Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1910, p. 5

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w arm Floors Insure the Midt erms Health Co'k'a Hot Bmai Draft on top of the fire buius the coal iron; the! Che gas, which is wasted with all other stoves. The forcc of this down draft forces the he*fc to the base whlchl it made of Bteel cannot burn out--and heats the floor. Thousands of testimonials have been written regarding the base heating qualities of Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater The ideal heating stove is one which radiates all the heat thrown off from the fuel--into the rooms--instead of letting it go up the chimney. The durable heater is the one which will withstand the severe use* year after year, which a heating stova is necessarily subjected to. Sheet steel is the quickest radiator of heat and is used as radiating surface only in Cole's Hot Blast heater Wherever she fuel «©E»es in contact s?:th the linings--only first quality gray oast Iron to used. Cast iron withstands the wear of tile heat from active combustion better than any other material, and the large, sensitive, sheet metal body and bass radiate all the beat into the rooms. Burns Soft Coal, Slack, Lignite, Hard Coal, Wood and lighter fueL Make your selection now. Steady Even Temperature Day and Night. iot F-4 j. J. vraiAi, MCHENRY Pries $12.00 *u(l Up want AeeortRnf ts the aiulFlnteli Electricity In Your Home means that yon may have the king of illuminants and power that assumes the heavy labor at surprisingly low cost. We wire houses in the beet manner at cost. Here are some STANDARD PROPOSITIONS You may have a five room house wired and equipped: Parlor or living room: 1 2-ligbt No. 148# B. 8. fixture, C. P. socket, two etched Kltms shades. Dining room: 1 two-light No. 1489 B. 8. fixture, c. P. socket two etched glass shades. Kitchen: 1 4-foot drop cord, 1 etched glass shade. Two bedrooms: 2 4-foot drop cords, two etched glass shades. Bath or hall: 1 4-foot drop cord, 1 etched glass shade, all for $25.95 Or you may have less expensive equipment, these rooms included Parlor or Living Room, Dining Boom, Kitchen, Two Bedrooms, Hallway, all for Bath Room or $19.90 You may have a six room house wired and equipped as follows: Parlor or Living Boom: 12-ltght No. I4fl» B. 8. fixture, C. P. socket, two etched glass shades. Dining Boom: 13-llght No. 1480 fixture, (J. P. socket, two etched glass shades. Kitchen: 14-foot drop cord, 1 etched glass shade. Three Bed­ rooms: 3 4-foot drop cords, 3 etched glass shades. Bath or Hall: 1 4-foot drop cord, 1 etched glass shade, all for .. f. $27.95 Or you may have less expensive equipment, these rooms included Parlor or Living for Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, Bath or Hall, all $31.94) North Shore Electric Co. IARANTEE PACKED INSIDE EACH ROLL OF U«0 ON Cw> -PLV mi 0 ON fc3PDf« iS END U? §yoRoofit$ Congo is the only Ready Roof­ ing carrying the National Surety Co."* bond. It carrie* with it termt and conditions that make it especially at­ tractive to anyone who must conwdcr the tooling question. For 10 yean you can rest easy about yoar roofs it covered with 3-ply Congo, and we know that it is probable yoa will get even longer service oat of ic The Surety Company is issuing these bonds, and back of them is their two million dollars of atteh. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Roofing. You are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary can. Write to-day for samples of Congo and full information. Rememben that with eoery roll of Congo you get a genuine Surety Bond. Albert Etten Coal Co. =s\ P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIV1N TO THJ£ SALE OP Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs 4 This is the oldest boose on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall • ft 3, Fultoa St. Wfcoaaate Market. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. f\tiit.eof Edward Lawless. Deceived. The uiiftfcrsifTiu-d having been appointed i Ntvutrix of the last Will and Tesisiment of i.uwarii LuwW-m, licensed, iale of the Coun- t y < f McHenry and St ale of lllluois, hereby n-s notion that sht- will appear before the unty Court of McHenry County, at the lift House in Woodstock, at the December r'l « i ni. on thetlrst Monday In December next, which time all persons having claims :;nnst said Estate are notified and request- I ii attend for the purpose of having the s.iuie adjust,»;d. All persons indebted to snid Estate are requested to make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of October, A. D. 1#10. L.S-31 ELJZA. A. HOW, Executrix. School boohs, tablets And pencils at Petesch's. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Mullen & Hoy, Attorneys. Estate of Bernard Harrison, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last VViii and Testament of Bernard Harrison, deceased, late of the Coun­ ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before tne County Court of McHenry County, at the Court."House iu Woodstock, at the December Term, on the first Monday in December next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and request­ ed to attend for the purpose of having the «an»e adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate DHvment to the undersigned. Dated this 3rd day of October, A. D. 1910. l6-4t CHARLES L. PAOS. Executor. School books, tablets and pencils at Peteech'a. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY pim A BEE CORPS 'OF CORRESPONDENTS ranted at Terra Cotte factory. &Sr*. Burt Dowell was a MsHenry roller Saturday of last week. ' Jake Worts transacted business in Chicago the first of the week. Miss Alice Renbhau of Fort Bill was a Volo caller Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Miller entertained relatives from Jobneburgh Sunday. John Effinger spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother in McHenry. Mesero. Luak and Young of West Fre­ mont were in town Saturday evening. Misses Lydia and Edith Nicholls were McHenry visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mike Krapf aud daughter, Jo­ sephine, were recent McHenry caller?. Mesdames Dowell and Luak and Miss Elsie Walton were in Chicago Wednes­ day. Mesdames Richardson and Dunnill were in McHenry last Saturday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls were Crystal Labs callers Wednesday of last week Mrs. L. V. Lnsk and sons of West Fremont attended church here Snud&y afternoon. Mrs. Win. Hironimus and Misa Lucy Donnill of Round Lake visited relatives h°re Sunday. Misses Tessle and Carrie Worts were guests of relatives in Elgin last Thurs­ day and Friday. Mrs. Mary Potter of Chicago spent the latter part of the week as the iciest of Mrs. Thos. Fisher. Mi88 Lillian Effinger of McHenry spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. P. L. Stadtfeld here. Mrs. Frank Hironimus entertained her sister. Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf, and children of McHenry last week. Mrs. Sylyester Den Hen of Libertyville was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ben Rosing, during part of last week. Harry Lusk of Gray^lake and Miss Katherine Dowell of West Freuiont called on friends here Sunday aftet noon. Mrs. W. M. Dillon and children and Mrs. John Walton were guests of rela fives in Wankeganthe latter part of the week. x Clifford Behnell of West Freuiont aud Misses Ruby Cook and BwMe Ornish of Wauconda were in town oue eveuiog last week. A dime social will take place at the M. E. church here on Wednewlay eveu ing of next week, Nov. 2 A cordial invitation is extended to all. Good results always folio>v the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contain jnst the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the kidneys and bladder, and to cure backa he F. Mas quelet. There will be services in the Volo M j E. c.hurcb Sunday afteruoou, Nov. 6, i.t } 2 o'clock. Rev. D W. Fleet, who is to be our pastor daring the coming >ea , j wilt have charge. All are invited to be : present. » j Capt. HogardUM Again Hi la the ltall'n Eye. j This world famoos rifle shot who hold& the championship record of 1<»U pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is living at Lincoln, HI. Rwcently interviewed, be says:--"I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until'I tarted taking Foley's Kiduey Pills. Jefore I used Foley Kidney Pills I had evtre backaches aud pains in my kid- leys with a suppression and a cloudy oiding. On arising in the morning 1 rould get dull headaches. Now I have aken three bottles of Fol*y Kidney 'ills and feel 100 per cent better. I am ever botheted with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own -elf." F Ma*qne)et. BO OTHER STOVE DOES THIS OoIp'k Hot lila^t Heater maintains a con­ tinuous Are; il«i a steady, even lieHt. It will h.ild Ore from Saturday nitrht until Monday t.mrnlng (48 hoars). If will hold fire OTer night with less coal than any other stove. <»l>»n the drafts in the morning and the rooms ;ir<> quickly heated with the coal put In the night before. Come in aod examine Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater, Price $12.00 and up, Recording to aixa. (B UI KING W4H)1>/ Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. James L. Conway Was a Chicago pas­ senger Monday. H. M. Stephenson and wife went to Chicago Monday morning. Mrs. H. W. Allen visited friends in Chicago the first of the week. Bert McCannon and family spent Snnday with Greenwood relatives. Avery Holmes and family of Wood­ stock spent last Wednesday at Walter Bradley's. William Noonan and little daiughter of Elgin spent Sunday with his mother and sister. The W. O T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Florence Smith. All invited. Mrs. Mary Noonan and daughter, May, went to Chicago Monday for a few days' visit. About, forty from out little village attended the bazaar and dinner at Solon Thnrsday of last week. The Ladies' Aid society of the M E church will meet today (Thursday) with Mrs. James McCannon. Mrs CSara Batti, brother, Harold, and little son, William, were Chicago pas sengers Monday morning. Mrs George Harrison retnmed from Missouri last w#ek. Her mother came with her to spend the winter. The recital at S fV Brown's Satur­ day evening was well attended and en joyed by all Ice ortaui and cake were served. N The Willing Workers' society of the M. E chon-h will nerve a chicken pie dinner at the M. W. A. hall here on Wedtit-*d«y of next week, Nov. 55. An apron sale will also be conducted All are invited The Modern Woodmen initiated two candidates into the mysteries of that order Friday evtning Visitors from Hebron. Richmond. Greenwood, Solon and Sjiriuij Grove were present Luuch I whs nerved j It's the World's Best. | No oue has ever made a salve, oint- i uient or balm to compare with Buck J leu's Aruica Salve It's the one perfect j healer ot Cuts, Corns. Burns, Bruises, I Sore*. Scald*. Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, l Salt Rheum For Sore Kyes, Cold I Sores, Chapped Hands or Spraius. it's | supreme Infallible for Pile*. Only ! 35c at N. H. Pete-rli's and F. Masque OF k PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE QO. AND let s ' OSX£ND. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory, Eb Givlord was a RidgefiaM caller list Sunday. Frank Martin was a business trans­ actor in Batavia Monday. K. H. Kichardson transacted business in Woodstock la*t Wednesday. (irant Kandali and daughter, Flossie, were Chicago passengers Friday. <\ E. Gaylord was the guest of rela­ tive* in De'avan Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Randall were call­ ing on relatives in this vicinity Sunday Mrs. Warren Thomas aud niece, Miss Hazel, were Sharon visitors Wednesday last. Mrs. F. B Thompson and sister, Mrs. Arthur Dimon, were McHeury callers Tnesday. Mrs. W. F. Bassett and Miss Daisy Gaylord were shopping in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs Ar.hnr Dimon and two children of Woodstock spent last week with rela- tivesjn 'his vicinity Mr. and Mrs Warren Thomas of Woodcock cpenl Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Hollarbnsh. Mrs Alma Thomas Mid daughter, Mrs James Ra'ney, were shopping in Woodstock Thursday Mr and M r*. Alva Hollarbash at­ tended the wedding of the latter s sister, Miss Dora Norton, last Wednesday. The many friends of Mrs. Clara Har­ rison will be sorry to lose her from their midst., she havine moved to Woodstock. Miss Elsie Jeffery, who has been stay­ ing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mr* W. F. Bassett. returned to her home in Sturgis, Mich , Wednesday morning ate fai food nut hwf. thsnfore act as a poison. Yok Umiotnity. Resd the fmbmh Bay no the Qremm ef Tmrimr gumrmntee ie 't1̂ ' MM • & A straight, fream of Tartar Baking Fiiwder. Made froiu Grapes. Makes better, more healthfal food. without itmooptloa* Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Miss Alice Waite spent Saturday last in Chicago. Mrs. P. H. Weber and son, Carl, Chi- cagoed Friday. Gilbert Howard was a Chicago visitor last week Friday. Ray Page 9pent Friday last in the metropolitan city. Capt S M. Walkei of Chicago paasa Sunday in McHenry, Miss Ethel Owen was a Chicago visit­ or last week Saturday. L. F. Block and daughter were Chi­ cago visitors last Friday. Simon S toff el was a business visitor in Chicago last Saturday. Paul Mayers was among the Chicago passengers Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carrof Wauconda were visitors in town Sunday. C. T. Eidredge was a visitor at the county seat one day last week. Gus Schoe! passed & couple of days iast week with Chicago fdeodfl. Peter Moritz of Chicago passed Snn­ day as the gnest of friends here. Irving Watson of Chicago was the guest of McHenry frisnds Sunday. Miss Kate F. Howe of River Forest was the guest of home folks Snnday. Math. Lanres of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of his mother here. M. L. Worts was a business transact­ or in the windy city Friday of last week. Alford Pouse of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L F. Pouse, Sun­ day. Peter J. Freund attended to bnainess in the metropolitan city Friday of last week. C. C. Van Dyne attended to business matters in the windy city last week Friday. Richaft Wray of Richmond made his usual visit to McHenry last Sunday evening. F. E Block of Elgin was a Sunday guest at the homes of his brother and sister bere. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and daughter, Bertha, were Chicago visitors Saturday of last week. Mrs. W. J. Keyes of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Fisher. Miss Celia Geary of Wauconda passed Sunday as the guest of her Bister, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. Miss Louise Evanson of Chicago visit­ ed at the home of Mr. end Mrs. W. C. Evanson Sunday. M. A. Howell of Chicago spent Sun­ day at the home of hie mother and brother at the Villas. B. J. Frisby of Chicago was a Snnday gtiest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frett and children spent Saturday and Snnday with rela tives at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Block of Dnndee were entertained in the homes of relatives here Snnday. Miss Anna Ryan of Hope, Kan, passed last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Miss ChriBtina Pint of Chicago visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint, Sunday. Miss Anna Miller passed a few days this week as the guest of Kenosha, Wis.relative* and friends. Fred R. Goodman of Chicago passed Snnday at the home of hiB parents, Prof, and Mrs F. M. Goodman. Mrs. H. H. Fay of Solon passed a day last week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Howe nere, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson of Woodstock spent Snnday as the gneets of MoHenry relatives and friends. Miss Lillian Helmer came out from Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sun­ day at the home of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bending and daughter of Woodstock were the gneets of relatives and friends bere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schneider and dangbter of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block. Mr. and Mrs Roy Colby and daugh­ ter of Woodstock were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling Sunday. Mesdames W. F. Holts and Peter G. Engeln and daughter, Dorothy, were among the Chicago passengers Friday morning. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago was a gnest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh the first part of the week. Geo. J. Stenger of Green Bay. Wis., passed Thursday of last week at the home of his brother, C. W. Stenger, and family. Mrs. Geo. Naslnnd and daughter, Florense, of North Crystal Lake passed a recent day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Bass. John R. Knox and John Gibbs were among the interested spectators at the Cub-Philadelphia baseball game In Chi­ cago last Sunday. $ Miss Elsie Jeffrey returned to her home at Sturgis, Mich., Wednesday after a several months' visit with rela­ tives in McHenry and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Johnson of North Crystal Lake were guests at the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simes, a few dayB this week. Messrs and Mesdames F. A. Bohland- er and F. L. McOmber passed a recent day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D, Sohoonmaker at Genoa, 111. The trip to that city was made in the former's auto. Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy oough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no pulaon. Sold by ail dealers. morfbyf Drugs Jit Prices Onr large stock is at the the beet service that any drug­ gist can give. We have every­ thing yon want in Drugs, Chemicals., Patent Medici Toilet Articles Druggists' Sundries Ton can depend upon the quality of everything and be just as sure that the prices are right. We can assure you of beet possible service when yon have prescriptions or recipes to bo compounded. W»BVU« i i # Draggist Cel. 274 sulagests plowing. We have in stock a full line of Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows, all guaranteed A No, 1; Farm Trucks, Milk Wagons, Surrys. A complete and up- to-date line of Buggies, and a large assort­ ment to select from--no picture business. Fuller & Johnson Pump Engines, Silos for 1911*--something every farmer is interested in; Bolster Springs, Wheelbarrows, Axle Grease, Twine, Machine Bolts, Batteries, Spark Plugs, Clover Leaf Spreaders, Etc. Always at your service, .s Phones: RBs'iDEil&7«i \^5 ,r:i d • .**•» ' a, £> is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking, kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter­ minate into a disappointment just as long as you are using an inferior grade of Flour. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If you are not using our brand,, and be convinced that it's the only Flour, ry tiuuf diiii reed ? WEST MchBNRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPBNC6R. ....SWEATER.... ; & • FOR THE COOL DAYS We have all grades from fl.00- $4.50. Each to fit all sizes from baby to grandpa in pop­ u l a r s h a d e s a n d c o m b i n a t i o n c o l o r s . : : : : . : f A complete line of Underwear in all wool and fleece lined goods--white, gray, tan and blue. :: :: :: :: Our line of Dress Goods in silk, wool and cotton goods Is complete in the new colorings and weaves. :: :: :: Outing Flannel, good hpavy fleeced, at 10c per ymid. Other grades at 8c, 11c, 12±c up to 20c per yard. :: :: Our line of Shoes is the finest we have ever shown. Giui Metal Kid and Patent Colt Leather and clotli top, new shades. :: :: :: :: :: ;; Leave your order for Groceries, Canned Goods* Tee, Coffee, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, etc. :: :: s: M. J. WALSH PHONE 343 GOODS DELIVERED

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