Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1911, p. 5

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We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove'is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as 4any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should kn^jv and which you may learn by calling upon us. :: :: :: :: " THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE More Shoes A complete slock of Ladies Shoes of good style, in all sizes and rea­ sonable prices, are now on hand. We also carry a line of Ladies' Slippers at medium prices. Call and ask to see them. :: :: J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh. Hi. rFKone 926. J) P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COrtMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Drused Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is t£e oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A j, Pattoa St. WhoMilt Market. The Plaindealer ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME for All IHe Locil News Don't toy NOTICE. I have left all accounts due me with C. W. Stenger at the West McHenry State bank for collection. Anyone knowing themselves indebted to me will confer a great favor by settling their accounts at the above mentioned place at as early a date as possible. 44-tf ALBEBT ETTEN. L PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Wooiltttjsrli. Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of five buna red to ten thousand dollars. Time and paymeuta to suit borrower. Phones 634. 903 and tfll.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W H Mann & w to Wm N Fremiti, nwH uwH sec 86, 40acres,ex &c, Richmond township 13000.00 Wm Lichty & w to N N Weber, pc of land n of Main 8t, Spring Grove 1300.00 Harriet A Overton to Wm J Overton, Its 1, 2. 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, IS, Overton's 1st addn. Solon Mills. |jo J II M arsh & w to Borden's Condensed Milk Co, It 16 & suh-lt 2 of It S, blk 23. lleHeriry, w side Fdx river; also Co elk pit It ft sec 26. Nunda 300.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of John George Schmidt, final report filed. In re George Ethan Lamphere, Mary H. Lamphere appointed guardian!. Bond $1050. John B. Kennebeck, petition for let­ ters testamentary filed and approved. John H. Kennebeck appointed execu­ tor. Personal and individual bopd 96200, filed and approved. MARRIAGE LICENSES. George H. Meyers. Clara J. Kremer. _ McHenry McHenry NOTICE TO CEMETERY LOT OWNERS. Notice is hereby given that the an­ nual dues for the keeping up of the Woodland cemetery is now due and lot owners are requested to make such payments to any one of the below mentioned officers. The dues are "only $1.00 and the payment of same should be made promptly. MRS. JAMES B. PERRY, Pres. MRS. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Sec. MRS. C. C. COLBY, Treas. ALUMNI MEETING. The McHenry High School Alumni association will hold a meeting on Fri­ day evening of this week, May 19, at the home of Miss Mabel Granger. The presence of every member is urg­ ently requested. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmHiimitii NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B V OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS utiuumut. Mrs. W. L». Risley is visiting with Beloit relatives. " John Oakroot was a caller in Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mrs. Merchant and son were Wood­ stock callers Saturday. S. R. Smith of Chicago visited with Father Button Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited die Diggins library at Harvard Friday. Miss Glenys Jacobs was a pleasant caller at the Lake Tuesday. Mrs. W. E. Dike of Woodstock was a pleasant caller in town Friday. Mr. and Mi's. I. E. Mason went to the city Wednesday of last week. The Ladies1 Aid society will meet in the church parlors Thursday, May 25. Mrs. E. E. Shepard visited Mrs. Keese in Woodstock one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dygert enter­ tained Miss Pearl Glass of Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller of Wood­ stock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stratton. Miss Clara Salow entefiaiueu her cousin, Hilda Keggibein, of Crystal Lake Sunday. Miss Alma Berlin of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Dowevy and two grandchildren spent a part of two days last week with Mis. R. L. Dutield. Mrs. J. R. Brow of Muskegon, Mich., visited with her sister, Mrs. L. Nelson, for a few days recently. Ervin Greely and Guy Still and little son of Woodstock were Ridgefield callers Sunday forenoon. W. S. Rushton, who is very ill at hU Luuir « ilii urupsy of the heart, is very little improved in health. Walter Cobb started out with his spraying outtit the first of last week and is kept very bu^y these days. Mrs. Nella Shaw of Ft. Atkinson spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. F. M. Risley, and family. Mrs. H. H. Burgett and daughter, Zelda, of Crystal Lake visited with RSdgetield friends last week Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield and Mvs. Geo. Irish and granddaughter, Lois Levey, were in Crystal Lake Saturday after­ noon. (.'lark B. Hodgkinson of Colorado Springs spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. I'ermilla flodg- kinson. Mrs. A. Stephenson and two daugh­ ters, Misses Arline and Edna, made a business trip to Elgin in J. Schatfer's auto Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. (). Kline and daugh­ ters, Ruth and Mabel, and Mrs. D. L. Gibson drove to the Woodstock ceme­ tery with flowers for Mother Kline's grave Sunday, Mothers' day. Three of Ridgefleld's young ladies attending the high school at Crystal Lake, who usually take the 3:30 p. m. train for home, star ted to walk ^ahead of the train Thursday and were conse­ quently one-half an hour late on their arrival. Mothers' day was very appropriately observed in the church here Sunday. The floral decorations were white car­ nations, lilies, gladiolus and ferns. The flower committee of the Christian Endeavor society of the Ridgetield church wish to thank D. O. Kline for the beautiful flowers he gave in honor of Mothers' day. The people of our quiet little village were much excited over the dejwt safe robbery of Friday morning at about two o'clock. The loss to the agent amounted to over $87.00. A. F. Salow's store was broken open by two of the gang, but Mrs. Salow, hearinganoise, awakened her husband and the men were frightened away. An attempt was made the same night on F. W. Wille's house. The others, as learned, were W. P. Allen and Mr. Giesselbrecht. It is learned that one of the men was caught and is now in the Woodstock jail. JOHNSRIIROH. Ed. Debrecht Chicagoed Tuesday. Mrs. Palmes was a McHenry caller Monday. Wm. Althoff was a McHenry caller Monday. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and' Mrs. Fay of Ringwood were callers here Sunday. Joe May of Ringwood made a call thru here Tuesday evening. Joe Miller of Fox Lake sj>ent Sun­ day among relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Kate May spent Tuesday at the home of her son, Jacob May, and fam­ ily. ^ Mrs. Mat. Freund and daughter, Regina, were McHenry visitors Mm- day. Mr. and Mis. Peter Williams of Spring Grove were Johnsburgh visitors Tuesd&y. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Blake of McHen­ ry spent Sunday among relatives in Johnsburgh. Misses Martha Niesen and Eva Hue- mann were McHenry visitors last Sun­ day afternoon. Frank Freund and family of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Kate May. Mrs. Jas. Conway and daughter, Flossie, of Ringwood were caJlers in town Satuiday last. Dr. N .J. Nye, daughter, Rosemary, and son, Harvey, of McHenry were callers in Johnsburgh Tuesday even ing. Don't forget the moving pictures at the Central Saturday and Sunday even­ ings, May 2Qa*jd 21. All seats 10c Nothing small about this show but the price. - Souvenir jiost cards, biggest and best seleotion in town, at F. M&squelet's. •»«««»•» »«»•»«»> in »••«»». MIBAUI PARK. W. J. Walsh spent Wednesday at Algonquin. Geo. Blum of Chicago visited the Park Sunday. L. Huck attended to business in Chi­ cago Wednesday. John W. Gibbs has returned from Iki^ vlqtt frt C. &&• Miss Catherine Knox visited'Miss Lucie Sutton Tuesday evening. Chas. A. Cohan of Chicago spent the week-end with his family .here. Mrs. Robert Sohns of Chicago is spending a few days at her cottage. L. Pregler of Chicago spent Satur­ day with L. Eisenmenger and family. Henry Bending and son of Chicago are spending a few days at their cot­ tage. Mrs. C. Romano and a few friends of Chicago are spending a few days at the Park. Sister M. Bernadine of Chicago vis- iunl friends in this vicinity Monday and Tuesday. Miss A. De Wahl Malefyt and Chas. Maiefyt spent the week-end at their cottage here. Miss Helen Kunstman and friends of Elgin visited her parents here Satur­ day and Sunday. Jos- Prey spent Tuesday at the Park and attended the wedding of a relative in McHenry Wednesday. Thos. A. Frisby and friend, Miss Larsen, of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Ellen Frisby and family. Many from this vicinity attended the May party at Wauconda last Friday evening and report a pleasant time. Robert E. Sutton of Chicago was vis­ iting home folks Sunday and attended the Alumni dance Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelscher and son, Robert, of Chicago spent Sat unlay and Sunday with R. J. Sutton and fain- ily. Mrs. Louis Eisenmenger and chil­ dren, Arthur and Mabel, are spending a few davs with Chicago relatives this week. Miss Mamie Smith returned the first of the week from a visit with her grandparents and other relatives east of McHenry. The farmers in this vicinity are busily engaged putting in their corn crop. The prospects for fruit this year are very good. Mess«s. Geo. Fraser and Hugh Kirk oT Chicago s|K>nt Saturday and Sunday with their families here. All returned to the city Sunday evening. Messrs. Kenneth Burns and Arthur Titus of Chicago spent Sunday with W. K. Burns and family and attended the Alumni dance in McHenry. Misses Mabel Powers and Ethel Van Hausen, Messrs E. Sabin and Jay Van Ilousen of Elgin visited at R. J. Sut­ ton's Sunday afternoon, having made the trip in the latter's auto. Misses Edith Whiting of Ringwood Ada Carey of McHenry and Messrs. Gillis and Sullivan of Woodstock and James Doherty of McHenry spent Sun­ day afternoon with the Misses Knox. TKKKA COTTA- Walter Conway was an Elgin visitor last Sunday. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. Miss Frances Welch visited at C. E. Martin's Friday and Saturday. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry was the guest of relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Mabel, were Chicago visitors Satur­ day- M iss Alice Leisner is spending a couple of weeks with Chicago rela­ tives. Mrs. J. H. Gracy attended the fun­ eral of a relative near Dwight, 111.. Friday. P. J. Cleary and J. W. Schaffer of McHenry passed thru here Monday evening^ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck spent Sun­ day at the home of their son, Chas., in South Elgin. Mrs. Davis of Carpentersville was a guest at the home of Henry McMillan the first of the week. Misses Margaret Grant and Eva and Neva McMillan spent Saturday with their teacher, Miss Newman, in Mc­ Henry. KINO WOOD* Mary and Bertha Bell were Dundee visitors Tuesday. Miss Agnes Dodge spent Saturday night with McHenry friends. The Ladies' Aid met with Mi's. C. Smith Thursday of last week. Mrs. Haw ley returned to her home at Harrington Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Dodge returned from a visit to California Thursday of last week. Call at Brown's drug store, Ring- wood, and ask about the Chi-Namel graining contest. The W. C. T U. meeting at Mrs. Allen's last Saturday was well attend­ ed and enjoyed by all. Mrs. II. W. Allen was called to North Crystal Lake Sunday morning on ac­ count of the illness of her mother. Mrs. George Andrews went to Elgin last Thursday. Mr. Andrew^ drove down Saturday evening, both .return­ ing Sunday evening. The inotiograph is the latest thing in moving pictures. At the Central opera house Saturday and Sunday even­ ings. The Decoration day exercises will be held in the M. W. A. hall Tuesday, May 30, at 3:00 p. m. The W. C. T. U. will furnish the speaker. Misses Agnes Bigelow and Lora Walkington form the committee to look after the music. WILL GRIND BUT THREE DAYS. Until further notice, we will ^rind feed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satr uidays only. JOHN SPENCER. 44-tf CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT A)1 adTerttsemenu Inserted under this WM at the following r»te(: Fire line* or leu, *6 oent« for Brat insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent Insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line (or first Insertion, nil S<«»nt* a line for addition! Insertions. TTOR SALE--Kural New Yorker seed pota- A toes. Inquire of B. J. ADAMS, West Mc­ Henry, III. 44-tf \XTANTED--Girl for general housework. »* Good wages. MBS. W. D. GOUL,I>, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf TIHJR SALE--A good farm of eighty f Inquire of O. W. Sinwis, west McHen­ ry State Bank. 48-tf "CVJR 8ALR--At my Pistakee Bay# cottage, SvcKxS tia.bers. "of further iuioriuu tion address MHK. PAOL GKHDINO. 2423 North Olark St., Chicago. pH)R SALE--Lot.s on the river front, summer *- cottages and dwelling and other lots and lands in the village limits. Call on O. N. OWEN, at the Hank of McHenry. CH>R SALE--An air motor gasoline engine. *• Also old-style Singer sewing machine. Both will be sold very cheap. Inquire of or write MHS. J. M. PRKSTON, McHenry, in. CV3R SALE--18 foot launch in first-class *- condition, or will exchange for larger one. Best offer lakes It. LKOPOL-T GKUZI.EH. 'Phone 513. Box 2B4, McHenry, 111. 47*-tf WB RENT--A seven room bouse, with cls- *• teru, well and garden. Located on the corner of Park and Broad streets. Inquire of or write J. W BONSLKTT, McHenry, III. jfj>OR ?A I.K Black pouy, harness and new *- Staver buggy. Pony i.s six years old and weighs 72^ pounds For futher Informal ion write or apply w> MATH. FKBIINK, McHenry. EV)H RENT, CHEAP--The dwelling rooms *- ou second floor of the R. A. Howard bulldlnc. West McHenry. In;mediate posass slou given, inquire of S. Srorriei., West Mc­ Henry. t 47-8t qMlK IMMIGRANTS' PRuTECTlvg LEAGUE would like to htvir from farm erswhoare in need of farm lalxirers. State wajres, kind of farm, etc. Address M. CIM- BAM}, Immigrants' Protective league, 743 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. 48-3t LAUNCH FH K S A L E -- a twenty-two fttuter driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty eugiue. Boat is fiuisued in ma­ hogany and has been overhauled this spring, placing it. in A No. 1 condition. For further information apply to or address NKWTON Orro, Orchard Beach, McHenry, 111. Phone am, 43-tf. "CHHi SALE--Having purchased the old mill In Centervllle and navlug already start­ ed work of r,'«7.Iug of saute, 1 hereby offer for sale all the lumber contained in same at a great, sacrifice. Will dispose of everything, even to the shingles, aud anyone who can use the lumber will save money by consulting !««'•. Ii»»" qiiiir ;t number oi excellent tim­ bers that, would make tine barn building ma­ terial. This lumt>er will be sold in any quan­ tity desired. J. W. BONBLRTT, Mclleury, III. ITEMS OF LOCAL WTEREST AS riCKED UP BY PLAINDEALER RE­ PORTERS DURING WEEK. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS VIL­ LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE VICBMITY- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Northern Life of Illinois. For the latest and best in buggies see Wm. Stoffel. Ice cream sundaes and cones at V\ Masquelet's next Saturday. We will open our soda fountain for the season next Saturday. F. Masque- let. Call at Brown's drug store, Ring- wood, and ask about the Chi-Namel graining contest. The motiograph at the Central Sat­ urday and Sunday, a first-class show, and all seats 10 cents. Lubricating oils and mixed paints, t he very best that the market affords. See Wm. Simes, McHenry. Mrs. Lynch of North Crystal Lake is selling hats at such reductions that it pays anyone to go to her from far and near. Will the lady who got her gloves mismated at the alumni dance kindly bring the wrong one to this office and receive her ownY Our lightning rods are 32 wire pure copper cable. Nothing better for the money in the market. Better protect your buildings. Wm. Stoffel. Wm. Simes can supply you with the very finest lubricatiog oils for engine and automobile use to be found OQ the market today. Better see him. Spray your fruit trees and berry bushes with Nox-all spray mixture, one pound to twelve quarts of water. Fifteen cents per pound at Petesch's. Christopher Columbus reported that the Indians used paint. Must have been Bradley & Vrooman pure paint. It lasts longest. Sold by F. L. Mc- Omber, West McHenry. The habit of happiness can best be cultivated by finishing your floors, woodwork, furniture, walls, ceilings, buggies and wagons with Perma-Lac. Sold by F. L. McOmber, West Mc­ Henry. It should be borne in mind by par­ ents as well as children that it is con­ trary to the law of the state not only to kill song birds but also to molest their nests or destroy their eggs. And no better training of any kind can be accorded the children than obedi­ ence of the law, respect of the right of others and kindness towards all beasts and birds and fishes. Quite a number of automobiles are owned in McHenry and vicinity and new ones are making their appearance on our streets almost every w^ek, but it remained for Ben Schoewer to in troduce the motorcycle. He is the first McHenryite to invest in a machine of this kind and is the proud possessor of an M. & M. In telling of the motor­ cycle pleasures, Ben has caused a sort of a craze among the young fellows here and it now looks as if others will invest. One of the most pleasurable dancing parties held in McHenry in many a day was that given under the auspices of the McHenry Alumni association at Stoffel's hall last Saturday evening. Forty-six tickets were sold and those present seemed bent on a good time, which from all reports they certainly had. Sherman's orchestra of Wood­ stock, which was never known to dis­ appoint, was present and furnished some "nifty" music. The members of the association would like much to haye seen a better attendance, but are well pleased with the turn out. If You Can't Find It Elsewhii^ '-•"M We Are Sure to Have It When any item in dru^ store sunnlies is wanted, you will save time by coming to us for it. You will also get the best quality of it at the right price. Our aim is to carry a stock that includes everything ever required by the people of this community. Our drugs are pure and fresh and the best to be had and we carry many things not found in the average drug store. It will pay to remember this when anything unusual is wanted or you hare an important prescription to be filled. N. !I. Petesch, •Phone^74. - McHENRY, ILLINOIS. That's the name and this is the place where the Flour is manu­ factured. The business man, the professional man, the far­ mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec­ ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. low M Feed ilk WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prep. =5v C' We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: :: FREE SEWING MCHNES We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: ..Jacob Justen.. *4. i Olest mcR«nrv, 111. a well selected line of the celebrated KABO CORSETS All in the latest cor­ rect styles at SO, 7S $1.00 $1.S0 Summer Underwear, ladies' waists, jabots, I »utch Collars, Etc. Stoffel, t C«l«plK>ne Do. 301

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