Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1910, p. 5

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I?., i ym ^SpiMW " Wj|Tfi: 5 vg !'t/|i "' 1 fj n WS&mwwm .̂ * A xL -' •*••^""" -•'- -%m. \\\v;i^ f:T TT a'tlfM;;! USIiUStt B®KM •% fp^111 I NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y ouk ABLE CORPS Of CORRESPONDENTS W flf W w A W inter Throughout zero weather you can keep your house plants by using Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater. This heater maintains a steady even temperature day and night. It will hold fire and heat over night and yoa can heat your living rooms for two hours next morning with the coal put in the night before. The patented construction of S Hot Blast Heater enables the manufacturer to guarantee it to remain always air-tight. You have perfect control over the fire at all times. Thus, the coal does not waste away and you don't have to kindle a fire in the morning as with other stoves. Think of it! Your dressing rooms and breakfast rooms warmed by the fuel put in the night before. This truly great heater is growing in popular favor year after year. The following is a message just received from the manufacturer: We are working full foroe to supply the demand for Cole's Original Hot Blaet Heater-- Never In our history was the demand so heavy for our better finished heaters. Cole Manufacturing Co. Now is the time to select your heater. We will set one aside for you and have it ready when you wish it put up. Burns Soft Coal, Slack, Lignite, Hard Coal, Wood and lighter fuel. Come now while the assortment is complete. Cole's Hot ittasfl Stoves an R.hi*||<KS Sol Wills djleSMSIs- Tlwsjr cure Ut£ jflfirtf Made. «••• • J. J. VT m * Thta Store Can Serve Your Needs Better Than any iMfeer 11 dwelt! fiie iwK-io t unity* KAN TO YOU SEE Olik. / IN OUR^ SPECIALVALUES^^^ GENUINE FRENCH CURL OSTRICH PLUMES $| Qf~ For 17 Inch 0For 18 iRCil OUR $5.00 19-INCH PLUME IS UNEQUALED Gorgeous ̂ Willow Plumes at 1/2 Every plume possesses the merits you re* quire. Only feathers of the male ostrich are used In our plumes. Why ? Because they are louder and stronger, the flues are heavier, much more lustrous, and they wear twice as lonfi as the feathers of the female bird. SOUTH AFRICAN IMPORTING Co. Mrs. E. W. Howe OVER 200 BRANCHES IN THE UNITED STATES •VlID Jf6 Suiwi ft? jjt tND L;p SSStootfl* OND GUARANTEE PAUtH. INSIDE EACH ROLL OP HOI.COM ItV I I.KK. Men wanted at TVrraCott* faciory. Mrs E. A Fl*uder»« in visrniu rela­ tives in Ring wood. Mr. an<1 Mrt«. P. H. Huut *i>"Ut Sun­ day at Jay Doherty Mrs. Jay Doheity spent Tuesday with relaltven in McHeury. Mias Esther Znnk spent several days lant week at Win Zenk's. Earl Whiaton and Arwin Bsuer were Chicago visitors Saturday and Sunday. Minees Anna and Etta Powers are spendiug a few w< eks with their broth­ er, Fred. Mr. and Mrs. T L Flanders and rhil dreu visited at L. Look wood'* «t Hnrre ville Snnday. Misses Lucile Hyrd and Nellie New­ man npt-nt Wednesday evening wi!!i Mr. and Mrs 1\ L. Flanders. Mrs Book with returned to her home iu Chicago Tuesdey after a several days' visit at the home of W. B. (iilbert. Mr and Mis C. II Harrison and Mr. tnd Mrs Claude HutKon and daughter were Sunday visitor? at J. M. Ladd's in iiingwood. Mr. and Mrs W. B. Gilbert and Mr. md Mrs. WiN Whiting took an anto trip Sunday, vi' Zion City, Wan began aud Highland Park. The pleasant purgative effect exper ienoed by all who use Chamberlain V Stomach and Liver Tablets, and t.b»- healthy condition of the body and inind which they create, makes one feel joy fal. Sold by all dealers • Those neither absent nor tardy during the first school month, ending Oct. 14 a e Nellie Dohertj, Eva Davoll, Willi Pouireniug. Villa Fiauders, Margaret Powers, Ethel (iaebe, Helen O'Dor.ald. Clarend" Dav dl. Nnml)er enrolled, 16; average attendance, 14. 'jvjEVBR £E/̂ K Congo is ths only Ready Roof- tog carrying the National Surety Co.** bond. It carries with it terms .. J condition* that make it especially at- ctive to anyone who mutt cooaider the question. For 10 yean you can red easy about ur roofs it coveted with 3-piy Congo, d we know that it is probable you will gU «n longer service out of k. FI % The Surety Company is issuing these bonds, and back ot thcra is their two million dollars of assets. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Roofing. You are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary care. Write to-day for samples of Congo and full information. Remember, that with every/ roll of Congo yon get a genuine Sunrty Bond. \lbert Etten Coal Co. MctlENRY< " » ' ILLINOIS EXECUTOR'S NOTK'E. Estiite of Ktl w»r<l Lawless. Deceased. file untlersjpned having boen appointed Executrix of ilio l.-tst Will anil Test anient "f Kilwiird Lawless, deceased, late of the Coun­ ty of McHeury and State of Illinois, hereby iiives notice tnat will appear before the i unty Court of Mellonry Countv. ai the r .urt House ill \V«KHist<K-k, at the fkiceuiber "s urm. on the first Monday in iH^-t-mlKjr ne>l. a) which time all persons havinir claims nainstsaid Estate are nr>tified and re<iue»i- < i; to attend for the purpose of h;ivinv the ' ime aiijiisted. All persons indebted to suid E-tate »re rei|ue>ti d to make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. Oatwi t his 10th day of tk'tober. A. D. 1910. 18-3t Eliza A. Hoes, Executrix. School book*, tableta and pencils at Peteflch'8. EXECUTOK'S NOTICE. Mullen & Hoy, Attorneys, Estate of Bernard Harrison. fJeceased. The undersigned hiiving tx!en appoinU>d Executor of the last Will and Testament of Bernard Harrison, deceased, late of the Coun­ ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby inves notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House iu WrwHisto-'k. at the f>eceniher Term, on the first Mouday in lMw.-ember next, at which time all persons having claims acainst said Estate are uotified and re«i nest­ ed to ai tend for the purpose of iiaviij£ the same adjusted. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate navment U> the undersigned. Dated this 3rd day of October, A. P. IH10. 10-4t Charles L. Paob. Executor. School books, tablets and pencil* at Peteech's. VUIA Men wanted at TerraCotta factory. Frank Znelndorf of Mcllenry viaifed relatives bete thin week. C (1 Hnaon of Liberty viile transact ed bnsiiit ks here ThurHday. Mrs. John Brown in eutertainin^ a brother, Mr. Blake, of Texa« Miss Inez Bacon of McHenry spent Snnday at the Thoa. Fishor home, near VT olo. Mrs. I>on Un8«ell of l'hi«^»^o visited. Mr. and Mrs. VV. M Hnson part of laat week. Mr. and»^ini. Panl Avery of Lake Villa were gnesta at the Paddock home Snnday. Mrs. Fred Dnsinill and danghter, Bessie, were iu Chicago Tneeday and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Laara Huaon baa returned to her home here after several weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Jennie Coasman and danghter, Mnriel, of Ronnd Lake called at the Kirwan home Snnday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arville St. Peter have returned to their home in Highland Park after a week's visit at the Charles Rangbt home. Hoarseness in a child subject to cronp is a sure indication of the approach oi the disease. If Chamberlain's Congb Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy cough has appeifed. it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold by all dealers. RilNiKllBLll. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory, S. M. Simuiona weut to Woodstock Saturday. Miss Mabel Skinner drove to Wood­ stock Monday. A F Davis of Anstin was a Ridge- field caller Monday. Rev. C. H. (jiieaselbrecht was a Chi cago caller Monday. • Arthur Skinner of Woodstock was a Kideefield caller Sunday. Miss Ethel Thayer of Woodstock wa« a Ridgefield visitor Monday. Mr. and Mr« George Wheeler yein Woodstock callers Saturday. Mrs J B Lynch was a Crystal Lake i»ii<jr Satnniay aud Monday. Mrs. R. L. Dnfield and Mr.< Dora Green visited Elgin relatives Sunday. Mrs. D. L. Gibson eutertaius the Ladies' Cemetery Aid society Oct. *30. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. G bson visited their cousin's family at Hebron Satur­ day and Sasday. Mrs. Loio Bennett and son, James, of Woodstock spent Snnday aud Monday with her parents Miss Arline Stephenson visitea with Miss Rjvttie Roger- at Crystal Lake Saturday and Sunday J F. White and two sons Clarence and Smith, of Woodstock were business callers one day last week Mrs George Wood, danghter, Sadie, and sou, Orson. Crvntal Lake called on Ridgefi'.d irii-L-lR Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Clns Stephenson of Ring wood called on the toviuer's broth­ er, A. S.eplit-nson, and family Snnday. The youruj, (>eople will meet with Mrs. (JiesM'ioreciu i>ne day this week to form a Y-.uiig People's Social Aid society (iood results a! »'ays t'oilovv the use of f-1».,• V Kidne> Piiis. Tiiey contain jnst r it:* ijigrcdiefit" ne»;e--s:»ry to tone, -Jremj'hen and regulate the kiduey* and bladder, and to < ui e ttackache. F. Mas qllelet ^ 'I ?it- i.-istaliaiiou s«i-vic»-s of Rev C '1 <iiHsseltir»-<-t>t wi!I take place on Fri­ day evening, 0> t. 21 Several visiting hi s:.ts will l,nke part and a lar«e at- iHinlaix e ,it the (Congregation is looked ftn tv.i-iNi.ue will be cordially wel • wi.u'd "-Wvices beiiin at 7-JW) p in U L DniiildV daughter. Mrs DTB (Jiv."(i |«ft her home at Spokane, I Wash , ait^i several weeks' visit among reiat I V e.s III iildt'elieiil. W.MMlstock, K1 aa.i >1i\h1,iI ii.ike. Mrs. Green will visit in r orother'in-law and family at Albion. Neb , au<l frituds iu Iowa en­ roll i e I t is in time of snddeu mishap or acci­ dent tlmt t^hainlierlaiu's Jjiniment can be relied u|»on to take the place of the family din-tor, who caunot always be round at the moment. Theu it is that Chamberlain s Liniuient is never found wanting. In cases of uprains, cuts, wounds and bruises Chamberlain's Lin­ iment, lakes ont the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all dealers. The people of . Ridgefvdd and sur­ rounding country -will, no doubt, take a great interest in the seriee of evangelist ic meetings that are to be held in the Presbyterian church, beginning Sun day. Oct. 2!1 Rev C E Hayes. D D , of IVcatnr will have charge, being an evangelist of much experience and sue cess Everyone is invited to attend each evening As announced, services will begin at 7:tt0. KMKlUI.II PARK. Men wauted at Terra Cotta factory. Miss Maude Bernard of Chicago vis ited frientis here Snnday. Win. Geary of Wanconda was a caller here the first of the week. R. J. Sutton is visiting a few days with Chicago and Elgin relatives. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Heaney returned to ChicDkgo after a week spent here. M re. Mary Archibald is spending this week with relatives in Racine, Wis. Mrs. John Walsh and children of Mc­ Henry visited Mrs. Cbas. Gibbs Wed uenday. Messrs. John W. Gibbs and Ray Con­ way attended a ball game in Chicago Thursday. Chas. W. Berkircher returned Thurs­ day from a month's visit with relatives in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of May wood spent Saturday aud Sunday at their cottage. Rev. J. B Foley of Wadaworth and Rev. T. Burke of .Waucouda called jpn friends here Monday. Misses Anna McGee and Anna and Irene Friehy of McHenry visited the Misses Sutton Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E Heaney returned to Chicago Thursday after spending a few weeks with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs Cbas. Malefyt and Miss Auna Malefyt of Chicago spent the week end at their cottage here. Miss Mayme Costello of E'gin visited with her grandmother, Mrs Ellen Walsh, over Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. Romano and daughter, Carrie, and a few friends of Chicago spent Fri­ day and Saturday at Oak Villa cottage. TKltKA COTTA- Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Wui. S toff el of McHenry was a caller here Friday. Miss Alva Rowe of Hebron visited at T. R. Anderson's recently. Miss Eleanor' Phalin spent Friday evening with Riugwood relatives. Mrs. M.. A. Conway and daughter, Irene, were Elgin visitor* Saturday Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond is spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry was the guest of relatives here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs Henry McMillan aud children were Spring Grove visitors Snnday. James Gibbs left Monday morning for the West, where he expects to spend the winter. Miss Emma Conway and friend. Miss Cotz. of Elgiu spent Snnday at the for­ mer's home here. Mrs. Jay Doherty and daughter, Lil­ lian, of Holcombville called at M. Knox's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, daughter, Marjorie, and son, Harold, spent Snn­ day with Griswold Lake relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil dreu and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHen­ ry called on relatives here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolger and daugh­ ter, Anna, and M. A. Conway and daughter, Marian, visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday afternoon Yonr oough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate mem­ branes of yonr throat if yon want to be annoyed. But if you want relief, want to be cured, take Dr. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. MThe use of alum and salts of alumina in eIL, food should b« prohibited." |!ll --Prof. Wood, Harvard Univ. i| Safeguard Your Food by Using Always SHmde from Grapes Its purity,wholesome- ness and superior leavening qualities are never questioned. Fifty Years the Standard J Attention to Card Rarti^s ! ' Leave ypur order for first and second prizes at the Coffee Store. We can get anything you want for prizes. :: :: SPECIAL THIS WEEK WITH CAN OF BAKING POWDER Fine Carving Set, large Stewing Kettle, nica Sugar and Creamer, Set Kettle Covers or a Teu Quart Galvanized Water Pail. A large can of Kitchen Cleanser for io cents. Cleans anything. We can save you money on Coffees, Teas, Cocoa, Extracts and Bak­ ing Powder. Extca Special for thia week only: 3flb best Rice 25c. The Reliable Always Reliable { F. B. Doolittle C. C. Van Dyne. \ .jig fr Olori Jit \ m Prices M f Our large stock is at the command of all who desire the best service that any drug­ gist can give. We have every­ thing yon want in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles and Druggists' Sundries Ton can depend upon the quality of everything and be jnst as sure that the prices are right. We can assure yon of beet possible service when yoa have prescriptions or recipes to be compounded. J !&• Druflfliit it Cel. S<4 •v; • : "1" "V-V . . suggests plowing. We have in stock a fall line of Walking, Sulky and Gang Flows, all guaranteed A No. 1; Farm Trucks, Milk Wagons, Surrys. A complete and up- to-date line of Buggies, and a large assort­ ment to select from--no picture business. Fuller & Johnson Pump Engines, Silos for 1911--something every farmer is interested in; Bolster Springs, Wheelbarrows, Axle Grease, Twine, Machine Bolts, Batteries, Spark Plugs, Clover Leaf Spreaders, Etc. Always at your service, WM.STOFFEL Phones: HBs!oE"r?2e- % is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking, kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter­ minate into a disappointment just as long as you are using an inferior grade of Flour. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If jou are not using our brand, try it, and be convinced that it's the only Flour. WEST McNENRY. ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. fjr' for Slimmer & fall Our new fall line of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to 5uit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices.,, :: :: :: SUITS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Onr new fall and winter samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 343 - GOODS DELIVERED v-ar '->3 \.;r "

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