Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1911, p. 8

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^ ] ASK FOR men? Clothing, Shoes, Hats, ' Shirts, Gloves, Underwear / / We deal entirely in Men's and Boys' wear and can save you mondy in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you can find in McHenry County Call and see our line and convince yourself of our statement. :: :: :: $ JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY. - - PHONE 30,3 5^ ' IT IS NOT GUESS WORK But a proven fact, that "BUFFALO" GLUTEN FEED will increase the flow of milk. Feed it with your ground feed. Feed it with your ensilage. In fact, no matter what you feed it with, your cows are bound to give more milk. :: v :: - " :: M 0UTEU^M ;-y analysis -23-2S> a*-Fib>« S-St fis'o FAT MD Fill n mm You need "BUFFALO" GLUTEN FEED if you want a "fat" milk check. Do not fail to give it a trial. You will be rewarded. :: :: :: :: :: Wilbur Lumber Co. 'Phone 651. : West McHenry, III. I - : i THE QUALITY RANGE Are you aware of the fact that we are"selling the finest and prettiest Ranges on the market? We refer to the "Queen's Best," the stove that is perfect in workmanship, an excellent baker and made of the best material. For durability there are no better Ranges on the market 'Come in and let us show you the TMPADTAVT 1 1 1 1 v a i m i i IMPROVEMENTS on the QUEEN above all other Ranges. Information is free, so do not hesitate about coming. 3©bn Ifycital The Centerville Hardware Dealer. We are prepared to show you the finest line of Shoes in the town in fine dress, medium and heavy work Shoes :: :: :: ;; Men s fine Dress Shoes in lace, blucher and oxford at per pair. *2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, 4.00 AND $4.50 Men's Work Shoes from $2.00 TO $4.50 See our $3.00 line in black, tan and yiscol oil finish. Ladies' Shoes, velour, kid, patent leather, velvet, etc., from. - $2.00 TO $3.50 Ladies comfort Shoe, turn sole, button and common sense rubber heel, plump vici at $2 7S Ladies' Juliet style rubber heel comfort or nurse Shoe at -$1.50 DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, POPLINS, FLAXON, PERCALES IN ALL GRADES AND COLORS. Our spring line of silks in plain and fancy colors, up from -39C GROCERIES: Try our 00c Tea, none better. Coffee, at per pound 25c, 30c and 3<& Extra fancy New York full cream C heese, October make. PISH FOR LENT: Cod Fish, White Fish, Mackerel, Herring, Canned Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp and Lobster*. Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 343. . J. WALSH. new AFM.ICAHTS FOR TmcATE* STAND rOR ADVAIfOBMEItT. Prospective candidates for teaehers* certificates ia McHenry county met las*, week at Woodstock with those who began teaching for the first time last fall. This was the first of the series of meetings planned especially to aid beginning teachers. Nearly seventy enrolled. Those from McHen­ ry and vicinity were: Misses Anna Bolger, Fanny Granger, Agnes Dodge, Marguerite Granger, B. Iva Woodford. The high standard these and others present are determined to set is des­ tined to rank educationally this county above all others in the state, if our teachers receive the proper support and encouragement. A high standard of admission and continued professional progress during the life of their cer­ tificate was favorably talked. , Will the rural schools vie with the city schools for the better teachers? Fi­ nancially, they are better able to wel­ come this wholesome rivalry and this meeting shows, if it shows anything1 at all, that rural teachers will prepare if such preparation will be given just recognition in country schools. Supt. Thomas made a very practical and helpful talk relating to the daily program and other school work. Coun­ ty Superintendent A. M. Shelton dis­ cussed with the teachers the questions that had been sent out prior to the meeting and outlined the work for the nfext meeting, which will be held Sat­ urday, April 15. The annual teachers' institute will be held at Woodstock March 27-31. This is the last week in March and an excellent time for the spring vacations. The new school law, as codified by our last general assembly provides that Ave days shall be given by all school boards for institute work duping the year. The old law formerly provided for only three days. Teachers and direc­ tors should inform themselves upon this point. An excellent program has been arranged and every teacher will be greatly benefitted. MIsb Edna Keith of Joliet, Prof. Briggs of Charles­ ton and Supt. Handle of Mattoon have been secured as instructors. Several teachers and superintendents of the cdUnty will also aid, Special music will be furnished by teachers and other people of the county. Complete an­ nouncements will appear later in The Plaindealer. The regular meeting of the princi­ pals and superintendents of the county will be held next Saturday, March 11. Reports of the semi-finals given to all eighth grade pupils last Satun)ay will be made and matters relating to our county institute will be discussed. In addition to this, Supt. Whjte of Elgin will address the meeting. k F1EKCE NIGHT ALAKM is the hoarse, startling cough of a child suddenly attacked by croup. Often it aroused Lewis Chamblin of iTin i iiniiiniH) it;*--. ?x.;- ^ "m SnperiOrl'iy in Str« *io»h Purify, \|hf)K<'«uvmc?ics(ji (J. S. Government Reports, Highest AwarS Worths Columbian Exposition. 9 Manchester, O., [R. R. No. 2] for their four children were greatly subject to croup. "Sometimes in severe attacks," he wrote, "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy, Dr. King's New Disoovery, is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thou­ sands of others. So may you. Asthma, Hay Fever, La Grippe, Whooping Cough, Hemorrhages fly before it. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. AUCTION. On the Buch place, West McHenry, 111., Saturday, March 11, beginning at one o'clock p. m., the following de­ scribed property: 13 h. p. Russell traction engine, nearly new; 36-56 American separator Sately stacker, buzz saw on two wheels, single buggy. Case cultivator, 10-shovel; pulverizer, Deering mower, new sulky plow, milk wagon, wood heating stove, organ, 2 single harness, 100 feet 6 in. Gandy belting, also other bating; grindstone, buck saw and saw buck; cow with calf by side, 4-burner gasoline stove and other articles too numerous to mention. FRANK KIMBALL. F. O. GANS, Auctioneer. ATTACKS SCHOOL PKJMCIFAL. A severe Attack on school principal, Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvania, Ga., is thus told by him: "For more than three years," he writes, "I suffered in­ describable torture from rheumatism, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kidneys. All remedies failed till I used Electric Bitters, but lour bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me completely." Such results are com­ mon. Thousands bless them for curing stomach trouble, female complaints, kidney disorders, biliousness, and for new health and vigor. Try them. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. TAXES! TAXE8I Until further notice I will be at the following named places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the town of McHenry: Mondays--at J. C. Debrecht's Johns- burgh. Tuesdays--at Bradley & FOBS', Ring- wood. Thursdays--at M. J. Walsh's, West McHenry. Saturdays--at N. H. Petesch's, Mc Henry. Balance of the week I may be found at my home near Fox river bridge. 32-tf JOHN NiESEfo, Collector. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers. Hot water bottles, fountain syringes, at Petesch's. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALER OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Phil. Buck is very low and but little hopes are entertained for his recovery. Died--In McHenry, 111., March 7, 1886, literally of old age, Henry W. Brink. We had another snow storm Sunday night, 'what they would call in the maple groves a sugar snow. Mrs, Willard Colby drew the lucky number in the drawing for the quilt, at the band entertainment on Thurs­ day evening. Mis* Jessie Wightman, deputy P. M. in this village, returned froip a three months' visit in Dakota and Iowa on Saturday evening. The band entertainment on Thurs­ day evening last was a success both financially and otherwise and netted the band about $50. Miss Cora Paige, daughter of Wm. Paige, started for St. Albans, Vt., where she #ill visit among Mends for two or three months. Shepherd & Son are weighing tip their last year's clover blossoms and making preparations for thd coming season. They will put up another dryer on the West Side this spring and do a larger business this season than ever before. The steamer Mamie made a success- full trial trip on Tuesday morning to the Half Moon island and back. The new cabin not only adds to the ap­ pearance of the boat, but has stiffened her considerably. Capt. Hill is now ready for business as soon as the lakes will open and allow him to make a thru trip. The McHenry Brick Manufacturing company has already contracted half a million brick of the coming season's make. They have been getting out clay all winter and will be ready to open up with a big gang of hands as soon as the weather will permit. They intend to make double the number of brick this season than last. PROBATE NEWS Fully nine out of every t^i cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's Lini­ ment. Give it a trial. You are cer­ tain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. Men and women, sell guar^iteed hose. 70 per cent profit. Make $10 daily. Full or part time. Beginners investigate. Wear Proof, 3038 Chest­ nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 33-8t Lfrurnlshed by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab' straets of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Pbones 634, 003 and Cll.l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. l'eter Morltz & w to Jacob O. Bickler, Its 9 & 12 and the eH of Its 10 & 11, blk HI; also a strip 10 ft wide off N side It 6 and a strip 11 ft wide off 8 side It 5, blk 17, McHenry, west side Pox liver § 8000.00 Odelia Bonsleti, widow, to Uosalle Haverln, pt of the w$4 of seH se« 38, mtiHonry, 8^ acres ifiuo.oo M. R. Garainler & hus to Ila K. Town- send, pt seM sec 31 & the swX sec 32, McHenry, 348 acres 6000.00 Albert Etten to Henry <J. L. Bustnes- ter, Sunnyside, It » & 10 being a sub- dlv of the ne^ of the neM of sec 35 and the wV4 of the ne}< sec 30 &e, McHenry 800.00 Fred Powers, et at, to John Powers, sH of sw?i sec 8. 80 acres, the eft ne H sec 17, 80 acres, nwa of neii & swK neM sec 17. 00 acres; ,i II that pt of nwH seM and of noX of swM sec 17, in all 233.22 acres, Nunda 10714.00 Fred Powers, et al, to David Powers. till that pt of ne*4 swM sec 17. & wH nwM nw}< & new of sd nwJi of nwX sec 20, 30 acres, Nunda. in all 124.4$ acres. 10131.00 Etta J. Kittle to Michael A. Conway, e% of seK sec 10 & all that pt of 'wH of sd seM sec 10 lying e of the center of the highway, Nunda, 120 acres 15000.00 Clarence 8. Apgar & w to John VV. Pfannehstill, s 45 acres of el/4 seM sec 1. Dorr, also nK It 2 of swj< sec 8, Nunda, 37.75 acres, in all 82.75 acres. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Claim day had in the following estate: Amos O. Vasey. Final report filed in the following estate: William S. Starrett. Estate of Peter Hothermel, inventory filed. Lodusky Harsh, inventory, appraise­ ment bill and petition for private sale of personal property filed. Isaac Harsh, inventory, appraise­ ment bill and petition for private sale of personal property filed. Laura B. Kennedy, decree of heir­ ship entered. Henry Kennebeckj petition for pro­ bate of will and letters testamentary filed. ^ Susanna Mueller, inventory filed and approved. Suanna Mueller, leave given to sell personal property at private sale. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Oakes, N. D. Paul Peterson, 21.. Emma Behnke, 26.. Claude E. Cobb, 27- Eva C. Meyers, 18. P r e d S h o t l i f f , 2 0 . r . . Grace Kimball, 20. - W oodstock . Estherville, Ia. Walworth .. Spring Grove . ...Richmond KILLS A MURDERER. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Con­ stipation, Headache, Biliousness, Chills. 25 at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masque- let's. " Petesch's for drugs. r are arriving every" 4aj-4iDfes» Goods, Ginghams, Percales, La'wns, Utc; Call and make your selection early. :: A Few Snaps For Next Week Lenox, Santa Clans, Lighthouse, Swift's Pride Soap 7 for.»... ."1 agc Galyanic, ,Fels Naphtha and Brag Soap, 6 for. V* 4...... .25c Swift's Pride Cleanser, 4 for .35c Lump Starch, 8 pounds for 35c F. A. Bohlander Wwt McHenry \L| Telepli&ns 291 J & Capital Stock, $ae «««, C9SSISG ' . ncous are( those shown in a bank book. For the •world today is not ruled by the sword, but by money. EVERY DOLLAR YOU SAVE * . gives you a more com- mandi ^ i among your fellow men. Open an account here and start your ascent in impor­ tance. -- Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, C. H. Fegen, Sr., Pres. * Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. Get Out of the Rut by calling'at our shop for spring requirements. We have provided for your wants handsomely. ,You can see a carload of the finest and best selected vehicles in McHenry. We have Bug­ gies, Surreys, Poriy Carts in steel, cushion and V. tires, twin, semi-twin and panel auto seats, regular and auto tops, with all the latest ideas in vehicle construction, and they are our pride. Also a carload of Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows, Cultivators, Disc Harrows, Drills, Seed- eers. Corn Planters, Pumping Engines, Sani­ tary Chicken Coops, Drinking Fountains, Bol­ ster Springs, Wagon Boxes, Eltc. Last, but not least, we sell the best Silo built anywhere or by anybody, and we are here to make good. Always at your service, WM. STOFFEL Phones: re«o!n2e1' 7*«. J) BLOCK & BETHKE McHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE 54" LADIES' WAISTS HEN'S TROUSERS We have just received our first shipment of Ladies' Waists and it is by far the snappiest line we have ever shown. Get in and look over the line soon. Several styles are just the thing for now. Our spring line of Men's Trousers has arrived and a dandy lot they are. All new patterns and all wool material. Peg top and belt loops and full cut. See this line at... .$1^.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 Tailored Waist, neatly tucked, plaited and raised embroidered, very stylish, at $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Our spring line of Men's Trousers has arrived and a dandy lot they are. All new patterns and all wool material. Peg top and belt loops and full cut. See this line at... .$1^.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 Tailored Waist, neatly tucked, plaited and raised embroidered, very stylish, at $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 DISCOUNT ON FURS We will give a 10 per cent discount on all furs re­ maining in stock from now until sold out. This makes a big saving for you and the selection is quite complete--no old furs in this lot, all this season's goods. Don't wait a minute, but get yours selected early. MONEY SAVED. Sheer Lawn Waists, trimmed with lac^, embroidery I and the raised embroidery designs, on sale at. j $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 DISCOUNT ON FURS We will give a 10 per cent discount on all furs re­ maining in stock from now until sold out. This makes a big saving for you and the selection is quite complete--no old furs in this lot, all this season's goods. Don't wait a minute, but get yours selected early. MONEY SAVED. I HOUSE DRESSES.--Here is something you can­ not afford to sit down and make as they are so good and cheap. It would beh. waste of time. One piece House Dresses $1.00, 1.50 DISCOUNT ON FURS We will give a 10 per cent discount on all furs re­ maining in stock from now until sold out. This makes a big saving for you and the selection is quite complete--no old furs in this lot, all this season's goods. Don't wait a minute, but get yours selected early. MONEY SAVED. & mm iP'y

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