mttm W Yoiir House Is Wired j; # ° • ' * tiieflultifariousServfes V • ' *> r- . A ' lof Elect fici ty are at you r H A N D It wfift jgive yovt the fine&t of all' artificial lights. Yon can place lamps in corners that are barred jto all other illuminating*agents. It will sweep, wash, iron, sew and pferform a great number of "other tasks more quickly and more efficiently than HUMAN HANDS. You can bring the luxury of Electric Service in* the house by means of our plan of wiring at cost, 34 months to pay. NO INTEREST, \ For a limited time as a special induce ment to any owner or tenant of a house who will have it wired under this plan We Will Give Free a 6-Pound ELECTRIC PLAT IRON ^Provided the wiring expense Th or-- UUCI 4 A AA ecjuciiS is ppett to any house con tiguous to our service lines. Ask your neighbor who livei in a wired house about it and also about the convenience and pleasure of an electric iron C Î #• II 1/ I v-N v orth Electric Company Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick MeaJ" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us s^ow you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE 50 A P! Do you use much soap? Why not buy it by the box? Soap will not spoil, because, as you know, the older it gets the better it is, and then,- most important of all, you can save money by buying A HUN DRED BAR BOX. ( J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh, 111. I'harie 926. The Plaindealer AfcL THE^SEWS ALL THE TIME IHMUH IIWIlWlllHIHUMHilll I NEIGHBORING NEWS AS. CHRQNICLfcb BY I OUR ABLE CORPS' OF CORRESPONDENTS iliMiiii » KMKKAl.It PARK. L. Huck spent Monday in Chicago, Miss Anna Cleary is spending a few weeks with McHenry friends. Misses Adah and Belle Carey spent Sunday with the Misse%Knox. Mrs. Robt. Sohns of Chicago is spend ing a week with her husband here. John W. Gibbs is spending a few weeks with friends at Sioux Falls, S. D. Dr. Hayes and a number of friends of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottage south of here. ) Mrs. Hattie Dalton of Hampshire spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walgh and daugh ter, Catherine, of McHenry visited Mrs. Ellen Walsh Sunda". Messrs. D. W. Hill, Jos. H. Frey and Geo. Frasier of Chicago spent the week end at their respective cottages here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eisenmenger and children visited the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Eisenmenger, in North Crystal Lake Sunday and at tended services at the German Evan gelical church there. At the election of Emerald Park school held at the school hou^?e Satur day evening, H. Felmeten was elected to succeed himself, while M. A. Sutton was chosen to fill the vacancy made by P." McCabe moving from the district. Farmer Boy--A good, lasting red for farm implements is Rose Carmine Perma Lac. One coat will thorolv protect for a couple of seasons. Buy some next time from F. L. McOmber, West McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen (nee Miss Grace Burns), who were married in Chicago on Tuesday, April 25, ate spending their honeymoon at the sum mer home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns, at Emerald Park. The young couple are very well and favorably known in this vicin ity, having made frequent visits to the Park and attended social functions in McHenry." Their many friends join in extendjpg congratulations. JOHNSBURGH. Jos. Frett of Chicago was a caller in town last Sunday. Mat. Jungen was a Chicago visitor last week Thursday. Ben Stiliing and wife of McHenry were callers here Tuesday. Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove made a call thru here Monday. Misses Clara Lay and Eva King were Pistakee Bay visitors last Sunday. Mesdames A. Mueller and Otis Mur ray were McHenry visitors Monday. Mrs. Mat. N. Freund and Mrs. J. Klein were McHenry visitors Tuesday. C. M. Adams and daughter, Hellen, were Chicago passengers Wednesday, Mrs. Martin Freund of McHenry vis ited among relatives in this vicinity Thursday. Mrs. Frank Tonian and Miss Dena Tonian of Solon were Johnsburgh vis itors Friday. Joe Adams of Spring Grove passed last Sunday at home with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen of Btingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and M rs. Henry Stilling. Miss Barbara Smith spent a few days the past week at the home of Win. Tonian at Solon Mills. Nick Weber and family of Spring Grove were entertained in the home of J. C. Debrecht Sunday. Mrs. Christ. Blake and daughter, Dora, passed a few days the pa6t week among relatives in Chicago. . The modern, sanitary glazed covered earthenware utensils for roasting, bak ing, etc., at F. L. McOmber's. Misses Anna Jung and Susie Nitns- kern of Spring Grove were callers in Johnsburgh last week Thursday. Mesdames J. S. Freund and children and Hubert Michels and children passed Sunday at the home of Mrs. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen were Sun day guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, and family at Volo. Don't forget the motiograph at the Central on Saturday evening. All ^seats 10 cents. On Sunday evening the great piay, "The Indian's Secret." Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. RINOWOOU. Mrs. E. C. Hawley was an El^in vis itor Tuesday. Claude Colby of North Crystal Lake was in town Monday. E. T. Chase and O. A. Tabor wcrt in Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Fay of Ridgefield vis ited her parents last week. The many friends of Miss Bertha Bell will be pleased to hear she is im proving. Mrs. James Rainey called on her mother, Mrs. Thomas, of Ostend Sun day afternoon. Levy Lawrence of Chicago came out Saturday evening to spend a few weeks with his son, Abe. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colby of Woodstock was brought lit re for burial last Friday. Mrs. Ed. Bobbins of Chicago spent from Tuesday until Friday night with her aunt, Mrs. E. T. Chase. See our line of casseroles, the mod. era sanitary earthenware utensils for roasting, baking, etc. F. L. McOmber Mrs. E. C. Hawley's sister-in-law of Iowa visited her Wednesday night and Thursday while on her way to Michi gan. Mrs. Frank Wattles, son and daugh ter of West McHenry were calling on relatives and friends in town Saturday afternoon. Bert McCannon tad family and Mrs. Emma Matthews attended church in Greenwood Sunday morning and went to Woodstock in the afternoon. W. Levey spent Monday in the city. Mrs. R. Goddard spent Tuesday in Woodstock. W. L. Yanke was a Woodstock vis-' itor Saturday. Mrs. A. Peterson spent Wednesday in Woodstock. Elmer Letsler took the train for Beloit Sunday. Mrs. if. p. Barber is visiting rela tives in the city."^ c WiHie French was a Crystal Lake visitor Saturday. •Mrs. R. L. Dufleld was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Shepard was a Chicago visitor Saturday. D. O. Kline drove to Crystal Lake Monday on business. Mrs. W. E. Dike of Woodstock was in town Friday foKtnoon. F. V. Giesselbrecht visited with his brother and family Sunday. Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughter, Ruth, spent Friday in the city. L. McGee of Bull Valley called at the home of A. Peterson Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Peck entertained a sister from Lake Geneva for a few days. Mrs. Winnie Ward of Woodstock spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. L. A. Walkup entertained the Ladies' Aid society last Thursday. Rev. C. H. Giesselbrecht was a pleasant Woodstock caller Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Madatine, spent Saturday in the city. Roy Skinner and son, Wesley, of Woodstock was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. Ida Gay lord entertained Mes dames Draper and E. Gaylord Thurs day. E. Cadwallsder of Terra Cutta Sun day ed with his sister, Mrs. R. L. Du- field. M isses WfTtTi RHine and Kva Letsler drove to Crystal LakVThui-sday of l&st week. ) Mrs. Fred Reed anfl Mrs. Sam Sim mons wire Woodstock shoppers re cently. j Miss Gertrude Fay visited with her father, F. E. Fay, in Ringwood re cently. Mrs. Rice of Crystal Lake- visited her brother, Albert Jacobs, and family Sunday. Mrs. Rush ton and granddaughter, Enga Erickson, visited in®V'oodstock Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Waketield visited her sister, Mis. Lemmers, in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. Gregory, recently from Califor nia, was calling on relatives one day last week. Miss Oral Severns went to the city Friday evening, returning Sunday afternoon. Clarence Thompson of Elgin will spend a lew weeks with relatives in Kidgetield. D. L. Gibson and wife visited with the Ifttter's father, I. Kline, in Wood stock Sunday, Miss Glenys Jacobs w*nt to Crystal Lake and Woodstock Monday. "A business trip." Mrts. Clias. Keltz of Cary visited her childhood home for a couple of days last week. Frank Thayer and wife of Wood stock were business callers here Wed nesday afternoon. The Cemetery association will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Ormsby on Thursday, May 4. Mr. Miller, an employe of the C. & M. R. R. Co. visited with Sam Levey and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harden in Woodstock Friday. M rs. F. E. Fay and son of Ringwood spent several days last week with Ridgefield relatives. Misses Emma Nelson, Rachel French and Elsie Wille were Crystal Lake callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Meads and children visited with Mrs. F Reed and family and at tended church here Sunday. Mrs. Malvenbrow of Crystal Lake spent a few days the latter part of last week with Mrs. P. Hodgkinson. Mi-s. W. S. Jaynes and little daugh ter, Audrey, of Woodstock called on friends h^re Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. P. Castle of Chicago visited her grandfather, J. C. Button, and aunt, Mrs. P. Hodgkinson, Friday. Messrs. A. Peterson and A. Lev^y and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mi's. A. Jusephenson and Mrs. A. Hanson and sonrf Earl, were business and pleasure callers in Woodstock Fri day. Mrs. A. J. Murphy and J. R. Hyde and wife came down from Woodstock in their auto Monday and called at the manse. Mrs. Lolo Bennett of Woodstock spent Sunday with her son, James, and her parents, Mr. and Mi's. J. B. Lynch. Mr. and Mi's. Jacob Bartz and son, Oscar, of Chicago spent the first of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lock w ood. The Korden company is planning to condense their milk in the near future. The company is hauling two loads daily to Algonquin. F. M. Rislev and daughter, Sadie, attended the wedding of the former's daughter, Kathryn, at Beloit Friday, returning home Saturday. Louis Goddard took a spin on his motor cycle to Crystal Lake, Algon- guin, Dundee, Carpentersville and El gin the latter part of last week. A. F. Salow came home from the hospital Thursday afternoon and is im proving slowly. Mrs. Salow under the care of Dr. Cole of Crystal Lake. The tei centenary of tdie authorized version of the English bible fill be CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisemeutg Inserted under this bead the following rate*: Five IIdm or l«w>, tt cent; for Irat Insertion; 15 cento for eacb otibseijutjnt Insertion. More than «vc llnea, 6 uenta a line for Or»t Insertion, •1 Soenta a line for addition I insertions. f^.IRL WANTED--For general housework ^ at the Northwestern hotel, West McHen ry. 111. , 44-«t 17K)R SALE--Rural New Yorker seed pota- toes. Inquire of B. J. AOAHS, West Mc Henry, III. 44-tf TXT ANTED--Girl for general housework. ' * Good wages. MRS. W. D. GOULD, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf "GROUND--A pocket book. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Frank Wei no art, McHenry, III. Phone 711. ~ 45' TjVJUND-- In West -McHenry, a plush lap o,robe- ^wner c*n have same by calling on Simon Stoffel, proving property and oity- tng for this notice. ' XjV)K SALE--The Dr. O. H. Fegers, Jr., resl- J" dence and property in McHenry. For further information annly to or address t\ J. Walsh, McHenry, III. 16-tf EH)R SALE--Lots on the river front, summer a cottages and a we I Hugs and other lots and lands iu the village limits. Call on O. N. Owkn ut the Bask or McHenry. T^OR, SALE--A good work horse; also an Emersuu Bang plow and a quantity of white Oats, free from foul seed aud good for seed. P. J. t'LKABv, McHenry, III. 'J SA LE A twenty-foot motor canoe iu first class condition. Canoe Is driven by four-norst-power engine. For further Jn- 43tttf°n Pu«MAUHOrr.c« C^OR BENT--The cottage, together with * small garden, located .ou tbe old Cleary homestead one-half mile south of McHenry liuiulre of or wilt* W*. J. Wblch, McHenry. R F. D. No. 2, 9tt-tf OR SALE OK -RENT--Three cottages lo- eated ou the west shore of Pistakee Bay; one a nine room house, oue an eight room and the other n one story bungalow. About two acres of land go with them. Address Box 2K5. west McHenry, III. 4X-tf lJ^OR KENT An eleganbnew lodge hall. Just being completed, tfrerything new nud up-to-date. The hull Is 38x28 feet and Is lighted by electricity. Toilet room In cou- uectlou. Inquire of or write \V. J. Schu- MACHCM, McHenry. 111. FOR SALE - A twenty-two footer ** driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engine. Boat Is fluisbed iu ma tingituy am! bas beeu overhauled this spring, placing It Iu A No. I conditiou. For further Information apply to or address Nkwton Otto,Orchard Beach. McHenry. III. Phone C^ORSALE My brother-in-law's improved x South Dakota farm of 330 acres. Price. 10,000. Terms, half cash. Will also sell stock and farm Implements. Good school within half mile PostofUce aud store two miles dis tant. Can raise wheat, corn, oats, alfalfa and many other products. CbarlM O. Col- bv, McHenry. 42-tf appropriately observed next Sunday morning- and evening in the church In the evening M. W. Strabler of Chi cago will speak. Special interest is being taken in this*anniversary, as the bible is being circulated in larger numbers and in many more new lang uages than ever before, making it a world wide event. Robert Wille, nine years old, died at the St. Joseph hospital in Chicago on Sunday, April 23, where he underwent an operation on the lung's. Robert had been a constant sufTerer for the past three years. The remains were brought back Sunday evening. The funeral services were held at the house at 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, conducted by the pastor of the Lutheran church of Crystal Lake. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Crystal Lake cemetery. Tuia Miss Ella Moore is on the sick list at present. Mrs. C. G. Huson was a Chicago vis itor last Friday. Ed Underwood of Gilmer transacted business here last*Wednesday. Mrs. Edward Lusk transacted busi ness in Chicago one day this week. Mrs. Lovina Raymond spent Sunday at the L. V. Lusk home at West Fre mont. Mrs. Chas. Raught visited relatives in Waukegan the fore part of last week. Mrs. W. M. Huson was the guest of relatives at Round Lake Friday of last week. Miss Lydia Russell of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Mike Krapf and daughter, Jo sephine, were McHenry callers Satur day afternoon. Miss Katherine Dowell and Raymond Lusk of West Fremont were in town Saturday afternoon. Lon Fox and daughter, Mrs. Sam McClintock, of Round Lake were Sun day callers at the S. J. Russell home south of town. OHTKJCD. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey visited at Mrs. Alma Thomas' Sunday. W. B. Johonnott transacted business in this vicinity last Monday evening. Miss Flossie Randall was the guest of friends in Crystal Lake from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin attended the wedding of Miss Stella Watkins in Chicago last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark spent Sun day at the home of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Loveina Thomas next Saturday, April 29, instead of with Mrs. Julia Abbott. The board of directore here have decided to install a Smith heating sys tem and make several other improve ments. Who says Ostend is not up to times? HEAD OF PROCESSION AS USUAL. The following item is taken from the Chicago Tribune of Tuesday morn ing and clearly shows where McHenry really stands when it comes to pro- gressiveness: "Sterling, lit., Ajjril 24.--[Special.] The unsanitary tin Rip at the drinking fountain In the Wal lace schools of this city h»ve been ban ished by the board of education and sanitary bubbling fountains will be in stalled." The board of education of this place saw fit to replace the drink* ing cups by bubbling fountains three years ago. Woodstock voted the im provement in last year. Does that show that McHenry is behind the timesV Win. Simes can supply you with the very finest lubricating oils for engine and automobile use to be found on the market today. Better see him. Syringes Fresh From The Factory Freshness is important in rubber goods. New syringes will outwear those that have been kept in stock for some time. These new syringes have all the elasticity and tough ness that rubber can have. They are as near pure gum as is ever used in syringe- making and we warrant every one of this npw !et perfect. BULB, FOUNTAIN, COMBINATION. „ 50 cents to $2,50. N.H.Peteseh I DRUGGIST TEL. 274 That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu factured. The business man, the professional man, the far mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. ,N west Mchenry, Illinois I JOHN SPENCER. Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that*we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: :: FREE SEWING MACHINES We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drpp in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: ..Jacob Justen.. Wall Paper and Window Shades are what you need for housecleaning. We have them both in stock. :: :: Wall Paper, large variety of patterns, double roll.. 10 to 40c Window Shades, mounted on automatic rollers.. .25 to 40c Lace Curtains, new patterns, pair.. .$2.45, 1.4M, 1.38, 1.15 Window Scrim, new patterns, per yd 15c, 124c, 10c house Brooms 45c, 85c, 25c PROFIT BY OUR LOW GROCERY PRICES Jello, choice of flavors, 3 pkg 27c Holland Herring, spec'l, keg (SUc ( olumbia Salad Dressing .23c Early June Peas, standard qual ity, per can 10c Our "Special" blend Coffee, a high grade of select coffee, al ways uniform in quality 25c Tomatoes, solid pack, extra qual ity, 6 cans 85c, per can ,15c Sifted E. J. Peas, 2 cans 25c, per can 15c Ammo, better and cheaper than liquid ammonia, special K- Quaker Puffed Riee, 2 pkg .25c John stoffel; UJe&f ItlcHenry, 111. - : Ctkpftomc r>v 501 ."5