You Need Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Gloves, Underwear We deal entirely in Men's and Boys* wear and*can save you money in these lines and show you a larger assortment to select from than you^can find in % McHenrv County Call and see our line and convince yourself of our statement. :: " JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - , ~ PHONE 303 J) "\ SUMMER SUNSHINE is close at hand. Let us enjoy it while it is here, but let us not forget that it cannot always last. Winter's Blasts will be upon us before we know it, and we are going to need coal. Now is the time to order it. Prices are the lowest of the year. The best is the kind to order. Scranton Coal is the best that money can buy. Free burning. No clinkers. Very little ash. Re-screened from the car. Delivered in your bins clean and bright, fresh from the mines. WILBUR LUMBER CO. 'PHONE 651. WEST M9HENRY, ILL. W E JA B E * O T HERE FOR PLEASURE but are here to please you and this we are willing to do if you will only consent to give us a little of your time by paying this store a visit. Our line, of course, is Hardware and we have been in the business long enough to know that the people of McHenry and vicinity want nothing but the very best in our line and for this reason we have assembled a stock of general and builders' Hardware, Tinware, Enamel Ware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., that will meet with your approval as to qual ity and price. We also do repairing neatly and promptly. Let us prove our statements to you personally by calling at our establish ment at your first opportunity. :: :: John SPRING We are prepared to show you the finest line of Shoes in the town in fine dress, medium and heavy work Shoes :: :: :: :: Men's fine Dress Shoes in lace, blucher and oxford at per pair $2.25, $2.50, $3.09, $S.S0, 4.00 AMD $4.59 Men's Work Sht>es from $2.00 TO $4.50 See our $3.00 line in black, tan and yiscol oil iinish. Ladies' Shoes, velour, kid, patent leather, velvet, etc., from. $2.00 TO $S.S0 Ladies' comfort Shoe, turn sole, button and common sense rubber heel, plump vici at _. $2.75 Ladies' Juliet style rubber heel comfort or nurse Shoe at $1.80 DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, POPLINS, FLAXON, PERCALES IN ALL GRADES AND COIX)RS. Our spring line of silks in plain and fancy colors, up from 39C GROCERIES: Try our 50c Tea, none better. Coffee, at per pound .. 25c, 30c and 35c Extra fancy New York full cream Cheese, October make. PISH FOR LENT: Cod Fish, White Fish, Mackerel, Herring, Canned Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp and Lobster. Goods delivered promptly. 'Phone 343. M. J. WALSH. CMOTIES FW'HUME MMMM BY COMMITTEE APPOINTED TOtNVESTOAt£ APPLICATIONS rmt muss MARSHAL •• -LIC*'PfSFS SP'AMTEP, Council Rooms, April 28, 1911. , The board of trustees met in special meeting for the purpose of approving dramshop bonds, with President Miller presiding. Trustees present: Chamberlin, Stof- fel, Freund, Meyers, Nickels and Web er. ? The license committee acted upon the applications for a saloon license of the various applicants and reported favorable. On motion by Meyers, seeonded by Weber, the bond of Anton Engeln as principal, with Joe Engeln and Frank J. Barbian as sureties, was approved. On motion by Freund, seconded by Meyers, the bond of J. C. Bickler as principal, with M. L. Worts and J. P. Weber as sureties, was approved. On motion by Meyers, seconded by Nickels, the bond of Heimer Bros, as principals, with Got&leib C. Boley and Frank J. Barbian as stiret,ip». wag on. i •> j proved. On motion by Nickels, seconded by Weber, the bond of John J. Buch as principal, with Gottleib C. Boley and Frank J. Barbian, was approved. On motion by Meyers, seconded by Weber, the bond of John Heimer as principal, with M. L. Worts and Math- ias Blake as sureties, was approved. On motion by Freund, seconded by Stoffel, the bond of John A. Worts as principal, with The United States Fidelity and Guaranty company as sure ty, was approved. On motion by Ghamberim, seconded by Freund, the bond of Peter B. Freund as principal, with Theo. Grot and Frank J. Barbian as sureties, was ap proved. On motion by Weber, seconded by Meyers, the bond of Theo. Schiessle as principal, with Peter S. Theuer and Herman Becker as sureties, was ap proved. On motion by Freund, seconded by Weber, the bond of Nicholas Martin as principal, with M. L. Worts and John P. Weber as sureties, was ap proved. On motion by Meyers, seconded by Freund, the bond of Gus E. Schoel as principal, with The United States Fidelity and Guaranty company as surety, was approved. On motion by Freund, seconded by Chamberlin, the bond of F. O. Gans as principal, with The United States Fidelity and Guaranty company as surety, was approved. On motion by Nickels, seconded by Freund, the bond of Peter H. Weber as principal, with The United States Fidelity and Guaranty company as surety, was approved. On motion by Freund, seconded by Meyers, the meeting adjourned. JOHN H. MILLER, President. H. E. PRICE, Clerk. '•* Council Rooms, May 5,1911. i The board of trustees met for tjhe purpose of approving treasurer's bond. Meetinff tmHed to order by President Miller. Trustees present; Freund, Meyers, Stoffel and Weber." Absent: Cham- Berlin and Nickels. On motion by Freund, seconded by Meyers, the bond of Junes B. Perry as principal, with George H. Hanly and Oliver N.« Owen as sureties, was ap proved. On motion by Stoffel, seconded by Weber, toe meeting adjourned. JOHN Hi MILLER, President. > H. 3SL PRICE, Clerk. APRIL fOTAI. MTEHDARCE SHOWS*- MCftfUSI! nr n®r *«BUC SCHOOL ONE CASE OF COKPOKAL PUNISHMENT IS REPORTED AS ARE ALSO TWO CASES OF im&MCY. FIRST GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 11; girls, 15; total, 26. No. of days attendance: Boys, 183£; girls, 255J; total, 439. No. of days absence: Boys, 38f; girls, total. 81, Cases of tardiness: Boys, 3; girls, 0; total; 3. Average daily attendance for grade, 21.9 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 10. No. neither absent nor tardy, 8. SECOND GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 12; girls, 6; total, 18. No. of days attendance: Boys, 203; girls, 112; total, 315. No. of days absence: Boys, 37; girls, 8: total. 45. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 2; girls, 0; total, 2. Average daily attendance for grade, 15.7. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 5. No. neither absent nor tardy, 5. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 1. Mrs. M. Overton, Teacher. THIRD GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 17; girls, 9; total, 26. No- of days attendance; Boys, 307; girls, 1744; total, 481$. No. of days absence: Boys, 13%; girls, 10}; total, 24. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 7; girls, 2; total, 9. Average daily attendance for grade, 24.07 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, No. neither absent nor tardy, 10. FOURTH GRADE. Boys, 5; girls, 7; total, Council Rooms, May 1, 1911. The board of trustees met in regular meeting with President Miller presid ing. Trustees present: Chamberlin, Stof fel, Freund, Meyers, Nickels and Web er. The minutes of last regular and spe cial meetings were read and approved. The president appointed the follow ing committees for the ensuing year: Finance--Chamberlin, Nickels, Web er. Sidewalks--Meyers, Freund, Stoffel. Streets and alleys--Weber, Meyers, Freund. Public property and local improve ment--Freund, Weber, Chamberlin. Waterworks--Stoffel, Nickels, Cham berlin. Miscellaneous--Nickels, Stoffel, Mey ers. The following bills were read and^ approved by finance committee. North Shore Elec Co., lighting..$95.00 McH,enry Plaindealer, printing.. 36.50 Lega,l Adviser Co., stationery. .. 2.05 Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline 12.00 On motion by Freund, seconded by Meyers, the bills were ordered paid. The treasurer's report was read and on motion by Freund, seconded by Nickels, the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. On motion by Freund, seconded by Stoffel, James B. Perry was appointed village treasurer. On motion by Stoffel, seconded by Weber, Dr. N. J. Nye was appointed chairman of the board of health. On motion by Freund, seoonded by Meyers, Ben J. Brefeld was appointed a member of the board of health. On motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Freund, Chas. B. Hftrmsen was ap pointed a member of the board of health. Motion by Freund, seconded by Web er, that Joseph I. Lang be appointed village attorney. Ayes--Freund, Web er. Nays--Chamberlin, Meyers, Stof fel and Nickels. Motion lost. Motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Nickels, that V. S. Lumley be appoint ed village attorney. Ayes--Chamber lin, Meyers, Nickels and Stoffel. Nays --Freund and Weber. Motion carried On motion by Nickels, seconded by Freund, the president appointed the following to act on the applications for marshal: Nickels, Weber and Freund. On motion by Freund, seconded by Stoffel, the board will meet Thursday night, May 4, for the purpose of ap proving treasurer's bond and transact ing- such other business as may come before the board. Board to serve gratis. On motion by Freund, seconded by Stoffel, the meeting adjourned. JOHN H. MILLER, President. H. E. PHICBj Clerk. Enrollment: 12. No. of days attendance: Boys, 86}; girls, 130}; total, 216*. No. of days absence: Boys, 5; girls, 7|; total, 12}. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 8; total, 8. Average daily attendance for grade, 10.83 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, . No. neither absent nor tardy, 4. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Clara V. Stoffel, Teacher. FIFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 13; girls, 13; total, 26. No. of days attendance: Boys, 231 i; girls, 242|; total, 474. No. of days absence: Boys, 28|; girls, 15i; total, 44. CaseB of tardiness: Boys, 5; girls, 2; total, 7. Average daily attendance for grade, 24. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 11. No. neither absent nor tardy, 8. SIXTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 7; girls, 10; total, 17. No. of days attendance: Boys, 1554; girls, 151; total, 306}. No. of days absence: Boys, 24V, girls, 7i; total, 32. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 5; girls, 4; total, 9. Average daily attendance for grade, 6 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 4. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 1. Myrtle L. Wattles, Teacher. SEVENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 9; girls, 6; total, 15. No. of days attendance: Boys,. 149, girls, 118£; total. 2fi7i. No. of days absence: Boys, 18$; girls; li; total, 20. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 13.3 plus. No. of pupils ranking ftjwve 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 6. EIGHTH GRADE!. Enrollment: Boys, 12; girls, 12; total, 24. No. of days attendance: Boys, 226}; girls, 233$; total, 460. No. of days absence: Boys, 10}; girls, 6}; total, 17. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 4; girls, 0; total, 4. Average daily attendance for grade. 23. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 18. No. neither absent nor tardy, 14. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 1. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Alice I. Knox, Teacher. NINTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 6; girls, 13; total, 19. No. of days attendance: Boys, 116}; girls, 252J; total, 369i. No. of days absence: Boys, 3};" girls, 7i; total, 10|. Cases of tardiness: Roys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. - Average daily attendance for grade, 18.46. No. of pupils ranking aixyve 90 in in dustry, 13. No. neither absent nor tardy, 13. TENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 1; girls, 8; total, Boys, 15; girls, 9. No. of days attendance: girls, 144}; total, 159}. No. of days absence: Boys, 15}; total, 20}. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 1; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade. 7.9. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 5. No. neither absent nor tardy, 2. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of casei of truancy for room, 0. Agnes A. Perry, Teacher. ELEVENTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 3; girls, 6; total, 9, No. of days attendance: Boys, 60: girls, 120; total, 180. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. 6 Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0: total, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 9. No. neither absent nor tardy, 9. TWELFTH GRADE. Enrollment: Boys, 2; girls, 1; total, Boys, 39; No. of days attendance: girls, 20; total, 59. No. of days absence: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, 3. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 3. No. neither absent nor tardy, 2. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. REPORT OF ALL GRADE?,. Enrollment: Boys, 98; girls, 107; total, 205. No. of days attendance: Boys, 1770; girls, 1957; total, 3727. No. of days absence: Boys, 184; girls. 120; total, 304. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 28; girls, 17; total, 45. Average daily attendance for school, 182. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 92. No. neither absent nor tardy, 90. No. of cases of corporal punishment for school, 1. No. of cases of truancy for school, 2. A. Edgar Nye, Superintendent. 0̂* F. A. POHLANDER General Merchandise st Mdleiiy Sbte Capital Stock, $25,000. A "MCI" DEPOSIT I 9 Jfiw JL»0 n comes to them who wait. Just use the good judgment that goes into your busi ness and put it to £he same use in banking and you will soon see -*** how richly you are rewarded. It's a calamity to put your money where it isn't safe. Your money is safe in our bank vaults. . . . S a f e t y D e p o s i t B o x e s , $ 3 . 0 0 P e r Y e a r -OFFICERS: Edwin L. Wagner, C. H. Fegerj, Sr., Pres. Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger. Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. & From now until August 81, 1911, we will give the following prizes for Cash Trade Only: 1ST PRIZE, ONE SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS, VALUE - $25.00 2ND PRIZE, ONE 14-INCH WALKING PLOW, VALUE - $14.00 3RD PRIZE, ONE PLUSH LAP ROBE, VALUE • - - $10.00 (OR THEIR EQUIVALENTS) We will issue to every cash purchaser coupons of the denomination of one dollar (nothing less) for the amount of his purchase in dollars. Every thing we handle and sell for cash is entitled to coupons (except automobiles--they will not be allowed.) CONDITIONS OP CONTEST: Pay your money, save your coupons, and pull down one of these prizes. In order to be per fectly fair with all of our many customers we will give cash coupons for all book accounts which are settled in full by April 30, 1911. That, we believe, is fair to everyone. Now, who will get them? Yours for trade,. WM. STOFFEL PhntlCft' OFFICE-77a. rnuuea. RBSIDBNCB-791. BLOCK & BETH K E iL McHENRY, ILL. LESS THAN COST PRICE Here is what you have been waiting for. We have several broken lines of good sizes in Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords that we want to dispose of QUICKLY. Gun Metal and Patent Colt, all up-to-date, selling for (2.25, $2.50 and $3.00, here goes to close them out at a big loss to us but a big saving to you. Choice...$1.50 LACE CURTAINS Housecleaning time is here and you are going to need some new lace curtains.^ We have them in attractive designs and plain nets in white, cream and Arabian or ecru. You will not find a better line anywhere and when we say the price is low it does not speak enough for them. Call and see the line at per pair .. J1.00,1.S0, 2.M, 2.2S, 2.80 Of 10 J.W TELEPHONE 541 1-2 OFF REGULAR PRICE 1-2 Here is something that ought to interest every lady. We have just bought and placed on sale a large sample line of a well known make of Ladies' Muslin Underwear, such as Cor set Covers, Gowns, Skirts and Drawers. No cheap goods, but the best muslin underwear made at one-half off the regular retail price. Corset Covers worth from 50c to $1.00 selling at 25C, 35C, 50C Gowns worth from $1.00 up to $4.00 on «ale while they last at SK, 7SC, $1.00, $1.25, tl.SO Skirts which you never saw equalled at $2.00 to $4.00 now on * sale at from... SOC TO $K$0 Ladies' Muslin Drawers which we guarantee you have'never bought for twice these prices 2SC, 35C, SOC LADIES' WAISTS now on sale, consisting of Jawn and linen, tailored, soft collar and low neck, neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery, every one up to the minute, at. .. : $1.00, $1.28, $1.8#, $2.00, $2.50