Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1911, p. 5

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The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. ThE WEST SIDE HAREWARE L 8 N Y is here, and with it come the fast days when the substantial must be substitut­ ed. Herring, Bloaters, Canned Fish, Salmon, Sardines, Cheese, Eggs, also Vegetables and Kraut, are now in de­ mand. We have a full line of these goods. The prices on them are right, the quality is good. Therefore, don't hesitate, but just call on us, or phone your order and give these specialties a trial J. C. Debrecht &> Co. Johnsburgh, 111. *Phoi\e 926. (F A nil ,52 Incompara ble Light A Helper That Never Tires ARE EACH AVAILABLE AT THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON When Ypur Home Is Equipped for Electricity It is Luxurious in Everything but Cost Electric Service is possible to any income under our plan of wiring bouses at cost 24 MONTHS TO PAY, NO INTEREST North Shore Electric Company J) PHILIP JAEGER QENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honse on the street Tags and price list* furnished on application. Stall a J. PaltMl st. WkoMtk Market. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. READ THE Classified Advertisements NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RING WOOD. The Northern Life of Illinois. A. D. McKercher was in Chicago Sunday. C. W, Harrison was a Chicago senger Friday last. Miss Nellie McDonald of McHenry was in town Monday. C. C. Hunt and wife of.Hebron were calling in town Friday. Grant Condry and wife of Greenwood were in town Saturday. Ray Merchant and wife spent Sun­ day with his parents in Woodstock. Mrs. Ed. Dates of Delavan, Wis., was a week end visitor with Mrs. James Conway. Jay Hawver and family returned to their home in Lake Geneva, Wis., Thursday of last week. Mrs. Lou Francisco of Woodstock attended the banquet Friday evening and remained for a few days' visit. The Mystic Workers adopted forty- eight new members last Friday even­ ing, after which a banquet was served. Charles Bycler returned from Mil­ waukee, Wis., Saturday and is now assisting J. V. Bucklnnd in his nursery work. Me. and Mrs. Ward Wood of Lake Geneva, Wis., came down to attend the Mystic Workers' banquet Friday evening. Bert McCannon and family, L. A. McCannon and wife and Mrs. Ray Merchant visited relatives in Hebron Monday. The entertainment given by Mrs. Norton and pupils, assisted by the Genoa Junction orchestra, was very nice and enjoyed by all. The W. C. T. U. had a meeting at Mrs. Conway's Saturday afternoon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Emma Brown. SUWKVlIUfc Baldwin was in town Satur- JOHNSRUROH The Northern Life of Illinois. Theo. Meyers was a McHenry caller Monday. Math. Freund and wife of McHenry were callers in town Sunday. and Mrs. Win. Adains of Fox Lake were in town Tuesday. Jos. Miller and Leonard Michels of Fox Lake spent Sunday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Martin Freund of Mc­ Henry visited among relatives in this vicinity Monday. Peter Williams and wife of Spring Grove were Monday callers in Johns­ burgh and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Math. S. Freund of McHenry visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John M. May. Jos. Adams of Spring Grove was en­ tertained last Sunday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Miss Eva Huemann of Chicago passed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann. John Schumacher of Chicago passed a few days the latter part of last week among relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Math. StelYes and children and Jake Weingarten and family passed Tuesday with Mr. and Mi's. Wrn. 1£tten near Spring Grove. Mrs. August Huff and children vis­ ited Tuesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hettermann. OSTKKD. The Northern Life of Illinois. C. E. Jecks transacted business in Chicago last Thursday. T. A. Abbott attended the horse sale at Woodstock last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas have moved to the C. E. Jecks farm. Mr. and Mis. Frank Thompson were shoppers in Woodstock last Saturday. Miss Leila Abbott of Woodstock spent Saturday with Mrs. C. E. Clark. Mrs. Lou Francisco is spending the week with her sister, Miss Anna Wat­ erman. Chas. Jecks started Tuesday for Ok­ lahoma, where he expects to spend the coming year. Misses Flossie Randall and Hazel Thomas were Woodstock callers last Thursday evening. A number from here attended the Mystic Workers' banquet at Ringwood last Friday evening. Miss Anna Waterman and Mrs. Ab- bie Martin called on Mrs. Eli Chase of Ringwood one day last week. Roy Hobart has commenced work in the Borden factory. His many friends wish him success in his new enterprise. Miss Flossie Randall spent Saturday and Sunday in Marengo and was ac­ companied home by her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Randall. Ttitn The Northern Life of Illinois. Miss Mary Vossman spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Kate Frost was a McTIeniy caller Tuesday forenoon. Lee A. Huson was the guest of Libertyville friends Sunday. John Walton transacted business in Waukegan the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and sons of West Fremont were in town Sundays Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago vis­ ited at the home of her parents here last week. Mrs. Simeon Russell of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Laura Huson. ( Misses Ruby Cook and Bessie Clough of Waueonda were in town one after­ noon last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hanson are vis­ iting relatives and friends at Stough- ton, Wis., this week. Frank Greeable of Burlington, Wis., was a guest at the C. G. Huson home Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. P. L. Stadtfield and John Ef- tiager went to Stoughton, Wis., Sat ­ urday evening and will visit friends there for a few days. Mrs. O, day. E. S. Olmstead was in Woodstock pas- j Friday. John Oakroot was in Woodstock Saturday. F. W. Hartman was a.Crystal Lake visitor Friday. D. O. Kline drove to Crystal Lake on business Thursday. D. L. Gibson went to Woodstock on business Thursday. W. H. Levey was a pleasant Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Mrs. Arline Stephenson was a re­ cent caller in McHenry. J. H. Parks of Crystal Lake is call­ ing on Ridgetield friends. Mrs. Lemiuers of Woodstock was a Ridgefield visitor recently. Mis. J. G. Hartman was calling on relatives at the Lake Saturday. J. C. Button and Mr. Hartman were Woodstock callers Saturday. H. P. Barber was a Chicago business caller Thursday of last week. Ruht>n Hesseigrave of Woodstock Sundayed with his parents here. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed burned to the ground Tuesday. Mrs. Hanson entertained her sister, Miss Johnson, ol Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fivd Wille were call­ ing on friends in Crystal Lake Thurs­ day. E. Letsler and two daughters visited with Elgin relatives Saturday and Sun­ day. Byron Waterman, wife and little daughter spent Sunday at Father Reed's. G. L. Krrsn: of Laktr was shaking hands with friends in town Friday. M rs. Winnie Ward of Woodstock spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Dygert. Mi's, E. Senne of Woodstock called on her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille, recently. Mrs. Lolo Bennett of Woodstock called on her parents here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Duticld and niece, Miss Mabel Skinner, were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Walter Simmons and Nettie Shell spent Friday evening at the home of Miss Rhoda Knilans. Ed. Piei-son, Harry Cooper. Arthur Skinner and Louis Goddard of Wood­ stock Sundayed in Ridgetield. Herman Irish and little daughter of Harvaid spent Sunday with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irish. The young people of Ridgetield spent pleasant Sunday afternoon pleasure driving with their "best girls." Mrs. J. l». Lynch and daughter, Madalene, and Miss Genevieve God­ dard spent Saturday in the city. Walter Reed has resumed his work with the Borden company after a few days of pink eye and sore throat. Mrs. J. Thompson and little daugh­ ter of Seneca visited Tuesday and Wed­ nesday with S. Browp and family. E. E. Knilans, F. W. Hartman, J. C. Button and Mr. and Mrs. vF. Wille were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dygert enter­ tained to dinner Friday Mr. Dygert's mother and Mi's. Erwin of Hebron. Mr. Clow of Lake City, la., spent Thursday and Friday last with his grandfather, E. S. Olmstead, and aunt, Mrs. E. Smith. That famous bird, the stork, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mer­ chant Saturday, March 18, and left a new hired man. J. R. Hinman of Milton Junction, ***1 is., was a pit'iusaut caiier at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H, Burgett the first of the week. Mrs. Win. Wieland and two children, Emma and Willie, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Opera House Cravenette coats at at M. J. Walsh's. reduced prices Heopner, in Chicago. E. S. Olmstead and daughter, Mrs. Esther Smith, entertained S. E. Olm­ stead of Woodstock and Mrs. Squires of Sumner, la., recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Salow and daugh­ ter, Edna, went to Crystal Lake Mon­ day afternoon in their auto. Mrs. Salow is having dental work done. The Ladies' Aid will give an annual and an election of officers in the church parlors Thursday, March 30. A full attendance is desired. Everyone is welcome. A good dinner will |>e served. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobs, March 13, a son, but death entered the home March 18 and claimed the little stranger. The blow came swift and sudden to sadden the parents and rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole com­ munity. The remains were laid to rest in the Ridgefield cemetery Sun­ day afternoon. »'j« life. Kenneth Burns of Chicago called at the Park Sunday. Chas. W. Berkircher is residing in McHenry at present. Mrs. Ed. Knox spent a few days the tirst of the week in Chicago. Jas. Max ton of Chicago spent Satur­ day and Sunday at his cottage. John J. Aylward of Elgin visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Katherine Knox visited Chica­ go relatives Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Ed. Ariuit and Chas. Malefyt and families of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Smith spent Tuesday with the former's parents east of McHenry. A number from this vicinity attend­ ed the St. Patrick's dance at Waueon­ da Friday evening and report an enjoy­ able time. Easter post cards and booklets at Petesch's. SATURDAY ANft SPMY, March 25-26 MOVING PICTURES ILLUSTRATED SONGS Admission, - 10c NEW 2ND HAND Alternating and Direct Currant PRICES RIGHT LOCKE ETHERIDCE, EDISON PARK, UL CLASSIFIED DEPARTMINT All advertisements inserted under thin head at the following ratea: FIV«UDM or lena, U cent* for first Insertion; IB cents for each subsequent Insertion Hure than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for hrat Insertion, nd .1 cents a line for addition! Insertions. IIH)R SALE--The Allen P. Colby farm. O. 1 W. Stinsir, Agttot, Weat McHenry, III. 37-tt HHJR SALE--White plume seed oats. J. *- Adams. RtnRwood, III. 39-3t* \\7 ANTED-- Lady stenographer Apply to v* Evhkbtt ilDMTMH Boat Co., McHenry. III. 1JV>K HALE-- Rhode Island Red «kks for set- * • t i n * . I n q u i r e o f o r w r i t e S T A K K B H I N K , West McHenry, 111. 40-31 T OST--Between JohushurKli and McHenry, a log nlialn. Kinder will please return or notify 11. Zimmermann. Went McHenry, III. CV>R RENT Plow and hay laud. Inquire *- of. write or 'phone Mrs. E. 8., McHenry, III. 'PhoueSlS. 3»-tf CV_)R SALE--A quantity of hay. both tlm- *- othy and prairie. Can be loaded on cars at farm. Chahlcs O. Colby, McHenry, 111. 40-tf POH SALE--The Dr. O. H. Fegers, Jr., resl- 1 dence and property In McHenry. For further Information apply to or addreKK T. J., Mcl'leury, 11^. Ifl-tf EVJR SALE--A quantity of extra choice *- timothy seed; also about fifteen tons of choice timothy hay. luquire of or write J. O. West McHenry, 111. 3o-3t pOK SALE--Spring wheat. Oderbrucker * barley, clover aud timothy seed. All choice, clean seed, inquire of or write O. L. Pauk, West McHenry, ill. 38-4t tj>OR RENT--The cottage, together with " small garden, located uu the old Oleary homestead one-half mile south of McHenry. Inquire of or write Wm. J. Welch,«McHenry K.F. D. No. 2. W-tt TpOlt SALE--As I hare no further use for " same 1 will sell cheap one large 200-egg Jewel lucubator aud large Jewel brooder, both nearly new. Inquire of J. W, BoNwi-rrr. 36-tf McHenry, ill. EH)R RENT--The Uosedale hotel, located on the bauks of Fox river H mile south of the McHeury bridge. For further Informa­ tion apply to or write John F. Milleb, Mc­ Henry, ill. 3B-£t» TiVJR SALE--My brother-lu-law's Improved " South Dakota farm of :120 acres. Price, $0,000. Terms, hair cash. wiii also seii stock and farm implements. Good school within half mile. PnstofHce and store two miles dis­ tant. Can raise wheat, corn, oats, alfalfa and many other products. Chaklks C. Col­ by, McHenry, ill. April I* EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Joseph I. Lang, Attorney. Estate of Hubert N. Klapperlch, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed executor of the last Will'and Testament of Hubert N. Klapperlch, deceased, late of the County of McHenry aud State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the May Term, on the tirst Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified aud requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested U) make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tills rtth day of March, A. D. 1011. ;w-4t. Henry J. Kuappsrich, Executor KILLS A MURDERER. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Con­ stipation, Headache, Biliousness, Chills. 25 at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masque- let's. MRS. JOHN POWERS. Mrs. John Power, who resides south of McHenry in Nunda township, passed away quite suddenly on Tuesday morn­ ing of this week. Obituary will ap­ pear next week. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free applicatiqn of Chamberlain's Lini­ ment. Give it a trial. You are cer­ tain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. PICKLE CONTRACTS. Call on Block & Bethke. National Pickle & Canning Co. May 4 Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health thru their gentle aid and cura­ tive properties. Sold by all dealers. Fresh iish at M. M. Niesen's on Fri­ days and fast days during Lent. i T f You run great risk when you al­ low a cold to develop. A cold is a menace to life. Break it up at the earliest possible moment. 0 M? | ' f Petesch's Pink Cold Tablets make quick work of curing1 a cold, K They promptly equalize circula­ tion and overcome the conges- >' tion. This is a remedy one should | always have handy. A few dos­ es will break up the starting cold ^ and enable you to avoid discom­ fort and danger. Price, 25 cents Guaranteed.- N. H. PETESCH Druggist. Tel. 274. HcHenry That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu­ factured. The business man, the professional man. the far­ mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec­ ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. West MtHcnry flour and Feed Mills WEST McHIiiNkV, ILLINOIS JOHN SPRNCER. Prop. (r RUGS We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. raiw (imtrran uiiimnnfi fULL Mitum MmiHLa We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: :: ..Jacob Jus ten.. T & During We offer the entire stock of V. B. Burge, Graya- lake, consisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, Hosiery, Under­ wear, silk and cotton Gloves, Laces, Embroi­ deries, Etc ., for cash, at a Saving of 2S (0 40 per cent Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.35 Men's $2.50 Shoes - 1*90 Boys' $2.00 Shoes. . I.SO Boys. $1.75 Shoes _ 1.35 Ladies' 13.00 Shoes $2.3$ Ludies' $2.50 Shoes 2*09 M isses' $2.00 Shoes Misses' $1.50 Shoes 1,1$ HOST JUL SIZES IN STOCK SO CONE EARLY rOK BEST SELECTION Ladies' heavy fleece lined under- I Men's heavy fleeced,' regular 50c wear, 60c quality, garment .42c I underwear, per jfarmeot 38c Misses' heavy fleeced underwear I Boys' underwear per garment accorxling to size 23c to 39c I . 14c to 37c New line of Tennis Flannels, Ginghams, Prints, Muslins, Etc., at prices that are right. Come in and see our stpek 3obn Stoffel, Oie»l liivtmiry. 111. li*. Ml Y A b:,;

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