TbeMcHenry Plaindealcr , PubMahed if K Ik 8CHRE1NEB. /vHcHENRT, ILLINOIS. The trouble with the harem skirt it fffl ta| at the kneee. j. According to an eastern Judge ft. *rsci pisnc is a rchicls. Of swsic? We couldn't imagine a safer place to hide a pockeWthan In a harem •UFT ITR Beans tito now^rivals 1& Boston of sleeping porches in the prevention of tuberculosis. SUPREME COURT "GAME CALLED ON ACCOUNT OF DARKNESS" MS. 1JM" Wrestling Is the latest fad of Boston (iris. It is good for the figure and tbe complexion. That Caxnorra trial, frotn Athe de scription must somewhat resemble an agitated zoo. Tan shoes are going out of fashion again. The trouble is they decline to retain their original color. Justices Hand Down a Drastic Decision Disposing of Five- Year Fight to Outlaw the . . Rockefeller Corporation. Washington.--The Standard Oil trust must be dissolved. This is the - , , .. . _ . | dSCioiOIi U* the oupFvuic COllft of lil© T6« ori«"«1 d° not <"*"> to UMted Slates haaded down May 15. fitel complimented by the adoption aleeewhere of the harem shirt The saglan overcoat is coming back Into tittle. We have not, after a dili gent inquiry, been able to find out •hy. A fpwrt In Kentucky is charged with gating important state documents, probably looking for Inside informa- i Chicago real estate man says that • fiat is no place for babies anyway. Or phonographs or piano players, wuier. It Is said that 100,000 Americans Will spend $25,000,000 in seeing that King GlQ] Straight. irge gets his crown on Fifteen hundred dollars for a win dow on the route of the coronation parade in London! How much for a knot-hole? -it.. ' <V Physical culture is a great thing. t; Princeton is planning a stadium where 40,000 persons can sit and watch ath- iBtic contests. liM '::i\ With two explorers at the south |':||iole, the objective pointy for future : ; «apeditions may actually lead to - pleasant spots. Victor Herbert says that Chicago la toe musical center of the country. i*robahly because nearly every man fhere blows his own horn. An American girl is said to have " ( •,* paid $25,000 for a handkerchief In -iT**rt8 the other day. She must be , T getting ready lor the hay fever sea- It Is estimated that Americans will )My $6,000,000 for seats from which to View the coronation pageant England fertainly is getting a rich revenge for 17-76. ! i . i#. m: • t The author of a book entitled "How to Be Happy" recently tried to poison himself because he thinks his life has :|teen a failure. Evidently his book Was one also. The sensible masculine view would be that there is no objection to wom en putting on the divided skirt so long as they do not try to make the men wear the discarded petticoat The "pasha" skirt is the latest. You cap make one by sewing two flour aacks together down to a little below the middle and punching holes through the bottoms. Try it. We haven't time. At a dance given in New Tork the fcost wore a live snake wound around tilm. Opinion as to the inadvisabillty €>f this sort of decoration was prob ably freely given by the guests on ftober thought Sixty-seven Tassels arrive in Chi cago dally during the navigation sear son. This does not include the gaso line launch that comes in at the end of a towline after having gone dead four miles out Velvet trouser cuffs will be the rage this summer, according to a report from New York. If the style ever is adopted it will behoove mete man to maintain a deep silence on the sub ject of the harem skirt. iv The latest fad taken up by Washing ton society girls is learning how to cook. And how with eager and ad miring commendation will that fad be met by the self-constituted critics of much-abused femininity! Bugs are asserted to have damaged the peach crop to the extent of $8,000,- ©00. If bugs and frosts did not keep the peach crop down the produce com binations would be dumping the fruit into the river next summer. Now arises a historian to say that Columbus was an impostor. It has al ready been denied that Queen Isabella pawned her Jewels, and it may be that in future generations George Washing ton will be proclaimed a myth. The decision gives victory to the government in its five-year struggle to break up the Rockefeller combine. The finding of the lower court, that Standard Oil used illegal methods in crushing out competition, is affirmed with only slight modifications. The principal change is the allowance of six months' time for the company to wind up its affairs. The Supreme court declares that the corporation violated the first and sec ond sections of the Sherman anti trust law. These relate respectively to restraint of trade and monopolizing and oonstHiitp n»sin basis cf the government's case. The decision was read by Chief Jus to restrain trade. He said only the question of remedy remained for con sideration. Protection for the Public. The decree of t.he lower court was modified so that there need not be "an absolute cessation of interstate com merce in petroleum and its products by such vast agencies as are embraced in the combination, a result which might arise from that portion of the decree which enjoined carrying on of interstate commerce not only by the New Jersey corporation but by all g>l the subsidiary companies until the dis solution of the combination by the transfer of the stocks in accordance with the decree." Probably the most important propo- sitioTi of !&tv laid down in ths opinion was that the words in the statute "every restraint of trade" are not to % i/A-i ^Siiw-.s.'• i §&? > ' V? WIS* MMIS CHIEF jL*aTIC€ WHITE. A French aviator flew 208 miles In 152 minutes. When one can fly at more than 80 miles an hour, and carry ^ 12 persons safely, the possibilities of human flight in heavier-than-air ma- •qhlH-- become sirhply unlimited. |k-- • ,-v A «ireus came across a town In New tlji' %{/ ' Jersey lately where the mayor and a* •city officials refused passes with scorn. if^VThe circus proprietors did not re- ' tv cover their presence of mind in time k ' "Sl'i enough to invite such unparalleled of- ff L flcial rectitude to Join the curios ex- Hiblts of the show. A hobble skirt in an Indiana town vv^.was the cause of a yoke of oxen run- 1 ' nlng away from fright. The skirt wa« lucky in frightening them. Had antagonized them it would have been promptly transformed to a gored skirt tice White. Justice Harlan announced a dissenting opinion. "Our conclusion is," said the chief justice, "that the decree below was right, and should be affirmed except as to the minor matters concerning which we havo indicated the decree should be modified. Our order will therefore be one of affirmance, with directions, however, to modify the de cree in accordance with this opinion, the court below to retain jurisdiction to the extent necessary to compel compliance in every respect with its decree, and so it is ordered. Given Six Months to Wind Up. The court held that the thirty days given by the lower court as the time within which the Standard Oil com pany was forced to comply with the law was inadequate, and announced that it would grant six months within which the Standard Oil company must be dissolved. By the reorganization of the Stan dard Oil company of New Jersey, the chief justice said, there was prima (acle evidence that there was an en deavor to control and monopolize; that further investigation made this conclusive presumption of an Intent Substitute for Coke Ov«n. An important demonstration of the value of high-presure gas as a substi tute for the coke oven was given at the Birmingham Aluminum Casting company's works, the lord mayor, 8ir Hollowell Rogers, and other members of the gas committee being present. The melting of 100-pound of aluminum In a specially constructed furnace, and the subsequent casting of a section of a motor car were watched with inter est. The company is the first to adopt high-pressure gas for this purpose. be literally construed, but are to be construed In the light of reason. On this point the court held that the position of the government that the Supreme court had decided that any qualification of this phrase was precluded by previous decisions of the Supreme court was erroneous. Oil Suit in Courts Since 1906. The suit which called forth the oil decision was instituted in 1906 in the United States circuit court for the eastern district of Missouri. It was brought in the name of the United States. The immediate object was to dissolve the Standard Oil copipany of New Jersey. From the very beginning the busi ness and the legal worlds recognized that the suit put the Sherman anti trust law to the most severe test to which it had been subjected. The law had been on the statute book since 1890, and had been the basis of some eighteen suits finally passed on, by the Supreme court of the United States. That the law was constitutional was accepted as settled by these decisions, but simple as the words of the statute seemed, there was an absence of unan imity In regard to its interpretation. Electric Safety Boiler Cleaner. v A demonstration of the electric safety boiler cleaner was given in London the other day. The idea Is the invention of A. Schror, a German engineer, and consists in the applica tion to the interior of a sealed boiler of a roller studded with chisel points, worked by an electric motor capable of revolving at a speed of as many revolutions as required, which, with out any labor on the part of the work- | man, thoroughly scales the deposit with a minimum of pressure. Wireless on River Boats. A test of wireless telegraphic serv ice, the first to be attempted, it is said, on river steimers, will be made on the big packet steamer Queen City, operating between Pittsburg and New Orleans. Stations are to be erected along the Ohio and Mississippi riverB. • Preservative for Timber. Roiledf linseed oil and pulverized coal, mixed to the consistency of pa'*nt, make a simple preservative for timber that has to remain in the ground for a long period. Radium Deposit in England. England's only radium deposit, in the Trenwith mine, St. Ives, Cornwall, has yielded its first infinitesimal crop, of approximately one-twentieth of an ounce. , At the present market rates thiB Is worth $150,000. The Austrian cadium bureau, which has a sort of corner in radium, has arranged for Its acquisition.' nL*wi' s»_ A'Strong Preference. "She U literary, isn't she?" % "Tea, indeed; she'd rather read than do housework any day." REBEL LEADER QUELLS MUTINY IN ARMY AND WINS SOL DIERS BY BRAVERY. SAVES LIFE OF GEN. NAVARRO Provisional President, Ordered Under Arrest by Orozco, Declares Uprising Incited by Persons Desirous of Bringing About Disunion. Juarez, Mexico.--Francisco I. Ma- dero, Jr., Is complete master of the situation here after the provisional government which he has established had been put to a severe test occa sioned by a clash between the mili tary and political authorities. After a day of thrilling incidents, during which the lives of Madero and his chiefs were In danger, and Gen eral Orozco In a moment of passion ordered the arrest of the little rebel leader and demanded the resignation of the provisional cabinet, the capital of the provisional government is quiet General Navarro, the defeated fed eral commander, whose life was threatened by angry mobs of Insur- rectos, was spirited away by FranciB- co I. Madero himself to the American side of the Rio Grande and is safely ensconsed in the home of friends in El Paso. Provisional President Madero in a statement charged that General Oroz- co's actions were incited "by persons Interested In bringing about disunion among us." General Orozco called on Madero and the two men talked alone for same time. Suddenly their voices were raiaed and the other rebel po litical chiefs rushed Into the room only to find themselves held back by some of Orozco's men. A throng of soldiers had gathered outside the building and Madero determined to appeal to them. Six-shooters had been drawn and riflee leveled, but Madero stood bravely before the crowd and, slapping his breast, shout ed, "Shoot me, shoot me, if you dare." General Orozco was at his side. His men had been summoned to take part In the coup d'etat, but as Madero stepped forth among them and talked in his calm, reassuring way the affec tion which has been ripened among his men since the revolution began crystallized in a mighty shout, "Viva Madero!" It is aparent that dlssentlon among the uiultiii y cliiexa was the basic cause of the disturbance. Colonel Villa was said to have insisted on Gen eral Navarro's life, while General Or ozco also was said to have been dis pleased with the naming of a civilian as minister of war. PHOEBE C0UZINS IN STRAITS Noted Anti-Suffrage Leader 8tranded at 8t. Loul^ Hotel--Was Former United 8tates Marshal. St. Louis.--Miss Phoebe W. Cou- zlns, In late years recognized throughout the United States as the leader of her sex against woman suf frage, is stranded at the Terminal ho* tel, with scarcely enough money to buy her luncheons. For the last few days she has subsisted mostly on bread and water. Miss Couzins has been at the hotel for more than three weeks and was forced to appeal t to friends to lend her enough money to buy a ticket back to Washington. She Is more than 60 years old and an Invalid. She former ly was United States marshal at St. Louis and has a degree of bachelor of law from Washington university. Latest Submarine Vessels. The latest types of submarine ves sels make a speed of from eight to ten miles en hour. Tobacco Is Held at Customs. New York.--To learn If the gov ernment is receiving full customs duty on tobacco shipments from „ Havana, inspectors seized 2,000 bales-of to bacco recently imported from Cuba and It is being held for examination. To Have $1,000,000 Temple. Washington.--Work will begin Im mediately on the construction of a $1,000,000 temple for the Scottish Riu* Masons here, for which a contract has Just been let. President Taft will lay the cornerstone In October. Worried Over Franz Josef. London.--The boerses of Vienna and Budapest are depressed because of renewed reports of Emperor Franz Josefs failing health. It has been denied he Is ailing, but the statement that apparatus for radium baths was sent to Goedoetioe has reawakened uneasiness. f c-i \ A Votes for Aldrlch Plan. Davenport, la.--At their annual meeting in this city group 8 of the Iowa Bankers' association Indorsed the Aldrlch currency plan. '»v: Hayward, Wis.--John Dietz, the "out law of Cameron dam," was found guilty of murder In the first degree by a jury for the killing of Deputy Sheriff Oscar Harp at the final battle at the Dieiz, homestead on OCtODer X last He was sentenced by Judge Reid to life imprisonment at hard labor in the penitentiary at Waupun. Dietz' wife and son Leslie, who were on trial with him, were acquitted. The "outlaw," following x the an nouncement of the verdict, made a dramatic protest that he waB a vic tim of th!e "lumber trust" and that the death oi the tiepuijr uheria was but an Incident In the^trust's" war upon him. There are other complaints pend ing against the other members of the Dietz family, but1 is thought they will not'be prosecuted by the State. WIFE OF PRESIDENT ILL Mrs. Taft Suffers From Nervous At tack While Accompanying Hus band on 8peaking Tour. New York.--Owing to the Illness of Mrs. Taft the president was obliged to shorten his visit to the convention of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men at Harrlsburg, Pa., end return to New York. Mrs. Taft is now at the homd of Mr. Taft's brother, Henry W. Taft, where she is suffering from a mild recur- rprice of a nervous malady that ap peared in a more serious forin two years ago. It was the Intention that Mrs. Taft should accompany the president to Harrlsburg. When she was taken ill It was feared that he would be obliged to cancel the engagement, but later Mrs. Taft's condition was such that he was able to make the trip. At Harrlsburg the president spoke on the right of government employes to organize labor unions and to affil iate with the American Federation of Labor. QUEEN HOME FROM TRIP Alexandra Returns From Cruise, and Will Remain at 8andrlngham Palace for Coronation. London, England.--Queen Mother Alexandra, who returned recently from a cruise in the Mediter ranean, has taken up a residence at Sandringham palace, where she will remain until after the* coronation. During the cruise and since her re turn the queen mother has enjoyed good health. She arrived here in time' to be present at the memorial service on the anniversary of the death of King Edward, and her distress dur ing the service was marked. Trust Law Is Valid. Chicago.--The demurrers of the Chicago packers In the "beef trust** case were overruled by Judge Carpen ter in the United States district court Judge Carpenter declared that the Sherman anti-trust law, which had been attacked by the packers, is con stitutional. ' He also held that the in dictment charging J. Ogden Armour and other packers with violating its provisions Is valid. Newark (O.) Lyncher Pleads Guilty. Newark, O.--Qulncy Sutley, twenty- three years old, who Is on trial charged with first degree murder for participation In the lynching here last July, changed his plea of not guilty to "guilty of manslaughter." Liberia Chooses New Head. Paris.--The governor general of East Africa advices the government that D. E. Howard, formerly secre tary of the treasury of Liberia, has been elected president of the repub lic, succeeding President Arthur Bar- day. Ex-Attorney General Dies. Sherman, Tex.--James McCartney, former attorney general of Illinois and member of congress from a Chicago district died at a local sanitarium here after a short illness. Man Suffers With Qiandera. Washington. -- Health authorities have quarantined E. M. Combs, a farmer of Stafford county, Va., who is in Washington and not expected to survive an attack of glanders, con tracted two weeks ago when he was operating on a calf. Seeks Presidency of D. A. R. Buffalo, N. Y.--Buffalo chapteV, Daughters of the American Revolu tion, has launched the candidacy of Its regent. Mrs. John Miller Horton, for president general in 1913. laADIES CATV WEAR SHMtob ": See size smaller »fter using Allen's Foot-Saii* the antiseptic powder to be shaken into th« aboee. It makes tljrht or new shoes feel easy. Sttute substitute*. For Free trial package, Snam f A. OlaiM, Le So;,M. It. * A woman's idea of a brave man la one who isn't afraid to go into, a dar& Closet in which there may be a mouse. . Dr. Pierced Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy,^regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. Do not Iripe. Many a man who swears at a trt* monopoly nourisnmg a little one. "All Run Down" Describes the condition of thousands el men and women who need only to purify and enrich their blood. They feel tired all the time, ""^very task, every responsi bility, has become hard to them, because they have not strength to do nor powtfl! to endure. ~ If you are one of these all-nm-down pea* pie or are at all debilitated ' / Hood's §ars0par|!|a It purifies and enriches the blood, and buil ; up the whole system. Get it today in usual liquid form OV chocolated tablets called Sarsataba. LIFE TERM FOR DIETZ 18 FOUND QUiLTY OF FIRST DE GREE MURDER. Jury Acquits the Wife and 8on of the "Outlaw of Cameron Dam." TF yon mint to invest yoor teots»rr •>«*»!- pj"ofltA.blv. - drawinirfroiB wj e*. Interest paid promptly when dua Fo8 puticui&ra, write to JacobBonder&U Bettl tutor, N. O, i if i miuimwm o f t h e W t r l d ' s j Z / I Graam Sunarainrs 9 'Tygt-ayc? scam. WAM Q snskes of creamery or factory separators in me. Today ever &8 por emit, of the world's creame-ria? tfrL use DE LaYAL e^wafcors exclusively. meace a difference of several thotffiaad dollars a year wheibar a DE LAVAL or asm® other make of separator is used in a creamery. ^0 Exactly the same (SiSaraaoM exist, on a tmaller aoale, in the use of farm separators. Owing to the fact, .however, that moat farm tmctpr do not keep a« aoonrata records aa the creamexyman, they do not mm Appreciate just what the difference between, a good, and a poor separator mm. mean» to them in doUatfe and cents. Nine times out of ten the farmer mm can't tell whether or not he Is wasting $50 to $100 a year In quantity nmmm and quality of product through the use of an inferior cream separator. Now, if you were in need of legal advice, you would go to a lawyer. It you were sick you would consult a doctor. If you had the toothache I you would call on a dentist. Why? Because specialists in their line, and you rely upon their when it comee to buyinga separator why not proi o t t n e c r e a t u e i " " " " " " " " " " " correctly. He miowp which separator will give y mical for you to buy. That'i these men are all udgment and skill, it by the exparieixce him to advise von, ou the best service -5 and bethe most economical for "you to buy. That's why 0B per cent, of the world's creameries w» the DE LAVAL exclusively* There can be no better recommendation for the DE LAVAL than Sjjlf i fact that the men who make the separation of milk a business use STj i DE LAVAL to the practical exclusion of all other makes. the DE LAVAL to the praotica! Before you buy any Cream Separator be sure to the local DE LAVAL agent and try a DE LAVAL. DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. ies-ie7 Broaomv NEW YORK 173*177 WILLIAM B1 MONTREAL i K. Muaw •iiati CHICAGO > PRINCESS WINNIPea Ommm ft SaoiiamCmto SIM. aaN FRANCISCO 4 THE tJa lea-ic* vMi/niimmm i«muwwwwwl I 8EATTUE §| 1018 WESTERN Ai SEATTLE EXPERIENCE. c % •u. •» _ ygk K\ M -Lr ^ j1 Teacher--Tommy, what Is a co quette? Tommy--It's a thin* you make out of what's left of the stewed chicken. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle at CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature In Use For Over 3o'Years~ 7~ Children Cry for Fletcher'? Castoria uu uunuieu, iwa see wai n Too Much Like Work. "The boss's son Is kicking." "Why?" "Say's he's overworked. All he used to do was tear the pages -oil the office calendars once a month.,. Now he haa to wind the eight-d&y clock, too." "HOMESEEKERS or others interested in SOUTHERN OPPORTUNITIES ihould KTite B. C. Prince, Bainbridge, Ga., for sopy of beautiful illustrated booklet en siled 'THE LAND OF PROMISE.'" The Army of Constipation Cpgwwmer Bwej Blsfc-, GARTER'S UTTLE UVER^PiLLS sse Only fpr© nlkf- oae €#»•%%- MiR: MiU„ i for e*» tSm SkimJ] pALl. FILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PUG*! Cv&xroiiM* awstbcu Sign&tmt instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide 100,000 people last year used P&xtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to ba dissolved in water as needed, i For all toilet and hygienic uses it 1a better and more economicaL To save and beautify the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and puiu^ uio ufciuii ttfwi To eradicate perspiration and body » odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Believes and strengthens tired, weak, inflamed eyes. Heals sore throat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggista or by mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO.,Bovton.MAM.' BALE PRESS There is still plenty of honey in the .*ock for the man who has the pa tience to keep on pegging away until tie sets to it For oyer fifty years Rheumatism and Neuralgia sufferers hare found great re- lef in Hamlins Wizard Oil. Don't wait ior inflammation to set in. Get a bottle ®day. It sometimes happens that a street fight reminds a married man that there are other places like home. lira. Wlnslow's Sootbtng Syrup for Children teething, noftens the g-ums. reduces inflamma tion. allays pain, eurea wind colic, Ko a bottle. A man may avoid family caraa by taking care of his family. Cbrw and smoke untaxed tobacco, cbeap and tndoped. Meriwether A Bdwards, ClanurUle.Taim. Laughter will keep the doctor off pour doorstep.--Witchell. i TOUR HAY : fca a £oio«i It will bring yon more money. Send ior Catalog* P.:K.BI5»IIM€IRS SONS 10(1 Tavolt ST J, Albany, N. Y. toMis kills liiM. Neat, CIma, em&meotal, corves* ieat,ehcap. Lasts all tip o\ctu wUj i:ot soil injure effects' Of elli ddsJereg# fceiat pceihtitl 8ci- HAUOL& SOMUU! ito ife fiftib Am, BrnHim t«|i ""DTAVltt you $iu.uu tu invest fpr t -*•*- imJiiUie iu *amill# ISMKT Til rinxii for rent or sale on crop parmant*. J.] kail, Sioiu CUt, Iowa. If you want a thing wall 'dona, do it yourself.--Wellington. - xuouths it S5,E Siit1 . --nlii* l?j£T YoWt Investment seamred by vandon lien notes, writ* for^Bformation and bank raferenoee PTo. Box m, fW i5, ttiumiismij; BOYS AND HIIILS EARN big money, sell Si uackattes n«edl<«, 10 cents a pack* il.SU stssa «s ti.50, wo tru*t yon. 10csample. ~ . Entanp St., St.rwJ, lUa* J. aibUi Agency, D*pt A, MS 1 MTlFHT^ Fortunes are made In patents. Pjo- rm I bit 1 w tect your Ideas. Our 6* page bookirea. WtusfsW* Co., Box K, Wsriifegtas, P. Ol W. N. U, CHICAGO, NO. 20-1911. Faint? Hare y«m weak heart, Snr ieeiin**, oppmwad breathing alter taealsP Or do you experience paia over the heart, shortness of breath o* going up-st«iia and the many distressing symptoms which indicate poor circulation and bad blood P A heart tonia. blood and body-huilder that has stood the test as |ovtr 4« years of cures la Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery The heart becomes regular ms clock-work. The red Mood corpuscles are increased in number and the aerves in turp are well fed. The arteries ere filled with good rich blood. That is why nervous debility, irritability, hunting spells, disappear and are over* come by thk alterative extract of medicinal roota put up by Dr. Pieroe without the use of alcohol. Ask your neighbor. Many have been cured of tcroftuuus ooaflfloas, trfcers, "fever-Mires," white swellings, etc., by takiaM Dr. Pierce's Discovery. Just the refreshing and vitalizing tonic needed im excessive tissue waste, in convalescence from fevers or ior run-down, anicmie^ thin-bluodcd people. Stick to this safe and sane remedy and refuse ail " just as good " kinds offered by the dealer who i» looking for a larger profit. Noth> » ing will do you half as much good as Dr. Piercs's Golden Medical Disooverf. VJr.: