Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1910, p. 4

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r I - ap.ajb JU«lb A AAA A A A fTT5 ' *^-§ • J; O I "• To Christmas Shoppers I, SANTA OIJAUS, want to state to the children, also the parents, young men and ladies that I have left the largest line of Holiday Goods to be found in the county and at such .low prices that you will not want to miss looking over the stock at BLOCK & BETHKE:S. the Centerville merchants. Good gifts for all, from Grandpa down to the Baby, suitable gifts for young men and ladies. Step in and look over the line of best quality, largest assortment and lowest in price to be found. Dolls Dolls Dolls For the children we hav<j taken extra care to se lect nothing but the best and amusing dolls. Un­ dressed at. 25, Dressed dolls at 50, $1.00 Little folks dressed in a fur suit at each 25 Doll heads, wigs, doli arras, clothes--everything that goes to make a dolly complete to be pre sented to the little one. Games Games Scroll pictures, puzzles, dominoes, dissected puz zles, pearl mosaic, deck ring toss, tish pond, toy grocery stores, Noah's arks, tpn pins, and numer­ ous other good games. * Toys Toys Toys A box of the drawing teacher, drawing slates, first steps in sewing, sewing boxes, sewing ma­ chines, mechanical trains, automobiles, tire truck, hose carts, street cars, steam engines, sand mills, printing press, barn and stall with horse, toy gun boats and sail boats, guns, soldiers' outfits, toy Xumiture, magic lanterns and reflectoscopes that will show any post card on the wall, in. fact, everything that will make the hearts of the little folks glad. flittens and Gloves Bear skin fur mittens in fancy box, each 50c Bear skin fur bonnets, splendid value. . .50, 75, $1 Bear skin fur coats to close at $2.75 and $3.50 Golf and kid gloves for ladies and men. Fancy hosiery for ladies, 25c and 50c; silk at $1.25 FOR THE MEN The best and largest line of suspenders, neckties, shirts, collars and cuffs, fancy house slippers and many other suitable gifts for men. Don't forget to look. DRESS HATERIAL Here you can find just what you want--a well se­ lected stock of plain and fancy weaves, waist pat­ terns, silks for dresses or waists, silks for scarfs, splendid line for house dresses. A look is all that is asked. Table Linen and Napkins An extra effort has been made to get the best all linen table cloth for the least money and you would be surprised to see the wonderful values shown in the 50c and 85c line. You can compare them with 75c and $1.00 grades. All linen napkins at per doz $1.25 and $2.00 FUR SETS AND FURS Here is a snap--the latest and most up-to-date children's muffs and sets ever shown. Teddy Bear fur sets, scarf fringed, set Hoc Teddy Bear fur muffs, worth up to $1.00 35c Teddy Bear and crushed plush leggings 69c Ladies' fur scarfs and muffs of the best selected skins at prices considered cheap, all up to the minute. ' It is impossible to describe everything to you--the best thing for you to \ do is to make it a point to visit the Centerville merchants and see for yourself, you are not asked to buy, just look, then go home and think. You will come back and then to spend your money. Don't forget the place. x Silk Head Scarfs We have them to suit all, young or old, in the best Persian and polka dot patterns, something any woman would appreciate. Full two yards long, all shades, at • 50, 85, $1.00 Sterling Silver Hand Bags This is nothing cheap--the best sterling bag that is made; full size, a very suitable bag for young or old ladies, on sale at these special figures $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 to $6 Water and Wine Sets, not the American glass, but genuine imported Bohemian, at 50, 75, $1.00 up to $2.00 Berry Bowls at 25, 50, 75, $1.00 Burnt Wood collar, cuff, necktie, glove, handker­ chief and jewel boxes 15, 25, 35, 50 Manicure and Toilet Sets These you will find to be the best in quality. All sterling silver mounted and so low in price that you can't pass them up, ranging in price from.... 50c to $3.50 Shaving Sets at 50, 75 and $1.00 Smoktng Sets for 25, 50, 75 and $1.00 Children: Call 'phone 54L Santa Claus will At Centerville Mc Henry, 111. OUR LINE OF TOYS lathe largest a n d m o s t varied ever brought into the village. Come in and see the ex­ cellent di*- p l a y. We have every­ thing t h at will, bring joy into the hearts of the littfe folks. ijf <11 the Uttie laiKs TJR special effort this season in the I (direction of useful and ornamental "features has met with most gratify­ ing success and we shall deem it a privilege to show you a very exten­ sive assortment of HOLIDAY Goods that are as new as they are pleasing and appropriate. We invite your at­ tention to the latest and best which insures an easy selection of appro­ priate Gifts for young and old. We feel confident that the most critical examination of our complete and very appropriate lines of desirable Holiday Goods will convince you that they are not equalled elsewhere in merit or in price. F. A. Bohlander \V. for FORD and REGAL auto­ mobiles, INDIANA silos, wag­ ons, buggies, pony carts, cut­ ters, sleighs, pumping engines, manure spreaders, tank heat­ ers, bolster springs, batteries, t e r m i n a l s , w i r e s , m a c h i n e bolts, axle grease, etc. :: Prop us a card or phone us abuot Silos 52*L we will be pleased to call on you. x #v U . 4 • Always at your service, Phones: OhFlCfc>77a. RESIBPNCE-7V! WM.STOFFEL IDC Mieiry PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. Office in Bank Building. Telephone. No. 87*. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: . >ne year fl.M dlx month*. 75cu Three months. Mots. Thursday, December 15,1910. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Ilwui Clipped from The Plalndealer from Deeember 9 to December 16, 1885. DECEMBER 9. A severe snow storm this Wednesday morning was accompanied by sharp lightning and heavy thnnder. Will some old weather prophet tell ns what this portends? Webster-Pait?e--On the second inst., at the residence of Win. Paige, father of the bride, Mr. Eugene B. Webster of Vermont to Miss Nettie M. Paige of West McHenry. Cold weather gave ns a sadden call Sunday, and on Monday morning the thermometer registered 14 degrees be­ low zero in this section. A trifle too sharp to begin with. The German church at Johnsbnrgh has lately received three new bells, which are being raised to their positions in the towers of the chnrch thin week. The largest one weighs 3,600 ponnds, tbe next one 2,000 and the smallest one 1,300 ponnds. When in their proper positions they can be heard a great dis­ tance. Henry Simes, the West Side black­ smith and wagon maker, whose shop is opposite the Parker Honse, is doing a rushing business about these days. He is working both early and late to keep up with his orders. He makes horse shoeing a specialty and is now making his own shoes Instead of buying the patent tnrned ones, and guarantees sat­ isfaction in every particular. Andrews-Henderson.--At the home of the bride's parents, near Barreville, Dec. 2, 1885, by Rev. .1. M. Conlee, Mr. T. C. Andrews and Miss Agnes M. Hen­ derson, yonugest danghter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson. Report of McHenry public school for the month ending November 25, 1885: HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Whole No. registered 43 Present membership 42 Attendance, average per cetot 92 Punctuality, average per eent 99 *Roll of honor--Mattie Smith, 93; Edith Carpenter, 9d; Christina Boss, 95; Birdie Neill, 91; Delia Gage, 92; Anna Nordqneet, 96; Wallace Morey, 94. J. J. VASEY, Prin. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Whole No. registered 44 Present membership 44 Attendance, average per cent 78 Punctuality, average per cent *Roll of honor--Agnes Colby, Maud Colby, Stella Morey, Nina Wells, Flor­ ence Searls, Effie Kennedy, Katie Laughlin, Frank Smith. CLARA L. WIGHTMAN. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Whole No. registered 38 Present membership 88 Attendance, average per cent. 85 Punctuality, average per cent 100 Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy, whose deportment is 100 and scholarship average 90 or over--Harry Wightman, Villa Morqy, Willie Colby, Willie Neill, Dora Colby, Edith Walsh, fidgar Bishop, Willie Bishop, Frank Colby, Harry lTay. NETTLE M. PAIGE. "Embracing tboee pupils who were perfect in deportment, attendance and punctuality, and whose general scholar­ ship average was 90,or above. DECEMBER 16. This section is now enjoying the finest sleighing known here for many years. The following is the program for the eutertainment to be given by the teach­ ers and pupile of the public school at the school building on Friday evening of this week: PABT I. Professional. Society V* and Business Cards DA Y Hi G. WELJL.S M. I). DHY8IC1AN, SURGEON AND OCULIST ^ Office and residence corner Elua and Green streets. McHenry. Teleubone No. 811 DR. R. G. CHAMBER L<rN DENTIST Office over Besley't Drug Sti-f. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBBT MCHSNRY. 111. Greeting Glee. .....: School Short Recitations Walter Besley and Ohas. Nordqulst Recitation, "Froggy and Ills Friends" Primary Pupils Song, "The Boy and the Cuckoo," Intermediate Pupils Recitation. 'The Figures," Primary Pupils Dialogue, "Lost Opportunities," Seven Characters Solo, "Where Has Papa Gom\" Miss Grace Stevens Becltatlon, "Fashionable Follloa," Misses Maud Colby and Nellie Hill "Sleighing Glee" Double Quartet TWO GHOSTS IN WHITE. CASTK. Miss Elsie Gage .. IVHws Clara Bennett Miss Kate Howe Miss Amy Owen Miss Ulrdie Neill . Miss Grace Stevens Miss Mary .Miss llattie Mead Telephone No 6 Office over M. J. Watah' DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. MAX ZIMMERMANN BUFFET 701 Willow St., corner Orchard street, one block north of North Ave. FINE WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Fine Lunch. DR. N. McHENRY J. NYE . ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours *• at Johnsburgh, 111., from 7:30 a. m. to ll:#0 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of «hHi week. 'PHOHE, MCHKNBY 33i<. Miss Proxle Mrs. Jushover.. Miss Sourtop Belle Julia... Annie N ettle Bridget Chorus, "All Among the Barley," School Doll Drill Six Little Girls Solo, "Be Kind to Bessie,".. Miss Hattle Mead Recitation, "Tbe Defective Nail" Guy Clemens Song and Chorus, "A Boy's Best Friend Is His Mother,". Miss Cora Wheeler aud Chorus Instrumental Musi*'.. Miss Mluule Parks Double Quartet, "Beautiful Silver Sea" BORROWING TROUBLE. CA8TB. Mr. Borrow Mrs. Borrow. . Miss Sophy Borrow. Mrs. Man Mrs. Wiggins Llna Detective Spotem Dr. Duncb. ..George MeOmlmr Miss Matt e Smith Miss Corn Wheeler . Miss Delia Gage . Mlas Myrtle Childs Miss 11 attie Mead Lewis Owen Chas. Mead WHEN IN CHICAGO I»on't forget to call on Umliert Q. Sen$ 93 Fifth Ave. wh«>re you wiil a I ways be treated courteously and receive the best in the market In the line of Wines, Lii|uors& Cigars !>AR<L.fcLS CHECK3D FREE LOST--On Saturday. Dec. 10, a Waterman fountain pen. Under will confer 11 favor by calling up telephone Mil. TTORSALE ' call i>y I J. ADAMS, West McHenry, III. A new milch Holstelu cow with her side. Inquire of or write BBN 25-tf Closing Song, "flood Bye Old Sclioolroofov School Want Column. A l l a d v e r t i s e m e n t * i n w r l r d u n d e r t i l l s h ' . ' n d a t t b e following ra,t«a. KIT« linen or le*a, M oentu for tirst Insertion; 1& cents for each Kubnequcnt insertion. More than Ove line*-, 5 cent* a line for tint Insertion, nd 3 centa • line for addition! inaerttona. WANTED-- A man to chop cord wood, ply at this office. Ap tt\OR SALE--Chester White E HARBISON, Ringwood, III, boars. C. W. 17-8t* LOST--Satchel containing piano tuning tools. Return to C. H. FANTBAM, Wood­ stock, III., and receive reward. FOR HALF.--The Pr. C. H. Fegers, Jr., resi­dent- and property In McHenry. For furt her Information apply to or address T. J. WAIJSH, McHenry. III. ld-tf tjH)RSALE: lots on west side of town. A cottage and two and one-half sst side of town. For further information apply to or Write THB PI.AIM- DEAL.KH. McHenry, 111. 25-tf •pVJR SALE CHEAP--A fburteen-lncb Gm- *• pire Acorn self-feeding base burner. Also an eighteen-inch hot. blast Universal heater. The first, named stow is as good as new, having been used but very little. For further information apply to or write JONH W. BONSI.KTT, McHenry, III. TjMJR SALE OR KENT--My property In A W«st McHenry. now occupied by E. F. Matthews, Jr., as a meat market. This is a desirable location for business aud can be obtained on reasonable terms. R. A. HOW­ ARD. Inquire of SIMON STorrei.. West Mo- Henry, or the owner, -MS South State. Elgin, III. IM-2t LX)lt SALE ON EASY TERMS elegant cor r ner property in village; good house, barn, well, shade trees, fruit, large tract of ground for gardeu, etc.; well located on main street. For rent--another property, 96 00 per month; large lot, house, bars, well, etc.; one acre of land adjoining included. SIMON « mrri i.. 36-3t \Ve»l McHenry, III. Capital Stock, $35,000. sell your ability and labor and deposit their earnings. Old Father Time will soon overtake you, so pro­ vide for the future while your earning power is best. Our Savings Ac­ counts present the best and safest means for your protection. You lfiay start with as small a deposit as $1.00, the money will immediately start to e^rn more for you. Come in and let's talk it over. We can.possibly be of assistance to you. :: :: :: ...Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year... --OFFICERS: c Edwin L. Wagnr, Pre*. H. Fegeru,, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stotigr, Ca shir. Simon Stoftl, Vice Pra. XMAS CHINA! We have a large stock of Imported China that is sure to delight the Christmas shopper, for it offers a tempting variety of beautifully decorated pieces; and all at a price amazingly low. Included are plates, footed bowls, salad bowls, bon bon dishes, sugars and creamers, syrup jars, cracker jars, chocolate pots, cake plates, wall plates, celery trays, candle sticks, berry sets, spoon trays, cups and saucers, jugs, creamers, mugs, etc. :: BOOKS! BOOKS! A well selected line of the latest and best selling popular nov­ els at less than publisher's prices; also books for the boys and girls. Call in and look our line over. :: :: ..JOHN STOFFEL.. West McHenry : Telephone- 301 T

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