Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1911, p. 5

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oves We have been selling the "Quick Meal" line of Gasoline Stoves for eighteen years. Our busi­ ness has increased each year and now that the "Quick Meal" has proven to be the standard stove of its kind, why not drop in at our store and let us show you why it is? Their Blue Flame Oil Stove is far ahead of anything on the market and is as reasonable in price as any. We have a nice assortment of stoves and the necessary knowledge of their superior features which we are anxious you should know and which you may learn by calling upon us. :: " - - F. L. McO THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE AN OLD HOUSE is as easily wired as a new one in course of construction A wired house is a modern house and the im provement, which costs but a moderate sum, adds materially to its value. It places at the command of th» occupants all the manifold service of the Central Station The most perfect of artificial illuminants and power to operate a great variety of labor saving appliances are then available for Electric Service is a Luxury in everything but cost Ask for particulars of our plan of wiring hous­ es at cost--24 months to pay--no interest. and good eating Crackers and Cakes always sat­ isfy the palate. We have a select line of the National Biscuit Co.'s bakery goods in bulk and in packages. When you have company you surely wish to save yourself all the kitchen drud­ gery possible, then why not let us help you pre­ pare for luncheon by telephoning or sending us your cake order. You will receive the best be­ cause you know that we knowU-need-a biscuit. echt & Co. :: 'Phone 926. J. c. Johnsburgh. 111. 4 Saves Time on the Farm r 1 *HE farmer with the Bell Telephone 1 Service at hand, doesn t have to travel in rainy weather. Bell Telephone Service saves him all that. There are always a lot of rainy-dajr chores about the farm. Instead of spoiling a day in going to town, the farmer goes to his Bell Telephone and does his business. Time saved can be spent profitably. That is why he would not think of being with­ out the Bell Telephone Service. It is poor econ­ omy to try to get along without it. Consult our local manager. C H I C A G O T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS jnmSRCBaH. Miss Clara Lay is spending the week at Fox Lake. Mrs. Peter M. May of Spring Grove made a call thru here Friday. Mrs. John S. Freund of McHenry called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Michels returned home Monday evening from a two days' visit among relatives in Chicago. I'otor Williams anddaughter, Katie, of Spring Grove were callers in town Sunday. Miss Lena Adams was among the Chicago passengers last Thursday morning. Joe Adams of Spring Grove passed Sunday at the home of C. M. Adams and family. Edward Bankesand daughter, Mabel, of l'istakee Hay. were callers in Johns- iiurgh Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Tonian and daughter, Tena, of Spring Grove were Johns­ burgh callers Tuesday. Mrs. Hubert Michr-ls and Mrs. John Niesen spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Simon Michels in McHenry. M iss Margaret Huemannof McHenry passed Sunday in the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hueinann. Miss Hellen Wheeler came out from Chicago Saturday evening to l>e the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes Sunda\. Mrs. Malhias ltauen of SpringGrove was a guest in the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund, last Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Freund of McHenry spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Mre. John Niesen entertained Messrs and Mcsdames Joe Hetterman, Hubert Michels, Mrs. Jos. Michels, Mrs. Mag­ gie Freund. Peter Niesen and daugh­ ter, Martha, Misses Rena and Susie Michels last Sunday. Advertising Pays KINIIWOOI). C. E. H. Tuttle is in lTnion looking after his farm. Rev. William Nickle of Chicago is visiting in town. M rs. Hat tie Buckland went to Mil­ waukee Tuesday. Miss Anna Carey returned from her school Monday evening. P. G. Skinkle of Richmond was in town on business Wednesday. William, who was quite sick the tii-st of the week, is better. J. C. Ladd and wife returned from South Dakota Saturday evening. Richard Carr of Woodstock called at H. M. Stephenson's Tuesday afternoon. H. M. Stephenson and family drove to Elgin Wednesday to attend the cir­ cus. J. S. and S. W. Brown attended a Masonic meeting at Woodstock last Friday night. Fred Allen and wife of Chicago ar­ rived in town Wednesday for a visit with relatives. Miss Eleanor Hawley left Monday morning for New London, Iowa, to visit her uncle. Charles Wilson of La Harte, Kan., and a niece from Crystal Lake are vis­ iting at Amos Wilson's. Mrs. Sarah Johonnott and son. Har­ old, went to Lake Geneva Monday to visit Mrs. Ward Woods. H. M. Stephenson and wife and Mrs. Grace McCannon were in Woodstock and Barresille Thursday of last week. The W. C. T. I'. will hold its flower mission meeting in Woodman hall Sat­ in-day afternoon of this week. A pro­ gram is being prepared. TUUt Mrs. Lee Huson spent Friday at High wood. Ed. Mills of Wauconda was a Voio (jailer recently. Oliver Hook of Rollins called on friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klein of Ingleside attended church here Sunday. Mr. and Mi's. Peter Stadtfeld were McHenry callers Sunday evening. Wat. C.'onverso and son, Earl,"«of Wauconda were Volo callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Shod of Chicago are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stadt­ feld. Miss Elsie Walton spent Friday with her sister. Mrs. Albert Kautenberg,|in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Eat 1 Townsend and son of Round Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. John Hrown, Jr., of Wauconda s|»ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Mr. and Mm. Ed. Lusk and Mi's. A. J. Raymond called on friends at Wau­ conda Sunday evening. Ed., Wayne and Vinnie Bacon and Henry Stadtfeld attended a c ircus at Waukegan Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kuebler and son, Clark, of Palatine spent Satui-day and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rich­ ardson. TKIIKA COTTA. Mis. J. M. Phalin was an Elgin vis­ itor Friday. T. J. Walsh of McHenry was railing in this vicinity Monday Miss Emma Conway of Elgin was the guest of home folks Sunday. Mre. John Bolger of Woodstock vis­ ited relatives here Thursday. Miss Edna Phalin spent Friday and Saturday with Elgin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin were Griswold Lake visitor's Sunday. Mire Mareelta Riley of St. Charles spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. W. HatChwell and children of Crystal Lalke visited at the home of Charles Buck Tuesday. Ed Knox and daughter, Anna, of Chicago were guests at the home of M. Knox Saturday evening. AI3 advertisement* laaerted under tbt> bead at the (ollowlugntw: rive llit eg or leM, W cent" (or Iniertlon; it cents for fiuti sequent insertion Mort thai: Ave itiuw, a cente tine for first, insertion Ml Scant* a Uie for addition! Inaerttoaa. uiiucimifc Ed Anners went to Cary Sunday. A. P. Peck went to Madison Monday. W. L. Yanke has a new Overland car. Wilbur Levey was a city visitor Mon­ day. August Wille spent Sunday at Pala­ tine. W. M. Wieland went to Woodstock Monday. S. A. Merchant went to Woodstock Thursday. Elmer Letsler was a Crystal Lake caller Friday. Mrs. Allen went to Woodstock on business Friday. Chris Hoy was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday afternoon. Miss Marjorie Reser was a Wood­ stock visitor recently. George Fantz had dental work done at Crystal Lake Friday. W7ill Lang and two sons of Wood­ stock were in town Tuesday. Miss Elsie Wille sjH>nt Thursday with Crystal Lake relatives. E. E. Knilans and family drove to Woodstock one day last week. Marvin Keeler is spending a part of his school vacation in Ridgetield. C. E. Conerty tailed at the home of Station Agent Lynch Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Shearer of Woodstock called on Ridgetield friends Friday. Mrs. C. J. Ogbin of Elgin visited at the home of Mrs. Esther Smith Thurs­ day. Mrs. Charles Kiltz of Cary visited with Ridgetield relatives and friends over Sunday. Henry Steinmetz of Albany, Ohio, is spending a few days at the home of E. Hesselgrave. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. French enter­ tained relatives from McHenry at din­ ner last Sunday. Ed Senne and wife spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Senne's patents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille. Florence Seott of Elgin will spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacol« and family. Miss Alta Ilutson of WTo<Kistock vis­ ited her cousin, Miss Mildred French, a few days last week. Mrs. C. Stratton and daughter, Lu­ cille, were pleasant Woodstock callers last week Wednesday. M rs. J. B. Lynch and grandson, also Miss Maliel Kline, were business call­ ers at the Lake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Olson and son of Chicago visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nelson. Mrs. Ben Hutson and children, Alta and Lyle, of Woodstock visited at the home of C. F. French Friday. Herman Wille, wife and son of <3rys- •al Lake visited with his ]>arents, hfr. and Mrs. Fred Wille. recently. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, were Wood­ stock callei-s the tirst of the week. Ridgetield was well represented at the McHenry county Sunday school convention at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Merchant and children of Solon visited with his broth­ er, S. A. Merchant, and family over Sunday. W. Harden and lady friend and Mrs. Winn ie Ward and. gentleman friend of Woodstock sj>ent Sunday with Mrs. Ray Dygert. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rudolph and fam­ ily of Richmond spent Sunday with Mi's. Rudolph's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesselgrave. George Peterson and John Johnson attended an ice cream social given at the home of Mrs. Jensen at Woodstock Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swanson and fam­ ily, also W. Yanke and baby, were callers at the hqme of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesselgrave Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Barlter enter­ tained for a few days his son, W. G. Barber, and two children, Ruth and Sydney, also his daughter and two children from Hammond, Ind. Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrecht and lit­ tle daughter, Helen, attended the Dorr township Sunday school conven­ tion held in the Woodstock Presby­ terian church Sunday afternoon. The Ladies' Missionary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. God- dard June 27. Let all the ladies who are interested, and especially the mem­ bers, all come as the society is desir­ ous of a large turnout. Miss Dora Hutson of Woodstock vis­ ited her cousin, Miss Arline Stephen­ son, last week Wednesday and Thurs­ day. Friday morning the young ladies took the train for McHenry, where they s|>ent a few days with Miss Dora's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutson. The ladies of the Cemetery Aid as­ sociation will give a social on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lock wood Thursday evening. June 29. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone. Come and help the associ­ ation financially as well as socially. Ice cream and cake will be served to all for the small sum of fifteen cents. Don't forget the date. A beautiful June wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dufield Thursday evening, June 15, lull. when their only daughter, Miss Agnes Hamilton Dufield, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred Gay Doten of Seattle. Wash. At the hour of eight the bridal party enu red the room the strains of a wedding march ren-^ dered by Mrs. J. J. Reser and took,, their places under an arch of beauti­ ful roses, where the impressive mar-t, riage was pronounced by Rev. W. R.' Shelt of Woodstock. The bride was dressed in cream messaline and carried" TjV)R SALE-- House and two lots. Inquire of E. J. Hanly, West McHenry, III. pOR SALE- Rural New Yorker seed pota- *• toes, lugulre of B. J. Adams, West Mc­ Henry, III. 44-tf TOtt SA IJC-so feet of hose, reel and notzle, 1 complete. Used very little and will be sold cheap. Mrs. J. M. Pkkstou. McHenry. "CHJR SALE--Two Morgan colts, coming -1- three and four years old. For further in­ formation apply to or write F. O. Fkltz, drayman. West McHenry. 'Phone 432. 'TMIE IMMIGRANTS' PROTECTIVE -1- LEAUl'E would like to he:tr from farm ers who are in need of farm laborers. State w a g e s , k i n d o f f a r m , e t c . A d d r e s s M . C im -BAUi, Immigrants' Protective League, 743 Plymouth Court, Chicago, ill. 4M-flt *GVJK SALE CHEAP--A ten b. p. Stover gas- oliue eitgiuc, a four-roll Appleton corn busker aud a corn and cob grinder. For fur- t.her information write or apply to P. J. Bmown, on Volo-McHenry road. Postofflce address, McHenry. III., R. F. D. No. 1. 51-tf T AlINl'H FDR SALE--A twenty-two footer driven by a two-cylinder, eight h. p. heavy duty engine. Roat is finished in ma­ hogany and has been overhauled this spring, placing it in A No. 1 condition. For further information apply to or address Newton Otto, Orchard Beach. McHenry, lit. Phone *». 43-tf. F°" SALE--Having purchased the old mil! in I'eiiterville aud having already start­ ed work of rttziug of same. I hereby offer for sale all the luml>er contained in same at a great sacrifice. Will dispose of everything, even to the stilugles, and anyone wl»o can use the lunil>er will save money by consulting rue. Havo quite a number of excellent tim­ bers that would make line barn building ma­ terial. This lumber will he sold m auy i)uan- tity desired. J. W. Hottsuerr, McHenry, 111. The groom wore the conven-roses tional black. After congratulations a' dainty supper was served to sixty-five! j jjuests. At about 10 o'clock the bride J we Wm. Stoffel and groom slipped out the back door and were not missed by the party un­ til they were speeding to Flgin in an auto previously engaged and stationed a short distance from the house. The bride is one of Ridgetield's most charm­ ing young ladies and will be greatly missed by htV friends. The groom holds a responsible position on a rail­ road in the West, where Mr. and Mrs. Doten will make their future home. The relatives and friends from out of town were Mrs. Edna Ostrander of Fvanston, Mrs. C. Norgard and son, Emil, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olson of Elgin (the latter a sister of Mr. DoU?n), \Vill Willis of Dundee, Charles Willis of Bull Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Will Fisk of Crystal Lake, Rev, and Mrs. W. R. Shelt and daughters, Nettie and Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. E. Eddy and son, John, Giimar Eddy and wife, Jos. Kline and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter, Hazel, Misses Clara and Emma Eick- hoff of Woodstock. •CM KKA l.l> PAKK. Albert Laper attended to business in Chicago last Saturday. W. K. Burns and son, Kenneth, spent the week end at the Park. "Miss Alice Smith is spending this week with Barreville friends. Miss Helen Smith of McHenry vis­ ited her parents here Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Biggy spent Friday and Saturday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Laper of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her son, A. Lftper, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen of Chicago were guests at the Burns cottage over Sunday. Mrs. C. Lauron Hooper of Chicago was a guest of J. R. Smith and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wagner and daughter of Volo spent Sunday at J. R. Smith's. M iss Marguerite Davis of Chicago is visiting a few days with her sister, Mi's. H. Birkircher. Mrs. John R. Smith and son, Edward, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Colby, at Barreville. Misses Dorothy Olson and Ethel Woods of (Chicago are enjoying a weeks' vacation at J. R. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. C. W.Whiting of the Typewriter city were guests of Ed. Knox and family Sunday. Mesdames Ellen Walsh and John Gibbs spent last Thursday with Mrs. D. A. Whiting atRingwood. M r. and M rs. Louis Eisenmenger and children visited the former's parents at North Crystal Lake Sunday. Misses Macie Dake of Chicago, Anna McGee, Anna and Irene Frisby of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday afternoon with the Misses Sutton. John J. Flusky left Monday for a few months' sojourn across the ooean. He expects to visit Ireland and many places of interest in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gregori of Chi­ cago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Master Hugh Gregori returned with his par­ ents after enjoying a few weeks' out­ ing here. OSTKND. Miss Mabel Peterson spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Randall of Maren­ go were guests here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saylerspent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thomas. R. II. Richardson transacted business at the county seat last week Wednes­ day. Mrs. Eliza Draper visited at the home of her brother, Win. Thomas, here Fri­ day and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Bassett were Sunday visitors at the home of their son, E. E. Bassett at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin and sons were entertained at the home of Mr. Mrs. E. E. Bassett at McHenry last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart and daughter, Sadie, were callers at the home of Warren Thomas last Thurs­ day eveing. ii was snown by analysis oi stomach that little if any of the dig found. Then, in contrast, some raw meat i couldn't reach it at once, and a littl the minds of the dogs to "anticipate" petite. When the food was finally gi voured it ravenously and with everj isfactlon. The food was passed out I* the opening before It reached the . found to be mixed with "Ptyalln" th< the mouth, which Is important for tlj For^the latest and best in buggies Just If you "think all drills stocks are about the same, just examine ours carefully and note our prices. Com pare with those elsewhere. We are quite sure that after your investiga­ tion you'll decide that this is the place to trade. :: :: :: :: N. H 'Phone 374. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J) The Flour that has stood the test. A better quality Flour was never placed upon the market. The housewife who uses our product need never worry as to its results. It has that rich flavor that is so often miss­ ing in other brands. Get a sack Af\ today. It retails at * • West McHenry Flour 11! feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN 5PENCeK. Prop. We have just placed on exhibition an elegant new line of Hugs of the Richardson Make. These liufrs are of nil the latest American and Parisian Patterns and we are sure that we can please you as to quality and price. :: FREE SEWING MACHINES We still have the agency for the Free Sewing Machine, the best sewing machine 011 the market It's a pleasure for us to explain the merits-of this machine|so why not drop in and let us tell you all about it? :: :. • • sv AUTO VEILING, all colors, a real bargain, 2 yd.25 JABOTS & DUTCH COLLARS 15 to 25c values.. . .10 KABO Corset*, regular ti t** value, specially priced 7SC Ladies' Waist^j. square neck o r h i g h c o l l a r , f r o m $ 1 . 5 0 S O Union Suits, lace nt»ck and umbrella l>ottom, 43c val 3S White Canvas Oxfords, $1.50 and 91.25 values W, 75 Boys' Knee l'ants, 85 and 50c values, reduced to 65, 35 Youths' Long I'ants, $1.00 values, reduced to 75 Balbriggan Underwear, shirts or drawers, 50c values 45 Men's Shoes, regular #2.50 value, broken sizes... Ul<»f Wtciiiurv.. Ill*

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