sHirr have art elegant play of these WAISTS on exhibition and invite the ladies of this vicinity to our store to look them over. Prices range from "v s ST -tl" 4'; „;r > Professional, Society V: a,nd Business Cards: DAVID G. WELLS H. D. AND OOULMT areen streets, McHe^TXhLff& m I>R. R. G. CHAMIIERLIN DENTIST OWc« *»er Besley's Dray gtn. Honrs: 8:00 to 5:30. WiwMoBlKn.Ttj. DR. N, J. NYE McHENRY, ILLINOIS >HV8ICIAN ANO«UftGEON. Office bours at Johliftbnrgh. III . from 7 svi u . m. Wednesday and Sunday of~e:uVh weV!i< 'Phomk, McHkbmt 33a. e MAX ZIMMBRM\NN BUFFET II Willow St., corner Orchard street, cukj lock north of North Ave. FINE WINKS IQUOBS AND 0IGAR8. Fine Lunch. Dr. Arnold Mueller, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON C. M. ADAHS, JOHNSBURQH, ILLINOIS I JOHNSBURGH, ILLINOIS slephene No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Tie Mm ) PWiiPiier PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. Office In Bank Baildlng. Telephone, No.S7l. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year © 50 •is months, TSCts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, April 6, 1911. village election. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the 18th day of April next, at the village hall, in the village of McHenry, in the county of McHenry and state of Illinois, an election will be held for the following officers, viz: One presi dent of the village and three trustees. Which election will be opened at seven o'clock in the morning and will con tinue open until five o'clock in the aft ernoon of the same day. Given under my hand at McHenry the 27th day of March, A. D. 1911. H. E. Price, Village Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for president of the village board, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming spring election. Thanking my friends in advance for their sup port, I am, Respectfully yours, 39-tf Peter J. Freund. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of president of the village board and will be thankful for the support of my friends at the com ing spring election that will be held Tuesday, April 18. John H. Miller. 41 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Mullen St Hoy, Attorneys. Estate of Henry Kennebeck. deceased, The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Henry Kennebeck, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, iierehv gives nntlra that *he wil! appear be fore tfie County Court of McHenry' (Tenuity at the Court House in Woodstock at the June term, on the first Monday in June next at which time all persons having claims against Raid Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same ad justed, AH persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 3rd day of April, A. D. 1911. 42-tt Elizabeth Kmnkbkck. Executrix. Wm. Simes can supply you with the very finest lubricating oils for engine and automQbile use to-be found on the market today. Better see him. Fir All The Local News COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN tiwtr iuii iUL> Attn nnpv vvn mot im * * T kiliLnUii. AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDBD INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR FRIENDS. Schiessle Chicagoed Monday. E. Buch spent Monday in Chi- Theo. Henry eago. J. M. Preston of Chicago passed Sun day here. M. J. Miller was a Ridgefield visitor Wednesday. T. J. Walsh was a county seat vis itor Tuesday. C. W. Edwards was out from Chica go over Sunday. F. J. Herbes transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. G. Frett was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Martin J. Stoffel attended to business matters in Elgin Monday. J. C. Bickler was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Fred Peegle of Chicago was a Sun day guest of McHenry friends. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional visitor in Chicago Wednesday. James Edwards passed a few days last week with McHenry friends. Everett Hunter was a business visit or in the windy city Wednesday. Geo. H. Hanly transacted business matters in the windy city Tuesday. Misses Kathryn and Mayme Heimer were Chicago visitors Wednesday. J. D. Lodtz transacted matters of a business nature in Chicago Monday. Mesdaxnes Anton and Fred Schneider were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Miss Anna Stock was the guest of Chicago friends the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Bonslett is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Fitzsimmons, of El gin. G. W. Besley was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morn ing. August Larsen of Chicago was shak ing hands with friends in town Tues day. F. B. Doolittle attended to business matters in the metroj>olitan city Mon day. F. E. Block of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of his brother and sister here. Nick Martin went to Chicago Tues day morning to take in the election excitement. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Weber and children passed Monday in the metro politan city. Arthur Bickler and Miss Ms*®? Heimer passed Sunday as the guests of Elgin friends. D. G. Nellis of Kenosha, Wis.,'passed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. W. D. Wentworth, A. M, Brown and Walter Simon were county seat visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hutson of Wood stock were guests of McHenry relatives and friends Sunday. Miss Anna McGee has been visiting Woodstock and Harvard relatives and friends the past week. Jos. Rothermel spent the first of the week as the guest of Elgin and Chica go relatives and friends. Mrs. Peter Schoewer and daughter, Anna, were among the Chicago pas sengers Monday morning. Miss Maude Schreiner was the guest of Elgin and Chicago relatives and friends the first of the week. Rob Mansfield of Greenwood was a recent caller at the home of his grand mother, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne. Mrs. Henry Heimer and daughter, Delia, are passing a few days as the guests of Chicago relatives and friendB. H. S. Gardinier of Volo was a pleas ant caller at the home of his sister, Mrs. Alice Simpson, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Theo. Bickler passed a few days last week in Elgin, where her daugh ter, Mrs. Anna Shelton, lies quite ill in a local hospital. Miss Elfreida Berner came out from Chicago last Saturday evening to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berner, over Sunday. Miss Lulu Simpson and a girl friend from Woodstock were entertained in the home of the former's mother Sat urday afternoon and Sunday. Jos. W. Freund, S. M. Esler, M. L. Worts, Dr. D. G. Wells and John Stof fel were among the Chicago passen gers this (Thursday) morning. James Revor left Tuesday afternoon for Minneapolis, Minn., near which city he has large land interests. Mr. Revor expects to be gone about three wefeks Margaret, Florence, May and Sue Harrison of Ringwood were guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Sherburne, and aunt, Miss Sherburne, two days recently. Any town or community that gets a bulldog grip on prosperity is fortunate. But the bulldog grip will not hold if some citizens pull one way and some another. All must pull or push in the same direction. For instance, if half the people want Main street macadamized and the other half insist that Central avenue should have the and each half holds there isn't going amization in that O n c e t h e r e t creek running living on one side built at a certain the other side bridge at another eections fought so the issue that no One side of the from the other there are two there used to be out for its side to be any macad- town. was a town with through it. Folks wanted a bridge point. Folks on w a n t e d t h e point The two d o g g e d l y o v e r bridge was built, creek seceded side, and now half towns where a whole one. Another way to make a half town out of a whole one is for half the people to buy their goods through the Mail Order Houses in the big cities while the other half buy* from the local stores and factories. If your place has the bulldog grip on prosperity don't pry it Ioom by pulling against your own local interests. TOIA James Kirwan transacted business in Chicago last Monday. Mrs. John Walton is at home again after a week's stay in Waukegan. Miss Elsie Walton is spending this week with relatives in Waukegan. Mrs. Edward Lusk and Miss Hellen Raymond spent last Monday in Chica go. Lee and Miss Marion Huson were guests of friends at Libertyville Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. George Eatinger have returned from a trip thru the southern states. S. J. Russell transacted business in Chicago and Waukegan last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller were recent visitors with relatives at New Munster, Wis. Miss Nettie Russell was a recent vis itor with her sister, Miss Lydia Rus sell, at Waukegan. Mrs. John Richardson has returned to her home here after several weeks in a Chicago hospital. Miss Annie Rossdeutscher of Wau- conda visited relatives and friends here the fore part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuebler and son, Clark, of Des Plaines were over Sunday guests at the Richardson home. Mrs. Mary Doan and child of Iowa are spending a few weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Han- son. » Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kuten- berg of Waukegan, Wednesday, Mar. 22, a daughter. Mrs. Kutenberg was formerly Miss Maude Walton of this place. KINO WOOD. Mrs. James Green was in McHenry Monday. t Rev. and Mrs. Collins of Greenwood spent Wednesday in town. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Brown's last Satur day. Mrs. Florence Smith attended the Federation meeting at Woodstock last Friday. Mrs. Florence Smith went to Hunt ley Monday in the interests of the W. C. T. U. work. Miss Lillian Sanborn of Chicago Heights visited her brother, Wade, during vacation. Petesch's pink cold tablets is what you want this kind of weather. Cure a cold in twenty-four hours. H. W. Allen, S. W. Smith and E. C. Hawley attended the Woodmen county convention in Woodstock Wednesday. Warren Foss' cousin and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George, of Johnson, Vt., spent Sunday and Monday with him on their way home frbm California. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen, Mrs. Emma Mat thews and Mrs." James Rainey attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Homer Wattles in McHenry Friday. The sad news was received of the death of Vernon Banks at the home of his parents in Chicago on Tuesday of last week. His many relatives and friends extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. The W. C. T. U. Institute will be held in Ringwood Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, April 11 and 12. Mrs. Etta Edwards will be the leader and will deliver the lecture Tuesday even ing. All invited. AH* visitors will be entertained. FOR SALE. Clean seed wheat at cost, the kind that makes good flour. McHenry Mills. Chicago & North-Western. Effective Feb. 12.1911. WUK DAT TRAINS. UhU-ago. korthbocsd McHenry *7.00 am Via Elgin 10.** a m *9.00 am Via Des Plaines 10.28 a m SLv Crystal ljike. .2.40 Ar. McHenry. .8 55 *3.40 p m Via Des Plaines 6.00 u m ....Via Elgin 6.24 u m *4.50 p m Via Des Plaines. 8.24 p la SUNDAYTHAIHL 8 00am Via Des Haines. 9.46 a m 7 10 a. m Via Elgin 9,48 a. m *•06 pm Via Elgin S.OO pm wm DAT trains. McHelV southbound. dhfoalo *7.10 am Via Des Plaines 9.10 a m "7.10 am Via Elgin 10.06am •S.ltta m Via Des Plaines a m \la Des Flames.. . ....«.» p £ K Via Elgin 7.25 pm SCSTDAY TRilM. 7.10am Via DesI'lalnes. 9.35am 7.10a m Via Elgin jo.jft a IB &-00pm Via Des Plaines 6.30 p m 5 00 P« VI* Blgla 7.25 p m •Dally except Sunday. C ,!~ •• _m !S*pr r m m m sr k Ei V U U U f i H I f * IS HERE Full Line At TH "1 w n w etj £*• mm I mm Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, IlllnoU LQ. SENG Swa# avinm •! »- illence in iiquera end cigars, same mrvlee, same eld stand, same miy- ilng except the P9~NUMBER_cl 106 N. 6th Ave. CHICAGO. PARCELS CHECKED FREE NEW and 2ND HAND ELECTRIC MOTORS Alternating anil Direct Current PRICES LOCKE ETHERIDGE, EDISON PARK, OX. LOUIS H. EISEHGER, JR. T»il«pheae -BUYER S8E OF- W i l b u r Telephone 651 Lumber Co.'s West McHenry, III. Calves, Poultry, Hides, Etc. Highest market prices paid. McHENRY, - ILL. Fine Steck rchandiae Perm Sales Real Estate Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a ' GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblic pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the lowest rates a Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. EXCELUNI lOAVfS and Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable result if 'you use White Swan ...Flour... G. A. SitHEM AUCTWCLk WEST HUENRY, ILL mmmmm I 1111 SI m&£w West Side Livery a Gar^e R. I. OVERTON. Prophiistor. Buses meet all trains for points on l'istakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team ing of all kinds done promptly. Spe cial attention given to traveling men. FVst-cluss rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 472. •:: West McHenry, III. • Telephone 47a FOR SALE BY Wilbur Lumber Co. West ricHenry N. P. Steilen & Son ricHenry John Richardson Vole William Althoff Johnsburffh WHAT? that carload of seed and eating POTATOES Let us have your order NOW M. fl. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 ricHenry, - Illinois. ..Centerville.. Grocery&Market Always a fresh and complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- e ' e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. Q. Frett, Proprietor. Zilch ENRY, ILLINOIS. Read Th is Paper m Tht Butterfly Htt the style op is sure to be right. Every de pendable style originated in liu- rope or the style centers of this country is incorporated in the different mode:*. Ckso*etiie "Once Hal" yes Iftre sag ftm can rest assuml tkal tkc rtjris Is c«Nct Harriet H.Howe EASTER DANCE AT STOFFEL'S. The annual Easter dance at StoffePs hall will take place on Monday even ing-, April 17. Sherman's orchestra of Woodstock has already been engaged for the occasion. More particulars next week. Lubricating oils and mixed paints, the very best that the market affords! See Wm. Simes, McHenry.