Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1911, p. 5

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v ;\ . • " v , ̂ 5 » -» ;e'•< M HtkHi £M. f II The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HAREWARE To brighten up, the Sherwin-Will­ iams Paints a^d Varnishes. They are made of pure lead, pure zinc, pure lin­ seed oil and the necessary coloring pig­ ments and dryers, all ground and mixed by special machinery. This makes them uniform in quality and long wearing after being applied to the surface. :: :: J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. *Phor\e 926. nmnri HGwrtmih iiAWirPBipMfnP Ap OTf'lTV I nr. fUmifULV MINVLMLIU/Ld ur LLLtllViUIl are available WHEN YOUR HOUSE IS WIRED It supplies the most superb of arti­ ficial lights and power that runs every little or big machine about the house. ELECTRIC SERVICE IS CHEAP Let us show you the advantages of wiring your house on our 24 months to pay plan, no interest. North Shore Electric Company PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTKNTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price liat* furnished on application. COLD STORAC1E FREE SS.JAKS-" CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. READ THE Advertisements NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS iiMi .n... JOHNSBCSSS. Nick Freund drove to McHenry Tues­ day. Easter post cards and booklets at Petesch's. Miss Lena Pitzen of Volo was a caller in town Tuesday. Mrs. Mat. Steffes visited among rela­ tives in McHenry Tuesday. Mre. Mat. Blake of McHenry yiei.ted anion j> relatives here Monday. John Meyers and family passed Sun­ day in the home of Frank Miller. Thomas I>ietchfield of Chicago was a ipleasant caller in town Friday even­ ing-. Mi's. John Niesen and Mrs. Joseph Michels were McHenry visitois Tues­ day. Mesdames Jos. Thelen anil S. H. Schmitt were McHenry callers Sun­ day. Dr. N. J. Nye and Nick Hutfbauer of McHenry made a call thru Johnsburg'h Monday. Mrs. Ma;tin Freund of Ingieside was a caller in Johnsburgh and vicinity Friday last. A pood show at the Central Satur­ day and Sunday, April 8 and 5*. All seats 10 cents. Miss Clara Ileesman of Burlington, Wis., visited aiuon^ Yrieiids m Johu&- burgli last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Klein and Joe Freund of Ingieside were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Maggie Freund. Miss Eva King of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King, recently. Mesdames John Mertes and George Nell were entertained as guests in the home of John P. Lay Tuesday. Miss Margaret Huemann of McHen­ ry spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann. Misses Eva and Clara Degan and Mrs. Wm. Blake of McHenry were Johnsburgh visitors one day recently. Misses Rose and Kate Althoff of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Al­ thoff. Diarrhoea should be cured without loss of timg and by a medicine which like Chafljfberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly, but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never tails and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers. K M K K A l . 1 t P A K K . John R. Smith spent Saturday at North Crystal I^ake. Miss Myrtle Huck spent last Friday and Saturday with McHenry friends. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Mary Gibbs Sun­ day. R. J. Sutton spent a couple of days the first of the week with Elgin rela­ tives. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel and son, Leo, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. J. J. Flusky of McHenry was a re­ cent visitor at the home of James Hughes here. Messrs. D. W. Hill and Jas. Haxton of Chicago spent the week end at their cottages here. Miss Helen Kunstman of Elgin was the guest of her parents here over Sat­ urday and Sunday. Big spring opening at the Lotus mil­ linery on Friday and Saturday of this week, April 7 and 8. Mi-s. M. A. Sutton and Miss Luey Sutton spent a few days the first of the week with Chicago relatives and friends. Your topgue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your stomach is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Cham­ berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all dealers. Ed. Sutton returned to his home in South Dakota Monday after spending a week visiting with relatives and many old friends in and around Mc­ Henry. South Dakota is a great coun­ try from all reports, but "Oh you Mc­ Henry!" Mr. Sutton was accompanied home by Lawrence Huck, Jr., who has taken the former's, as well as Horace Greeley's, advice and gone west to grow up with the country. OSTEND. Call and see the newest things in millinery. Harriet H. Howe, Heimer block. Hazel Thomas visited relatives in Woodstock last week. Miss Flossie Randall is unable to teach school this week. Miss Sadie Hobart attended institute at Woodstock last week. Robbie Weber spent last week with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Clara Harrison spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Har­ rison. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin and chil­ dren were Sunday visitors in Wood­ stock. Frank Thompson and Robert Rich­ ardson transacted business in Wood­ stock last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainev spent Sunday at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas. Mrs. Lou Francisco and son, Leslie, returned to their home in Woodstock after an extended visit with her sister and friends here. Every family and especially those who reside in the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment. There is no telling when it may be wanted in case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent in all cases of rheuma­ tism j sprains and bruises. Sold by all dealers. R'^Thursday of last week. c Reed and daughter, ElUUKfllLU Mrs. Lolo Bennett was a Sunday caller here. Mrs. A. Jacobs was a Crystal Lake visitor one day recently. Charles Conerty of Chicago was a Ridgefield caller recently. E. L. Kimball was calling on friends in tow Pearl, were in the city recently Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walkup were Marengo callers last week Wednesday. Rosie Peterson visited with her sis­ ter in Woodstock Saturday and Sun­ day. Misses Glenys Jacobs and Rhoda Knilans were Chicago callers Wednes­ day. Miss Mildred Whyte of Crystal Lake spent Friday night with Miss Glenys Jacobs. The Ladies" Aid society will meet with Mrs. E. E. Shepard on Thursday. April 13. Theo. Hamer of Woodstock ,was a Sunday guest in the home of F. W. Hartman. Miss Gertrude Fay had <ome dental work done at Crystal Lake the first of last week. J. J. Reser S|>ent Friday at Genoa and his wife and daughter, Marjorie, at Capron. Mrs. J. B. Lynch spent Friday with her daughter. Mrs. Blanche Conerty. in the city. George Oglesbyand friend of Hebron visited with his brothers, Clyde and Frank, recently. Fred Wille and son-in-law, H. Coop­ er, of Woodstock spent Saturday and Monday at Cai\v. Mrs. Chas. Orntsl»\ and sister, Rhoda Knilans, were Woodstock business callers Monday afternoon. F. V. Giesselhrecht of Pennsylvania is visiting his brother, Rev. C. H. Giesselbrecht. and family. Miss Nina Johnson of Crystal Lake, recently of DeKalb, was a pleasant Ridgefield caller Thursday. Miss Mal>el Skinner entertained her sister, Mr*. Myrtle Linscott, and two children of Woodstock Friday. Master Hepry llisler spent a few days recently at the home of Jackson and Josiah White near Hart!and. A lew of Mrs. H. Nelson's many friends helped her celebrate her thirty- ninth birthday anniversary March 31. Mrs. H. B. Rice of Crjstal Lake spent the latter part of last week with her brother, Albert Jacobs, and fam­ ily. Mrs. F. E. Fay and son of Ringwood visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. P. B. Haughawout, and family. W. L. Yanke attended the wedding of his sister, Miss Lydia Yanke, to Mr. Lesley Prant at Honey Creek, Wis., Monday, April 3, 1911. The cemetery association will meet at the cemetery, weather permitting, on Thursday afternoon to plan neces­ sary improvements for the same. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frank of Elgin visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Du- field Sunday; also Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cox and children of Burton's Bridge. Clarence Thayer of Warren, 111., spent a few days recently with his sis­ ter, Mrs. George Gorham, and family, enjoying the fine hunting aud fishing near here. The stork in his untiring flight left at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ford, March 28, a winsome little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ford have the congratu­ lations of their many friends. School commenced Monday after a week's vacation. Mr. Mullen, princi­ pal, is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Loekwood aud Miss Ural Severns, primary teacher, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson and children, Emma and Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nelson and children, Will French and Miss Agnes Risley attended the wed­ ding of Miss Anna Nelson to Mr. Nels Pierson Wednesday, March 29, near McHenry. The Aid society met in ffee church parlors last Thursday. Their dinner was a financial success. Officers elect­ ed were: President, Mi's. L. A. Walk- up; vice president, Mrs. W. E. Dike of Woodstock: second vice president, Mrs. E. E. Knilans; general manager, Mrs. D. L. Gibson; secretary, Mi's. George Wheeler; treasurer, Mrs. C. E. Lock- wood. The village was called upon to wit­ ness. the third fire within a few months, the first being the home of A. Jacobs, which caught beside the kitchen stove and was discovered in time to save tl*® home, and the second Henry Reed's, which was destroyed. Sunday evening at about six o'clock the oil house of the C. & N. W. Railroad Co. was consumed. It was situated between the depot and pumping house, and it was fortunate that there was no wind at the time. A. F. Salow was taken to a Chicago hospital early Thursday morning by Dr. Cole of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Salow and Mr. Salow's sister, Mrs. C. Strat­ um, accompanied him. Upon his ar­ rival at the hospital it was found that a prompt removal of the appendix was necessary for his recovery. It is un- dei-stood that he is improving as rapid­ ly as he can under the circumstances. His brother-in-law, Ernest Bartelt, of Woodstock, with Mr. Salow's oldest daughter, Clara, will manage the store during his absence. Several interesting and important church events will take place on the two coming Sundays. Next Sunday be­ ing Palm Sunday both morning and evening services will be appropriate to the day. In the evening Mrs. C. W. Hart of Woodstock, who was a visitor to the Oberammergau last summer and 6aw the Passion Play, will deliver a Opera House m SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, APRIL 8 & 9 floving Pictures Admission, - ioc OUR MEATS GO SO PAST because t hey are so Rood. People natur­ ally prefer sweet, tender, Jutcy meats to tbe other kind. So they come and keep on com In (t- TRY SOME OP OUR BEEF If you would enjoy something choicer than you may have Imagined could be had. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 CLi All »<lTcrtl»emeut8 Inserted und«r tbU head ait the following rate*: lire lino* or leu, St cent# for first ln*«ruon; IS cent* fur u«ch xubstxjuunt insertion. More than Ave line*, I cenU m line for Mt Insertion, nd t cents > line for addition I Insertions. T7*OR SALE--Ten brood sows. ' West McHenry, III. J. B. YOUNG, "CVDRSALE--The Allen P. Oolby farm. O. r W. StlNQIH, Agent, We*t McHenry, 111, 87-1 f T*T ANTED--Girl for general housework. In- ** quire of Mas, ADOLPH Tina, McHenry Bakery. 42-tf "CVJR SALE--Rhode Island Red egga forset- J- ting. Inquire of or write STARR BRINK, West McHenry, 111. Tel. 874. 4©-3t LOST--Between Jnlinshnrgh and McHenry, 2 log chains. Finder will please return or notify H. ZIMMBRMANN. West McHenry, III. LOST--A twenty-live ride C. & N. W. bearer ticket. Kinder will please leave at this office and receive reward. 42 TJV)R 8ALE--Clean clover seed. Inquire of 1 or write JAT DOBERTT, West McHenry, III. * 4«-«t* LOST--Somewhere In the vlllago on Friday evening of last week, u ladles gold watch. Finder will please leave same at tne Bank of McHenrv. TTVJKHALE--A grey gelding, age six years, P weiitht 1.W0 pounds. For fnrther infor­ mation Inquire of or write to H. A.Colby, Spring Grove. 111. SALE--The Dr. C. H. Fearers, Jr., resi­ le dence and property In McHenry. For further Information apply to or address T. J. Walah, McHenry, III. Id-tf FOU SALE- Lots on the river front, summer cottages aud awelllugs aud other lots aud lauds iu the village limits. Oall ou O. .V Ow'ttM, at the Bauk of McHeury. t^OK SALE-Agood work horse; also an -P Emerson gang plow and a quautity of white oats, free from foul seed aud good for seed. P. J. C'lkaky, McHenry, III, 41*-tf EVJK BENT--The cottage, together with " small gardeu, located ou the old Cleary homestead one-half mile south of McHenry. Inquire of or write Wm. J. WikCH, McHenry, K. V. U. No. 2. 39-tf tt»OK SALE--AS I have no further use for " same I will sell cheap one large 200-egg Jewel Incubator and large Jewel brooder, both nearly new. Inquire of J. W. BONSLBTT. 38-tf McHeury. III. AFIN E OPPOliTUN1TY--We want a young lady to represent us iu this locality. We give you an exclusive territory, ideal work, tine pay. Write for particulars. Howard Specialty Co., Oak aud Ryerson Ave,, Elgin, III. «-«t* tTHJR SALE OR RENT--Three cottages lo- cated ou the west shore of Pistakee Bay; one u nlue room house, one an eight room and the other a one-story bungalow. About two acres of land go with them. Address Box 2R5, West McHenry. ill. 42-tf XjVJR SALE --My brother-in-law's Improved -P South Dakota farm of 320 acres. Price, fB,000. Terms, half cash. Will also sell stock and farm Implements. Good school wlthlu half mile. Postoffice aud store two miles dis­ tant. Oau raise wheat, corn, oats, alfalfa and many other products. CBAHLKS C. COL­ BY, McHenry, 111. 42-tf lecture upon this sacred play. The lecture will be illustrated with the stereopticon views. Everyone invited. On Easter Sunday a special feature will be introduced in the nature of a sacred cantata, given by the choir, and other features. The choir will render the entire evening program. The in­ vitation is extended to all to come and join with the church in celebrating these sacred days. Miss Lillian Sanborn of Chicago Heights passed several days last week as the guest of Ringwood and McHen­ ry relatives and friends. Miss Sanborn was at one time an instructress in our public school and is favorably remem­ bered by many of our younger people. (c Your Drug Store We endeavor to conduct a drag store which will attract and hold those people who demand and appreciate reliability. A store where the interests of patrons are as carefully looked„ after are our own interests. In fact, both interests are iden­ tical, something that we never forget. We want your drug store trade believing that the quality of onr service and the character of onr service is such as all careful drug buyers want. !\T t 1 1 1 • £ Druggist. .PETESCH Tel. 374. ncHenry v9 it *+ That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu­ factured. The business man, the professional man, the far­ mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec­ ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. ?U!y? WEST McHENRY. ILUNOI5 I <ii ten ,1b PI We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: ir. ' We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :. ..Jacob Justen.. will both be needed housecleaning time. ICS I carry a well select­ ed line of both in stock and will be pleased to have you inspect them. Shjld^ mounted on automatic rollers, six " and seven feet in lenghths, ea..2S to 40 711 Jill Da not* w ith ceilings and borders to wan rqger match per double roll g to Have you tried my 25c Coffee? It is a good one for the money. My Black Tea at 75c per pound is cheaper to use than lower priced grades because you use only half as much and the flavor is ever so much nicer. It is worth trying. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Jap Tea regularly sold at 60c to 70c, my price only St UJ«»t IftcDenry, 111* Stoflcl,

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