" " ' ' * r% HI , .fall. I. ' Ml! ' ; ^ v • - • • - - ' ~ * tm w «* i r: OvertwU fflJ 'Ai $5-°° can be saved by buying ready made Suits or Overcoats from us, which are better than made to order or Tailor Made because the clojth is thoroughly shrunk before the garment is made up'and there fore it keeps its Shape Better and warranted by the makers. :: :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST WIcMENRY, - - ILLINOIS. IT IS NOT GUESS WORK But a proven fact, that "BUFFALO" GLUTEN FEED will increase the flow of milk. Feed it with your ground feed. Feed it with your ensilage. In fact, no matter what you feed it with, your cows are bound to give more milk. :: " - UGH IN tmm ^tlJTrmT' '• * 5?®* York-Chicago.' t ' f *nauvs»» 5. i 1 ̂ .fibf* , FAT AND FIE You need "BUFFALO" GLUTEN FEED if you want a "fat" milk check. Do not fail to give it a trial. You will be rewarded. :: Wilbur Lumber Co. 'Phone 651. : West McHenry, III. ' Gu:: BISV THE QUALITY RANGE Are you aware of the fact that we are selling the finest and prettiest Ranges on the market? We refer to the "Queen's Best," the stove that is perfect in workmanship, an excellent baker and made of the best material. F6r durability there are no better Ranges on the market Come in and let us show you the **••»«*, mm a ttm inruniAM mntnvENERis on the QUEEN above all other Ranges. Information is free, so do not hesitate about coming. Uytifal The Centerville Hardware Dealer. (r IS HERE in earnest and to protect the hody from the wintery blasts one must be dressed comfortably and warm. Wfc have a good assortment of COLD WEATHER GOODS which it would pay you to look over. Our well selected stock comprises Men's, Ladies' and Children's warm Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Mittens, Sweater Coats, Mufflers and, in fact, anything in the line of winter g o o d s . . . . . X UJaisb WEST McHENRY, ILL. MEET1IM AT WMMTOd LAftT • ATOM* Y. ' / • * annua! meeting of tftt ffblsteln-- BVeisien association of McHenry coun ty was held in the county superintend ent'B office Saturday, Feb. 18. Meet lug was called to order at 2:00 p. m by Pres. C. W. Harrison. ! * Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. « Treasurer B. L. Thomas made the annual financial report, which was adopted. t Motion by B. L. Thomas to draw an order on the treasurer to pay the sec retary and annual expenses, seconded by D. I. Hine, was carried. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, u. W. Harrison; first vice president, E, S. Smith; second vice president, M. M. Wakeley; secretary, J. H. Turner; treasurer, B. L. Thomas. W. O. Keller moved that the chair appoint a committee on resolutions, resulting in the appointment of the following members: D. I. Hine, C. L. Page and A. J. Cole. A motion was i also made and seconded that the secre-f tary send the Farmers' Voice to all members of the association, and to draw an order on the treasurer to pay for the same, providing that this paper could be had at half price, and ulso provided that members who are now subscribers could have their subscrip tions extended for one year. At the close of the business session a number of excellent talks were made by members of the association and vis itors. Pres. C. W. Harrison outlined the work for the year, and profitable and enjoyable discussions were given. The many values resulting from just such meetings as this is obvious to all. But few members were absent. The COiuiiiiUnc uii i^BUluuuus gcu leave to make the following report: Whereas, the allwise Father in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst our brother member, Geo. A. Thomas, and Whereas, In his death the McHenry County Holstein Breeders' association has lost one of its most valued and be loved members^ and the community a public spirited citizen, therefore be it Resolved, That this association ex tend to the bereaved family its sincere sympathy and condolence on account of their great bereavement, and that the secretary by instructed to spread these resolutions upon the records of the association, and to send copies to the county papers, and to the bereaved family. Whereas, In our county there are many kinds of text books used in the schools, and Whereas, Such a condition is a great hindrance to proper supervision, and of great expense to the people,-end Whereas, A uniform system of text books would be ot great benefit to tax payers, pupils apd teachers alike, there fore be it Resolved, That our association favor a uniform system of text books thrueut the oounty, and be it further Resolved, That a copy of this resolu tion be printed in the papers of the county. We heartily favor a reasonable amount of instruction in agriculture that the pupils that remain upon the farm shall be encouraged and taught the exceptional advantages the country offers to exceptional boys. School di rectors and teachers should co-operate with the oounty superintendent in teaching those things that will give the rural pupils an intelligent appre ciation of their life work. Respective ly submitted and adopted. -M... • •" f •& making fiiciiy . . . . . . • * , mmm p«N;.„ fectly, delicious hot bucufts,*" hot breach, cake ami pastry there is no substitute for C2 f E A iMS itsmiHm torn Stmt**imra MiBflr frmim pnrr finipe I >«•»»«* §f T*rtm' No Alum--No Lime Phosphates MK am catirely ojppmed to Che warn ofl Chandler, Columbia Cfefcv Unm# tkm LmSml " '•Vm* --- Nn,ixisie , mmSgf^Pr til ffw ***.**** . , mSMMT MJiS&L"*--.MmmSik, **551 Starts Friday, January 6 and continues until all bifoken and discontinued lines are closed out. We will offer real bargains in Shoes, underwear, hats, caps, dress foeds^nghamst glass ware and crockery, ;; •: ;; F. A. Bohlander West McHenry, Illinois. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CUPPED PRON PLA1NDEALEK OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Auction Safe! P. O. Gans, Auctioneer Capital Stock, $25,000. LIFE SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W. R. Patterson of Wellington. Tex., "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds, in spite of doctor's treatment for two years. My father, mother and two sisters died of consumption, and that I am alive today is due solely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which com pletely cured me. Now I weigh 187 pounds and have been well and strong for years," Quick, safe, sure, it's the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. 60c and fl.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. I'etesch and F. Masquelet. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY OONOEKN. STATE OP ILLINOIS) la the Probate >ss. Court of Mc- County of McHenry ) Henry Couaty. To the March Terra, A. D. 1S11. In the Matter of the Estate of) Laura B, Kennedy, Deceased.) To All Whom It Slay Concern, and To (tattle L. Blackmail, 8ui-vlah Parker, Gllmau K. Ball, Benjamiu O. IS. Bali, Dorr A. Kennedy, Luelhi Mtsger, Elbert A. Kennedy and Logett A, Head, being all tht: heirs at law of Laura B. Kennedy, deceased,. You and each of you are hereby notified that the Jtftige of the County Court hu» set a hearing iu the above entitled estate for March 8,1911, at the hour of teu o'clock a. in. at the Court House at Woodstock, in McHenry County, Illinois, to hear evidence as to the heirs of said deceased and determine heiwitiijj and hear evidence aa to debts that aim mu have owed at the time of her death. Dated this Slat day of February, A. D. 1911. GUT E. STILL, Clerk of the County Court ot MuHeary Oounty, Illinois. NUNDA TOWNSHIP TAXES. I will be at the following places on days given for the purpose of collect ing taxes for the township of Nunda: Tuesdays and Saturdays atSchueneman & Rahn's store, North Crystal Lake; Wednesdays at West McHenry State Bank. HENRY MCMILLAN, Collector. •March 16, 1911. WIPE OOT TIP TOR ADVICE. "My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil." writes D. Frankel of Stroud, Okla. "I said 'put Bucklen's Arnica Salve on it.' She did so, and it cured the boil in a short time." Quickest healer of Bums, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try it. Only 25c atN. H. Pet- escli's and F. Masquelet's. Pstseoh's for drags. Fred McOmber, who was very low last week with pneumonia, is now much better and in a fair way to a speedy recovery. Chapiil Smith, an old resident of this town, died at the residence of George Lumley, near Ringwood on Friday last. Edward Brahan, who has been West the past three or four years, has been shaking hands with old friends and acquaintances here the past week. The two years old daughter of Clar ence Colby died on Monday night after several days of severe illness. Diph therial croup is said to have been the difficulty. The Washington's birthday party at the Riverside House on Monday last was attended by ninety-six couples, and all report one of the pleasantest times of the season. L. A. Parker has Sold his residence and one lot in this village to Elisha Hubbard. Consideration, 11,300. Mr. Parker will build a new house the eoming summer on the lot west of the one sold to Mr. Hubbard. At the auction sale of Elisha and Charles Hubbard on the 12th, P. K. Granger proved himself one of the best auctioneers in this section. He sold in a little less than three hours $1,700 worth of property, and on nearly every thing offered, from stock to farming tools, the best prices were obtained. McHenry now boasts of the best band in McHenry county. The boys are practicing regularly and their playing shows ihat they are profiting thereby. They treated our citizens to some very fine music on the streets a few even ings since. As we said before the Mc Henry Military band stands in the front rank. Burglars or sneak thieves again paid some of our citizens a visit last week, Bishop and Hanly's mills and the Cen tral meat market being visited. While in this instance the amount of the loss is but small, still the fact remains that we have such sneaking scoundrels in our midst and some means should be taken to ferret them out, and when found let an example be made that will be a warning to all such hereafter. Do you )cnow that croup can be • pre vented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Sold by all dealers. farm will sell at public auction, on his place, located two miles south of the village of McHenry, on the Crystal Lake road, on Saturday, Feb. 25 commencing at one o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: --EIGHT COWS, All Springers-- FOUR HORSES One bay mare, seven years old, wt. about 1400 pounds; gray mare, twelve years old, wt. 1300 pounds; span of black mares, weighing 2200 pounds. / HOGS Seven brood sows to farrow in April, 13 shoats weighing about 140 pounds; about 60 Leghorn chickens. FARMING TOOLS McCormick mower, corn husker, hay rake, pulverizer, steel drag, nearly new; roller, 6-shovel cultivator, spring tooth cultivator, 5-tooth cultivator, corn sheller, 3-horse tread power, walking plow, lumber wagon, milk wagon, nearly new; runabout with pole; hay rack, hog rack, pair bob sleds,Jtwo sets heavy team harness, one light driving harness, grindstone, caldron kettle. HAY AND GRAIN One stack upland hay, stack tame hay, 100 bu. spring wheat, 150 bu. bar ley, 100 bushels oats, 6 bu. clover seed, 800 bu. corn, quantity seed corn, and other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on approved notes bearing interest at 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. J. J. FLUSKY, Prop. C. L. PAGE, Clerk. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Mullen & Hoy, Attorneys. Estate of Susanna Mueller, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Susanna Mueller, deceased, late of the Coun- tv of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House Iu Woodstock, at the April Term, on the first Monday in April next, at which time all persons having ct&inis against said Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. Al! persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 9th day of February, A. D. 1911. 35~4t John ll. 1<KNNEBKCK, Executor. WATCH YOUR 'flONEY GROW in the West McHenry State Savings bank. You will be amazed how a lit- • tie saved every day grows into a goodly sum before you know it. Start an account even if you have no more than one dollar. The West HcHenry State Bank has many nice accounts on its books which were begun with no greater sum. Commence with what you have and save regularly. It will not be long before you will forget the smallness of the start in the comfortable sum to your credit. Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year 1 -OFFICERS: Bdwln L. Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fcgers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. While it is often impossible to pre vent an accident, it is never^impossible to be prepared--it is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruises and like Injuries. Sold by all dealers. for FORD and R3BGAL auto mobiles, INDIANA silos, wag ons, baggies, pony carts, cut- ters, sleighs, pumping engines, manure spreaders, tank heat ers, bolster springs, batteries, t e r m i n a l s , w i r e s , m a c h i n e solts, axle grease, etc. :: :: Drop us a card or phone us abuot Silos and we will be pleased to call on you. - i Always at your service, .STOFFEL DhAtlPft' GFFICE-77*. rnones. RESIDENCE-7<m. BLOCK & BETHKE McHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE 541 | LADIES' WAISTS HEN'S TROUSERS [ We have just received our first shipment of Ladies* Waists and it is by far the snappiest line we have ever shown. Get in and look over the line soon. Several styles are just^he thing for now. Our spring line of Men's Trousers has arrived and a dandy lot theyy are. All new patterns and all wool material. Peg top and belt loops and full cut. See this line at... .$1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 Tailored Waist, neatly tucked, plaited and raised J embroidered, very stylish, at. $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Our spring line of Men's Trousers has arrived and a dandy lot theyy are. All new patterns and all wool material. Peg top and belt loops and full cut. See this line at... .$1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 Tailored Waist, neatly tucked, plaited and raised J embroidered, very stylish, at. $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 DISCOUNT ON FURS We will give a 10 per cent discount on all furs re maining in stock from now until sold out. This makes a big saving for you and the selection is quite complete--no old furs in this lot, all this season's goods. Don't wait a minute, but get yours selected early. MONEY SAVED. 1 Sheer Lawn Waists, trimmed with lace, embroidery I and the raised embroidery designs, on sale at j $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 DISCOUNT ON FURS We will give a 10 per cent discount on all furs re maining in stock from now until sold out. This makes a big saving for you and the selection is quite complete--no old furs in this lot, all this season's goods. Don't wait a minute, but get yours selected early. MONEY SAVED. 1 HOUSE DRESSES.--Here is something you can- I not afford to sit down and make, as they are so good 1 and cheap. It would be a waste of time. One piece DISCOUNT ON FURS We will give a 10 per cent discount on all furs re maining in stock from now until sold out. This makes a big saving for you and the selection is quite complete--no old furs in this lot, all this season's goods. Don't wait a minute, but get yours selected early. MONEY SAVED. &