Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1911, p. 5

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II The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HAREWARE Johnsburgh, 111. *Phoi\e 926. \5 WALL PAPER Our new set of Wall Paper Samples is now in. Among them are some of the finest works of art. ) In general, we can show you a line varying in price, per roll, at from "f 00 to $1.35 We will be pleased to supply you with same. Just give us the measurement of your rooms. We will attend to the rest. :: :: :: J. C. Debrecht & Co. An Incomparable Light A Helper That Never Tires ARB EACH AVAILABLE AT THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON When Your Home Is Equipped for Electricity It is Luxurious in Everything but Cost Electric Service is possible to any income under our plan of wiring- houses at cost 24 MONTHS TO PAY, NO INTEREST North Shore Electric Company P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPKCIAi. ATTENTION GIVKN TO TUB SALE OF / Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest Wooe on the street. Tags and price list* furnished on application. COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3, Pulton St. Wk«tMl« Market. READ THE Classified Advertisements NEIGHBORING N&WSAS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS I BIlMKHXltt J. J. Reser saw a robin March 3. A. F. Salow was a Chicago visitor Monday. E. Letsler spent the first of the week in Chicago. Ray Lynch called ml a Woodstock dentist Friday. v " F. W. Qartman was a Woodstock visitor Monday. MissT^lorence Simmons was an Elgin visitor recently. v Myron Goddard of Greenwood was a business caller here recently. Mrs. A. Anners and Miss Schoof were Woodstock callers Friday. Mrs. Leramei-s visited with her sis­ ter, Mrs. S. Wakefield, recently. Mre. F. Wille visited her son, Fred, and family in McHenry Thursday. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. L. Bennett Were Woodstock callers Thursday. Mrs. C. H. Dutieid visited her sister, Mrs. E. Eddy, at Seneca Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Hartman was calling on relatives in Woodstock last Friday. -Mrs. Rose Goddard of Woodstock was a Ridgefield caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fitzsiminons were Chicago visitors Friday of last week. Louis Goddard of Woodstock was a pleasant ca'ler in Ridgefield Sunday. Mrs. Katie Smith oi Woodstock called on Mrs. A. Josephenson Sun­ day. Mrs. Rushton spent a part of Satur­ day and Sunday with Woodstock rela­ tives. Mrs. Fred McConnell and son vis­ ited with Mrs. Geo. W. Wheeler Sat­ urday. Mrs. Esther Smith and Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited with relatives in Wood­ stock Saturday. Howard Jacobs of Terra Cotta at­ tended the dance at the Woodman hall Saturday night. Station Agent Lynch is entertaining his brother and wife of Rush Lake, Wis., for a few days. Miss Clara Salow and sister, Flor­ ence, and Rudolph Madson were Shar­ on business callers Friday. E. Letsler and two daughters and Mrs. I, Gay lord and son were shoppers at the county seat Saturday. Minor Lock wood and wife of Wood­ stock visited their son, C. E. Lock- wood, and family last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne and son and Mr. and Mre. H. Cooper and soa vis­ ited at Father Wille's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and little daughter, Virginia, of Woodstock spent a part of Saturday and Sunday here. Miss Arline Stephenson entertained a school friend, Miss Helen Rogers, of Crystal Lake from Friday till Sunday afternoon. Sunday, March 12, Rev. C. H. Gies- selbrecht will give another of a series of stereopticon lectures on Bunyon's "Pilgram Progress." Mrs. Geo. Borden came down from Woodstock Sunday to visit her daugh­ ter, Mrs. R. Dagart. Mr. and Mrs. Dagart recently moved here and are occupying the Bunker farm. The Farmers' club will meet at the church March 17, afternoon and even­ ing sessions. Frazier of the University of Illinois and Miss Eva Robinson of the Chicago University will be the speakers. Next Friday evening the Woodstock High School Glee club will give an entertainment in the church parlors under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor. Admission, children, 10c; adults, 15c. Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restor­ ing the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. TKRKA COTTA- M. Knox was an Elgin visitor Mon­ day. Geo. P. Bay of Chicago spent Mon­ day at S. B. Leisner's. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago vis­ ited relatives here recently. Miss Eleanor Phalin has been on the sick list, but is now better. James Courtney of Wauconda called in this vicinity one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers of Mc­ Henry visited relatives here Tuesday. John Conway attended the basket ball game at Hebron Saturday even^ ing. Mrs. Joseph La l^lfmt of Crystal Lake visited at Chas. La Plant's last Wednesday. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, spent last Friday at P- A. Powers' at HolcombviHe. Miss Florence Leisner was a recent visitor in the home of her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Spring, 1911, samples International Tailoring Co. now on display. Call and select your Easter suit early at M. J. Walsh's. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to women suffering from chronic consti­ pation, headache, biliousness, dizziness, saliowness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers. THE KU DIRECTORY. If your name is in the Bell telephone directory you may be reached at once. The Bell telephone is so universally used that the Bell directory is relied upon for all; business and social in­ quiries. The Bell directory proves the value of Bell service. Chicago Telephone Company. RAISE PICKLES. See F. A. Boh lander for contracts. National Pickle & Canning Co. May 4 Coming, a carload of early seed po­ tatoes. Leave your orders at M. M. Niesen's at once if you wagt some. flllA John Schaffer of McHenry was in town Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Job Vasey of McHenry were in town Tuesday. Joe Haas of Wauconda transacted business here one day recently. Mesdames Math, and Albert Miller were McHenry callers Friday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanson transact­ ed business in Elgin Wednesday of last week. Misses Tessie Worts and Lucy Dun- IK11 were McHenry visitors Friday aft­ ernoon. Miss Bessie Dunnili of Chicago vis­ ited her parents here a couple of days last week. John Richardson visited his wife lit the University hospital in Chicago Thursday. Dr. Harry Hull of Crystal Lake was called here Tuesday to attend Mr Harry Nicholls. Miss Annie Rossdeutscher of Wao- conda was the guest of friends here part of the week. Miss Lucy Dunnili of Round Lake is spending a few days with her father and mother here. Miss Delia Crocker of Libertyville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and family. Mrs. John Walton and daughter, Elsie, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Waukegan. Mr. anjcl Mi's. Frank S^uelsdorf and f«mily have moved from McHenry into the Potter house near town. Mrs. Mary Leighton of Portland, 0« t-gOii, was an over ^ ucdI of her cousin, Mrs. Grace Kirwan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul, Avery of Lake Villa were Sunday guests of the for­ mer's mother, Mrs. Lola Avery. Mrs. Zuelsdorf of Des Plaines, who has been visiting her son, Frank, re­ turned to her home Friday afternoon* Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Sr., have moved from their farm into the Rosing house, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Pete Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will make Spring Grove their home in the future. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health thru their gentle aid and cura­ tive properties. Sold by all dealers. KMKKAI . i l PAKK. Lawrence Huck, Sr., spent Wednes­ day in Chicago. P. J. Aylward began working for W J. Walsh this week. t R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sun­ day with home folks. Paul Armstrong of River Forest spent Friday at the Park. Carl Hoffman spent a few days the first of the week with Chicago friends. Mrs. P. Costello of Elgin visited her mother, Mrs. Ellen Walsh, over Sun­ day. Messrs. D. W. Hill and Jas. llaxton of Chicago spent the week fend at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton are spending a week with R. J. Sutton and family. Mrs. Nellie Biggy of Chicago is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Ellen Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. A. La per of Chicago are living on the Mrs. Elizabeth Smith farm this year. Nobby hats just off the block, new shades and sha{>es. Call and see them at M. J. Walsh's. Edward Eisenmenger and Albert Laper are new pupils this week at the Kmerald Park school. ^ cw*oCii s pink cold tablets is what you want this kind of weather. Cure a cold in twenty-four hours. M number of the young people of this vicinity charivaried Mac A. Sut­ ton and his bride upon their arrival at tiie Park Saturday evening. Some noise! Cards have been received here this week by many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heaney from Havana, Cubft, where they are visiting their cousin, Ed. Farrell, who is employed there, and sight seeing. OSTKSD. Misses Hettie and Flossie Rpndall spent Saturday and Sunday in Elgin. Mrs. Charlie Shales and little son spent Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Mar­ tin. Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Dlraon and chHdren of Woodstock were Sunday callers in this vicinity. Mr- and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and ehildren of Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Frank Martin and Andrew Winegate drove the former's car to Chicago last Friday to get new improvements. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas was very ill last week, but is greatly improved at this writ­ ing. Mrs. Eber Bassett was assisting Mrs. W. F. Bassett with her household duties last week on account of the latter's sickness. Mrs. Alva Hollarbush was a Sunday caller in Greenwood. Her sister, Laura, accompanied her home to spend a few days with her. HAS NILLION8'OP FKIEND8. How would you like to number your friends by millions as Bucklen's Arnica Salve does? Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. It's the best Salve in the world for sores, ulcers, eczema, burns, boils scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swell­ ings, bruises, cold sores. Has no equal for piles. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. PICKLE CONTRACTS. Call on Block & Bethke. National Pickle & Canning Co. May 4 Opera House Wmhy AND sn*MY, MARCH ii and 12 • * K* i ADfllSSION, IOC Wives Sometimes Object ' To Life Insuranee. Widows never do. And the wife doesn't, either., when as old age comes on and the husband's earning power lessens, the maturing policy steps in to lift the burden dur­ ing the declining years of life. :: Wf HAT A b o u t that Life Policy W I I f\ I you were going to take IS IT "Protecting" your family? Better do it today-then it is done The Northern Life Insurance Co. OF ILLINOIS NEW 3ND HAND ELECTRIC mm. Alternating and Direst Cunal PRICES RIGHT LOCKE ETHER1DGE, EDISON PARK, HJL Chicago & North-Western. Effective Feb. IS, 1011. WI1K DAT TRAMS. NOHTHBOUND Via Elgin IiMre Chicago. •7.00 am. *#.00 a ui Via Ites lvalues ei.v Crystal tjtee. 2.40 Ar. McH *3.40 p m Via l)es Plaines.. •8.16 p m Via Eight... . *4.90 p a Via I)ea Flalnea. •UKDAT THA1NH 8 00am Via LHss I'ialn^s. . 7 10 a. m Via Elgin 8.06 p m Via Elgin Arrive McHenry .. 10.28 a m 10.SH a 111 enry. .2.55 .8.00 p m .6.24 d m .8.24 p m . .0.45 a m &. cu. . 6.08 p a Leave McHenry. *7,10 m.. * 7 . 1 0 a m . . *8.l»a m . .. • 4 . 3 8 p m . *4.36 p m .. 7.10 am.. 7.10 a m -- 5 . 0 0 p m . . . 5.00 Dm 'Dally ex WROTE DAT TRAMS. SOUTH KOOHD. ... Via t>e» (Maine* . Via EWn -- Via Des Piainea-- Via Dm Plaines Via Elgin.... sdidat xaAiM. Vljt Dwsl'latnes. Via Elg in . . . . .. Via He.s Plainer Via Elgin... ;ept Sunday. Arrive Ohlcago ....8.10 am ...'. 10.06 a m . .8.45 am ....8.S5 p m 7.S5 p in . . . 8 . 3 6 a m ...10.16 am --6.30 p m 7.96 D m RI NG WOOD. Bert McCannon was a Dundee visit­ or last Friday. J. S. Brown's brother died and he returned home Tuesday. E. C. Hawley and wife ^»ent Mon­ day with Rlgin relatives. Mrs. Luella Stephenson was in Wood­ stock on business Monday. A. Japaise will give a short talk at the M. CI. church next Sunday. F. D. Lowell and wife of Algonquin visited at Ed. Whiting's Sunday. Clarence Tuttle and Karl Bradley were Chicago passengers Monday. John McLaughlin and Mrs. Nobles were in Sharon, Wis., last Friday. Leonard Harrison and wife of Elgin visited at J. C. Ladd's the last of the week. Jay Hawver and family of Lake Ge­ neva, Wis., are visiting at H. W. Allen's. Burton Stevens and son, Chester, of Spring Grove were callers in town Monday. Emma Matthews and Emma Brink of West McHenry spent Friday of last week with Ringwood relatives. Big reduction in last season's Inter­ national samples. You can save up to 88.00 on a suit at M. J. Walsh's. The W. C. T. U.- meeting at Mrs. Tuttle's was a pleasant one. Rev. and Mrt Collins oi Greenwood were pres­ ent. Lora W&lkington, Eleanor Hawley and Mrs. Hepburn and little daughters were McHenry visitors one day last week. The children did well at their ba­ zaar, the proceeds amounting to about $15.00, which will be used in Sunday school work. Ora Harrison and wife took their little daughter to Chicago Tuesday of last week for an operation on her head caused by scarlet fever. She was brought home Monday of this week and is getting along very nicely. Moving pictures and illustrated songs at the Central Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12. You run great risk when yon al­ low a cold to develop. A cold is a menace to life. Break it up at the earliest possible momeai$. Petesch's Pink Cold Tablets make quick work of curing a cold, ^ They promptly equalize circula­ tion and overcome the conges­ tion. This is a remedy one should always have hand}'. A few dos­ es will break up the starting cold and enable you to avoid discom­ fort and danger. Price, 25 cents Guaranteed. N. H. PETESCH j Druj iHiumn Druggist. Tel. 274. flcHenry That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu­ factured. The business man, the professional man, the far­ mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come »© re­ cognize our "EARLY RISER" Flours a brand of merit. 8 i Feat Ik WEST McHENftY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prep. What is nicer than a well furnished home? What makes a home more cheerful and invit­ ing than neatly furnished apartments? A neatly furnished home may be had by every family in McHenry if they will only consult us on this question. Our line of household furniture is not onlv in keenino- with * ft O times, but our prices thereon generally catch the eye and suggest a purchase. When you are ready to add a piece or two of furniture to your home come and see us. The prices that we quote you will be entirely satisfactoi'y. ..Jacob Justen.. During march We offer the entire stock of V. B. Burge, Grays- lake, consisting of MOD'S, Women's and Children's Shoes, Hosiery, Under­ wear, silk and cotton Gloves, Laces, Embroi­ deries, Etc., for cash, at a Saving of 25 to 40 mr cent Men's $3.50 Shoes,....... $2.3S Men's $2.50 Shoes l*90 Hoys' $2.00 Shoes I.SO Boys. $1.75 Shoes _ 1.35 Ladies' $3.00 Shoes S2»SS Ladies'$2.50 Shoes 2.0Q Misses' $2.00 Shoes Misses' $1.50 Shoes... US HOST ALL SIZES IN STOCK SO COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Ladies' heavy fleece lined under- I Men's heavy fleeced, regular 50c wear, 60c quality, garment...42c I underwear, per garmeait....,3$k> Misses' heavy fleeced underwear I Boys' underwear per garment according to size 23c to 39c | . . . . . 1 4 c t o 3 ?c New line of Tennis Flannels, Ginghams, Prints, Muslins, Etc., at prices that are right. Come in and see our stock John Stolfel, litest mclfcitry, 11! CvUimonc lid, 301

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