r' , Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Gloves, Underwear We deal entirely in Men's and Boys* wear and can save you money in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you can find in McHenry County Call and see our line and convince yourself of our statement. :: :: :: JOS. w WEST McHENRY, FREUND - - PHONE 303 It pays. When you buy a cement that is always uni- forin, you know EXACTLY how to mix it. If you buy a brand of uncertain quality, you always "put in a little more cement to be on the safe side." Which is the cheapest in the end? You all know the answer. Order CHICAGO AA Cement from us and get THE BEST. Every sack guaranteed. You take no chances. 'PHONE 651. mmmBM CO. WEST M9HENRY, ILL. HulHiyiilu New Stock just in. This is the stove with a reputation and we stand back of each and every one that we sell. Ask those who purchased Stoves of last season what they think of "THE PER FECTION." Plain Stoves, without closets from...$7 TO $9 Ovens from.. .$2 TO $3 Closets....$5.00 EXTRA iSEYESTB SCHOOL N6HH a#ws a am We are prepared to show you the tinestrline of Shoes in the town in fine dress, medium and heavy work Shoes :: :: ;; Men's fine Dress Shoes in lace, blucher and oxford at per pair. *2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, 4.00 AND $4.50 Men's Work Shoes from.... $2.00 TO $4.50 See our 13.00 line in black, tan and yiscol oil finish. Ladies' Shoes, velour, kid, patent leather, velvet, etc., from $2.00 TO $3.50 Ladies comfort Shoe, turn sole, button and common sense rubber heel, plump vici at _ _ $2 75 Ladies Juliet style rubber heel comfort or nurse Shoe at $1.50 DRESS IN A (XJDS, GINGHAMS. POPLINS, FLAXON, PKRCALK8 \JKADhS AND COLORS. Our spring line of silks in plain and fancy colors, up from. 39C GROCERIES: Try our 50c Tea, none better. Coffee, at per pound _ . L>5c, :{0c anj E*tra fancy New York full cream Cheese. October make. FISH FOR LENT: Cod Fish, White Fish, Mackerel, IferrinL' Canned Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp and Lobster. Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone . 'Mil . M. J. romr-soi CASES OP TAWMMBBftAIB» PORTED FOR MONTH--ENMMLLHENT N» MONTH MS. FIRST GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 12; girls, 15: total, 27. No. of day9 attendance: Boys, 214i; girls, 2654; total, 480. No. of days absence: Boys, 35$; girls, 43$; total, 79. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0, total, 0. Average daily attendance tor grade, 24. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in j industry, 10. j No. neither absent nor tardy, 17. SECOND GRADE. j Enrollment: Boys, 11; girls, 6; total, | 17. | No. of days attendance: Boys, 179$; j girls, 115; total, 294$. No. of days absence: Boys, 25; girls, j 5; total, 30. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; | total, 0. j Average daily attendance for grade, ! 14.7. | No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in- j dustry, 6. J No. neither absent nor tardy, 6. j No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Mrs. M. Overton, Teacher. THIRD GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 17; girls, • 10; total, 27. No. of days attendance: Boys, 904$; girls, 170; total, 474$. No. of days absence: Boys, 8$; girls, 5$; total, 14. Ciiscs of tw»rdinCo&: Soys, 3; girts, a; total, 4. Average daily attendance for grade, p. 72. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in* dustry, 10. No. neither absent nor tardy, 7. FOURTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 5; girls, 8; total, 13'. No. of days attendance: Boys, 88$; girls, 125$; total, 214. No. of days absence: Boys, 1$; girls, 5$; total, 7. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 6; total, 6. Average daily attendance for grade, 10.7. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 7. No. neither absent nor tardy, 1. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Clara V. Stoffel, Teacher. FIFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Bpys, 13; girls, 13; total, 26. No. of days attendance: Boys, 213$; girls, 220; total, 433$. No. of days absence: Boys, 39; girls, 19$; total, 58$. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 10; girls, 1; total, 11. Average daily attendance for grade, 22. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 21. No. neither absent nor tardy, 7. SIXTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 10; girls, 10; total, 20. No. of days attendance: Boys, 151f; girls, lHoi; total, 317J. No. of days absence: Bpys, 23$; girls, 10$; total, 34. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 2; girls, 6; total, 8. Average daily attendance for grade, 1(5. No, of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 16. No. neither absent nor tardy, 2. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Myrtle L. Wattles, Teacher. SEVENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 9; girls, 6; total, 15. No. of days attendance: Boys, 169, girls, 112; total, 281. No. of days absence: Boys, 11; girls; 8; total, 19. Cases of tardiness: Boys, l;^irls, 2; total, 3. Average daily attendance lor grade, 14 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 6. EIGHTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 12; girls, 13; total, j 25. | No. of days attendance: Boys, 205; girls, 242$; total, 447$. No. of days absence: Boys, 33; girls, 13$; total, 46$. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 9; girls, 1; total, 10. Average daily attendance for grade, 22.3. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 19. No. neither absent nor tardy, 9. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Alice I. Knox, Teacher. NINTH GRADE. ^Enrollment: Boys, 7; girls, 15; total, No. of days attendance: Boys, HOf; girls, 276$; total, 387$. No. of days absence: Boys, 29$; girls, 23$; total, 52*. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 19.34. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 12. No. neither absent nor tardy, 6. TENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 1; girls, 8; total, For making quietly and per*; feetly, delicious hot biscuits ̂ hot breach* cake and! pastry there is no substitute for Wi the Standard •0 No Alum--No Lime Phosphates Ml am entirely opposed to tlae ose of la Baking Fowdeis/*--Prof. Chandler, Columbia UnHx, Shmd the Lmbei "Alain, Kodlnm ainm, basic aluminum sBlpbafe( mlpbste of aluminum, all mean the same tMng umdjr, BURNT ALUM***--Kansas State Board of Health. P• bohlander General Merchandise girls, 147J; total, 167J. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, 12(; total, 12f. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 3; . 3. < ^verage daily attendance for grade, 8.34. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 6. No. neither absent no^ tardy, 3. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. * No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Agnes A. Perry, Teacher. ELEVENTH GRADE. Enrollment 9. Boys, 3; girls, 0; total, Hoys, 60; No. of days attendance: girls, 119; total, 179. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, 1; total, 1. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, 9. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 8. TWELFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 2; girls, 1; total, 3. No. of days attendance: Boys, 40; girls, 20; total,'60. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0, - lor grade, 3. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 3. No. neither absent nor tardy, 3. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. REPORT OF ALL GRADES. Enrollment: Boys, 102; girls, 111; total, 213. No. of days attendance: Boys, 1754; girls, 1977; total, 3731. 1 No. of days absence: Boys, 204; girls, 146; total, 350. Cases of tardiness?' Boys, 2<$; girls, 20; total, 46. Average daily attendance for school, 186. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 128. No. neither absent nor tardy, 75. No. of cases of corporal punishment for school, 0. No. of cases of truancy for school, 0. A. Edgar Nye, Superintendent. 117 Capital Stock, $25,000. Easter post cards and Petesch's. booklets at Man Tailored Goods 1,000 sold bv samples to select vard. from. Come in and look them over. A perfect fit and first-class workman ship guaranteed. I ( i: the time to place your order for that new spring" suit. I 11 CI #• C. C* |*All 7 very rapidly if you place them to your credit here at our bank. We pay three per cent on all of Our Savings Accounts. Why not provide for the future by making your start now? We solicit the accounts of those who seek a re pository for their money where safety is fully assured. . . . . S a f e t y D e p o s i t B o x e s , $3.00 Per Year.... m a*** '/ lidwln L. Wagner, Pres. OFFICERS: c. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. 11R 11 From now until August 31, 1911, we will give the following prizes for Cash Trade Only: 1ST PRIZE, ONE SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS, VALUE - $28.00 2ND PRIZE, ONE 14-INCH WALKING * PLOW, VALUE - $14,00 3RD PRIZE, ONE PLUSH LAP MM, VALUE . . . $10.00 (OR THElfe EQUIVALENTS) Wo will issue to every cash purchaser coupons of 11k1; denomination of one dollar (nothing less) for the amount of his purchase in dollars. Every thing we handle and sell for cash is entitled to coupons (except automobiles--they will not be 1 * CONDITIONS OF CONTEST: I'ay your money, save your coupons, and pull down one* of these prizes. In order to be per fectly fair with all of our many customers we will jjivo cash coupons for all book accounts which are settled in full by April 30, 1911. That, we believe, is fair to everyone. Now, who will get them? Yours for trade, WM. STOFFEL PHNNPC* OFFICE-77». T^ILULLCD. RKSIDKNCE-791. If No. of days attendance: Boju, 20; McHENRY, ILL. ETKKE TELEPHONE 54" CORSET TALK Do you know, ladies, that when buying a corset you must look for a corset that not only wears well but one that is made to fit you correctly? Hence a wrongly fitted corset means a badly fitted dress. Our corset department offers you corsets that will wear under a guarantee and will fit correct ly. We carry a complete line of si7,es iii the perfect fitting Nemo, W. B. and Parisiana. :: :: " il SHOES AND OXFORDS We invite each and every one, young and old, to come in and look ovei our spring and summer styles of shoes and oxfords, by far the most up to date in style and make. We guarantee our ladies line to be better in style, workmanship and wear and cheaper than any line sold. Ladies' Kid and Gun Metal Shoes in lace and button. #2.00, *2.25, *2.50 Ladies' Gun Metal and Patent Shoes ' r2-50' *J.OO Ladies' Oxfords in Kid, Gun Metal and Patent Colt $2.00 up to *3.00 Ladies' black Suede Pumps and Oxfords *3..>0 Men's Shoes, the None Better Thompson Shoe, known for quality and style. We have them in all the latest style* at- *3.50, *4.00, *4.50, $5 ITEMS TO CLOSE: OUT Here is your chance to get real merchandise at a big saving, a good line left of all. Don't delay as they will be taken quickly. :: :: Children's 115c ribbed fleeced Shirts and Pants ,25c Men's 50c fleece lined Underwear now .. -38c Men's *1.00 and $1.25 Wool Underwear now 75c, *1.00 One lot of 50c and 75c Silk, choice per yard. v 30c One lot of 3!te and 50c Silk, choice per yard 15c One lot of I2ic and 15c Gingham and Flannelette, to close, per yd 8c Children's $1.50 Wool Sweater Coats, choice *1.00 OUR GROCERY STOCK is always fresh and prices you will find low. J I ]