Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1911, p. 5

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amkJmi. a The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. McOmber THE WEST SlliE HAREWARB Joint Service Bell Telephone and ...Western Union Telegraph... EVERY BELL TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH STATION Effective February i, 1911 If you are a subscriber to the Bell Telephone Sys­ tem and wish to send a Telegram, a Night Letter or a Cablegram, use your Telephone. v Say "Telegram" to the operator and you will be con nected with a Western Union office from which your message will be sent and charged in your monthly account. At night, on Sunday or holidays, when the local tel egraph office may be closed, you will be connected with an open Western Union office without additional charge. Telegrams and Cablegrams may also be sent from, our Public Pay Stations. The arrangements vary at different classes of stations, but ^s rapidly as possible we shall equip them ^itl^i full directions. What is nicer than a well furnished home? What makes a home more cheerful and invit­ ing than neatty furnished apartments? A neatly furnished home may be had by every family in McHenry if they will only consult us'on this question. Our line of household furniture is not only in keeping ^ith the times, but our prices thereon generally cStch the eye and suggest a purchase. When you are ready to add a piece or two of furniture to your home come and see us. The prices that we quote you will be entirely satisfactory. ..Jacob Justen.. "Advertise it in 15he Plairvdealer BllMKFIBia The Northern Life of Illinois. Miss Madalfene Lynch is on the sick list. C. Hoy wont to Woodstock Wednes­ day. A. Peterson was a caller at the Lake Thursday. Wilbur Levey was a C rystal LAKE caller Saturday. F. Wille was in -Crystal Lake on "business Saturday. Mrs. J. 1). Lynch and daughter were in the city Saturday. D. L."Gibson went to Crystal Lake Thursday of ln«t week. K. E. Knilans attended the horse sale at Crystal Lake Thursday. J. J. Reser was a Woodstock business caller Thursday of last week. John Oak root was a business caller in Woodstock last Thursday. Mrs. AlcGraw and daughter, Ellen, were at Woodstock recently. H. Reed and C. E. Lockwood were Saturday callers at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. ICd Senne and son vis­ ited with their parents Sunday. There will be no services at the c niivh Sunday, as previously stated. N'els Peterson called on friends in Crystal Lake and Woodstock last week. Mrs. E. K. Khepard and daughter, I lea trice, visited in Woodstock Satur­ day. ? The Cemetery association met with M rs. P. Ilodgkinson Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited with rela­ tives at Hlyin a part of Thursday and Friday. Ray Lynch was quite badly injured by getting caught between two freight cars one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and little daughter, Alice, of Woodstock visited at Father Reed's Sunday. Misses Mabel Peterson, Rhoda Knil- ans and Clems Jacobs were callers at Woodstock one day last week. Mi's. Geo. Gorham and two children spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. S. Thayer, in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. St rat-ton enter­ tained recently M rs. Frank Leonard of Chicago and Mrs. James Evans of Al­ gonquin. Mrs. Murphy of Woodstock attended the missionary meeting at Rev. and Mrs. C. 11. Giesselbrecht's Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Conertv and children re­ turned to their home in the city Sat­ urday. Mrs. Conertv spent a few weeks with relatives at Ridgelield and Hartland. W. S. Rushton has rented a part of the H. H. Hanson Hat and will l»e near­ er his work. Mr. Rushton is employed on the section by the C. & N. W. rail­ way company. Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht and little daughter s|M>nt the Urst of last week with her parents at Woodstock. Re*. Giesselhrecht spent Thursday with his family in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson are very thankful over the recovery of their second son, who became lost while seeking his father in I. E. Mason's woods. The bo} was found near Hart- land late in the evening. A few minutes' delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and at the lii-st indication of ci*oup give the child a dose. Pleas­ ant to take and always cures. Sold by all dealers. VOIM The Northern Life of Illinois. O. Hook of Rollins w iu town Sun­ day. Ilenzo cream for the hands at Pet- escli's. Ilair\ Ritter of Marengo transacted business here the latter part of the week. Mi', and Mrs. P. L. Stadfeld were Wauconda callers one evening last week. Misses Elsie Walton and Kate Frost were McHenry visitors Monday after­ noon. Mrs. Gussie Townsend of Lake Bluff was the guest of friends here the first of the week. Homer Cook of Wauconda was in town Monday. Mi^. John Richardson is undergoing treatment at one of the Chicago h< s- pitals at present. Mn,. Geo. Kuebler and son. (Mark, of Pes Plaims were visitors at the Richardson home recently. Frank llironimus visited his brother, George, at the Jane McAllister hospi­ tal at Waukegan one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillon came out from Waukegan Saturday for a short stay at the home of their son, Wra, Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and chil­ dren and Miss Katherine Dowell of West Fremont were in town Saturday afternoon. The body of Miss Susie A. Renwell, late of Morton Park, who died at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago, Feb. 18, was brought to Volo Monday for burial. Miss Renwell was a sister of George Renwell of West ? remont and Mrs. C. Dillon of Waukegan, formerly of Volo. If troubled with indigestion, consti­ pation, no appetite or feel bilious give Chamberlain's Stomach and Livei Tablets a trial and you will l»e pleased with the result. These tablets invig­ orate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by all dealers. ____ RAISE PICKLES. See F. A. Bohlander for contracts. National Pickle & Canning Co. May 4 Petesch's for drugs. J OHN Sit IT KG H- The Northern Life of Illinois. Benzo cream for the hands at Pet- esch's. Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry was a call­ er in town Sunday. Wm. Althoff transacted business in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. J. S. Preund of McHenry was a Sunday visitor in town. John Kattner of Spring Grove w-as a caller in town Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Mueller were Mc­ Henry visitors Thursday. Mrs. Fred Justen of Pistalree R»y visited with her mother Wednesday. Fred Schmitt of McHenry visited Johnsburgh relatives one day last week. C. M. Adams was a business visitor in the metropolitan city last Thursday. Joe Freund of Ingleside called on Johnsburgh friends Wednesday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Spring Grove were in town one day re­ cently. Joe Miller and Peter Adams of Fox Lake were visitors here Wednesday evening. Joe King spent Saturday evening and Sunday among relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. John Niesen anil Miss Susie Michels were McHenry callers last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingart and children spent Sunday in the home of Mat bias Steffes. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias lllake of Mc­ Henry were entertained by Johns­ burgh friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tony an of Solon visited at the home of Stephen H. Smith last Friday afternoon. At the Central Saturday and Sunday, "A Romance of Missouri." Specialties will lie introduced between acts. Quite a number of our young people attended Miller's farewell jiarty which was held at Smith's hall Wednesday. Mr. and Mi's. John Young and family of McHenry visited among relatives and friends fn Johnsburgh and vicinity Thursday. Mrs. Skifano came out from Chicago last Saturday evining to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers, Sunday. Don't miss the opportunity of secur­ ing a suit that oidinarilv sells at from •20.00 to $2.r>.00 for the special price of $18.f>0 at J. D. Lodtz's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wirfs rnd chil­ dren were guests in the home of Mrs. Wirfs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Klein, one day recently. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Freund died Tuesday night after a that you give us a trial if you have not already done s o . W e g u a r a n t e e o u r groceries to be fresh and right up to the minute and the prices that we quote upon them should encourage a purchase. Try us and be convinced. M. H. NIESEN TKLBPHONE NO. 694 ricHenry, - Illinois. NEW 2ND HAND ELECTRIC MOTORS Alternating and Direct Currant PRICES RIGHT LOCKE ETHEMDGC, EDISON PARK, ILL short illness bronchitis. The fu­ neral took place last Friday morning. Mr. and Mi's. Mathias Schaefer and daughters, Verona and Rena, were en­ tertained in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. J. Schaefer, one day re­ cently. An attack of the grip is often fol­ lowed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy has been ex­ tensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have )»een cured after all other remedies had failed. Sold by all dealei-s. KINQWIHII). The Northern Life of Illinois Charles Carr was in Woodstock Mon­ day. S. W. Smith was a Chicago passen­ ger Monday. H. W. Allen is again attending court in Woodstook this week. The Mystic Workers held a pleasant meeting Friday evening. Mrs. Rilla Koss paid a visit to the dentist at McHenry Monday. Mis. Dell»ert Whiting and Mrs. John Carey were in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. May Smith returned to Wood­ stock Friday evening of last week. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding and Clara Beth were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Ward Woods of Lake Geneva, Wris., spent Sunday with Mrs. Johon- nott. Mi-s. Edith McCannon and Inga Mer­ chant were visiting in Woodstock Tuesday. Misses Eleanor Hawley and Lora Walkington attended the "Feast of S;>ven Tables" at McHenry last week. Amos Smith attended the Iowa State Agricultural convention at Mason City, Iowa, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Ladd's was a pleasant one. Rev. Col­ lins knew Miss Willard and gave a good talk on her life. The Empire Stock Co. of McHenry presents that four act sensational dra­ ma, "A Romance of Missouri," Satur­ day and Sunday, Feb. 2.r> and 26. J. S. Brown received woid last week Thursday of the serious illness of his brother, Frank, of Owatonna, Minn., and left that evening for that place. Mis. Mary Dodge returned Tuesday evening from Elgin, where she has been spending the past week with her daughter, who has a baby daughter. DO GOOD WORK. In last week's issue we omitted to mention the good work done by Worts & Boley and their men in draining the water from Green street. Green street, InHween Elm and Pearl, has always l>een a bad place for the accumulation of water in the early spring. Seeing that no action was taken by the village authorities to relieve the residents in that end of town, Worts & Boley, with their men, took it upon themselves to drain the lake and within a few hours after the work was started the high­ way was again visible. These two gen­ tlemen received many compliments for the good work done. The Northern Life of Illinois. Want Column. All iiiMrtod ander f.hte head at the followlngrttei Five lines or lens, 86 cent* for fint ln*tertion, 16 ceuta for emxh nutoequent insertion. l«»iv than Ave llnea, 6 cent* a I in* for ttrot Insertion, ml 3 ofiit# a lint* for addittoivi Innfrtlont*. F 'OK SALK-A windmill, coru shelter, two shot guns and a Krindstone. Apply to or write Mag. KOBKKT SCHIESSLE, West Mc­ Henry, III. 35-tf •CM>K SAI.E^A few excellent Ringlet Baned A Rock cockerels and pullets. They must KO, I need the mom. Eras In seasou. W. B. JOHONNOTT, Klugwood, Til. "CH>R RENT- A seven-room house, located south side of park, McHenry. For fur­ ther inforn atlou write or apply to 8. H. FC'KKUNU, McHenry, 111. 35-tf •CV)R RENT Thirty acres of excellent plow A land, located on the Volo road ono hulf utile east of the Kox river bridge. For further Information apply to or write MRS. HBNRY KBKNKBKCK, Mctieury. III. 35-tf LOST A brown Montana robe with black lining and red trlnimluK. Kinder return to East Wide lutrn. W. F! HOLT*. 36 T^OK SALE As I have 110 further use for same I will sell cheap one large aso s br Jewel incubator and large Jewel brooder, both nearly new. Inquire of J. W BONHI.KV, , 36-t.f McHenry, 111. B*l)K SAI.K--TI«e l>r. O. H. Fegers, Jr., resl- dence and property In McHenry. Foi further In formation-apply to or address T. J apply VVAIJJH, McHenry, III. lft-tf tjVJU RENT FOR ( ASH -A 128 acre farm " situated on the Crystal Lake road at>out \ of a mile from the Bordon milk factory. Twenty-two acres of this farm was seeded for alfalfa three years ago and has beeu bringing forth three excellent crops each year. For fnrtber Information apply to or write (JKO. H. HANLY, VV«*t McHenry, 111. 34-tf RMKK4I.II PAKK. The Northern Life of Illinois. Hot water bottles, fountain syringes, at Petesch's. Mrs. M. Henise is quite seriously ill at her home here. H. Berkircher is spending this week with Chicago friends. Miss Florenoe Welch visited friends in Chicago over Sunday. The biggest bargains in suits ever offered. See Lodtz, the tailor. Mrs. Ed. Knox and daughter, Kath­ erine, spent Wednesday with Elgin relatives. Jas. Hughes visited relatives and friends in Chicago a few days the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and chil­ dren of McHenry visited Mrs. Ellen Walsh Sunday. Miss Viola Martin of Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Walms- ley over Sunday. Owing to sickness of relatives, Mrs. Mary Archibald was called to Fond du Lac, Wis., last week. Messrs, Jas. Haxton, D. W. Hill and Chas. Malefyt of Chicago spent the week end at the Park. Miss Margaret SuLton spent Wed­ nesday in Chicago and attended the wedding of her brother there. Messrs. Edwin Knox, Jos. Sutton and Lawrence Huck attended the basket ball game at Woodstock Friday even­ ing. Misses Anna MoQee and Irene Fris- by and Messrs. K. M. Fleming and James Doherty of McHenry spent Sun­ day afternoon at R. J. Sutton's. HASN'T CHANGED ANY. - The following clipping from the Woodstock items in Tuesday's Elgin Daily Courier will be of interest to Plaindealer readers asSwadish former ly lived here: "Charles Swadish, a well known local character, having loitered around the saloon of Charles Ritt be­ yond the endurance of the proprietor, was ejected unceremoniously by Mr. Swadish, having imbibed too freely and having liked - the place, was put out in more ways than one and rushed into the road, where bricks were available and his destruction of the front plate glass windows would seem that the work had been done by an ad­ mirer of Carrie Nation rather than by Swadish. The occurrence took place Thursday of last week, and after dili­ gent search and inquiry the where­ abouts of Swadish is still unknown." TOKTUKED FOR 16 YEARS by a cure-defying stomach' trouble that baffled doctors and resisted all reme­ dies he tried, John W. Modders of Moddersville, Mich., seemed doomed. He had to sell his farm and give up work. His neighbors said, "he can't live much longer." "Whatever I ate distressed me," he wrote, "till I tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. It's surely a grand remedy for stomach trouble." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. The Northern Life of Illinois. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS We Insist You Warvt Our DjRUQS and SERVICE The valuable element in drugs and drug- store service is reliability. No one questions but that our customers get reliable service; few stores have earned so widespread a reputation in this regard. \ ou can't put a money value °n such service, it is beyond price. And yet it costs you nothing extra. When you want drugs or have a prescription to be filled bear this in mind. \ ou can trade here with a feel* mg of absolute security and feel just as cer­ tain that the price will be risiht. :: :: N. H. PETESCH Druggist. Tel. 274. HcHenry i We were told by one of our progressive farmers one day recently, "My wife asked me to pur­ chase some other brand of flour aside from the McHenry product because the family eats so much more of the bread made from the 'Early Riser* brand." That, rich 'flavor is what gets 'em all and for this reason said farmer could not accommodate his wife, and the family is still using the "Early Riser" brand. If you haven't givetv the McHenry product a fair trial do so at once. :: :: :: •• •• M i Fi WEST McHBNRY. ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prep. Boots and Shoes Dry Goods and Notions Dishes and Crockery Hardware, Paints and Oils General Merchandise Coffee, Tea and Spices Fresh and Dried Fruit Staple and Fancy Groceries For anything special consult us. We will give you BEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES. :: :: :: J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. :: 'Phone 926. 4 PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price listo furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. PHltoa St. Wbottal* Market. TAXESI TAXES I Until further notice 1 will be at the following' named places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the town of McIIenrv: Mondays at J. C. Dehrecht's Johns­ burgh. Tuesdays---at Bradley St FOBS', Ring- wood. Thursdays--at M. J. Walsh's. West McHenry. Saturdays--at N. H. Petesch's, Mc­ Henry. Balance of the week I may be found at rny home near Fox river bridge. 32-tf JOHN NIESKN, Collector. FALLS VICTIM TO THIEVES, S. W. Bends of Coal City, Ala., has a justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throttled' them. He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dys­ pepsia. 25c. N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. The Northern Life of Illinois. PROS A TE NEWS (Kurnlshed by Mrllenry County Abstrwt Company. Woodstock. Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Kloek, east sido public square. Ab­ stracts of title ami couveyauoin*. Motiey to loan ou real estate in sums of five huudred to ten thousMnd dollars. Time and payi to suit borrower, l'houes KM. 903 and 911-1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. K. P. Klanders & w to Pwd Bryer, Its 13 & 13, blk 3.EP. Flanders* sub DIT, McHenry PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Ralph S., Gertrude and Clarence Eugene Clemens. Guy L. Clemens ap­ pointed guardian. Bond, $1500, filed and approved. Frederick Block. Final report filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Guy L. Granger, 35 Crystal Lake Bessie Alice England, 30.. " Charles Yorke, 24 Riley Twp Anna Shouer, 21 T Seneca Twp Clarence W. Wilco»i 22 .Seneca Twp J e n n i e W i e s t , 1 9 ^ . w Harry S. Darrov*-; Richmond Bessie Orr, 24

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