Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1911, p. 5

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We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon US. :: :: - " ~ F. L.* AYcOm ber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE f Hi At what? Why, at that old job of selling Paints. Our stock of Sher­ win-Williams Brighten-up Finishes is now as complete as it ever was. Therefore don't hesitate to let us have your order. The more, the merrier. :: :: :: - J, C. Debrecht & Go. Johnsburgh, 111. :: 'Phone 926. P H I L I P J A E G E R OBNERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. PaltM St. Whoaaal* MarlMt. J) The Plaindealer ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME For All The Local lews Make your store popular by mak- ingitcomfortable Use Electric Fans to keep a constant breeze blowing and to keep the flies away. It's a ?mall investment that brings big returns. We have all types--ceiling, counter column, floor column, wa|l, bracket and oscillating fans. Send for our representative to figure on an equipment for your place of business and make it a comfortable place that customers like to pat ronize. Everything electrical at our display rooms at the lowest prices. North Shore Electric Co, NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS FOE GOODNESS' SAKE drink Riverside coffee, dry roasted, i t J. W. Fay's, McHenry, 111. 49-8t amuKfiBUk A. P. Peck went to Beloit Saturday. P. W. Hartman went to Crystal Lake Monday. A. F. Salow went td Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. Fred Wille went to Woodstock Tuesday. S. Francisco is raising sugar cane this year. Lewis Johnson was in Woodstock Saturday. J. C. Liu turn will move to his farm next week. Mrs. H. L. Duiield spent Tuesday in Woodstock. Mrs. H. Cooper Spent Tuesday in W oodstock. Mrs. Ru'h Ivline^drove to Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. Dora Cooper/ was in Crystal Lake Friday. MhIk'1 Wille was a Crystal Lake vis­ itor Tuesday. E. Letsler is building a -new seven room cottage. Mrs. S. Thayer of Woodstock was in town Monday. Elmer l^etsler was a caller at the Lake Monday. Mrs. L). O. Kline was a Crystal Like culler Monday. A. F. Davis of Austin was at Ridge- field Thursday. Mrs. R. L. Duiield called in Wood­ stock Thursday. Mrs. Byron Waterman of Woodstock was in town Friday. llncle Doc made a trip to Crystal Lake for ice Friday. Mrs. S. Wakefield was a caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. Malm berg, with his mother, is visiting at Josephson's. Miss Agnes Dufield was at Wood­ stock one day last week. Mrs. A. Hanson and son. Earl, went to Woodstock Saturday. John Oak root was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Hans Nelson was a business caller at the Lake Monday. F. W. Hartman was a business call­ er in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. F. M. Peck of Chicago was a Ridgetielcl visitor recently. Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Rose, went to Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. Iver Ericson and baby visited relatives in Woodstock Sunday. W. R. Shelt of Woodstock was a pleasant caller in town Monday. A. F. Salow and family attended church at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Allen and daughter, Evelyn, visited at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Abram Levey and daughter, Lois, went to Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Burman and chil­ dren sj>ent Sunday at C. O. Anderson's. Mrs. E. E. Shepard and Mrs. ('has. Durkee were McHenry visitor's Sun­ day. Mrs. J. J. Reser and daughter, Mar- jorie, spent Tuesday with relatives at Capron. Louis Goddard and Ralph Marble of Woodstock were callers at the I^ake Sunday. Mrs. F. Ellsworth of Woodstock vis­ ited at the home of Mre. Wakefield Thursday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman visited at the home of W. X. Quinn of Woodstock Thursday. Mi-s. Charles Strat um and daughter, Lucille, were shopj»ers in Woodstock Wednesday. Miss Edith Mohlenbrink of Union is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Clyde Oglesby. Mr. and Mi's. Alln'rt Jacobs visited the latter's father, Mr. Magoon, at El^in Salu rday • Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duiield helped celebrate Mrs. Eddy's birthday in Woodstock Sunday. Miss Hilda Kegelxnn visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. F. Salow, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ethel Thayer of Woodstock attended the dance in the Woodman hall Saturday evening^ Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesselgrave and daughter, Addie, spent Sunday with their daughter at Richmond. J. C. Button and sister, Mi-s. Hodg- kinson, were at Dr. Windmueller's \oflice in Woodstock Saturday. Mi's. Giesselbrecht and Mi's. Kline will entertain the Ladies' Aid at the manse Thursday afternoon. June H. Miss Ora Anderson and sister, Elsie, also Ruth England of Chicago, spent several days at the home of H. Nelson. Mrs. C. F. French and children vis­ ited with Mrs. French's brother, Mark Tlutson, and family at McHenry Fri­ day. Mrs. Lolo Bennett of Woodstock, son, James, and Mrs. Lynch and son, Ray, called on friends at Chemung Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelton of Bata- via sjient Saturday a» the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Houghawout. Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughter Ruth, went to Crystal Lake Saturday even­ ing, Miss Ruth to take her elocution lesson of Miss Leach. Miss Mabel Peterson, who is work­ ing in Woodstock, came home Friday night to spend Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson. Mrs. Ray Dygert accompanied her brother, W. Harden, of Woodstock to the city Sunday to see their mother, Mrs. George Harden, who is quite ill in a hospital there. Mrs. George Wheeler entertained the Cemetery association. Refresh­ ments of ice cream and cake were served, which were very much appre­ ciated. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Anners June 1 at 2:30 o'clock. The Northern Life of Illinois. kMSBALD PARK. P. J. Aylward was a visitor at Cherry Valley Sunday evening. Miss Catherine Knox spent Thursday with Mrs. Clarence Martin. Paul Armstrong of River Forest spent Tuesday at the Park. Eld ward Portman of Chicago spent a few days recently at Ed. Knox's. Mrs. L. Huck spent Wednesday and Thursday with Chicago relatives. Miss Mae Keefe of Woodstock spent Sunday with Miss Genevieve Knox. D. W. Hill, James H ax ton and Geo. Blum were here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chica­ go are spending a few days at the Park. Mrs. W. E. Heaney of Chicago was the guest of Ed. Knox and family Sun­ day. Kenneth Burns returned to Chicago Tuesday after a weeks' vacation at the Park. Miss .Hettie Randall of West Mc­ Henry was a guest of the Misses Knox Sunday. Salvator Romano and a few friends of Chicago spent Sunday at Oak Villa cottage. R. J. Sutton is spending a few days with Elgin relatives and attending to business there. Miss Alice Conway of Chicago spent a few days this week with Walter Bol- ger and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney returned to Chicago Friday after s|iending a week at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson of Chi­ cago spent a few days the first of the week at TI. Berkircher's. M iss Margaret Peth of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Laper. Miss Gussie Goeler of Chicago vis­ ited a few days this week with her sis­ ter. Mi's. A. Laper, and family. Misses Ellen and Pender Walsh of West McHenry spent Thursday with their grand mother. Mrs. Ellen Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malefyt of Chi­ cago and a number of his friends spent a few days the first of the week at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Neiderraeyer and children of Chicago were visiting Louis Eisenmenger and family several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gregori and son, Hugh, and Miss D. Logue of Chi­ cago are the^ guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of May- wood spent several days at their cot­ tage this week. They drove out Sat- urday in their new mn-about car. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Katern- dahl (nee Miss Laura Wescott Hill) who were married in Chicago last Wednesday are spending a weeks' out­ ing here at the summer home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill. Mrs. Katerndahl has spent the past several summer seasons here dur­ ing Which time she has made many ac­ quaintances who join in congratula­ tions. Her future home will be at idaha Falls, Idaho. JOHNSBIIRTILB. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Lay of Spring Grove were.callers here last Sunday. Nick Weber and family of Spring Grove w ere entertained in the home of J. C. Debrecht. Misses Ilellen and Lizzie Adams were among the Chicago passengers Wed­ nesday morning. Misses Anna Blake and Regina Huff of Spring Grove were callers in town Sunday afternoon. Mre. Peter Freund returned home Saturday after spending a week among relatives in Chicago. Mesdaines John Niesen and Roy Ne­ well spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Peter Niesen. Mrs. Fred Justen of Pistakee Bay passed Wednesday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Kate May. Mrs. Peter Williams and daughter, Kate, of Spring Grove were Johns­ burgh visitors last Sunday. Joe Adams of Spring Grove and Joe Miller of Fox Lake were visitors in Johnsburgh Tuesday evening. Mesdaines Roy Newell and Barthel Simons of Chicago are sending the week among relatives and friends in Johnsburgh and vicinity. Alfred Debrecht, who has l>een at­ tending college in Indiana the past year, returned to his home here last week Wednesday to spend the summer vacation. The funeral of John M. Miller held here was attended by a large con­ course of relatives and friends. The floral contributions were many and ex­ ceptionally beautiful. ........IT j PROBA TE NEWS j * I [FurnWhiHl by Mellt'tiry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Rlock. oiuil hide public stjuurc. Ab­ stracts of tltlo M1' conveyancing. MIMICV to loan on real est.•«!•• In sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit Iwirrower. I'hones (EM, 903 and HI 1.1 RKM K.STATK TRANSFERS. Benjamin Wiley to S'trah A. Freeman, mVt swH sec 4. Oreenwixxl fl.00 I'eter Whitney to same. sK of n 10 acre* of seH sw*4 sec 4. lirwnwood 1.00 Michael Freurnl et al to Jacob Huemann. H a sec 13. McHenry PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Mathias Engeln, inventor}' and co­ partnership inventory filed. MARRIAGE LICENSBS. Math. Young, 24 Spring Grove Christina May, 1H_ " " O. R. Cubbon, 2o Antioch Ena B. Richardson, 24.. .Spring Grove Jacob Sleffes, 24 Johnsburgh Eva King, 21 " William Pinne, 27 Huntley Annir Marten, 22 Harmony Lubricating oils and mixed paints, the very best that the market affords. See Wm. Simes, McHenry. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AU MverttaHBeatitaMfteit anger IMI at the following r»to*: flrt line* or leM, ft cento tor Int Insertion: IK ctnt* for ttcti s»b*e<|oeirt insertion, j Me:* - UIMI flrr UBM, 5 A LINE far sin' Insertion, nd S a Hue for Insertions- TjV_)U SALE--Good work horse. Inquire of A JAMBS HUGHES. McHenry. III. BV)B SALE Rural Hew Vorlcer med pota- 1 toes. Inquire of B. J. AbAMS, West Mc­ Henry, 111. 44-tf tXTANTRD--Girt for general housework. T Grtod wages. Mas. W. l>.«Goci>», West McHenry, III. 44-tf •RVJU SALE--A good farm of eighty acres. v Inquire of C. \V. BNXGU, West McHen­ ry State Bank. 48-tf CV)R SALE--An air motor gasoline engine. Also oid-styit; Siuger 36wlnK tnachiae. Both will be sold very cheap, inquire of or write MRS. J. M. PKBSTOK, McHeury, III. TJK)R KENT A seven room bouse, with els tern, well and garden. fjocat«*1 on the corner of Park and Broad streets, inquire of or write J. W. ROMSI.STT, McHenry, 111. I7H>K i r ut ..SALE Black pony, harness and new Staver Itnggy. Pony is si* years old and weighs TSt\ pounds. For futher information write or apply to MATH. FREUND. McHenry. BV>R SALE--Two Morgan colts, coming A three and four years old. For further iu formation apply to or write F. O. FKLTK, diayuiiii). West McHenry. 'Phone 432. q>HE IMMIGRANTS' I'KOTEOTIVE LEAGl'E would like to hear from farm erswhoare lu need of farm ialiorers. State wages, kind of farni, s'to. Address M. Cm- BAtxi, Immigrants' Protective League, T4S Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. 48-6t LAUNCH FOR SALE--a twenty-two footer driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engine. Boat is fin'.sheti in ma- hcgiiny rad has beei< overhauled ihis spring, placing It lti A No 1 coudltios. For further iot'oi matlou apply to or address NKWTQS OPTO, Orchard III. Phone 43-tf. CX>U SALE--Having purchased the old mill in Cent-ervHIe and having already start­ ed work of razing of same, I hereby offer for sale all the lumber contained in satin at a great sacrifice. Will dispose of every thi int. even to the shingles, and anyone who can use the lumber will save inouey by consulting me. Have unite a number ofexcelleut tim­ bers that would make fine barn building ma­ terial. This lumber will be sold in any quan­ tity deslr>Ml. J. W. BONSLKTT. McHenry, III SCHPA aEVS PHOTO STUDIO WEST N'KNRY, ILL 'PHONE 171 For a limited time we will give a 16x20 enlargement with each order of Photos. A large as­ sortment of Picture Frames al ways on hand. :: :: :: ITEMS OF LOCAL ITEiill AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDEALER RE PORTERS DURING WEEK. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS VIL­ LAGE AND THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY- OTHER SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Butter Market. Butter was declared firm at 23 cents OD the Klgrin board of trade Monday. The Northern Life of Illinois. The motiograph at the Central Sun­ day evening. Don't forget the Fox river dam meet­ ing at the Riverside House on Satur­ day evening, June 10. The best of moving pictures at the Central Sunday, June 4. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dillon, who re­ side near Volo, on Saturday last. Wm. Simes can supply you with the very finest lubricating oils for engine and automobile use to be found on the market today. Better see him. Be sure to go Saturday night and see how the little Japanese prTnce, So-Tru, successfully wins the hand of the prin­ cess, much to the disgust of his rival suitors. Don't forget to see the operetta, "Princess Chrysanthemum," given by the high school girls Saturday even­ ing, June 3, at the Central opera house. Women may not be permitted to vote, but they can refinish the floors, woodwork, walls, ceilings, furniture or any scratched surface with Perma-Lac. Sold by F. L. McOmber, West McHen­ ry, 111. Napoleon Bonaparte had to admit defeat when he met Wellington. Most paints meet their Waterloo when com­ pared with Bradley & V room an Pure Paint. Sold by F. L. McOmber, West McHenry, 111. It was a happy gathering of young )>eo|>le that attended the dance at Mrs. Nell's pavilion on Tuesday evening of this week. The pleasure seekers were mostly McHenry young people and a tine time is the report of those who were in attendance. Quite a number of our baseball fans went down to Crystal Lake last Sun­ day afternoon, where they saw the Richmond and Crystal Lake teams battle an eleven inning tie game. The score at the end of the eleventh round stood 2 to 2, the heavy fall of rain making it necessary to call the game. The crop outlook in this locality was never better. The weather conditions are much more favorable than existed last year and a big yield of small grain is expected. The abundant rains have been a great help all around and will be a big boost to the hay crop. The indications are that there will be plenty of fruit, an abundant yield be­ ing in prospect. If You Can't Find It Elsewhere We Are Sure to Have It When any item in drug store supplied is wanted, you will save time by coming to us for it. You will also get the best quality of it at the right price. Our aim is to carry a stock that includes everything ever required by the people of this community. Our drugs are pure and fresh and the best to be had and we carry many things not found in the average drug store. It will pay to remember this when anything unusual is wanted or you have an important prescription to be filled. N. H. Petesch, * Phone 374. - McHENRY, ILLINOIS. vit That's the name and this Is the place where the Flour is manu­ factured. The business man, the professional man, the far- mer, and, in short, men in every walk of life in McHenry and vicinity have come to rec­ ognize our "EARLY RISER" Flour as a brand of merit. West Miliary fta iod toi M iI I j WEST MctlENRY, ILLINOIS - - JOHN SPENCER. Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: :: rorr lliliL JLlVillU We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: - Jacob Justen.. Ul«>. ebcnrv, HI* a well selected line of the celebrated KABO All in the latest cor­ rect styles at 1. SO, 75 $1.00 S1.S0 Summer Underwearr idies' waists, jabots, Dutch Collars, Etc. Stoffel, : C<£lcpbo«« D*. W I -M

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