"<* ^X«Vot"' ^ ~ (F BOOKS THE MOST SATISFACTORY AND ENDURING PRESENTS (^hristmas Books for Boys and Girls Lmien and Toy Books for Children Christmas Booklets and Post Cards N. H. PETESCH Druggist. *4) n Yo Tics Offer Is Evidence of the Confidence We Hove in ¥e FREE Sewing Machine TERMS AS LOW AS $1 A WEEK We want all our customers -and l.-idies of this city to know that we arc the exclusive agents of that phenom enal master piece of sewing machines. The FREE) recently invented by Win. C. Free of Chicago. We know it is the best machine, baj none, and it is your fortune to buy it on terms, as low as $1.00 a week. After a tho rough investigation of all makes, we aie willing to back The FREE with our unqualified endorsement. We believe that when you know what we know about sewing machines, We irtat rou «o |1«t Tb« FRBt thi» iru because we know thai u the bfM «rav tar fou •© iearu -- Sewing Machine will be your choice as it is ours. And after talking it over we de cided that the best way to enable you to find out its wonderful superiority would be not to advertise its low price; (if we did, you would be unable to believe that it is absolutely the best sewing machine in the market.) Instead we will offer you The FREE on 30 days Trial--we want you to put it in your home side by side with any other machine. We want you to test it out, try it on all sorts of material. Then, if you are not absolutely satis fied after 30 days that it is the best sewing machine you ever sewed on, and the biggest bqrg;in you ever heard of at its very low price--we want you to return it and we will refund every cent you have deposited. You will not be out a penny -- tha i while other machine* with their (quire toy heavy furniture are too n(Ir (or the kitchen The FREE It beautiful enough for the parl.n with ito atuactlve French let deftfn an J dust-leu japanning. --tha t while other machines run hard with no ba l l bear inc i o r on ly *H--The FREE runs as lightly as the wheel of a suspended bicycle with its S utt of Ball Bearings. --that while other machines run slowly with noi«e and shaking on account of their long tbultlrv or else are always getting out of order on account of their rotary shuttle. The Ft Kl. lus a 'Rltulth" mmtmmt which m«kei it faster Ihjn a round bobbin and simpler than a shuttle. --that while other machines when broken by ac cident are ready foi the scrap heap -The KRBE i< mmred for S yearn against any ku.J of accident. In short, that while other Machines are full of annoyances, imperfections and wotries The FREE ia perfect. alsUmtb frrtoei. Come and see The FREE de monstrated tomorrow and let us send it home with you for a month's trial. Jacob Justen, McHenry. Bank of Mc Henry i receives deposit*, pays 3 per cent interest on time depoe- ite, extends all courtesies consist ent with good bnainees principles and does a CMfRAL MltKIIU. BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat- Honey to Loan on real estate and other first REAL ESTATE snds, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to bny or sell, call on na. Ahetraota ordered. INSURANCE in Flr«t Clsas Companies, at the Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. HCELLHT LOAYtS ANO Delicious Pastries la the IsevitaWt result if you u«« White 5wan ...Flour... FOR SALE 15V Wilbur Lumber Co. West flcHenr) N. P. Steilen & Son flcHenry John Richardson Valo William Althoff JohnstHirtrh LEG or UTTTON if hl^h toned Is always polite. Wo ttull plenty mutton and guarantee It's always polite enough to be in ev»>ry rottpert 8171'ERIOK Ml TTOfc- Our trade dvtuands tht» lieat and itfi* It. All meats at our marxet am high ttrndf and A-l quality. Leave your orrtci. If will be promptly attciultvl to. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY . TELEPHONE3 THE GENUINE is the best made and most successful Heating Stove in the world and you may rely upon GETTING THE WORTH OF EVERY DOLLAR YOU PUT INTO ONE. It not only beats up with any kind of fuel but it does its work to suit you. When a LOW PRICE is the principal argument used in selling a stove and sav ing you 40 to 60 per cent looms up many times in the talk, make np your mind that QUALITY, DURABILITY AND MANY OTHER ESSENTIALS have been left oul to make cheap prices. TAKE NO CHANCES. GET THE GOOD, THE DEPENDABLE ROUND OAK OF F. L. McOMBER ""^WEST SIDE HARDWARE. NEIGHBORING NEWS ASa CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OE CORRESPONDENTS ' ' V . - 1'f 7?., V- ... * > . > K.MKKAt-lt PAKE. DECEMBER I. H. Felineten returned from a bnainees trip to Chicago Wednesday. .Utues Coetello ot fclgiu visited rela- ti/.* here a few dayn recently. K. B Sutton of Chicago ate Thanka- giving dinner at ltin home here. Lawrence Back, Jr., is spending a *~«r «-«->»»- -ith Chicago rsistires. Floyd Thompson of Riverside, 111., visited friends here the last of the week. Mm. John Qibbeand Miss Mary Gibbe visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbe Thurs day. Mrs. H Berkircher returned Tuesday froui H week's visit with Chicago *^!A fives. Chas Tv. Berkircher is spending a few weeks with relatives in CristaHne, Ohio. Miss Helen Soiith is spending a few weeks with trieads at North Crystal Mc-r>arp. R<ibt. Sohns and .»»«. Buxton of Chicago spent the week end at their cottages here. Mrs. &ij«n Walsh and sod, Walter J., spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Cbss Gibbe. Miss Margaret McUaghlin of Chica go visited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Waimsley the first of the vrwek. Mr. and Mr*, till Latkiu and chil dren of Elgin r»p*»uJ Thursday with R. J. Sutton and family. Mr. and Mrs W £ Heaney of Chi cago were unentsofMr. and Mrs Ed. Knox a few dn>> Ia*t week. Miss Viola Martin aud Walter Martin of Chicago npent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs L. E Waluisley. Mr. and Mrs Geo E hoelschet" and baby, Robert, of Chicago speut a few • InyM ilie la*t of the week witfi R J. Sutton ami family. Misses Ellen awl 'xry Pender WH sh if MoR eiity and IV.jlnh Lsrkin and Robert Larkin of Klicin were vinitors at BinerMld Psrlr W.IKMI Friday. Vlr and Mrs Jolni Walsh aud chil- ueii ate Thaukt«gi\intf turkey wuh Mi id Mrs Cbas W. Gibim The latte, pent a few days the last of the weet> smiting frieuils her* The following pupils of the Euierat- 'ark school have been neither abseL tor tardy dnring the month of Novell, ber: <!ora Felineten. Myrtle Huck, David Huck and Thomas McCabe. Miss MAKUAKKT SI'TTON Teacher. It >ou aretoffering from biliousness, I'onstipation, indigestion, chronic head *ibe. invest one cent in a postal card, -end to Cbaiuberlain Medicine Co,, Des vloiues. Iowa, with your name and ad IresM plainly on the back, and they will forward you a free sample of Chamber- lain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets. Bold i>> all d aler*. NOVEMBEK 34. Miss Katharine Knos visited friends m Woodsto^-k Saturday. Harold (lilies of Woodstock visited the Minses Knox Sunday. H. Feliueten went to Chicago Monday (o attend to nu iness matters. Lawrence Huck, J r . , wtnt to Chicago Friday to attend the funeral of bis aunt. Mrw. U. Berkircher returned Tuesday froui a week'H visit with Chicago rela tives. Mr and Mr*. Ed Knox are spending a few dayn with Chicago relatives this week. Messrs. Raymond and Clarence Whit ing of King wood visited Ed. Knox's Sunday MIKH Marian Whiting of Ringwood speui Tuesday evening with Miss Gene vieve Ktiox Messrs. Jas. Haxton and D. W. Hill tif Chicago sp»nt Saturday and Sunday *tthe Park A mi tuber from here attended the basket social a: Lrncotu school last Fri day evening Misses Edith Geary of Wsuconda and .\ona Frisby of McHenry visited Misses Sutton Thursday. Mrs. G.o Meyers of McHenry and Henry Maiman of Wauoonda visited at Ed. Knox '<• Snnday Miss Mary Gibbs aud Thos. McDon- ild visited the Misses Fleming at North Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas W. Gibbs. Miss Vlargaret SnttoD and Mrs. Ellen Walsh tnd St 111, W. J . were guests of Mr. aud VIrs. John Walsh in McHenry Sunday. TtRKA t UTTJk. Mrs T R Au<.erson was a Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Frances Kuox was a McHenry visitor Wednesday evening. Claude V Colby of Crystal Liake was 1 ca l l u r i n t h i - Miss Emma Conway of Elgin visited bome folits a lew days last week Miss Edna Foley of Cleveland, Ohio. VHS the guest of relatives here Thurs day. Carl Bergman of Chicago speut the I tter j,art of last week at the home of •*. B Leisuer. Miss Vera Doberty of Holoombville * >fnt last Tuesday at the home of her uncle, M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and fxiiarhtera visitad Richmond relatives Thanksgiving day. Miss Florence Leisner of Cbioago was 'tie guest of her parents and siater here Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs Thos Powers of Mo- Henry spent Thanksgiving day with their daughter and family here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch and fam ily of Griswold Lake were visitors at the home of J M. Pbalin Thursday. The greatest danger from influenza is of Us resulting in pneumonia. This can be obviated by using' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as it not only cures in- flu ansa, but counteracts «ny tendency f the diaeaae towards pneumonia. Soid by all dealers. Alabastine and kalkomo at Vyoital'• Ceotervjlle hardware. ^ Mrs. Edward Lusk and Mise Irene Vasey spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Bessie Dnnnill of Chicago was at her home here Thanksgiving day. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffiing Saturday. November 26, a daughter. Mrs. Wm. Hironitnns of Round Lake called on home folks Friday afternoon. Info, vjieor^*' LIUBUII au<i daughter, Reba, spent a day in Chicago recently. Miss Kate Frost was an over Sunday guest at the Ford home, near Wancon- da. Mies Jennie Potter was a Saturday and Sunday visitor at the Bacon home iu MuHeury. Mro. Lnura Hitsuii has returned to her home nere after a short stay with rela tives at Mendota. Mr. and Mrs Harry Nichollsand Mrs. John Richardson drove to Ury&ini Lake one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Averv of Lake Villa w«»re Thaiik-^iving daj gurstn at the Paddock home. Mrs. Lola Avery has returned to her home here after a few weeks' stay with Mr. and Mrs Avery at Lake Villa. John Rosing and daughter. Clara, and Miss Lucy Rosing of Ronnd Lake attended church here Sunday torenoon. Earl, the Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus, has been qnite sick, but, is somewhat better at present. Mrs Cyrus Converse of Gary. S. D. arrived here Thursday and will spend the winter with relatives iu Lake coun ty- Mr and Mrs. Chas. Parker enter tained a number of relatives at their home near town uu Thursday of last week. Mr. an 1 Mrs Frank Ward of Mc Henry spent > at uday m* t ami Sun day at the home of Air. and Mrs. Syl vester Wagner A sprained ankle will n«n .I'.y doable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment. V\ L*n Chamberlain's Lini ment is applied a cure u ay be etlected in three or four days, 'i his liniment Is one of the best and most remarkable preparation* iu use. Sold by all deal en-. atMujCFIBlU. W H Levey went to Rock ford Sat urday. Herman Wil^1 wtnt to Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. D L Gibson was a Woodstock caller Friday. John Oakroot was in Woodstock on business Friday Misses Ella and hazel Baker were Chicago shoppers Friday. Mrs. D. L Gibson was a business call er at Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Clara Salow was a pleasant call er at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughter, Ruth, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. W. P Allen and little daughter were at Crystal Lske recently. Rob Knilans and Lloyd Held were Chicago business callers Saturday. Mrs. P. W . Allen and daughter, Eve lyn, were Sharon callers Saturday. F. W. Hartman and wife were Wood stock visitors the first of the week. Mrs. H. Nelson and little daughter visiteJ relttive* in the ciiy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reser and daugh ter, Marjorie, went to Beloit the fore part of the week. Mrs. A. Stephenson and mother, MTB French, of Ringwood. went to Sharon on bnsiness Friday. Arthur Skinner and Louis Goddard of the Oliver factory, Woodstock, spent a part of Saturday and Sunday here. Mrs. Dora Cooper of Woodstock was a business caller Monday. She also took dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Wille. Mr. and Mrs. B. Waterman and Mr. and Mrs. Si Reed and little daughter Snndayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed. Charles Bullock will move bis fawily this week from the Floyd Morse farm to one near Pistakee Bay. Their many friends are sorry to lose them from the community and join in wishing them success in their new venture. KINUWO(ll). • E C. Hawley was a business visitor in Elgin Monday. Guy Hodge attended the party at Solon Thanksgiving night. Mrs. Flora Martin of Delavan is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Jane Carr. George Kugg aud wife of Richmond spent Thanksgiving day at J S Brown's Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Chase ate Thanks giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Miss Agnes Bigelow went to Brod- head. Wis., Wednesday to visit her Ma ter. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and Mrs. J. C. Ladd were in Dundee Wednesday of lasc week. • Mrs. William Merchant and Mrs. Langham of Solon visited at John Mc Laughlin's Saturday. Andrew and Cora Waters of Elgin spent Thanksgiving day with their sis ter, Mrs E. C. Hawley. H. W.Allen. J. C. Ladd and Wade Sanborn and wives attended the funeral of Benson Hauly at McHenry Tnesday afternoon. Mrs. Almira Dwelly of Woodstock and Mrs. Merriman of McHenry visired Mrs. H. W. Allen and called on friends Wednesday. Twenty three members of the Ring- wood lodge attended the Mystic Work ers' meeting in V\oo.lptock last Satur day evening. N. D. Stevens aod wife left Wednes day for Tei re Haute, Ind., to eat Thanksgiving dinner with their daugh ter, Mrs Edwin Johonnott, and remain for a short visit ^ Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. Vyoital. She a. ways has use for Stationery --the kind we hare here for the Holiday trade. You'll make no mistake in giving a lady letter paper that is strictly the "thing." We have the very latest shapes, tints and textures put up in dainty packages for Holiday Gift purposes These goods are sure to delight the most fastidious. - 35c to $1.50 per box N. H. Petesch, < Druggist. V^. Bread is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking, kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter minate into a disappointment just as long as you are using an inferior grade . of Flour. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If you are not using our brandj try it, and be convinced that it's the only Flour. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS JOHN 5PENCER, Pros, r ....SWEATER.... % FOR THE COOL DAYS We have all gradas from $1.00- $4.50. Each to fit all sizes from baby to grandpa in pop ular shades and combination colors. :: :: :: A complete line of Underwear in all wool and fleece lined goods--white, gray»^tad and blue. :: :: :: :: Our line of Dress Goods in silk, wool and cotton goods is complete in the new colorings and weaves. :: :: :: Outing Flannel, good heavy fleeced, at 10c per yard. Other grades at 8c, 11c, 12^c up to 20c per yard. :: :: Our line of Shoes is the finest we have ever shown. Gun Metal Kid and Patent Colt Leather and cloth top, new shades. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Leave your order for Groceries, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, etc. :: :: • . J. WALSH PHONE 343 QOOD5 DELIVERED Electrical Household Appliances In the Holiday Season. A wide range of choice exists for the discriminating buyer of electrical devices as Christmas presents, in the exhibit we make in our show rooms at Anttoch, Crystal Lake, Park RUlge, Lagrange, Harvey, Chicago Heights, Waukegan, Evanston and Highland Park. There are ornamental lamps in great variety upon which the grace of the artist has been expended, cooking utensils admirably adapted for many purposes and occasions, devices for use at the toilet table, in the sick room and to aid comfort, appliances to relieve the household of its heaviest labor. These rooms are miniature museums since theiein is displayed many little devices to be operated by electric current and perform work in wizard like fashion that ordinarily must be done by hand. We quote the lowest pricts on everything. :: :: :: The Early Holiday Buyer Is the Wisest. We sell everything electrical at our show rooms. North Shore Electric Co. This FOR ALL THE NEWS.