Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1911, p. 5

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•tiaaii BECAUSE, First, The electric current being required whenever a customer lights his lamps must be manufacture the moment the lamps are turned on and this fact makes it necessary to have apparatus always in readiness to supply the demand. Second, The same investment in boilers, engines, generators, mains, etc., is ne­ cessary on the part of the company to be in "Readiness to serve" a customer's needs whether he wants the service for one hour in e«^fT month or ten hours daily. Of two customers taking 5 Kilowatt Hours a day, the one who takes the 5 Kilowatt Honrs by the use of 20 lamps burning 5 hours should have a better rate per unit than the one who takes the 5 Kilowatt Hours by the use of 100 lamps burning one hour, each lamp using 50 Watts per hour or 1-20 of a Kilowatt. Each customer uses the same amount of electricity, but one requires INVESTMENT for 100 lamps and the other for 20 lamps only. The two rate system automatically gives the best average rate per Kilowatt of electricity used, to the customer who burns his lamp the greatest number of hours each day. This is right. It is obvipus that the customer who uses the investment 10 hours daily should have a much better rate than the customer who uses the investment but one hour a day for the following reasons: Every enterprise has two main divisions of expense. First, fixed charges such as interest, rents, royalties, sinking fund, taxes, insur­ ance and second, operating expenses. The operating expenses are also sub-divided into fixed expenses and variable expenses. Fixed expenses are salaries, legal expenses and such part of wages, fuel, etc., as are required to keep the plant going with the minimum hourly output. Variable ex­ penses are proportioned to the output. In electric lighting the variable expenses? lorm but a small part of the total cost compared with fixed charges and expenses. The electricity canflot be profitably stored for future delivery like gas or other products but must be generated at the very time that the consumer uses it. Consequently, the plant must be always equipped to supply the maximum demand Therefore, it is obvious that the consumer who uses the investment 10 hours daily should have a much better rate than the customer who wishes the investment but one hour a day. The North Shore Electric Company's rates for electricity under the two rate- contract, are 13 l-2c per Kilowatt Hour until a use has been made equivalent to burning all the lamps comprising the customer's maximum demand 30 hours each month and 7c per Kilowatt Hour for the electricity used in excess of that amount. Experience having shown that a residence seldom, if ever, has all the lights con­ tained in it lighted at the same time and it having been ascertained by experiment what proportion of the lamps contained in the residence are lighted at the same time, a table has been prepared showing the relation between the number of lamps contained in the residence and the number used at one time. This table practically ignores all lamps Contained in closets, servants' quarters, attic, basement, etc., and includes in the lamps constituting the maximum demand, those in habitual use. As in any other meter sys­ tem, the customer pays for the ACTUAL CURRENT used. The 30 hour use simply specifies the amount of electricity to be used at the regular rate (13 l-2c) before the 7c rate applies. Each customer makes the same arrangement and pays the same price. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC COHPANY. Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling tho "Quick Meal" lino of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you. should know and which you may learn by calling upon U S . : : : : : : : : : : : : F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE 7 7 Housecleaning time is here, tin- time when every woman gives her home its annual Clean-up. She will have to use many necessities, such as Brooms, Dusters, Mops, Scrub Brushes, Wash Tubs and Wash Boards. Also dirt chasers, such as Soaps, Scouring: and Washing Pow­ ders, Ammonia and Lye. Our stock of these Dirt Banishing Necessities is com­ plete and we wish to supply your wants. For prices kindly ask us. :: :: :: J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. :: *Phor\e 926. JOHNSRllR^ 11 Mrs . M a t h . S t » tV«s a n i l c h i l d r e n p a s ­ s e d T i n s d a v a t M i - H e n r y . M a t M a \ a n d f a i u i h o f S p r i n y < J r o v e w e r e i n t o w n l a s t S a t u r d a y . • l o l i n M . Y o u n y o f M i - H e n r y w a s a i - a l l e r h e r e o n e d a v i v c e n t h . M r . a n d M r s . W i n . B l a k e o f M c - H e n r v w e r e r a l l e r s l u r e S u n d a v . M i s s K e n a S i - h a e f e r i s s p e n d i n g t h e w e e k a n i o n f r i e n d s a t H u r l i n ^ t o n , W i s . W i n . S i o i l e l a n d d a u g h t e r . K v a . >tinsthii l'Ii usiior*Sunday after- Mi W e l e noon Mi The Plaindealer ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME John Niesen and Miss Martha Niesen were Mellenr> eallers last Sat- u rd a \. Misses Kate Miller and Kate Schae- fer of Spring (irove w ere callers here Sunday. Mrs. Joseph J L i s t e n and daughter. Susie, of Mcllenry were callers in town Sunday. All seats 10c at the Central Satur­ day and Sunday. The hest of pictures and a jjood show . Misses Kate and Gertrude Williams of Spripjf Urqve were Juhnsbui'^rh vis­ itors on Friday of last week. Joe Adams, Leonard Michels and Nick Klein of Spring drove passed Sunday at their homes here. Mrs. Mike Kauen and children of Spring Grove visited anions Johns burjrh relatives last Thursday. Mrs. Martin Adams and daughter. Uqse, of Mcllenry were visitors in this vicinity last week Wednesday. Miss Lucy Meyers of Chicago-i|tent Saturday evening and Sunda\ w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meters. Mi's. John K. Freund of McHenry is spending the week in the hon^e uf her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. See our line of casseroles, the mod­ ern sanitary earthenware utensils for roasting, baking. etc. F. L. McOinher The Misses Diethorn of liound Lake were entertained over Sunday in the home of their brother, Fred, and fam­ ily. Miss Hellen Freiiud of Chicago was entertained in the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund, Sunday. MTs. Frank Tonyan and Misses l>ena and Maggie Tonyan of Spring (irove visited among relatives in this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter May of Spring Grove passed Sunday at the home ol the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer. Spring weather is here. You will need garden seeds for your garden. They have a supply of them at De- brecht's store, Johnsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mathieu came out from Chicago last Saturday evening to be guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers Sunday. For the latest and best in buggie; see Win. Stoffel. »»»*•*«»»«»»»>««»»»•«»>»» NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y 1 OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS j t KUIUKFIBLU Bob Knilans went to the city Satur­ day morning. Clara Salow was a Crystal Lake vis­ itor Monday. Walter Heed was a Crystal' Lake visitor Friday. Mrs. F. Wille was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. F. W. Hartman was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Mr. Barber was a Crystal Lake vis­ itor Wednesday. Karl Gorman of Crystal Lake is clerk­ ing for A. Salow. H. F. Barber boarded the train for the city Thui-sday. Mrs. A. l\ Peck and son, Earl, were city callers Tuesday. / H. Wille was a business visitor in Crystal Lake recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hurfjett were Wood­ stock visitors Monday. Mrs. A. Levey was a business caller in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. H. H. Burgett spent Monday at Genoa Junction. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Peck were in the city the first of last week. a!Fish of WoodsoK'k was in-re on business Thursday afternoon. Louis Johnson attended the horse sale at Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. Alfred Anners yvas a Woodstock visitor Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Clias. Tegtnieir was a city vis­ itor the latter part of last week. Claud Colby of Crystal Lake yvas a Ridgetielil business caller Friday. Mrs. K. K. Shepard and Mrs. Brand- mann were in Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Clara Schoof entertained her brother from the city over Sunday. Misses Ruth and Mabel Kline drove to Crystal Lake. .Friday on business. Isabell Johnson of Woodstock visited lie! sistei. Mis. A. Hanson. Sunday. lieo. Cody of New Orleans visited with A. Tranah and family recently. Henry Wilson of Harvai-d visited his mother. Ali-s. A. Josephenson. Sunday. M i s s Lizzie Furnev visited with rela- t i y es in t he city during K:i*ter week. Mrs. Frank Piniunv and Mrs. ( laud Jacobs were Kid.-elield callers Wed­ nesday . Miss Mabel Skinner called on her sister. Mrs. M. Linscott, in Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Waterman of Ma­ rengo y isited with the latter's pai-ents Sunday. Mi-s. Sarah Waketield and Mm. H. Nelson weri- Crystal Lake shop|H'i-s Saturday. Mi-s. K. Goddai-d visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. S. Beed. Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Lizzie Furney and Mrs. Esther Smith were pleasant Woodstock callers Thursday. Herman Irish and daughter of Har­ vard visited at the former's parents' home Sunday . Mrs. A. J. Berlin of Crystal l^ake visit*1?] her daughter. Mrs. W. Allen, and family Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Miller of Crys­ tal Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levey Monday . Mrs. F. McConnell anil Mrs. John Harden were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler: Dr. Uider of Chic-agu was in llidge- tield on business with the Borden Con­ densed Milk company Monday. Mrs. Cl.y^e Oglesby and three sons, Harold. Ralph mid Clyde, Jr.. were callers in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. A. Jacobs and Mrs. P. B. Haughawout visited the eye socialist at Sharon, Wis., last Wednesday. Miss Kmma Nelson is spending a week in the city with her grandpar­ ents, Mr. anu Mis. J. P. Peiei-son. Mrs. H. Wille and Mrs. H. < ooper and children visited with their par­ tus. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wille. Fri­ day. Miss Genevieve Goddard attended a birthday party given lny Miss Jessie Whyte of Crystal Lake Saturday after­ noon. Mrs. O. Severn* called on her par­ ents in Crystal Lake Thursday after­ noon. returning on the tiHXi o'clock train. Mrs. F. W. Hartman and Mrs. ( has. Stratton and little daughter were among the Woodstock callers last yveek uesday. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. L. A. Walkup Thursday afternoon, Atfi'il 'I'. All are cordially invited to attend. Reuben Hesselgrave of Woodstock, with his best girl, took Sunday dinner at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hesselgrave. Mrs. Klsie Johnson and sister, Mrs. Pearl Nelson, of Batavia spent Mon­ day in Ringwood. Their aunt, Mrs. F. K. Fay. returned yvith them. Louis Goddard, why is employed at the Olivet- typewriter factory, is going and coining from his home here night and morning on his motor cycle. The Faster services at. the church were enjoyed by all who attended. The decoration w ere beautiful and the chofr" gave some very appropriate music. Mrs. Frank Hutson and little son, Murlin. of McHenry visited yvith the former's sister. Mrs. A. Stephenson, and family for a few davs last week. M i s s Clara Salow visited with her father at the University hospital in Chicago Sunday afternoon, returning on the theatre train. Miss Alma Sohusch of WToodstoock accompanied her. Mrs. II ans Nelson yvas in the city re­ cently for an examination of the eye which was troubling her. It was dis­ covered that a small bone near the eye was decayed and a removal was neces­ sary. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille, accompanied bv the nurse, took their little son, Robert, to the St. Joseph's hospital in Chicago last Thursday afternoon, where an operation was performed on his lungs that evening. The little fellow has the sympathy of all. His mother is with him. F. Wille visited the hos­ pital this week Tuesday. A most novel way of delivering par­ cels has been discovered and put in force by three prominent ladies of our quiet little village. The conveyance is not run by steam, gasoline or horse power and one of the ladies declared that parcels would be delivered at the small sum of 10 cents each. The de­ livery is kept at F. Wille's mill and for further information inquire at our post office. TMIA Mrs. Fred Dunnill was the guest of relatives in Chicago overmaster. Miss Delia Croker of Libertyville was a guest at the C. G. Huson home Sunday. John Ktlinger is spending this week with his mother, Mrs. Diedtich, in McHenry. Casseroles and bean pots of the new and sanitary glared earthenware at M e O m b e r ' s . Mrs. Charity liaught is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Raught at Liberty- ville at present. Follow the crowd on Saturday and Sunday evenings. All seats 10c at the Central opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clough of Wau- conda were callers at the Raymond home Sunday afternoon. Miss Maude Katinger has purchased a Ford runabout and will use same on her mail rou^this summer. Mrs. Chancy Jepson and children teft here Monday morning for Maple- hurst, Wis., where Mr. Jepson has purchased land. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson of Griswold Lake visited Mrs. Chancy Jepson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson, Saturday. Mi-s. Jack Stadtfeld was ta1<en to the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago last yveek by Dr. J. L. Taylor of Liberty- ville and will undergo an operation. Sunday guests at the John Brown home yvere Mr. and Mrs. John Dowe and son, Herman, of Mudgett's Lake and Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Jr., of Wauconda. Harry Nichollsand daughter, Lovina, and Wm. Dunnill visited Mrs. Nicholls at the West Side, hospital in Chicago Sunday. Mis. Nicholls w*s taken to Chicago last week by Dr. Aarry Hull of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Nick Bower, who has been ill for some time, yvas taken to the West Side hospital in Chicago last week by Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry and will undergo an operation before returning to her home here. Miss Anna Compton, who has been spending the winter at Wheaton, was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Kirwan, a few days recently. Miss Compton left here Thursday for Biloxi, Miss., where she will be during the next few months. "25 RINOW(MII). Mrs. Kmma Matthews returned to McHenry Monday afternoon. Bert MoCannon, K. C. Haw ley and Warren Foss were Chicago passengers Tuesday. P. D. Flanders reoeived eighty votes in Ringwood for trustee of the school funds at the recent election. The modern, sanitary glaxed covered earthenware utensils for roasting, bak­ ing, etc., at F. L. MeOmber's. J. C. Ladd and wife, Miss Agnes Bigelow and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen attended the Easter exercises in Mc­ Henry Sunday morning. J. S. Brown and daughter, Florence, C. W. Harrison and wife and S. W. Brown and wife attended the Masonic Faster services at Harvard Sunday. Miss Ethel Harrison has been quite sick the past week and Miss Bertha Hell was taken very sick Saturday. Mrs. Hattie Buckland is much im­ proved. This is the season to freshen up the furniture, make the floors glossy and the woodwork fresh and clean. Per- ina-Lac will do it best. Sold by F- L. McOmber, West McHenry. J. S. and S. W. Brown, Walter Brad­ ley, W. F. Walker, H. M. and C. H. Stephenson, James Conway and C. W. Harrison attended a Masonic meeting at Richmond Monday night. The W. C. T. U. county institute held here last week was good. Mrs. Kdwards, the leader, did well and gave a line address on Tuesday evening. She also gave an illustration with four pictures showing the amount of money expended in one year in the United States. Picture No. 1 was small, showing the amount used for all educa­ tional and religious purposes: No. 2 for the food; No. 3 tobacco; No. 4 liquor. A very apt illustration. OSTEND. Miss Anna Waterman is visiting1 rel­ atives in Crystal Lake. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eppel were Sun­ day visitors in Woodstock. Thomas McDonald acted as best man at his cousin's wedding in McHenry on Monday. Mrs. Ray Thomas and daughter, Irma, visited her grandparents in Mc­ Henry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Randall of Genoa Junction were guests of relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Guy Harrison and Alice Rich­ ardson attended the Easter exercises in McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dwelley and Dr. and Mrs. Foley called on relatives in this vicinity Sunday. If all the houses in this town were painted with Bradley & Vrooman Pure Pa,int there would be no more painting for at least five years- F. L. McOm­ ber is the agent. Syringes Fresh From The Factory Freshness is important in rubber goods. New syringes will outwear those that h ave been ke**t in stock for some time. These new syringes have all the elasticity and tough­ ness that rubber can have. They are as near pure gum as is ever used in syringe making a n d we warrant every one of this new lot perfect. BULB, FOUNTAIN, COMBINATION. 50«ents to $2.50. N.H.Petesch D R U G G I S T I C.L . J. I «• I That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu­ factured. The business man, the professional man, the far­ mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec­ ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. West Mc WEST McHBNRY, ILUNOI5 i JOHN SPENCER. Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Hugs of the Richardson Make. These Hugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: FREE SEWMC iftCMES_ We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :. ..Jacob Justen.. fr will both be needed housecleaning time. Window SbdUcs i a well select­ ed line of both in stock and will be pleased to have vou inspect them. mounted on automatic rollers, six ^ and seven feet in lenghths, ea..2S to 4® 771 II with ceilings and borders to Wall rapvr match per double roll 8 to 40 Have you tried my 25c Coffee? It is a good one for the money. My Black Tea at 75c per pound is cheaper to use than lower priced grades because you use only half as much and the flavor is ever so much nicer. It is worth trying. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Jap Tea regularly sold at 60c to 70c, my price only SO 3obn Stoffel UiKi-i itlefKarv, UK • t C«l«pb«nc 501 0* i WKBr

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