V ' 4^, ~ > "Ct,V ^ •• i : •"i,--':: «$£W.',. m mm&.'m *ViOT;. •* SBfe ^ " *' •( f?. ̂ P;» •..?' V . ,y& H*- i k Yh , . *-$ 4 -i"\-. " ' ' • : .-\-}<r£'fr\ -'. Vr.'~- ' > ? < % " ^ ••- „, ;•* •. : "'"• if ; ; . i \ " ; ' ^ in % #.$&rVv - - - V T. V - . • JW v - - { -? *» i ^ ; - -. i«i&: .- ' .f; :V. ' I -5 ^^Vf^'FalT/ ' "; -s'-.i %«&%>•:•' '̂ '*f .̂f< BARRY OUT OF MIT OFFICER RETIRES WHILE STO- RIES REFLECTING ON HIS CHARACTER CIRCULATE. SAYS CAN SAVE A SCANDAL Hoar Admiral Thomas Relieves Him of Command of Pacific Fleet vyith Approval of President T*fi, San Francisco. -- Rear Admiral Cn&uBeey M. Thomas, cuuiiiiander of the second squadron of the Pacific fleet, arrived here Monday on his flag ship, the California, after a hurried trip from Santa Barbara, and at once relieved Rear Admiral Edward B. Barry as commander in chief of the Pacific fleet in pursuance of orders received from the navy department. Admiral Barry had requested imme diate retirement under the rule of more than 4C years' service. The cause of Admirai Barry's sud den desire to leave the service after j havingv held the post of fleet com- I maader for only a few months Is the : subject of a great deal of gossip and j speculation in naval aad club circles j here. Stories reflecting seriously up- ' on the character of the retiring ad- J miral are being circulated widely And | naval officers in port have taken cog | nizance of them. There is an intima tion In ftiese stories that the admiral has been forced to retire. In speaking of these rumors. Ad miral Barry Said: j 'It is not true that I have been i forced to retire. Other men have J asked for Immediate retirement be- j fore. The reasons that have caused ! me in do this are partly public and partly private. The man who is tri- j umphantly vindicated under such clr- ! cuinstances is as much the loser as if the charges were proved to be true. I believe that by requesting imme diate retirement I can save a naval scandal." Thfc stories concerning Admiral Barry are of a nature reflecting upon his moral character. According to re ports published here the ^dmiral sent hi* request for relief to Washington following a conference with the staff and line officers on board the West Virginia. At this conference, it is re ported, the suggestion was made that a loaded revolver be sent to the ad- nirai s cabin, but 'his suggestion was lost on a vote. The officers present fiien took an oath of secrecy on con dition that Admiral Barry forward his designation to Washington at once. Instead of resigning the admiral re quested retirement. After that fact %ecame known the subject matter of Hie conference leaked out until all the Bailors of the fleet were talking. Washington.--The application of Admiral Barry for retirement fcas been approved by President Taft and fee has been transferred to the retired list of the navy. This action was taken before the publication of the allegations that of ficers of the flagship West Virginia contemplated charges against the ad miral reflecting upon his moral char acter. SQUIRRELS RANG TELEPHONE Max Examine* Bex Where Wire* Were Conversed and Finds It Nearly Full of Nuts. A lady la Englewood. N. J, was called to the telephone one day by the operator, who Inquired, "What do you want?" "Nothing at all." she responded. "Your bell rang," insisted the opor- ator. "None of us rang It," replied the lady. The next day a man appeared from the telephone office. "I have come to see what makes your telephone bell ring most of the time," he remarked. But none of the family could en lighten him, and he saw nothing about it which was out of order. The next day he came again, took the telephone entirely to pieces, ex amined the full length of the wire. Still, he could flnd nothing amiss, and stili at the central office the little flame kept burning in the niche dedi cated to this^ particular family. This indicated that their bell was ringing. At last It occurred to the authori ties to examine a little box, of aboiit the size of an ordinary suit case, which was nailed up against a large tree close by the house. In this box several telephone wires converged. It was a sort of neigh borhood switchboard. What was the surprise of the tele phone men to find this box nearly filled with nuts. They took out three peach baskets full, each one holding at least two quarts. Rioting among the nuti were tha youthful members of a promising squirrel family--Christian Herald. BACHELORS 2 CENTS A POUND M. Caaey, Wealthy St. Loulsan, Welflh- Nif 2t7 Pounds, Is Bid In for §5 as Priza. St. Louis.--St Loals bachelors are worth less than 2 cents a pound, ac cording to the market established at the St. Vincent de Paul's church, when 267-pound Martin Casey, the wealthy head of a broom manufacture ing concern, was bid In for |5 after the young woman who had won him as a prize In a church celebration re fused to accept him. The winner <?f the prize waa Miss Dora Kohler of St Louis. "Do you want to take him home with, you?" said Father Nugent, who had charge of the affair. "Really," replied Miss Kohler, "he's very nice, but I don't think I want him." "Very well, then, I'll have to sell him to the highest bidder, and I'll start the auction with a bid of $6." As no one made a higher bid. Fath er Nugent handed to Miss Kohler a $6 bill In lieu of 267 pounds of Casey. What Was the Matter With MoteaT Percy--Miss Jane, did Moses have the same after-dinner complaint my papa's got? Miss Jane--Gracious me, Percyl Whatever do yon mean, my dear? Percy--Well, it says here the Lord gave Moses two tablets.--Llppincott's Magazine. The 8culptor Philosopher. The sculptor had Just finished the Apollo Belvedere. "I am satisfied," he cried. "Every man who passes thinks It looks like himself." Enauired if we were " Of course every time a spot light is turned on frotn any source ft offers a splendid chance to talk about the merits of the products, but 'pon honor r*owt we arc not hiring that "Weekly." » The general reader seldom cares much for the details of "scraps." A few may have read lately some articles attacking us and may be interested in the following: Some time ago a disagreement arose with a "Weekly." They endorsed our foods by letter, but wanted to change the form of advertising, to which we objected. The "Weekly" discontinued inserting our advertisements while they were negotiating for some changes they wanted in the word ing and shape of the advertisements, and during this correspondence our manager gave instructions to our Advertising Department to quit advertising altogether in that "Weekly." Quite a time a$er the advertising had been left out, an editorial attack came. We replied in newspapers and the scrap was on. Then came libel suits from both sides, and some harsh words. General! y tiresome to the public. That "Weekly" has attacked many prominent men and repu table manufacturers. Our Company seems prominent enough for a sensational writer to go after, hunt for some little spot to criticise, then distort, twist and present it to the public under scare heads. certain " paper to &Mse us, NURSE RELATIVE OF SCHENK Woman Detective Who Lured on Ac euoed Wife Reveals the Fact in Court Wheeling. W. Va.--The cross-exam ination Monday of Miss Elinor Kline, the detective nurse who swore that Mrs. Laura Farasworth Schenk had offered her |1,000 to give a poisoned pill to her millionaire husband. John O. Schenk, failed to break her dam aging story. Attorney 8atnuel O. Boyce, who is t-Ouuicu uiie ui the cleverest barris ters in West Virginia, hurled trapping questions and bitter sarcasm at Miss Kline for six hours. He denounced her as a "mercenary" who had de liberately lied to Mrs. Schenk to gain fcer confidence. ,An occasional effort to make the witness contradict her self brought out new statements that were damaging against the defendant. A curious revelation, made at the beginning of the session, was that Miss Kline is a distant relative of the Schenk family, although she didn't know it herself until she came from Pittsburg to Wheeling to try to catch Mrs. Schenk in the act of giving her husband poison. It came out for the? first time that Miss Kline had been arrested with Mrs. Schenk as a legal trick and locked up with the defendant in order to gain further confidences the latter might volunteer. "I said to her," testified the detec tive nurse, telling of the arrest, "Oh, Mrs. Schenk, what have you gotten us into? What will they do if they flnd that you and I planned to poison Mr SchenkV "Oh, shut up, you fool," Mrs. Schenk replied. "You can lie out of it; don't tell anything; Just keep quiet." Aldrich Off for a Rest. Washington.--Senator Nelson w. Aldrich of Rhode Island, who has been ill here for the last two weeks, started Monday for the south. The senator's illness resulted from the con traction of a severe cold. He will keep his address secret in order that no business shall reach him. Prof. James S. Edwards Dies. South Bend, Ind-- Prof. James 8 EM wards of Notre Dame university died Sunday of paralysiB and Brlght's disease. Clubman a 8ulclde After Arrest. Stan Francisco.--Carl J. Cutting, a dealer In oriental goods and well- known in club circles, who was arrests ed on a charge of defrauding the gov ernment by the under valuation of im- »orts, committed suicide Monday at * fcU bome In this- city. ' ^ Name 8heehan for Senator. " Albany, N. Y--William P. Sheehan t ^Ijwas nominated Monday by the Demo- : ^%l4« jcratic caucus of the New York legislar Aure for United States senator to suo- *V ceed Chauncey M. Depew. So an attorney from New York spent more or less time for months in Battle Creek hoping to find impurities in our foods, or dirt in the lEactorics. After tireless spying about he summoned twenty-five of our workmen and took their testimony. Every single one testified that the foods are made of exactly the grain and ingredients printed on the packages; the wheat, barley and corn being the choicest obtainable--all thoroughly cleaned---the water of the purest, and every part of the factories and machinery kept scrupulously clean. That all proved disappointing to the "Weekly." There are very few factories, hospitals, private--or hotel and restaurant kit chens that could stand the close spying at unexpected times and by an enemy paid to find dirt or impurities of some kind. In any ordinary kitchen or factory he would find something to magnify and make a noise about. But he failed utterly with the Postum Works and products. Twenty to thirty thousand people go through the factories annual ly and we never enquire whether they are there to spy or not. It makes no difference to us. He next turned to discover something about our advertising that could be criticized. An analysis of the methods and distorted statements of the "Weekly" may interest some readers, so we take up the items one by one and open them out for inspection. We will "chain up" the harsh words and ' make no reference in this article to the birth, growth and methods of the "Weekly" but try to coufine the dis cussion to the questions now at issue. Some Facts Battle Creek, Michigan, December 30, 1910. We the undersigned certify that never to our knowledge has a testimonial letter been printed by the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., which did not have behind it a genuine letter signed, and believed to be an honest statement. To the best of our knowledge and belief the Company has re. ceive upwards of fifty thousand (50,000) genuine testimonial letters. This company has never knowingly made nor permitted an untruthful statement regarding its products or its methods. M. K. HOWE, Treasurer. (With Company about 14 years ) L>. J. LAMSON, Inspector of AdvtS. (With Company about 9H years.) F. C. GRANDIN, Advertising Manager. (With Company about 13 yearsj R. M. STERRETT, M. D., Physician in charge of Scientific JJep't. (With Company about 4X years.] CHESTON SYER, Advt. Writer. (With Company about 3 years.) CHARLES W. GREEN, Advt. Writer. (With Company about 5 years.) HARRY E. BURT, General Suji't. (With Company about 13 years.) H. C. HAWK, Assistant to Chairman. (With Company about 7 years.) C. W. POST, Chairman. (With Company 16 years, from the beginning.) Distortion No. 1 stated that we have been accustomed to advertise Grape-Nuts and Postum as "cure-alls for everything." It has never been the policy of this Company to advertise Grape-Nuts or Pos tum to core anything. We wiv that in cases where coffee disa grees and is causing sickness its dismissal will remove the cause of the trouble, and we suggest the use of Postum for the reason that it furnishes a hot palatable morning beverage, and contains natural elements from the grain Which can be used by nature to assist in rebuilding nerve centers that coffee may have broken down. Likewise Grape-Nuts food does not cure anything, but it does assist nature tremendously in rebuilding, provided the undifzestible food that has been nsed is discontinued and Grape-Nuts taken in its place. Charge No. 2 states that the passage of the National Food A Drugs Act com pelled us to drop from the packages some assertion * regarding the nutritive value of Grape-Nuts. We "Kave' nevei nuke any change. "compelled* to Since the beginning it has been a univer sal rule to print clearlv on every package exactly what the contents are made of. Before the pasmee of the Pure Food Law the packages stated that Grape-Nuts We did not esteem the small amount of salt and yeast as of value enough to speak of, but after the new Law came in we became as technical as the offi cials at Washington and added the words "yeast" and "salt." although we have Bo recollection of being asked to. We believed that our statement that Grape-Nuts will supply elements to nour ish the brain and nerve centers is true and bring authorities to support the fact. Some state rhemists believed this a poss exaggeration and inasmuch as the Food Dept. at Washington could easilv harass grocer*, pending a trial on the disputed question, we concluded that much the better wav would be to elim inate from our packages such claims, however certain we may be that the claims are true. Another statement objeeted to read as follows: days, but six months on that food alone, and we do not hesitate to say from our long knowledge of the sustaining power of the food that a man at the end of sixty days would be of practically the same weight as when he started,--if he be a man of normal weight. We will suppose that from his work he lost a pound a day and made up a pound each day from food. If that prem ise proved to be true the man in sixty days' time would make sixty pounds of tissue to replace what had been lost, and this would be done on Grape-Nuts and milk with half the number of calories of butter, upon which no one dan sustain life. Therefore, we have reason to believe that our contention is right that con centrated food like Grape-Nuts, which is partly digested and ready for easy as similation by the body, presents more nourishment that the system will ab- than many other forms of food, and we will further say that in cases of diges tive troubles where meat, white breadT and oats cannot be digested, that Grape- Nuts and milk contain more nourish ment that the system will absorb than many pounds of these other foods. , Distortion No. 3 charges that our tes timonials were practicallv all paid for and re written in Battle Creek. These testimonials were demanded by the opposing lawyers. Naturally this demand was refused, for they are held in vaults and kept safe tn nmv* the truth and are not to be delivered up on demand of enemies. Testimony at the trial brought out the fact that we never printed a single testi monial that we did not have the genuine letter back of. Many of these letters came spontaneouslv. A record was kept of twelve hundred and four (1204) let ters received in one month from people who wrote that thev had either entirely recovered their health or been benefited by following our suggestions on food and beverages. On three or four occasions in the past ten or twelve years we printed broadcast in papers offers of prizes to urters of Postum and Grape-Nuts,--two hundred fl.00 prizes, one hundred $2.00, twenty of $5.00 and five of (10.00 each.--*t»tinor tb*t each mu«t be an honest letter wit "The pvtcni Trill flH«crh greater smount of nourishment from one pound of Grape-Nuts than from ten pounds of meat, wheat, oats, or bread." Some Department chemists deceive themselves as well as the public. "Caloried" is the word which defines a unit of heat determined by the amount n^essary to raise one kilogram of water 01H degree centigrade. On this basis a table of calories is prepared showing the percentage of different kinds of food. Butter shows 8.60; Grape-Nuts 3.9G; milk 0.70. Remember the statement on the package spoke of the nourishment the system would absorb, but "did not speak of the calories of heat contained in it, for the heat is not nourishment, and the nourishment cannot be judged by the number of heat units, notwithstanding the fact that certain chemists would have the public believe so. As an illustration: Attempt to feed a man sixty days on butter alone, with its 1.00 calories. The man would die be fore the experiment had run sixty days. Then, take Grape-Nuts with 3.96 and milk with 0.70,--the two combined equal 4.06--about one-half the number of calo ries contained in butter. The man fed for sixty days on this food would be well nourish.-, and could live not only sixty name and a'!dr<"<. We agreed not to nnb. lish names, but to furnish them to en quirers by letter. These letter writers very generally answered those who wrote to them, and verified the truth of the statements. Under this agreement not to publish names literally scores of letters came from doctors. We kept our word and reither printed their names or surren dered the letters. Right here notice an "imitation spasm." The "Weekly" says: "Post got those testi monials by advertising for them. In New York he used for that purpose the New York Magazine of whose editor is now in the Federal Penitentiary for fraudulent use of the mails. For exam ple, Post announced in that magazine in 1907, etc.," (then follows our prize com petition) . We used nearly aii of the papers and magazines in New York and the rest of America, but the sensational writer gives the impression to his readers that the only magazine we "_sed was one "whose editor is now in the Federal Penitentiary," etc., something that we know nothing of the truth of now, and never did. Space was bought in the magazine spoken or on a business basis for the reason that it went to a good class of readers. The incident seems to have furnished an op portunity for a designing writer to de ceive his readers. We look upon honest human testimony from men and women as to the means by which they recovered health as of tre mendous value to those in search of it. Our business has been conducted from the very first day upon lines of strict integ rity and we never yet have published a false testimonial of human experience. Many of these letters covered numerous sheets; some, if printed, would spread over half a page of newspaper. If we would attempt to print one Buch letter in every one of the thousands of papers and magazines we use, the cost for printing that, one letter would run into many thou- sands of dollars. We boil down these letters exactly as a newspaper writer boils his news,--stick ing sacredly to the important facts and eliminating details about the family and other unimportant matters. This work of boiling down, or editing, is done honestly, and with a full knowledge of our responsibility, but notice the art of the "twister" in the way he presents to his readers this matter of testimonials. Distortion No. 4. This is a bad one. It reads as follows: "The orily famous physicisn whose name was signed tq a testimonial was produced in Court bv Colliers and turned out to be a poor old brokendown homeopath, who is now work ing in a printing establishment. He re ceived ten dollars ($10.00) for writing his testimonial." We will wager ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) with any investigator that we h a V. • n inanant inn nf Bnv fair committee, upwsrds of three hundred (300) communications from physicians, many of them expressing the highest com mendation of our products, but these will not now or ever be turned over to the publisher for his use. Notice the statement in this charge: "The only famous physician whose name was signed to Postum testimonial, etc." The truth is, this Dr. Underwood was one of a great many physicians wbe have not only written commendatory words about the value of our foods, but every now and then some phvsician writes an article on coffee or on food, and sends it to us with a suggestion of compensation for his time and medical knowledge. Previous to the time when we ebiployed physicians in our own business, we oc casionally employed a doctor to write an article on coffee, slways insisting that the article be an honest expression of his opinion and research. The "Weekly" hunted up this physician, and because he seamed to be poor, and as it says, "brokendown," had him fciwught to Court to be exposed before a jurv as the "onlv physician that had ever endorsed Grape-Nuts." but much to the chagrin of the "Weekly," when our attor neys asked him if the srticle he wrote about coffee was true he replied, "yes." Statement No. 5 reads: "The health officers of Mich., Maine, Penn., New Hamp., and other states in their official bulletins have for vears been denouncing as preposterous and fraudulent the claims made by the Postum Cereal Company." We do not recall snv criticism except from Mich., Penn., Maine and S. Dakota. The average reader might think that in« opinions expressed by the State Offi cials are always correct, but that eon- elusion is not borne out by facta. As an illustration: About thirteen years apo the Dairy and Food Commission of Michigan for some personal reason printed a severe criticism on us for making Pos- tum of Barlev (according to his official chemist) at market price and selling too high. He was shown there was never a grain of barlev used in Postum. His re port WHS false and misleading. The gov ernor dismissed him. We believe that most of the state officials are honest, and on the other hand we are firmly convinced that some of their conclusions cannot be substan tiated by facts in scientific research. They never criticize the purity of our foods, for so much we are thankful. If our conclusions in regard to its be ing a brain food differ from theirs, and we are both honest, they have rather the advantage, because under the law they can order us to eliminate from the pack age any statement if it disagrees with their opinion. Otherwise they would harass grocers. 8pasm No. 6 ssyst "The most dan gerous thing in the world for one threat ened with appendicitis is to eat any food whatever. Notwithstanding he knew that danger, C. W. Post advertised Grape-Nuts at fifteen cents a package for those so threatened." This is intended to muddle the reader into believing that we put out Grape-Nuts as a cure for appendicitis. Mr. Post, himself, has had probably as wide experience as any other man in America in the study and observation of food as related to the digestive organs, and we proved in Court by the physicians and surgeons on the witness stand that the predominating cause o' appendicitis is undigested food, and thav ft is neces sary to quit eating food, and when the body requires food again, use a pre-di- gested food, or at least one easy of diges tion. Dr. Oehsner in his work on appendicitis refers directly to the use of the well- known pre-digested foods that can be obtained on the market. He also brought out the interesting fact that in "after treatment" it is advantageous to take on a pre-digested food. The price of the package (referred to by the weekly) is not known by us to have any relation to the question. Our advice to stop using indigestible food in bowel troubles and to use Grape- Nuts food has been a great blessing to tens of thousands of people, and we hope will continue to bless a good many more in the succeeding years. No. 7 is a live wire. It refers to C. W. Post and his studies and experience in "Suggestive Therapeutics," or "Mental Healing" which further lead to a most careful and systematic study of the ef fect of the mind on the digestive and oth er organs of the body. He attended clinics in Europe and fitted himself for a future career in which he has become known as one of the food experts of the world, fitted to judge both from the material as well as the mental side of the question: Por about eight years previous to 1891 he was an invalid. In that year, after being under the care of several well- known physicians, he was quickly healed, by what to him was a curious and not well-understood method. Sufficient to say he became a well man, weighing about 185 pounds. TKja arnar^MAa wKa|1an<»o^ kja jniraatj gation into causes of disease and their amelioration. Those studies and experi ences developed a very profound rever- nicn directly in due time, for it. We suggest the reader look Prevarication No. 8. 'Tost spends nearly a million a vear in advertising and relies on that to keep out of the news- Eapers the dangerous nature of the fraud e is perpetrating on the public." The Postum Company does pay out up wards of a million a year for trade an nouncements. Newspaper men believe our statements truthful or they would not prinS them. Large numbers of newspa per nnen use our products. Thev are capable of telling the public whether or nut we "bribe" tnem. It may have escaped notice that we did not "bribe" that particular weekly. ence for a Supreme Powoi operates upon the human being, and this reverence for tlie Infinite became to him a form of religion wEicfi included honesty of purpose towards his fellow-man. A statement whioh will be indorsed by every one who knows him closely. He will make a public announcement ia detail of these facts, and the Postum Company will cause that statement to be published in newspapers and magasines No. 9 states that the amount of the verdict will "be devoted by the Sveejdy' to eTi<"t«;n<* frnurl " This is almost real humor. We have two suits pending against the "weekly," total, $600,000.00. We haven't "devoted" the sum to any particular purpose yet. Item 10 is a "discovery" that wheat bran is a part of Postum. But the criticism neglected to mention that for years every Postum package an nounced in plain type that the outer cov ering of wheat (bran), made part of the beverage. They ianorantly fell into a trap here, not knowin^enoiagh of food value to know 'V"*. the ariicie used by physicians the world ovsr for "starch in digestion" is made from "wheat bran." So we use that part of the wheat berry because it contains the element needed to develop the valuable diastase in man ufacture. Good Postum is impossible without this part. These self-appointed critics do make some laughable blunders through ignor ance, but--be patient. Item 11 is an illustration of the squirm ing and twisting of the sensational writer delivering distorted matter to his read ers. While on the witness stand Mr. Post testified to his studies in Anatomy, Physi ology, Dietetics and Psychology,--all re lating to the preparation and digestion of food. Asked to name authorities studied he mentioned six or eight from memory, and commented on some clinical expe rience covering several years in annual journeys to Europe. Now notice the distortion. (Copy from the printed criticism.) He (Post) pointed out a pile of books in possession of his attorneys as the very ones he had read." (Notice--"the very ones he had read," leading the reader to believe that they were the only ones.) Did you consult the books from these editions*" was asked. "From those and various editions/' an swered Post. The attorney "picked up book after book from the pile and showed the title pages to the jury,--all except two had been published since 1905." This is an example of distortion and IftiM coloring in fa vni*a Kl A ixnpreasion. The faots are Mr. Post purposely intro- duced the latest editions that could be obtained of prominent authorities to prove m the truth of his statements re garding appendicitis and the analysis of j1' a'f° t'le latest oonclusions in re tard to the action of the digestive organs. These works are: Human physiology, by Raymond. Physiological Chemistry, by Simon. Digestive Glands, by Pawlow. Hand Book of Appendicitis, by Oehs ner. Physiological Chemistry, by Hammai* sten. Biochemie System of Medicine, bl Carey. The "Weekly" carefully eliminates from its printed account testimony regarding the years of research and study by Mr, Post in fitting himself for his work, and would lead the reader of the distorted article to believe that his education began since 1805. Distortion No. 12 reports Mr. Post as a "dodging witness." His eye is not of the shifty kind ob served in the head of one of his chief critics. On the witness stand Mr. Post looks quietly but very steadily straight in to the eye$ of the haggling, twisting law. ver, trying by all his art to ask double- barreled questions and bull-doze and con fuse a witness. The "dodging" it seems consisted 0( replying, "I don't know." Opposing counsel holds a book in his hand while he queries,-- 'I want to know if there is a single thing in your whole book here that sug gests any particular kind of food." Then followed some discussion between attor neys. When Mr. Post was allowed to reply, he said, "I don't know until I read the book over to see." This book, it turns out, was written by Mr. Post seventeen years ago and prob ably has nnt been re«d carefully by him in the last fifteen years. It would require a remarkable memory to instantly say "yes" or "no" as to what a book of 147 pages did or did not contain, without "reading it over.--but such conservative and well balanced answers are construed by sensation seekers to be "dodging." The attorney sought by every art to impress the Jury with the fact that Mr. Post's belief in the power of Mind in relation to the body branded him as un reliable and worse. The following is quoted from one oJ the questions: -- (The lawyer reading from the book.) "The writer of these pages desires to say nothing of himself other than as a simple instrument through which the Di vine Principle chooses to ^manifest itself by precept and example. "Skill in mental practice is gained in the same way as skill in any department of science--bv observation, study expe* rience and the ability to evolve correct conclusions. "Read carefully, thoughtfully no more than twenty pages daily. .Afterward seek an easy position where you will not be disturbed. Relax every muscle. Close your eyes and go into the silence where mind is plastic to the breathings of spirit and where God talks to the Son. Tba thoughts from Divine Universal Mind come as winged angels and endow you with a healing power. If you go into the silence humble and trusting, you will come out enriched and greatly strenfthoned in body by contact even for a short time with the Father of all life and all power. You will feel refreshed in every way «tij food taken will digest readily as' the stomsch works smoothly when under the influence of a Higher Power." "I ask you if you did not write that, and if you did not believe it when yon wrote it." For a moment the Court Room was ia absolute silence. Mr. Post slowly leaned forward over the rail, pointed his finger at the Atty's face to emphasize his reply and with eyes that csused those of the Attorney to drop he said, "Yes, I am proud to say I did." It may be remembered that we were first attacked and have since defended ourselves by placing facts before that great jury--The Public. A good "scrap" is more or less comforting now and then, if you know you are right. In the case lately tried, an appeal has been taken to the higher courts. We have unbounded faith in the ultimate decision of our American Tribunals. Our suits against the "weekly" have not yet been tried. They are for libel and $500,000.00 is asked as damages, and may the right man win. After all the smoke of legal battle blows away, the facts will stand out clearly and never be forgotten that Postum, Grape Nuts, and Post Toasties are perfectly pure, have done good honest service to humanity for years, the testi monials are real and truthful and the business conducted on the highest plane of commercial integrity. There's a Reason" Postti.m Cereal Co.. JLtd.. Battle CreelL« MicH* «r