Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1910, p. 2

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.m •* • ;V : •* ^ Ihc leicnry PlaiMealer Published by F. Q. 8CHREINER. HcHENRY. ILLINOIS Isn't It strange Ikow antotnoblla* Won't take a joke? 'Possibly the society smuggler ts kly a kleptomaniac. Further, an aeroplane, Judiciously fcMrtUed, lays golden eggs. ruruauu ceuieui to iu iia euS&pm9 hare yon tried digesting it? Summer keeps running back for fast one more parting word. Detroit goat eats a $10 bllL Well, what goat ever got indigestion from •wallowing ten bones? The new five-dollar bills will be •mailer, says an exchange. Easier to break, too, we presume. King Alfonso Is afraid he may lose bis throne. Foolish boy!--why didn't he put it in his wife's name? These are fine days to find mush­ rooms. If you fee! ill the oe*t day, you'll kadtv- that you didn't New York waiter buys $100,000 worth of government bonds. "All things come to him who waits." Wild grapes are very scarce this fall, says the Boston Globe, but the tour variety are still plentiful enough. A French duke has Invited his friends to an aeroplane tea. Could any "high tea" be higher than that? York street c&r conductor breaks his arm ringing up fares. Talk about strenuosity in doing one's duty! A New York woman who obtained a divorce lS years ago has just ap­ plied for alimony. When Is a poor devil safe? San Francisco Is waging a relent­ less war against rata, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on Paris coiffures, so far. With the Bible still leading the list of best sellers, the morals of the country cannot be so very much de­ teriorated, after all. An Italian has Invented an aero­ plane which cannot fall. This is an Improvement even over those which can swim and climb trees. If there Is any argument in favor W letting college boys haze them­ selves it must be that they need to get it out of their systems. Someone has written an article on "The Duty of the Dollar," this being something that our American tourists have been trying to dodge. In New York there is a woman one hundred and two years old who has lived ninety-six years in Manhattan. Well. it must have been in Harlem. New York man, forty years old. and about to wed, says he has never yet kissed a girl. He'll still be "about to wed" forty years from now. A Pittsburg bridegroom of five weeks deserted his bride because she was "a block of ice." Naturally, she immediately proceeded to make it hot for him. There Is a man in Virginia who says that to marry after fifty means trouble. He Is an optimist. What does he think it means to marry be­ fore fifty? When a man of ninety-six walks ten miles to get a marriage license the truth that live is ever young gives another knock-out blow to the Os- lerlan theory. An Ohio judge rules that a pretzel Is not a dangerous weapon. Whether be will be so confident concerning the exhibition of sliced cucumbers re­ mains to be seen. Isnt there a fine touch of uncon­ scious humor in the preachments on American extravagance which Ameri­ can millionaires deliver when they come home from motor tours through Europe? Why is It that the man who cun­ ningly plans to murder his wife or his sweetheart and brutally catries out his plan always "breaks down and cries like a child" when his guilt is fastened upon him? Why should there be so much ex­ citement when an aviator breaks the record for attaining the greatest height? The thing to become en­ thusiastic over, it seems to us, is in getting safely down from the greatest height. S*fS9 I p innrcTiv n inr I. U. Luaco I HA UflilL tTATl OF ILLINOIS IS VICTOR OVER RAILROAD UNDER DE6* 8ION &Y HIGH COURT. ** OVERRULES LINE DEMURRER CM* Goes to La Salle County Court to Be Heard on Merita--Action dfMg AN riMliMIM Af ^MMintgnM That Reports Had Been Changed. Springfield, 111.--A decision of the supreme court of Illinois was handed down Friday In the tax case of the state against the Illinois Central Rail­ road company. The state won every Important con­ tention with the exception that the opinion holds the accounts prior to 1905 have been accepted by the state and payment made thereon, and that therefore they are not subject to fur­ ther inquiry. But for the future settlements and for the settlement of all accounts since Governor Deneen came into of­ fice, the court lays down hard and fast rules for accounting by which tie state will reap a reward of $£,- 000,000 a year more In taxes than it has been receiving from the Illinois Central Railroad company. When the Illinois Central tendered its first, payment under Governor De­ neen's administration he accepted the money with the understanding the ac­ counting upon which the money was tendered was subject to revision. This act on the part of the governor, the court holds, makes all transactions with the road during his administra­ tion subject to further accounting. The court remands the case to the circuit court of La Salle county, with Instructions to proceed in accordance with the views in its opinion. Unless the railroad accepts the court's de­ cision as final, the circuit court of La Salle county will no doubt appoint a master to go into all the details of the accounting since 1905, and the case may be prolonged indefinitely. At present the railroad Is paying ap­ proximately $1,000,000 to the state every year. The suit against the Illinois Central was filed early in December, 1907, by the attorney general, following a mes­ sage from Governor Deneen to the legislator, declaring that the road had been so manipulating its accounts as to credit millions of its earnings to the non-charter lines, not subject to the tax of 7 per cent Later ac­ counting swelled the amount which Governor Deneen declared the road owed to the state from $5,000,000 to $15,000,000. RIOTS IN DRIVERS' STRIKE Walkout of Express Employes Spreads to New York City--Violence Fol­ low*-- Business at Standstill. New York.--The strike of drivers and helpers employed by all the lar­ ger express companies that for sev­ eral days has been in progress at the railroad terminals on the Jersey City side of the North river, spread to New York Friday, and as a result the entire business of receipt and deliv­ ery of all goods In transit was ma­ terially affected. The situation is In a veritable state of chaos with an outlook for even worse conditions unless the express matter piling up at the railroad de­ pots can be moved. The police seem powerless to render sufficient protec­ tion and the men ready to hire out as strike-breakers are very diffident about applying for the positions. Scenes of violence were enacted all over the city, wagons being stoned and drivers beaten. In Jersey City and Hoboken, where the large stables are located, the strike has completely tied up the companies and perishable goods, as a conse­ quence, are accumulating in huge piles. The express companies have made tentative application to Governor Fort for the calling out of the militia to guard their wagons and buildings, but the Jersey City police authorities are confident that they can handle the situation. HAITIEN GUNBOAT BLOWN UP A St. Paul burglar has returned money he had stolen three years ago He has evidently reformed--partially. When he completely reforms he will Insist on paying the penalty he in­ curred by violating the moral and criminal law. Thieves have been known to steal hot etoves. but even this feat is sur­ passed by that of robbers in New Jersey who stole six cars loaded with merchandise by cutting a freight train In two and escaping with the booty. So far, this holds the record. Seventy Die When the Liberie Is Wrecked at 8ea--Twenty Per­ sons Are 8aved. Port au Prince, Haiti.--The Haltlen gunboat Llberte has been lost at sea off Port de Palx, following an explo­ sion on board. Tt is estimated 70 persons were killed or drowned. Twen­ ty others were rescued. News of the accident was received here Wednes­ day. The Llberte sailed from this port last Monday, having on board 90 per­ sons. Among the 70 who were lost were ten Haltlen generals. Details are lacking, the only definite Information being .as to the loss of life and the fact that an explosion oc­ curred. Editor Held on Libel Charge. Philadelphia.On a charge of crlml nally libeling Congressman John K. Tener, the Republican candidate for governor, E. A. Van Valkenburg, edi tor and publisher of the North Ameri can of this city, was Friday held In $5,000 bail for court. An early and severe winter is pre­ dicted, but while the thermometer holds its own as it does at present Vy\ |t is impossible for us to become even • anildly excited over it » '&• i -- Acoordlng to the bears, the musk- r^*; jTats, the chipmunk* and other natural leather prophets, the coming winter |s to be a severe one. It really seems ^Unnecessary to go to the expense of Establishing, equipping and running "Weather bureaus with such infallible % weather wisdom to be had for noth- Boy Killed in Football. Easton, Md.--Lee Simpson, aged eighteen years, of Trappe, died Friday aty^s home from the effects of an in jury received while playing football at the Trappe high school. STUfiBS FUYS HIGH RATES GOVERNOR STAR WITNESS Bfr PORE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ME SLEW too HRM: Deotaree Railroads Falsify and Ad* Guilty of Stock and Profit Jug­ gling--Proves a Tartar. GUeaco. Oct. 29.--Declaring that the western railroads were guilty of stock and profit juggling W. R. Stubbs, governor of Kansas, held that the as­ sertions of the roads that an Increase Li rates was aeeessary were not justified by facts. Governor Stubbs waa testifying he* fore the interstate commerce commis­ sion at its session here In the rata hearing. He made one of the strongest wit­ nesses that the shippers had placed on the stand. He insisted that the valuation the roads had p^t on their property was altogether excessive and he offered to reproduce all the lines »;•>//1 r> T ROKHV rfc** THAT liTtkt So-v, ,,, M % ,vv . in Kansas for $25,000 a mile and to give a bond of $1,000,000 for perform­ ance. Such a figure, he said, would yield him 10 per cent profit at least. Much of the stocks of the railroads, accurdlng to Governor Stubbs' testi« mony, consist of water and profits, and are juggled through the placing in permanent Improvements of surpluses and then the capitalising of the im­ provements. The governor proved a tartar for the railroad attorneys when cross-ex­ amined, and his sallies kept the of­ ficials and others at the hearing In gales of laughter. NATIVES KILL AN AMERICAN Bands of Manobos Slay Planters Mindanao--Troops Rushed to the Scene. In To Investigate Seven-Day Work. New York.--The question of seven- day labor in continuous processes in the iron and steel industry will be in vestlgated by & committee appointed by E. H. Gary, chairman of the United States Steel corporation. Thursday. American Honor to King. London--King George accepted hon orary membership in the Ancient and Honorable Artillery company of Mas­ sachusetts. A committee of Americans notified him of his election Thurs­ day. Manila. -- Two bands of Manobos tribesmen are devastating the west coast of Davo, in southeastern Min­ danao island, and have killed sev­ eral planters, including Earl Gerr, an American. All available troops were brdered to the scene today. Brigadier General Pershing, com­ manding the department of Mindanao, has left his headquarters and Zambo* anga to command the reinforcements which are being hurried to Davo. The Manobos dattos declare theii purpose of expelling all foreigners and Filipinos from the dfbtrlct WILSON MAKES MILK RULING Bars From Agricultural Depfrtmept All Lacteal Fluid Not Subjected ; to Turbereulin Test. i Washington. -- An order Issued by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson bars from the department and all its branches milk which has not been subjected to the tuberculin test. This is so important a ruling that all the departments are expecting to have similar orders Issued. This will be severe blow to the dealers In milk who are opposing pasteur and tuber4 culin tests and many of these dealers have undertaken to attack pasteurize tlon before the department of Ju» tice. LAWYER IN HOBBLE SKIR1 Woman Attorney in New 8tyle el Dress Causes 8ttr In U. 8, Supreme Court. Washington. -- Miss Adelina B, Burd, a lawyer of New York, threw consternation Into the attaches of the Supreme court by appearing in a hob­ ble skirt At first there was an at> tempt to prevent Miss Burd from seafe lng herself at the lawyers' table, but she explained her employment in a Kentucky land case and she was per­ mitted to pass. HAWLEY AND POST REACH NADIAN CITY IN FAIRLY GOOD SHAPE. OA- BIG CROWD WELCOMES THEM Balioenlsts Tell of Hardships They En­ dured In Struggles Through Forests snd Wilderness--One Was Injured, Making Travel Slow. Quebec, Que.--Looking somewhat fatigued from the several days' hard­ ship succeeding their sensational flight through space, which won for them the coveted trophy of the world's greatest conquerors of the air, Alan R. Hawley and Augustus Post disem­ barked from the Quebec & £Tt John train in the old historic city of Quebec Thursday night The United States consul was there to greet them, aa well as a number of enthusiastic citizens who cheered them lustily. Their balloon, the America II, is still at Lake du Banc de Sable, the township In which they landed. It is believed that Joseph Pednaud and Joseph Simard, two trappers who brought the balloon ists In a bark canoe to 8t Ambrolse, will go back and see what can be done to get the big bag from its cache on the side of the mountain to the railroad here. Messrs. Hawley and Post landed about 48 hours after their departure from St Louis. The balloon basket touched earth at 3:35 the afternoon of October 19. They probably flew about 1,6£0 miles, although the direct dis­ tance between the two points, on which the international race is de­ cided, 1b only 1,355 miles. This would make their average rate of progress about 35 miles an hour. VICTORIA, B. C. FIRE SWEPT Flames In Business District Destroy Msny Fine Structuree--Loss $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. Victoria, B. C.--Fire, which started late Wednesday night aad burned with unabated fury, swept through the heart of the cfty's business section, wiping out several of the finest buildings and causing a loss estimated at $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. Huge firebrands float- /ed on the high wind, which . swept toward the water front and it was with great difficulty that the firemen, aided by the militia and the garrison at Work Point barracks, kept the flames from sweeping a broad path to the edge of the water. Many blazing embers were carried out over the bay, endangering the shipping in the harbor. Among the buildings burned were the Victoria Times office and the Five Sisters building, a five-story office block. The flve-story Pemberton build­ ing and the Drlard hotel were threat­ ened, both were saved. To Carry Freight by Aeroplane. Dayton, 0«-The first contract ever made for the transportation of freight by aeroplane was signed here by Roy Knabenshue for the Wrights. A Co­ lumbus dry goods concern agreed to pay $5,000 to carry a consignment of silk from Dayton to Columbus next Tuesday when the original package will arrive in this city from abroad. Nebraska Slayer Hangs. Lincoln, Neb.--Bert M. Taylor o( Mlnden was hanged at the state peni­ tentiary Friday. He protested his in­ nocence to the last He was convicted of killing Pearl Taylor, nineteen years old, a sister of his deceased wife. Wealthy Hunter Slain as Deer. Vancouver, B. C.--D. Gibson, a hun­ ter from New York, apparently a man of wealth, was shot and killed Thurs­ day In the woods north of Vancouver by C. Young, who mistook him for a deer. Fire Loss Was $15,000,000. Washington.--Six billion board feet of lumber, valued at about $15,- 000,000, was destroyed in the re­ cent forest fires upon the national for­ ests In Montana and northern Idaho. The total area burned over in this one district was put at 1.250,000 acres. The first rough estimate of the fire loss in the great district was completed by officials of the government forest service. Russia Drlvee Out 66 Jews. St. Petersburg.--Sixty-six Jewish artisans were expelled from St. Peters­ burg Friday on the grounds they were not following trades which would en­ title them to live outside the restricted district set apart by law for their hab­ itation. * Alaska Delegate Is Re-Eleoted. Juneau, Alaska.--The official count of the votes cast in the election held last August to choose a delegate to congress was completed Wednesday and shows that James Wickers ham was re-elected. 8outh Dakota Divorces Invalid. Washington.--Justice Wendell Staf­ ford of the equity court here Friday decided that South Dakota divorces were not valid in the District of Co­ lumbia. La Follette Returns Home. Rochester, Minn.--Accompanied by Mrs. La Follette and feeling One, Sen­ ator Robert M. La Follette went home Wednesday to Madison from the Mayo hospital, where he recently underwent an operation New Count Ordered for Tacoma. Washington.--Complete re-enumera­ tion of the population of Tacoma, Wash., was ordered Thursday by Sec­ retary Nacei as a result of the pro­ tests mfetle by the people of that city. AIM BOMB THREAT AT KAISER UNKNOWN WRITER BRINGS OUT TROOPS AT BRUSSELS. Extraordinary Measures Taken to Pro­ tect Emperor William as He Leavee Belgium Capital. Brussels. -- Extraordinary precau­ tions taken to protect Emperor Wil­ liam and Empress Auguste Victoria when they left the city for Berlin were explained Friday. The police announced that a letter threatening the emperor had been received at the javoJ P&!SC6. The letter was signed by a militant Brussels anarchist and read: "Since no one has had the courage to blow up the German autocrat, I have decided to throw a bomb." Efforts to arrest the writer were fruitless and hence unusual steps were taken to safeguard the emperor on his way from the palace to the railway station. All windows ef houses overlooking streets through which the royal party passed to the, station were ordered closed and JtHF station itself was packed with troops. The railway line for a considerable distance out of the city also was guarded. The local Socialists on the day of the kaiser's arrival met and adopted resolutions of sympathy for their brethren in Germany. ETHEL CLARE LENEVE FREE Girl Companion of Dr. Crlppen, Sen­ tenced to Death, Aoqultted of Charge as Accessory. London.--Ethel Clare Leneve waa acquitted Tuesday as an accessory after the fact in the murder of Belle Elmore by Dr. Hawley H. Crlppen. It was for love of Miss Leneve that Dr. IT* H. Crlppen, now under death sentence, murdered his wife. The crown counsel, Richard Muir, failed to show that Miss Leneve had knowl­ edge of either the American's inten­ tion or of the crime itself. No witnesses were called by the de­ fense. Immediately upon the conclu­ sion of the speech of Miss Leneve'a attorney, F. E. Smith, Justice Alver- stone delivered his charge to the jury and they retired, returning in twenty- two minutes with a verdict of ao- quittal. FARM PRODUCTS CO. FAILS Concern Goes Into Receiver's Hands- Schedules Show Liabilities of $V 552,516; Assets, $427,346. Trenton, N. J.--Schedules showing liabilities of $1,552,516 were filed In the United States district court setting forth the condition of the American Farm Products company, which is in the receivers' hands. The assets aggregate $427,346, stock in trade to the amount of $210,268 be­ ing the largest item. The receivers are Harman B. Baruch of New York and Frank P. McDermott of Elizabeth. Makes His Employes His Heirs. Mlneola, N- Y.--The 1,200 workmen in hts factory are made residuary lega­ tees of the $600,000 estate of Isaac Rem sen, a New York manufacturer, who recently died at his home here. His wi',1 was filed for probate Thurs­ day. Dietz to Have His Liberty. Hayward, Wis. -- Judge James Wlckham decided that John F. Dietz, the famous defender of Cameron dam, was entitled to his liberty, pending his trial for the murder of Os­ car Harp, if he could secure bonds­ men that could qualify in the sum of $40,000. Efforts are being made to get the bonds. The ball of Leslie Delts waa fixed at $10,000. Aviator la Killed In Fall. Rome, Italy.--Lieutenant Sagliettl fell with a military biplane in which he was maneuvering Thursday and was instantly killed. The machine was wrecked. Boy Bites Csrtridge; Dies. Nyack, N. Y.--Joseph De Bontl, an eight-year-old schoolboy of Haverstraw, Thursday put a cartridge in his mouth and began biting on it. The cartridge exploded and the boy fell dead, the bullet having gone upward through the brain. Negro Savings Bank 8hut. Richmond, Va.--The savings bank of the Grand Fountain, the largest ne­ gro industrial and social organization in the country, was placed in the hands of a receiver Wednesday. Bank examiners say they cannot tell what are its assets or liabilities. Elkins' Condition is Improved. Washington. -- Letters received Wednesday from the bedside of Sena­ tor Elkins at his home in Wtst Vir­ ginia reported decided improvement la the senator's condition MUNYON'S EMINENT BOCTURS AT *01111 SERVICE FREE We sweep away all doctor's charges. We put the best medical talent$^ within everybody's reach. We encourage everyone who ails or thmks^'$£. he ails to find out exactly what his state of health is. You can get remedies here, at your drug store, or not at all, as you prefer; there ia ̂ positively no charge for examination. Professor Munyon has prepared^ >- specifics for nearly every disease, which axe sent prepaid on receipt of price, and sold by all druggists. * « i t J -- _ .1 LI ©end to-aay xui » UVPJ VI VU& RNAUVSI RAWINNEMUU PISH*: m /i. »t •Tin itTiinfl to Health, which we will mail you promptly, and if you will answer all the questions, returning blank to us, our doctors will carefully diagnose your ease and advise you fully, without & penny charge. Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's laboratories, 53d & J< Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. SWELLING THE HOTEL BILL Hotel Keeper's Method of Taxing Traveler Had at Leaet the Method of Novelty. One of the things which help swell the traveler's expenses, both in this country and abroad, Is the "extra." It may or may not be charged in the bill, but It Is sure to be paid for. Prob­ ably even the most generous traveler, however, will have some sympathy for the gentleman in the following story who was made to pay liberally for a certain annoying privilege. During his stay at the hotel the weather had been very hot "Charles," said the landlord to the clerk who was making out the bill to be presented to the departing guest, "'have you noticed that the gentleman in number seven has consulted tlie thermometer on the piasza at least ten times every morning during his sU Charles replied that he had. "Well," said the landlord, "charge him the price of one dinner a day for the use of the thermometer."--Youth's Companion. Why the Boy Gave Thanks. Alan had played the entire day with little brother without an Impatient word. After saying his customary prayer that night, his mother suggest­ ed that he add:, "I thank God I was not' impatient with little brother to­ day." This he did with much fer­ vency; after which he remarked that there were some other things he would like to thank God for, and forth­ with he closed his eyes and said: "I thank God I offered my candy to father before taking any myself. "I thank God I offered my candy to mother before taking any myself. "I thank God I offered my candy to little brother before taking any my­ self. "And I thank God there was son left."--Lippincott's. RHEUMATISM AND GOUT PROMPTLY RELIEVED BY SAFEls EFFECTIVE 50 if DRU SRI S3 HE.NK BROOKLVN.N.Y • your surplus earn* og this per cent? If) ot we can make it| mj with safety sad* witbont WR sisitsjci#-0* laid np capital, surt tlus and undivided! profits guarantee this statement APH* Jtr hmtmlan BANKERS TRUST CO, HOUSTON, TEXAS One of the Best Rest Cures. Is a good story. To many women it is as good as a trip away from home. When you are tired out and your nerves are on edge, try going off by yourself and losing yourself in some good story. You will, In nine caaes out of ten, come back rested and in­ vigorated. One woman who has passed serene* ly through many years of hard work and worry that go with the managing of a house and bringing up of a large family of children, said that she con­ sidered it the duty of every busy housekeeper to read a certain amount Of "trash," light Action, for the rest and change to the mind that it would give. Try it, you who lead a strenuous life, and who sometimes grow exceed* lngly weary of the same. DR. MARTEL'8 FEMALE PILLS. Seventeen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for Women's Ailments. A scientifically pre­ pared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and per­ manent. For sale at all Drug 6 tores. His Point of View, "John, dear," queried the young wife, glancing up from the physical culture magazine she was perusing, "what Is your idea of a perfect fig­ ure?" x "Well," replied her husband, "$100,- 000 may not be perfection, but it's near enough to satisfy a man of my simple tastes." An Endleaa Job. "I'll bet I could keep a fairy god­ mother busy." "As to how?" "I'd have her look after my touring ear." Some folks never feel saintly until they have a chance to syndicate their Borrows. GOi have been using CascarelF- tor •titnaia, with which I'lmve beesi afflicted for twenty years,, and I can say that carets have given me more relief than an# other remedy I have ever IttedL 1 shall' certainly recommend them to my friend* as being all that they are represented.M Those CMilard, Elgin, 11L Pleasant, Palatable, Potent,, Taat* Good. Do Good. Never Sicken JWeakan or Grip®. 10c, 25c, SOo. Never sold in bulk. ulne tablet otainpod CCC. core or your money back. Thagra- Qnarantsed to au CEUISES AROUND THF WORLD TWO fitoNi aKUiSKS Off aiw®; thrM ana ene-issU! months" duration sscth The first to leave New ¥erfe N*V FI,, 1(11, and the second from SdB FraacEece Pel. I *• 1912, bv the large tr&n&atiantiy feinamar I" Meg frsa Up laclwUag All jBejg to " M'HU rv, Brnkhti NJCMBUIta*AMI£RICAK LINT* 4 Breadwey* New Yarfc* P. I. SM IW 'Cleveland' Alao mrutses to tin WEST INUin, the OKIENT *uu SOSJTS1 ASJESICA to exhibit, dent* onetr&te and r«< celve orders far ACTIVE LADY Hiitkierbloim Taffifa PeHi@§«ft Btery garttteRt guaranteed fw «»« y«av uir 'will be replaced with a new owe free. OutottiwS Sll'ea4>' waliisug, Splendid, opportunity lor KlgliS party. Send i'or free sample offer. 4E0RGE L PARKER COMPANY DfpL P. 720 Chetnut Street, PhlfadoleMa. ROOSEVELT'S OWN BOOK iikiiie Trails^ x W|Q]^t thousands for Christmas and MlW Yeara^Noeded 1 A man In every place to taka it toiiic families in hi* locality. Offered t Mr.noa? oW of field Miid faigii CommiBMQii- Take the great OBuace arid write for prospectus now (to CKAMIJSS 8CR1BNER'S SONSt C*L S.) MfcL Avmu** NawYork. South Louisiana Farm Lands fcs's&le in ]arg» and amaU tracts, some of tbo rlcSt* eat lands In the whole country. Wrltofor particular*. XIAVS, M Mr, Ml UMJ -Mslw bak Mditt. ftra liiteaio, La' PATENTS •our Mil t'uiiiui. E'roo houkle lbi ia\ Terns. CouauU I m m-rn rn 8TKVMN8 A CO., 86B Si*, WimMwgtnn: Itotu'bom wuklek .M m Weak Heart Many people coffer froa weak hearta. They may expeci- bitoe shortness of breath o*> exertion, pain orer tiw haart, or dizxy feelings, oppressed breathalter meali @r their •yes become blurred, their heart ie not sufficiently aironj to pump blood to the extricmitie*, «ku<i they cold hands and feet,, or poor appetite because of wtmkeued blood supply to the stomach,. A heart tottio and aliei utive should btttkeo which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr„ Pierce's Cjoldea Medical Discovnry, whisk oontaina no daager«Ki» uarcotM* aar alcohol. „ IS atteeiea uuder SSftk, are StOM Mot (Co//to»o«ia Cmumatut • *te). Bfcodreet (Smalaarlm CaoadMMia) »tx). Queen'* root (Stiltiagim SylvMtSm), " Maudrmk* root (fodo^byiluw Ptoltmtvm). ... In * actantltk laboratory in » way that no dragfiat could Imi Hut loiuc contains no alcohol t® ahrtnk ap the red bloo*i tc*urpui8cle» j, fc»o<^es th* other hand,, it increaaea their number and they btcoaio round and healthy. It kelpa the human ay*tew in the oom>tant manufacture of rid*,, red blood. It 2wl|» the atomaoh to aasimiletie or take up the proper elements Iroai the food, thereby, helpings di^eatiun and outing dyapepaia, heart-burn, and mamy umiom- fortable symptoms, stops excessive tiaaue waste in oouvalcMsence from fevers; for the run-down, anemio, thin-Mooded people, the " Diaoovery _ t* rcfrathinf and vitalixing. Stick to and sane remedy, and refuse nil just as food' medicines offered by the druggist who is leaking for a lar*cr profit. Nothing Jmt Gulden Medioai Dkoovery will do you half as much good. W. L. DOUGLAS *3 *39 1 *S4 SHOE8 ? •ORS-SHOES, S2.00„S2.60AS3.00» BEST if* THE WORLO. W. L Omualmm »S.OO, &S.BO mtsd 9+-OQ thm Mosf maunmmmmt sfcsss' -***• re •*(*« Da you realise that my shooa have been ifr® »taiid.ard for sret •• ymmr*, that I make and mO mar* 9S.OO, •3JSO mtd ••i.oo •hoM than any other manufacturer in the and that DOL­ LAR FOR DOI.1.AK, I GUARANTIEE MHT 8HOE8 to hold their shape, took and fitbatter.aud wear lon«er than any other 03.00, »;i.50 or H.OO shoes you < an buy t Omallty epuuta. It has made my alute* THE LKAUK1U OF THE WOKID, You will be pleased when you bay my shoe# ber<»«»»© of tins fit and appearauee, and when It oomoa time fur you to pur­ chase another pair, you will be mora than plriuted because tk« last UUM wore »o woil, ami jra»e yoa so much conafort " - ~ " wltlivul » CAii TIO Nl I feiqp T AKEMO SUBSTITUTE ' It your dealer wumot y& ^ • writ*, for Mail Urdu Catalog. Street. BrwkUu. M*as»

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