£SBR ^ ' The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HAREWARE j BED SHEETINGS PILLOW TUBINGS Below we are listing' a complete line: 45-inch Pillow Tubing, bleached, per yard 10c 45-inch Pillow Tubing, bleached, per yard _.22c 42-inch Pillow Tubing, bleached, per yaid - 20c 45-inch Pillow Tubing, half bleached, per yard 19c 42-inch Pillow Tubing, half bleached, per yai-d -. -20c 10-4, or 90-inch Sheeting, bleached, per yard .30c 9-4, or 81-inch Sheeting, bleached, per yard - 32c 9-4, or 81-inch Sheeting, half bleached, per yard _ . . . 30c 9-4, or 81-inch Sheeting, unbleached. }*'r yaixl 6-4. or 60-inch Sheeting, bleached, por^'ard . __2.rc 5-4, or 45-inch Sheeting, unbleached, per yait l lHc 5-4, or 45-inch Sheeting, unbleached, per yai -d 15c 42-inch Sheeting, unbleached, pe? yard 15c We also have a good selection of bleached and unbleached Muslins and Lonsdale Cambrics. J. C. Debrecht 6 Co. Johnsburgh, 111. 'Phone 926. THE MiiirOLi) CONVENIENCES OF ELECTRICITY are avai lable WHEN YOUR HOUSE IS WIRED It supplies the most superb of arti ficial lights and power that runs every little or big machine about the house. ELECTRIC SERVICE IS CHEAP Let us show you the advantages of wiring your house on our 24 months to pay plan, no interest. North Shore Electric Company P H I L I P J A E G E R OBNERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE 8AL.K OF Dressed Beef, rtutton, HofS, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price list* famished on application. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3, P»lto« St. WkMtal* Market. The most fashionable line of hats in McHenry may be found at the Mrs. K. W. Howe establishment, over Mock & Bethke's. Fresh fish at M. M. Niesen's on Fri days and fast days during Lent. Easter post cards and booklets at Petesch's. T) convince a stu' born man that good paint lasts longest show him a house painted five years ago with Brad ley & Vrooman paint. Full measure and pure. Sold by F. L. McOmber, West McHenry, 111. Petesch's pink cold tablets is what you want this kind of weather. Cure a cold in twenty-four hours. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KNKK4I.1) PARK. Jas. Frisby spent Tuesday at North Crystal Lake. A. Kenneth Burns of Chicago Sur- dayed at the l'ark. Miss Lucy Carey of McHenry visited Miss Mayine Knox Monday. Mi's. W. I). Went worth of McHenry was a caller at J. It. Smith's Tuesday. Messrs. Jas. Haxton and 1). W, Hill of Chicago spent the week end at the Park. Messrs. W. J. Walsh and W. Bolger were North Ci \stal Lake callers Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong1 of May wood spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park. Miss Mamie Smith visited her cousin, Miss Edna Colby, at North Crystal Lake Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Hayes of Chicago are spending this week at their cottage sm£i of here. Mis. Kd. Comisky and son, Jos. of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hughes Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Frisby «nd son of McHenry visited Mrs. Kllen Frisby and family Sunday. Miss Margaret McLaughlin of Chica go visited Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Walms- ley Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chi cago spent a fe\(r days at their cottage here the first of the week. The Kmerald Park ball team began their spring practice Sunday. Judging from the enthusiastic turnout, there will be some good things done by this team this coming season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flarety of El gin spent Sunday with Mrs. Kllen Frisby and family here. Mi's. Frisby was celebrating her birthday and her many friends remembered her on the occasion with a post card shower. TKBKA COTTA- M. Knox was a Chicago visitor Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck were Mc Henry visitors reoently. Eifgene Leisner of Woodstock visited at his home here Sunday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was the guest of hotne folks Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Conway and Mrs. J. M. Phalin spent Monday in Elgin. Mrs. E. Kelley and daughter, Grace, were recent Woodstock visitors. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago spent last Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin and chil dren were Griswold Lake visitors Sun day. Martin Conway of McHenry spent Thursday evening at the home of Jof. Buss. Donald Bolger of Woodstock spent a week recently at the home of J. M. Phalin. Misses Florence and Frances Knox were guests of Elgin relatives one day recently. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin and Miss Frances Welch called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Powers and Miss Frances Welch of McHenry sp^nt Sun- cay afternoon with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson have written from California that they have spent a very pleasant winter there. They have not yet decided when they will return. Mr, Anderson is acting as station agent at Riverside, Calif. J nHNflJWBGB. Joe Miller of Fox Lake was a caller in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob May passed Sun day at the home of Mrs. K. Mav. M rs. Mat. StefFes and children passed Saturday among relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Frank Miller and daughter, Lizzie, were McHenry callers Monday. I)r. N. J. Nye and Albert Nye of Mc Henry were Johnsburgh visitors Sun day. Lew Althoff of Palatine spent Sun day at home, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. AlUiofT. Miss Mayme Freund of McHenry visited last Sunday with Miss Emma Bugner. ~Mesilanies John S. Freund and Hu bert Freund of McHenry were in town Tuesday. C. M. Adams and daughter, Helen, were Chicago passengers Monday morning. Mesdames Ben Stilling, Jr., and Jacob R. Justen were Spring Grove visitors Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Mueller spent Sun day afternoon and evening with Otis Murray and wife. Peter Freund and family of McHen ry were entertained last Sunday in the home of John M. May. John Lay of Chicago visited several days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Lav. M Win. Toni&n find duutfht^r, Maggie, of Spring Grove visited at S. H. Smith's last Saturday. Lee Murray, \) ife and children of Wauconda spent Monday night and Tuesday with Otis Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hetterman were entertained in the Murray home Sun day afternoon and evening. Misses Kate Schaefer and Kate Mill er of Spring Grove were Sunday callers in Johnsburgh and vicinity. Mr. and Mi's. Jos. Wagner of Spring Gro^e visited in Johnsburgh and vicin ity Wednesday of last week. Misses Lena and Mary Pitzen of Volo were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen Sunday. Joe Adams of Spring Grove was a guest in the home of his parents. Mr. and Mi's. C. M. Adams, last Sunday. Mrs. August Huff and children of Spring Grove spent • Monday among relatives in Johnsburgh and vicinity. Mr. and Mi's. N. P. Steilen and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of McHenry at tended the funeral of Jos. Freund here Tuesdav. SlUuKVIKUl , F. Hartman went to the city Thurs day. Louie Johnson went to Crystal Lake Friday. D. O. Kline went to the city Friday morning. D. O. Kline is suffering with an ul cerated tooth. Mrs. F. M. Risley visited with Mrs. S. Thayer Friday. Mr. Manning of Elgin called on rel atives here Friday. Mrs. A. Josephenson was a Wood stock caller Friday.. M iss Florence Simmons was an El gin visitor Thursday. A. P. Peck of Madison, Wis., is vis iting with his family here. Howard Jacobs was an employe for the Borden factory Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Dutield ma^e a business trip to Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. C. W. Ritt of Woodstock visit ed at A. F. Salow's Sunday. Mrs. GofT and Mrs. Smith were Crys tal Lake callers Wednesday. Ruth and Mabel Kline were Crystal Lake business callers Monday. Mrs. Rose Goddard was a Woodstock business caller Friday afternoon. Louis Goddard rode to Crystal Lake 0:1 his motor-cycle Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Heail of Woodstock were Ridgefield callers Sunday after noon. Mr. Francisco and son, Albert, were Woodstock callers Wednesday of last week. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mada- lene, sjient Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skinner and two sons Sundayed with Mr. and Mi's. R L. Dufield. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield has returned ft-oni a visit of several days with her son in Elgin. E. Cadwallader of Terra Cotta visit ed his sister, Mrs. It. L. Dutield, and family Sunday. Mrs. Hans Nelson and daughter, Myrtle, were Chicago visitors a few days last week. Mrs. A. Anners and Miss Clara Schoof were Crystal Lake business visitors Tuesday. WalU'r Reed and Clyde Oglesby were business callers in Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Hartman and Mrs. R, Daygart were pleasant callers in Woodstock Friday. Mrs. A. Anners and Mrs. J. J. Reser were among the many callers at the county seat Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson of Chicago visited their daughter, Mrs. Lars Nel son, and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Simmons entertained their sister, Mrs. W. Richardson, of Chicago a few days recently. Mrs. Lolo Bennett of Woodstock vis ited Wednesday and Sunday with her mother, Mi's. Lynch, and son, James. J. C. Button is confined to his home with a severe attack of muscular rheu matism. Dr. Wlndmueller of Wood stock is attending him. M Iss K&therine Risley and gentle man friend of Betoit visited with Mits Risley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Risley. over Sunday. H. Cooper is land seeking in the West, Mrs. Coopdr will visit with relatives in Ridgefield, Crystal Lake and Woodstock during his absence. Mrs. A. F. Salow visited Mr. Salow at the Chicago University hospital and reports he is gaining as rapidly as can be expected. His many friends ex tend congratulations. M rs. A. Hanson and son, Earl, went to Woodstock one day last week to consult an eye doctor. Mrs. Nelson's eyes were left in a very bad condition by an attack of measles. Mrs. C. W. Hart of Woodstock gave a most interesting stereopticon lecture last Sunday evening on the Passion Play. Those who attended were very much impressed by the sacredness of the entertainment. On Easter Sunday special features will be introduced. A sacred cantata will be given by the choir, which will render the entire evening program. The invitation is extended to all to come and join with the church in cel ebrating the sacred day. Song service and special music will be the order of the Christian Endeavor services next Sunday evening, begin ning promptly at 7:15 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited. Topic, "The Spir it of Resurrection." Let us make this a good live meeting. Wilbur Levey, leader. tuia Alfred Nicholls of Chicago visited his mother here over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Hironimus of Round Lake was in town last Friday afternoon. Miss Ruby Cook of Wauconda spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives 'here. Misses Ruby Cook and Helen Ray mond were in Chicago Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stadfeld and son, Stanley, were McHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wau conda were Sunday guests in the Ed ward Lusk home. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago spent a few days during the past week with her parents here. Harry Lusk of Gftayslake and Miss Katherine Dowell of West Fremont were in town Sunday. Nir. and Mrs. John Freund apd chil dren of McHenry were visitors at the Mat Miller home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and chil dren of North Adams, Mass., are spend ing a few weeks at the C. G. Huson home before going to their new home at Maplehurst, Wis. Opera House SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, APRIL 15 & 1 6 The Motlograph M o v i n g P i c t u r e s AH Seats, - 10c FOR THE EASTEK DINNER you had better order your nieat from our market. You will then be assured of a successful feast, because we sell only the sweetest and tenderest MEATS, FOWL AND GAME Your appetite will be better tbe moment you taste tbe rich. Juicy flavor of our meat. Its goodness makes It a delicacy no palate can resist. E. F. Matthews WEST McHBNRY - TELEPHONE 3 CLASH® .IEP41WIT A i l »dT«rtlseraent< Inaerted under tbl* he*d at the lol lowing rates: Fire lines or less, 16 cents for first taatertlon; 16 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Itoru Uuut S>e linos, & ctrnu » line tor first Insertion, nd 3 cents t line TOT addition I insertions. "GROUND-- A bunch of keys. Inquire at The PUAINDBAKR OFRICB. 43 It •CVJR SALE-The Allen I*. <X>lby farm. <1 *• W. Stbnqbr, A Kent, West McHenry, III 37-tf f°S Wc SALE--Rhode Island Red eftKs for set ting. Inquire of or write Starr Brink t McHenry, III. Tel. 874. <0-3t F°» III. SALK CIenn clover seed. Inquire of or write Jay Dohbrtt, West McHenry. *8-2t* CTRAYED-- from Woodstock last Sunday ° ulRht. black horse, white face, two white stocking legs. If seen, uotify N. E. Homuth, Woodstock. III. T3VJIJNI>-- In West McHeury. a plush lap *• robe. Owner can have tmrnp by calling <in Simon Btoffel. proving propeHT and pay ing for this notice. WK SALE--Tbe Dr. O. H. Fecer*, Jr., real- *• dence and property In Mclfonro, For further Information apply to or address T. J. Wauh. McHeury, III. M-ti CVJU SAlJiJ- LotM on tbe river front, auipmer * U.n<1 uyrf j<j»« and lands tu the village Tlmlts. oil I an o. N. Own, at tbe Bank of McHeury. 8ALE-A good work horse; also an r Emerson gmug plow and a quantity of wbtte oats, free from foul seed and gwa for need. F J. (Jljcarv, McHeury, 111. 41*-tf FOK SALE--A twenty-foot tuotor canoe lu first class eoudltlou. Cunoe is driven by four-horse-power engine. For further in formation apply utTHBl'LAiNDKALKHOrriijie 43-tf TTVJU KENT--Tbe cottage, together with " small garden, located on tbe old Cleary homestead one-half mile south of McHenry. Inquire of or write WM. J. WsfcCH, McHenry. R. F. U. No. 2, 3»-tf TTVOK SALE OH RENT--Three cottages lo r cated ou tbe west shore of I'istakee Bay; one a nine room house, ooe au eight room aud the other a one story bungalow. About two acres of laud go wttli them. Address Box 3H&, West McHeury, ill. 4JM.I T AUNOU FOR SALE- A twenty-two footer iv driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engine. Boat is liiiKiiud lu ma hogany and has been overhauled this spring, placing It In A No. I condition. For further information apply to or address Newton Otto, Orchard lieacb, McHenry, III. I'hone 206. 43-tf. CVJR SALE--My brother-in-law's Improved " South Dakota farm of 320 acres. Price. 10,000. Terms, half cash. Will also sell stock aud farm Implements. Good school within balf mile. Postofflee aud store two miles dis tant. Can raise wheat, corn, oats, alfalfa and many other products. <JHAH1.MI1 O. Uot- ny, McHenry, 111. 42-tf | PROBA TE NEWS ] [Furnished by McHenry fctounty Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office lu Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan ou real estate in sums of tfve hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones S34. 903 and Ml.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . H. TTanly to E. J. Hauly, pt It 18 of sw* sec 27 , McHeury 9 1-0° Ben B. Brown et al to Horace Long. It ll blk 16. Mclieur ;y mil to McHenry Name L-ury . J . C . Bickier, it* 4, S, tt, blk 25.00 1.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Henry P. Allen, inventory tiled. Harry A. Allen, minor, do. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edward Roberts, 21 I^ake Geneva, Wis Katie Barker, 21 " " Geo. W. Schroeder, 22.N. Crystal Lake I d a M . K r u e g e r , 2 1 . . , . 1 4 " Henry Stading, 22 Huntley, 111 Ida Everd, 20 " " Aloion Radway, 28 Beloit, Wis Mrs. Ethel Witte, 19 " Your Drug 5tore We endeavor to conduct » drug store which will attract and hold those people who demand and appreciate reliability. A store where the interests of patrons are as carefully looked after as are our own interests. In fact, both interests are iden tical, something that we never forget. We want your drug store trade believing that the quality of our service and the character of our service is such as all careful drug bu}-ers wart . * J I N. H. PETESCH Druggist. TeL 274. Hcflenry •• That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu factured. The business man, the professional man, the far mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. | fk M ted Hllb WEST McHBNRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. rsf We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: FBFF NfjirufeNrfV i ituii (jib vi in\i rm^gaiiUjU We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? ..Jacob Justen.. Ufaij Paper I Si will both be needed housecleaning time, ttlindow Shades I carry a well select ed line of both in stock and will be pleased to have vou inspect them. mounte<l <m automatic rollers, six ^ and seven feet in lenghths, ea..2S to 40 mail P*||%&f* with ceilings and borders to • -- match per double roll. ..8 to 41 Have you tried my 25c Coffee? It is a good one for the money. My Black Tea at 75c per pound is cheaper to use than lower priced grades because you use only half as much and the flavor is ever so much nicer. It is worth trying. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Jap Tea regularly sold at 60c to 70c, my price only ,St 3obn Stoffel, Hits aiefjetirv, Hp. • : Ctiepboiu n$. 301