Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1911, p. 8

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Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Gloves, Underwear We deal entirely in Men's and Boys' wear and can save you money in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you can find in McHenry County fi, Call and see our line and convince yourself of our statement. - - JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - PHONE 303 "C™ It pays. When you buy a cement that is always uni­ form, you know EXACTLY how to mix it. If you buy a brand of uncertain quality, you always "put in a little more cement to be on the safe side." Which is the cheapest in the end? You all know The answer. ^/CAGO ^ Order CHICAGO AA Cement from us and get THE BEST. Every sack guaranteed. You take no chances. wiiBUR LU ^R CO. PHONE ooi. Wfcol MtHENRY, ILL. AM Che " " il § t" • •"* " " mm New Stock just in. This is the stove with a reputation and we stand back of each and every one that we sell. Ask those who purchased Stoves of last season what they think of '•'THE PER­ FECTION." Plain Stoves, without closets from. ..$7 TO Ovens from.. .$2 TO $«l Closets $5.00 EXTRA john Uycital mmM " < S, 4? f V • F*S R .'V' , ^ ba Gives nicer. 1 A- * *' There is no Baking' powder like It for hot biscuit, hot breads and cake. Jfitidt?. fram Pum Grape €rmm of Tartar* (r QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAIMDEALES ®T TWENTY-FIVE YEAJKS AGO. That "April fool" we received from English Prairie was of the right kind. Shake. John Meyers is expected down the river today with a raft containing' thir­ ty cords of dry wood. The cold weather still sticks to us. We tolerate it, we have no taste for it, but--we are strong on fried oysters. T. L. Turner of Wauconda has pur­ chased the meat market of E. Lam- phere and taken possession of the same. The postoffice at West McHenry was moved on the first inst., and Allen Walsh, the new postmaster, now has charge of the same. The wife <*f John Flusky, who lives south of this village on the Nunda road, died on Sunday morning last. She had been in poor health for some time, but her death was not looked for soon. Her remains were taken to El­ gin for interment. Mrs. Bryer, wife of Henry Bryer of West McHenry, died on Thursday morning last after a brief illness. She was somewhat advanced in years and the cause of her death was a general breaking down. Her tuneral was held on Saturday from the M. E. church, the Lutheran minister from Crystal Lake officiating, and her remains were deposited in the Woodland cemetery. The town meeting in McHenry on Tuesday passed off very quietly, but at the same time a good deal of earnest work was done. There were, as usual, two tickets in the field, viz., the Union Ticket, headed by P. K. Granger for supervisor, and the Peoples' Ticket, headed by John Huemann. For the office of town clerk, assessor and col­ lector there was no opposition, the names being the same on both tickets. The result was the election of the en­ tire Union ticket by majorities rang­ ing from one to one hundred and seven. Granger, for supervisor, had a majority over Huemann of 107, while Eldredge, for constable, had a majority over Wightman of 1 vote. The fol­ lowing are the names of the officers elected: Supervisor--P. K. Granger. Town Clerk--F. G. Mayes. Assessor--Peter Rothermel. Collector--Mathias Heimer. Commission of Highways--Allen P. Colby. Conatable--Chas. T. Eldredge. ANDERSON SAVES HIS SEAT. | AN ORDINANCE. ! Accepting and opening part of Water street in the village of McHenry, Mc­ Henry county, Illinois. Be it ordained by the president and board of trustees of the village of Mc­ Henry, McHenry county, Illinois. Section 1. That all that strip of land lying between blocks one (1) and two (2) that was laid out and platted as Water street, as shown on the original plat of the village of McHenry, be and the same hereby is accepted and opened as a public street for the use of the public. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, approval and publication according to law. Passed April 3, A. D. I»ii. Approved April 3, A. D. 1911. Published April 6, A. D. 1911. Approved: F. H. WATTLES, President of the Village Board. Attest: H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. LOW COLONIST RATES TO PACIFIC COAST D«UT t* April 10. For daily and personally conducted tours, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western line. Personally conducted California tours in Pullman tourist sleeping cars leave Chicago every Tuesday and Thursday. Double berth Chicago to the Coast costs less than ever before. For full particulars write S. A. Hutchinson, Mgr. Tours Dept. 212 Clark St., Chicago, or apply to ticket agents North Western Line. Prompt relief in all cases of throat and lung trouble if you use Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all dealers. Easter post cards and booklets at Petesch's. r* I PROBA TE NE WS I : LFurnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, J.msolB. OSIcs in Ar­ nold Biock. east wide public square. Ab­ stracts ot title and eon veyaudfiK. Money to loan on real estate in sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 684, 903 and ell.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Nina N Peterson to John Carey, se$i seM, swM sec 21, 10 acres; It 1 Co clerk's plat, eH oeM sec 29, 25.88 ; acres; It 2 Co clerk's plat nwk sec 98, • 54.80acres; It 7 Co clerk's plat wM neH sec 28. 27.50 acres; in all, 117.96 acres, McHenry (<48750 James H Parsons & w to Benj McBur- ney. It in sec 8, Pistakee Bay 1 00 Matie C Harrison & hus to Rebecca J Clark, ettneM sec 26; swM nwX sec 25 Greenwood 70000 Albert Etten ft w to Oristiue Bc!!c Miller, Its 32 & 83, Hunnyside subdlv sec 35, wH nwM sec 38, seM nw5i sec do, WMi n»» sec <sn, twp ncnenry 1160 06 Casper Kr tun pen & w to John C Krum- pen. It 4 blk 8 railroad addn village Richmond 75000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Weltzien, 63 Huntley Amelia Schaffner, 49 Huntley John Seal, 24 ...Walworth, Wis. Lua Kinney, 22 Walworth, Wis. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Henry Kennebeck. Appraisers ap­ pointed. Amos O. Vasey. Inventory and pe­ tition for private sale of personal prop­ erty flled and approved. Claim day was had in the following estates: Lodusky Harsh, Susanna Mueller. Final report filed in the estates of Mary A. Hay and William S. Starritt. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving all im­ purities out of the system, insuring a free and regular condition and restor­ ing the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all dealers. Petesch's for drugs. FINAL LAP OF RECOUNT RACE SHOWS DEFEAT FOK BELVIDEKE NAN. I We are prepared to show you the finest line of Shoes in the town in fine dress, medium and heavy work Shoes :: :: :: :: Men's fine Dress Shoes in lace, blucher and oxford at per pair $2.28, $2.80, $3.00, $3.80, AM AND *4.50 Men's Work Shoes from.. $&00 10 $4.50 See our $3^00 line in black, tan and viscol oil finish. Ladies' Shoes, velour, kid, patent leather, velvet, etc., from $2.00 TO $3.50 Ladies comfort Shoe, turn solo, button and common sense rubber heel, plump vici at $2.78 Ladies' Juliet style rubber heel comfort or nurse Shoe at $1.80 DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, POPLINS, FLAXON, PERCALES IN ALL GRADES AND COLORS. Our spring line of silks in plain and fancy colors, up from 39C GROCERIES: Try our 50c Tea, none better. Coffee, at per pound 2T)c, 30c and 35c Extra fancy New York full cream Cheese, October make. FISH FOR LENT: Cod Fish, White Fish, Mackerel, Herring, Canned Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp and Lobster. Goods delivered promptly. '1'hone 343. M. J. WALSH. The recount in the Burns-Anderson contest was finished by the sub-com­ mittee Wednesday afternoon of last week and the result is announced to be in favor of Anderson, who retains his seat by a majority of 147 i votes. Anderson's majority before the recount was 62 and his gain on the recount was therefore 85$. Mr. Burns returned from Springfield on Thursday. He says that until the | last few precincts in McHenry county j were reached he was in the lead. Finally a precinct in Harvard was tak­ en up and it was found that 93 votes had been counted for Mr. Burns twice. That ended the contest. The errors made in the precincts thruout the district were surprisingly numerous and especially so in McHen­ ry county. In Belvidere Mr. Burns gained 25i in the third precinct, but lost 10 in the second. Anderson'gained 9 in the fourth and 9 in the fifth precincts and lost 21 in the second. Ladies' Man Tailored Goods sold by the yard. Over 1,000 samples to select from. Come in and look them over. A perfect fit and first-class workman­ ship guaranteed. NOW is the time to place your order for that new spring suit. J. D. LODTZ, McHENftY GOODS are arriving every day--Dress Goods, 'Ginghams, Percales, Lawns, Etc. Call and make your selection early. :: A Few Snaps For Next Week Lenox, Santa Clans, Lighthouse, Swift's Pride Soap 7 for 535c • Galvanic, Fete Naphtha and Brag Soap, 6 for......s, 25c Swift's Pride Cleanser, 4 for 25c Lump Starch; 8 pounds for 25c F. A. iiohlander West McHenry Telephone 391 Capital Stock, $25,000. ** """" Depositors feel secure when they know their money is safely lodged in our burglar proof vaults. "Safe Banking" is what depositors want and is what they are •j*!""---- assured of when they enter the portals of this bank's door. Bank here and be secure. Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fegera, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. (F Get Out of the Rut by calling at our shop for spring requirements. We have provided for your wants handsomely. You can see a carload of the finest and best selected vehicles in McHenry. We have Bug­ gies, Surreys, Pony Carts in steel, cushion and V. tires, twin, semi-twin and panel auto seats, regular and auto tops, with all the latest ideas in vehicle construction, and they are our pride. Also a carload of Sulky, Gang and Walkings Plows, Cultivators, Disc Harrows, Drills, Seed- eers, Corn Planters, Pumping Engines, Sani­ tary Chicken Coops, Drinking Fountains, Bol­ ster Springs, Wagon Boxes, Etc. Last, but not least, we sell the best Silo built anywhere or by anybody, and we are here to make good. Always at your service, Phones: RESIDENCE!. AN ORDINANCE. Vacating a part of a street known as Water street in the village of McHen­ ry, 111. Be it ordained by the president and board of trustees of the village of Mc­ Henry, 111. Section 1. That all that part of lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5) and six (6) in block one (1) of Snyder's sub-division of blocks one (1) and two (2) which have heretofore been traveled and used as a public street be and the same hereby is vacated as a public street of said village. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, approval and publication according to law. Passed April 3, A. D. 1911. Approved April 3, A. D. 1911. Published April 6, A. D. 1911. Approved: F. H. WATTLES, President of the Village Board. Attest: H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. PetMoh'a for drag*. ! McHENRY, ILL. ETHKE TELEPHONE 541 TALK Do you know, ladies, that when buying a corset you must look for a corset that not only wears well but one that is made to fit you correctly? Hence a wrongly fitted corset means a badly fitted dress. Our corset department offers you corsets that will wear under a guarantee and will fit correct­ ly. We carry a complete line of sizes in the perfect fitting Nemo, W. B. and Parisiana. :: :: :: SHOES AND OXFORDS We invite each and every one, young and old, to come in and look over our spring and summer styles of shoes and oxfords, by far the most up to date in style and make. We guarantee our ladies' line to be better in style, workmanship and wear and cheaper than any line sold. Ladies' Kid and Gun Metal Shoes in lace and button.-$2.00, ®2>25, $2.50 Ladies' Gun Metal and Patent Shoes 12.60, #3.00 Ladies' Oxfords in Kid, Gun Metal and Patent Colt. .-«2.00 up to t3.00 Ladies' black Suede Pumps and Oxfords. -- $3.50 Men's Shoes, the None Better Thompson Shoe, known for quality and style. We have them in all the latest styles at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5 ITEMS TO CLOSE OUT Here is your chance to get real merchandise at a big saving, a good line left of all. Don't delay as they will be taken quickly. Children's 35c ribbed fleeced Shirts and Pants 25c Men's 50c fleece lined Underwear now .. _ _ 3^ Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Wool Underwear now 75c, $1.00 One lot of 50c and 75c Silk, choice per yard. __.30c One lot of 39c and 50c Silk, choice per yard 16c One lot of 12ic and 15c Gingham and Flannelette, to close, per yd 6c Children's $1.50 Wool Sweater Coats, choice $100 OUR GROCERY STOCK is always fresh and prices you will find low. s'J

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