Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1910, p. 5

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i ... *y fe. * ar » # ucnuirNE is the best made and most successful Heating Stove in the world and you may rely upon GETTING THE WORTH OF EVERY DOLLAR YOU PUT INTO ONE. »It not only heats up with any kind of fuel but it does its work to suit you. >: When a LOW PRICE is the principal argument used in selling a stove and sav­ ing you 40 to 60 per cent looms up many times in the talk, make up your mind that QUALITY, DURABILITY NEIGHBORING.NEiVSsiS CHRONICLED BV OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS IT AND MANY have been left OTHER ESSENTIALS out to make cheap prices. TAKE NO CHANCES. GET THE GOOD, THE DEPENDABLE ROUND OAK OF F. L. McO WEST SIDE HARDWARE. SpTf* S f j l f j »®SPi No Stooping While Baking With Think of the advantages this Elevated Oven affords as compared to the old-fashioned cook stove or cast iron range. The oven is on a level with the shoulders--so yo i have no lifting, no stooping, no steam or odors to inhale when baking in Cole's High Oven Range. You can operate tha oven in a comfortable, crect position. The natural course of heat is to rise. We have taken advantage of this and have placed the oven high instead of down low. The heat rises around all four sides of the oven evenly. All sides are heated alike. Your baking wMl not be over-baked on one aide and half-baked on the other. Tha temperature of the oven can be changed in less than a minute, yet you can keep it the same for over two hours on one charge of fuel--so perfect is the fuel combustion. Every atom of heat is utilized, due to our patented Hot Blast Combustion (which burns the wasting gases) and to the patented air-tic I t construction, giving a great saving in fuel. Cole's High Oven R equals the work of ranges which cost twice as much. This New Improved Cooker and Baker is a money saver for you to use. It will save fuel and will lessen your work--yoo havo only one fire to give attention, 2 drafts to regulate, no dansf«cr* ' it's simply a wooaer. Let us show you its many good features which were made to please particular housewives. Partieyfartf Adapted iurititiji tii* Gfenapftt Soft Csafi • Madi R«ti fi UprlgM Sf iiif r till Rave Randy Real A hot water bottle is of course needed in every home; more than one can often be used to advantage, In sickness they are a necessity in reliev­ ing pain, in keeping up the bodily temper­ ature and other ways, They are handy for cold feet any time, Our stock is large and fresh and consists of the most reliable goods made. n. fi. Petesch Druoaist. « Cel. 274 When You Want the Very Best Cough Cure get our White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup. We would not recommend this remedy did we not koow it to be unusually effective. We do know this because we have been making and selling it for many years, It is pleasant, safe and prompt and thoro in results. Equally good for chil­ dren or adults. Price, 25 cents, N. H. Petesch, Druggist. - Tel. 374 BIHGWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. C £. Hawley were bosl- new visit or a in Elgin Monday. Mr*. Mary Cbaae returned to her home in Chicago Monday morning. Beed Carr and Jamee Weatlake of Solon ware in town Tuesday forenoon. Mr* Martha Brad lay and Mr*. Lillian Marvin visited relative* in Woodstock Saturday. Avery Holmes and family of Wood­ stock visited at Walter Jiradley'a leas week Wedneaday. C W. Harrison, 8 W. Brown, Will iam Ik-Cannon RDd W. E. Smith all went to Wsukwha Sunday in tha lst- ter'a a*k>. On account of Thanksgiving corre­ spondents are requested to send in their letters one day earlier next week. MiM Bird Hodge of Solon spent Fri­ day night with Mr*. Allen and attended the W. C. T. U. dinner at Abbie Ma­ tin's Saturday. The basket social given by Mise Agnes Dodge was well attended by the yoang people from this pla«^ The proceeds a moo uteri to $28.00. The Royal Neighbors of Solon will give a play, entitled "Tompkins' Hired Map," in the M. W A. hall st this place Saturday evening, Nov. 19. ^ The W C. T- U. dinner at Abbie Martin's «M well attended. Reports of county and fftate convention were given. Proceeds from dinner, 95 00. Mr. and Mrs. &els (ngstrom celebrat­ ed their twenty-fifth wedding anniver­ sary Souday Relatives and friends from Wayne and Chicago were present. Warren FOHM was called to hia old home in Vermont last Wednesday by the serious illness of his father. A later word say* bis father died before he reached there. The Bmgwood school will give a basket eociitJ in tfee M. W. A. hnll on Friday evening of this week, Nov. 18. Saeh lady is reqneated to bring a basket containing laacb for two. Many school children taffer from con­ stipation, which is often the cause of seriuing atupuiity at lessons Chamber­ lain's Stomacn and Liver Tao!ets are an Ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure «vea chronic constipation. Sold by all dealer*. TwooaiUT 4 KM ISM- xviirn 1* i-«u- CA«0 The International Live 8tock Exposi­ tion Nov. tt-Pec. 8, and U S Land & Irrigation exposition Nov. 19 Deo. 4. For full particulars apply to any ticket agent of the North Western Line. Mrs. Ada Bnson was in Mendots | couple of days this week. Miss Genevieve Effinger of Ingleside was in town over Sunday. Mrs Henry Wagner of McHenry was in town Thursday of last week. 8. B Russell of Chicago is the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huson this Vv ek. Mrs Lanra Huson has gone to Men- dot*. III., for a visit with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and son of Lily Lake were in town Sunday nft emoon. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughter, Nettie, were in Mcfleery Saturday aft ernoon. Miss Adeline Frost of Chicago is spending a few wreeks with her grand parents here. Mrs. Charles Bought spent Friday and Saturday of last weeK with r«la rives in Waukegan. Miss Anna Rosaneutscher of Waocon »la was the guest of friends here the Intter part of the week On account of ThmiksKiviDic corre tipandents «re rrquestui to in th*jr letterH one day earlier nest wt«k. Harry Lank of <-»rayHtake and Miss Katberine Dowell of Wwt Fremont were Sunday afternoon visitors here Mr. and Mrs L V Lnsk and cons. Raymond and Edward. of West Fre mont were in town Sueday afternoon Mr. and Mi* John Hirouimn* and daughter. Esther. «nd Mr and Mrs. Albert Kutenberg of Waukegan were over Sunday ^nunta Ht the Walton home. Sunday guests at the NichoHs home were Mr and Mm Frnnk Znelmlorf of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nicholls of Rosevilie, and Mr and Mrs. Frank Hironimus of this place. Mr. Otto Paul. Milwankee, Wis., says Foley's Honey and T«r is still more than the best He write® tin, "All those that bought it think it is the best for mtnghs and colds they ever had and 1 think it ie still more than the b*-st Our baby had a bad cold and it cured him in one day. Please accept thanks." F. Masquelet. HOLCOMBVILLK. Miss Letah Pomrening spent Sunday at her houie here. Mr and Mrs P. Flanders visited rela­ te ves here Sunday. RHJ mond and Will Powers are at­ tending a business coilege in Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. G S. Rnndall were caller* at W. R Gilbert'» Hnnday even­ ing Miss Grace Doherty called on Miss Gertrude La Sage last Wednesday aft­ ernoon Mr. nud Mrs M H. Cnnley and sons of Chicago visited at W. B Gilbert's Sunday. Miss Irene Davoll entertained several of her friends at a cinch party last | Thursday evening. I On account of Thanksuiving corre 1 spondent« are requested to send in their i l«tters one day earlier next week. 1 Mr. and Mrs Frank McMillan and ' daughter, Eleanor, of Terra Cotta spent : Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs ' David Powers The operetta, entitled "On Plymouth | Rock, " which is to be given by the school on Wednesday evening at the j Central opera honse, is a olassy play and is worthy of a (jacked honse, ! Mrs. Fred Power* returned to her home here Tuesday after a several weeks' visit with relative* and friend* in Ohio aud West Virginia. She was accompanied home by her nieoe. Miss Edna Foley, of Cleveland, who will make a visit bete 1 he old, ol 1 story, told times without number and repeated over and over a^ain for the last 36 years, but it is al­ ways a welcome story to those in search of health There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly a» Chamberlaiu's Cough Rem­ edy. Sold by all dealers. Alsbastine and kalkomo at Vycital's Centerville hardware. KiixiKratu*. C. Button was in Woodstock Tues­ day. Mrs. S. Wakefield was in Woodstock Saturday. Wilbur Levey spent Friday sight see­ ing in Chicago. F. W. Hartman made a business trip to Woodstock Friday. Miss Etta Levey and brother, Wilbur, visited in Elgin Saturday. J. H. Parks of Crystal Lake was call­ ing on friends here Friday. Theodore Hauier of Woodstock was a business caller here Friday. Mrs. Frank Pinnow of Crystal Lake visited friend* here Thursday. Rev and Mrs GieoHelbrecht were Crystal Io»ke callers Monday. A F Davia of Austin transacted busi­ ness here !a* 1 week Wednesday Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake »«as here 011 business Thursday. Miss Betht-i Shelt was a gne*t in the home of A Anners over Sunday. Thanksgiving services will be held In the church Snmlay Everyone invited. Mrs. R L. DuSeld and Mrs. Lolo Bennett cal'e.l on friends in Woodstock Suuday. Mr. aud Mrs W in. Jayne and children of Woodstock visited at W L. Yanke's Sunday. Misses Emma and Clara Eiuhkoff of Woodstock visited friends here over Sunday The Ladie.*' Cemetery association met at the home of Mrs. E. Smith Thursday afternoon. Tnesday, Dec. 18, is election of officers of M W. A. and it is desired that all members be present. Miss Hilda Hegebein of Crystal Lake was the guest of Miss Clara Salow from Friday until Sunday. On account of Thanksgiving corre­ spondents are requested to send in their letters one day earlier next week, M rs. J. B. Lynch and mot her, Mrs. H. J. Fanning, visited Thursday with Mrs. Blanche Conerty in Chicago. W. L. Yanke is wearing a happy smile these days, the cause being a son which arrived at his home Wednesday, Nov. 9. Mrs. S. Morse of Woodstock and Mrs. E. Smith were entertained at the boms of Mrs. A. A oners Saturday afternoon. A number of the Endeavorera are planning to attend the county C. E con­ vention at Woodstock Friday and Sat- nrday. Arthur Skinner, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips, drove over to Tryou's Corners in the former's auto Sunday. Mrs. A. R. Murphy of Woodstock and Miss Jewett of Chioago visited with Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrecht Friday and Saturday. Miss Alma C. Doering, of the African Inland Mission, visited with her friends, Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrecht, on Mon­ day at the manse. Mrs. P. B Haughawout and daugh­ ter, Roes, returned home Saturday from a pleasant visit with their daughter and sister at Batavia. Mrs Lill Foydendall returned home with her mother for a short visit. T. B. Adams, a rescue mission worker in the Pacific Garden Mission, Chicago, spoke last Sunday evening. The story of his life is a remarkable one and his address left a lasting impression in the minds of all who beard him. When a cold becomes settled in the system it will take several days' treat­ ment to cure it and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy oondition. Sold by all dealers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dufleld are re- jsicing over the arrival of a ten pound grandson, Robert Leroy Skinner, born Wednesday, Nov. 9. The little stranger looks as tho he had come to stay and gladden the hearts and home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner of Woodstock for many years to come. Mrs. Anna Hunt of Elgin is oaring for mother and babe, who are doing nioely. Safe heat for cold feet. Hot water bottles. 75c to $1.50, at Petesch s. In view el As overwhelming rjkm of evidence inUgooM^ to alum, it is recommended that it» use in taking powder* be prohibited by law. Untied State* Senate taetmitf** R*P*lt from ttrmpmm Approved by physicians and food efllclals, iMitifi Stele axtd Matliiiiai* Awarded Iklgiiest lienors toy Hie great World's and proved of sn|>criw stjreii||tli Trial ifcfg •/ Zt-h'A * f Home A 91 IV, These are the remarkably liberal terms upon which we sell that new and improved sewing m.ich:n? wiiich was recc' nvented by Wm. O. Free, which has been vo widely a:!verti.-> Woujcn's iVitiga/ines, and whicn is revolution /.irj^. the sew :ng btlSUlCtC^ Because of the fact that The FREE is &nld so much loner than the best known sewing machines, we have agreed never t.. publish the price broadcast. You would judge its by its cost". \ on ^.lold r.jt bdieve that absolutely the best sewing machine in the v\or!d could I e obtained at such a bargain. „ _rA1 Ki-ig price, we have di-ddid to make it easy for you to own I he FREE and fn .at it>, qna)i!> ycuNs It We wi!l sell it to you «t TOtirown *er™' 48 'ow a® 5' 00 3 week, and to sK- v y>u how we place our whole establish­ ment pack of this wonderfully perfect nia hine without the least qualification, we offer it to you on 30 days Xrial in your home. Sew on it for 30 days, 0jfg It any hard test you can think of for 3o daw Compare it point by point with any other machine Then if you have not been con vt nee J that it it the beat machine you ever heard^ of. the most coiivcincm, the most improved, and if the low price does not delight you -return the machine to us. We will refund your deposit so that the trial will not cc..«t YOU one cent. i o#er is to h»v<- v. u niMic* how miK-ii l;ght»r it» S «ets of ball bcariafi •• Our retsoft lor mat make it run. how much faster iis Rotoscitlo Moreo«nt makes it tew --how much easier it U to u* iti Shuttle Ejector than your finter nails or «oew uii^er much better !l is to have a Kt ary Seoul Pi# that kee^ thread from breaking or tijiht- --how orach aof ^rnameota! it* si^a anj dusi!ev ia^anning are -- how much more eenxeineat it is to htvs. aa Automatic Ter. -cr Releise. AcrorrattcLodl* in( drawer*, -n Improved Head Latch, a Mt that never «fi. and a 5 reart lancaaca Pohcf afaiosi e\ery kind ol accident. So Come and See The FREE tomorrow and take it home with you JACOB JUSTEN is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may .be in the art of baking, kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter­ minate into a disappointment just as long as you are using an inferior grade of Flour. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If you are not using our brand, try it, and be convinced that it's the only Flour. WEST McHBNRV, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. •?, vt j 4 ) ;?• * v * ...SWEATER... FOR THE COOL DAYS We have all grades from $1.00- $4.50. Each to fit all sizes.'from baby to grandpa in pop­ ular shades and combination colors. :: :: - A complete line of Underwear in all wool and fleec6 lined goods--white, gray, tan and blue. :: :: " " Our line of Dress Goods in silk,- wool and cotton goods is complete in the new colorings and weaves. :: :: :: Outing Flannel, good heavy fleeced, at 10c per yard. Other grades at 8c, 11c, 12ic up to 20c per yard. :: :: Our line of Shoes is the finest we have ever shown. Gun Metal Kid and Patent Colt Leather and cloth top, new shades. :: :: " :: :: :: :: Leave your order for Groceries, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, etc. :: ^ M. J. WALSH PHONE 343 GOODS DELIVERED Read This Paper FOR ALL THE NEWS.

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