Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1911, p. 5

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(F Quick Meal Stoves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. :: :: :: :: :: :: F. L. THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED SY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS f AN OLD HOUSE is as easily wired as a new one in course of construction A wired house is a modern house and the im­ provement, which costs but a moderate sum, adds materially to its value. It places at the command of the occupants all the manifold service of the Central Station The most perfect of artificial illuminants and power to operate a great variety of labor saving appliances are then available for Electric Service is a Luxury in everything but cost Ask for particulars of our plan of wiring hous­ es at cost--24 months to pay--no interest. E At what? Why, at that old job of selling Paints. Our stock of Sher- win-Williatns Brighten-up Finishes is now as complete as it ever was. Therefore don't hesitate to let us ha ve your order. The more, the merrier. :: :: J. C. Debrecht d* Co. Johnsburgh. 111. 'Phone 926. A Blessing to the Farmer's Wife THE Bell Telephone Service lightens the domestic tasks of the farmer's wife. In the family circle, the Bell Service is indis­ pensable. It is a coiisiam household companion. It shops for her when she is too busy to go to town. It brings her in close touch with the social life of the community. Loved ones far away may be reached, for the Bell field is almost limitless. It relieves the monotony of life. She cannot be lone­ some with the Bell service at her command. It is a constant source of pleasure and profit in the home circle. Talk it over with our local manager. C H I C A G O T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y Advertising Pays KiNowoon. The Northern Life of Illinois. Miy. H. W. Allen went to Crystal Lake Wednesday. Clarence Whiting' and bride came to Ringwood Saturday evening. Ernest lngall of Elgin visited at E. T. Chase s one day last week. Mrs. Almira Dwelly of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Hell. Miss Barbara Ebert of Antioch, 111., is visiting her old schoolmates in town. Mrs. Ada Dodge and Mrs. Martha Bradley were Chicago passengers Mon­ day. •Tohn Carrey s family attended the wedding of their nicce in McHenry last Tuesday. Bert McCannon and family and Starr Brink and wife took a trip to Lake Geneva Monday. Mrs. J. S. Brown visited her sister and Mrs. J. Ilawver at Lake Geneva part of last week. The old people's concert Monday e\ ening was very fine and enjoyed by all who attended. Leone Kolley and Oliver Lawrence of Harvard were over Sunday guests of the former's parents. James Ladd and wife went to South Dakota last week to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Miss Eleanor Hawley went to Har­ rington Monday to s|>end a few days with her grandmother. 1 he \\. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting with Mrs. Maud Clark of Os- tend last Saturday. Tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr ant! two small children spent Saturday and Sun­ day with Mrs. Carr's sister at Genoa. 111. Ray Dodge and wife and Mrs. C. Smith and son. Clifford, attended the funeral of Mrs. Ed. Coulman at Wil- mot Saturday. Mrs. Florence Smith was enter­ tained by the Harvard W. C. T. U. at Mi's. Monear s cottage. Lake Geneva, last week Tuesday. Alon/.o Kimball of Mason Citv. la., and Edward Kimball of Atlantic, la., visited at H. W. Allen's and Bert Mr- Cannon's one day last week. niLA The Northern Life of Illinois. I'eter Meyer of Round Lake was a Volo caller Sunday. Laura Stoffel of McHenry is visiting her cousin, Josephine Krapf. Mi's. Jack St.adtfeld and Katie Frost were McHenry callers recently. Mrs. GitTord White and daughter of Long Lake called on friends,here Fri­ day. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher is visit­ ing her sister. Mrs. Ed. Hein, in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Leo Ilendee and children of Round Lake >|M-nt Sunday with rela­ tives here. Mr. and Mis. I'eter Frost and chil­ dren of Chicago are visiting with rela­ tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clnis Dillon of Wau- kegan are visiting with Will Dillon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nicholls of Chi­ cago s|H'nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Kapple of Grays- lake s|>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mrs. Geo. Richardson and children and Mrs. I'fannenstill of Round Lake visited with relative's heiV Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. l'arker and fam­ ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Parker's sister. Mrs. Lou Hendee, at Ilaines- ville. Mrs. Hen St i l l i ng and children of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Michelson of Chicago called on friends here re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kautenl»erger and daughter of Waukegan are visit­ ing the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Walton. Mr. and Mrs. .John Brown enter­ tained Mr. and Mi's. Math. Blake and daughter and Mrs. John Heimer of McIIenrv Monday. TKKKA COTTA. The Northern Life of Illinois. A. 1\ Landgren of Crystal Lake was a caller here Sunday. J. M. l'halin is the proud possessor of a new Velie touring car. J. R. Knox of McHenry called in this vicinity Friday evening. Miss Grace Kelley entertained a cousin fi-om Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank l'eck of Chica- go sj>ent Sunday with relatives here. George W. l'halin of Tuscaloosa. Ala., spent a few days last week at J. l'halin's. Miss Cecelia Gannon of Chicago spent a few days recently with ('has. La Plant and w ife. Mrs. W. Hatchwell and Children of Crystal Lake visited at the home of Chas. Buck Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mattel Conway of McHenry vis­ ited a few days recently with her grandparents. Mr. and M rs. Joseph Buss. Mrs. Joseph Selig and daughter. Gertrude, of Chicago were visitors at the home of M. Knox Fiiday and Sat­ urday. Word has been received from Mi-, and Mrs. T. R. Anderson that they are very much pleased with the West and expect to remain in California, but will return to Illinois in the fall to pack their household goods. COLORADO. UTAH AND CALIFORNIA Special low round trip rates during June, July, August and September. Luxuriously equipped fast trains. Choice of routes. Lilteral stoi>-overs and return limits. Rates and dates on application to ticket agents of the North Western Line. o'J-Ji Lubricating oils and mixed paints, ihe very best that the market affords. See Wu». Simes, McHenry. RllH<ii»fBUL Children's day will be observed next Sunday. Miss Clara Schoof was a Woodstock caller Friday. J. J. Reser was a Chicago shopper last Saturday. Mrs. Ira Preston of Chicago spent Sunday at C. H. DufieldV E. E. Knilans and B. Gallagher were Chicago sight-seers Wednesday. The R. N. A. hold their next meet­ ing on Tuesday evening, June 20. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield drove to Crystal Lake last Friday evening. A. K. Salow entertained company from Chicago from Friday until Mon­ day. Marvin Keeler of Elgin is visiting with his grandmotder, Mrs. S. Wake­ field. W. L. Yanke, H. Ormsby and Fred Reed were at the county seat last Sat­ urday. , Mrs. D. O. Kline and mother, Mrs. Risley, drove to Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Miss Agnes Risley sp^nt part of Sat­ urday and Sunday with her sister at Woodstock. Mrs. E. Hesselgrave and daughters, Olive and Addie. were at Crystal T^ike Wednesday. Miss Cora Lock wood spent Thursday night with Miss Agnes Throop at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. August Salow and daughter, Florence, were Woodstock visitors Friday. A. F. Davis and daughter came out from Austin last Thursday to spend the summer here. Mrs. R. D.vgen spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bar- den. at Woodstock. The next meeting of the l^adies' Aid society will be with Mrs. I^ars Nelson on Thursday afternoon, June 22. M iss Mabel Peterson and Mi's. Minor Lock wood of Woodstock attended the Aid society meeting here Thursday. Will Jayne and daughters, Mildred and Audrey, of Woodstoek were calling on W. Yanke and family Friday even­ ing. The Modern Broth erlmod met in the hall last Thursday evening. Ice cream was served at the close of the meeting. Prof. W. S. Shepard. of the I'nion high school, with his family, spent Sunday evening at the home of K. E. Shepard. Miss Margaret Fay and friend. Miss Whiting, and JohnTyrell of Ringwood were guests of Miss Gertrude Fay over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Reed and daugh­ ters, Virginia and Maltel, visited from Thursday until Sunday evening with relatives here. A large number of the young folks witnessed the class play, "At the end of the Rainl»ow," at Crystal Lake last Wednesday evening. Station Agent Lynch and wife went to Chicago Sunday to see the new C. «fe N. W. depot and also called on their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Conerty. Mr. and Mrs. W. Francisco, J. J. Reser, II. Wille, E. Anners and L. Goddard attended the automobile hill climb at Algonquin last Thursday. Miss Sarah Ormsby returned home from her school duties at St. Louis on Wednesday evening. Miss Ormsby ex- IH*cts to attend school in Chicago this fall. A most enjoyable lawn party was given to the younger set at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Haughawout in honor of their niece, Gertrude Fay t last Satui-day evening. Music and old fashioned games were the evening's amusement. Refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, lemonade and bon bons were starved. Perlie Peck, vice president of the McHenry County Motor Cycle club, en­ tertained the club at his hospitable home Sunday. Only a very few of the mem Iters were present, the roads Iteing in such condition as to keep most of them home. The tables were set on the lawn and dinner served at one o'clock after which the guests en­ joyed an auto ride to Pistakee Bay. FAMILY REUNION. Wednesday afternoon, June 7, "Ma Sweet- ' and her "seven beautiful and accomplished daughters" gathered at the home of Mrs. J. J. Reser for a last family reunion. It was a meeting w herein l>oth sadness and joy mingled. Sadness itecause "Ma Sweet" (Miss Agnes Dutield) was going so far from their midst and joy because she would soon l>e a "relict" no longer. While the memory of the "late, lamented Jedediah" will always l>e revered, still all felt, even to "Gloriana Gadabout," that "Ma" richly deserved all that was in store jor her. The tattle was set on the lawn and the color scheme of'red and «liite Iteautifully carried out. After the toasts wen' given a dainty repast was served, at the close of which "M a Sweet" found sev^n beau­ tiful hand painted plates, to be taken with her to her new home. The party then adjourned to the parlor and passed aw ay the remaining hours singing once more the songs thru which their fame had become known. Those present were Misses Agnes Dufield, Florence Simmons, Clara Schoof, Glenys Jacobs, RhcxJa Knilans, Clara Salow, Mrs. Al­ fred Anners and Mrs. J. J. Reser. ONE OF THE "GIRLS." LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION RATES To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Col., daily until September 30. Favorable sto|>-overs. Liberal return limits. For full information apply to Ticket Agents, The North Western Line. • 52-2t Sunburn or windburn cause no dis­ comfort if you use our Benzo cream-- 25c at Petesch 's. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All adTertUementa inserted under thi« bead at tlse toliowtagrrate*: riTe lines or left*. * c«ate for flnt tonertJon; IS crent* for each subsequent tnaertton. •ore than Bu linea, t ceata a line for tnt taaertton, Bd 3 cent# a line (or addition I Insertion*. •EV3R SALE--Itural New Yorker seed potii- „ toes, inquire of B. J. ADAMS, West Mc­ Henry, 111. M-tf "nV)K SALE--80 feet of hose, reel and nottle, x complete. Used very little and will be sold cheap. MRS. J. M. PRKSTOD, McHenry. "CV5R SALE--Two Morgan colts, coming J" three and four years old. For farther LU formation apply to or write F. C. FBLTZ, drayman. West McHenry. 'Phone 432. *pHE IMMIGRANTS' PROTECTIVK LEAGUE would like to hear from farm ers who are In need of farm laborers. State w a g e s , k i n d o f f a r m , e t c . A d d r e s s M . C I M - BAIX), Immigrants' Protective LEAGUE, 74.1 Plymouth Court. Chicago, III. 48-«t TjVJK SALE CHEAP--A ten h. p. Stover gas- ollne engine, a four-roll Appleton corn nusker and a corn and cob grinder. For fur­ ther Information write or apply to P. J. BKOWN, on Volo-Mtfllenry road. Postoffic» address. McHenry III., K. F. D. No. 1. 51-tf BM)R SALE-Or will exchange for equal ft- 1,l«ncli In a No. 1 condition. Will equip with new 6 h. p. Gray motor. Al­ so for sale one 12 h. p. 2-cyllnder Oray motor In b*st of condition. Prices right.. W. L BARNKTT, Lake Geneva, Wis, 51*-tf ^X7ANTEl>--Organizers, men and women for the United League of America. f8.(K< for every meml>er. All policies insured in the Des Moines Life Insur&une company. Call or write for particulars. United League of America. Room 41. 107 N. l>earborn St. Phone Central U89. T AUNCH FOR SALE -- A twenty-two footer ** driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engir.u. Boat is finished In ma­ hogany autl has l>een overhauled this spring, placing it in A No, 1 condition For further information apply to or ads1r«»ss NEWTON OTTO, Orchard Beach. McHenry. Ill Phone *3-tf. •pMJR SALE - Having purchased the old mill In Centervllle and having already start­ ed work of razing of same, 1 hereby offer for sale all the lumtier contained In same at a great sacrifice. Will dispose of everything, even to the shingles, and anyone who can use the lumlter will save money by consulting me. Have quite a number of excellent tim­ bers that would make tine barn building ma­ terial. This lumber will be sold in any quan­ tity desired J. W. BONSLKTT, McHenry,| HI KNKRttnPARK. The Northern Life of Illinois. J. J. Flusky spent Wednesday in Chi­ cago. Miss Anna Cleary is spending this week with relatives in Elgin. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bending are spending this week at the Park. Miss Marguerite(irangerof McHenry spent Monday with Miss Mae Burns. G. Kdwin Walsh of Chicago is spend­ ing a weeks' vacat ion at his home here. Mesdames hkl. Knox and Clarence Whiting spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mi's. .1. B. Heaney of Chica­ go are spending this week at their cot­ tage. P. J. Aylward and Miss Nellie Biggy were Woodstock callers Sunday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Woodstock were guests of Ed. Knox and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Peters of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes Sunday. Messrs. Walter and Harry Blum of Chicago are sending a few days this week at their cottage. Messrs. Jos. Frey, Wm. Blum, James H ax ton and D. W. Hill spent Sunday at their respective cottages here. Miss Alice Smith of Lincoln, Neb., is enjoying a months' vacation with her parei^, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mi™ Margaret Quigley and nephew, Edward Hopkinson, of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. M. Kelter and Mart Cooney of Chi­ cago are spending a few days at the former's cottage at Kelter's Lake. M iss Mary Cooney and Lee Cooney of Chicago spent the week end with them. Mesdames Ellen Walsh and Nellie Biggy, Misses Sadie O'Neil, Nellie Mjfify an<l Marg-aret Sutton and Messrs. W. J. Walsh and P. J. Aylward o'f this place visited John Walsh and family at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. James Hughes entertained number of little folks Sunday at a din­ ner party in honor of her daughter. Bessie. Those present were Misses Aileen and Kathleen O'Riley, Myrtle Huck, Bessie and Lucy Hughes and James and Eug-ene Hughes. BASEBALL NEXT SUNDAY. As a result of last Sunday's tryout McHenry has once more organized a baseball team and will open the season at the North Side park next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Mc­ Henry team will have as op|ionents the Woodstock Shamrocks, a fast little team representing the Typewriter city. The boys who make up the McHenry team have all had more or less ex­ perience on the baseball diamond and the local fans may look for some good games after the boys once get to going. As yet no pitcher has been signed up, but the manager of the team has his eye on several good ones and hopes to land a first-class twirler by next Sun­ day. The boys hope that they will be given good support this season and in return for same promise to give us a team that no one need feel ashamed of. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. O. P. Barnes, Attorney. Estate of John M. Miller, Deceased. The underslgued havlug been appointed Administrator of the Estate of John M Mill er, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the August Term, on the Hrst. Monday in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of havlug the same adjusted. All persons ludebted to said Estate are request­ ed to make Immediate paymeut<to the uuder- slgned. T>ated this Otli day of June, A. I>. 1911. 51-3t JOBS A. MIL.I>EH, Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Joseph I. Lang, Attorney. STATE OF ILLINOIS, i McHenry Couuty. ( Estate of Edward Kugg, Deceased. to all whom It may concern: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1911, 1, as the adminis­ trator of said Estate, will present to the County Court of McHenry Couuty, at. the Court House in Woodstock. Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such Admin­ istrator, and«sk the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties aud responsi­ bilities conuected with said Estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may lie present and resist such ap­ plication. If you choose so to do. Dated at Richmond, III , this 5th day of June, A. I>. 1911. J. S. BROWN, Administrator. 58 Wm. Simes can supply you with the very finest lubricating oils for engine and automobile use to be found on the market today. Better see him. Peteaoh'i for drugs. L If you think all dru^s stocks are about the same, just examine ours carefully and note our prices. Com­ pare with those elsewhere. We are quite sure that after your investiga­ tion you'll decide that this is the,-place to trade. :: :: N. li. Petesch, 'Phone 374. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. fr The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss­ ing in other brands. Get a sack d*- today. It retails at ' Weil \ ir| Jj! WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop Wc have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Rugs of the Richardson Make. These Rugs are of all the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please j'ou as to quality and price. :: :: pbff .:ru>iNf. MfiirHfiPC A 1UUIJ trail *« ittu «j invnii iw We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine on the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits of this machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :: ..Jacob Justen.. f AUTO VEILING, all colors, a real bargain, 2yd.25 JABOTS & DUTCH COLLARS 15 to 25c values... .10 KAHO l o r se l s , i v i ru l a r $1 .00 va lue , s |K ' c i : i l l \ p r i ced 75C Ladies' Waists, square mi'k or hiyh collar, from $1."»0 SO I'nion Suits, lace neck and umbrella lR>ttoin, 40c val 3S White Canvas Oxfords, $ 1."i0 and $1.25 values *9, 75 Bo\s' Knee Pants, S5 and 50c values, reduced to *S, 35 You ths' Long- Pants, $1.00 v a l u e s , r e d u c e d t o 7 5 Balbrigipin Underwear, shirts or drawers, 50c values -45 Men's Shoes, regular $3.50 value, broken sizes SI.60 3obn Stoffel. ui«*t mcficury, HI. CclcpbOM Do. 301 A

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