Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1911, p. 6

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Tlie McHenry Plaradealcr Published by P. 0. 8CHREINER. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Beware the grip ft hokl on you. Do not let it get Pride has many pery mornings. a fall these slip- Bawbal l talk has moved on from postmortems to forecasts. An extraordinary duel was fought to France the other day. One of the •duellists was hurt TRUST IS HARD HIT COLD STORAGE COMBINE LOSES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN BUTTER AND EGGS. PRICES DECLINE 50 PER CENT. Herbert A. Emerson, Chicago Packer. Declares Economy of Housewives Figure Largely In Causing Values to Decline. BORAH SCORES NORTH ANDREW CARNEGIE'S PEACE DOVE SAY8 RACE PREJUDICE 8TRONG AS fN SOUTH. Asserts Hypocrisy Is 8hown Tovyard Negro--Take Direct Vol* Bill Up Today. Chicago is the gem renter of the world, but therf is such a thing as wearing too many. Hasebail bids fair to girdle the .globe The Japs and the Cubans are taking kindly 10 it. One man's attempt at suiciue is at­ tributed to (oo much housework. Is this a sign of the times? We are told that an Illinois woman has put an end to herself by jumping into ;» rir t v r n . Well, well! What, do you think of a hen that Said 4.000 eggs in 22 years and never brooded? Can you beat it? The house cat carries germs In­ doors and indulges out of doors In an excess of vocal expression. Florida has a bride seventy-eight years old. And yet there are women of forty who have given up hope. A New York publisher tells us that poor music sells best. So we should judge from the music we hear these days. That proposed n3lf cent coin would be about right for most of the things you get by dropping a 1 cent coin in the slot. New York is to have a fifty-eight story building. Tenants on the top floor will be reasonably Bafe from porch climbers. A new play in New York is called "Bought and Paid For." However, many a writer of vaudeville sketches has no such luck. A Chicago man was shot for step­ ping on another's corn. Anybody who lias ever nursed a pet corn will call It justifiable homicide. A London man who was a contrib­ utor to Punch has just died, leaving • fortune of $6,000,000. -nd we'll bet his jokes weren't worth it. W« are told that there will be no babies in these United States after the year 2020. Another reason for protecting our infant industries. ! Chios srrs --Morhrrt \ K!roor*nr! i president of the United States Pack- ! ing company of this < ity. who will testify before the subcommittee of the • state senate committee on live stock and dairying, in a statement Sunday | declared that millions of pounds of butter and 50,000 cases of eggs in cold storage which are usually consumed before February 1, remain unsold this year . Mr Emerson in amplifying his state­ ment said that the cold storage trust has lost millions of dollars within the last two months through the smashing of the cold storage corner on <?ggs and butter. "Consumers throughout the country will be greatly pleased to know that I the butler and egg trust which has | had such a firm grip on the throats of ; consumers and producers alike for the j last five years, has at last met its Wa- , terloo. and this has been brought ! about through the publicity given the j operations of the trust by the press," ; said Mr. Emerson. "There are today in storage in the United States in the warehouses which , report to the association known as the American Warehousemen's associ ation. approximately ?.0,0O0,000 pounds I of butter, and in the warehouses which j do not report to the American Ware- : housemen's association an equal : amount, or about 60.000.000 pounds of j surplus frozen butter taken away from j the consumers throughout the last 12 : months I "it was held with the expectation of i making the consumer pay approximate- i Iv 40 cents to 45 cents per pound for I this butter for which the producers re- ! ceive only about 20 cents per pound, and in paying the producer for his j butter it is bought in the form of what I Is known as butter fat--in other ! words, they buy the cream separated | from the milk and the trust concerns | operating creameries figure on what | is known as an overrun of from 30 ; to 35 per cent. I "Nearly a year ago the press began to call attention to the operations of the butter and egg trust and the result j has been that the housewife has kept ?lose watch on her bills and has econo- j mized whenever opportunity presented 'tself. The result is at present the finest creamery butter can be bought throughout the United States at from 27 cents to 28 cents per pound." Washington. -- Senator Borah as­ serted on the floor of the senate that the prejudice against the negro was no more pronounced in the south than it was in the north and added that the northern states played the parts of a hypocrite in contending to the contrary. ilia ueciarauons regarding the ne­ gro were made at the close of a pro­ longed speech m opposition to the Sutherland amendment to the senate resolution providing for the election of senators by popular vote. That amendment would have the effect of giving congress control of senatorial elections The Idaho senator contended that congress would have the right to pro­ tect the individual voter in senatorial elections even with the constitutional provisions giving specific authority in that direction eliminated, and in so doing aroused sharp antagonism from Senators >•'elsor.. Carter and Suther­ land Mr. Borah treated the Sutherland amendment as a device to kill the res­ olution, declaring it to be a bulwark from behind which the measure might be shot to death. The Idaho senator's pronouncement on the race question was In response to the recent assertion of Senator Root that without the Sutherland pro­ vision the resolution would deprive the southern negroes of federal pro­ tection in the exercise of the fran­ chise. Mr. Borah dissented from the New York senator's view, and in doing so used language which elicited congrat­ ulations from many senators. % ':i\\ l ^ %cW k NOT ACCORDING TO PROGRAM Practical Joker Meant to Astonish Hie Wife, and Doubtless He Did. When the first shipment of (rosea eggs arrived from Australia their ex­ treme hardness astonished the brok­ ers. One man calling at a broker's o^Bce, was amazed to see him taking aim at the wall with an egg. "What the dickens are yo* «tr* he said. But the broker let drive, the only result being a slight dent In the wall. The thing being explained, the man took a couple of the eggs, put them in his pocket, and left to startle his wife. Arriving home; he waited till the family was assembled for dinner, and then banged an egg at the new dado. But the smile quickly faded from his face. The egg had thawed.--Lon­ don Ttt-Blts. ALL GAY He Can Either Coo or Claw. CONFESSES INSURANCE PLOT During the last 34 years, says an eastern paper, we have lost $5,000,000,- 000 by fire. Even at that old "inade­ quate water supply" is still doing busi- William Robertson Admits Body Found in Burned House Was T®- ken From Grave. Ola, Ark. -- William Robertson, brother of Henry Robertson, who WAR gijnnosed to h&vs been burned to death recently whon his farm house was destroyed by fire near the village of Birta, has confessed that the char­ red bones found were those of a con­ vict whose body was secured by rob­ bing a grave. The brother supposed to have been cremated held a policy for insurance in a fraternal association and an investigation started when a claim was presented for payment cul­ minated in the arrest of William Rob­ ertson. A reward has been offered for the capture of Henry Robertson. DESTROYER 1$ LAUNCHED lrsutsk, the capital of Siberia, is described as the wickedest city in the world. It is now up to New York. Chicago and Pittsburg to renew their efforts. Aviator Paulhan. who has made $200,000 out of his aeroplane, says he Is going to retire from the game. This looks to us like knowing exactly when to quit. Curing paralysis by artificially in ducing fever reminds one of the in­ genious practitioner who always threw his patients into fits and then cured the fits. It is bad enough to be a deaf mute hnt when one so afflicted l» sued for slander, it is carrying the thing too far. Some persons evidently "Just can't make their hands behave." Pupils at Wellesley must learn how to spell before they are allowed to 1 Lansdale. graduate. It may be a good innova tion, but we fear that it will detract from the quality of Wellesley fudge. An army officer has invented a mul­ tiplex telephone', and it is claimed for it that ten persons can speak over one line. As if we didn't have troubles enough already with the four-party wire. New War Vessel Christened by Sister of the Young Hero Whose i Name It Bears. j Newport News, Va. -- Christened 1 by Miss Eleanor R. Monaghan, a sister of the man after whom it is : named, the torpedo boat destroyer j Monaghan slipped down the ways at l the government shipyard, amid the | fluttering of flags, shrieking of whis- ! ties and cheers of a little knot of prominent men and women assem­ bled to witness the event. The new boat glided gracefully out upon the 1 waters of the Chesapeake, and was caught by a government tug and tow­ ed to an anchorage to await com pie tion. i The christening of the destroyer is another tribute to the memory of En­ sign John Robert Monaghan, the Spo­ kane boy who sacrificed his life de­ fending his wounded officer in April, 1899. Young Monaghan, together with Lieut. Phillip V. Landale and a de- j tachment of 53 men, waq sent ashore on the island of Upolu, Samoa. Here they were set upon by natives and ; several of the force cut ofT from re­ treat, among them Monaghan and Desperate attempts were Mount Etna continues to smoke, but the innocent bystanders have come to the conclusion that there is nothing doing in (he way of lava. Many a timfc and oft have we heard of persons who "didn't know it was loaded." Paris has decreed war against rats. This does not mean a battle against 'the rodents, but the downfall of the present style of dressing ladies' hair. But while the hobble skirt remains Paris fashions will not lack for strik­ ing features. , made to succor the little band, but the ! natives successfully repulsed the res- I cuing party and at last all were cut j down but Monaghan and his superior officer. Then Lansdale fell wounded, and, though he might have prolonged his life by a retreat, young Monaghan elected to stand by his officer, and died in the heroic performance of his duty. His action was lauded by his commander. Captain White of Phila delphia, and a monument to his mem ory, which stands today In a public thoroughfare of Spokane, was erected by the citizens of his native state VOTE MILLIONS FOR FORESTS Senate Passes Measure to Buy Land on the White and Appalachian Mountains. Washington. -- After many years of delay the bill looking to the creation of national forest reserves in the White mountains and the southern Appalachians passed the senate, the vote standing 57 to 9. • The bill appropriates $2,000,000 a year until 1915 for the purchase of land for forest reserves In eastern states, and especially in the White mountains and southern Appalachians. The bill passed the house of repre­ sentatives last session and it lacks only the signature of the president to become a law. SOCIETY SEES PRIZE FIGHT Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., and Hon. Rob* ert Beresford Have Knockout Battle in Gould Gymnasium. New York.--Tke family of George J Gould alnd a score of guests, in­ cluding soiau u* Lhv IHUBL prominent society men and women of New York and London, saw Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., and Hon. Robert Beresford fight to a knockout In the Gould's private gymnasium at Lakewood, N. J. Drexel, although he put up a plucky and clever fight, was floored repeat­ edly by the English amateur cham­ pion. and was so helpless at the end of the third round that his seconds dragged him from the ring and ad­ mitted a knockout. ROOT IS FOR TRUSTS SENATOR TELLS PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE HE DEPLORES OPERATIONS OF LAW. INDUSTRIAL EFFICIENCY HIT Declares Government Is Busy Break­ ing Up Organization--Points to German Policy--Henry White Telia of Value of Reciprocity. Washington.--Senator Elihu Root of New York, in an address Friday at the closing session of the Pan-Ameri­ can commercial conference, praised the principle of organization in busi­ ness and made a plea for the organi­ zation and combination of American business men for the promotion of trade with Latin America. He deplored tbe fact that the opera­ tions of the law against the great in­ dustrial organizations "reduced the industrial efficiency of the country." "It is important to break up or­ ganizations," said Mr. Root, "when they are monopolizing the means of subsistence, but there is one way to counteract this influence, and that Is by substituting organizations on a sound basis, not violating any law, but securing the concerted ^ction of great numbers of Americans who have a common purpose. t'The great principle of organization which is revolutionizing the business of the world applies to the extension of trade. Germany to a considerable extent requires a combination of her manufacturers, producers and com­ mercial concerns; Japan also prac­ tically does this. But in the United States it cannot be done under gov­ ernment leadership because the peo­ ple do not conceive it to be the gov­ ernment's function. It seems to be rather that the government is taken up largely with breaking up organiza­ tions and that reduces the industrial efficiency of the country." Senator Root aroused enthusiasm by his closing remarks that nowhere on earth were there "a more noble and admirable people among men than in Latin-America." He added that only when the people of the United States realized this and en­ tered into real friendship with these countries would they reach a basis where American trade could be ad vanced. SEES A PROSPEROUS YEAR FINDS CURE FOR INSANITY Dorothy Arnold Not Found. New York.--Miss Dorothy Arnold has not been found, and her friends have no more definite informs tion today than they had fi»> days ago as to what has become of her. Inquiry demonstrated that a story to the effect that she had been found in Flower hospital was untrue. Another instance of the hardship of military duty is the decree that mem- ' bersof tbe New Jersey National Guard must refrain from wearing patent ' leather pumps at drill However, i there is no order against chewing gum or using powder puffs ! A Cleveland man wants damages for having to answer telephone calls that not for him and for the time he has lost in waiting to get the num­ bers he wanted He will receive a large amount of public sympathy, if he never gets anything elBe. "Venus is inhalited," avyrs Profes­ sor See Thus we see that Professor See is something of a seer. We are not surprised, however, at what Pro­ fessor See has seen. If Venus is as fair as we are wont to believe, it i8 only natural that she should plenty of company hav^ Iowa Banker Found Dead. Mason City, la.--J. (5 Cutler of Nova Springs, a banker and member of the board of supervisors of Floyd county, was found dead in the Chi­ cago Milwaukee & St Paul depot at Charles City early Sunday He was sixty-one years old Gilbert Adds to Gun Laurels. Kansas City. Mo.---Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake. la., won the shoot oflf of the Great Western handicap at live birds here Saturday, killing 30 pi­ geons, without a miss. Bid Shuts Out Circus Sideshow. Des Moines. Ia. The Iowa senate j Friday passed ihe Stoddard bill, al ready passed by the house, prohibit ing the exhibition in Iowa of mon­ strosities and sbnormal persons. The bill will practically prohibit most circus Eideshows In Iowa. Member of Staff of Glasgow Asylum Injects Substance Into Blood of Patients. London -- Newspapers ascribe to Doctcr Oswald of the stafT of tho Glasgow Insane asylum. the an­ nouncement of an important dis­ covery which promises a certain cure for mental disease The substance was discovered by a German profes­ sor and perfected by research experi­ ments in Germany and Glasgow. When injected into the blood of in­ sane persons it renders them immune from further attack. Steals Turkey, Gets Life. Georgetown, Ky.--Caswell McOat- ten, a negro, was Friday sent to the penitentiary for life for stealing a turkey from the roost of a Scott coun­ ty farmer. This being his third con­ viction for similar offenses, he was given the life telm under the habitual criminal act Cousin of Longfellow Dies. New York --Rev Francis I^e Baron, a pioneer Unitarian minister and a first cousin of Henry W Longfellow, died at his home here Friday. Carrots may be as nutritious aa eggs, aa one scientist declares, but they leave no sign of wealth on the mustache or fancy vest. Hence we lire against them. A man rich enough *p eat eggs like* to advertise the fact. Daughter of Revolution Dead. St. Louis--Mrs. Caroline M. Hype*, ninety-eight years old, who was on* of the two surviving real Daughter* of the American Revolution, died at C.roencastJe, Ind., Thursday. She waa Ihe mdther of Dr. B. M. Hypes of this city. Blanche Walsh Stricken. Peoria. Ill --Standing in the wings waiting her cue Just before the rise of the curtain Thursday, Blanche Walsh, the well-known actress, fell to the stage in a faint. London Anarchist Caught. Berlin--A dispatch from Breslau says that one of the band of anarchist burglars who operated In tne Hounds- ditch district of London was eaptur«4 there Thursday. Charles M. Schwab Returns From Eu­ rope In Optimistic Mood Over Business Outlook. New York.--Charles M. Schwab re­ turned on the Mauretania Friday from his midwinter vacation In Europe a more pronounced optimist as to the world-wide business outlook for the year than he was when he left' New York three months ago "Every sign points to an pnusually prosperous year, not only in the United States, but throughout the world." said Mr. Schwab "The de­ pression that to a greater or less ex­ tent extended around the world fol­ lowing our big panic of 1907, appears to have been replaced by a vigor of confidence and activity that augurs well. Business in all lines is boom­ ing. and in nothing more than in steel and iron. We could have no better sign than this." Jail for Cigarette 8mokers. Kansas City, Mo.--Henry T. Zi'n mer, chief of police here, issued an order Saturday to all policemen to arrest on sight every boy under twfen- •v-one years old caught smoking cigarettes and put them in jail. Bert Brigge Passes Away. Cleveland, O.--Bert Briggs, thirty- four, bett<SH"-,known as "Buttons," and formerly ^pitcher for the Chicago Cubs and other clubs throughout the country, died at his home here Satur­ day of tuberculosis. Kansas Farmers Oppose Reciprocity. Salina. Kan--Four hundred farm­ ers, delegates to the annual conven­ tion of the Kansas organizations of the Farmers' Educational and Co-oper­ ative Union of America, here Thurs­ day unanimously condemned the Can­ adian reciprocity agreement as detri­ mental to the farmers' Interests. Favor Votes for Women. Des Moines, la*--The house commit­ tee on elections Thursday recommend­ ed for passage the, joint resolution fa­ voring woman suffrage. TILLMAN !N COLLAPSE BREAKS DOWN IN SPEECH PRAIS­ ING COLLEAGUES. Is Overcomi by His Emotions arrd Weakness From Recent lllnesa and Stops His Eu­ logy. Sticky Sweating Tahn^ l̂ • after taking salts or eath&rtlo waters--did you ever notice that weary all gone feeling--the palms of your hands sweat--and rotten, taste in your mouth -- Cathartic® only move by sweating your bowels --Do a lot of hurt--Try a CASCA- RET and see how mucn easier the job is done -- how much better you feel. " K CASCARETS loc a box for a week's' treatment, all druggists. Biff*?* teller In the world. Million boxes a month'. Even when you find yourself in hot water it is possible to get cold feet Garfield Tea cannot but commend itself to those desiring a laxative, simple, pur^ mild, potent and health-giving. Ready With Proof. An earnest preacher in Georgia, who has a custom of telling the Lord all the news In his prayers, recently be­ gan a petition for help against tha progress of wickedness in his town with the statement: "O thou great Jehovah, crime is on the increase. It is becoming more prevalent daily. I can prove it to you by statistics."--Everybody's Magazine. First Tramps--The doctor 'as order­ ed me a bath. Second Tramp--You do look pleas­ ed about it. First Tramp--1'E ' s ordered me a mud bath. Washington.--Overcome by his emotions and weakened by the illnesrf with which he was stricken during the last session of congress, Senator ^illman sank sobbing Into his seat Saturday shortly after beginning a speech in eulogy of the late Senators Alexander S. Clay of Georgia and Jonathan P. DoP.iver of Iowa. Senator Bacon of Georgia moved hastily over and took a seat by the South Carolinan. A few words from Mr. Bacon in a measure restored the control of his nerves to Mr. Tillman, and shortly afterward he feebly walked from the chamber. The attempt to speak at length was the first Mr. Tillman had made since his return to his duties, and his friends had feared It might prove too great a tax upon his impaired strength. SPECIAL MAKES RECORD RUN Train Bearing Charles G. Gates Trav­ els at Rste of Over Mile ' a Minute. New York.--The special train carry­ ing Charles G. Gates, stricken son of John W. Gates, from Yuma, Ariz., ar­ rived in New York Sunday night after a record-breaking run over the New York Central lines from Chicago. Mr. Gates was taken suddjenly ill with blood poisoning In Texas and was rushed toward the eastern metropolis to receive expert medical attention. On the last lap of the Journey from Chicago to New York, 975 miles, all records for eastern travel were bro­ ken. The distance was covered in 989 minutes. Mr. Gates left Chicago at 5 a. m. and his train was stand­ ing in the Lexington avenue station at 10:49 p m. Through change of en­ gines along the route there was lost twenty-six minutes, so that the actual running time for the distance was 963 minutes. G0MPERS APPEALS FOR AID 8eeks to Raise $500,000 to Be Used In Los Angeles Labor Fight. Washington. -- Samuel Gompera, president of the American Feder­ ation of Labor, has sent to all labor organizations throughout the country a circular asking aid in raising a fund of half a million dollars to be used in fighting opponents of organized labor at Los Angeles. "We are issuing this appeal," said Mr. Gompers, "for the purpose of aid­ ing our fellow workingmen in Los Angeles to maintain their rights and liberties as men of organized labor." Tramp Assails Gould Home. New York. -- A tramp hurled a brick through one of the library win­ dows of the home of Miss Helen Gould in Fifth avenue, having become angered when refused alms at the ^oor. Miss Gould was in an adjoining room and was unhurt, but Mrs. Ed­ ward Scholes was struck on the head and escaped serious injury only be­ cause of an abundance of hair. Mounted Robbers Raid Store. , Centerville, Ind.--Two mounted rob­ bers rode into this town Saturday, hroke in the rear door of the store of Thomas Dunbar, where the post of­ fice is located, blew open the safe, and escaped with $600 in stamps and $15 in cash. Four 8afes Blown Open. Bridgeport, 111.--The safes in four business houses here were blown Saturday ind the robbers escaped with booty amounting to more than *2,000. Sugar Concern In Court. Houston. Tex.--A receiver waa Fri­ day appointed for the Ohio and Texas Sugar company, which has assets estimated at $1,800,000. The holders of claims for $200 say the oompaay is virtually insolvent. John D.'s Brother Is III. New York.--William Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefeller and active for years in the management of the Standard Oil company, was confined to bis home with lumbago Fridav. OATS--259 Bu. Per )tere. Tiro* tire ewwi n lu yieiil of 1 heOCtOTS Harmes, Lewis Co., Wash., had from Salzer's Rejuvenated White Bonanza oats and won a handsome 80 acre farm. Other big yields are 141 bus.. 119 bus., 103 bus., etc., had bv farmers scattered throughout the U. S. ' Salzer's Pedfgree fiarlev, Flax, Corn, Oats, Wheat, Potatoes, Grasses and Clov­ ers are famous the world over for their purity and tremendous yielding qualities. We are easily the largest growers of farm seeds in the world. Our catalog bristling with seed trnths free for the asking, or send 10c in stamps and receive 10 pqekap^s «>f farm seed nov­ elties and rarities, including above mar­ velous oats, together with big catalog. John A. SnJr<»r Seed Co., 182 South 8th St., La Crosse, Wis. Real Courage. He was the small son of a minister and his mother was teaching him the meaning of courage. "Supposing," she said, "there were twelve boys in one bedroom, and eleven got Into bed at once, while the other knelt down to say his prayers, that boy would show true courage." "Oh," said the young hopeful, "I know something that would be more courageous than that? Supposing there were twelve ministers in one bedroom, and one got into bed without saying his prayers!" i A Dry Wash. Representative Livingston of Geor­ gia, who, disgusted at the bath-tub de­ bate in the house recently, proposed that a little money might be made by renting the bath tubs out, aald recent­ ly. apropos of this subject: "We are now a good deal like Bill Spriggins on a zero morning. "Bill's valet entered his bedroom one January morning and said with a shiver: " 'Will you take your bath hot or cold, sir?* " 'Thank yon,' said Bill; 111 take It for granted.'" / A Falrfy Wet World. The Pacific ocean covers 68,000,000 ml'es, the Atlantic 30,000,000 and the Indian, Arctic and. Antarctic 42.000,000. To stow away tho contents of the Pa­ cific it would be necessary to fill a tank one mile long, one mile wide and one mile deep every day for 440 years. Put In figures, the Pacific holds in weight 940,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons. The Atlantic averages a depth of not quite three miles. Its water weighs 325,000.000,000,000,000,000 tons, and a tank to contain it would have each of Its sides 430 miles long. The figures of the other oceans are in ths same startling proportions. It vcsild take all the sea water in the world 1,000,000 years to flow over Niagara. Crutches or Biers. Richard Croker, at a dinner in New York, expressed a distrust for aero­ planes. "There's nothing underneath them," he said. "If the least thing goes wrong, down they drop. "I said to a Londoner the other day: " 'How is your son getting on since he bought a flying machine?' " 'On crutches, like the rest of them,' the Londoner replied." The Handy Remedy for Eruption Caused by Poison Ivy or Wood Poison Is Resinol Ointment. I have used Resinol Salve for sev* eral years. I was badly broken out with eruptions caused by Poisou Ivy. The itching was unbearable. My doc­ tor recommended Resinol. It did its work fine. Boing subject to wood poi­ son, I now keep a jar of Resinol on hand. I have told others of it who had iike results. Jno. H. Kohl, Benton, Kan. The Test of Intellect. "I wonder why Mrs. Flimgilt regards her husband as stupid. He has been very successful In business." "Perhaps," replied Mf. Meekt«n, "he's like so many of t^ie rest of ufc- who can't possibly learri, to keep the score of a bridge game." On Her Side. "I didn't know you had ^any Idea of marrying her." "I didn't. The idea was hers."-- Lipplncott's Magazine. It is unquestionably true that wealth produces wants, but it is a still more fmportant truth that wants produce wealth.--Malthus. RHEUMATISM Benw-e> pains in the legs, arms, back, etitt or swollen joints. Contains no morphine, opium, cocaine or drugs to deaden tha pain. It neutralizes the acid and drives out all rheumatic poisona from the sys­ tem. Write Prof. Munyon. 63d and Jeff­ erson fits., Phila.,' Pa., tor medical ad­ vice, absolutely fre*. The Army of Constipation Is Growing Small® CARTER'S LITTL LIVER PILLS are respoiuible--th< only give relief they permanenth cure CoyiiSipa- tlsa. Mil- ' lions use them (or iiilioaf- SMALL PILL, SMALLJDOSE, SMALL PUCE Genuine numbeax Bigu^turo ifTLI PILLS No harmful drugs in Garfield Tea, Na­ ture's laxative--it is composed wholly of clean, sweet, health-giving Herbs! Difficulties are often the barnacles that grow on delayed duties. TO CUKE A COt-D IN ONE 1>AT Take LAXATIVE r.ROUO Quinine Tablet* UrtiMftMsrefund money If It falls to cure. K. W. GliOVK'b signature is on each box. 26c. When you find excess of speech look for shortage on sight. To correct disorders of the liver, take Gartield Tea, the Herb Laxative. A good home is the beBt exposition of heaven. PRINCE ALBERT, SASKATCHEWAN the center of the surent mixed fit mime dislrie* In %V«-stt:rn Canada, offers certain snvrfss, to worker*. For free literature giving parti, il- lara of free homesteads, maps, etc., write JULIUS L INNUI, ycreury IN* 4 Irafc Ma Ukst *•*. TOOTHING JI HT AS GOOD asCap-De-Grt»L tor tbe relief of severe ('<>Ids, Ui Grippe ana Neuralgia, trial convinces. 26c at drugKlsts orfroa P»rrBrothers, Govan:,-Baltimore, Maryland. ind sell these tarnou* Gems. Write for sample oiler and catalog, free, to H«rth«est< rs •lenelrjio., 101 3«rlkweste(V KW|.. Chteif«s Ui. POST CARDS AT WHOLKSAU PRICES. 10 beatlfol embossed easter or blrtbdav Post Cards iKegulal frtce 2 for 6ci by mall 10c. 2tf for3&c. F. C. UUVTi mporter and Jobber, 8a« City, low*. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness start* with weak stomachs and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people iu» k good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigoracis-g for, after ail, a man can be no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and ihe liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives oat disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi­ tude of diseases. Csf rid of yirr StomamcM Wemkmmm* mm4 Ltrmr Lsztness tr taking a course of 2>r. Weres's O'oiden Medical Discoivff -- the &reat Stomach Jfte»toratlre, Lirmi* Marlgurmtor mad tttovd C/eaascr. You can't afford to accept aoy medicine of mnlmewn mmposititm as • substitute for "Golden Medical Discov •rjr," which is • medicine OP KNOWN COMPOSITION, having • complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bot< tie-wrapper, same being attested as correct under oith. Or. Ww»'« I

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