* . . . v * - N \rr-r •Ji- V • - # % FALL 1910 * • ' $5«oo can be saved by buying ready made Suits or Overcoats from us, which are better than made to order ur Tailor Made because the cloth is thoroughly shrunk before the garment is made up and there fore it keeps its Shape Better and warranted by the makers. :: :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J Sucrene Dairy F eeds insure Economy of Feeding, Efficiency of Stock, and A Satisfied Feeder There are no other Feeds that will produce results equal to SUCRENE FEEDS at su little cost. :: There are no other Feeds in which Molasses or Sugar has been mixed that are as good as Sucrene Feeds They are the original Molasses, or Sugar, Feedsj^ carefully balanced, succulent and appetizing^ and a money maker for the feeder. Your neighbor is doubtless using them--then why not you ? ;: :: :: FOR SALE BY WILBUR LUHBER CO. WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 651 F of every description at honest prices. F. L. McOMBER, SSfDVigl ^ENTERVILLE Grocery and Harket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :: CHAS. Q. FRETT, : --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRV, ... ILLINOIS. A U C T ION.'jj' XttZr,tion to'c a'rcT R» fJBO. VOfiEL X. A iM-tTfnni miW.:Sr - -- ; GEO, VOGEL. V. A¥CTlQ»£feii Having decided to quit farming and go West, I will sell at public auction on tha P. S. Martin farm, 4 miles west af McHenry and eight miles east of Wood stock, on the main Woodstock and Mc Henry road, 9 miles north of Crystal Lake and 9 miles sonth of Richmond, on Thursday, Nov. 3 beginning at ten o'clock, sharp, the fol lowing described property, to wit.• 140 Head of Live Stock consisting of 41 HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE consisting of 28 head of high grade Hoi stein cows, nearly all are new milkers and close springers; 4 good grade Jersey cows; 3 2-year old heifers, springing; 8 2-vear old heifer", not yst bred; 8 heifer calves, a boot eleven months old; regis- tered bull, % y®&rs old; ? hsifer c&Ivcs, averaging abont six weeks old. This is considered one of the best dairies as well as one of the best herds of good grade Holsteins in ^IcHenry county. Nearly one-half of them are practically fall- bloods bat arq not registered. They are all large and young, well colored and in good condition. -- HORSES-^ Matched span of dark bay mare*, strictly sound, 3 4 blood Percheron, coming 4 and 6 years old, wt. 8100 lbs., in foal to a Percheron horse weighing over 1800 pounds; dark bay gelding, coming six years old, weight 1600 lbs; light bay 8-4 blood Percheron mare, coming fonr years old, weight 1400 lbs; dark gray 3-4 blood Percheron mare, coming two years old; sorrel gelding with white markings, 6 years old, wt. 1400 pounds; white gelding, ten years old, weight 1850 pounds; bay mare, six years old, weight 1100 pounds, in foai by theC. Stephenson horse, The Pickett; bay mare, coming two years old, sired by Swigert K; bay sucking colt, sired by The Pickett; standard bred chestnut driving mare, six years old, weight 960 pounds, sired by Edwin V. This mare has plenty of life, style and actionals automobile broke, and can be driven anywhere by anyone that is capable of driving a liye one. --HOGS 36 fat bogs, average wt. 200 lbs.; 8 shoats, average wt. about 60 lbs. ; full- blood Chester boar, 18 months old; 5 fullblood Chester White brood sows, with thirty good thrifty pigs. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 30 tons mixed timothy and clover hay in barn, 40 acres of corn in shock, 850 bu. good White oats, 60 bu. winter wheat, 2 Northwestern Bi in. tire truck wagon, milk wagon, narrow tire track wagon with box, set of oscillating bobs, Thomas hay loader nearly new, 3-horse Appleton tread power, mounted; hay rake, McCormick mower nearly new, John Deere corn planter, new; 2 6 shovel snlky corn plows, 5-shovel cultivator, Osborne grain binder, Deering corn binder, Star feed cutter and corn thresh er, Tiger broadcast seeder, pulveriser, sod plow, John Deere sulky plow, 8 walking stubble plows, 3-section drag, 2 hay racks, hog rack, manure box, 50 grain sacks, 12 milk cans, 2 sets work harness, 2 sets single harness, lot of ex tra harness and collars, 3 Bets fly nets, set light driving harness, forks, shovels, etc., and many other articles too numer ous to mention. J J Leave your order for first and second prises at the Coffee Store, We can get anything you want for prizes. :: SPECIAL THIS WEEK WITH CAN OF BAKING POWDER Fine Carving Set, large Stewing Kettle, nksa Sugar and OrwuMr, Safe - Kettle Coven or a-Ten Qiwrt Gtalvaatsad Water PfciL ' :: « • A large can of Kitchen Cleanser for 1© cents. Cleans - anything. We can save you money on Coffees, Team Cocoa, Extracts and Bak ing Powder. Extra Special for this week only: 81b best Rice 28e. • " s The Reliable Always Reliable P. B. Doollttle G; & Van Dyne. PROBA TE NEWS Auction Sale! [Furnished by McHenry Count* Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar nold Block, enst sldft nnhltc squ*?®. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing." Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to ttuit borrower. Phones 634,003 and 911.1 HEAL ESTATE TRA NSFKB8. Timothy Sullivan to John M. Roach, swif, ueM sec SO, Greenwood 98000.00 Tiasof.by Sullivan to John J. Saflivan, 60 a sesr 20, Greenwood 3000.00 Margaret Hchaid to Maria Ann Kruinp- MI1. ui, ii 14 Hsars pit, Johustburgh..... 750.80 Luclhda A. Brcanbrack et al to Dora Daiioy, it 38, Greenwood 1230.00 Charles T. Kldretiga to Ca»sie L. Mur ray, Its 8 & 9, blk 4, We«t McHenry... 900.00 Do to Charles M Eidredge, it if uaaea pit, sec 20, tp 45, r 8 James ?«'eish, Jr., & w to Oliver Neigh. F. u. dans, AMcttosieer 45.00 890.00 1.00 USUAL LUNCH AT NOON Come Early and Get Done Early TERMS OF SALE: Sams of $10 and nnder, cash; over that amount a credit of 12 months given on good bankable notes at 7 per cent Positively no prop erty removed *until settled for with the clerk. To prospective buyers free transporta tion will be provided from McHenry and retnrn on day of sale. TOM MCDONALD, Prop. FREMONT HOY, F. G. SCHUETT, Clerks. jut It 1, bik 6. Spring Grove Wilhelmine Buehert to Henry Buchea-t, it 8, blk 5, West McHenry.. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of * Bernard Harrison. Inventory filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Bartelt, 24 Huntley Gertrude Pauling, 20 Bloomingdale Reaching the Top in any calling of life, demands a vigor ous body and a keen brain. Withont health there is no success. Bnt Electric Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It competa perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and invigorates the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. ' 'After months of Buffering from Kidney Trouble," writes W. M. Sherman of Cashing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." 60c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Maeqnelet's. Having decided to qnit farming, the Muuereigned wiii sell at public auction on hi* farm, located 2 miles north of Johnsborgh, 8i miles east of Ringwood and miles south of Spring Grove, on Wedn'sday, Nov. o commencing at 10 o'clock, sharp (it will bs necessary to commence promptly »t thas time on ascoaato? the numerous articles to be sold), the following jcop erty: *o CHOICE COWS ao KMKRAI.I) PARK. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Miss Katherine Knox visited McHen ry friends Saturday. Miss Anna Bolger spent Saturday with Elgin relatives. L Hnck is attending business matters in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs visited rela tives in Terra Cotta Sunday. Jobn I. Sutton witnessed the defeat of the Cubs in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Mary Archibald has returned from a visit with relatives in Wiscon sin. Messrs. D. W. Hill, Jas. Haston and Jos. Frey of Chicago spent the week end at the Park. A. Kenneth Barns of Chicago visited friends here and in McHenry Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Walsh and children of Mc Henry spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs. Misses Mary F. Knox and Elizabeth Lehane of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Wednesday. Mr. Booth of Woodstock visited ttae Emerald Park and Griswold Lake schools the first of the week. Messrs. Henry Bending and Harry Bending of Chicago spent a few days recently afc their cottage here. Messrs. Thou. A. Bolger, John W. Gibbs and Ed. Sutton spent a few days in Chicago the last of the week. "It BeaU All." This is quoted from a letter of M. Stock well, Hannibal, Mo. "I recently need Foley 's Honey and Tar for the first time. To say I am pleased does not half express my feelings. It beats all the remedies I ever used. I contracted a bad cold and was threatened with pneamonia. The first doses gave great relief and one bottle completely cored me." Contains no opiates. F. Masque- let. School books, Peteech's. •eBtnrjr'iBliKMt Nuisance. It is a well known fact not only in Mc Henry bnt the county over that Mc Henry supports more "undesirables" tban any other city or village in Mc Henry county. I'his condition has ex isted in McHenry for years and never in the history of the village (to our knowl edge) nas any action been taken to de populate this element of McHenry's population. Owing to the scarcity of common labor in McHenry at the pres ent time these so called "undesirables" shine up brighter than ever before. Almost every day the cry for common labor is heard in McHenry, while at the same time no lees than a dozen soaks are allowed to roam our streets and in habit our public places without being molested in the least. Not only do they make themselves an eyesore to the law abiding public, but make themselves a greater nuisance thra trickery and their everlasting "touching up" habits to ob tain a piece of change for a can or drink of whiskey. In other towns of the county the city officials make short work of such characters, and why should Mc Henry stand aside any longer and allow each conditions? The writer has com municated with qnite a number of the better class of McHenry's residents regarding the existing, conditions and finds that the patience of most of 'em is almost exhausted. Unless the village officials see fit to take action soon, the people will surely take the law into their own hands and see if they can give our village its first real cleaning up. What is yoar answer, Mr. Presi dent and members of the village board? A Generous and Charitable With. "I wish all might know of the benefit received from yonr Foley's Kidney Remedy,"says I. N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. His kidneys and bladder gave him so much pain, misery and annoyance he could not work, nor sleep. He says Foley's Kidney Remedy completely cured him. F. Mapquelet. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. abont half of them with calves by their sides and the balance to come in soon. Cattle and Hogs, Twenty choice cows, heifer coming 8 years, 2 heifers coming 2 years, year ling Holstein heifer, yearling Holatein bull, black bull coming 8 years, 21 Po land China store hogs weighing 126 lbs., Poland China boar, 175 lbs. Horaes, Chickens and Bees. Black mare, wt. 1800 lbs., bred tc stallion Prince Noir; black mare, 6 yrs. old, wt. 18JS0 lbs., bred to stallion owned by Chas. Stephenson; black horse, wt. 1100 lbs.; bay mare, wt. 1000 lbs.; bay colt coming 2 years, sticking colt, 150 chickens, 10 swarms of bees in hives. Qrain, Corn and Hay. Fifteen acres of corn in shock, cut by binder; 10 acres corn stalks in shocks, 800 bu. corn in crib, husked by hand; 450 bu. oats, 50 bu. wheat, 20 tons of clover hay in barn, 8 tons of timothy hay in barn, stack 4 tons,clover hay, 12 bu. clover seed. Machinery, Vehicles, implements Bnckeye grain binder, Buckeye mow er, grain drill seeder with grass seeder attachment, disc pulverizer, 2 sulky cultivators with 6 shovels, 2 sulky plows, walking plow, 800 lb. Fairbanks pint- form scales, tank beater, Hocking Val ley hay loader, hay rake, 2-section roller, combination hay and hog rack, 8-section lever drag, set dump boards, shovel board, 12 horse sweep horse power, 250 egg incubator and 2 brooders, surrey with extension top, lumber wag on with double box and spring seat, 8 in. tire track wagon, heavy bobsleigh, power corn sheller, power feed grinder, fanning mill, stamp puller, band wagon, capacity 500 lbs.; 6 milk cans, 8 milk pails and strainers, caldron kettle, post hole digger, 2 log chains, crow bar, grindstone, emery stone, double har nesses, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. F for men, women and children. Once worn, always worn. Just the thing for this time of the year. We also want to call your attention to the fact that this fall we have laid in the very largest and best line of Winter Goods of every description ever brought to McHenry. Caii and see the assortment* A. Bohl.i nder West McHenry, Illinois. TV & j Capital Stock, $35,000. J 1 ! i f l * • f i T 1 M r \ to the man who has started up the road to success, he has listen ed well--and learned. That man owns a bank account. Do you? The time to start is now. Place with us as little as you wish; add to it regularly, and we will help you to success by our liberal interest. . . . S a f e t y D e p o s i t B o x e s , $ 3 . 0 0 P e r Y e a r . . . , -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fegera, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Prea. Plenty to Eat and Drink at Noon --Terms of Sale:-- All sums of $10, cash; over that amount 1 year's credit will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. MATH. J. SCHAEFER, Prop. JOSEPH W. FBEUND, Clerk. Forced to Leave Home, Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose jnngs are sore and racked with congbs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure yon at home. ' 'It cured me of Lung trouble," writes W. $. Nelson of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained forty- seven pounds in weight. It's sorely the king of all coagh and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, La Grippe, Asthma, Croup--ail Throat and Lnng troubles. 50c and $1 00. Trial bottle free at N. H. Pet esch's and F. Masquelet's. By doing your trading here, as others are doing New Crop Tea Choice of all varieties, the regular 50c value, special Saturday, 2 pounds 88c; per lb 45c Fancy Seeded Rai sins, 1 lb package., IQC Fancy Pickling Spic es, per pound 19c Ammo, 3 cans. 25c Sifted Early June Peas, New Wisconsin pack. dos§n, $1.40; 6 for 75c; ean 14c Coffee -Special Blend, the most deli cious cup on the mar ket; 4 lbs. 95c; lb. 35c ..Pennant Brand.. California Apricots, 6 cans, 85c; can... 18c 6 pounds fresh milled oats JSC Condensed Mince Meat, 8 packages.35c Baker's Preiuiu*ra Chocolate, per lb. 85c: per i lb 18c ViilldfRjl'SCdtSlip pint size 3 bottles 00c; bottle, 25c; i pint bot tle 13c Four pounds of best Japan Rice 35c Your Choice of (Jalumet, Price's, K. C. or New Chicago Baking Powder, Sat urday, each aic Five pounds New Crop Hand Picked Navy Beans 2Sc Black Raspberries, in syrup, can. 15c • • JOHN STOFFEL.. West McHenry : Telephone 301 Save B. & Bi Blue Stamps and profit by same. tablets and pencils at One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with toe cash purchase fiere If Ts«S*e Cut Every woman knows that man tailored garments are not only the most stylish, most appropriate and bring out to the best advantage every perfection of form and figure, but experience has proven also that such gar ments are most comfortable and most durable. A trained measure taker is connected with our store arid is at your service. UNHBARD OF PRICBS--STUDY THI3 Made to measure Tailored Suits up from Made to measure Tailored Skirts up from. .. Made to measure Tailored Coats up from. .. Made to measure Tailored Dresses up from . . Made to measure Tailored Capes up from. . RANGR $1350 $5.00 $10.00 • *12.00 $7.50 SPECIAL OFFERING Broken lines of Ladies' $3.00, $2.75, $2.50, $2.25 and $2.00 Shoes all in one grand lot to close at the tf I CA low price of JU J)