhoea dysentery or bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable and adults. Sold by all JUclieury House Halt Openiug. Under the present management the McHenry House iiali will be formally opened tor the tail and winter season ot iylU-iyil on Tuesday evening ot next week, September 21, with an opening dance. «i. C. Buckler, who has satisfac­ torily conducted the affairs of the Mc­ Henry Uottee during the past: inramer, nopes to conduct a series of dances at this hail "during the coming fall and latorms us that he will spare no pains nor expense in making these events en­ joyable tor those who relish this sort of amnsement. He will place the hall in ilie Quest condition mat it has ever been in and thru cordial treatment hopes to get the old patrons of this re­ sort coming in this direction once more. The music next Tuesday evening will be furnished by Merger's orchestra of Woodstock, which insures the dancers that this department of the evening's entertainment will be well looked after. The floor committee will be made up of the following named gentlemen: Mc­ Henry, John P. Weber; West McHenry. Chas. Reents; Lily Lake, Edward Wege­ ner; Volo, Henry Stadtfeld; Woodstock, Jack Harding and Leo Hansiiiaii; Johns burgh, Peter Freund; Ringwood, Joe Lawrence; Pistakee Bay, Fred Jasten. Dance tickets, 75 cents; snpper, extra. Don't waste your money buying plas­ ters when yon can get a bottle of Cham­ berlain B Liniment for twenty-live cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is snperior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and chest, and ranch cheaper. Sold by all dealers. Sparks The Rounder. "Sparks the Rounder" is not a drama, vaudeville or burlesque show. It is a musical farce comedy. It may be well to explain why we call it a musical farce comedy. There are so many peo­ ple who think that the words musical comedy applies to music, comedy and girls, that is to say a chorus of girls, we use farce in the middle which is proper as there is no chorus with "Sparks the Rounder." We have nothing but artists that can sing, dance or produce comedy. A drama is, as a rule, a reproduction of everyday life. A vaudeville show is just a matter of so many people follow­ ing each other on the stage. This show has a story to it with lots of comedy, singing and dancing that is not out of place. Mr. Heider and his son, Freder­ ick, have staged ' 'Sparks the Ropnder" in ajuanner that pleases everyone. At the Central opera house, Sunday even­ ing, September 25 The Lash of a Fiend would hare been about as welcome to A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as a mer­ ciless lung racking cough that defied ail remedies for years. "It was moat troublesome at night," he writes, "noth­ ing helped me till I used Dr. Kisg's New Discovery, which cured me com­ pletely. I never cough at night now." Millions know its matchless merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whooping congh or hay fever. It relieves qnickly and never fails to satisfy. A trial convinces. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. It's positively guar­ anteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Mas- quelet. Wedding Dance at Jolinsbnrgh. A double wedding dance will take place at Stephen H. Smith's hall at Johnsbnrgh next Wednesday evening, September 28. Good music will be in attendance and a fine time is promised those who turn out. Remember the date and be on band. Dorr, 4th 66 Orecr.wood ..... Til Hebron . ... 2H7 Richmond 210 Barton so McReary. 1st as McHenry, 2nd 160 Nuoda, 1st 92 Nunda, 2nd ZU Algonquin, 1st ,....109 Algonqntn, 2nd. 177 Algonquin, 3rd 7'j Lemmers 15 75 * .-18 21 84 82 22 2tt 47 52 226 tm 186 1.1 H7 12 47 oa 29 75 112 62 141 1997 Matt Heider - and a brilliant wast in uie EMllElll LOWS Delicious Pastries to the Inevitable rewrtt If you f White Swan ...Flour... . Total 4079 CODNTT TREASURER. Oris.s«y Wandrack 120 Marengo, 1st... 108 70 Marengo, 2nd 237 56 Dunham UH 33 119 Chemung, 2nd 10G Chemung, 3rd.. .. 57 34 Alden 139 43 Hartland «1 75 Seneca 127 71 Coral. 153 98 Grafton 123 12) Dorr. 1st 142 281 Dorr, 2nd 188 279 Dorr, 3rd 129 273 Dorr, 4th 41 42 Greenwood 124 Heoron 235 112 73 McHenry, 2nd 145 117 62 Nunda, 2nd 150 171 Algonquin, 1st.. 42 217 Algonquin, 2nd... 132 207 Total 3059 CODNTT SUPBRl NTENOBBT. Shelton Harrison Riley 91 18 Marengo, 1st.. . 146 55 Marengo, 2nd .. . 162 47 Dunham 94 19 Chemung, 1st 117 Chemung, 2nd. ... 125 103 Chemung, 3rd 47 30 Hartland 42 Coral 131 32 Grafton 168 42 Dorr, 1st 188 162 Dorr, 2nd 227 180 Dorr, 3rd 140 182 13 Greenwood 133 Hebron . 220 92 Richmond .....133 160 35 McHenry, 1st.. .. 22 124 McHenry, 2nd 78 154 Nunda, 1st 78 47 Nunda, 2nd 240 00 128 39 Algonquin, 2nd.. 196 54 Algonquin, 3rd. . 147 22 Total 3240 2168 1 .W- v TESB MifillJjW Seats on saleat Petesch's Auction Sale! F. O. Gans. Auctioneer On aecount of the death of my hus­ band I will sell at auction sale on my farm sitnated three miles southeast of McHenry, one mile south of the Lily Lake school house and three miles north­ east of Burton's bridge, on Sept. 28 sHEmrr. Eckert Henderson Safe Medicine For Children. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and effective medicine for children as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. F. Masquelet. Do you know that you can get a houseboat at a great bargain by apply­ ing to or writing Peter P. Rotbermel, McHenry, 111? \When Merit Winn. When the medicine >ou take cures your disease, tones np your system and makes yoa feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for yon, in all cases of backache, headache, nervous neBs, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or -bladder. F. Masquelet. Petesch's for drugs. for children | dealers. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is today the best known medicine in «a^e for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures griping, diarrhoea, dysentery and should lie taken at the first unnatural looeeuees of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by all dealers. Riley 75 Marengo, 1st 14# Marengo, 2nd 153 Dunham ^ 73 Chemung, 1st lie Chemung, 2nd 100 Chemung, 3rd 34 A ld«n 79 Hartland 09 Seneca 120 Coral 131 Grafton ui Dorr, 1st 242 Dorr, 2nd 294 Dorr, 3rd 225 Dorr, 4th 2S Greenwood 112 Hebron 195 Richmond 201 Burton 38 McHenry, let 80 McHenry, 2nd 134 Nunda, 1st 12 Nunda, 2nd 23 Algonquin, 1st 36 Algonquin, 2nd 25 Algonquin, 3rd 26 51 74 87 44 109 153 41 101 52 49 68 93 lOt 167 151 57 67 111 84 21 52 118 117 282 180 243 194 2087 Total 2004 PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN. Riley Harry Dunbar Marengo, first C. B. Whittemore Marengo, second E. D. Patrick Dunham H. E. Whipple Chemung, first Eugene Saunders Chemung, second M. J. Emerson Chemung, third Harry Padl Alden. N. B. Clawson Hartland W. H. Forrest Seneca Fred Selchow Coral A S. Peak Grafton Chas. Conley Dorr, first John M. Hoy Dorr, second Tbeo, Hamer Dorr, third A. J. Olson Dorr, fourth Fred Hartman Greenwood J. E. Harrison Hebron W. E. Wiie Richmond Q. W. Eldredge Burton Wm. Rauen commencing at ten o'clock, nharp, the following described property: 52 Head of Live Stock 5a---- consisting of 17 Extra Choice Holstein Cows 17 Some fresh, balance close springers; two 3-year-old Holstein heifers, close springers; Hoiscein bull, two Holstein yearlings and four Holstein springers. 4 Head of Horses 4 Bay Gelding, seven years old, weight 1350 pounds; gray Geldiug, eleven years old, weight 1300 pounds; hay Gelding, ten years old, weight 1200 pounds; gray mare, thirteen years old, weight 1100 pounds; four choice Poland China brood sows, eighteen fine J shoats, average weight 120 pounds; seventy-five chickens and twenty-five dncks. «- HAY, GRAIN, MACHINERY, ETC About 30 tons of timothy hay, about 40 tons of slongh hay, about 2~> tons of clover and alfalfa hay, mixed. All hay is in shed or barn. 650 bnshels choioe oats, 100 bushels Prince Royal seed oats, 150 bushels fine winter wheat, 38 acres standing corn, large stack of oat straw, grain binder, 2 mowers, 3 corn culti vators, corn planter, seeder, 2 wood frame lever drags, 3 walking plows, po­ tato hiller, roller, hay rake, 2 single shovel plows, pulverizer, 2 truck wag eus, 2 hay racks, hog rack, hog cratt-, milk wagon, bob sled, surrey, block nn<l tackle with rope, fanuing mill, 2 sets work harness, 20 gallon jar, 25 gallon jar, 30-gallon jar, corn sheller, 25 grain bags, horse blankets, wire stretchers, hay knives, post hole digger, tiling spade, wagon box and top box complete and almost new, spring seat, ladder, grindstone, large iron kettle, new coal or wood stove, carpenter toUs, forks,' shovels, spades and other articles. GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON -Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable not< s drawing interest at seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. MRS. FERDINAND PFANNENSTILL Jos. W. FREUND, RL„RKA GEO. RICHARDSON, ^IERK8- McHenry, first J. C. Ladd McHenry, Becond F. H. Wattles Nunda, first Thos. Thompson Nunda, second Wm. Kegebein Algonquin, first B. C Getzelman Algonquin, eecond John Bneblt-r Algonquin, third Frank Buchanan A Reliable M«dlclne--Not. a Narcotic. Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich , sayB Foley's Honey and Tar s^ved her little boy's life. She writes^^'Our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cure him, I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar in which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as the choking and gagging spells, and he got well in a short time. Foley's Honey and Tar has many times saved us much trouble and we are never without it in the house." F. Masquelet. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J- J. Vycital. --FOR SAI.F RV_-- Wilbur Lumber Co. West flcHenry N. P. Steilen rtcHenry John Richardson Veic William Althoff Johnsburgh Bank of Mcfien ry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Tloney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sals. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. tv. ;S"L '^23 V '<2i I 1 1 immM |fl |e|S llsl to 84-103 SIMPLICITY is often more ef fective than the most elaborate pose. You can see proof of it in the sample photos to be ssen at this studio. WE TAKE THE PHOTQS as yon want them, however. You se lect the attitude you prefer. We will do our beat to make it the best photo graph yon h a v e e v e r h a d taken. F. SCHNABEL, (Successor to J. J. Hille) West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 THE LITTLEST GIRL that comes into this market with an or­ der from her mother Rets just as good meat .'is hor mother would. WE DON'T WORK OFF THE POORER CUTS on anybody, no matter how little they know of meats. This Is a square deal market, with square deal methods. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY . TELEPHONE 3 School books, Petesch*. tablets and pencils at nic or Stimulant ? There is an immense difference between a tonic and a stimulant Up one day, way back the next; that's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; thafs a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic,! a strong tonic The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from! alcohol Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so. j | He knows. Ask him. Do as he says. f.C. Ayer Co., Lowell,Mass. | Constipation Is the one great cause of skk4ieadache, biliousness, indigestion, bad <MMUty, n«rv4Wfoess. Has. your doctor ever recommended Ayer's Plil«to you? Electric Bitters KaiMrred 'when everything i-ts*c fciiit?,. In ncrvouji prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it in the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's ce'inter. LProfessional, Society a.nd Business Cards DAVID O. WttU* M. D. pH-fittCIAN,SITRQlSON AND OOttfellTI Office and residence corner Elm <w<t- OraetifttreetB, Mcllenrv. Teleohone No. 31i #•' D. T. SMILEY A TTOKNKY AT LAW, Woodatoek, Illinois - All b(b»iaes8 intrusted to his t;are will be .. properly and promptly attended to. , • •--: j DR. R. G. CHAMBERLte . DENTIST Office ever Bealey't Drug Str«. ' Hours: 8:0© to 5:30* WEST MCHsithy. T- ... w, ' 1 iepbooe No 6 Offic« ov*r At. J. Walih'i DTF. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TY» XT T MVTT XI. J • i.1 Jk xy McHBNRY, ILLINOIS pHY8ICIAN AND 8URGEON. Office hours -* at Johnsburgh, HI., from 7:30 a. m. to 11 :iJ0 ;i. ra. Wednesday and Sunday of oiwh week. 'PHONE, MCHBCNIY .'iSit. TsSepbase Ns 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the beet Companies. West McHenry, Illinois H . C . M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also haye a special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring against death from-any cause West JVIcHefirv- I I I WHEN (N CHICAGO Don't forget to call on Ufobert Q. Sena 13 Fifth Ave where you will nlways t.rnnt <u) courteously and ,eoeive the best ir< the market in 'MKJ line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars PARCELS CHECKED FKEH J , W HAIUPM will ® jpT lor Gentlemen who cherish -For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- WestSMivery&fiirije R. I. OVERTON. PROPRIETOR. Buses meet all trains for. points on Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team­ ing of all kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention given to traveling men. Klrst-class rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. 'Phone 472. West McHenry, III. - Telephone 47a .....AEKMOTOK..... Gasoline Engine The beet constructed and cheapest engine on the market today. IB now fnrniahed with magneto, re­ quiring no batteries. The Aer- niotor Co. in the firet to reduce the price of engines and the first to use this most important improve­ ment without raising price, $37-5° Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at If yon need power for any purpose, write or ask us for information. WM. BACON, - AttNl PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY. ILL. We do not wish to preach a sermon but we do mean to keep that question of Gro­ ceries and Fruits before you at all times and furthermore we jvant to supply you in these lines. If you are fas tidious we know our line of goods will please you. Giv« us your order over the 'phone and same will have our prompt attention. :: M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. T>V4 flcHenry, - Illinois. .Vki*. .* 'm

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