rue McHenry PHitfHier PUBLISHED EVERY THtTBSPAV BY F. G. SCHREINER. Ofllcatn Bank Bulldla|. Tvtopbaa*,>. mm or LENT WILL BE mm- MERE: TINIIt OP «UB»Om^TION» anejuaar » St* months, 7Seli> TkiM iwttl. Mats. Thursday, February JJ, 1911.' NO MORE FREE HUNTING. •Y PACVMM or CATMUC caoacns ON j k GOVERNMENT WILL OISCONnNOE INC STAMPED ENVELOPES. Postmaster General Hitchcock has announced that the government will discontinue the printing of 'stamped envelopes and recomnicndz that the same be done by the local newspapers and by special permit for the towns nearest the newspaper where a town has no paper of its own. ito large town will have a monopoly on the printing of the envelopes to the detri ment of the smaller newspapers. A uniform scale of prices will be prepared by the po6toffice department and insisted upon or the newspaper will not be sold stamped envelopes for printing. The scale of prices will be such that a reasonable profit can b© made by the office printing them. The department will also soon make a rul ing that no first class mail will be allowed transmission thru the mails until it has a return card written or printed thereon. The above means that the envelope printing business will take a big boom soon, which is sure to continue. The order relating to the printing of envelopes is a correction for an evil of long standing and against which the newspapers thruout the country have fought for many years,' for the reason that the price charged for envelopes was less than the stock could be pur chased by the printers and the rate charged was such that a profit on the printing could not have been made by the government. Hundreds of millions of stamped envelopes printed by the government are used annually th XI1 UUUll the country and the contemplated change will be greeted with pleasure by every printer and publisher. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL ITEMS. R. I. Overton spent Tuesday in the windy city. George J. Schreiner was a Chicago visitor Monday. Walter Bolger was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Phil Aylward was the guest of Elgin relatives Sunday. John A. Worts was a Chicago passen ger Tuesday morning. II. C. Mead was a business visitor at the county seat Tuesday. Everett Hunter was a Chicago pas senger Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett were Chicago visitors Wednesday. E. W. Howe was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Theo. H. Bethke attended to busi ness matters in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. May of Ringwood was a caller in town Wednesday forenoon. FT. S. Gardinier of Volo was a North Crystal Lake caller one day last week. N. A. Huemann was a business trans actor in the metropolitan city Tues day. Mrs. Emma Phillips spent Friday and Saturday as the guest of Chicago friends. Miss Emma Frautnick of Elgin spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander were among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. J. Presuuu rviUrOBu home last Wednesday from a six weeks' trip thru the South. Gilbert McOmber and Alford Pouse of Chicago spent Sunday at their re spective homes here. Mrs. Emma Phillips left Tuesday for Wagon Mound, N. M., to again take up her home on her claim there. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Henderson of North Crystal Lake passed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albrecht, Jr., of Algonquin passed Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block here. Frank Masquelet went to Woodstock Wednesday morning, where he* has secured employment with the Chicago Telephone company. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling, Frank Masquelet; Mrs. William Whiting and daughter and M. J. Walsh were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. LOW COLONIST RATES TO PACIFIC COAST Daily Frem March 10 to April 10. For daily and personally conducted tours, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western line. Personally conducted California tours in Pullman tourist sleeping cars leave Chicago every Tuesday and Thursday. Double berth Chicago to the Coast costs less than ever before. For full particulars write S. A. Hutchinson, Mgr. Tours Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, or ap^ly to ticket agents North Western line. FRIEND OF THE HOUSEWIFE. "It is the most useful thing in the house," said a lady of her Bell tele phone. "It takes my message to the market, to the merchant, to the doctor, to the fire station, to anybody at any place." Bell telephone service is the standard service of the weld and every Bell telephone is a long distance sta tion. Chicago Telephone Company. "A Romance of Missouri" by the Empire Stock Co. of McHenry is the next attraction at the Central Satur day and Sunday, Feb. 25 and 20. Pastors of the various Catholic churches in McHenry and vicinity and thruout the diocese have received the Lenten regulations prepared by Bishop Quigley for guidance of his people dur ing the season of fasting and abstinence commencing March 1, and continuing until Easter Sunday, April 16. The rules and regulations as pro mulgated will be read in all the churches of the diocese next Sunday. They lOuuw* Rev. Dear Father--Please announce to your people on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday the following Lenten regulations: All days of Lent from Ash Wednes day to Easter Sunday, Sundays except ed, are fast days of obligation for all the faithful who have attained their 21st year and are not otherwise law fully dispensed. The sick, the very poor, pregnant women and those nursing infants and in general all who, because of old age, weakly constitutions or hard labor, cannot fast without detriment to their health are exempt from fasting. Those exempted from fasting are not restrict ed in the use of meat on days when it is allowed by dispensation at the prin cipal meal. Those obligated to fast are restricted to one full me£l in the day, which should not- ordinarily be taken before noon, and to a collation not exceeding the fourth part of an ordinary meal in the evening, tho the use of some warm drink such as tea, coffee or chocolate, with a small piece of bread in the morning, is authorized. Abstinence from flesh meat implied in the precept of fasting is, in this diocese, dispensed with on Sunday without restriction and at principal meals on all other days except Wed nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays in Em ber week and Holy week. The use of fish with flesh meat is forbidden at the sftme meal, even on Sundays in Lent. Lard, the fat rendered from any kind of meat, may be used in prepar ing food on all days during Lent and on all days of fast and abstinence thru out the year. The above dispensations from the general laws were granted by an in- dult of-the Apostolic see, Aug. 3, 1887, and subsequently renewed. You will also please explain to your people the dispensations also from the law of abstinence, in favor of working- men, granted in an indult of the Holy see, March 15, 1895, and renewed Feb. 25, 1905. By virtue of this indult workingmen and their families are permitted to use flesh meat once a day on all fast and abstinence days thruout the year ex cept Friday, Ash Wednesday, Wednes day and Saturday in Holy week and the Vigil of Christ. Those availing themselves of this in dult are not allowed to use fish and flesh meat at the same time. It is the earnest desire of the Holy see and ours as well, that they perform some other act of mortification, such as abstaining from intoxicating liquors, or making a visit to the Blessed sacrament. You will please announce to your congregation the collection for the negro and Indian missions and the propagation of the faith which will be taken up the first Sunday in Lent. The collection for the Holy Places in Palestine will be taken up at the services on Good Friday. Lent begins next Wednesday. On this day the people come to the churches for the ceremonies of the blessed ashes. Particles of the dust from burned palms are blessed and applied to the heads of the faithful with the words reminding them of the origin of their bodies from dust and the final return to the earthly state after death. Lent extends thru the forty days be tween Ash Wednesday and Easter Sun day. Sundays that fall within that time are not properly called days of Lent. The time is set apart as the Christian observation of the forty days' fast of Christ in the desert. The faith ful are expected to deny themselves of all forms of amusement for this period out of respect for the fast of their Mas ter and in preparation for the coming observation of the agony and death of Christ. Fasting and prayers form the principal acts of piety. RESOLUTIONS. Resolutions adopted by Knights of Columbus of McHenry council: Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God in his infinite v isdom to call from our midst our beloved brother, Wm. L. Weber; therefore be it Resolved, That McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, No. 1288, de plores the loss of a valuable member and consistent brother, and we hereby extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved members of the family, and this resolution to be ( spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and also to be published in the McHenry Plaindealer, and a copy sent to the deceased broth er's family. CARL, W. STENGER, G. K. WILLIAM STOFFEL, Fin. Sec'y. CAVE TWO GOOD CONCERTS. ' The sacred concerts at St. Mary's Saturday and Sunday evenings were fairly well attended, altho they de served much larger audiences. The concerts were the first of the kind ever given in this village and considering the material that the church choir had to work with the entertainments were exceptionally good, each and eVery number being in perfect harmony with the nature of the event and well re ceived by those present. The Empire Stock Co. of McHenry in "A Romance of Missouri" at the Central Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 25 •ad 20. Central OPERA HOLS! UttlUlI LOAVES AND Delicious Pastries ta the Inevitable remit tt-yom i*e White Swan ...Flour... THE ENTIRE STOCK CO.OF MUENR -PRESENTS THE- Four Act Seositioul Dm FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. We5t flcHenry N. P. Steslen & Son ricHenry John Richardson Volo William Aithoff Johnaburgb SEAT SALE AT PACK'S YOUR MORNING BEVERAGE We mean coffee, of course. Not any coffee, but a pure blend which is appetizing, stimulating and healthful. We have the Mentical arti cle. We have heard many g o o d t h i n g s s a i d o f o u r coffees; said, too, by house keepers who have gone the rounds and who came back. Then -we know at least a little bit about coffee our selves,--have learned from that best of all teachers, EX PERIENCE. And putting what we have often b^en told together with what we have learned, we ask lovers of a good cup of coffee to trust us to sup ply them. PRICES, 22, 25, 30, 35 John Stoffel West McHenry, HI. IN THE- H O N E Secures the most perfect of illuminants and a ser vant that will do the wash ing and ironing, clean the rug^ and run every vari ety of labor saving ma chinery--all at low cost. Our plan of wiring hous es at cost, fixtures includ ed, 24 months to pay with no interest charged brings Electric Service within the means off the most moderate Income. L e t o u r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e call on you. :: :: :: :: We sell everything elec trical at our display rooms at the lowest prices. : ISi orth Shore Elletotric Co. == (;£*)$ fOrHiitCfttVlg of my arcat layina strain White Wyandottes, per setting of fif teen eggs. -- - $2*00 S. C. W. Leghorns, per setting of fif teen eggs $1.0© JIIM Day-old Ctofcks Wyandottes, each. 2§C Wyandottes, per hundred..<^$20.00 Leghorns, each -ISc Leghorns, per hundred $12.00 PETPING'S POULTRY FARM NcHKNKY. *. F. D,. NO. a, ILLINOIS Bank of McHenry E5TABLI5HED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all conrtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully uolieting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE ' in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. LProfessional. Society mud Business Cards . DAVID G.WELLS M, D. pJIYBIOIAN, BURGEON AND OCULIST 1 Office and residence corner Elm and Oreeu streets. McHenry. Telephone No. 811 DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST OfUe* over Btilcy'f Drug Stre. Hours: 8:00 to s;jo. WMT MOHIMIT. ILU DR. N. J. NYE MCHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours ^ at Joimsburgb, III., from 7:30 a. m. to 11 :i» a. 111. Wednesday and Sunday of earth week. 'PBOKE, McllRSitT 333. MAX ZIMMERMANN BUFFET4 701 Willow St., corner Orchard street, one bioftk north of North Ave. FINE WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Fine Lunch. DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JOHNSBURGH, ILLINOIS Telephone No 393, SIMON STOFFEL insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHeary. IlllnoU H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause West McHenry, 111 AKWfejl .Centerville.. Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. 0. Frett, Proprietor. MchENRY, :: ILLINOIS. WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't forget to call on lamfiert Q. Sent yi Flitli Ave. where you will al ways be treated Courteously and receive the best In the market in the line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars CK£D FREE LOUIS IDSENMENGER, JR. Telephone No. 211 -BUYER OF Calves, Poultry, Hides, Etc. Highest market prices paid. McHENRY, - ILL. Fine Steek Merchandise Perm Seles Reel EZtate c. a. mm AUCTIONEER WEST M'HENRY, ILL. R. I. OVERTON. ; • 1. POULTRY FOR ROASTING must have good credentials pass mus ter. We know you don't wart any but he best. WE HAVE SELECT CAPONS FRESH FROM THE COUNT RY and are prepared to fill your dally or oc casional orders. Each bird Is a fowl of quality and has the highest recommenda tions of thl« markpt. Phone us your or der. E. F. Matthews WEST MctlENRY - TELEPHONE 3 bnwa .-ill trains on Plsi.iiU-t' Buy :teI(J f.M<\ '"tim ing of all kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention trivet) to traveling men. Flrst-clafts rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. West McHenry, III. - Telephone 47* THE GENERAL. AGENCY OF THE- Reliance Lite Iimm (oopiy OF PrgTSBURa For McHenry county and vicin ity Is open to the right party. Artili «i • • • ~i Q- M. Heublein, Supervisor Chicago Department RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS If you ace figuring on a new suit uf clothes see Lodtz, the tailor. Big re duction is prices. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything; else fails,. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testiln-d. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE ~ it is the best medicine ever sold over M druggist's cc"inter. The Northern life ot Illinois, tllfi! fllfi! Highest market p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of every de scription. Bring them to us. Tel ephone No. 222. t S. Howard & Son McHENRY. ILLINOIS