jf The Cost of Wiring a House For ELECTRICITY I; CLnr« of I ^•llUII and no home is truly modern with out electric service. It brings in the most superior of all illuminants and renders it possible to use the electric iron, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, sewing machine motor and numerous other labor saving appliances--all of which cost but a trifle to operate. : Our plan of wiring houses at cost, payable in 24 monthly installments, brings the lux ury of electric service in the home within the means of moderate incomes. Electric Company (F Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you *vhy it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE A LITTLE REMINDER--Be sure and don't forget that paint job. Then be sure and use THE BEST PAINT, namely, the Shir- win Williams Brighten-up Fin ishes because they give satisfaction* J. C. DebrecHt 61 Co. Johnsbti.rgli, lii- 'Pborte 926. P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION QIVFBF TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Jlutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and EffS This is the oldest boose on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. _ vv COLO STORAOE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. The Plaindealer ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS auwicriEui. The Northern Life of Illinois. Chris. Hoy spent Sunday in the city. N. J. Garrison was in town Wednes day. Mrs. L. A. Walkup went to Sharon Saturday. Miss Clara Schoof was an Elgin vis itor Wednesday. Mrs. A. F. Salow went to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reser were in Capron Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Kline were Sen eca visitors Sunday. The Larkin club met with Mrs. R. Reed Tuesday, May 2. Mrs. S. J\. Merchant was a Wood stock caller Thursday. Mrs. Ida Gaylord and son were in Woodstock Wednesday. Miss Ashton of Crystal Lake was a caller in town Wednesday. Mesdames C. H. and Will Orrasby spent Wednesday in the citv. Mrs. F. W. tlarliuaQ called on rela tives in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler called on Woodstock relatives Sunday. Reuben Hesselgrave and Ed. Pierson spent Sunday with their parents. Remember the stereopticon lecture next Sunday evening in the church. M rs. IX O. Kline was a pleasant Crystal Lake caller one day last week. Arthur Skinner spent a part of Sat urday and Sunday with Elgin relatives. Mrs. C. D. Stratton and little daugh ter were Woodstock callers Wednes day. Richard Reed and Howard Jacobs drove to Woodstock Saturday on busi ness. Mrs. C. H. Dufield and daughter, Miss Agnes, were Elgin shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and daugh ter, Lois, were Crystal Lake visitors one day recently. Chas. Keeler of Elgin visited with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield, for a few days last week. Lee Baker is the owner of a Wagner motor cycle. Lee says lie has learned how to turn a corner. Mrs. Schroader and son, Lloyd, of Mavfair visited relatives here from Thursday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warnock and chil dren of Chicago visited with relatives here from Friday to Sunday. M rs. C. II. Giesselbn cht and daugh ter and Mrs. G. J. Hartman drove to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Arthur and Lawrence Kline of Aus tin visited with their cousins, Ruth and Mabel Kline, several days recently. The Ladies' Aid society will meet in the church parlors Thursday. May 11. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oglesbv and three sons visited with Mrs. Oglesby's brother, George, and family at Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Winn of Chicago visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Rastmus Peterson, Tuesday. They also called at the homes of C. H. Orms- by and J. C. Button. Mothers' morning will be appro priately observed on Sunday, May 14. At the evening service Miss Grace Enright, a missionary from Tndia, will speak. Everyone invited to be present at either or both of these services. The M. B. A. will meet in the Wood man hall Thursday evening, May 11. A class of five will be initiated. W. L. Yanke was initiated at the last meeting. Ice cream and cake will be served to the members and their fam ilies after the initiation. E. S. Olmstead and daughter, Mrs. Esther Smith, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kensey of Kinderhook, Mich., for a few days last week. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Silas Olmstead in Woodstock. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kensey are cousins. Communion of the Lord's supper will be celebrated on next Sunday morning in the church. In the even- imr on i 11 netr-ntfrl Ipttture will be yiven. -- Subect, "With Paul on Mar's Hill." Don't fail to see and hear this, as it is a splendid illustrated lecture. On last Sunday at the Sunday school session Mr. L. A. Walkup resigned as superintendent after a service of thir- ty-five years. His resignation was very reluctantly accepted, for in these years he has been faithful to his duties and generally respected by every child and parent in the church and commun ity. Wilbur Levey was elected to fill the office made vacant by Mr. Walk- up's resignation. P. B. Houghawout has been very un lucky. Within a few days he lost two valuable horses, and Sunday while on his way to the Borden factory with his milk a horse slipped into a hole left by the heavy rain of Saturday night, where the gas pii>e was laid in front of Mr. Stratum's home, and in trying to get the horse out it fell onto Mr. Houghawout's leg. The large bone was broken below the knee and the small one cracked. Prompt assistance removed Mr. Houghawout to his home and Dr. Cole of Crystal Lake set the bone. The gas company responded to a call and the washouts in the village were filled in. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the kind neighbors and friends who sympathized with us dur ing the sickness and death of our be loved son, Robert, and to those who sent flowers. MR. AND MRS. FRED WILLE AND DAUGHTERS, MABEL, AND ELSIE. The Northern Life of Illinois. Spray your fruit trees and berry bushes with Nox-all spray mixture, one pound to twelve quarts of water. Fifteen cents per pound at Petesch's. KHKAALU PAKK. L. Huck spent Tuesday in Chicago. Miss May me Knox is visiting Chica go relatives this week. Mrs. Ed. Knox spent Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Nurse Maison is entertaining her children from Chicago this week. Messrs. George and Win. I^lum of Chicago were callers at the Park Sun day. Jas. Costello of Elgin visited rela tives here a few days the last of the week. r> Mrs. L. E. Walmsley and son spent a few days last week with Chicago rel atives. A. K. Burns of Chicago spent Sun day at the Park with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen. Messrs. Louis Eisenmenger and A. Laper were business callers in Ring- wood Tuesday. Mrs. Manuel Eatinger and children are spending a few weeks witk rela tives near Wauconda. Miss Maytne Smith is spending this week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Smith, east of McHenry. Mrs. Nartzik and son of Chicago vis ited her brother, A. Laper, and iamily here from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Cohan and children of Chicago are enjoying a week's vacation at their cottage here. Misses Anna Frisby, Anna McGee and Anna Cleary of McHenry visited the Misses Sutton a recent afternoon. Mi's. Parker and sons of Chicago are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Laper, and family here this week. Miss A. De Wahl Mal€fvt and Mrs. Chas. Malefyt and children of Chicago are spending this week at their cottage here. Chas. Malefyt spent Saturday and Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. George Frasier and family of Chicago came out to their summer home Saturday. Mr. Frasier returned Sunday evening, but the others will remain during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen returned to Chicago Monday alter an enjoyable so journ at the Park. They were great ly surprised one evening by "several auto loads" of young people from Mc Henry and vicinity calling to charivari them. KINUWOOIt. Charles Oleson was a Chicago passen ger Tuesday. J. C. Ladd left Monday for Minne sota to pui-chase a carload of cows. Miss Agnes Dodge spent Saturday and Sunday with Chicago relatives. Eleanor Hawley went to Elgin Wed nesday morning tor a few days' visit. Dr. Mattison of Chicago was in town Monday and Tuesday doing optical work. Emerson Nye gave an interesting entertainment Wednesday evening of last week. Ed. Hopper left Tuesday morning for Springiield to attend the M. W. A state convention. Fred Munshaw of Elgin was in town Monday selling goods for the Fox River Butter company and called on Libbie Simpson. The body of William Griswold, a for mer resident of Ringwood, but late of Callao, Mo., was brought here for burial last Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Ladd, Mrs. Emma Matt hews, Miss Agnes Bigelow, Mr. and Mi's. II. W. Allen attended the Sunday school convention at Solon Sunday aft ernoon. Mi's. II. W. Allen recently received a Mansfield, Penn., paper, giving the account of Rev. B. Brunning, former pastor uf the Uuiversaiisi church, preaching to a large and attentive congregation on the Sunday following his ninetieth birthday, which occurred March 28, 1911. He took for his sub ject the progress of the world since his birth in a little village in England on March 28, 1821. The railroads, telegraphy, n^glephone, agriculture, religion, .interspersed with amusing perieaces, \vci*c giv6u iQi^rssuug treatment and a plea for the better Qb- servance of the golden rule. A gen erous offering was tendered him. JOHNSMJBOH. Jacob Steffes passed Monday in Chi cago. Ed. Debrecht passed Wednesday in Chicago. Win. Althoff thansacted business*in Chicago Monday. C. M. Adams and Jacob Huemann were Elgin visitors Monday. Mrs. James Bell of Spring Grove was a caller in town Monday. Mrs. Fred Meyers of Spring Grove made a call thru here Tuesday. John Karls of Spring Grove made a call thru Johnshurgh Tuesday, Mrs. J. Freund and daughter, Mayme, were callers here last Satur day. Mrs. F^nk Miller and daughter, Lizzie, were Chicago visitors last Fii- day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Spring Grove were callers here Tues day. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht was among the Chicago passengers last Thursday morning. Mrs. J. S. Freund of McHenry vis ited her mother, Mrs. Michels, Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen of Mc Henry visited among relatives in this vicinity last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Kattner and daughter, Mayme, of Spring Grove were callers in Johnsburgh Tuesday. Joe Adams and Nick Klein of Spring Grove and Joe Miller of Fox Lake spent Sufaday at their homes here. Miss ISena Klein returned home from her visit to St. Louis last Friday. She has been in the Mound city all winter. Ali advertisements Immi under tlila tae»d at the following FKe iini'S or leM, 86 osnts tor Irst iBMrtlon: IS eent? tor gubMquent (natation. More* ttuui five line#, C ante a, lino for flrat Insertion, nd $ gents line for awSlttais! insertion®. pjV)R SALE--Runt 1 New Yorkfer seed pot&- 1 toes. Inquire of B. J. ADAMS, West Mc Henry, 111. 44-tf T*7 ANTED--Olrl for general housework. •* Good wages. Mas. W; D. OOOLD, West McHenry. III. 44-tf PRAZF.BS WANTED--Have good pastur- va\.-sge for same. Inquire of L. PBILIPPS, Mcliemy, ill. BORSALE-Tlie l>r. C. H. Fegers. Jr., resl- denee and property In McHenry. For further in formation apply to or address T. J. WALSH, McHenry, 111. 18-tf CV>K 8A LB-LoU on tbe river front, summer 1 cottages aud dwellings and other lots and lands in the village limits. Call on O. N. OWKH, at the Bank of McHenry. BV)R SALE OK RENT--Three cottages Io- eated ou the west short* of Pistakee Bay; one a uloe room house, one an eight room and the other a one-story bungalow. About two acres of land go with them. Address Box 3(V>, West Mc'loury, lit. «-tr WS RENT--An elegant new lodge hall. Just J- being completed. Everything new and up-to-date. The hall Is 38*28 feet and Is lighted by electricity. Toilet room In con nection. luqulre of or write W. J. SCHU MACHER, McHenry, 111. LAUNCH FOR SALE--A twenty-two footer driveu by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy doty engine. Boat is flushed in ma hogany aud hits hm»u overhauled this -spring, niacins it in A No. 1 condition For further information apply to or address NEWTON Ot^o, Orchard Beach, McHenry, III. Phone aofs 43-tf. COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK KK OUR BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE. AS SEEM BY PLAINDEALEK REPORTERS AND H4NDED INTO OUR OFFICE BY OUR PRIENDS. The Northern Life of Illinois. Geo. Stilling was a Chicago visityar the first of the week. Mrs. Peter Miller was a Chicago visitor Friday of last week. N. A. Huemann is attending to busi ness matters in Harvard today. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robison were North Crystal Lake visitors last Thurs day. Mrs Henry Degen and son, J«hn, were Chicago visitors Friday of last week. Miss F. Hillebrand passed Monday and Tuesday as the guest of Dundee friends. Jacob R. Justenwas a business caller in North Crystal Lake Wednesday afternoon. George Steilen of Chicago was en tertained in the home of his brother, N. P. Steilen, Sunday. Mrs. Mathias Blake and daughter, Margaret, spent Friday of last week in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Frank Zoelck and daughter, Erma, of Chicago are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel. Peter Leickem of Kenosha, Wis., is spending a few days this week as the guest of McHenry relatives and friends, Mrs. C. J. Bethke .and son, Charles J., of Dundee were guests in the home of their son and brother, T. H. Bethke, here Sunday. Mesdames John I. Story of Chicago and Charles J. Currie of Milwaukee, Wis., are visiting McHwnry relatives and friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Schau and young est daughter of Chicago are spending the week at their summer home at Rosedale. Miss Mabel Schau was here Sunday. M. L. Worts, Henry E. Buch, Misses Lucie and Adah Carey, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mc Omber and daughter, Irene, and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Petesch's for dram The Northern Life of Illinois. The village of North Crystal Lake has granted licenses to but four^aloons this spring at a $1,000 license. Mrs. Lynch of North Crystal Lake is selling hats at such .reductions that it pays anyone to go to her from far and near. Mr. and Mrs. William Tonyan of Lake county are the happy parents of a baby boy born to them on Friday of last week. The next dance at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, will take place on Wed nesday evening, May 17. More partic ulars next we>ek. We are told that J. W. Bonslett has purchased from the Borden Milk com pany the old Centerville mill and that the structure will be razed in the very near future. Fastidious women appreciate the beauty of Perm a-Lac. Fine for floors, furniture and woodwork. Splendid for walls and ceilings. One application permanently beautifies any article. Sold by F. L. McOmber, West McHen ry, 111. People take newspapers nowadays, read them and then throw them away. They never think what a source of pleasure and profit--or reminiscence and thought, a file or even a few num bers of such a paper would be to them twenty or thirty years afterwards. Pay for your papers and keep them. Chicago & North-western. . l»l/ lira. Effective Feb. 12, IUI DAT TBAI Ohl55». "OKTHBODND M^Heu'y *7.00 a m Via Elgin 10.2s a ui *t) 00 a m Via I)es Plaines 10.28 a in (Lv Crystal lake 2.40 Ar. McHenry 2.56 *1.40 pm Via l>e» Plainea 6.00 pm *3.15 p m Via Elgin 6.24 D m •4.90 pm VI* Plaine# Ltlpm IDIBL T THA1NB. 8 00 a m Via Des Plaines 9.45 a m 10 a. m Via Elgin #.45 a. m. «.06pm Via Elgin ».00 pm waaa DAT TBAIBS. McHenry. BOCTHBOUMD. Chicago *7.10 am Via I>e* Plaines 9.10 a m *7.10 am Via. Elgin M.05 a m *s.l»a m Via l>«e Plaines ••4ft a tu *4.36 om Vis Plaines tJR p ui *4.36 pm Via Elgin fJSS p in SBKDAY TKAIMB. 7.10an Via DesPtalnes 135am 7.10a m Via Klgln 10.15 a m 5 00 pm ViaUw Plaines 6.30p m 5.00 pm Via BIgia. 7.»pm "Dally except Sunday. f?T Syringes Fresh From The Factory Freshness is important in rubber goods. New syringes will outwear those that have been kept in stock for some time. These new syringes have all the elasticity and tough ness that rubber can have. They are as near pure gum as is ever used in syringe- making and we warrant every one of this new lot perfect. BULB, FOUNTAIN, COMBINATION. 50 cents to $2.50. N.H.Petesch DRUGGIST TEL. 274 That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu factured. The business man, the professional man, the far mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. N SPENCEK. Prep WEST MCHENRY, ILLINOIS We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: • • We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: :: :: • • Wall Paper and Window Shades are what you need for housecleaning. We have them both in stock. :: :: Wall Paper, large variety of patterns, double roll.. 10 to40c Window Shade*, mounted on automatic rollers.. .25 to 40c Lace Curtains, new patterns, pair.. .$2.45, 1.48, 1.38, 1.1ft Window Scrim, new patterns, per yd 15c, 12£c> 10c House Brooms.. . 45c, 35c, 25c PROFIT BY OUR LOW GROCERY PRICES Jello, choice of flavors, 3 pkg 27c Holland Herring, spec'l, keg 69c Columbia Salad Dressing 23c Early June Peas, standard qual ity, per can 10c Our "Special" ble&cl Coffee, a high grade of select coffee, al ways uniform in quality 25c Tomatoes, solid pac^, extra qual ity, t> cans 85c, per can 15c Sifted E. J. Peas, 2 cans 25c, per can.. 15c Ammo, better and cheaper than liquid ammonia, special 8c Quaker Puffed Ricg^JJ pkg. _ .25c lobn Stcifel, ipui^j ii|# 7