Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1911, p. 5

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\ > ' ' . . » ' ' ' • I PIP •m:1 nrrr \ nwtm, POST CARDS A T rv i PETESCH MITT FORGET YOUR SWEETHtsKT HIT The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. THE WEST SIDE HAREWARE Joint Service Bell Telephone and ...Western Union Telegraph... EVERY BELL TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH STATION Effective February i, 1911 If you are a subscriber to the Bell Telephone Sys­ tem and wish to send a Telegram, a Night Letter or a Cablegram, use your Telephone. Say "Telegram" to the operator and you will be con nected with a Western Union office froui which your message will be sent and charged in your monthly account/" At night, on Sunday or holidays, when the local tel­ egraph office may be closed, you will be connected with an open Western Union office without additional charge. Telegrams and Cablegrams may also be sent from our Public Pay Stations. The arrangements vary at different classes of stations, but as rapidly as possible we shall equip them with full directions. it S.YS*S P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, ilutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc.. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price list* furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall a j, Faltea St. WbotHl* Market. -d) Advertise it in 15he Plaindealer NEIGHBORING NE J! 'S AS CHRONICLED li V j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS [ J"H\SBliRGH Mr. and Mrs,,. Martin Lay drove to Volo Monday. > Theo. Meyers was a McHenry vis­ itor Saturday. hkl. Debrecht transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Jos. Miller of Fox Lake spent Sun­ day with home folks. Miss Tillie Wagner of Volo visited friends here Monday. Miss Mary Pitzen of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. John S. Freund of McHenry was in town Tlmi-sday. C. M. Adams was a business trans­ actor in the city Wednesday last. Mrs. John Schaefer visited her mother, Mi-s. Freund. Tuesday last. Mesdanies Joseph and John Heimer of McHenry were callers here Friday. Peter Williams and wife of Spring Grove were in town Tuesday afternon. Joe Freund of Ingleside spent Sun­ day with his mother, Mrs. Freund, here. M iss Eva Stoffel of McHenry spent Friday afternoon with Miss Emma Bugner. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Blake, Jr., of Mc­ Henry Sunchived at the home of Jos. Michels. A baby girl arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen on Tuesday of last week. Louis Althoff of Cary. 111., spent Sunday at home with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob May spent Thurs­ day last with Jos. Rothermel and fam­ ily in McHenry. Mi's. Peter Wagner of Volo visited with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Monday. Mi's. John Niesen of McHenry visit­ ed Monday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Palmes. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff spent the past week among relatives and friends in Burlington. Wis. Mrs. Jos. Schaefer visited at the home of her brother, John Freund, near Ring wood Saturday. George Lay, who has been sick with pneumonia for the past week, is slow ly recovering at this writing. Ed. Schmitt and Mi's. Andrew Steins- dorfer visited at the home of their sister. Mrs. L. Haer, Saturday. Mrs. S. M. Schmitt, Mrs. John Schaefer and Mrs. J. Miller spent one day last week at the home of John M. Schmitt. Mrs. Martin Schmitt and daughter, Miss Rose, visited at the home of Simon Michels and family in McHenty Saturday. Mis. Fred Just-en and Miss Martha Niesen visited Sunday afternoon at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Kate May. Mi>. Margaret Schaefer has recent­ ly purchased the house and lot former­ ly owned by M is. Martin Williams and children. At tout lifty couples attended the wedding dance at Smith's hall last week Wednesday night. A good time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob May entertained last Tuesday Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Stilling, Wm. Meyers, Michael Justen, Ben Jlisten and Jacob Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen enter­ tained last Sunday Messrs. and Mes­ dames Jacob Miller, Frank Miller, Jos. May of Ringwood and John Pitzen of Volo. If mnbled with indigestion, consti­ pation, 110 appetite or feel bilious give Chaml>erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will Ih> pleased with the wsult. These tablets invig­ orate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by all dealers. TIIIA Lee Huson sj>entSunda\ with friends in Lil>ertyville. Mesdames Sabel and Wagner spent Tuesday in Waukegan. Ernest Myer of Fremont transacted business here Saturday. Miss Kate Frost was in Chicago Monday and Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Everett Stone and son, ( has., of Wauconda were in Volo Satui'dav. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and sons of West Fremon\ were Volo callers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Ritter and son, Ralph, of Marengo were in town last Thurs­ day and Friday. Mrs. Annie Etten of Spring Grove visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben Rosing, Friday. Mrs. Frank Zuelsdorf and children of McHenry were guests at the Nicholls home part of last week. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for adoctor, often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleas­ ant to take and always cures. Sold by all dealers. Willie were BIUUKFIKU) Chris Hoy was a business caller in the city Tuesday. Wilbur Levey went to Crystal T^ake Monday afternoon. Miss Agnes Dufield went to the city last week Wednesday. John Oak root was a Crystal Lake business caller Wednesday. Mrs. A. Hanson and soft, Earl, were Huntley callers Thursday. Mrs. John Harden of Woodstock was a Ridgefield visitor Saturday. Mrs. A. Hunt of Egin visited at Uncle Doe's Monday and Tuesday. Mi's. A. F. Salow was a Woodstock business caller the first of last week. The Modern Brotherhood social was quite a success, socially and financially . Mi's. Ray Frydendall of Batavia will spend a few weeks with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper of Wood­ stock were Ridgefield visitors Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jaynes drove over from Woodstock on business Mon­ day . \i iss F. FichkofT of Woodstock w as a caller at Mrs. S. A. Merchant's Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday at Father Reed'-.. Mrs. Elmer Eckert of Woodstock was a Ridgefield visitor the first of last week. Mi's. Esther Smith and Mrs. B. Du­ field were Woodstock visitors Wednes­ day of last week. Mrs. Pearl Nelson of Hatavia spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Houghawout. August Wille, Ed Pearson, French and sister. Miss Rache Elgin visitors Saturday. Andrew Nelson visited his sister, Emma, at St. Joseph's hospital at El­ gin the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield enter­ tained their children and grandchil­ dren of Woodstock Sunday. Mi-s. A. Murphy of Woodstock vis­ ited w ith her daughter, Mrs. Giessel- bi-echt, and family recently. The Royal NeighlKU-s' meeting which was to be held the 7th of February will be post |K)ned until Feb. 21. Miss Beatrice Shepard spent the lat­ ter part of last week and the first of this with Woodstock friends. Miss Madalene Lynch, who is at­ tending school at Crystal Lake, is un­ able to go on account of sickness. Miss Mame Daggart of Woodstock is helping to care for her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, w ho sustained a fracture of the wrist by slipping on the ice. Mr. and Mrs. C. Oglesby are rejoic­ ing over the arrival of a little son, born Jan. .'U. Mi-s. Oglesby and son are being cared for by Mrs. A. Han­ son. M rs. C. E. Lock wood received the sad news Thursday of the death ef her mother, Mrs. E. H. Murphy, at Green­ wood. The funeral was held the 29th of January. E. Doty and daughter, Miss Flora, of Madsion, who an? enroute to Califor­ n i a , s p e n t a f e w d a y s w i t h J . < B u t t o n and sister, Mrs. P. Hodgkinson. They also visited relatives at Crystal Lake. Mi-s. A. Jacobs was called to the bedside of her sister, Mi's. Carl Ma- g o o n . o f A u r o r a , w h o i s c r i t i c a l l y i l l in a Hinsdale hospital. She called on her father, F. TerwiUager, at Elgin, who is also quite sick, the fii-st of the week. A sociable will l>e held at the hotue qf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orrnsby Friday evening, Feb. 10, for the benefit of the cemetery association. The ladies have prepared a iirst-class program and everyone is invited to come and help the association out financially. Re­ freshments will be served for the small sum of fifteen cents, SCHOOL NOTKS. Miss Helen Baker visited school re- oently. Markie French and Marcus Preeland haVe been promoted to the fifth grade. The preliminary examination of the eighth grade will be held at Wood­ stock during the month of March. The follow ing pupils ranked first for last month: Fifth grade, Sadie Risley; sixth grade, Mildred French; seventh grade, Weiland and Edith Nel­ son; eighth grade, Ruth Kline. A new water filter and individual drinking cups have been placed in the school. This is one of the best means for the prevention of disease and great credit is due the board for its judicious action in securing them. Do you know that croup can be pre­ vented'!1 Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Sold by all dealers. Have yon seen oar five and ten cent counter T It not, better call in and save money. J. J* Vyeital pnfra! umU Qi LRA HOUSE SVNDAY, FEB V. 5 Performance to Start at 8:15. 10 Cents to A l l YOUR MORNING BEVER.AGE We mean coffee, of course. Not any coffee, but a pure blend which is appetizing, stimulating and healthful. We have the identical arti­ cle. We have heard many g o o d t h i n g s s a i d o f o u r coffees; said, too, by house­ keepers who have gone the rounds and who came back. Then we know at least a little bit about coffee our selves, -- have learned from that best of all teachers, ex PEKJENCE. J And putting what we have often been told together with what we have learned, we^tsk lovers of a good cup of coffee to trust us to sup­ ply them. PRICES. • • 22, 26, SO, SS John Stoffel West McHenry, 111. We Insist that you give us a trial if you have not already done s o . W e g u a r a n t e e o u r groceries to be fresh and right up to the minute and the prices that we quote upon them should encourage a purchase. Try us and be convinced. M. n. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 ricHenry, - Illinois. PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHeury Oouuty Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office lii Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title mid conveyancing. Money to Iban on real estate tn sums of nvc hundred to ton thousand dollars. Time and payments U'suit, borrower. I'boues 634. 903 and 911-1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Lodusky Harsh, proof of death and petition for letters of administration and proof of heirship hied. Isaac Harsh, petition for letters of administration de bonis non with will annexed tiled. MARRIAGE LICENSES. George D. Javne. 70 ...... Algonquin Wealthy Jane flannon, 66..Riley Twp Petesch'a for drags. Consider m Convenience Comfort and Economy of Electric Service It furnishes the most perfect, most healthful, most satisfactory of all illuminants, You may place electric lamps anywhere--light up corners that without it would have to remain in darkness. Electricity will do the washing and ironing, sweep the floors, operate a great variety of machines and appliances that worked by hand mean exhausting labor, and do everything at surprisingly low cost. A house equipped for the ser­ vice is a pleasanter place to live in for it modernizes the place. By our method of wiring houses at cost, fixtures in­ cluded, payable, in 24 monthly installments, without interest, ELECHIC SERVICE IN TIE RONE ® SiOUCHT WITHIN W REACH OP THE MAST liiill INCOME. Let our representative explain our plan. WE SELL EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL AT OUR DISPLAY ROOMS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. We were told by one of our progressive fanners one day recently, "My wife asked me to pur­ chase some other brand of flour aside from the McHenry product because the family eats so much more of the bread made from the 'Early Riser* brand." That rich 'flavor is what gets 'em all and for this reason said farmer could not accommodate his wife, and the family is still using the "Early Riser" brand. If you haven't given the McHenry product a fair trial do so at once. :: :: :: :: :: West mm Flour diid feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. mi What is nicer than a well furnished home? What makes a home more cheerful and invit­ ing than neatly furnished apartments? A neatly furnished home may be had by every family in McHenry if they will only consult us on this question. Our line of household furniture is not only in keeping with the times, but our prices thereon generally catch the eye and suggest a purchase. When you are ready to add a piece or two of furniture to your home come and see us. The prices that we quote you will be entirely satisfactory. ..Jacob Justen.. - "ft - \ ^ *»« >*•

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